fe.;. •• fM!P^fi^.»MS' M - J»ip» TBS McHKfRV, PUUHDSALS*, THUWUBAY, NOV. IT, 1927 A*)* p-H !i?- >* • f HcHENRT*S ^ HOME OF AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAT THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" SHOWS 7:30-9:00 THURSDAY - FRIDAY NOT. 17-18 "THE JOY GIRL" » with .« Olive Borden Nothing but Class Written all over this Prod uction--Witl^ t "Wow" of a Cast and the Dressiest Gal in Pictures and the comedy "I TOLD YOU SO" TUESDAY SILK PILLOW NIGHT Elegant presents for the lucky ones and a real show for •XL SATURDAY Nov. 19 "THE FLAMING FRONTIER" ii *. ilighty Picture you Will Remember all your life. "CUSTER'S LAST STAND" Thousands of Indians--U. S. Cavalrymen--Scouts, Etc. BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE „ Pathe News Reel All the Great Adventam Chapter Play "BLAKE OF SCOTLAND YARD" SUNDAY Nov. 20 Matinee 2:30 Prices 10-25 Wm. Fox Presents "PUBLICITY MADNESS' A non-Stop Flight on the Wings «F Laughter with Louise Moran Edmond Lowe with A Fox Comedy "A SILLY SAILOR" And the Oswald Cartoons TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Nov. 22-23 Well, It's Another Big Feature "THE HEART OF MARYLAND" with Dolores Costello David Balasco's Great Melodrama of the CWI War And Fox Comedy THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 24-25 Thanksgiving Day "THE GAY RETREAT" Ted McManara and Sammy Cohen The Cowed? Team of "What Price Glory?" M'HY BUILDING BOOM CONTINUES NEW BUSINESS HOUSES BEING BUILT Residential Section Also Shows Much Activity--Work on McHeary Restorium Proceeds modeled into a modern bungalow. Fred Karls will have charge of the carpenter work and Frett Brothers did the cement work and the foundation. This bungalow will be a large one measuring- 26x48 feet and, no doubt, will be readily rented, being located in this beautiful garden, an ideal location for a home. ~ # Fred Karls also has the contract for two other bungalows along the river, one to be built at Orchard Beach and the second * one In the Huemann addition. The foundations have already been completed by the Artificial ITEMS OF INTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES v Aiiojrtpent of Newsy Items f Condensed Form For Busy People 1ft * Early last Thursday morning the Smith hotels at Channel Lake were destroyed by fire, one of them being burned to the ground. The other, being constructed of cement blocks, was partly saved, only the roof and part of the windows burning. Frank Carbon, proprietor of the Old Notwithstanding the fact that the season is getting late McHenry is un-1 Stone company and Frett Brothers dergoing considerable building activity | and Mr. Karls will start work on ranging from store buildings in the j these comfortable new homes very business section to the bungalow and; soon, so that they will be ready for the home buildings in the residential, occupancy by April first. districts. j Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Adams are Construction is well under way on now occupying their new home east the store building being built for Rich- j of the river and are enjoying it ... ard B. Walsh on Green street. This greatly Their home is a* five-room i Farm Inn on the Salem road north of building adjoins the new brick build- bungalow and was built by John P. j Antioch, was accidently shot at Camp ing just recently completed by Mr. Weber. j Lake last Saturday morning. He was Walsh and is being erected on the site Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams are also ; hunting with an employee and the gun of the old frame building recently j occupying "their new home on Center j in the hands of the other man disoccupied by Smith Brothers' Store. j street which was recently completed | charged accidentally. The fact that , . , , . c The frame building, which had been by John P. Weber. This pretty and: the shot came from the back Saved thej tnp., mot9rT?8 a the home of Smith Brothers' general comfortable bungalow consists of six eyesight of the victim. joyable one, although the roads were merchandise store for thirteen years, r0oms and bath is most pleasantly ] *_ acc;dent occurred SunHav of. ot "est* . , 