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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1927, p. 7

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Atf m - .0 RING WOOD JWday evening a nunSfegf 'of friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting gathered at their home to help Mr. Whiting celebrate his birthday. Bridge was the entertainment of the evening and prizes were awarded to Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and H. C. Hughes, A delightful lunch was then served by the Misses Marjorie, Norma and Zura Whiting and before leaving the guests presented Mr. Whiting with a gift as a reminder of the occasion. Those present were: Mrs. Ellen Whiting, W. C. Whiting and Messrs. and Mesdames Jay Cristy, Kenneth Cristy, H. C. Hughes, H. M. Stephenson and E. E. Whiting. The Home Circle met at the home of Mrs. Clayton Harrison last Wednesday with Messdames Clayton Harrison and Walter Harrison and Miss Flora Taylor as hostesses. At one EAST SIDE GARAGE OAS AND OIL ACCESSORIES WttfnwiUjn 1 Qt MiUliM wttil «r«ry f Gal. 6u All work guaranteed and prices right Wilkinson & Meier KB Try a Classified Ad for Quick Results New Fountain t'.-i , We are installing a new" fountain and invite OUT -jpatrons to inspect this modern improvement, ace where you can get the be«H^^ fKARLS' SERVICE IS WHAT COUNTS OtfiM wet wash" (rough dry) 01 family finish serritSe has been and always will be the best. You can have your whole washing done cheaper than you can do ii yourself. Call us up and let us show you. McHenry agencies--Bishop & Olson, Riverside Drive Kercher & greymiller, Green street; John Stoffel Grocery, West McHenry. m loo big to carry, call us at our expense. WOODSTOCK LAUNDRY Phone, Woodstock 542 \ Extra Milk and Cream for Don't forget to leave your order for milk and $ream for your Thanksgiving needs. handle nothing but Borden's Pasteurized and Degreed Products Beft J. Smith Phone 631-M-i ATWATER RADIO New 1928 Prices . NOW m Completely Installed With Model "L" Speaker $49.00 $95.50 $65.00 $110.50 Model 35--Six-tube, one dial, steel case Model 30--Six-tube, one dial, Mahogany case Model 33--Six-tube, one d*a1, Mahogany case, very sensitive$75.00 $120.50 Model 32--Seven-tube, one dial, Mahogany case $90.00 $144.75 with power take Atwater Kent Speakers Model Model Model Model L H 6 E Cone $12.50 $15.00 $15.00 $24.00 o'clock a delicious luncheon was served which was followed by a business meeting and a program of music and readings. The next meeting of the Home Circle will be at the home of Mrs. Jay Cristy on Wednesday, Dec. 14. The last meeting of the Jolly Sixteen Bunco club was at the home of Mrs. Ray Merchant. The afternoon was spent in playing bunco but instead of the usual prizes a grab-bag was filled with prizes for all. The next meeting will be at the homf of Mrs. Nick Young. Saturday was the fourth birthday anniversary of little. Miss Bobette Cristy and a number of her little friends were invited in to spend the afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing games dear to the little folks and a lovely supper was served including a decorated birthday cake. Many nice gifts were left Miss Bobette by the guests. Those present were: Jay, Jr., and Patricia Cristy, John, Kenneth, Jr., Bobette and Nelson Cristy, Marian, Dorothy, Ethel and Lois Krohn, Frederick Pearce and Zura, Jean and Rosalie Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained at a turkey dinner last Thursday. The guests present were: Mr. Fuller of Chicago, Mr. Weber of Niles Center and Mrs. Jennie Cossman. Mr. Hawley and his gentlemen friends spent the day hunting. The road men who had been staying in Smith's hall had a farewell turkey dinner one night last week. Mrs. Emma K. Adams and Miss Christine Adams of McHenry visited last Wednesday in the Frank Adams home. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Mrs. R. S. Howard of McHenry were recent callers here. H. C. Hughes was a business visitor in Crystal Lake Wednesday evening. Allen Bradley of Chicago spent last Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. 'Alice Bradley. Mrs. S. W. Brown returned from Rochester, Minn., Thursday morning. Floyd Foss attended the football game at Urbana Saturday. