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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1928, p. 1

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VOLUME 53 McHENBY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1928 JELKE GOOD LUCKS TAKE BASKETBALL GAME 24 19 Clem's Smoke Shop Team From Elgin, ' lN*taring Earl Britton, Here Sunday Probably the hottest basketball game of the season was played at the high school "gym" last Friday night when the team from the McHenry Amateur Athletic club met the Jelke Good Lucks from Huntley. As the Jelkes had defeated all of the teams in the territory, including Woodstock, the local boys knew they were up KIWANMNS IN PEPPY MEETING ATTENDANCE CONTEST V GETS RESULTS Itodolph E. Johnson Presents Views on Hunting Preserve and Putting I Fish in Waters ! One of the peppiest meetings ever the Niesen Cafe last Thursday even- {boys had won four out of five games £ when all but two of the thirty-six played this season so it looked pretty members gathered at the table, be-[much as if the battle would be * aides three guests. j pretty even one, The chicken-bean attendance con- j The Jelkes were minus the services %ist recently launched is stirring up 0f their star back guard, Durrenberginuch enthusiasm and rivalry between an(j had to change their line up the two sides, captained by Dr. C. W. j somewhat. The score at the first Klontz and Charles Unti. One mem- quarter stood Jelkes 10 and McHenry ijer from each side was absent last 2, but the local boys did some fast meeting. "We don't eat beans" is the work jn the second quarter and at the Popular slogan on both lines. | end Qf the half the score stood 19 to y Rudolph E. Johnson, owner of the 12 in favor of the Jelkes. ibid Knob hotel on Pistakee Lake, and u^ing the second half McHenry %Tnew member of the club, presented ma(je 7 more points and the Jelkes me food for thought to the organ- made 5 points which brought the final Itvtion, which matter was referred to gcore up to 34 to 19 in favor of the Jfee public affairs committee for con-, Good Luck boys aideration. Mr. Johnson said m par . ^ gacon was high man for McHenry v: "We are £°ing to yote this sprmg gix baskets to his credit and Hill m a $20,000,000 bond issue for the De. ^ the SCQting for the Jelkes with partment of Conservation, which ^ 1 Relieve will carry by a large majority. |tvery right-thinking American living In Illinois should vote for it, as it will ®ot be a direct taxation on the propy owners, but will be redeemed by MILK FARMERS PROTEST PRICE BIO *EETING" IS JP WEDNESDAY COUNTRY CLUB HOLDS ITS ANNUAL MEETING Resolution Adopted Against Price Posted For Months of January, February and March At a mass meeting of dairy farmers of the Chicago dairy district, held by the Milk Producers* association, on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, there were present some 200 men representing nearly every corner of this great dairy Uis- -trict. •• • This meeting was called to protest the price posted by the dealers for the months of January, February and March. That it proved to be the kind of a meeting called for, is best shown by the official action taken in the adaption of the following resolution, which was voted upon by a standing vote, no one present not standing, and all voting in the affirmation. WHEREAS, We, the dairymen of the Chicago dairy district have tubercular tested our herds, in accordance; Richard B. Walsh, who had been un-, st e(j w;th the young men mentioned . . . • J » . « n -- - • i A « . / v ^ A k 1 t r / l & f o i r i A H o i > r i V A f i a n H o e . r ' and fishing five baskets and three free throws. He scored all of his points in the first half. The second team played the Richmond Bronchos Friday evening and won the game with the. score of 21 to 16. The official score is as follows: . • Jelkes (24) . FG FT PF rf .1 0 Flora, If -3 1 Lsnge, c with the order of the Commissioner of Health of the City of Chicago, and "WHEREAS, The indemnity and returns for reactors has not and does not meet more than 50 per cent of the cost of replenishing these herds, and WHEREAS, The year 1927 was a Revenue from hunting uC6llS€Si "There are many good things we ... tan secure for this district, which lies wnippie Jn a location which over 7,000,000 *|ora' ...........1 ibeople can reach by not more than a c -- 5 3 fwo and one-half hours' ride. i ^ g 0 ? "Chicago, at our door, with its Bur® • * -- 0 large population, cannot go east, west (*ugn, ig or south and still stay in Illinois and ( 10 4 ~ nd as wonderful fishing and hunting, pp pp 0 0 grounds as they can right here in our 1 McHenry (19) listrict. If we get our due share of Overton, rf this proposed bond issue, which I Bacon,^ it beleive should be at least half of the » c total amount, as we can figure that Kinsala, rg ...