rowooD % ' Social Affairs Mr*. Henry Stephenson entertained >a few ladles at bridge last Tuesday evening. The first prize went to Mrs. N. H. Petesch and second to Mrs. .Minnie Miller. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening. The ladies presentw ere: Mesdames Andrew Eddy, Fi»ank Hitchens, •H. C. Hughes, Clinton Martin, Minide Miller, N. H. Petesch, Joe R. Smith and Robert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. HP. C. Hughes enter* tained the Evening Bridge clab at a chop suey sapper last Thursday even, ing. Table appointments were In orchid and white with orchid sweet peas as the centerpiece. At cards prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wegener and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. Mid Mrs A. Lawrence; ' Miss Lora Harrison of the Bvanston hospital is spending two iqpek's vacation with her parents here. Mrs. William MicCannon visited relatives in MlcHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson i IB--. .. > , b-. *'1 •*] i *>, z* v. •' Boxing Show #• •SB ^ V w* • #:v' J- £ Polly Prim Tavern HcHKNBY, ILLINOIS pj' *V2 H'. |"jf ,§i •V:7 ?• r: . '???••*• -I &•':v ' AIT Star Joe Coffey Card v ^ITnder *Auspices Polly Prim Athlectic Ass'n , Joe Brtoks vs. Jack Denny, 138 lbs. "RED" HAUPRIS vs. MICKEY SHERIDAN, 135 lbs. WOODSTOCK, ILL. CHICAGO, IIlL BILLY BLUE vs. FRANKIE WHITE, 117 lbs. WqBENRY, ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. Hike Kamis vs. Joe Swarts, 150 lbs. Jack McLoughlin vs. Mike Murphy, 185 lbs. , y . Frank Trant vs. Claire Beifhett, 145 lbs. Harry Newman vs. Ray Garbell, 122 lbs. Bring the ladies. Tickets at the door. * Gents--$2.00, Including Tax Ladies Free were Elgin visitors Friday. Miss Ruth Owen of Elgin was a week-end guest in the hone of Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brush and son of Elgin visited relatives here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgrem -of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schlickenmeyer were Elgin shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Glen Treon of Crystal Lake was a Sunday visitor la the George Harrison home. Ben Stevens visited a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. Oscar Tabor is numbered among the sick this week. Miss Bernice -Smith and John W. Smith visited in Chicago a few day* this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were Solon visitors Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Warren Jones and Mrs. R. S. Howard of McHenry and Miss Blanche Pryor of Princeton called on friends here Monday. Mrs. Ellen Whiting and Misses Marjorie and Norma Whiting were Elgin shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Rilla Foss, Floyd and' Wayne Foss were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell of MlcHenry. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson visited relatives in 'Woodstock a few days this week. Mrs. Frank Hitchens was a Chicago shopper Tuesday. Court of LomI Retort The pari In any town Is the court; of last resort More moot question* legal and otherwise; are settled under the shade of the old elm trees In the park of the average town or vll lage than In most courts of record Characters are made and lost and family history la laid bare as the skeletons from the family rl •»•»«•! are brought out and aired.--S(anbur; (Mo.) Headlight. Get a Moo* On, Mother I - If, as 8 German scientist asserts, the formntlon of petroleum by naturals still going on. nnture had bettei work fast. The demand to <nere»«ine --Indianapolis News. Tftke Aim A general wish -to be Hucceggful to no better than no wish at all --American Magazine. