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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1927, p. 6

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7 . ' .. *•' * >/:*-•-, .* «• «.*• *> ts. *ji** :4*&r THE McHENEY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, NOV. 24,1937 , c ~ v ? < i t ' i J ^ « • ) • ^ v - v j y - < " ? • M9 >k! Clothier: Were you pleased with the overcoat I sold you?" Customer: "Oh, ywr, all nqr boy* have worn it." * •'Well, think of that!" "I do. Every time after a rain the 'next smaller one has to take it."--- Exchange. s 'V' . HERMAN J. SQHAlSri^ Moving and Long Distance Hauling • ^ 't Phone 126-tr McHenry, Illinois UeWF.NRY TRAVEL# y EXCAVATING CO. ^ ...A<P. Frennd, Prop. • Road Building and Excavating of Every Description JSstimates Furnished on. . Request ^ ^ High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 654-M-2 * ~ McHenry Oldand self-rising Buckwheat Flour Now is the time to begin to think about some of those wonderful buckwheat cakes. There is none better than the product of the Nctleor) floor Mills Wes1 McHenry. 111. Ask your grocer for JL As every day passes, most every wee child asks questions galore that near drive mother wild. The what and the where and the whyfore of things, are words to the singsong that every kid sings. You mustn't do that and you must not do this are things a child's told so he won't go amiss. You're aiming to help him, and hope to get by, but always are stopped when the youngster asks "Why?" Too often all parents lay rules down offhand that minds of the wee folks can ne'er understand. 'Tis well to explain them. Tis well to be stern. For, knowing the whys, is the way children learn. When talking things over and making rules clear, you're helping the child to go right without fear. You 11 get his respect 'cause he knows that you're grown, and you'll help him to build up a mind of his own. - Krohn. | Upper grades honor roll: Ellen Smith, Irvin Walker, Charles Freund, Paul Walkington, Gerald Noble, Jessie Schroeder, Helen Harrison, Vivian Whiting, Mercedes Smith, Darlene Merchant, Donald Adams, James Lawrence, Mina Lawrence, Alice Peet, Frank Young, Ray Welter and Leonard Brown. "6 There was a loud and fearful crash as the train struck the car. A few seconds later Bob and Mts. Smith crawled out of the wreckage, Mrs. Smith opened her mouth to say something, but Bob stopped her. "Never mind talking! h& snapped, "I got my end of the car across. You were driving the back seat and if you let it get hit it's no fault of mine!" o. w. KLOirrz, m. a - Physician and Snrgeo* " (Alio treating all diseases of the Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Offce Hour*--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Wankegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, 111. WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Oflce with Kent & Company Every Wednesday Phone 8 McHenry, m. Nelly Bigle*s parents were vurry much again her marryin' Dave Dreamer, for he hadn't nothing saved up an' he hadn't no job an' didn't have much taste for work noways. But anyway they run off an' one day last week I met up with Dave an' he told me he were a-going to start up in bizness, which1 he is allers full o' wild schemes. "•I'm going up to McHenry tomorrow," he says, "an strike my wife's old man for enough to make the first payment on it," says he. in a day or two I seen him again an' I says, "How did your interview with Mr. Bigle come out?" says I. "Oh," he says, "I got quite a kick outen it," he says. "My lands!" exclaimed Uncle Rufe Falow, of Grapevine Creek, as he gazed at a saxophone display in a music store." The things - people smoke nowadays!" Now What We Want to Know is: "Who'll save the life-saver's daughter while the life-saver's busy saving lives?" "WhoU account for the .accountant's daughter while the accountant's busy accounting accounts." "Wiholl run the rum for the rumrunner's daughter while the rum-runner's busy running rum?" "Who'll make light for the lightmaker's daughter while the lightmaker's busy making lights?" "Who'll tan the hide of the hidetanner's daughter while the hidetanner's busy tanning hides?" "Who'll walk the floor with the floor-walker's daughter, while the floor-walker's busy walking floors?" telephone No. 108-R. ^ Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants Association of IUi^eu 2M-J McHenry, III My neighbor's wheat is growing fine: you need a spyglass to see mine. Sary Jane says the trouble is, mine didn't git the care like his; he plowed his soil and harrowed it until the soil was fine and fit, he mixed up some formaldehyde and soaked the seed, and when it dried he sowed it even with a drill, and so it grew and grew, until the field was covered thick and green, the finest field you ever seen. Sary Jane says, "I tried all fall to git you started up so'a you'd haul manure and wheat and get a yield, the trouble is, you loaf around and will not cultivate your jrround. > When Sary Jane gits a spell I just keep still and let her yell, it ain't no use to argue with these women gii sore at their men. The thing to do is