-- about two-thirds of the present Whiting, lg ........ licenses issued by the state of Illinois j Conway, lg ....... are being used here some time or | A 1 .......6 1 0 ,.„...0 ...........0 other during the season, we could halve ( 8 3 On Tuesday evening the McHenry the state purchase a hunting preserve --- ------ tn Dundee of at least 20,000 or 30,000 acres in A. A.basketbaU team Dundee Richard & Walsh Re-elected Aa President of McHenry Club; B. E. Bassett Continues Secretary The annual meeting of the McHenry Country Club was held at the city hall on Sunday morning, Jan. 11. The meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock by the vice-president, F. G. Schreiner and the minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. A. E. Nye was appointed as temporary .chairman for the election of officers and the following officer* were duly elected: President--Richard B. Walsh. Vice-president--F. G. Schreinejfc . Treasurer--Gerald J. Carey. Secretary--E. E. Bassett. ' Directors for three years*-- H. H. King and Ben Stilling. Directors for One Year--N. H. Petesch and J. N. Sayler. - The financial statement of the year was read and approved and the vicepresident, F. G. Schreiner, called on JURY RETURNS 25 TRUE BILLS VICE INVESTIGATION COUNTY . IN HIGH SCHOOL QUINTETS LOSE TO THE LAKERS V j ^ State's Attorney Lumley Presents HIb Evidence To Grand Jury and Secures Indictments The grand jury in session Monday returned twenty-five true bills, charging contributing to the delinquency ot a minor in nineteen of the bills and larceny and operating slot machines in the others. The nineteen bills charging delinquency to a minor is the result of the investigation made on juvenile vice in McHenry county by State's Attorney V. S. Lumley. Nineteen of the indictments were returned after charges made by four young Huntley girls. The girls are, Hil- Fint Team Takes Small End of 26 to 14 Score--Second Team Score Is 19 to 14 Last Friday the McHenry high school quintet dropped off at Crystal Lake to pay the Lake men a visit. The games were fast and snappy ones but the Lakers claimed the final .honors. The first team line up was: Barbian, rf; Frett, If; Dowell, c; Harrison, iw; MSller, lg; Thurlwell, Schroeder and Vycital, subs. As the first quarter of the first game ended it looked as though Crystal Lake was due for a trimming with the McHenry boys piling up quite a score. During the first few minutes PETITION COUNCIL FOR NIGHT POLICE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY NIGHT ' S ? . Will Ask Immediate Action Giving City Proper Protection During Hours of Darkness Dorothy Zerbel, Emily Miller, the club members present for ideas 'dreth Tracy and Ruth Allison, and suggestions for the improvement Th<? ng men clmrged i„ the inof the playing conditions and the! dktment8 mentioned above all live in betterment of the golf course in gen-;and arQUnd Huntley Amazing stories presi en »[were told by the girls of wild parties Realizing the urgent need for n night police, due' to the two recent burglaries at the Ray McGee Clothing store, several of McHenry's business men gathered at the rooms of the Mc-' Henry Pleasure club Tuesday evening to discuss what action should be taken of the game one of our men fouled. I to provide our city with more* pro- Crystal Lake made the free throw, j tection. which was the only point they madej it wa8 opinion Qf^ large feajorduring the first quarter. Harrison ity 0f those present that the city idthen received the ball at center and, ministration is in duty bound to prosank one of his dazzling long shots, vide the citizens with ample police Frett intercepted Crystal Lake s pass | protection and a petition is being and made his shot for the goal. A circulated to be presented to the eral. At this time the avoidably detained, arrived and assumed the chair, giving a short talk, in which he summed up the achievements of the year and outlined the program /for 1928. A copy of the by-laws, which have been completely revised by a com very disastrous year in the production m it tee headed by C. N. Owen, was of grain crops, corn, barley, oats, etc.,; read, approved and unanimously acforcing the producer of milk to pur- cepted. chase a large part of his grain feeds, the close of the meeting the new at a very high price, and "WHEREAS, The present price of milk ($2.50) is unsatisfactory and not sufficient to warrant the buying of cows to keep up our herds, not the j JUNIOR HIGH TEAMS purchasing or feeding of a proper • amount of grain. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the producers of milk in the Chicago dairy district, in conference this 11th day of better in the indictments. 19 Youths Named The young men named in the indictments charging delinquency to a minor are as follows: Charles Gault, Harold Markee, George Markee, Harry Shied, Arhtur Hajnmond, Walter Nelson, Gilbert Evans, Carl Schultz, Ralph Sickland, Carl Schultz, Walter Thrune, Donald Lincoln, Gardner ai ute ciu»e , Ror holt, Gardner Bogholtz, Elmer board of directors met for their usual | AI business. The meeting adjourned until the next stated meeting on Feb. 19. Lake man fouled him and he added another point to the score with the free council at a special meeting to be held Monday evening, Jan. 23, 8 o'clock 3 throw. Dowell passed to Barbian un- at the city hall, asking that the coun der our goal and another basket was added to our score. The quarter ended with the score of 7 to 1 in favor of McHenry. The second quarter did not turn out so well for our boys. No goals were made in our favoc but Crystal Lake cil take immediate steps to put on a night police to protect the public against robbery and lire hazards. City Ndeds Night Guard At the present time the city has no night officer after the hour when pu^t in four baskets and, one f»r ee tthLr„ow„, Marshal Walsh ,g oes off. du. ty, ,l ea.v.i.n®g bringing the score at the half up to! <>pe f n f f or cr°?ks to ply * 12 to 7 in their favor. The Crystal;trade w ,thou ) t interruption except that Lake coach had to bring out all hisi»n occasional citizen might be return, WIN TWO GAMES White, Alford Waller, Harold Allison Harvey Ritz and Ralph Sickland. The three named in operating slot machines are John Freund, Peter Engeln and John Knox. The three named for larceny are John Austin, Edward Sopczak and Lester Robertson. . Out on Bonds Harold Markee, 21, of Huntley, one best material to stop the onslaught of the Orange and Black and the battle waxed fast and furious. jjj During the third quarter Thurlwell took Frett's place at forward. Crystal Lake then dropped in a basket followed by Barbian sinking one and Thurlwell making a free throw. Crystal January, 1928, do demand a «v.. ... --. . . , and be it further} The tvo basketball teams of the .of the young men indicted is also ourTommunfty, as there are plenty-of where they met and defeated farms that would make wonderful Dundee Woodworkers by a score hunting grounds and could be pur- 22 to 18. The game proved to be chased cheap, as they are merely a interesting one. MeHenry igot away burden to their owners, as they can- with an eight point lead to start the Sot raise anything on them, and in game and the half ended with *e the summer we could use them for score of JfcHenry 12, Dundee 9. The tourist grounds, parks and play- Dundee players came back strong >n grounds for our children. I the second half, tied the score and "The state has already established were leading 18 to 14 with about five such hunting grounds in other parts minutes left to play. At this Point "J of the state where the population is the game McHenry staged a rally that not as great as it is in our surround- netted them four field goals and ine territory. For instance, they have brought victory. Whiting was put in established 3,000 acres at Horseshoe the place of Freund which necessitated Falls Lake, near Cairo, 1,700 acres in a change in McHenry's lineup. Qver- Woodford county and 700 acres near ton and Bacon were the shining lights Lacon in Marshall county. Therefore, for the McHenry team. Overton, who I believe that, with over 7,000,000 was closely guarded by J&th throughpeople surrounding our district, we out the game played a good floor game are not asking too much if we ask and was the high point man for Mcfor 20,000 or 30,000 acres. Henry: Aniballi at center led tne "And I also believe that as we are Dundee team iq scoring with nve on on» of the finest chains of lakes points to his credit. there is in America, we should see to McHenry (22) o n it that they are well