8 me °* f1* had been previously razed, making situated among the tall oak trees of i. t k when a salesman for the yeaF ® water in that part of he room for the new and up-to-date build-; the old driving park. j Kriejrel company at Woodcrest near - 18 T®*7*h ii* OBe m* i„g „„„ bring constructed. A tarjer Mr. ,„d Mrs. Mat SttffW will build! aSI, Marin^fflcer, «- j XrLrwlttr LTwSe S and deeper basement was dug by the a new house on their lot on the corner! cidentlv shot himself in the arm The't water and were able to fo A. P. Freund Excavating company and < Df Court and Washington streets. Ex- ! ™,ow thp road only as it was staked out the rear part of the calf, two of them being in the nature of twin legs. If the calf lives, Mr. Busch believes the animal will arrest the attention of those who present curios and may find its way into some public show. The Waukegan Moose and Kenosha football game last Friday at Kenosha came to a tragic ending when a bolt of lightning struck and killed Thomas Kasel ic, twelve, of Kenosha, one of the spectators. People who witnessed the tragedjr stated that the lad was thrown to the ground and became blue about the face and hands. At first they did not know what had happened While medical aid was rushed to the boy's side-it was found that death had \been instantaneous. Return From Arkansas Mf. and Mxs. John Dreymiller returned home Friday night after nearly a month's vacation spent at Hot Springs, Ark. They cannot say too much in praise of Hot Springs and think it is a wonderful health resort. Mr. and Mrs. Dreymiller made the enthe foundation and cement work was cavating is now being done for the s^tTwarVeTaTtoke^toX'GTelt t°r them', ^ stopped at Memphis, done by the Artificial Stone company j basement and the foundation will soon j Lakes hospita^ at Waukegan Later 1 ^""way * mteTest °n The building will occupy the entire ; be laid. space with deminsions of 45x56 feet. ^ Many • homes are undergoing; re- John P. Weber has the general con-. pairs and improvements of various tract for the construction of the buii - it was repdrted that it had been necessary to remove the arm. Two men, Charles Sohr and Robert Lftdies' Aid Society .. . sorts. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J.j Vesaler""both~"o7'rh^o"were"™- 1 The Ladies' Aid society met at the ing which will be a one-story brick Schuenamann on the corner of Wash-|t- t th Wo.j_toci{ hosnital auf-'home of Mrs- Harvey Baron on Wauaffair with stone trimmings and will ington strtet and Riverside Drive has L®J~, "V, * {r,:lir;0« JL r' n0 i ke<?an street on Thursday afternoon conform very much to the style of receiVed a coat of cream color stucco! t g * ser ous inju les, the e u ts jagt week with Mrs. James Perkins the adjoining building occupied by the which adds greatly to the appearance _fnmfU_0ja^C1 charge of the meeting. A good at test Thursday. They had come from, tendance of members and guests were Chicagoand were enroute in their car present and p]ang were di8CUSSed for up Washington street m Woodstock It the cominR chicken dinner and bazaar happened that the hearse with Gordon' Dec 10 ^ d,nner and bazaar Stafford at the wheel was just turn- j ^ be held in the K c hall on DeC ing to enter the Kappler yard. The Nobby Style Shop and owned by Mr. and warmth of this neat and attrc- Walsh. It will be fireproof and mod- j tjve home. ern in every respec* and will be divid-; ^ pleasant home of jfc.. and Mrs. ed into two separate store rooms, each , j w Freund situated on the shore of one measuring 20 by 56 feet m site. pQX jjjvert js being enlarged by the | One of these stores has already been addition of a kitchen. Stephen Freun KIIIZI w^'to^10 and ®Very 0ne should remember leased by the Atlantic & Pacific Tea . . . .. wn_. body of August Kappler was to be (the date and attend the bazaar. This company, while several applicants are *<..