••"'V/ Hi ;r:L --- : t " » - * «"• : • }> j, -- 1 , _ , - • _ , ' v: v: ; - - --• • 1 • ' >>»'; 'v. . . v;- - r,.. ' ^ ." '.A, . v*"' .- » - _ , .- t .• V •*,>>* ' - .. i'Kva Terrible Crimes in India. The appalling features of East Indian • dstime are disclosed in the recent reports ' Of the Uaicutta Uruoiual Court, from " #hich the Pail Mail Gkuette him select- §d seyeral cases: In Cuttack a ^cman draws a child {Bide, takes the silver bracelets from her Irms, and flings the little victim into a tank, on the butfaue of which the body * Is found floating a few days afterward. , , lii Behar a man strangles a boy nine %ears old for the sake of his silver brace lets and gold earrings, and throws the corpse into a sugar plantation. At Jfoorshed abadChamoo robsa child aged five, and drops her into a deep and rapid part of the river. At Benares a fellow •litices a boy twelve years old into his house, and there cuts his throat in order ' Id get possession of his silver bracelets, •liile a friend looks on and mildly ex postulates, but neither seriously inter feres nor gives information to the police. Another takes a neighbor's eon into the fields, under pretense of helping him to fly his kite, there strangles him with his waist cloth, and strips him of the trashy trinkets with which he was adorned. * _ Yet. another conducts a boy aged nine to witness a religious procession, but, pass ing neai'a ditch, suddenly throws him / down, partially strangles him, tears the f silver ornaments from his arms and feet, •nd ilings him into the ditch, which is fortunately dry, and where he is found before life is quite extinct. By the promise of a melon Leola in veigles Bebee Dee, seven years of age. from his father's house, brains him with a hoe, and buries his turban and trinkets in a field> leaving the body where it had fallen, and where it was found by the anxious father. This mur derer, like the others, on being charged with the crime, at once confessed his guilt, and pleaded as an extenuating oir- oumstanoe that he was prompted by an evil spirit. A woman holds a little girl under water until she is drowned, the temptation be ing a silver dollar of the weight of two rupees. Two women one evening ask a child, eight years old, to come to them on the inorrow for some fruit, and when she eagerly arrives, the one holds her while the other passes a rope round her neck and pulls it till the breath has fled. The body was speedily found in the midst of some tall grass near the house, and the spoils consisted of a silver collar weighing four rupees. A woman of Tipperah was engaged in cooking her food, when, according to her own account, a child not above six gears old came toddling up to her. uddenly a thick darkness Enveloped her, and a voice sounded in her ears, bidding her strangle her little visitor. ^Thereupon she seized ilie child by the throat, and the darkness passed away. So she dug a hole in the floor of her house and laid the body therein, after taking off the few valueless ornaments. A girl, aged nine, herself recently be trothed, drowns her playfellow in a shallow watercourse ; while a boy, four teen years old, leads in play a youthful companion to the edge of a tank, smashes his skull with a flint, possesses himself of the scanty ornaments, and then lays the crime "at the door of a neighbor. The Capture of Sew Orleans. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under President Lincoln, pub lishes an article in the Hartford Times in defense of Admiral Farragut as the capturer of New Orleans. This article is in reply to a statement in the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court, delivered by Justice Swayne, in the case of the City of New Orleans, ap pellant, vs. the New York Mail Steam ship Company, in which the expression occurred: "On the 1st of May, 1862, the army of the United States captured the city of New Orleans." Mr. Welles proves that t% city was captured by , Farragut on the 25th of April,' and held by him until the arrival of the troops. He also quotes from the records of the War Department to show that repeated injustice has been done to the Admiral. A chronological record published by the department, and purporting to give a record of all events of the war, does not contain Farragut's name, and gives the credit for the capture of the forces on the Mississippi, below New Orleans, to Admiral Porter, who was a subordinate under Farragut. The article concludes: "I liave felt it a duty to the navy, to the truth of history, and to the most dis- jgtinguiahed hero of the war, to correct the persistent misstatements which