let 'em talk and when they're thru just take a walk, these women cool off after while, and after you have walked a mile or two or three, as like as not your supper's ready, nice and hot. The thing I'd like to tell my wife is that the biggest thing in life is not your Mrs. E. C. Kawley, Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marian, and Mrs. Frank Hitchens were Crystal Lake and Elgin visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Jennie Cossman, Mrs. Rilla Foss and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were in Waukegan Thursday. ' -Glen Gunderson of McHenry was a caller here Friday. Miss Nellie McDonald was called home Friday on account of sickness in the family. Mrs. Leslie Olson of McHenry worked in the drug store in Miss McDonald's place. Mrs. Frank Hughes and Miss Frances Hughes of McHenry were callers here Saturday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Msltson and little son of Chicago have been spending a week's vacation in the home of Mrs. Matson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pearson. Allen Bradley and Miss Cunningham of Chicago visited Mr. Bradley's mother, Mrs. Alice Bradley last Wed nesday. Earl Whiting attended the Bears Green Bay football game in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunne of Lake Geneva and Mr. a«d Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ellen Whiting. Mrs. Smith of Storm Lake, Iowa, has been visiting heir sister, Miss Flora Taylor. J. V. Buckland, Louis Hawley, C. W. Harrison, H. C. Hughes and C. E. Martin attended a meeting of the Royal Arch Masons at Woodstock on Thursday evening. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Neal and children spent the week-end in Chicago. Gordon Webster of Woodstock "was visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Emma MIerchant Sunday. Charles Thompson, .Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls and Mrs. Arnold of Elmherst were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jennie Cossman. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matson were Lake Forest visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Noble, Mrs. Flanders and - Mrs. Schlickenmeyer were Elgin shoppers Wednesday. E. E. Whiting, Mlrs. Ellen Whiting and Miss Marjorie Whiting attended the funeral of Ole Wolkos at Milwaukee last Thursday. Mr. Anderson and son, Chester, of Chicago spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the Gus Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson drove to Hampshire Sunday, where Mr. Stephenson attended a meeting of the R. F. D. men of McHenry county. Mr. and Mjrs. C. E. Martin had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider of McHenry. Mrs. Ben Tonyan is quite sick at this writing. Mr. Giddings is enjoying a week's vacation from his duties at the bank. He is visiting his daughter at Pekin. Mr. and Mlrs. James L. Conway of Libertyville called on friends here on Sunday. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and MSss Julia McLaughlin are visiting in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter and children , of Kenosha visited Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay Sunday. Mrs. Louis Schoewer, son, Kirk, and daughter, Jessie, were guests of Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron Sunday. Thomas Kane spent the week-end in Chicago. ' Mrs. S. W. Brown and Leonard and Mrs. Amos Smith were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained fourteen guests from out-of-. town Sunday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. Moss of Crystal Lake is helping to care for Mxs. Alice Bradley who is sick. Mrs. Clarence Hopper and three children of Crystal Lake are Visiting relatives here. Twice T o l d Tales Interesting Bit* of News Take* From the Columns of llUb Plaindealer Fifty and Twenty-fir* Yoan a,. >;: .A, November, 1877 During the next twehty days we shall offer black cashmeres, waterproof, ladies' cloaks at wholesale prices. Please call and examine. Fitzsimmons and Evanson near the depot. Don't fail to go to Mrs. S. Searles' for latest styles of trimmed hats at the lowest prices ever offered. For our Thanksgiving chicken we are indebted tt> our townsman, F. A. Hebard, for which he will please accept our thanks. We learn that a man by the name of Darrell, who resides near Wauconda, committed suicide on Monday by taking a dose of arsenic. He was a bachelor and about 45 years of age. No cause is assigned for the rash act. Not within the memory of man were the roads known to be so bad at this time of year as_ now. It is almost impossible to get along with a team and an empty wagon, and with a load it is utterly impossible. And still it rains with no prospect of letting up. With this state of things of course trade of all kinds is almost at a stand still, and should it continue we shall soon be cut off entirely from the outside world. "Let us havepeace"--or cold weather. ^ . November, 1962 C. D. Schoonmaker, editor of The Plaindealer, who had the misfortune to step on a needle, is now at Sherman hospital in Elgin. He passed a successful operation last Tuesday, whereby the needle was removed from his foot. He is getting along nicely and will probably be with us again next week. Albert Thomas, who is attending school at Dixon, 111., is visiting his parents, M!r. and Mrs. William Thomas west of town. While out hunting the other day he succeded in capturing two wild geese. Sunday evening at six-o'clock Mrs. D. G. Wells gave a bridal tea at her home in honor of Albert W. Reynolds and Miss Estella Clayton, who will be married today. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds, Mrs. Tunstall, Albert Reynolds, Harry Eldredtre, Misses Estella Clayton, Rosina Reynolds and Rosa Justen. M. M. Niesen, our east side marshall, had an experience at the power house last Thursday afternoon which he will not forget for, some time. While engaged in filling the gasoline tank which feeds tf»e engine, tank overflowed, the gasoline running down his arm, and at the same time the engine stopped. Mr. Niesen without thinking immediately struck a. match to start the Engine, when, like a flash, his whole sleeve was ablaze. He tried to extinguish the blaze with his other hand, but to no avail, the blaze flashing higher and higher. See. ing the danger he was in he made a dash for the door, where he was met by E. B. Perkins who came to his assistance and who suceeded in putting out the blaze. Seventeen (17), in Block Number Two (2), of Dr. C. H. Feger's Addition to the Village of McHenry, being a subdivision of a part of the North East Quarter of Section Number Twenty-six (26), Township Number Forty-five (45), North Range Eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, as surveyed by Charles H. Tryon, September 23rd and 24th, 1895, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. -itm ' - TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent (10%) of sale price to be paid on day of sale, and balance to be paid when dee4 is delivered. Dated this 29th day of October, A. D., 1927. Floyd E. Eckert, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 23-8 William M. Carroll, Attorney. GUARDIAN'S SAIm>\ State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. By virtue of a decretal order of the County Court of said County, entered at the November Term of said Court, A. D. 1827, on the application of Math J. Smith, Guardian of Clarence Smith and Elmer Smith, Minors, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to said Minors, situate in the County ttf McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: An undivided two forty-eighth? interest in and to the following: The West fifty-nine (59) acres of the South half of the South East quarter of Section Number Six (6); and the South ten and one-half <10%) acres of the East forty-two (42) acres of the South East quarter of said Section Number six (6); the above described premises also known as Lot Number three (8) of the County Clerk's Plat of the South East quarter of said Section Number six (6), as per Plat recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 2 of Plats, on page 13; and also known as the South half of the South half of Lots Number one (1) and two (2) and the South half of Lots Number three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6) and seven (7), of the Subdivision of the Alfred Stone Estate of said South East quarter of said Section Number six (6), all in Township Number forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and containing in all sixty-nine and fifty one hundredths (69.50) acres, (excepting and reserving therefrom that portion thereof conveyed by Math J. Smith, a widower, to Susie Freund and Peter F. Freund, by deed dated August 5th, A. D. 1927, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry Couhty, Illinois, in Book 183 of Deeds on page 359), and situate, lying and being, In the County of McHenry, in the state of Illinois. I shall, on the 10th day of December A. D. 1927, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., sell all the interest of said Minors, in and to the said real estate, at the East door of the Court House, Woodstock, 111. Terms of sale as follows: Cash; the purchaser to pay twenty-five per cent (25%) of bid on day of sale. Balance upon approval of sale and delivery of deed. MATH J. SMITH, Guardian for Clarence Smith and Elmer Smith, itninors. 23-4 Mr - Santa Sa*y s: • -ri •>£: <*Watch for next Plaindealer" \ DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDEALER Sheets 24x36 inches. a TIRE SALE Compare These Tire Prices with your Mail Order Catalog and remember these are standard makes 30x3% Cords 30x3% Oversize Cord ' 30x3'/z Tubes . .. . . - 30x3'/z Oversize Tnbea 29x4.40 Balloons - . . ~ . 29x4.40 Tubes . '•' $5.95 $6.95 $1.50 $1.75 $7.90 $1.80 Tires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all sixes, Radio A, B and C Batteries W ALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battery - Charging and Repairing West McHenry, Illinois TERRA COTTA Mrs. Nets Person spent Sunday evening and Monday with relatives in PIkhm 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying MeHENRY, ILLINOIS crop of corn or ha^but just enjo^|Ch^°- M visited his sister, ment dav by day. Stae says that 1 m a flop, I never raise a bumper crop,, ^ but just the same I have rfty fun, that an® "un is something you can't buy with mon! Insure - In Sure--Insurance WITH- Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHENRY, ILL RINGWOOD i DENTISTS McCHESNEY & BROWN !