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas MAIN and BENTON Sts. WIEN'S i*. II lH; ^ • A Sale of High Grade SILK FROCKS $12.95 $16.75 $25.00 Offers Style at Savings Frocks of Black Satin, Georgette and Crepes in wondrous quality of materials and created in the advanced spring Style lines are offered at savings, because we procured them that way. Every detail as to style and workmanship, adheres to Wien's quality policy. Styles and sizes from 14 to 46 V2. Exceptional Values In Coats $19.75 $29.75 $39.75 $59.75 , The Practical Gift Store TEL. 3 WOODSTOCK, ILL For Holiday Occasions Misses Evening Frocks of Taffeta, Velvet and Crepes $12.95 to 129.11 The tremendous demadd for diphtheria toxln-antoxln threatens to deplete the funds appropriated for supplying this material long before the btennium Is up, according to an announcement made recently by Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director. Never, before has such a wave of Interest In any one preventive measure seized upon the public of Illinois with such magnitude. Immunization campaigns are especially general in the extreme southern and northern parts of the state. "Last month 37,000 children were Immunized against diphtheria io Chicago alone," said Doctor Rawlings. "and the health commissioner there has requested enough toxin-antitoxin to immunize 75,000 more before Christmas. Scores of other municipalities and rural communities in the northern section are Immunizing children on.a wholesale scale. State health officers, nurses and doctor? report the busiest season ever experienced with preventive work. Contagious diseases Jn the downstate sections show a decrease according to a report just issued by Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state director of health. The report shows that there are 195 cases of diphtheria* 226 of scarlet fever, 15 of typhoid fever and 24 cases of smallpox. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, John Q. Trimmer, a pioneer of Mound City, Mo., vowed he would never shave again. Today at the m*-' of ninety-three, b; has kept promise. » aya> t OSTEMD Modish Fur Trimmed Coats at January Clearance prices, the^at for the holidays and participate in the savings. You can ha*| Johnny Kaiser has been suffering with a boil on his forehead, which was very painful. A McHenry doctor treated it several times. No orchestra practice last week. The teacher, Rollin McCannon, lives at Greenwood and drives to and from school. Thursday his car froze up and he could not take it home. Friday night's practice was put over. There is a little better news from *~j .'JijT""-- ' * ' * ' State Treasurer Garrett D. Kinney has credited to the general revenue fund a total of $827,955.76 in Interest earned on state money during the first ten months of his tenure of office, according to the monthly report which he has just issued. This amount, the department announced. Is $144,000 more than was paid in by any other treasurer In the same period of time. The report shows that Illinois has a balance on hand of $33,394,302.92. -while the balance on hand July 1 was $51,756,000, the state having expended approximately $13,000,000 in four months, mostly for improvements. The total bonded indebtedness of the state is $145,25)0,500. of which $97,- 000,000 Is in highway bonds and $48. 279,000 in soldiers' compensation bonds. Farm relief by federal legislation was urged by heads of agricultural de partments of various states who closed their annua.l meeting In Chicago recently. No specific program could win individual support and as a compromise measure they went on record as strongly favoring relief legislation of som* sort, 8, J. Stanard, director of agriculture for Illinois, reported. "As has been the case in other agricultural measures," the Illinois official said, "the industrial Blast seems lacking in sympathy for the agricultural central states and the West. Some of the state leaden of agriculture service seemed disinclined to urge say sort of actfea Joe .Jacpi relief." . . Whether a search warrant Is Issued under the search and seizure act, or to recover stolen property, the warrant must conform with the constitutional provision that "the right of the people to be secure against unreason- ; able search In their persons, houses and effects shall not be violated," Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom has informed the state's attorney of Ogle county. The state's attorney wished to know whether a warrant for recovery of stolen property, to be valid, had to be attended with the same legal requirements as does a warrant under the search and seizure act The fundamental requirements of a search warrant, the attorney general