liave been and still are made in regard to the capture of New Orleans, and to some of the attending circumstances and events of that period. The document, which is sent out by the War Department as a •chronological table of battles, skir mishes, etc., which took, place during the rebellion,' is not truthful and reli able, insomuch as it suppresses and fails to make mention of some of the most important and conspicuous battles which took place, and wholly omits the name ' of tlie most distinguished hero of the war." . Wasted Fly-Power. It was Hamlet who expressed a pref erence for the "fly to ills we know not of," or words to that effect, and Hamlet either was or pretended to be insane. \ The idea that there is any more annoy ing torment possible than the frequent fly affords, is an unsound notion, a sign of a very thick skin or of a very thick head. But setting aside for the time the direct discomfort that the creature works for man, it is interesting, and in structive, too, to see the seriously inju rious effect that its indirect influence seems to have upon the world's industry. There are, in round numbers, 33,000,- 000 cows, oxen, horses, and the like, in this country, which for about ten hours a day during fly time keep their tails in almost constant motion. It is no exag geration to estimate that they swing uiem at {least ten times a minute, with a force equal at each swing to raising one pound a foot. That is, their tail force is ten pounds a minute. One horse power is 33,000 feet pounds in a minute, so 3,300 cattle would exert with their tails one horse power, and all these creatures in the country would put forth upon the fly the aggregate force of 10,000 horse power. Now the entire force of all the steam engines and water , wheels in the country used in the manu facture of steam engines and boilers is less than* 12,000 horse power. That is, , ^ 4he force wasted byopr domestic animals i in waving their tells to keep the fly away is almost sufficient, if rightly applied, to move all the motive machinery in the iaad^ Umrifard Voumnt, ^ He-ctifttinff witfe Bsrglaw. A week ago last night the house of Mr. H. R. Groff, at No. 42 Wood street, was entered bv a burglar or burglars, and some $60G~wotrh of jewelry stolen. Each piece was marked, and as bills de scriptive of each were immediately got out it became a matter of difficulty for burglars to dispose of the property. 'The next step was to open a negotiation with Mr. Groff to see if he would not be willing to lose a small sum for the re covery of a large one. A note was ac cordingly dropped to Mr. Groff, the burglar saying he was " ready to make a negotiation." If Mr. Groff would send him 3300, he said, and afjpree to ask no questions or attempt to discover the thief, every piece of jewelry would be returned. An answer was requested through an advertisement in the paper. Mr. Groff concluded to open negotia tions, but did not feel disposed to stand the $300. He accordingly published a personal notice to the effect that the offer was too high. The same day an other note c«me. The burglar was will ing this time to take $200, and wanted an answer immediately. It came, and w&s to the effect that the bid was yet too high. The third epistle was immedi ately received, and the price of redemp tion marked down to $130. Mr. Groff thought that he could stand the toll, and accordingly published a notice to that effect. The next step was to settle means by which the transfer could be made. IVtr. Groff received a note telling him to have the cash at home with him at night, and that some of these evenings lie would have a chance to dispose of it. Thurs day night last Mr. Groff heard a tap at his window, and on throwing up the sash, saw a man below in the darkness who asked him if he was "ready with the stamps." " The money is here," said Mr. Groff; " oome in and you shall have it." " I guess I wont come in," said the man, " or you might recognize me. The jewelry is here all right, and I will give it up when you hand out the money." Mr. Groff declined to accede to the cheeky request, and told the man if lie woidd hand in the goods he should have his money. The man at first declined to do so, and insisted that the cosh should be passed out first. " Why can't you trust me as well as for me to trust you ?" asked the burglar. " Because I claim to be on honest man, and you are a thief." said Mr. Groff. The answer seemed to throw a new light into the mind of the man oroide, and he finally decided to pass in the gwods, which he proceeded to do. Mr. Groff took them in, looked them over and found all there, and then passed the roll of bills to the brassy thief.' The latter thereupon departed as silently as he came. Mr. Groff thinks there were two or three other men in the yard, al though he saw only one.