>£• • (Incorporated) Dr. L W. Brown jte. R. M. Walker Brtabtfsfced over 56 years and still daiag basinetm at the old stand Pteneers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Miik your neighbor* n| Friends about us. B. Cor. Clark and Randolph St. U* N. Clark 8t, Chicago ! Dt% S to 5, Sundays 9 to 11 ' f Phone Central 2647 Social Affairs The members of the Jolly Sixteen Bunco club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Nick Young last Tuesday afternoon. Five tables of bunco were played the first prize going to Mrs. William McCannon, second to Dorothy Peet, htird to Viola Engels and the consolation to Frances Young. Guests other than the club members were: Eva and Louis Williams Frances Young and Viola Engels and Mrs. George Worts of McHenry. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Elmer Olson. The dinner and bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid society last Wednes day was quite a success. Practically everything in the booths was sold. The attendance was large, nearly all of the surrounding towns being well represented. The .affair netted the society $167. School Notes Primary honor roll: William Dodge, Clarence Adams, Sylvia Freund, Marorie Noble, Kenneth Franzen,( Zane Grey, Gladys Shepard, John Noble, June Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daugh ters, Mabel and Marie, were Elgin visitors Friday. Dr. G. H. Pflueger of Crystal Lake "was a professional caller here one day last week. Mrs. B. J. Shine and son, Raymond, spent the first of the week in St. Charles and Aurora. Nels Person of Chicago visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunkley and son of Elgin visited at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox visited with relatives in Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Miss Eleanor McMillan went .the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lynott at Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Darlene, of Carpentersville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan Sunday. Philip Huffman and three daughters spent a recent day with Mrs Huffman in Chicago. Miss Mabel Knox visited relatives in Woodstock the first of the week J. W. Wingate and E. C. Rockwell were recent business callers in this vicinity. Harold Knox and Wallace Preston Friend (to man shaving in back yard): "Do you always shave outside?" Man: "Certainly, do you think I'm fur lined?"--Good Hardware. . William M. Carroll, Soliqitof. Sale of Real Estate State of Illinois, County of McHenry, m. In the Circuit Court of McHenry- County--September Term, A. D., 1927 Barbara Engeln, Complainant. vs. N. F. Steilen, Kathryne Steilen, et aL, Defendants. Bill to Foreclose--Gen. No. 22800. Public Notice is hereby , given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of October, A. D., 1927, I, Floyd E. Eckert, Master in Chancery of said Court, will on Friday, November 25th, 1927, at the hour of two o'clock in the after, noon of said day, at the East door 6f the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described real estate in said decree described, to-wit: Lots Two (2), Three (S), Four (4), Fifteen (16). Sixteen (16), add 1621 and Walker, Floyd Freund, Amy 1 visited at the home of E. Malone in Lawrence, Alice Mae Lowe, Dora An-1 Elgin Sunday. derson, Florence Adams, Stanley I • Young, Loren Thomas, Lucile Peet, We have a full line of trash fruits Kenneth Noble, Richard Young, Mary and vegetables for Thanksgiving. Celine Adams, Elmer Schaefer Rich- Phone your order in and we will fill ard Kelley, Russel Franzen and FredlDept Store. For BITTER OLASSBI BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE Sm Mt BENRY FREUfjt Optometrist Pries BIdg. McHenry, TtTinois. «; Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Sat- ! I urday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to 9 p. n. Phenea: Office McHenry 188 ! Residence, MeHenry 176. Mil I liM» M > 11 • IIJ UitlM As we join in tho home'-comings and feastings of this season, we can give thanks that the understanding established between the friendly Indians and the Puritans li^pre than three centuries ago is duplicated in the trust and confidence between men of all sections, occupations, and positions today. - Every one has something for whi&h to be thankful. So the day of turkey and cranberry sauce, of pumpkin pie and lucisous fruits is a welcome festival. . As we review the record of the year past--we know that growing accounts are cause for thanksgiving by many customers. If you're not one of those who gained " --make a fresh start now! We're here to help. In observance of THANKSGIVING DAY, this institution will not open Thursday, November 24th. Fox River Valley State Bank "The Bank That Helps You to Get Ahead" '"^3 if

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