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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1875, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25th, 1875 -Railroad Time, Table. GOING SOC*H. ' cietteva LakefPassenger.«.... 7:25 A. M" passenger........ Geneva Lake Freight.. 1:86 V. M. Express Passenger... GOING NORTH. Gene** Lake Freight J'! Express Passenger-.. Ciseoette Passenger .:'...., Geneva Lake Passenger........ ... A .iar. H. ..,|D:00 A. M. A, M. P. M. .:..7:10P. M. A. M.--Regn- second anil MASONIC. MCHENIIY CHAPTER NO. 34 R. lar Convocations held on the fourth Fridays in each month, • i, H. C. IRISH H. P. O. W. OWEN Sec., EAT cucumbers and watermelons this month, if you will, but don't call it TnERT^jare agreat many "pnll backs" in town--we mean those by the -gentlersex. T-'-r * A OOOD prfppect of there being plen­ ty of sourkrout this season. The yield Of cabbage ip large and ofgood quality. SOME fellow advertises that he re­ moves corns without using a knife. What does he use ? An ax, hand saw or mowing machine? If is said that cranberries will keep all winter in a firkin of water in the cel­ lar. How would it be when everything freezes in the'cellar, as it did in ours last winter? THERE is no way so sure, to assist in building up a place, as to encourage good schools, churches, a good news­ paper, good merchants and good people to come in your midst. v THAT long talked of'Base Ball match between Woodstock and McIIenry, is now set down for Friday of this week. Accident Life Insurance companies should govern themselves accordingly. ANOTHER of the wants of McIIenry is a good Bakery. A man who under stood his business in this line would re­ ceive a liberal patronage. We know of no better opening iu-*th^ county. Who will be the lucky man.;, Ax Oslikosli woman charges her hus­ band with indulging in crooked kisses, 1 and now she wants a divorce. What are we coming to? Are the men to have no rights which the women are bound to respect ? II.; WHEELER of the Riverside House, is making preparations to build a resi­ dence on the corner East of the resi­ dence of David Smith. This is one of the finest building spots in the village. He intends having it ready tp occupy by the first of November,.. A LARGE wolf was, seen four miles •west of this village, near E. Ercan- braek's residence, on Sunday last. He was a lean hungry looking fellow, and THE Harvest Party at National Hall, Woodstock, takes place on Friday even­ ing of this week. All who attend can rest assured of having a good time. IN the advertisement of II. Colby, on ttao first page of this paper, where the price of Linseed Oil is given, it should read eighty-five cents per gallon, in­ stead of seventy-five. MR, E.PERKINS sent ua a mess of as fine potatoes as we ever saw. "We weighed twelve of them and they tip­ ped the scales at nine and a half pounds. They were not only large but when cooked were as good as they looked. Thanks. - „ THERE will be a Harvest Party at the Riverside House on Friday evening. September 10th. So says Mr. Wheeler, the popular landlord of that House; and all know when he advertises a party a good time may be expected. Tickets will be-issued this week. Remember the date, September 10th. AV A. RICE, Deiitist, of Ntiiida, has made arrangements to visit McIIenry every Saturday, for the practice of his profession, and' can be found at the Stivers! de House. Dr. Rice is * first class Dentist, and those who wish any­ thing in this line sljould uot^aU to call on him when/Ti^rel - We b'^peak for him a liberal patronage. WORD has been sent us to give notice that the old settlers of McIIenry and Lake jOounties would hold a Re-Union at Col. Lippincot's Fox Lake Park some time in September; one informant tells us the 3d and 4th of September and an other the 23d and 24th of September.