--Cleveland leader. Learn a Trade. I never look at my old steel compos ing rule that I do not bless myself that, while my strength lasts, I am not at tne mercy of the world. If my pen is not wanted, I can go back to the type-case and be sure to find work; for I learned' the printer's trade thoroughly--news- paper-work, job-work, book-work, and press-work. I am glad I have a good trade. It is a rock upon which the pos- sesssor can stand firmly. There is health and vigor for both body and mind in an honest trade. It is the strongest and surest part of the self-made man. Go from the academy to the printing office, or the artisan's bench, or, if you please, to the farm--for, to be sure, true farm ing is a trade, and a grand one at that. Lay thus a sure foundation* and after that branch off into whatever profession ^ou please. You liave heard, perhaps, of the clerk who had faithfully served Stephen Gir- ard from boyhood to manhood. On the twenty-first anniversary of his birthday, he went to his master and told him his time was up and he certainly expected important promotion in the merchant's service. But Stephen Girard said to him: " Very well, now go and learn a trade." " What trade, sir ?" " Good barrels and butts must be in demand while you live. Go and learn the cooper's trade and when you have made a perfect barrel bring it to me." The young man went away and learned the trade, and in time brought to his old master a splendid barrel of his own make. Girard examined it, and' gave the maker two thousand dollars for it, and then said to him : "Now, sir, I want you in my count ing room; but henceforth you will not be dependent upon the whim of Stephen Girard. Let what will come, you have a good trade always in reserve. The young man saw the wisdom and understood. Years ago, when the middle-aged men of to-day were boys, Horace Greeley wrote : " It is a great source of consolation to us tliat when the public shall be tired of us as an editor, we can make a satisfac tory livelihoodat setting type or farming; so that while our strength lasts, ten thousand blockheads, taking offense at some article they do not understand, could not drive us into the poorhouse." And so may a man become truly inde pendent. The Pay of Whisky Gangers* , The Commissioner of Internal Reve nue has adopted a new schedule for the payment of gangers by means of which it is estimated from $75,000 to $100,000 a year will be saved. Under the work ing of the old method of pitying for the quantity gauged per month at ten cents per gallon, compensation not to exceed six dollars per day at any time, it was usually the case that the six dollars were charged for (Jays in which no gauging whatever was done. The new schedule allows pay only fcr the days on which gauging is actually done, at the rate of ten cents per gallon, to an amount not in excess of six dollars per pay. Mrs. Mvra Ciaj»ioE Gaines' next law suit in Washington is her answer to Caleb Cushing's bill for services through her long litigation. Tiny Builders. Rock builders consist of /orms of vege table as well as animal "ufe. The vege-, table builders are fo^md in the ooze which covers the ir„&rine plants dvawu' Up from the boiwyaj of the sea. They consist of zigza^links of boxes, attached at their corner These vegetable forms, so minute to be inviaihl® to the nftked eye, hav<i the power of secreting the ele ments of flint or silica from the water in whicii they live. They are very curi ously marked, and there are many varie ties of them. The city of Berlin was built on an immense bed of the remains of these minute vegetable forms,and the unstable foundations of the houses is owing to tliis fact., They are so small that one of them is but the seventy-mill ionth part of a grain. They live in the water, and damp moss contains them. They increase by subdivision, one being capable of increasing to a million by this process, in twenty-four hours. Their method of building is simply by living and then dying and leaving their flinty skeletons to form the solid rock. They block up rivers, give the green tinge to the Arctic ocean, form a white stone which has beea found in masses five hundred miles long and eight hundred feet thick, and the clouds of dust which are blown from the desert are made up of them. The second class of rock builders are endowed with animal life. The pyramids and the sphinx were built of stone made by