jfejjeiry J laMealef. tiff WEBXESCAY, AUG. 18th, 1875. jr. VA.1V SLTKI; ALITOR. The new wheat of the crop of 1875 has commence^ arriving in Chica go. The first shipment was received last tveek, being one lot- of Spring wheat from Nebraska and ono lot of winter wheat from Iowa. _ fer- f V : lerBy the failure of t>uncan, Sher- man & Co., the city of Chicago lost ; ^ f $42,000 that had been deposited with them as the financial agents for the city, g?,.\ vrhieh position the house hasheWfor . more than twenty years. j* Moody,ahd Sankey might have | , had $25,000, legal copyright on their liymn-books, to bring home from Eiig-; lane with the in, but they wouldn't touch it. They only ordered it to be used for spreading the Gospel. We shall begin to think these two men are reallf Christians, if they keep going on in this unusual way. *• .• w- \ T " IX V» '•}' ' .6 ; 'f * 1 ~ The Rockford, Rock Island and St, Louis Railroad was sold at auction in Chicago on Monday last, by order of the United States Circuit Conrt, under a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of the Union Trust Company* of New York, and was bid off by a representa tive of the bondholders in Germany ftv •^20.000, of whicli $200,000 was in cash. |&*The intelligent and patriotic people of Rockford would not stand the insult of allowing Jeff Davis to address them at their coming Fair, and the arch rebel has been obliged to cancel his engagement. Now the people of Winnebago should ask the Secretary of their Society to vacate. He is evident ly too smart to successfully run a Fair. ^ •>§ JS^The thief who stole a package of ' $47,000 from the cash room of the Uni ted States Treasury Department a few weeks ago, has been discoverd. Ilis name is Ilallecks, a clerk in the Depftrt- • m&ht, who was tempted to the act by i\tFo confederates at Washington. It is *tHolight that at least $40,000 of the stolen monev will be recovered. V$,The latest rumor about the mis- iJ&lng Charlie Ross is that John Wester- r nett, the brother-in-law of one of the abductors of the missing boy, and who was arrested and confined sometime F<f$jtace, as a conspirator in the abduction, was made an important confession as to the abduction of the boy, which prom ises well for his recovery, though it fur nishes no information as to his present, whereabouts. The famous O'Leary family of Chicago are failures. The original Mrs . O'Leary, who owned the cow which '"burned Cijldago, was an abject failure •until her bovine kicked her into noto riety. I*ow Dan O'Leary, another of the family, has repeatedly walked against tipie and always proved a loser. He has failed for the second time to to walk 150 miles in fifty-two hours.-- Dan. your only 'hopeof success is to buy ? a cow and get tossed into fame on her ; head or hoofs. AVliaft They Sny of Us. v We give below a few of the many notices given the PLAIN DEALER by brethren of the press throughout the country: Fromthe Wamkogan Patriot), v ; We are in receipt of a handsolfie ^1x column quarto,just established at >le- Henry. It is well filled with advertis ing, and looks as if it iiad located to stsiy, Van Slyke, recently of the Wood stock Sentinel, the publisher and editor, has our best wishes for success. Fromthe Daily IJluff City, The Pi.AIN'DK.vi.KIT is the nam# ©f a large and handsome newspaper just started in McHenry by J, Van Slyke, for veare-past editor of the Woodstock Sentinel. Van is the best journalist in Mi?Henry county, and his paper will make the; rickety old Sentinel and noisy Nunda paper tremble in their boots. From the Palatine HoraM. „ Our; old friend J. Van Slyke has launched his botit upon the sea of journ alism at McHenry, and calls his craft the PLAINDKALHK, It is a neat, newsy six column quarto sheet, presents a nice appearance and ought to" haves the support of everybody at Mellenr^. From the Roekior<i Gazette.' Wo have received the first numfor of the IVIcllenry PLAIXDEALFK, a new pa per just started at McHenry, McHenry county, by Mr. J. Van Slyke, for sever al years local editor of the Woodstock Sentinel. The PLAIKOE.VLER is a neat and interesting sheet, and we wish the enterprise success. Fi-om th« Klsrln Advocate. J. Van Slyke, formerly connected with the Woodstock Sentinels has com menced the publication of a new paper called the PLAINDEALER, at McIIenry, In size, it is eight pages, six columns to the page, and presents a very credita ble appearance, is well filled with lo cal