-- We will endeavor to get posted on this matter and giye full particulars next week. • four of the farmers in that seetion will4«_^ell to keep an eye out for their sheep. His scalp is worth just 815. THAT we have cast our fot in a pleas-, ant place and among friends is evident. We are under obligations this week for garden vegetables to Geo. W. Barney, Mrs. O.W.Owen, C. B. Curtis, Smith Searles, and others. May t-lieir shadows nevetf grow less is the wish of yours truly. You can't turn aroulid in this county now without stepping upon the toes of some candidate--who is willing nay. even anxious--to serve his county in the official capacity of Treasurer, and "all for his country's good!" 'What se 1 f-sacniieing fellows tiiese peli t icians are. IN connection with oue of our corres­ pondence this week we received the following spicy note "to the editor:' "I am to be absent for three or four days, and"have written on a jump--and with pencil--for expedition. Tuu»t you can read it; if not, may be the devir" can. THE Pickle Factory is now in full blast, and cucumbers are trumps for full ten hours a day. On Saturday last, we Jearn the receipts at the Factory were the largest of the season, but we did not learn the number of bushels taken In. The prospect now is that the crop of cucumbers this season will be beyond all precedent. »~r BY the daily papers we see there is to be a new Postal &ard issued soon.-- The color will be light gray, and the heavy border and lines of the old kind will be omitted. The stamp will be square instead of oval, the printing will be in black ink. the size of the card un­ changed, and the quality of the paper improved. ~r • . . Ox-MONDAY we noticed celebrated Bishop Wagons just turned opt of the shop of O. Bishop. These wagons are so well and favorable known that it is unnecessary for us to say any­ thing in their praise. Mr. Bishop is do. ing an extensive business in all kinds of Machinery, and as lie keeps none but the best, of everything that goes from his shop is giving general satisfaction. JACK FROST paid this section a visit on Saturday and Sunday nights, making overcoats and fires not uncomfortajhle, and making everybody look and feel particularly blue, As- near as we can learn, however, but little damage was 'done, and that principally among gar­ den vegetables, corn escaping almost entirely. We would respectfully ask | the weather clerk to "hold a lee tie on" before he gives us another such a scare. A GOOD story Is told about a certain man in this village whose absent-mind­ edness caused him some anxiety a few days since. It seems that in the fore­ noon he told the blacksmith to take his horse to the shop and shoe him, and wishing to use him soon after and for­ getting what he had told the blacksmith went to the barn and finding the horse gone concluded at once that he had been stolen. A warrant was immediately got out and placed in the hands of a con­ stable, who after a short search found the horse in the blacksmith shop "shod all around" and ready for use, as pc order. , we smoke. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER Esquire Mal- lory was called upon Monday morning to make two persons one, which he did very quickly l>y uniting Mr. Abbott and Miss Fitz hi the holy bonds oft matri­ mony. -- Mr. Bradford, of the firm of Lord & Bradford of Elgin, made us a visit this week. Dr. Balloit will soon move into our village. He is now building a nice barn. B.. Robinson Is building a picket fence in front of J. Walkup's new resi­ dence, and improvements are going on in everj* part of our village. • * Mrs. DeGrushe has been taken with the lock-j:iw*and has to live on food In a liquid form. It is agreat affliction and she has the sympathy of the entire community. f It was very cold in town last Satur­ day. ' One merchant had a stove up and a it. '• J- --v-., ,V Charley Verittilyea had a finger cut off playing ball last Saturday. Some of our oldest people wefe out catching ball. Willis Thompson has just come out with a new threshing machine,, a fine one. - h--':'••"• •• Last Saturday a little boy wlip has been at work for Will.Monroe, at jRidg- fleld.shot himself with a horse jpistol through the leg neas^fhe hip, causing death in thirty minutes. Another warning never to fool with fire-arms. The Nunda and Crystal Lake boys played the Woodstock Club a game of ball on Friday last