these animals, which are mere specks of jelly, some of which have the power of covering themselves with shell; yet they are able to walk without feet, to capture their prey with out hands, and all by means of the. gela tinous substance of which they are com posed. They throw out threads of living fiesh, which seize and digest their food --as though we could digest n beafsteak by taking it in our hands. The rook of the pyramids-is composed of their cases or shells, and is thus full of organized remains. The stone of which Paris is built is composed of these fossil shells. They form marble, and thus enter into the most beautiful forms of sculpture. These little builders do their work solidly, and it is still going on. They labor at the bottom of the deep sea, which, though it was once thought to be devoid of life, is now found to be a populous empire, thronged with active life and strange forms. They never rest, but perform their mission faithfully and well, thus setting an example which the larger ani mal, man, would do well to profit by. Safe, Permanent and Complete !-- Willioft'a Tonic curea Chills and Fever. Dumb Chills and Bilious Fevera--thoa© Titans that kill their thousands where tbia remedy ie un known. It curc*» Enlargement of the Spleen. It cures Hypertrophy of the Liver. It hurts no one. It cures all type* of Malftrisl Fevers, £nct :: perfectly protect, »*» oil iw» wue**U«. Try Willioft's Tonic, the great infallible Chill Cure. Wheelock, Finlay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleann. . Fob sale bv all Dbuooists. Mis lifkfy, uiwill PrmiL" 71 VECETINK fUmMis THE BLOOD ST0E1S THE HEALTH. SEVENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE. Mr. H. R. Stbthk.^" •wwj&Mw i«m of ; htn «nf-n»ny wtth Kidney Complaint. woaknMN In my back and stomach. I »u induced by friend* to try think it the best medicine for 'he Kidneyp I e»er wmwl. 1 h»v«> tried many I? » * complaint, and never found «o much ll°m ^th.e Vegkwk. It strengthen* and in-•jyorates the whole system. Many of niy acquaintances r?ulnt^en I keltos-e it to be good for <01 the oom-pl&lnU for which II, im recommended ¥T<SSb H. SHHUCAA. EXPERIENCE OF YEARS. MJ. H. R. t». a* • J? wrfff;.* * ha1?** your " Rlood Prep*-EOETiNE) in say family ior several ypiin. and ' 4 Ul£.? s*r hwoi'tils OT Ounipwras Unn. »r», ox ii'upt:-atntic alfoctiocs. St outool be oxcolird; Mid is a bio.** partner and Surine medtoino, it is tlia i»ei thing I havo J?**! 1 *nd I nave sijed almost every thin*. I can ,'l* rocomm«nd it to any in used of aaoh A KKlmna. Your* rasp«ctifclly, MRS. A. A. DINRMORK, W KunU Btnat. WHAT 18 NEEDED. Mr. H. R. 8-nmnts: Bono*. fw>. a, isn. Dear Sir-'Xbont"ott« year since T found mynelf in a feeble condition irora general dabillty. YK,<; KTINK, woa Btrrmnly recommended to ma by a fi iond who had been much bv*}vtifHv It® '**• ** ' iuo c ana, alter using nqveral 'bottta. was restored to health, and discontinued ita use, I f*>ol quite coiitidont that there '» no medicine superior to it for those complaint* for which It is t>8i*.eUlly prepared, and would choarfully recommend it to thoa» who fuel that they need souw-Uiing to restore Uiain to perfect health Respectfully yours. . U. JL PKTTtNGILL, nclll A Co., lo bute-st., Boston. Finn of 8.^1. Petting ill Veoettnb1 extends It* influence into e*ery part of •*>* human organism, commencing with it« foundation, cor recting diseased action and restoring vital ttowers, croat- ° *• " ^ -luriflcation of tha blood. Nature to pttrfunn its all drujtgiat*. recting diseased action and restoring ing a healthy formation and puriflo driving out disoase. and 1 earing Ns allotted task. Vkobtixe is sold by i MATRlMOSiui, INFKLK ITV. Speedy re. a!! hi Probate Oourta of Utah. Reaideno* there not. required ; all publicity Inoouiputi. butty sufficient cause. Divorces valid. Address W. CUSH1NG, Attorney, Corinne, Utah. THIS Paper is printed with Iak mad* by O. B. f Oo., 121 Dearborn Strwt, Ohlcico. md for lils by us in large or small quantities. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION. 114 Monro* Strwst, Chicago, 1U. 1 GEO. P. ROWEIL & COL AMoSrTrandTxPK^Sl" U. alT Article new, staple as tlour. Samples tree. (', 1.1 Si, INUTON, NKW YORK or t'l!I(!ACi>. OPIUM CURE Since 1870 the number of Bailing ves sels has greatly diminished, steamers at that date having taken the seas as never before. England, the United States and Italy are now the first great sailing powers. Thousands Speak. --Vegotine is ac knowledged and recommended by phvuiciiuia and apothecaries to be the beet purifier and cleaneor of tbe blood vet discovered, and thou sands speak in ite praise who have been re stored to health.