answered, may not be violated, whether the. warrant be for recovery or for any other purpose. ' -• Illinois, a union state, produced the third largest volume of bituminous coal in the country, 69,330,923 tons, and obtained the highest price in the central competitive field, $2.14 a ton, the 1926 report of the bureau of mines showed. Coal production in the United States during the year totaled '657,804,437 tons, 84,437,452 of anthracite and 573,- 366,985 of bituminous, with a value estimated at $1,657,576,000. Pennsylvania ranks first, the. report shows, in both anthracite and bituminous coal production, while West Virginia tonnage crept to within a few millions of tons of that of Pennsylvania, placing its production second largest In volume, and slightly ahead of the Illinois volume. West y'rgfTrjf Is a nonunion state. The Egyptian Transportation company, Marlon, has filed an application with the Illinois Commerce commission for a certificate of convenience and necessity to operate a motor bus line" between Carbondale, Cobden, Anna, Jonesboro and Cape Ferry. A formal complaint has been filed by the Northwest Side Commercial association against the Chicago Railways company as to the various street car line and bus extensions and routings In the city of Chicago. % C.' E. Jecks. No moer splinters worked out for some time and wound is healing. a* be out but sits up. Bk|- fca* MPt bean to see the doctor for several dSys, tht wound is dressed at home. Mr. Yonke drove to Beloit last Saturday and returned with two truckloads of wood. He owns a timber lot near Belojt. The Hobart family and the Kaiser were all in Woodstock Saturgroceries. bertjTkomas slipped and fell on the cett'eat barn floor and is suffering with laioeness. No broken bones. Last Thursday Mjr. Franks was obliged to deliver his milk with a horse. His truck was frozen up. Earl Sherman was driving -home from Woodstock about 8 o'clock one evening last week and met-.a car with in a tire blew out and the car turned completely bottomside up He was unhurt but it took ten men to turn i over and a wAcker was sent for. Two wheels were broken. Strange ^to say, the top was not injured. f This bad foggy is bad lor the pupils that drive t-> McHenry to school. They have to have lights, -. ^ Shotdd^^nowf ^ : ' • . -I / If in our store we have for your choosing more gifts, and mor#4 * V iiharming gifts than any store in this section, it is because we are ^ f f"*0*ViTKi:-'-.i y.f Vv We are in constant touch with all the importers of Europe's clever^* \ " *. LiWn«s as well as with all the manufacturers of ingenious gilts, of oui* J* Bjjwncountr#-v; ^ ^ From this oountless source select Hie new, the odd, the Here yon can also find all the Wy latest creations in ladies' Hand 'Lbggage, and Leather flood®. We invite you to our store to inspecttteiriiidof gifts tfeatare stire be appreciated, The Carlton Leather Cg. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. ..£j "*V- V; - V,y: 4-L-r*- % %• - Sv Announcing Formal Opening on Saturday, December!! of the A©P store, which has been moved into the New Walsh Buildings on Green Street, McHenry, X' •v FREE! We will give a beautiful water glass with each 50c purchase. With each $5.00~purchase we will give 12 glasses. FLOUR Gold Medal, 24«/i lb, 99^, 49 lb. ^^OC. PDiillllsobKuiirryv Dam Tto/V Ceresota Bag Bag ©OLDEN BROWN SUGAlt-- iLICE--Fancy Blue Rose Seeded or Seedless ..4ite.25^ 3 lbs. 20c v "uioc ' L fZAmrr btttter^BuW IPOWDERED SUGAR lb. 19 c • • •' «. i j •- • . • • • -- Grand Mothers Famous for Quality 3 terge Loaves COFFEE--8 O'Clock Brand . .... JELLO--^AU Flavors .3 ^s. 99<y ^--~^3 pkgs- 25e MILK rsr Pet, Bordens OT flnmnt-imi 3 tall car1? |ULK DATES tAHCY CHOCOLATES 251 .3 n>. box 98^ Xmas CandiesOhoice lb. Rejection LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL ENGLISH WALNUTS--Soft Shell, 1927 Crop J*>. 25 c AD Kinds ' CParetro n Cf ftt POP CORN--Sure Pop • - ^ 4 lbs. 25^ jpZED HUTS--1987 crop --lb. 27<J P&6 Soap 10 -Bars ^ELERY--Extra Fancy, large stalks 0RAPE FRUIT--large sim ^ 2 for 15* Bananas Golden Fruit 3 lbs. 29C Si. ATI-ANTIC (i PACIFIC W;:.75 ' ! fiddle Western DHrisiM LI-" 14,. 'vte.;,., ,',A- ...r ' :