stocked with fish, Kinsala, M *> so as to be able to take care of the W. Bacon, rf -- - 1 0 Grayslake Basketball Players Are Defeated Here Saturday Afternoon price for our milk, and be it further! The two basketball . _ . "'RESOLVED, That we disect thatSjunior High won two hotly contested | facing a charge of rape, ihe cnarge the Milk Probers' Association at j games with visiting, teams from j was made by Dmxrtny Zerbel wno 1 once secure a conference with the Grayslake' at the grade school gym on | only 13 years old. Markee is o buyers of our milk to secure a better Saturday afternoon. (bonds of $3000 at the present time. Price for our milk." Tht boys p„t up . Hood «nd. ,ol .If U thougM. th« As an evidence of good faith in weii did they play that it was necessary C'r^ will be brought before the court carrying out the declarations named {or thg firgt team play three over. and ordered sent to some home in this resolution, a permanent com-' iods the tie could be' institution mittee of seventeen members, repte- \ broken resulting in a victory for the On Monday the grand jury passed senting nine counties, was made and, . with a score of 13 t0 12. the following resolution: instructed to carry out these principle.*j Thft . who piayed on the first: "We, the members of the Grand First, a meeting with the dealers; sec-; team were p, d Covalt jack Purvey, | Jury, do hereby 8,ve our expre.sion ond, the securing of a better price. 1 Bob Peterson Carl Rietesel and | of confidence to you, Mr. State s At- It was further declared and onan-1 Eugene Sayler. The second team, also, | torney. We have found you judiciou imously voted that each person present 1 ^ tQ wjn which it succeeded in' in your work and believe you have the become a committee of one to cover . • b _ score Gf g to 7. The boys I welfare of the county m mind ana at their several districts and sign up to,. Dlaved were: Alvin Baur, E« heart. Our grand Jury session thus ' P y Charles Peterson, Donald far has been characterized by a spirit 0 ..2 ? 9 4 8 iTG FT PF 1 0 0 two-thirds of the people of Illinois who Overton, If enjoy the great outdoors life, who Whiting, C would come to our district providing Conway, rg we would furnish them with the sport h. Bacon, % y they seek, instead of taking long and -i / tiresome rides into other states. And we also would find we would not be Dundee (IS) the losers, but would profit, not only Peterson, rf .. for the district but the state Would Dahn, rf increase its revenue by the increased p Wagner, If sales of licenses, which is now being j^th, If lost to both, on account of not enough R Wagneir, c fish to supply the sport, which they Annabella, c can get in other states. Buhrow, rg "According to an estimate made in Ehl«t, J* ......... iHgn hi--iii •• iiji^ 1 fee spring of 1925, the amount spent by the outddor sportsmen of the Chi- > 7 4 8 cago district alone in Wisconsiin, On Sunday afternoon? January 22, Michigan and Minnesota, is over $150,- the C|em Smoke Shop team from 000,000 a year, which money is not g^jn wm come to McHenry gym for only leaving our district but also leav- a battje royai with the local team. The ing the state. first gafne starts at 2:30. "Therefore, let us try and secure £arl gritton, former University of restocking of our river and lakes by xilinois star, and teammate of "Red" either enlarging the present hatchery Qrange> will be one of the Smoke at Spring Grove or building new ones Shop fiye All fans are advised to see eAmAw^Am ftn nur of this scrap 0 0 St » 2 ...~2 ....0 i the association every producer ©f: M tthews ^niiril.s -- . t milk. ! Granger, and Lloyd Lockwood. • j of good will and an intense interest The meeting adjourned to meet Thig Saturday afternoon the teams; in the promotion of justice K>r tne again on Wednesday, Jan. 25, at .1° jof the Junior High will go to Wood-j people of McHenry county. e ena. m., at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, stQck wrhere they win meet the boys. courage you as our state s attorney in at which time the committee is to re- ^ Todd's Seminary. j your effort to elevate the moral port on its success and at which time, ^y}th the interest that these boys: standards of our county and pledge also, plans for further work will be I, already taking in atheltics and the; you our loyal support in your remade. ^ j guccess they are having, it looks as j sponsible position." Every milk producer is urged to,if gome future champions are being