matter, and should receive a hearty support from the people it represents. From the Marengo Re publican. W* have received-the first number of the McHenry PLALNDEALEK, published at McHenry by J Van Slyke, formerly associate editor of the Woodstock Sen tinel. It is a good looking sheet, well edited, and worthy a liberal support. We place it on our exchange list with pleasure. From the Belvidere Northwestern. We have received the first number of, the McIIenry PLAIN DEALER, a six jepf- iiinu quarto:/edited aud publishe^Hby J. Van Slyke. We welcome the PLAIN- DEALER to a place on our exchanges, and wish the editor all success in the rough path of journalism he has chosen to tread; From the Elkhorn Wis. Liberal. , Thejiewest venture in newspaperdom is the McHenry PLAINDEALER, whereof volume one, number one, was published on the 4th inst., by J. Van Slyke, for merly of the Woodstock Sentinel, aud later, foreman in the office of the In dependent of this place. The PLAIN- DEALER is a six-column quarto, neutral in politicy^nd thoroughly local. It starts out w*ith a liberal amount of ad vertising. and an air, in general, of a paper destined to succeed. It saluta tory is modest, as h^omes real- merit, and judging from number one the PLAINDEALER will easily make good all it promises. From the Geneva T^ake Herald. * We have often wondered why Mc Henry liad no newspaper, and now it is plain; they were waiting for J. Van Slyke to come with his well timed six- column PLAINDEALER. The paper is a handsome sheet and a credit to the pub lisher. ifiF" The prospects for an immense peach ctop are v#ry flattering indeed, the estimated number of baskets from Maryland and Delaware • alone being placed at ten millions. A.special train will be dispatched daily over the Balti more & Ohio read to supply the west; '1,150 cars have been chartered to take f the fruit; to New York and other cities, •and the American Steamship Company, i of Philadelphia, are fitting up hugh re- < fHgerators in their vessels, so that some £30ip§0 baskets may hS*carried to Liver- j popL at each trip. l&.Bri gham "Woung has been recept- '1y re-enforced by a large party of for eign glints, who came over on the steamship Wisconsin from Liverpool several days ago. One of the party was an aged dame, "whose sands of life had nearly run out. She expected to get into Brighatti'g household through faith in the doctrine of the "perseve rance of saints." Eight hundred scan- davian Mormons are expected during title mwth. 4f/ B@u>At the rate the Chinese are pour ing into California, in ten years they will'Constitute more than half the pop ulation. The San Francisco Bulletin" of July 15th,says: t "Yesterday the steamer Great Repub lic arrived with 943of these people, and two more steamers from China will ar rive this month, probably each with as manj' more." In addition to theGreat Republic carg^, the following have ar rived within a month: Ship Aronmore 43S; Steamer China W0; Ship Atlan 383; Ship Her Royal Highness 20; Bark William, II. Breeze 407." a<? ifci-.' THE MISSING BALLOON. The Journal of Tuesday evening hat the following Special Dispatch; WHITEHALL, Mieli., August 17,--The body of N. S, Grim wood, the Chicago Evening Journal reporter, who went up with Donaldson in the missing bal loon, was found yesterday on the beach of j^ako Michigan, near Stonev creek, by A, P.eckworth. He had on all his clothe , exeept boots and hat. Letters and notes of his trip prove beyond dojiJiyjiut it is he. • #/• ;|i(nr to Keep a Snbseiilxti^k" *v- An indignant farmer recently entered the office of the Elizabeth J^ews and ordered his paper stopped because he differed with the editor iu his views re garding the advantages of subsolling fence rails, The editor of course con ceded the man's right to atop his paper but he remarked coolly, looking over his Usi: "Do y,ou know Jim Sowders, down at Hardscrable ?" : "Very well,^ said the man. . "Well, hestoppod his paper last week because I thought a farmer Was a biam- "ell fool who didn't know that timothy was a good thing to graft on huckleber ry bushes, and he died in four haurs.' "Lord! is that so?M said the aston ished granger. -'•Yes;- and you know old George Er- ickson, down on Eagle Oeek "I've heard of him." , "Well," said the editor, gravely, "he stopped his paper because 1 said he was the happy father of twins, and congra-r tulated him on his success so late injife He fell dead in twenty minutes. There are lots of similar cases, but it don't matter. I'll just cross your name off", t hough you don't look strong, and there's a bad color on your nose.'