•* . . . taken to St. Mary s church, Where wjjj bg pjace to buy Christmas considering the other store room. The Extensive improvements are being' funeral services were to be held at | gifts and _et a ^ onderf^ chicken entrance to each store will jt>e between mflde on the house on Waukegati St., | 10 o'clock. The Chicago car was djnzier. * T large plate giaso show windows set in recently purchased by W. P. Wood-[coming with considerable speed, and the new style copper front. These {>urn- The house has been rearranged; in trying to avoid the hearse, shot to windows will extend nearly to the |nto a two building by the chang- j one side and struck a telephone pole. floor, making them most advantageous 'n£ doorways and the building of | The car was wrecked and both of the for display purposes. City water will. newu stairways. One of the flats is j men were seriously hurt. The hearse be installed and everything will be j occfipied by Mh-. and Mrs. Woodburn. | was struck but slightly. Both Mr. dene to make this an ideal busies ; A bathroom has been added and a nice | Sohr and Mr. Kessler are badly cut house. H. E. Buch has the contract ' 5!1" Pf*>r |s being built on the westjand bruised and a broken knee cap for the heating and lighting of this side of the house. Jhe sun parlor will; and a WOUnded spine are among th3 new building and W. J. Donavin will be ,in S1"* „e'^arPenter | serious injuries received. do the plumbing, and George Kane will ^'ork ,s bemS do"e by J- f * Weber and j The barn, seven cows, a quantity of do the decorating. The copper front the. nr}aso" work was done * the j hay, grain and other farm articles comes from the Kawneer Copper Co., 'Artificial Stone company. 1 were destroyed by fire on the John and the plate .glass windows will be ' . Through the country, also, building Schroeder farm a mile west of Cary purchased from the Schnell Carlson !'s ™ acti°n- J°st soutb of town Fred Monday afternoon of last week. The comnanv of Rockford Access to the n- P°^e!i,', 0 re^en y. bought the farm js tenanted by Mr. and Mrs. lear of these buildings will be had f'ngL bin^^fiu^adon0^ hfin^ WilHam St°^'th® teing in th* though their own private drive,*,. A^„f whSk tif | EWn the time the is a ra ive 8 rue ure i- one c ^ carpenter work wiLI be done by S. H., H"ow ,he barking of a dog dog !aved L several new improvements in ™ FrfieMuInn«"d] . Tl iht 1isn 1b\jai mV n wntiillll cover aa foun- I thei,r lives recently when gas filled_ business section of Green street and dation of 34x74 feet with plntty of j (joes to show that although Mr. Walsh room for hay in the loft. i now makes his home in Chicago, he is Perry House Moved I always ready to do his share for the One of the most beautiful as well ! improvement and advancement of his as the most faminaP 0f the residences i old home town. i Improvements At Bolger's tion during the past week. This build-1 Another added improvement for j-- i -- • « ^ : me oea. the house is told by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Palmer, north shore residents of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and son were sleeping, when w,c .uu5l xauunar 01 tne resiuences; about g 0,cl{)ck th were awakened in our city was moved from its loca-1 by their dog which had jumped up on v T „ „ : the bed. Mrs. Palmer arose and let ; Green street is the remodeling of the home is as well known t^ present land! tl?6 do^ouJ°f .^,e building owned by Jacob Justen and former residents of this city as were £larmed wb®n. , fo.und the ga^ occupied by Bolger's Drug store. An the inhabitants of this home for so! ?!?. L burning and called her husband to investigate. Mr. Palmer found that there was*no gas pressure for four minutes. When the pressure was restored he lighted the burner. A large steam shovel being used for which will come through Richmond, McHenry and Terra Cotta and connect up with Route 19 near the Steerville crossing, was overturned south of Terra Cotta one day last week. The road through the slough was soft unaddition has been built on to the rear many years. This home with the lot ! of the building and a new front is j was recently purchased by John R. j being built and when completed thi Knox, who has moved the large strucbuilding will .correspond to the furni- ture to a lot on the same street near 'ture store just recently remodeled by the Woodland cemetery. The job of i Mr. Justen. The new front will be of moving this