at Crystal l ake, which*resulted in favor of Woodstock by a score of 9 to 21. There was some very bad language used by a Woodstock playej>rfnd everyone said it. was shame­ ful. The games now stand 8 to 2 In favor of Nunda. .. , The Dance of the Nunda »<^ial Club came off last Friday evening. There was thirty-six numbers sold. Every­ thing passed off pleasant and everyone had a good time. The music was%y Bryant & Butler's Band, Johnny call­ ing oft' very plainly. We noticed pres­ ent a number of old heafls, such as Dr. Wright and Orin Mansfield. David 1 lu ft'in an and f am i ly we re there,' David making it lively for all. Ira M. Mai lory offers two lots, fenced* with a house, well, cellar, cistern, trees, &c., next to the ball ground, for $700.-^ This offer will be open this week only. What kind of Corporation officers have we got ? For the lack of a little money and time our town looses the ground in controversy . between this town and Crystal Lake. Judge Murphy says that if they had got it surveyed the decision would have been different. Where is the Corporation any way?-- They have giten one man the privilege of doing all the hauling of goods,-and because a poor farmer hauled 400 brick 400 feet, he was fined..#*. But they can­ not collect because the Ordinance does not read right.« If ft was right no per­ son could drive through the village without being llne^|. What nonsense. THERE is a small town up in Wiscon­ sin that we think will hardly hold her own in population, if we are to believe a correspondence ^just received from there which reports the ravages of such dire diseases as "information of the bowheels," "eollory on fantum." and •'inflinitoon on lungs." How doth the little spelling bee? a BISHOP FOWPC of Chicago, was In this village on Sunday last and some­ thing over one hundred persons were confirmed &t the Catholic Church. 1 he gathering of members of that denomi­ nation was exceedingly large, our streets being crowded with teams; al­ most the entire 4$y» representatives being present from almost every town in, the county. WHILE passing the shop of L Francis­ co one day last week, our attention wa« called to'two new lumber wagon-', just turned out of his establishment, and if we are any judge they would be hard to beat,either in material or workman­ ship. We also saw a light, single-seat open Buggy, which he is gvitlag up for Dr. Brown, which when finished will be hard to beat. Also a two seat, three spring Buggy-for--H. -M.- Bryant.-- l iivui and space will not allow us to describe these Buggies as they deserve, but we must say that all agree that the work done at Francisco's shop is not surpassed in the Northwest. He has the best of material, employs none but the best of workmen, and when a job is turned out he warrants it just as represented. Call and see the new Wagons and Buggies being finished. He also does repair­ ing of all kinds on short notice. "Lute is a goahead business man, and is build- lug up a No. 1 business JOHNSBURC. .EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Jack Frost made his appearance in this section on Satuhlay and Sunday nights, but we cannot learn of his doing much damage. Mrs. Winkel has gone to Iowa to visit her son. L. Bonslet, at the old stand, is ready to wait on his customers with a first class stock of general merchandise. S. Michaels is now gelling Groceries •i t-. a lower figure than can be purchased elsewhere in the county. Go and see for yourself. / Jf you want to get your measure taken for a grave stone, go to Henry Millers, he is a first class workman, and keeps a good stock of marble on hand. Jos. Frennd and Jos. Gillis have taken the job of moving and repairing the school house. Both are good workmen, and all jobs they undertake will be sure of being done well. John Myers, Jr., has gone into the blacksmith business at Ringwood. We wish him success. Last Sunday was the quietest day we have had for some time' on account Bishop Foly being at McIIenry. most everybody went to the evening lie made RINCVyOOD. • ^ EDITOR PL.UNHEAL!*!