attend this meeting on the 25th and H.v<>loned. , Mc HENRY RIFLE CLUB to bring every producer of milk |o the j WINS SHOOTING MATCH gathering. | n « n/ .1 f The McHenry Rifle Club were Paste Pot Philosophy ™tors in the rifle match held last ing home at a late hour perhaps would notice a stranger around acting rather suspicious at such a time. The two robberies at McGee's Store ought to convince any right-'hinking official that something must be done and it is believed that the mayor and. the aldermen will act when they as- Lake Then added four more points to | semble at the special session. Of their score Frett returned to his i course, the putting on of a night offiplace as forward. Barbian shot a free! cer is no guarantee more robberies throw followed by a basket by Crys- will not occur. But the thieves will tal Lake. The third quarter ended < not enter the city in the darkness of with a score of 11 to 20 in Crystal!the night nearly as quickly if it is Lake's favor. | known that an officer is looking for In the last quarter Thurlwell took them. Miller's place and Schroeder took j Fire Ha sard Would Be Le» Harrison's place. Thurlwell shot a McHenry needs a night man, not; basket and a free throw and Crystal oniy for protection against these vl Lake followed by making three thieves but on account of the danger ,1 baskets. As the final gun went off the: 0f ftres breaking out and gaining 3 score stood 14 to 26 in Crystal Lake's 1 great Tieadway before they are dis-« v? favor. Although the Lakers are. covered. Although great improvethought of as having the best team j menta have been made in the business * in the county up to this time, it took buildings of the, city in the last few all the basketball ability in their best years, there are still several frame . j men to beat the Orange and Black. The buildings which, once a blaze got • - •; return game on our floor is due to be > g0(Xj start, would be wiped ou*. in $ even a better one and the McHenry \ ah0rt time. A watchman patrolling , "i boys feel that they are bound for an- the streets would have an opportunity other victory. ! to spread the alarm in time to savR The second team is either having j thousands of dollars worth of prcperhard luck or else they lose their pep ty. at the half. All of the player are, What the council will do with the new men. Draper played " I r'8by> petition is problematical at this tim^ If; Thennes, c; Patzke,rg; Wegener, but ^ signers believe that they ar* lg; O'Shea , Smith, Whiting and ustified in asking for the protectioi Schaefer, subs. The first• - which the officials a^e duty bound t» ended with a tie of 5 to 5 and the boys . j felt quite encouraged. At the half y 1 the score stood 11 to 8 in favor of 'ilf n *A BOXING SHOW AT THE POLLY PRIM TAVERN Another boxing show at the Polly Prim, McHenry, Wednesday, January 25th, will feature a card of seven bouts of which five are return matches favored and demanded by the fans. Monday evening at the Armory, Woodstock, with Co. A. 129th Inf., which Weekly Clippings From tka Jokeatera' proved to be the interesting contes Columns j 'hat was predated, and i a very close margin of ten points, ine The theatrical manager was not ex- following are the scores per man on pecting any one to come in so late oach team: the afternoon when someone; McHenry Rifle Club Thewindupof this1 show willbe the | Bruce Nickels same as of the last show ,«Come in>» he shouted. "Well,1 ^{3 PiUen 11th, ClaireBenne t \s. ac what can you do--^dance, sing <>r,Herb Freund ............. ^^8^e^o TS^ityi-hat? I am busy. Let's hear you Wm.^pe« ZZZ at 117 lbs. Blue earned ^e dmsion, SIiyhe*^0'man i^ked embarrased and , Genoa Jt'y «ain meets^Harry Hart, made a very poor attempt to sing Tot* ^ fo^ei^a to H^tr^ | ^tt^'^cnounced the manager Dick Batten bShe^f McS^£ mUfjTsmlSi " ^ow "^meekly replied the jRaiph Leppold ^ of Chicago at 126 lbs. O'Shea received | -oman, "ar.d if you are about through ^'^Ronmng^-. thesfirst victory in his first appearance j 111 start scrubbm the^ ^ in the ring at the show of Jan. 11th. | what 1 CUM >" Grocer. foK"--ProgreiMW® somewhere on our river or chain lakes, where we could restock our waters with game fish by the billions instead of by the milk can full. 1 believe the expenditure of at least $5,000,000 would take care of this very nicely and I am sure that if we will accomplish this, the McHenry Mothers' Club Mrs. Glen Peterson was gttest of honor at a party given by the members