--Com. Rathboxe's Cook Stoves, Fearless, R&thbone Range. Centennian. and Prairie, for coal or wood, and the Acorn. Forest Acorn and New Loyal Cook, for wood, do the best service with the least fuel. Missionaries and others sojourning in foreign landn should not fail to take with them a good supply of Johnson'* A uwly ne Lin iment. It is the most reliable medicine for all purposes there is in the world. Contagious diseases, such as horse ail, glanders, etc., may be prevented by tbe use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. Per sons traveling with horses should take note of this. Capk Colony, Africa, has 800 miles of .railway in course of construction, at a cost of $20,000,000, Tksmoati raiMdy of U» pre*' sat day. Hand torPa-- w rm V. IV n 175; I-auosts, 523. SEND 25 the most practical trei .... In* the best lists of papers ever imblifchxs T. G. I'.VANSf a a .i_:-- * i " street, Boston. , _ CGKTR fWt *1 V A W 8 ' . if A(lv< rtUiis(C liuiidllook, practical treatise on and contain. T. C. RVANS, Advertising A*ent, 41* Washington " Thare's millions in it." TEAS. America--staple ar --The choicest in the world--Import era' prices-Largest Company in America--staple article--ploasos wverybody--Trade jon- tinually increasing--Agents wanted everywhere--best in. ducements--don't waste timo--send for circular to Roi> E11T Wells, 4R N. V., P. O. Bo* 1287. IKCIRNATI SHM.LA (i WKEKLV ST A*. An Independent Family NawspsMr. • Pagea. 4K Colomuii o{ Reading. (|l P«r YKAJK. Specimeu Copy vbsk. tin 1 Fim nf ™»t. ' UTAH" CO., Ciacinna c iitlBM 'I'hc 1 mUL,'Obi(^ T0DN61EN Wanted to laam Talaimpb* In* and take ofloss on as# lines which we are furnish* tag with operators. 8alai* Iran f4U to SUO par month. Particular* mailad free. Aa> iN.W.fklJ»KAPH INSTITUTE.JanasrtUo.WI* PENNSYLVANIA , MllflarT 4cs«i rn,/, Pa. vips-tiB Sept. Mil, Civil Engineering, th» tylassics, KuicUsh Mid Military Art thoroiurhiy tuuifbt,. For circular* apply to Ool. THKO. HYA1T, Praudsnt. f x T "IC A CO" TS1 Bboadwat. New York. ,(l| JL* xVioXla inunufactiirerof tkiLID GOLD JKWKLKY oi every doscription. The stock is large, very choice, und i» ottered at r«t*U at trado prices to keep our workmen j;oink. Bills under $15, P.O. order in advance. Over 815, C O. I>, privilege Ui examine. Catalogues fleet for Br. Mareh'a _ Great Work, NIGHT SCENES IIV TJIK KlliliE, and a niaguiliueat NKW BOOK ]«i«t liv'in Press. Address, J. C. McCUltliY & CO., Okiciigo, U). AGENTS WANTED How to Get a Home. Bee fi^vertieement. SCHENCIfS GVUIP. FOll THE CCRK OK t «\SI MPTIOX, COltillft AK11 COLDS. The great virtue of this medicine is that it ripens the matter and throws it oat of the system, purifiee tbe blood, and thus effects a cure. Schencx's Sea Wked Toxic, ron ths Cube or Dyspepsia, Indiqebtion, Etc. Tbe Tonic produces a healthy action of the stomach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, and ouring the most obstinate cases of indigestion. Schekck'i Mandrake Pills,' ron the cuiik or Lives Compi^int, Ktc. These Pills are alterative and produce % healthy action of the liver without the least danger, as they are fre6 from calomel and ret mora efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are si certain care for Consumption, as the Pulmonic Syrup ri(>ens the matter and purifies the blood. The Madrake Pills act upon the liver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause nf Consumption. The Sea Weed Tonic «i««s tone and Ktremrth to tue stomach, makes a good digestion, and enublos the organs to form good blood ; and tlms creates u healthy circulation of healthy blood, 'i'tie combined action of these iiiedicineK, as thus ex plained, will cure every case of Consumption, if taken in time, and the use of the medicines persevered in. Dr. Scbenck is professionally at hi* principal office, corner Sixth ana Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all tetters for advice must tie addressed. Schenck's medicines lor anle by all Druggist#. FOR SALE.Sh' within a short distanoe of City Limits, with tiourlj trains and cheap fare. Sand for circulars. IRA BROWN, 143 LaSallMt. OhlMgo. I1L Chloago Suhurltan Lota at $100 each, down and $5 monthly for balance. Limits, with hourly trains Shot Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and Sporting Goods of ever;- description. Li-.ifet iiiv count to ('tubs and Cash Buyers. Send stamp for illus trated price list. Address Ureal Western Kupvlj' Co. P. 11. LULU, Manager, AOENTS WANTED All men out of employment cun make lsrge wa^cp selling JhihkeU's