*':--'The fall term - •*' -V of the Ringwood school commences next Monday August 30th. The Institute at Richmond is pro­ nounced a success by all who witnessed the exercises. It is said a much deep­ er interest'pervaded the institute and a more general participation in the ex­ ercises by its members, than e$*er has been the case when the exercises have been conducted by sojne distinguished personage from abroad, before whom the awe stricken teachers of our county are not so readily inclined to let thein- ?elves out on subjects with which they •are-'perfectly familiar, .< In fact it was a mutual interchange of the deepest and grandest thoughts of the teachers of our county with perfect freedom. A slight frost on Saturday night, hut not much damage done. A little heav­ ier on Sunday night leaving its traces quite plainly on some pieces of cucum­ bers as wcll'as some other kinds of ye^- etation. We can get along nicel>/Wreh- out any more for six weeks. On Tuesday morning Miss Emma Rockwood, of this, place was married to a Mr. Cropley, of Nebraska. The happy couple have the best wishes of the entire community. Chas. Simmons has also taken unto himself a wife. We believe she for­ merly resided at the Hub of the county. NEWSPAPER CHANGE.--The Rock- ford Gazette has the following: Again we are called upon to announce yet another change in the ownership of the Rockford Register. On Friday, Mr. M. Cullaton. like his distinguished broth­ er traveler, "silently folded his tent, and stole away," shaking the dust of Rockford from his feet, and espe<?i$Hy eschewing the Masonic block expensive elephant, Mr. N. D- Wright, is new, we understand, sole proprietor Of the Rockford Register, Qf and see him. In us a visit. SLIM SAJRT Wanted at Bucklin & Steven's, near the depot", choice Butter, Eggs, and Poultry, for which the highest pwee will be paid in cash or trade. Jl^-The Kane County Fair will be held at Geneva Jll., commencing Sep­ tember 29th and ending October 2d. The officers are making great efforts to make it the best ^iir ever lifeld by the Society. f. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR FLAINDEALER: -- This has been a week of accidents, as far as will appear from this communication. On Monday, the 16th, C. O. Parsons* of Seneca, was so badly kicked in the fat» by a horse as to be for some time insensible, but is now in a fair way to recover; at which Seneca * will rejoice that she will not be put to the trouble of hunting up his successor on the Board of Supervisor-. Such a vacancy would be difficult to till. Mr. J. Nugent'® boy, about the same time cut his hand very badly on the sickle of a Reaper* A severe accident also happened to Mark Ilick^x while repairing his Wind Mill on JPritlay. through which his left hiyi+Htfas nearly stripped of the flesh. He nowynrries it In a sling, but no'one need antu ij'iiie that it will deprive the Agricultural Society of his services during the Fair. Men of his euergy are not easily "beaten.. The fourth accident is the froJ-t that put in an appearanwVon Sunday the 22d (invisible nfter G$0 A. M.,) doing hut, slight damage. -J L. J. Gates. «w»d -family teffc. Wood­ stock for « visit t o the, East;, l&st Thursday. •-'. v." Our Si reet Commif;signer is doing his duty with afreyesingle,to the improve­ ment of lata! navigation, and those w ho may attend the Fair next month will be surprise.! at the improvement effect­ ed in one week by Mr. F. llanaford. Heinz, Noble & Co.; get more curses tliah blessings for their nice discrimina­ tion in the size of eueumbers,^pd if the Directors, or whoever does manage the matter, will give only 20 cents a hun­ dred for cabbage they won't need many kymt barrels, as the cabbage will go in­ to Chicago,vor--milk. The last ganuM>f. the series between Woodstin^ ajut-^unda was played last Friday aiid the Woodstock's won the belt; but as Archdeacon beats us in pickles that ought to equalize the mat­ ter. The keeper of tlic.Hotelat Geneva is trying to solve the conundrum "who Is'"Sheriff" of McIIenry County," as he was,requested, by letter, to reserve two ofnis best rooms for the Sheriff of McIIenry County, and upon replying