5=8213 EIRF wr.'vvm.pr'yv TBI HcHMTRY PLAIHDXALSR, TBUSSDtAY, OOTOttt lB, 1927 rn^rn Plaindealers at Bolgers HERMAN J. SOHAEFER Moving and Long Distance Hauling Phone 126-K McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished 0n Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 654-M-2 McHenry Old-fashioned and . self-rising Buckwheat Flour Now is the time to begft to think about s^me of those wonderful buciiwhea|t cakes. There is none better than the product of the Mdleor) flour Mills Weil McHenry. 01. Ask your grocer for it. I'm 'fraid that speech I made to Cal won't make him want me for a pal but I'll say what I think, by jing, to any president or king. I told him, as we drove away we'd had a mighty pleasant stay, and if he didn't choose to sign his name upon the dotted line of that McNary-Haugen "bill when it is passed again, that still I'd like to have him visit be back home upon the farm, by gee, and if he needs a job, I can just use him as a hired man. He shook my hand and said that he was sure that he'd remember me, and even though we disagreed 'bout how to cure the farmer's need, he hoped I wouldn't take it hard, and now and then drop him a card. When we had hit the homeward trail Sary Jane says, "You never faO when you are out, to do some trick that shows to folks that you're a hick. The way that you embarass me, just makes me want to cry ,by gee." Say I, "I don't know what I've done, I know I had a lot of fun, but if my manners I forgot, I wish you'd kindly tell me what." "You ought to know," Sary Jane said, "you snored all night up there in bed and et your pancakes with your kni£e, I wished I hadn't been your wife. I'd think for my sake that you might, on such occasions, be polite." There didn't seem a thing to say and so I drove most all that day without a word from her or me, it was a peaceful day, by geel THE WORLD'S GREAT EVENTS ALBfeRT PAYSON TERHUNB The reason babies don't talk for a year or so is, they can get anything they want by yelling. A southern old lady saw old Rastus setting out with his fishing tackle for a day on the river, and she thought it a fitting time to rebuke him for his notorious idleness, since she and everybody else knew" that his entire family was supported by Rastus' old wife as a washerwoman. "Rastus," she said severely, "do you think it is right to leave your wife hard at work over the wash tub while you pass your time fishing?" "Yassum, ma'am," replied the old darkey earnestly. "It's all right. Mah wife don't need watching. She'll wuk jes' as hard as if I was dah!" Many a smart beach flapper will be a sluggish school miss. 0. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Ofltce Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Ofike at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HI. WM. M.CARROLL Lawyer Oflee with Kent ft Company Every Wednesday 8 McHenry, DL Amos Tash who has meant for sev eral months to buy himself an automobile about the first of. the year so I as to get full advantage of the new license number, has decided now that he'll wait until after the tax assessor has been around next spring. Will B. ITrunker met up with Les Brane yesterday morning an' h£ were looking some down in the mouth, an' when Will said something about it Les says, "I'm on my way to Doc Carvem's" says he, "they's something queer the matter of my head," he says. "Yes, I know," says Will, "but I'm afraid Doc can't do nothing much for it he says. •telephone No. 108-R. S toff el & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH IUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters • . Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois HtBtmj. H. Three married men met over a reunion dinner; and talked and wined until the hour was very late. Feeling remorseful, each decided he would return home and obey his wife's j first command, it being understood! that if one failed to do so be would pay for the next dinner. The next week they met again. Said No. 1: "When I got home I was unlucky enough to stumble against the old grandfather clock in-, the hall, and at once my wife shouted down to me: "That's right, break the elock!" So I broke it." 