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry and Mrs. Walter Cropley of , Solon JM^ills spent Thursday with Mrs. S. W. Brown. Mrs. Louis Schroeder entertained her sister, Mrs. Evans of Woodstock on ^Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainy, Floyd 1/1 Foss and Mrs. Rilla Foss attended a supper and bazaar given by the M E. church at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Kirwan and Mrs. Vasey of Volo were Wednesday guests of Mrs. Jennie Cossman. Mrs. Walter Peatt of Greenwood spent Friday in the S. W. Brown home. Edward Buss of McHenry was a caller here Saturday. * Mrs. O. A. Tabor picked two roses from a bush in her yard on Sunday, Nov. 13. Frank Hughes and Raymond and Miss Frances Hughes of McHenry were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krohn were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler of McHenry called here one day this week. J. V. Buckland, C. C. Harrison and C. W. Harrison and L. A. Erickson of McHenry attended a Shriner's initiation at Rockford last Thursday evening. Miss Mina Lawrence spent the week end in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant. Miss Violet Webster and Miss Martha Franto of Woodstock called at the home of Mrs. Emma Merchant Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hallstrom were in Woodstock Saturday. M)r. and Mrs. Nick Young and Miss Delia Young were recent visitors at Holy Hill, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krohn entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Balfe of Williams Bay at dinner Sunday. Mr. Balfe is chaplain of the Bridewell prison in Chicago. ' Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Miss JElla Harrison were in Waukegan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison and little son spent Sunday at Solon Mills as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell. Mrs. Maxwell Beth and -son, William, of Chicago are spending several days as the guests of relatives here. Ole Wolkos passed away at his home in Milwaukee late Monday morning after an illness of several months. Mr. Wolkos was well known in this community as the family lived here for a number of years. Mrs. John Stecker has been in Milwaukee for the past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ole Wolkos. Mr. Stecker drove up there Monday. Mrs. Frank Hitchens and Julia Butler spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. E. Hawley home. Miss Hazel Peters and friend of Bel vide re were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters. Mlrs. E. E. Butler and daughter, Shirley, who have been visiting with relatives here for the past two weeks have left for their home at Bath, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawley of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake were Sunday callers at the home of Mk. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens drove to Madison Sunday. They ate Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson in Beloit. How about that order for oui splendid brand of coffee. It's just as good as ever. Erickson Dept. Store. met Monday evening. Many were presentr :and all enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Hettermann, Mrs. Joe Hettermann, Donald and Gerald Hettermann and Misses Martha Hettermann and Helen Smith'were Woodstock callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip 'Tennes of Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freund Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff Visited yith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels Sunday. Math Smith visited Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Joe Huff. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dietz and daughter, Catherine, Miss Christina Brefeld and son, Carl, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Baur Sunday. ' The Afternoon Five Hundred club met in the home of Mrs. Frank Kempfer Thursday. High honors were awarded to Mrs. John A. Miller, Mrs, Peter Freund and Mrs. Tony Schmitt consolation. Mr. and Mrs. William Krift and daughter, Magdelena, of Burlington, Wis., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thelen Sunday. The Merry Five met in the home of M iss Helen Smith Sunday. Miss Rose Pitzen visited her parents a few days last week. Miss Mildred Schaefer visited with her parents a few days last week. Miss Mildred Schaefer visited with Mrs. Henry Stoffel Tuesday. The Jolly Eight Club met in the home of Mrs. Joe J. Michels Sunday. The evening was spent in play., five hundred. The lucky ones were: Mrs. Frank Kempfer, first; MTS. j. M. Pitzen, second and Mrs. H. W. Hetterman, third. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. King Sunday. Miss Regina Kattner of Spring Grove visited with Miss Kathryn Frett Thursday. Miss Mildred Miller visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Schmitt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen Sunday. John R. Freund was surprised on R. 1 OVERTON GUEST OF BUICK MOTOR COMPANY R. I. Overton of the Overton A Cowen Co., Buick dealers has just returned from Flint, Mich., where he spent two days as a guest of the Buick Motor company. Buick is entertaining the majority of its 3,800 dealers at the factory and the famous General Motors Proving Grounds this fall, at the rate of about 250 a week. Mr. Overton made the trip in a special Pullman train, along with