Mapt, CharU, PicturoB and Kraitie*. The latent and best soiling Maps and Chart* in tbe count ry. Address the pn>i>rietois,0. C. Haskell k Co.. til Lakv st., Chicago. WANTED! [ From Jlaine to California mil-Ions of children are w•taring SILVER TirPED ihoes. Why not* they are the jheapest und never wear through at the toe. Also, try Wire Quilted Soles. AGICM'S FOR TUB 'best-selling Prize Pack- |age in the world. It con* tains 15 Sheets Paper, lrv Knvelopes, Qoideu Peu, Pep Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and e, Piece oi Jewelry. Single Package, wijtb elegant PriKe, puat-psfd, '-ta cents. Circular free. 1*6© Broadway, New York. BRIDE k CO., FIRE AND WATER-PROOF! Ij«i»gley'» Patent Mbite S'niiiJ Stops the leaks in an old Shingle Root' und makos a new one last twice as long; is also the most durable paint made for Tin and Iftin. Scud for pamphlet. Agents wanted. WILLIS G. JACKSON, General Agent, ltfe) Washington street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. HOW TO GET A HOME. IOWA C.AKDS, ACHES. Rich Hoi'. g'!«"i CliKiat^, excftllont Water, ifniwlu# Set,Oft. oiontB, »f»*jd N'.hwjls. We <>tter tha L^inds of tl'® Sions ! City and St. i'ui.l H. R- aiul tun McGreg<»r and Missouri | River R. K. at S4 to per ncrs, «.n es»y payiuoniA : rwo yew* not wiD buy s farm *•-- '%•- M V1 wwiN f CALKJN8, ! •- R. Ufld C«^e. Kihlsi; OkmU Oo..lhw*. To convince you of the great J popularity of the I bABI.K SCREW WIRE! you need only see the base hnita-F tionn and vain Rttempte to get up [ something similar. Also, try Wire Quilted Soles. i/tf V ^ t $45 • ^ WHKK made by Agents Selling our new nor-elUes, address,with stamp. Miller ft Co., Chicago. C 4 ri t C O Cl*rday Send for CliromoCaUlopne. tjlv1" ll.licrrosii'sftoNB, Kuslvn, .Vass WA1STED AOKJPM. Somplet and Outfit fr»t. S^tsr £&a» Bold. A. COULfJIli A CO.. Chicago. E 'VERT PAMICjY WASTH IT. Sold by Agents. Address M. N. LOVKLL. Mmsi In tk llTub, ~ .Pa. AC +n Con s day at home. Sample* worth $1 sent <30 IU tree, Stissoh & Co.. Portlaud. Me. 410 11 "lay nt home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms V It free. Address TRUK & CO., Augusta, Maine. $3 SAMPLE FREE,"1- m*-Psy T 1/1,}^TUU- ttvtVV«IT» f O Hlfirtt i IIC C»nd Female everywhere Addixjss THE UNION Straw ' urnery. Cinnaminson, N. J, AGENTS! 60011 NEWS!! We sm giving away witti "The Illustrated Weekly" this tall and winter, three 34x.'iO Chromos, instead of one as la«t season Our inducements to accnts nnd subscribers excel anything of the kind in the uoild. You certainly m.tk«s tremendous unntaWe it you do notseud one •tump tor circular* and terms at once, for the territory ie being ni'iidly taken up. OuCits (3 pictures) i£J.0O. Address, "fHK Iulustbatkd Weekly," 114 Monroe-st., Chicago. Euse the " X C E L S I O LAMP CHIMNEYS. Tlt'y are made of the best Lend Glass anil will Stand Heatbettrr thau any others. THK VVEST. the best Strawberry. Millions of trees and plants at Pomona Nursery. Send • Circular. WM. PAItliY, ~ $250 A MOWTII--Agents wanted everywhere. Business honorable and first class. PaT"- font free. Address WORTH A CO., 8t. IiOuifie Mo. G LARK'S BOOK-KEEPING. l£S"™23: Price Sl.UO, postpaid. Send for Circular. W. S. CLARK & CO.. 143 Rao* Btieet, CinoinnaU. Ohio. OPIUM wd Morphine liabit absolii-tehr and cured. Painless; no pubicity. Send stamp ioij particuJare. Dr. Carl* Ion. 187 WmMmtm gt, CMo«o.IU. THE OLDEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA! THK SATURDAY EVENING POST. BTHBY WKKR CONTAINS Ccntinned Stories by tho Host "Writers, Short Sketches, Iiems. Cententiiul Nows, Biisht Pictuies, i asliioii I'iate and Letter, Science, Niswts. Humor, UUsr- aturc. Boys and Cirla Department, Brimful of good tbings- Splendid Chromo, li*x2S, to every Subscriber. Three lioilars a yew, postpaid. On trial four months, «I Good Agents wanted everywhere. Address RKKD. WICKKKSIIAM * " -A CO., 736 San&oin-st., Philadelphia. INQTJXRB FOR ff,A.DR0WS&C0S UMBRELLAS. PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK.--The qualities marked with their name are confidently ncom- jnended, S. H. HARRIS' •••proTedChleag^FIRR and S A F E S a*d VAriVT DOORS are the KKKT and [OVAB/ Car. Michigan At. and Jackson St., Chicago. This elegant hotel acknowledges no rival either in its management, appointments, or location. In tho latter respect it affords its guests a charming end unobstruct ed view, from two of its lofty Jronto.of Lake Michigan as far as the eye can reach, the finest waterecape view in America. Is diagonally opposite the (irtat Ktpooi* tfon Build I tig, Al« ,Tu<V»2'MsseiiK<-r Kle. vator. B _ „ C. H. Oil BERT, Proprietor. C. Grants Manager. "ITttto new Trass Is worn with perfect comfort night >nd day. Adapts Itself to ery motion of the body, , . twining rupture -jiulet tbe h»i dp«r exercise or never«*t •train until pennanentlf cured. Sold choap !