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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1927, p. 2

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'*<"Paw, where does ink com* from?" "From incubators, son. Now run ^fgPn oot with the boys."--Making Paper Customer: "What! Ten cents for •that coat hanger ? Too much! Haven't ! |rou something cheaper?" Clerk: "How about a nail, air?" Good Hardware. jaSRMAN J. SCHAEFER Moving and Long Distance Hauling Fhone 126-R^ McHenry, Illinois i' my pii*ervr McHENRY GRAVEL k EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Building and Excavating of Every Description V Estimates FurnishecUon Request • " : : , High-grade Gravel Delivered lit any time--large or small Orders given proa^ attention, jphone 654-M-2 \ . ? McHenry Old-fashioned and self-rising Buckwheat Flour Now is the time to begin to think about some of those wonderful buckwheat cakes. There is none better than the product of the \ •. Nclienr) flour Mills Wesl McHenry, ill. Ask your grocer for it I have been criticized quite a little by some of the town smart alecks for using poor grammar. Now I have three good reasons f6r this. In the first place, I don't know any better. Second, half of you wouldn't understand it if I did use it. Third, if I did speak and write correctly, I might be managing some big New York paper at a large salary and you farmers would lose the beet editor in McHenry county. » We presume you have heard the story of the Scotchman, who, desiring to commit suicide, ran over to his neighbor*! house and turned- on the SOCIAL IN AW DOINGS OF WEEK (Continued from Page One) How Simon Grumble did complain When we were having too much raid; How he would fret, an' wail, an' mourn Because he couldn't plow his corn; He led his children and his wife A most unhappy sort of life, As if they had the power to end What the good Lord saw fit to send! The weather grew extremely warm An' one night came a big rain storm; Simon next morn surveyed the mud An' brought his fist down with a thud, An' then broadcast some words I fear That would not look well recorded here All that he would have said's not known, For Bill Coon called him on the phone. "Say, Simon," came his neighbors voice, We farmers here may well rejoice For down at Bond an' thereabout I hear the corn is all washed out." ^ Old Simon turned and mopped his brow, "I'm lucky I've corn left to plow, An' from now on, you bet," said he, "You'll hear no grumblin' out of me. Royal Bunco Club Hie members of the Royal Bunco dub were delightfully entertained as guests of Mrs. William Pries at Waukegan on Wedensday afternoon and evening of last week. Entertainment for every minute of the day was provided for and during the afternoon the guests saw a matinee at the Majestic theater, after which they were taken to the home of Mrs. Pries where a sumptuous six o'clock dinner was served. The evening was spent in games and music, after which the guests returned home at a late hour all agreeing that Mrs. Pries was a royal hostess and that the wonderful afternoon and evening was the best one that the members of the club had ever spent together. The guests who enjoyed the day were Mesdames John Keg, John Engeln, Henry Freund, Roy Smith, N. Steilen, Mat. Laures, F. J. Nickels, J. J. Marshall, Jack Nicholls, William Marshall, Henry Foss, Glen Gunderson and Paul Meyers. ' Surprise Party Several neighbors and friends successfully surprised Mrs. William Bacon at her home on Main street on Wednesday evening of last week, the event being in honor of her birthday anniversary. Four tables of bunco were in play during the evening with the first prize being won by Mrs. Martha Page and the second prize by Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mrs. Bacon wa» also presented with a birthday gift. The guests present were: Mrs. Martha Page, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. Mayme Harrison, Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. E. G. Peterson, Mfc-s. John Fay, Mrs. J. Steffes, Mrs. F. W. Ensign, Mrs. Charles Ensign, MTS. A. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Louis McDonald, Mrs. Linus Newman, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler and Miss Adeline Perkins. Told Tales * ^ - Interesting Bits of New^Taken u,;|rM the Columns of t|||i ( Plaindealer Fifty and , Twenty-five Year* ./ For Mrs. Phillips Mrs. A. C. Herzog entertained a1 bunco Saturday evening, Nov. 12, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Sara Phillips, who was 77 years old on that j going several blocks to see November, 1877 The biggest thing in the hunting line that we have heard of in a long time \fas accomplished at McCollum'»x Lake a few mornings since. A. A. Crory, Will Thurlwell, Charles Morey and William Stevens went over with double barrel guns to try and get a shot at some wild geese that were seen in that section. Out of a flock of seventy-five they killed twenty and wounded six more. Sausage, all kinds, 10 cents per lb.; mutton, 10 cents per lb.; beef, from 7 to 13 cents per lb. and lard 12% cents per lb, Signed Jos. Frett. We saw on Monday a wafcon