big house successfully! , * Al_ ... ! the latest type with plate glass win- appeared to be an impossible one but! e*c.a^ ." wo^ ^ i dows set in copper, making very fine it was easily accomplished by A. L. *" "" """" display windows. The work is being Schief of Barrington. His equipment done by Jacob Schaefer and Henry J. was of the best for tbu kind of worl Schaefer. j and included many timbers 62 feet H. E. Buch Building On Drive i long and 14x14 inches in thickness, Riverside Drive is also coming to, weighing over two tons apiece. It., . . ., , . . ; the front with its improvements and was estimated that the house weighed I defnea^1 a"d as a result the big ma- | presents a very brilliant and modern over eighty tons. j chine tipped to one side and fell into ! appearance throughout its business | Last but not least we come to the i d^^* ! section. „ To this section wilk.be added i work on the Restorium which is the a"d H. Construction company ! another large and imposing building biggest undertaking of the kind in this i °' Milwaukee, finished the f°ur mi»e j now under construction for H. E. Buch. I vicinity. With favorable weather con- strip of concrete road near Rmgwood i Th? excavating for the basement has , ditions the preliminary work, such as-1 Jas* Friday afternoon. The machinery ! been finished by the A. P. Freund Ex-' excavating, trench work and preparing \s being stored for the winter and j cavating company and the foundation I f°r forms and footings, has gone for-1 m°st of the men have gone to their j is completed and the carpenter work I ward with a rush and work on the j has been commenced. basement wall has been commenced This structure will be a lQrge brick Webb, of Chicago, for many years Top Prices for FURS Bach Fur Co. 108 West Austin St. Chicago, I1L CALL OUR BUYER Wm. B. Leng Phone 34-W-l Grayslake, 111. Royal Entertainers The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. R. J. Frisby on Thursday evening of last week. Five hundred furnished entertainment for the guests and first prize was won by Mrs. Jacob Schaefer, second by Mrs. C. Joos, third by Mrs. H. L. Rrtter an^^j, ,, fourth by Mrs. T.JBT. Winkle. Thtf ? ;^ next meeting will take place at thl home of Mrs. Jacob Schaefer. - -- Adding machine rolls at the Plain* ' dealer ofHce. •!» Big Bazaar and Dance at . ' ^ LOUIS' CRYSTAL BALL ROOlt s Fox River Grove I1L "A - ^ v SATURDAY NIOHT, NO V. 19 Music by _ MAUDE'S COLLEG14IU . Everybody Invited ^ ' 1 1 r t t t t t t t t 11 t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t ' t t 1 1 » i i i t i i n i H o u | • •; a •astf "O & Freshman Masterpiece A'C Operated--All Electric Price $133 Cheapest CafciMet'All' Electric Radio on the Market Hear It! ' / Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop Phone 123'J _ West McHenry •a Birthday Sarprise Party A very pleasant surprise was held at the home of Mrs. John Schaid of this city last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Schaid was busy in the kitchen •t her household duties when she heard a knock at the door. She went to see whom it might be, when fifteen of her lady friends sprung "a welcome surprise on her to celebrate her birthday anniversary. After the hostess «ot over her shock, which took some tfape, Mrs. Schaid soon had the ladies playing five hundred for the after- Boon's entertainment. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nick Kennebeck ! affair 66x85 feet and will comprise ! three separate rooms for as many business concerns. The Artificial Stone company will do the brick work and John P. Weber has charge of the carpenter work. The building will be a one-story arrangement with large plate glass show-windows and an elaborate ornamental front of Bedford stone. A private driveway will give access to the rear of the building where the garage will be built* New Residences Leaving the business section of our busy little city we turn to the residences districts where we find corresponding, activity in building and improvements. Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund are building a large new home on Ringforeman for Avery Brundage & Co. large contracting firm, has taken charge of the basement work and crushed stone and gravel have arrived homes. A gang of men has been busy the past week installing" gas mains in the streets and extending service to residences and other buildings in Round Lake. The Round Lake territory as well as Fox Lake, etc., is being With the extensive plans and progress • serviced by the Public Service Co. being made it begins to look like Mc- j This district will be supplied with gas Henry is due to become one of the' that flows through the Horton sphere well known health resorts of the j recently installed near Ingleside. country.. I On the Carl Busch farm, the form- With construction projects well1 er William Strode place in Alden, may under way in this territory the build- j be seen a five-legged female calf. The ing pace for the year will establish, little bossy is in normal health and a record for construction in the j apparently all right, according to Mr. history of this i city. Busch. Three of the five legs are on first; Mrs. John Molidor, second wood road which they expect will be while the consolation went to Mrs ready for occupancy by the holidays. Peter M. Freund. After the card game was over a delicious supper was served to twenty-two guests, which was all arranged and prepared by her daughter. The hostess received many beautiful as well as useful gifts from her guests. Those present were: Mrs. T. Forest, Mrs. Eva Guinto, Mrs. E. Rothermel, Mrs. Math Glosson, Mrs. Peter M. Freund and children, Marcella, Luella, Lester and Buddie, Mrs. Nick Kennebeck, Mxs. John Karls and ^daughter, Evelyn, Mrs. John J. Schaid and children, Loura and Norman, Mrs. John Mlolidor, Rena Schaid, Regina Glosson and Mrs. John Schaid. Bridge Party M!rs. J. W. Smith was hostess to friends at her home on Friday afternoon. Three tables of bridge were played and first prize was won by Mlrs. A. Krause, second by Mrs. Josephine Pouse and third by Mrs. Albert Vales. The guests of the afternpn were: Mrs. A. J. Schneider, Mrs. A. _ Krause, Mrs. Josephine Pouse, Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. George Kuhn, Mrs. George Lindsay, Mxs .R. A. Thompson, This beautiful new home which Mx. and Mrs. Freund and their family will occupy is a two-story shingled frame house built in the colonial style. It will contain eight rooms and a bath, all of which are large and pleasing iff style. Stephen H. Freund has the contract for the carpenter work and the Artificial Stone company and Frett Brothers have the mason work. H. E. Buch has the contract for the plumbing and lighting. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer are building a new home on their lot in the Sha-li-Mar subdivision just north of this city and it is rapidly nearing completion under the management of Fred Karls. This home will be a modem and attractive bungalow, 16 by 32 feet, with an addition in'the rear 18 feet square. It will comprise six rooms and a bath and across the front will be a large, roomy, screened porch, 10 by 32 feet. The bungalow is well under way and will be completed in the near future. Frett Bros, did the cement work and W. J. Donavin will install the heating plant and the Carey Electric Shop will do the ! lighting. Mr. Heimer has also pur- "Mrs. Earl Mionear, Mrs. F. O. Gans, i chased a building which will be moved Mrs. N. H. Petesch and Mrs. T. J.lonto another one of his lots in the WM. ^ J Sha-H-Mar subdivision ne. - H. Our Own Exclusive Skapea And Shade»In MALLORY HATS *'Cravenette99 "Cheerio" Colors "Look At Your Ha$-- Evmyon* EUe Domf THERE'S a lot of dash and sparkle to our hat colors, but, like wellbred applause, they're bold, not loud. Our solid pastel bands add sprightly touch to the style. home of Hart Schaftner & Marx clothes The Thanksgiving Bank Account Smile When every member of the family has a thrift account with this bank, they can welcome Thanksgiving with a smile of gladness and their heart overflowing with thankfulness. It takes but little to start an account-- and then next Thanksgiving you will have a worth whik balance to your credit. We pay 3% interest. I • West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built' Q. a