that they were at the disposal of that office, the letter addressed to the Sher­ iff of McIIenry County fell into the hands of one who had not engaged the rooms, but believed himself to be in receipt of the salary. The Congregational Excursion went with five full ears, had a pleasant day, and enjoyed themselves with all their might, a few of them becoming so hap­ py that the*; could see double. What strange creatures we are. „ The "pop-gun" that sits In the edito­ rial chair of the Sentinel accuses your correspondent' of "-throwing mud" at the Congregational Church, thus trying to shift -upon "Odd*' the odium that belongs only to himself, as the para­ graph quoted referred only, as any one can sec who reads, to "Dogg'sn bom­ bastic local, without the least allusion to the ladie#or the decoration of the church. And thisfleads naturally to the recent summersault at the office where this bombastic doggerel genius pre­ sides. An office worth at the most $4000, is, by a-stroke of the pen of our cunning Penitentiary Commissioner, converted into $10,(KH) worth of "Sentl- nel Printing .rthd- Publishing Co.." of which John M., with $7,500 stands at the he ail. George M„ with $2000, forms the body, and doggerel Will-6ore, with his small gimblct, his $«00 and his one hundred" pounder in reserve, constitutes the tail. Of course this watered stock is nominally worth about forty cents on a dollar, but when it is well known that employees of the office under the ad- miuistrati m of "C.ard," though then owned by i he head and body of the present Company, were paid, when paid at all, in second-hand gold watches, pickle stock, luuiher wagons and sich, this long n< \v nain. and the advent of "doggy* with his pop-gun and one hun­ dred pounder, wont make it any more Valuable, and the stock Is probably wortli about ten cents ftn a dollar, ex­ cept to candidates ior office on the Re­ publican t ieket, who can afford to take it at par. What he thinks t>f himself and his abilities may bo found in the Sentinel of July 1st, which contains the first shot fr irn his "pop-gun," In which he says lie come "to give the New Er& h--U, to bust it, to act on it like a dose of cold pison." And this W\W-bore Is the only one who hnagines that the Sentinel has gained by the change of a gentleman for a snob. His pop-gun won't lilt unless he points it the right way, and then it is doubt­ ful, as it scatters badly. "Doggy" can guess about as well as he can tell 'the truth, aiid. asWual, Is barking up the wrong tree. He can fire away with his pojHguu as much as he like. We shall still be ODD. Richmond Department. I), A. POTTELT, EDITOR. Passenger trains pass liiehmoiut station as follow a: OOINO SOL'TH Geneva Lake Passenger, .^.,-. Oiscoette f. rr»v' Geneva Lake Freight........... Express Passenger ooixo NORTH Geneva>Lake Freight E x pres^i Pa jwr..- Ciscoett-e. •• -- Geneva Lake Pa-aSeivger... . 11 K, M. ...»:t0r. M. A.Xi i*. M. - I .. . .10 :40 A. M. ...V11.3S A. M. 6:07 P. M. V. M. CIIUUCH DIRECTORY., CONGREGATIONAI.:--llev.. F. J. Douglass Pastor. .Services at .2 P. M. METUOIUST:-- Hey. Sanil. Karngey Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath school 9:30 A. M. J. L. Downing. Supt. BAITIST:--Kl«ler Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 1*2 M. Eugene Thomas is failing fast. : The Public School will Te-ope^ lji^o weeks, Sept. 6th. * Oapt. a H. Tryon. tbe^general Ageut of the Warrior Mower, has spl^thi season over 1.1Q0, the largest sales he has ever made in one season. Business Notices. Violins, L:.i Fljutes, and Fl«estlt«§ a w. Colton Curtis, Woodstock, tatpi Babies pictures on the wing. If yon want any kind of Farm Imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. .-- CALL at Perry & Martin's and set ill f nine cent print sold for six. , - <• All kind of Harnesses made by Henry Madden and H. S. Gurgon for s^e 6gr A w. OWE*. WE have some more styles of stand­ ard prints as good as are sold for nln® cents, which we are selling at six cents. PKRRY & MARTI*. Organs and Melodeona to rent at vOfJf low figures. ^ » o. w. OWE*. PAUTICUI.XR XOTICE,--All persons In­ debted to the Mclleriry Brewery are reouested to call and settle the same on. or before Auarust loth. A word to the .