the other dealers in the Chicago Buick branch territory. The dealers reached Flint early Thursday morning, their train pulling onto a siding near the Buick factory. The party, numbering about 125 men, was met by Buick executives, divided into groups of a dozen or so each, provided with guided and started at once on an inspection tour through the plants. JCxcept for luncheon, which was served at the Hotel Durant, the tour occupied the entire day. The luncheon was attended by E. T. Strong, president of the Buick Motor company, E. W. Churchill, general sales manager, and other Buick executives, who addressed the visiting dealers on various sales and service problems, and congratulated the dealers for their part in making this by far the greatest of all Buick years. The next day the dealers landed at the Proving Ground, which lies a few miles from the nearby town of Milford. Here they were shown the testing through which Buick goes constantly, to safeguard its position of quality leadership. After a day crammed with incident, they left for home. "It's hard to say which was more amazing, the factory or the Proving Ground," said Mr. Overton. "Each was a wonderful experience and a genuine treat. The day at the factory brought home the marvelous efficiency of Buick manufacture and explained how it is that Buick can offer such startling values. We saw the conscientious care vthat goes into the making of every Buick car,--the relentless tests which insure that every one is right when it goes out--and we gained some conception of the policy has as rumor sometimes has it--but to put those cars through the most rigid tests, in comparison with all other cars made, so they may perform with the best at all times. "Buick keeps a big fleet there constantly, going through the roughest sort of grind, so that performance! may be constantly bettered. These! Buicks average 900 miles a day apiece the year round, which gives some idea of the tests through which they are put. "The demonstrations of Buick roadsters upon the speed loop was amazing. ^ I did not know before an automobile could go so fast. "I think all the dealers Jn the territory felt that the visit was the experience of a lifetime. For myself, the visit to the plant and the Proving XJround, and our contact with Buick's builders, made me mighty proud of my connection with Buick. It put a Better Automobiles are Built, Buick v * ^ * Will Build Them.' We've got insid*.- - . information, now, that Buick 'doesn't rf mean maybe'." 'V Overton & Cowen have Bukk Service stations at McHenry, Harvard and Crystal Lake. TERRA COTTA his birthday Sunday. Those present j enormous resources this were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund andjena^e{^ Buick to develop. family, William Tonyan and children, "1 w»s especially impresse4 at thfe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tonyan and son, I w»y machinery has taken the place of Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan I man power, whose work it does more and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann. i quickly and more accurately than men. Silk and wool hosiery in all the desired shades for winter. Erkkaon Dept. Store. *PRING GROVJB We are now displaying the famous Zenith All-Electric Radio KNOX MOTOR SttES A very sad accident happened on Thursday afternoon of last week, when Anton Freund, 28 years old, accidentally shot himself while hunting. He passed away while on the way to the Woodstock hospital. He leaves a wife, (father, mother and sisters and brothers to mourn his passing. The funeral was held Monday at 10 o'clock at St. Peter's church. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peacock were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Sanders home in Hebron. Silas Pierce and nephew, Lysle Pierce, of Richmond motored to Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. Math Boner of McHenry spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Peter M. May. Mrs. Henry Nulk is much improved from her recent illness. Donald Winn and friend of Chicago were Thursday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Wagner's. Arthur Franzen of Fox Lake trant acted business here Friday. Mrs. Alchenburg of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of Joe J Schmitt and attended the funeral of Anton Freund. Arnold Rauen motored to WHmett® one day the past week and called oil his cousin, Mrs. Lillian Hoffman. Joseph Bretz of Rockford spent Thursday with his parents. Mrs. Ina Gracy and children, James, Buryl, Ruth and John, of Honey Creek and Thomas Church and John Gracjf of Crystal Lake were Saturday evening guests of Reid Carr's. Mrs. Frankie Stevenson and nephew: Clyde Carr, of Ringwood transacted business here Friday. Mrs. Annie Wagner's sister and family of Iowa returned to their