* "See here, Mr. Editor," said the sub scriber, looking somewhat alarmed, "I believe I'll just keep on another year, 'cause 1 always did like your paper; and come to think about it, you're a young man and some allowance orter be made," and he departed,'satisfied that he had made a narrow escape from death. OF ALL. KINDS, At Prices that Defy Competition! * ' " . . . . r ( HALL'S SAFES, Fanning Mills, Wheelbarrows, Sawing Jtach Planters, '&c., :- : - '• '-^.V For Safe at the Depot and on the ruins of Rr Bishop's Agri cultural Works. / TIE BISHOP WMONS For Sale. ••'"pTie uwlcrsigncrl offers far Sale hia property, > 1 situated opposite the Riverside House, in McHcnrv. on the most reasonable ternis. Thero isa jrood and substanthii buiiding, suii- able for a store or other business, the upper part of which is fitted up for a residence. Con- necte'lAvith this is four acres of choice land, a (food kirn and some fruit. Persons contem plating purchasing will find it to their inter, est to call and look this property over. F, A. HIBBARD. McHenry 111. Aug. 16th 1875. • Administratrix gale of Real Estate* BY VIRTUE of an order and decree of the Oountv Court of McHenry Countv, Illinois niitdo on the petition of cite uintei'sigiioil Ellen Frisbee Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas Frisbee deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the August Term A. 1).. 1875, of said Conrt, to wit: on the sixteenth dav of August 1875, I shall on the TWENTY SECOND DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, at two o!elock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public sale at the premises in Nun- da'in said County, the Heal Estate described, as follow, to-wit: The north part of the north east one-fourth south west one fourth of section number eight (S) town number forty-four f-H) range number (S) containing thirty two ana one half acres in McHenry County," Illinois, on the following Boots, Shoes^ &c. We herewith annex -prloes of a few of the many articles whieh we jyre sell-i at mai* nn HPT nw nwiiaratnnr to receiving Good# for Jthe early® ing AT COST OS BELOW, preparatory Fall Trade: GOOD EREtePniNm* « - r DRESS PERCALES AND CRETONNES^ - GRENADINES, •- ^ " " BEST DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, - . - ' Also a large tine of BURMESESf- ARMEURS P(*PIfINS% BLACK AL->. PACAS, WASH POPLINS, <fcc., ; Worth 8 * n\ ; Worth 15 to t* 25 to 30; Worth s to 40 . fo is jh worth ni tom - V E R Y C H E A P ! OOUJI I>6UBLK FACED OTTOMAN SHAWLS BOM »1;W TO KM A LARGE STOCK OF Ladies anil Misses Cloth, Oil, Goat and Kii -ALSO- Men and Boys At Greatly K educed Prices, hand and the balance in one year with interest .ilSTten per cent per anum the purchaser to give approved security, and mortgage on the 'premises sold, to secure the payment on the remainit:^ purchase money. E 1.1,EN FRIS11EE, Administratrix * Of the Ksuite ol" Thomas Frisbee, Deceased. Dated qfi That have been !n use for near !y one quarter of a that I will WARRANT to be well made* of seasoned tlma ber and second to NONE IN THE MARKET/ 1 also have on hand tho ,0 Pgust 17th, A. D. 187&. J6@"A few sensible remarks like the following from the Boston Pilot, will do thf Irishmen in America more good than $10,000,000 expended in Fenian or ganizations: "The first duty of the Irish here is to be good citizens in this re public; to be teniperate, industrious, and provident; to give a good educa tion to their children. We hold that the Irish iu America can do Ireland the most good by w inning respect for the g^od sense, the moderation, and integ rity of her people. Talking about Ire land's rights will not have much effect. American interference in Irish politics can only do harm. Ireland m&st work out her own salvation; and she will re peat the old mistakes if she trusts oth ers,'" D. C. MALLORY, NUNDA, ILL., J Has }ast received a full lino of New Good a which he is selling CHEAP FOR CASH. Dry Goods, GRdCERIES, Hardware, Aco. Dayton, Ohio and Rockford ffjfWe have n large demand for Choice Table Butter for Chicag° • trade f fe* wUM» we wiU ; the highest price in exchange for GoerS Smith Bros. & Co McHenry, July 27th,l'875, Bargains! Bargains^ Toadies and Childrens Shoes we make a spec iality of, and always keep a full line of Wal) Paper, an t Window Shades. All