^wise is sufficient. . • ' KING & HERBES. Farmers are seeiiring their- erops• rh fine ordei%>u(l if they can have a few days of fmev^^wiJV. have their harvest completed. ̂ Some farmers arff |A threshing this week. J ' I have an Estey Organ that has be«ii rented Eight years which is to day'in perfect, order and as good as new and hasjprver teen tuned or repaired to the ; rniBunt of one cent. It can be seen 'ftf. • ^ a w. ovsii Cole, Cooley $ Co., have the addition to their flouring mill up and nearly ready for the engine,' which they are calculating to have ready for the Fall business. Fou SAIJ?.--One two seated buggy one single seat bugarv one double wagon. Xll new and of the very best kind, 111 be sold cheap for want of store room. - ' _ ̂ , O. V. OWKK. Geo. P. Wodell, wife and daughter, E. M. Potter wife and daughter, have gone to central Iowa with the Land Excursionists to visit friends and see the sights. I Mrs. L. P. Wodell's Millinery shop atid Geo. P. Wodell's Photograph Gal­ lery will be closed until Sept. 2, giving I am pelllug a watch named O. Ws. Owen which I have made at Springfield 111. that I am selling for the most aenrate timepiece I caught. I have sold forty- three of which 1 can truthfully say that every one of them ar% giving perfect satisfaction. Come and see them. O. W. OWE*. them time to recuperate. flQ^The Commissioners have located the Asyl'um for Feeble Minded at Lin­ coln. The prominent competing points were Springfield, Ottawa. Lincoln, Bloomington and Jacksonville. fi^^ieveftly lfohnson is out ni a lfnr^ letter to the New York Tribune in which he argues that gold and silver is the only money ever authorized or com templated by the constitution, the decision of the Supreme Court as to the constitutionality of the Legal-Ten­ der Act to the contrary notwithstand' ing, The best is the elioapest. For this reason the Boston American Organs are the most desirable for both parlor and church. So say more than five hun­ dred of the best organists in the world. For Durability, Beauty of Finish, Elas ticity of Touch Power of Tone and res­ onance these Organs are absolutely \v iUlQllt-LLUy enuah ̂ _l^P^_S-COtt G*- tie r- al Agent Marengo 111. R. A. Howard^ Agent for McIIenry 111. Those 6J cent - fast colored Prints have arrived at Bucklin & Stevens.and -are gping like hot cakes, If you want any you must come soon or they will be gone. Machine repairs and all leading 1 machines kept by E. M. Owen* Eddie Carver, who was seriously hurt last week, by falling froni a seafl'old at Jaik L, Dunnius"s new ho«ee, Is recov­ ering so as t<v1>e walking around with Ills arm in aslTnj?, with good prospect of entirely recovering. A family wanting a smart, active, bright eyed little boy to adopt as their own, can learn of such a one by calling on or addressing by letter, .lames Bacon or lion W. A. McConnel of Klchmond 111. Age 2 years and 8 months, perfect ly healthy. The Rev. F. J.Douglas*,~who haabecn enjoying a vacation for the paj"t few weeks, has returned ;yid Is looking fine ly. He met one of his brother mission aries wjho was associated with him Ju Jamaca. and ere long expects a visit from him. .Tack Frost paid a visit in this neigh borhood Saturday and Sunday nights but quietly ilisappeared without harm and prospect of no more Frost at pres ent.. Six weeks of Warm, pleasant weather Is very desirable about these days and looked for, if not prayed for with much interest. Camp meeting at Twin Lakes to com­ mence August 24th, and to last through the week, under the, management of Prof, Eaton of Evan^ton College. Evan- ston lll. At the 111 writing there are several tents being Capt. Ackerman's grove where the meeting is to be held. The M. E. Church at this place is un­ dergoing repairs, and last Sabbath they held their Sabbath School and Public Service In the Congregational Church. Rev. S. Earngey will preach in the Con­ gregational Church at 104 o'clock A.. M. August 2»th and Sept. 5th, and in Sun­ day School at