of the Mothers' club at the home of Mrs. E. G. Peterson on Friday afternoon. Various games furnished the Kiwanis will do one of the greatest tc' * 7 * 7 " !" m n r riniovable mfdeeds, not only for (fur present gener- amusement fof * very enjo ati on but a blessing for the coming! ternoon. generations, for, as we all know, good ; ~ clean outdoor sport means ^ Spencer, William Althoff, Ray McGee environments, cleaner companionship! House Jack Thies, Harvey Nye, •nd better citizens." | John Givens The following committees have been •named by President Nye for the coming year: AgTiculture-i-Gerald J. Carey, P. W. Frett, H. J, Schaffer, George. B. Tonyan. Classification and Membership--F. E. Govalt, Roy Kent, N. H. Petesch. Goodwill and Grievance--Albert Barbian, Harvey Nye, Clarence Doiiglaa. Inter-club Relations--Thomas P. Bolgjer, John Givens, Ray Conwmy. Program--Walter Peterson, George of the committee. H. Johnson, L. A. Erickson. Publicity--^A. H. Mosher, Stirling, N. J. Nye. Attendance--C. H. Duker, W, Klontz, Charles Unti. Kiwanis Education--Charles Reihan r.perger, R. I. Overton, Charles F. Renich. Public Affairs--P. W.' Frett, James Marshall, Rudolph Johnson, Julius Keg. Reception--N. H. Petesch, Thomas P. Bolger, C/ H. Duker. The president announced that each member of the committee would act as chairman an equal number of months during the year, either three or four months, according to the size That makes him 100 per cent to date and the future looks good for him. Red Houpris of Woodstock encounters Ernie Aldrich of Crystal Lake at 147 lbs. in what should be an interesting match. Harry Newman vs. Ray Garbell at 125 lbs, George Gleason vs. Joe Adams at 135 lbs. are both return matches of former showss. The usual menu of fast and clean, bouts will be served at this show. The windup bout should prove extremely interesting judging by the way the boys performed in the ^indup of the Jan. 11th show. The management will endeavor to develop and match local boys with pugilistic tendencies as much as will be consistent with the public demand and applicants are requested to write Tack Worth, McHenry, for instructions and application for registration in the A. A. U. Central district. All seats will be $1.00 plus tax and the attendance of ladies is especially^ solicited. ......177 175 169 176 *.....180 ,.„...877 191 169 169 .......165 --..173 Crystal Lake. Our boys held them 8 to 7 until a minute before the half when the Lakers dropped in two MCHENRY'S GROWTH AS SHOWN BY TELEPHONE# McHenry's growth last year, as in>» wicu ~ thpir score1 dicated by the number of new telosnappy baskets bringing their f„0™phoncs installed, was described by G. to 11. The final score was 14 to 19 in Crystal Lake's favor, and the McHenry boys did some real basketball playing to hold down the score of the J**8 ® T. Wilburn, manager of Woodstock, today. Mr. Welburn said that thenik net increase of twenty-ninf telephones installed in McHenry dur* La^er,s" ^ . • mnrh i ing 1927, which was one of the greatf- Bo h teams are play g vety I est in the history of the Illinois Be®/ ma * * Thii d«. ; and --i, Belvidere will play our boys her* ac*m * ° ggj Friday evening, Jan. 20 and the local In McHenry today, tfcwe «« W ^ boys are working hard getting m trim telephones, compared wi.h 420 teJ^^,t „taM a victory on Friday night phones, ten years ago. The first game was played with Bel- It's the aim of the telephone copj Jfdere ongD« 16, It Belvidere. at pany, said Mr. Wilburn, to p-ovj4j ,; which time our boys met defeat. Since ample facilities for the normal gro«vtk then however, they have grown wiser of this community and keep pace wi-fc and have profited by their experience, i a constant prosperity. ^ and they are going to give Belvidere ^ -- battle for every score they make at. Legionnaires this encounter. I McHenry Total shown you all our stock now. shoes are the ones you were wearing when you came in."--Passing Show. 861 Capt. Thompson, Co. A., and B. C. Mfueller were the judges. There will be another match between * next These Monday night starting at » p. and no doubt it will be a very close and interesting miatch. Visitors are welcome, and there is no admittance Install Post, American Legion^ Thenbwns^ow for the Crystal Lake j held averting at Foresters' haU la* game was as follows; Barbian, f .............. Customer: "No--nc! I couldn t walli . in shoes that pinch like that"! There will ta m£^r^v' Clerk: "I'm sorry, madam, but Ive,4.he Rifle club _%_ _n ewv nnw. These; 9 m. "Bow are you getting along at home while your wife's away?" "Fine. I've reached the height of efficiency. I can put my socks on now from either end.