'That's curious," said No. 2. "I fell against the hatstand, and my wife : houted: 'That's right, break the hat-1 stand!' So, of course, I did." "That's funny," said No. 3. "When I was creeping upstairs I slipped back a few steps, and my wife called out: 'That's right, break your neck!' and so-well, the dinner's on me." tfr k® hy Do<1(1, Mead A Company.) Columbua- CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, Genoese mariner, student and ex-plrate fighter, livcurred charges of heresy ^and insanity In the latter part of the -Fifteenth century by evolving the Idea that the earth was round and that by sailing west from Europe one might in time hope to arrive in the East Indies. After many failures he succeeded In interesting Queen Isabella of Spain and a capitalist named Pinzon in his great idea. With a fleet of three little ships, manned by a crew of felons and other offscourings of European ports, he began his supposedly insane Journey which later proved successful. 'Criminals and beggars, led by a fanatic on a mad cruise, made possible by the generous whim of an uneducated woman! On October 12, 1462, Oolunfous reached San Salvador Island. Three later voyages he made, opening up other parts of the new continent. For reward he fell Into disgrace, was Imprisoned and died In poverty and obscurity, with no realisation whatever .lculable Importance of his voles. After him John end Sebasi Cabot father and son, explored North America In the name of the miserly King Henry Vtl of England (the "Henry of Richmond" who conquered and succeeded Richard ID), and were informed by that worthy monarch that their voyage was a failure. Sir Walter Raleigh a few years later colonised Virginia and Introduced tobacco Into Europe. He named the newly settled province after BUsabetb, the "Virgin Queen" of England. His reward was imprisonment and execution. Captain John Smith followed him, making the Virginia settlements permanent and opening up New England. He, too, died obscure and In poverty. Balboa, in the "SSTe of Spain's king, pushed on from Darien across a trackless wilderness and discovered the Pacific. He was beheaded. The Spaniard De Soto explored the great Southwest, discovering the Mississippi river and finding an untimely grave In Its waters. Pliarro and Oortez. Spanish adventurers, conquered Mexico and Peru. The former explorer was banished from Charles Vs court, th$ latter was murdered In his palace. Hendrlk Hudson, English sailor In the Dutch merchant service, discovered New York In 1609, landing first at Coney Island, "then stopping at Manhattan Island and then proceeding up the river that now bears his name to a point north of Albany. Later, while exploring Hudson's bay in search of the North pole, he was cast adrift In a small boat by his own men and left to die. Cartler and other adventurers meantime had "put Canada on the map" as French territory. So much for discoverers and explorers. They risked their lives, their fortunes, their wjiole careers, not for themselves, but for the greater wealth and glory of the kings they served. Their final reward In nearly every case was poverty, disgrace or execution. Never before or since was the maxim "Put not your trust In princes" so terribly verified as In the Instances of these Fifteenth and Sixteenth century heroes. They are Immortal In fame, but their earthly recompense was shame and death. Roughly speaking, America was divided up among Europe's nations as follows: Spain held the Far South; England, the Virginian and adjacent colonies; the Dutch ruled New York; England, the New England colonies; end the French, Canada. mm Twice T old ^ Interesting Bits of News Takes From the Columns of PtUndesler Fifty ( ^Twenty-five Years Ago October, 1877 Roll Waite has opened a new meat market in Curtis old shop, where he will hereafter be found at all times ready to serve those who may give him a call, with the choicest meats of all kinds, both fresh and salt, and also all kinds of vegetables in their season. A little girl of John Brown's, while at school fell and broke her arm twice. Dr. Ward was called and set the broken limb, and she is doing ^ss well as could be expected. The friends of the Greenback cause are respectfully invited to assemble at the council roms, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday evening next, Oct. 2(Kh, at 7:30 o'clock, sharp, for the purpose of