kinds of Patent Jl licines, Blanchard Churns, Syrups, Teas, Oofiees, Kerosene, very cheap. The Millinery Department, Under the care of an experienced Foreman Is rowplete with the latest styles of Hats, Bon nets Ribbons, Laces, Collars, CuflEs Particular attention given to Conveyancing and Collecting. D. C. MALLORY, Justice of the I^eace and Notary Public. Nunda. July 27,1875. A curious episode in the rail- Toad station at'Lincoln, Nebraska, the •other day, was a 'Mennonite divorce. The man was anxious to go to Dakota, and his wife eqnally auxious to remain, •MO after a long argument in Kussian and German, they s#t down upon the floor, and, opening a hag containing 42,000 in gold, counted it out, piece by ptece, the man taking one-Half the wo man the other. They the nsh^ok hands and seperated, the man jumping upon Ihe train for Dakota. iff' • i- B^"It is estimated that the territo- ify ravished by the grasshoppers in Kan JW, Nebraska, Iovva and Missouri Amounts to about twenty thousand square miles. On tht* «paee one half to .three-fourths of the crops were destroy «d, involving the loss of sixty days la bor of two hundred thousand persons. ®nt a large portion of the ravaged ter ritory has been replanted, and the new .crop is reported, generally, to be doing #nely. Notwithstanding the loss there eeems to be a good prospect of each £tate producing t^iore than it ever did s 8®»»The Governrpent mints at Phila delphia, San FrauCisco and Carson City, are in full blast, and the amount of sil ver coin being turned out is especially large. For the fiscal year the coinage of gold was 1,730,062 pieces; value, $3,- 3g3,965; of silver, 22,823,216; value, $10,- 070,368.^ Besides these the report covers 1,40*2,950 pieces of five and three cent pieces, valued at 230,365. „ The total is 30,191.778pieces; value,$13,654,698. The increase in the number of silver dollars' struck ofl'is the most noticeable feature of the report. The government is ra pidly getting ready for the contemplat ed resumption of silver payment^ THE PLAINDEALER, ESTABLISHMENT IS AOW IN COMPLETE RUN NING ORDER, AND READY TO DO ALT. 0 KIN DS OF PRINTING J)@p-At a camp-meeting last tunv mer, a venerable sister began the "My soul he on thy jrnard i Ten thousand foes arise." She began in shrill quavers, bat It was pitched to high. "Ten thousand- Ten thousand," she screeched, and step ped. "Start her at 5.000!* cried a con- sverted stock broker present. A ten stop Estey Organ m goods as new for sale very cheap. lit use onl^ live months. Apply to SCOTT Marengo IlL rROM THE SMALLEST CARD TO THE LARGEST POSTER On Short Notice AND AT REASONABLE RATES! In addition to that I have the Standard EN0CK AND DOTY PLOWS, Of liock.«)r.l, ill tare warranted to scour in any soil. If not hn- <-:in be letu ned. Also the celebrated WiJIiam Ansori Wood and th« McComick ADVANCE NOW IS THE TIME AND ALDRICH & SMITH'S lathe Place to Secure Them. GRliTAT ClA»SL>'(i OUT SALE --Ol -- Romnants, &c., Bejow Cost for the next Thirty Days, as we want thtj money and room for our Fall purchases. , A large line of DBESS GOODS at 20 to 30 cents per yard. Pigues at 20 to 25 cents. Pereales at 15 to 20 cents. Lawns 10 to 12 cents. Linens and Grass Cloths AT COST. ^ We are daily receiving new and seasonable goods which we will sell at aa low prices for Cash or Iteady Pay as any House in the West. Have added largely to our stock of GROCERIES, and now have as fine a line as found in the market, including a choice selection of Japan Teas, new rop, Please try them. » * , n . . m A L D R I C H & S M I T H . Richmond, 1)1., July 27th, 187or THERE IS NO USE IN GOING OUT OF TOWN TO PVBCHASE ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF y To foe found at both Ware houses. Call and Examine before Purchasing Else* where* O. BISHOP* GIVE US ,A CALL t * ' McHcnry, I1L, Augiift 3d, 1S7& STOVES, TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, &C-, When a better article Can be Bought for LESS MONEY at the Hardware Store --&FW ' • John M. Smith, AT THE POST OFFICE. We have %TO VES thai make frown men you Can St eal Them, We also manufacture laughs and sell them Cheaper tfKHfb Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron War#. Into any Shape or desired. We make a point td do JOBBING OF Aix KINDS, lYfompffy, and Warrant U done well. We tnake^ Tinware a SpsrfrUty, because tee think on this we are Master of the SituaHon, Come ««<# McHfinry, ilk, Ata$. 2d, 1876, ~ \