SLo'clock A, M, e William R, Foster father of Frank Foster, of the Richmond House, who has had feeble health for several months the past few weeks has been showing Strong symptoms of insanity, was ta­ ken 011 Monday, the 23d inst. to Wood­ stock, before Judge Smith, who called a jury who after examining Mr. Foster ami S. F, Bennett and others as wit­ nesses, the jury decided him insane and tliey take him to the Insane Asylum to­ morrow. Mrs. Foster the wife of the unfortunate one and Frank have "the sympathy of the entire community. We received a pleasant call from our old friend O. W. Owen of McIIenry last week. He is special agent for the cele­ brated J. Estey & Co., Cottage Organ, and a number one Jeweler. While in town he made arrangement for those having watches or any kind of Jewelry repaired to accommodate theni bj leav­ ing them with J. V. Aldrlch, of the firm of Aldrich& Smith, who will forward them to Mr, Owen and when repaired will be returned to Mr. Aldrlch, and save expense of trip to McIIenry or else­ where. ______ The Richmond Sunday Schools and the Sunday School at the Washington School House, will have a Basket Pic­ nic at the Twin Lakes on Saturday August 28. They \y ill meet at the M. E. Church in Richmond at 9 o'clock sharp. Citizens having teams are in­ vited to come with teams to carry the school to Capt. Ackerman's grove, on the beach of of_ the beautiful Twin Lakes. Capt. Ac'Rerniaii wiii have a Steamboat in readiness for excursions Ford's combination Side and Skylight is superior to any in the State, and so well arranged that he has 110 difficulty in making brilliant photographs in cloudy or dark days as well as elear. It. also cuts the heavy shade- off from the neck and does not leave it as black as an etheopian's. but brings It out ftdl and round in all its graceful contour. Colton •& Curtis, Woodstock, have Just Issued a circular which they propose to send to .every one whose address they C. This circular contains many alhable hints to persons contemplat- Inglhaving pictures taken. ~ read it. Be sure and F<k'M>.--A ram, long; tailed, coarse wooledand rather Short horns. The same ma\Nbe recovered by the owner on mv premises by proving property aud paying charges. II. A. HOWS* McIIenry August 18th 1875, Colton & Curtis, Woodstock, took a flue Photo of tie Spring House and now have copies for sale. Others will follow In a Aew days. That is, the Court House, views of our prominent Business Blocks, &c. A photograph of the Spring House can be seen at Colby's Drug Store McIIenry. MCHENRY BOOf AND SHOE STOKE THE CHEAPEST -0 AND COOD8 III TOWN. X.QW Spring and SumniftY Stock #1 FOR EVERYBODY. The most Complete assortment of Boots and Shoos for nSen, Women and Ghlldrwif Wear, ever opened out in. this, place. JWRemember that my Store is headquarters1 for Gents, Ladies, Missea and Childrens finer Shoes. P. W. BLAKE. Remember the place opposite Owens Mills. •X Place f'T you to Save Money1 til bnying Ckw*!' Goods Cheap is at-* Nunda. IRA M. M,VIit.O*Y i» itUtof cheaper than anvoue else, and if you want anything that he1 has not in stock let him »ew\ to the maauno*- turevs and get it for you. He keeps a General Stoek of all kinds of Tobaccos, rcrj ^h,®"P and warranted. Ha nicy's and Ma rshaPs Flour a l w a y s o n h a n d . C a n d i e s . C i j r a r s , 1 ! ® velopes, Paper, T.eatl PenciLs t h»« kt r And Backgammon lioard^. A lartre a>w: jS®! r verv heavy TliV WAKK, 011 the Lakes, and all are calculating to have a good time. All are cordially in­ vited. HORSE HAY RAKES--.A few more of RjTow'rt.4 MOllnSWOrth July mhi Variety Will t»k* >r vi'so Pickle Scriot for ftucii jroojis as can imiiirht at the Kaetorv at wholesale. I am^. \"ent for the Pn>»ection Life Insurance ;«nv in<l the .Ktna. Hartftml, Mercanta««4| VjrrlcuHtiral Fire Insurance Companies CSUljf on .ne if yon wbh reliable lnsnmnc» Ow»^f 1-ean-aelIvou a h<n»se and h&ut, tote alMfei Real Estate uusmcss » »•!>«* »«»».» Store, v;, ,,, , , Ifn^ef^e^e'W Halt, trhteli Is est ta town, and will be let at reasonable r»U XILV

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