organizing a Greenback club. Come forward ye sons of freedom and enroll yourselves in a just cause and make manifest your determination to still be free. The Algoncfuin Steamer, with a party of six hunters, made our village a call on Monday. The party were out on a duck hunting expedition. Cecil Cox, dentist at the Parker House, has recently enlarged his rooms andi now has as neat and tasty an office as can be- found in this section. Persons wishing anything done in his line will always find him at his rooms, prepared to do anything in the dentistry line in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rates. William Dickerson, of Richmond, is a regular subscriber for five copies of the Gazette, which are sent to his friends. Such things as this are a cheering evidence that our efforts to make the Gazette a live and reliable paper are appreciated.--Richmond Gazette. W!hy Mr. Gazette we can see you and go you several better. We have four men in our town who are regular subscribers for twenty-one copies of The Plaindealer, viz: F. A. Hebard, 7; H. Colby, 5; D. S. Smith, 5 and H. C. Smith, 4, besides quite a number of others who take two and three each. October, 1902 Butter advanced one cent-on the board of trade. There were no offerings and the market was declared firm at 23% cents. This is a real sale: 8 bars of soap, 25c; 3 packages starch, 10c; 2 cans salmon, choice Col. River, 25c; 2 cans pears, 30 cents and 4 pounds of coffee for 40c. R. Waite is exhibiting a gourd of enormous dimensions which he raised in his own garden. It is three feet arid five inches in length and weighs over twenty-four pounds. The old Waukegan House, the oldest hotel in Waukegan, will soon be razed and a three story brick building substituted at a cost of $40,000. Postmaster C. A. Murray, the present landlord, and his brother Fred Murray, of Dixon, will erect the building. We have a quantity of new 1902 crop pure sorghum, light color, at 50 cents per gallon, 5 gallon lots at 46 cents. Gilbert Bros. ! Mrs. E. E. Whiting and little son and Mr. and Mfc-s. Kenneth Cristy and children drove to Waupea, Wis., where they visited relatives and friends from Friday until- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Schlickenmeyer spent Saturday in Waukegan. Mir. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were in Milwaukee Sunday. The Jolly Sixteen Bunco club was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs., George Young at her home on Thursday. Prizes were awarded: first to Delia Young; second, Mrs. Ed Thompson and third, Rita Mae Merchant. Mt. and Mrs. Ed Young and daughter of McHenry spent Sunday as the guest of MR. and Mrs. George Young. - __a • CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, October 3, 1927. The city aldermen met in regular session Monday evening with Mayor Frett presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Howard, Kreutzer, Overton and Thennes. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby that the following bills be paid: 111. Bell Tele. Co. (Aug 15 to Se£t. 15) f 5.90 H, R. Luebbe, labor on welL. 24.00 Carey Electric Shop, labor and material 21.88 John Walsh, police service....„....115.00 John Walsh, services at Sewer lift 16.00 George Meyers, hauling gravel 9.00 Ambrose Schaefer, freight and drayage 2.98 Western United Gas & Electric Co. July and August gas bills 1.30 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on W.W. 20.00 John Malch, salary to Sept. 24 40.00 G. P. Freund, oil 5.00 McHenry Plaindealer, printing.. 13.80 Public Service Co. light for city hall 10.26 Motion by Thennes, seconded by Overton that the treasurer's report be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Howard, seconded by Dohetty, that the reports of the collector and clerk be accepted. Motion carried. The August bills which had been held over last month on account of funds were ordered paid this month by the finance committee. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Doherty, that the clerk notify the people on Richmond Road to connect on to the sewer and city water before the paving is laid. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Thennes, that John Stilling be given permission to build a garage and Service station, 65x60 on the comer of Elm and ~3ark streets, according to the city ordinance. Motion carried. Motion by Thennes, seconded by Frisby, to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER W. FRETT, Mayor. R. F. CONWAY, Clerk. DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAUfDEALEft e 0 Dollar Day, Saturday, October 15, McHenry, Tiling Full-O-Pep Scratch Feed, $2.75 value...... $2.35 Egg Mash, $3.15 value .$2.75 Oyster Shells, $1.30 vahia V fgl.QO Kow Kare, $1.25 per can. 1.00 Barb Wire, $4.50 per 100 4. OO Three Litchfield Manure Spreaders, $150 value. Special for Dollar Day only $130.00 each McHenry County Farmera, ^ Co-Operative Assn. Phone 29 ~ Weet i-Ay;. Sound Advicm Some young fellows think that It It "smart," "cleVer," and a slgq of bravery to drive near the edge of a precipice; to spend what cash they have freely; and to be a good fellow and take the risk some one else urges upon them. This Is the sign of inexperience and lack of real business knowledge and experience. Play safe. Keep clean. Be Btrong. Be true, and you will never regret It.--Exchange. USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS ^>/uW»Winvr ----p.---- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- •»-- ; IMF" To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grmys Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach Korth Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan Ikrkh fast North Shore Line trains taking you to tip heart of Chicago or Milwaukee. •4 r READ DOWN Central Standard Time £v. McHenry 9:49 anfc.__.£_J :34 p* 7:49 pas Lv. Grays Lake 10:23 ant t:08 pa 8:23 pm Arr.WaukeganOMmOL) 10:52 am |:37 pat 8:52 pa Arr.Chicago 12:02pm 4:05 pm 10:05pm Arr. Milwaukee 12:07 pm 4:09 pm 10:09 pas Chicago North Shore A Milwaukee R.R.C* f' -• Weber & Schlesale, Local Agents 1 West McHenry W RING WOOD Mrs. Emma Maa*ke and daughter and Mr*. Leland Moore ep*nt a day recently with Min* Wjrnni* Mrs. Georgt Stevens has been spending a f*"w day* in Aurora. The Home Bureau met at the home But tbe • of Mr*. Raymond Harrison last Tuee- English colonists were hardier and f day afternoon. The County Advisor ' 1X6-W. Reasonable Bates A. H. BCHAEFE* Draying McHENRY, fLUNOEB Insure-In Sore--Insurance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE -Pbace M-R McHENR Y, ILL jfok- ' DENTISTS V- ^ ' hL DRS- MCCHESNEY & BROWtf,. (Incorporated) Dr. L W. B*own Dr. R. M. Walker SstabUahed oyer 50 years and still doing business at the* old stand , JPloneens in First Class Dentistry at •' Moderate Prices -• Ask your neighbors and Friends about us. flL fL Cor. Clark and Randolph St. / JUS N. Clark St., Chicago JQifly 8 to S, Sundays 9 to ll Pfcoae Central 2047 666 is a prescription for ,Oolck, Grippe, Fin, Dengue, Mttow Fever and Malaria. ... * "THE ROAD TO ROME* AT ADELPHI THEATRE "The Road to Rome," the new play by Robert Emmet Sherwood, in which Miss Grace George will open in the Adelphi Theatre, Chicago, Monday evening, October 17, has been compared to Bernard Shaw at his best by no less a dramatic and critical authority than Philander Johnson, that sober critic of the Wshington Eventinga who says: "The play avails itself of every current license and goes a few steps beyond even the latest privileges of speech and. suggestion. It is perhaps the first play in many seasons that can claim comparison with the work of George Bernard Shaw at his best. "The heroine, wife of Fabius, as- *sert8 the idea laid down in "Man and Superman'--that in courtship woman is naturally the &ggr§ssor--on direct and uncompromising lines. One of the most emphatic charms of the performance is the manner in which* it turns a situation which threatens to be philosophically sound into a laughing episode. "There is something of a reminder of 'Hamlet' in a dress suit, only the process is reversed, as the wearers of the ancient Karb in burnishad splendor express themselves in the latest and most unrestrained liberalr ities of vernacular. "The play is a romping series of, anachronisms, resting its claim to consideration squarely on the fact that love and humanity have been immutably the same throughout the centuries. "The auditor may take his choice and regard the play either as a delicious though perhaps indelicate ae> lineation of feminine escapade, or as a collo«sal satire on the hollow yet terrible ambitions that depend on wiur." backed by greater home power than were any of the other settlers, ex- j cept perhaps the Trench. 