box level full of ducks, that were brought from the Lakes and being shipped to Chicago by Robert E. Stanley of Fox Lake. It is said that ducks were never known so plentiful in this section as at the present time. Apples scarce, but corn plenty; you will have to take whiskey or nothing, there can be no half-way fooling with cidei. The new feed store and water wheel lately added to Bishop's mill, adds much to the facilities for business at this institution! Sixty .bushels an hour is what we call grinding feed a little fast. November, 1902 The rummage sale in the cottage south of the bank building is on in full blast this week. Many useful articles are on sale at remarkably low prices. Thus far sales have been good. W. C. Evanson's show window is prettily decorated with material advertising Palmolive soap, and is worth Palm- Seventeen (17), in Block Number Two (2), of Dr. C. H. Feger's Addition to the Village of McHenry, being a division of a part of the North East Quarter of Section Number Twenty-six (26), Township Number Forty-five (45), North Range Eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, as surveyed by Charles H. Tryon, September 23rd and 24th, 1895, situated in the County of McHenry and §t&te of Illinois. TERMS OF SALB< Ten per cent (10%) of sale price to be paid on day of sale, and balance to be paid when deed is delivered. Dated this 29th day ofxOctober, A. D., 1927. Floyd E. Eckert, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. i William M. Carroll, Attorney. day. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. Asmalsky and W. R. Durant. After (P. s.--We're glad to note that Simon Grumble of .late has been ex-' """ ceedin' humble.) olive is a good soap in every way. We and know Latest story going the various rounds? An old sea captain was reproving his daughter for staying out late with her sweetie. The girl explained: "But, father, we were becalmed. The wind died down in one of the tires and we had to wait until it sprang up again." ^ GUARDIAN'S SALE State of Illinois, County of McHenry, * By virtue of a decfetal order of the County Court of said County, .entered at the November Term of said Court, A. D. 1927, on the application of Math J. Smith, Guardian of Clarence Smith and Elmer Smith, Minors, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to said Minors, situate in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: An undivided two forty-eighths interest in and to the following: The West fifty-nine (59) acres of the South half of the South East quarter of Section Number Six (6); and the South ten and one-half (10%) acres of the East forty-two (42) acres of the South East quarter of said Section Number six (6); the above described premises also known as Lot Number three (-3) of the County Clerk's Plat of the South East quarter of said Section Number six (6), as per Plat recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 2 of Plats, on page 13; and also known as the South half of the South half of Lots Number one (1) and two (2) and the South half of Lots Number three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6) and seven (7), of the Subdivision of the Alfred Stone Estate of said South East quarter of said Section Number six (6), all in Township Number forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and containing in all sixty-nine and acres, by have put it to the test . TM--11- whereof we sPfea^* r AHnnml^^y one hundredths (69.50) parted wishing Mrs. Phillips many. A horse, o ne y ^ .• f mj (excepting and reserving therefrom happy returns of the day. The guests | of Johnsburg, took a lively spin from ^ q therftof conveyed u.. of the evening were: Mrs. Sara, the west side Saturday and did not M ^ T ^ <s Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Durant,' pull up until it reached Centerville. F. H. Durant and W. R. Durant of i No serious damage resulted. Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. A. Asmal-| At the city hall last Friday night sky, Mr* and Mrs. J. Cox, Mrs. Earl i a new organization was effected by Monear, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glover several young men of McHenry, which v"*: No One to Send Mail ItI •r*.. v •- * -•>«#> j •• -V">' - **** ~Wr - ( "'l ' " . J; " Z M ^Banlnng^By mail is constant ly growing in popularity, especially in the matter of depositing checks. We acknowledge deposits by sending Jp turn mail. * • *" * i *• $9 Fox State Bank »# Q n DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDEALER' . Sheets 24x36 inches. and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog. : 0. W. KLONTZ, M. f>. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Ofiee Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. West Side Bunco Clnb Mrs. John Niesen was hostess to the members of the West Side Bunco club at her home on Main street on Monday evening. Bunco was played during the evening and the first prize j attention to be given to the social was won by Mrs. John Niesen, the j success rather than financial benefits will be known as the McHenry Dancing club. The following officers were elected: N. H. Petesch, president; Frank Shelton, secretary; C. D. Schoonmaker, treasurer. It is the intention of this club to give a series of dances during the winter, special It's tiny savings, small. amounts, that tone the farmers' baTik accounts; a nickel, quarter, dollar bill, these pile up glibly in the till! A man is mere- ^ ^ ^ auwcoo ly serving time who does not catch j secon(j by Mrs. Miat Laures and the! Those desiring to join the club pay an the fleeting dime, and he will soon be on the town who does not nail each quarter down! An extra bushel, peck of corn, an extra egg both night and Phone 181 McHenry, 111. WM.M. CARROLL Lawyer Ofiee with Kent & Company Every Wednesday Phone 8 " McHenry, DL Telephone No. 108-R. S toff el & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS bers of the club were: Mrs. Mat Laures Mrs. Elizabeth Laures, Mrs. J. Niesen, morn, an extra calf,1 an extra pig , j£rg> Henry 1 Heimer, MTS. Emma these, all together, count up big? If; Freund, Mrs. Caroline Schiessle, Mrs. one wee pig is left to die in each big Frank Thurwell and Mrs. N. J. Juslitter-- my, oh my, that means a rapid mounting cost, that means potential profits lost! One day last fall, the weather rough, I surely felt supremely tough! My head felt twice its low prize by Mrs. Henry Heimer. The | initiation fee of $1. Everyone is in guests present who were also mem- vited to attend the dances whether a member or not, Tickets only fifty cents. ten. Mrs. Simon Stoffel will give a dance in Stoffel's hall on 'Thanksgiving night, Nov. 27. She promises to have the floor in the best condition possible and will spare no pains in Pheasants Are Scarce arranging for the comfort of the The pheasant season opened last gUests. Neat invitations have been , Thursday morning and during this; issued, but that does not signify that normal size, had^ black glasses short season, which lasts from Nov. jjt wjn be a private party. Supper Math J. Smith, a widower, to Susie Freund and Peter F. Freund, by deed dated August 5th, A. D. 1927, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 183 of Deeds on page 359), and situate, lying and being, In the County of McHenry, in the state of Illinois. I shall, on the 10th day of December A. D. 1927, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., sell all the interest of said Minors, in and to the said real estate, at the East door of the Court House, Woodstock, 111. Terms of sale as follows: Cash; the purchaser to pay twenty-five per cent (25%) of bid on day of sale. Balance upon approval of sale and delivery of deed. MATH J. SMITH, Guardian for Clarence Smith and Elmer Smith, minors. , 23-4 my eyes: My flesh was full of jq untJi Nov. 1§, hunters in this vicinknives and pins, I felt as mean as j^y are abr0ad at sunrise in order to seven sins--but listen! Yonder in the bag the limit of two cocks a day. The sty nine new-born pigs began to cry! | rabbit season also opened at this time "Oh, let them cry! I told myself, "I'm; an(j tj,e cottontails are much more nearly sick and on the shelf! If one! plentiful than the pheasants. The pig dies I'll not be broke! My eyes j majorjty 0f the hunters will, from are sore! I'll be apt to choke!" But j necessity, be satisfied with rabbit for J.W.WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants Association Illinois Phone 206-J ' , McHenry, I1L I remembered just in time that extra quarter, extra time! So dressing warm I sought the sty and found two pigs prepared to die! I wrapped them in a woolen shawl and brought them in, the squal and all! I warmed them up beside the range, and soon they felt the pleasant change! I fed them nice heated milk, put them to bed as neat as silk! They lived and grew! They did not die! They grew some eighteen inches high! I sold them both the other day and packed a pile of cash away! That litter paid me twelve per cent! It paid me well and I'm content! I would have lost my margin there, if I had lingered in my chair! Yes, so it goes, no man will thrive who does' not stay alert, alive, • to those small extras, little things that change the cabbages to kings! Those little extras, I'll be bound, keep this old world a-going 'round! «£• Phone 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS dinner when they fully intended-to eat pheasant. Jolly Sixteen Club The members of the Jolly Sixteen Card club were pleasantly entertained at the home of Miss Katie Weber on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The afternoon was spent at five hundred and the first prize was won by Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, the second by Mrs. F. O. Gans and third by Mrs. Simon Michels, while the consolation went to Miss Barbara Weber. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. N. E. Barbiaii. Insnre-ln Sure-Insurance • WITH • It is said that Anne Nichols wrote the play, "Abie's Irish Rose" in five days, and it has netted her in stage and movie royalties over seven million dollars. And yet twenty producers turned the play down at the start. Wm.G. Schreiner Auctioneering Or net AT RESIDENCE PkoneM-R McHENRY, ILL A man entered a jewelry store to buy a clock. The jeweler showed him the different styles--one in particular he said was an eight-day clock. "What do you mean?" After the jeweler explained tEat it would run eight days without winding, the man exclaimed: "For the love of Mike, how long would she run if you did wind it?" DENTISTS DM. McC HRSNEY & BROWN (Incorporated) ftft L W. Brown % j Dr. R. M. Walker Btfablished over 50 years and still doing business at the old stand PlMMOn in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask your neighbors and Friends about us. " A. B. Cor. Clark and Randolph St. IIS N. Clark St, Chicago Frenchman: "I call to see Mr. Brown." Maid: "You can't see him--he's hot up yet." Frenchman: "Vat you tell? I come yesterday, and'you say can't see heem because he is not down; now you say can't see heem because he is riot up. Vat you mean? Vaq will bt be -in ze middle?"--P. H. Weekly. •' Dance At Lily moor The Daughters of the G. A. R. of McHenry sponsored a dance at the Lilymoor clubhouse Saturday evening. A jolly crowd made up the party with about sixteen guests from Chicago Music was furnished by Miss Dorothy Knox and M. A. Conway. Mr. Anthony of Chicago was the lucky own to receive an angel food cake. Entertain Cud Club Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schenider delightfully entertained the members of their card club on Wednesday evening of last week. A delicious chicken dinner was served at 6:30 o clock, after which bridge furnished the entertainment for the evening. High honors were won by Mrs. Gojrdon Stringer and H. C. Hughes. Bunco Party Miss Loretta Steffes entertained several friends at her home on Saturday evening. The evening was spent at bunco, followed by music and dancing, after which refreshments were served. In bunco the first prizes were won by Miss Charlotte Frett and Paul Brefeld and the low prizes went to Miss Mayme Brefeld and Lester Barnes. will be served in the dining hall at thirty-five cents per plate. Will Reed's famous orchestra, will furnish the music. Horses and baggage cared for free. The Plaindealer has just added some new and up-to-date job type to its well equipped plant, and is prepared to turi^ out the latest and neatest commercial work at reasonable prices. "Neatness" is the motto® that hangs over the Plaindealer doofc William M. Carroll, Soli<$«r Sale of Real Estate State of Illinois, ^ - County of McHenry, ss. ^ In the Circuit Court of McHenry County--September Term, A. D.* 1927 Barbara Engeln, Complainant vs. N. F. Steilen, Kathryne Steilen, et *1 Defendants. f Bill to Foreclose--Gen. No. 22800. Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of October, A. D., 1927, I, Floyd E. Eckert, Master in Chancery of said Court, will on Friday, November 25th, 1927, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the East door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described real estate in said decree described, to-wit: Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), and TIRE SAU| Compare The*. Tire with your Mail Order Catalog and remember these are standard makes 30x3Vz Cords -- *--^$5.95 30x3Vt Oversize Oord • ^ j $6 95 30x3Vz Tubes ' ' •. .1- • 30x3 Vz Oversize Tubes • ") * ^ V •' 29x4.40 Balloons • • • 29x4.40 Tubes . . - LI. •. $1.50 $1.75 $7.90 $1.80 Sires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all sizes. Radio A, B and C Batteries WALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battery ^ffharging and Repairing West McHenry, Illinois 'I've swallowed my collar-button," gasped the husband. "Well,'* responded his wife, "you know where it is, anyway!"--Selected - Party at Pistakee Bay Ktjss Lillian Freund entertained the Misses Matilda Freund, Laura Smith, Nora Britz and Amelia Weber at her home Friday evening. Games and music furnished entertainment for the guests and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. Professor: Binks, define a molecule. Binks: "It's one of them glass things Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to 11 A that Englishmen wear in their eyes. Pkme Central 2047 The Open Road. Chicken Dinner and Bazaar The Ladies' Aid society will have a chicken dinner in the K. C. hall on Dec. 10. Aprons fancy work and Xmas gtfta vHl be an sale. For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE See DR. HENRY FREUHD f Optometrist- Pries Bldg. McHenry, Illinois. Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phones: Office McHenry 182 Residence, McHenry 170. •' Use theNew KMSTMAOTERf Just follow the three simple steps illustrated and you can make perfect, golden brown slices every time with the new electric Toastmaster. Both sides of the bread axe toasted at the same time--without watching--without turning--without burning. And the current turns off automatically when the toast is dona Handsomely finished in nickel, the Toastmaster makes an attractive piece for the server or dining table. A beauty to own or to give. Only *12521 Call in and let us show yo4 this wonderful new toaster. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lak* Telephone 280 ]. A. Schabecfc. District Manas** ma

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