>* Uie _ Fjasfio 'Truss On., HO. ^83 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sent by malL Oalljtr seed for Clrcular and be cured. HOW ~ To Obtain It! "Seek ami JOB find." Circulars containing all necessary information will b>o sent free. Address, «. CROSRV & CO., Box 2429, ST. IX>U1S, MO. No Agents wanted. ^ | F*. Rice & Co.* /;•»mil--"Your Sea Foam gives l>erfect sattsfsction." It Lsexcefient. Cornellx & Muuifoixl, Grn. errs, 7V*ti-iile/icr, ii. I... ,--"Your Sea Foam is wonderful. Our sales are immense. KveiylH'dy prsisesit." "It makes Breed Richer, lighter. Whiter, Purer, Sweeter, and More Wholesome than any other way." The greatest thing to sellyou evor saw. Send at once for Circular to GKO. F. GAKTZ & «JO„ 170 Duane St., New York. SAFE AND WKLIABLK. Have Yon Weak Laajg? Have Yon a Coqgh or Cold? Have You Pain in Yonr Breast ? Have Yon any Throat Disease? Have Yqji Consnmjptlon ? DSE DE. 1. Q. C. W1SHART8 F1HE TREE TIB CORDIAL Are Yot "Weak and Debilitated? Do You Suffer from Indigestion? , ¥><> You require a T«w&f«? • ' iii mi •• iirti----aBiaa--i--aa --> Have You No Appetite ? Do You need Building TSJp ? wish to be Strong and Health^ USB nit, I-1|. C. WMMFPG FINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Sold by all Druggists. Principal Depots No. 232 North Second St.»Philfti wo Now Is the time to Subscribe! Ftoe ;£ocraTinfi pret*enrr<i to mry New Yearly Mubmrlbfiv The JVew York Fireside Companioil ^PROSPECTUS-FOR 1876. THR NKW YOllK Fikksihk Comi>am«\ U now vocoRiiized na tlie best tiinintainf^L aost popular, most varied and enturtainiiiK weekly imbUwhed lit the t'tiiivd stat^L No eflui't is spared to obtain wliatever will udd to the Interest and vahA« of It# col). ten In. The best writers in every d«i>artiiient are wcnrwl. without le^iii il.ro evneiis^. It is the aim of the |>uliliHlier to make thin nn IntereNtinit nnd l'opular Paper for both younjt and old; to combine entertulnnietit jiml iiuniseiiieiu witti ile^iiubl© information on matters relating to tho home, comt.sliip, nintriaKO, society, aurt dross; to Rralify tho innato curiosity and interest of nil in the jiura ami natural romiinco of lifo; to cultlvato a taste for readiiiK and tntelleetuul pleasures: and to inculcate irood s(>nti nents and lirlnei^les In the mind of the young. .NotHlUg of ail immoral teiidoney Is ever admitted into Its columns, it coutuius fht BMt FRNcimtlnf l.nvr htorlrN, DatkiBK stfli-K'N «»i" Ad vent arc on I^iuii nnd 8en, SlirriiiK Indiuii nnd Borilrr Tnlm, Siorici* of Home l.ife in City nnd CoiRlrjr, iiiveliritt (Short Siorlen and Sentimental Kketelten Orijrlnnl Ilnmor, Jokes, fomlc Sketelies.Vni'frv. I'ei sonsiisMini l.atest FashlonHossip for the l.adies; Answers toi'oM espondent.i; Kltciivn LorSj Tho best licudintf lor Lit!lo Foiks; Beautitni lllnstiationn, etc., etc. Not less than SIX CONTINUED STORIES published con stantly, nnd a NKW story commenced about every second week ; so that new lenders will be able to get tho befrinnin^ of a story of the newsdealers or of us, no mutter at what time they may subscribe. Hack, numbers cau always bo had containing the ooiuuiuuccuiuiil of every story. PARTIAL LIST OF CONTRIBWTOJtfj FOR 167& Dr. John B. Williams l.ncy Randall Comfort C'lnrn Percy r*. Snmnrr liaydcB fon Roylr Oliver Optic Shirley llr«»wne Prof. James D« .Hllle. llnswl \Voo«l .Mnr.v .1. U ineit Snniuel \V. I*enre® (<eorgv li. ABten Albert W. Aiken Eve, Fashion Ettiercis Tony Pastor Oliver Optic Prof. James De .HtUe T. ilamilto* Myers I.eNlte Thvvne Frank Corey ile Vemio Aaile Petroleum V. Naskff Our Family Physlefan. Von Bojfle Jslin Etiierkin Annie 11. Jerome h'nnnette S. limrrsM Jennie W. Foster A!l(iii llenne Jnck ltutlin Addison F. llrewne* -Vnder this tit lo wo shall pnb'r.sh dm imr the coming yoar a series ot ai tieies bv einineur i.iiVHU iiins, devoted to tho treatment nnd cm* of iirovalent diseases, sucii as skin Diseases. C.'ousmu|itIon, i)i|>theri.i, lU.eiinuitl»n», C«tlO«r, Hi|» Disease, Hone Disease, Kve and Ear Diseases, Threat Diseases, l'h.vsioloiry of Diseases of Women, Management of Vountr Children, Hygiene, e*3, TIioho articles w ill contain the livst modes of ti eatinent of disejise r>do|ited by ths liiKlitwt medical authorities in the «li«y, and will bo a valuable guldo to the leuders of our )>aiicr. i Correspondents' Colttmn.