home the first of the week. Mr. Hopp and friends of Chicago were callers at the N. N. Weber home Thursday. Mrs. Hobart Freund of McHenry spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. W Freund. The wedding of Miss Mamie May and Ed Hoffman of Wilmette was announced for Nov. 26 at this place. Wool and cotton blankets in the large attractive plaids in several colors. They come both in double or single blankets. Ericsson Dept. Stor§ Movement of parts, in their transfor mation from raw material into finished cars, is taken care of by a system of conveyors of marvelous ingenuity, each designed perfectly for its-own particular job. They run from operation to operation, and from plant to plant, in what seems like a hopeless maze; yet their movement is perfectly co-ordinated, and their combined effect is efficiency itself. "For all its machinery, Buick employes about 30,000 workers. Its factory is nearly two miles long and several blocks wide; it has its own fire and police departments, its own water and telephone systems--in short, it's a good sized city in itself. "We were delighted to see the Proving Ground, because wte had heard so much about it. The visit set us straight on one point; the proving ground was not established to set a stamp of approval on General Motors cars--to prove them good, real significance in the slogan: 'When Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bolger and ily spent Sunday afternoon at ths home of D. A. Powers. Andrew Henderson, Sr., of Chicagjb spent- a few days last week at tlja home of Philip Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergman ao(S daughter, Janet, of Chicago viisted at the home of Miss Alice Leisner Sa4* urday and Sunday. Mrs. Philip Huffman is spending fc. few days in Chicago. : Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner of ChJ» cago were guests .of relatives here Frett Bros. & Freund v MASON CONTRACTORS "and ClNCRKfS BUILDING UNITS * Telephone McHenry 600-M-l otf 66-R | MILLER'S STORE J Jos. J. Miller, Prop. GENERAL MERCHANDISE | "A Good Place to Trade in All Kinds of Weather" Phone 114-R McHenry, III i!: Only a complete examination with the latest scientific instruments will reveal yarttor eyi trouble. V :;-'Y / ' The public is invited to visit my newly equipped optical office located above the Schwabe Jewelrv Store, ^ •&' • 217 Benton St _ - ; ; Open Days and Evenings Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Phone 674 for appointments. "Woodstock, •• M GRAHAM BROTHERS J TERRA COTTA JOHNSBURG Authorized Ford and Atwater Kent "Where Your Dollar Buys Most" Phones 30 and 31 Lenry Albert Sehmitt who was in the St. Anthony hospital came home last week. His friends were all glad and very much surprised whep they saw him again. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer visited with her parents Sunday and Wed- " BCsday evening. The Johnsbtir# Cdmm^nity club lfr. and Mrs. George Dunkley and son, Billy, of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Edward Roche and friend of Elgin were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago visited at the home of B. J. Shine oft Sunday. Miss Mferie Knox was hostess to eight of her girl friends on Saturday afternoon in honor of her thirteenth birthday anniversary. Games and stunts of various kinds helped to makfc the afternoon pass all too quickly, after which a delicious luncheon wai served. The guests departed assure ing their hostess that they had spent a very enjoyable afternoon and wish* ifig her many happy returns of th# day. Those who made up the merry: party were: Ruth McMillan, Alice Mc«, Millan, Lucille Hundt, Myrtle Huff-| man, Ruth Anderson, Evelyn Saalfeld. Phyllis Huffman, Ruth Saalfeld, and Mabel and Marie Knox. M3ss Florence Knox visited relatives in McHenry Sunday and attended the C. D. of A. initiation and banquet there in the afternoon and evening. We carry a full line of the latest styles in zippers and rubbers. Let us fit you to yeer next pair; Erickson Dept. Store. 1-Ton (6-cylinder) $1595 2-Ton Dump (6-cylinder) • 1645 lft-Ton • • 1245 l'Ton G-Boy • 895 %«Ton Commercial 670 ICkmmU Pftcm i. •. k DmwtM 9£»Ton Panel Delivery Car (Complete) $770 DETROIIProof of the surpassing value of the G»Boy is not far to seek* To judge of their speed, power, smoothness, pick* up and trim appearance--watch them right out there on the street. To get the story of their dependability, their operating economy, their business building ability and their earning power---talk to the thousands and thousands of G-Boy owners. See one .... Drive one .. .. Only great volume production possible such value at so low a price. JAMES MORROW & SON Wauegan and,-West McHenry 1 y GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS •r SoUaadSarriMdfcv mm

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