--Blatter. Bruce It was voted to continue to meet at the Niesen Cafe until the attendance contest was finished. The program for tonight will be aAnniversary Week," in charge of the Legion Meeting ICcHenry Post, American Legion will hold a meeting Thursday, Jan. 26, in the Forester Hall. Refreshments will be served. All members and exservice men are requested to attend. Annual Forester Feast The annual Forester Feast will be held on Tuesday night, Jan. 24, at the Johnsburg Parish hall. McHenry and Johnsburg men and lady Foresters are cordially invited to attend. 33-fp* Lecturer: "What is the color of the human skin?" Ruth: "Wel-er-about the same shade as flesh colored stockings. Soverign Visitor. charge. . The rifle club practice as usual every Thursday evening. "Are you laughing at ifte?" "No, sir." "•What else is there to laugh at? --Leatherneck. "Am I the first gM W9U *wer kissed?" "Now that you mention it, you do look familiar."--P. H^ Weekly. A few lashes serve to punish the wife beater. The husband murderer is harder to control.--Exchange. "Do you file~your nails?" "No, I just throw them away after I cut them off."--Soverign Visitor. "Money is ray chief worry^*. » "I didn't know you. had any* "I ha*e«V~Pw>gr<i»sive Grocer. + CARROLL IS APPOINTED ASSISTANT STATE'S ATTORNEY Attorney William M. Caroll has been appointed assistant state's attorney. The appointment was recommended by State's Attorney V. S. Lumley and approved by Judge E. D. Shurtleff and Judge Charles T. Allen. There seems '.o be no question but that the county board will also approve. Attorney Carroll will continue with his office at Woodstock and make his weekly tripe to McHenry on Wednes days. The job is ipt a new one to Mr. Carroll as he served in that capacity during the last term of State's Attorney Lumley. Tha young attorney is also city attorney of both Wood stock and McHenry. Bunco Party Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Young entertained several friends at their home on Thursday evening of last week. Bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Laura Kent, Mrs Peter J. Schaefer, Miss Ruth Kent, -i V" 4SH-.IN**# , "id -M u Thursday evt hing, at whiih time the l! following officers were installed: S Commander- Thomas P. Bolger. i 6: First Vice-Commander -- Allan 0 Noonan. 0! Second Vice-Cumma'ider--w ilaam 4 Bickle.\ 1 j Finance Officer--Gerald J. Carey. ' ; Sergeant-at-Arms--Ray Page. 1 Chaplain--Albert Barbian. * 0 i County Committee--J. W. WfcIfc 0 and Leo Stilling. 0 Peter J. Neiss presented all the part 1 commanders with buttons in token of 2 appreciation for the services thsS® 2 men have rendered the post. ? 01 It was ordered that a check lp 3 drawn on the Memorial fund 0 relief of ex-service men at the Elgii fate hospital. ^ Gaaolme Tax Befuad^ ^ fh 11 uumto 01 Vnder the present gasoline Mir appointed to the position of state; anyone using this fuel for any othjr motorcycle police, the appointment purpose than automobiles and trucSft. dating from January 15. Mr. Guinto is entitled to a 2-eeat per gallon ijvill be remembered as the city motor-; fund. In order to get thjs rt ia cycle policeman in McHenry during > necessary to fillet a blank supplied the summer of 192T and also been • b, U» rtat.. >« •£»£* conducting the McHenry Cartage at either of the local hanks. ""V company for some time past Frett, f Thurlwell, f Dowell, c .... Schroeder, g Harrison, g Miller, g ... Handrock, Bessil, f • Buchanon, Holland, f Ehlert, ? . Beach, e . Splinte, g Lange, g . Ruppert, g Buhrow, g Crystal Lake a0 "Phil" will ride on Routes 20, 22 and 19 in and near McHenry county and will make his headquarters in this city. Motorisits are warned to see that Takes Examination The civil service examination fitthe position of post master ti|ft McHenry post office was held at Crystal Lake Saturday. Wal er J. they have the required license plates who is now tilling the posUHMiof poj* and the law calls for them being bolted master, was the only appoctftc on instead of tied on with wires. They the place. ... | also must be kept clean so that the number can be read easily. All trucks must be eauiuped with mirrors. Public Dance at Be--rl Laka ^ an Tuesday, January 24th.

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