8o by 1655 England held all the Atlantic coast north of Florida and south of Canada. War sprang up between the French and English colonists, the Indians siding with the French. After a long and bloody struggle the English finally won. England, however, neglected and oppressed her American colonies, falling to send them succor, levying heavy and unjust taxes; allowing them no representation ; In parliament and sending Incompetent men to govern them. For centuries dissatisfaction Increased throughout the thirteen colonies, and In 1775 they formally banded together against the mother country, and in the following year' drew up the Declaration of Independence, casting off forever the yoke of Monarchy. The eight-year war followed, wherein the weak little colonies, under George Washington's glorious leadership, fought with varying success for their rights, at last winning complete victory and freedom. The new Union, stlii undter Washington's guidance, began Its career as a republic. Despite a second yvar with England^ hi 1^L2, and the jgeedless, tragic Civil wnrbetween North and South, in 1861-1865, the country fias grown anJ prospered as none other In all history; taking Its plnce among the greatest nations on enrtli and winning the respect of those who In Earlier days predicted speedy collapse for the mighty young republic, and setting a high example of government, freedom and patriotism^ tf the world at large. was present and gave a talk on bedding and linen. Mr*. H. C. Hughes was hostess to two tables of bridge Thursday evening the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mi»» Agne* Bigelow. Mxs. Robert Thompson won high score at cards and a guest of honor prize was given to Miss Bigelow. At a late hour refreshments were served including a birthday cake in pink and white. The ladies present were Miss Agnes Bigelow, M*s. Frank Hitchens and Mrs. James C. Ladd of Ringwood and Mesdames Andrew Eddy, Earl Monear, N. H. Petesch, J. R. Smith and Robert Thompson of McHenry. M!r. and Mlrs. Leroy Neal are entertaining their nephew from Michigan. Mr. and M!rs. Emery Cowin and son, Robert, and Mrs. Earl Whiston and daughter, Ivy, of Crystal Lake Fere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders. Mr. Schlickemeyer entertained his brother from Round Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, lone Writ or Honorod •Laud of My Fathers" Is perhaps the most widely sung of all Welsh airs. The composer was Evan Jones, and a monument Is erected to his memory at Pontypridd. la "Vftfcsefcy" Dap, Seaadlnavla Thantey Is const*. Md the jmlncky day ot the Mead rf Vrlday, u la moot lands. . . • For SETTER GLASSES SETTER VISION TEE SERVICE Set DR. HENRY FREUND Optometrist . Pries Bldg. KcHenry, Illinois. Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. < • Phones: Office McHenry 182 ^ Residence, McHenry 17ft. BOB TheseModern Lighting Units Add Comfort and Beauty For Your Kitchen Tbm Daylight Ktochan Unit, ae Dtaistimtad ebons, affords ideal Hghdng lor this meet fanporwurt rooee --ptooty of •'ven, noo-glttag Mght fiwn oo> ie«y kkImii fistnr*. This new.model KTtrhti Unk, with drop cord switch and e x t r a o u t l e t . . . . . With drop eord, bat elhwl oat- For Bedroom Lighting This new Bedtooot Unh tnafcee tbe roca woe> derfaOy bright and cheery wttt softly dfltosed light. Ivory frosted shade Is decorated in ne% and metal bolder is in attractive enameL ' Price, at fictst^l at figut. • . Portable Lamps WUho«t dfo and Now Is the time to eelect new tampe to brighten np your home this winter. Any wlajmy "pU mmaye be purchased r- An *tleater Offeife Real Comfort for Early Fall #edeko Heatac,aslllaa- $700 trated above, - - We are also feetpilng the latger L A H. Electric Heater $^00 Only *2952 for tills FEDELOO Cleaner Attachment# •• " " - - - Aaodusom FREE tfu easy "Little by Little" way & Visit Your Public Service Store Today I PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ^ OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS V 1 0 1 W i l K a m i k S t , C r y f t a l L a k e Telephone 280 , S, A. Schabeck. District Manager ':-Li' . z; Jafe. t: '• ">