--No effort or i>ains arc s|iareil to innkcihis depart ment most attractive and iiHeful lo our readers. It is edited by a peiiilenian of wide ex|»erieuco and sound Judgment, and a vast iimountof information is jiivcn ; answ«»ts toquestious leiatin^; to love and t tU|iietle, le^al nnd medical questions, information for tho kitchen and lunisehold, in fact, answers to all iiucstinns that mm up in lifCt. ca i b.i found in this column IteiidiiiK for l,ittl<> Folks.--This is, ami will continue to ho, one <>f the |>iomi- iient features of the jiaiwr. The contributioiiM to this detnirtinent ate l>y the very foremost; wiitors lor children in the country. This atouc makes THK NEW YOKJt FiitE^lDK COM I'ANION ill valuable to every househchrwhero there arc chiiilrenv List of Engravings Presented to New Yearly (Subscribers t A T.ESSON IN LOVE, Value, 30 cts. I THE LITTLE A.\<iI,ERS, Value, 25 Cts. THE PET FAWN, • - " «0 " FAIt AWAY I'KOM HOilE. " 25 " Kit IN FAREWELL. - " 80 " | HM«1INNIN« TO HEO, " 25 " A MODEL YACHT, (colored) Value. 25 cents. These beautiful jiictiires no suitable lor training, and afford a valuable addition to the funilturo of every home. MUNRO'S GIRLS TbOYS OF AMERICA, Largest and Most Popular Weekly Paper for Young Folks. It. is the only paper which contains tho kind of stories which mothers want t» read aloud to their littlo ouas, and which every father may unhesitatingly place in the hands of his children. It contains a larger amount and variety of ipxid readiBg- .ftu* bills ami boys thuu can be had in any other weekly or uiouthly periodical. TEftflflS FOR i&m. trrxno's amr,s axd HOYH OF AMERICA and THE xew YOHK fire side COMFA XIOX: One copy of Manro'# (Hrix and Httys of Aviarica will bo .stnfr for one year to any uuhscriber in tin* United Stat's on receipt oi ; two copies for 84; ulno copi'cs for #16. 7'/i" Xev.< York Ftrenide CiK<i.;;ainon will be seiit for- one year o;i roccipt nt $3 : two copies for £5 ; or, nine conies for C ..0; <!<j!tei s up ot Ciul'i can aitcrwardu ;. id sine'o copies at ^ :? carh. We will lie i ni:;il;!o Tor remittances sont in Re^istere! Letters, or by Post Office Money Outers. Both papers sent .to one address for one year, for #4-50. J^staye, KHKK. &pecimeu coides, sent free. Specimen copies with any one of tho above Pictures sent to any address- ou receipt of Ten Cents. A«.!K:vr» WAITED to canvass for the above two. papers in every town and village where there are no newsdealers. Good waves can be made by sucoeesful canvassers. I!ov« and Cilrls are invited to become canvassers. Eveiy boy and girl can get subscribers in flieir own village. Write for particulars. Address, P. O. Box 365r. GUOKtiK niJ.VklO, PubliMher, 84 Dcefeuiaii Street, New Vorlu Selected French Burr Mill Stones a!! i<izi's, ami Mi|M ii.ir work n i is n-hii>. I*<»rtjtl»le »I11k. upper or • undi'i- i im m i •<. fnr Furiu in llerelimil nnrh. (•enuiiip DuU-li .%•>- ker ltoltii>K<'lotll. Kill <'>'rn >hi-ll»is it1111 < 'Ie tliers, <!".n iim, .^hiil'liriL', I'lilli.-H, ll i'it'ers. etc.; al! Uimls of >Iill Miu hilU'i y :nei Millei s' foipplies:0 Send fiK- i'auiphlet. Ntennb Mill f'OIMIMIH.V, IIOX 113(1. Olilo. A WRRR ptiatitMii to Mil* end Fnnmls Ajtentu, in I heir locnlity. Coata NOTHING t'.i try it. Particulars l-'itw. P. O. YICKERT CO., Ao(aiti, Ma. Best in the World. Cesdy for the Brush. Send for Sample Card. Branch Oiitces nnd Pncto-ries--500 West street, New York; 210 South Third-st, Pt. Louis, Jlo.: SI Meet Van Bii reu-st.Cliicago.Ill. AT HARD PAN PRICES HALLS SAFE & LOCK CO. C W / C - A C O , / L L . E WANT AGENTS tesfi States, to »ell our book. s LIFE AND ADVBMT0RI8 OF Kit Carson _ _ THc ONLY AUTHORIZED EDITION. Written from dictated by Cawok bimM'lf. Full of thrill*, log adventure, anwonderful Mca^eSn Agents EVftHf® fall to mnk« moticT, 3S«OO0 80I.0* Now ael! from 20 <" so OUTFIT FREE Sail that vill work. Send for Ilinsiral«<! Cireulw, vilb large tena«, to nearest office of ©CSTIN, ©ILMAUt Bunowt Co**., Cmcno, lu., at Omna Ok SELTZER Nothing like It in medicine. A luxnry«to tha palate, a p&mleas ev&cuuit, » gentle •thnalant to tbe circulation, m penpiraton preparation, an anti-biliotu inedieine, a stomachic, a dluretio and aa whnlnWtr ermi aileratlve. Snch aie the acknowledged proven properties of table mo- Tarrant̂ s Effervescent iperieab SOLD BY Ali BBUQG1STS. - £o 5'§ a B- g-s ^ 3 S-^ 3 3 n §• £,|" - ~ * S o ? J T ft » n bi > 2. ft Jp i ** o/1 s'lUn 3 * _ 3»* o « // v) p-p-^s r- w _g 3 clO 3 * (x p 2 jr jf1#* i5 3 3 S 8§'ssl|-i|l5-OL II A p my ft r>. O O* n ^ ZT o# IT1 C i.TM'C O. K. U. trHEN WHITiMO TO ADVERTISERS* yo»ia« the «4t UtTlS£R% rerU*«JBMaE.