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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1875, p. 5

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fBvtv • '* ,.!*!> v > ***. f' U*-' "h.^l;i% -1 V~F*" I^"P vii. % «.^tl»J".i4(fc -;y*» *: .• ;' h* <• 4t> '- *.' -*• *>•>:< .k : ' • • f" .. f ifei i4? .£» m ' * « " .•» -' LlU^A.-i ,S*-J »•«-*• r * <<»=.•,' .1 ; WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6th, 1875. Railroad Tim© Table. A. sr r. K. #mATaLake Passenger *..;;«....7: «eneva Lake Freight ...j^4...1; GOING. NORTK. "V. &»*»% Lake Freight 10:00 A. m. neva Lake Passenger ...........7:05 p. M. JH * 4 MASONIC. MCHEHKY CHAPTER No. 34 R. A. M.--Resni- Convocations hold on the second and rth Fridays in each month. EC. OBAEP; O. W. OWEN Sec., WE are under obligations to T. E. Hall, of Ringwood, fbr la|e copies of California papers. A Social Party Is advertised to take place at WirPs Hall on Thursday eve­ ning of next weels, the 14th. THE "Bogs" Cabbage has found its equal and a few ounces better. Sir. J&after has produced one that weighs 10} pounds. Who says Sourkrout won't toe cheap thlff»yea*Y * THE work of rebuilding the Bridge near Owens' Mill has been commenced, Mid will be completed in a few days, When it will be stronger and better than ever before. REV P. AKVEDSON will preach in the Brick Church on Sunday evening next, n o'clock. It •should be borne in mind that he visits this place every two weeks. DR. RICE Dentist, will FFLL his regular Weekly appointment at the Riverside House, in this village, on Saturday next. Toothache victims should bear this in mind. As the cool weather comes on ducks are getting more plenty in the River and Lakes, and the prospect is that there will be lots of fun for shootists ere long. BUSINESS in the matrimonial market i« reviving in this secti-on. Two wed­ dings the past week, and three or four more talked of. The next victim is Already looking nervous a»d begs us to say nothing, so of course "mum" is the word at present. B. A. FORJO Photographer of this Tillage, has received an order from Kansas, for a number of his sjflendid Views of Fox Lake and vicinity. This !• the result of advertising In the PLAINDEALER together with the excel­ lent pictures always taken at Ford's Tine Art Gallery DUCKS must be quite plenty at the Lakes, if we are to judire from the jnumber being sent to the City every /week by Robt. Stanley, He is an old And experienced hunter and it Is not safe for Ducks or any other game to come within range of his gun. He must have slipped fully a liundred to Chicago cm Wednesday last. A. B. GILBERT. Druggist, in the W>Rt end of the village, is making some good Improvements on his building, putting on a new roof and otherwise materialy improving its appearance. When completed he will have a neat and handy little store. We are glad to notice this evidence of his pros­ perity. • „ ONE of the finest Apples in every Te- spect we ever saw, was left on our ta­ ble on Monday last by Page Colby. It weighs one pound and three ounces, and Is in every respect a perfect Apple. • We did not lrarn the name of the va­ riety, or 'Whether it Jiad a name, *but think such an apple deserves to be christened. ... A. H. SELLERS of Chicago, George L. Sherwood, mine host of the Waverly House,, Woodstock, and several others passed through this village for the Lakes on Saturday last. When Sellers is around ducks are known to fly high. They however succeeded in bagging a number of the web-footed, birds, and on their return looked liappy and contented. JUST as we were going to prdisswe re­ ceived the copy for an advertisement from N". Donnelly, of the General Store, Woodstock, whieh will appear in our next. Mr. Donnelly has Just returned from New York and Boston with his usual large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which we shall speak of more at length next week. Look out for the new advertisement. THE way our friends In different parts of the county are sending in new subscribers to the PLAINDEALER, is gratifying to say the least. Almost every mail brings us a list of names from some part of the county. We hereby thank our friends for the inter­ est taken in our behalf, and shall en­ deavor to make the PLAINDEALER wor­ thy of their continued confidence and support. A MAN by the name of Coates, rode off the embankment into the creek east of the bridge below Owens' Mill, ©n Monday night. The water was some four or five feet deep and himself and tiorse went all in a heap in the muddy pool. He was repeatedly warned by the watch man on the bridge, but was In that condition that he thought he *'knew how it was himself," and re­ ceived a good ducking for his knowl­ edge. W« believe the horse was not materially injured. WE learn that Bryant & Butler's Band will give a Social Party at Nunda Hall on Friday evening of this week, Oct. 8th. Ticket §100. ' WE would call the attention «of our readers to the advertisement of J. E. Vasey, Ringwood, to be found in anoth­ er column- Mr. V. has just started out in the mercantile business, and has put in a stock of Fall and Winter goods es­ pecially adapted to the wants of the people of Ringwood and surrounding country, and will no doubt receive s liberal patronage. * HENRY MILLER, Marble dealer at Johnburg, met with a severe and pain­ full accident on Monday morning last. He was loading base stone at the Depot, when one weighing about one ton fell upon his right hand, crushing aud bruising it in a frightful manner, break­ ing the bone of the third finger and completely tearing the flesh and skin from the back of his hand. The hand was dressed by Dr. O. J. Howard, and at the present time he is getting along as well us could be expected* THE individual Ilullhorst, who for selfprotection we were obliged to pub­ lish two weeks ago. from a safe retreat somewhere down at Free port, writes and has published in this county a letter denying the charge we made against hini, and attempts what he supposes is sarcasm at our expense. Now were it necessary we fnight bring proof to show that he is the biggest liar unhung, but he is so well known in this section that we do not consider him worthy of the powder. lie winds up by threatening to horsewhip us. Now the only answer we can make to this is "Shoo Fly." • - > WE would -again remind the dancing public of the Party to be giving at the Riverside House on Thursday evening of next week, the 14tli, and hope that when preparing to ^attend the Old Settlers' Meeting ttfey will make arange ments to stay over to the party in the evening. Mr. Wheeler of the River­ side has a reputation for getting up' pleasant,gatherings of this kind second to none, and no matter how large the crowd he is bound to make it pleasant for all who come. The best of music can always be fouiid at the Riverside Hall. And in short if you want a good time do not fail to be fcbere on the eve­ ning of the 14th.' IN another column can be found the advertisement of the new MeJlenry Bakery. As we have said before, Mr. Best is one of the best Baker* in the State, and the patronage lie is getting to start with is good evidence that he is appreciated by our citizens. We hope our citizens who have been pat­ ronizing the Dundee wagon will at once discontinue so doing, and patron­ ize a home institution. Mr. Best has come to make McHenry his home, and should receive the patronage of every •citizen. He will, during the'week, com­ mence running a delivery wagon, and •will deliver fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c., to our citizens daily. JJe hns^t+te finest stock of Confectionery to be found in the village. Read his adver­ tisement. • " IN another column can be found a new advertisement of Philip Gieseler, who can be found at the new store near the Depot, with a large and well" se­ lected Stock of Fall and Winter Dry TSroods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Crockery. &e.. «fee., which he is now ready to show to the buying; pub­ lic and sell at priees to suit the times. He also has -a full $?oek of Millinery Goods of all kinds, to which the atten­ tion of the ladies is particularly in­ vited. Mr. Gieseler has this season fin­ ished up one of the handsomest Block of stores to be found in the county, which are an ornament to that part of the village. Two of these he himself occupies, one for Dry Goods and Gro­ ceries and the other for Millinery, He is a wide-awake business man, and will no doubt receive in the future as in the past, a liberal share of public patron­ age. Read his advertisement. L. FRANCISCO, of this village, »has purchased the right of McITenry county for Shipe's Patent Guide. This device will enable any one, whether a me­ chanic or not, to plane any angle, from a right-angle to the most acute angle, with perfect ease, and absolute accura­ cy aud in less than one-third o£the time required by the best mechanic to make the same angle the old way; it saves the necessity of da-awing a draft in order to g$t any angle; it does away with the Try-Square and Bevel en- tierly; it will enable any one to square or bevel a board. It can be attached to a common Babbet Plane, and form a side or back Filister. It can lie attached to a Moulding Plane, so as to run the moulding at any angle. In fact it is applicable to any kind of Plane, and to all kinds of edge work where an accu­ rate* angle, moulding, or groove is re­ quired. /^Ve have heard some of our best i^echanit^s say that it is emphat- icly the best thing out. Mr. Francisco is now canvassing this county, and we predict cannot fail of * meeting with a ready sale. Every mart who ever uses a Plane should have one of these Guide's, It can be seen iu this village by calling at his Shop, opposite the Parker House. If you want to get the latest style and best quality Of Photographs call at Fords Fine Ai;t Gallery, Mcllenry, 111. Old Settlers' Meeting To the Citizens of McITenry Coiinty: The Business Committee, appointed to arrange for an Old Settlers Barbecue \»ve fixed upon Thursday Oct. 14th, as the time and the Public Square in Mo- Henry as the place, for such meeting. It is desired that each town in Lake and Mcllenry counties shall^organize hhmediately and appoint committees for each town respectively to take charge of the tables at the Festival, and such other business as may be necessary. And we would further sug­ gest that Town committees appoint sub-committees in each School District, who will take charge of arrangements in their immediate Vicinity, and see that their visitors come properly pro­ vided, and also to take charge of their supplies when they arrive at McIIenrv, The Oxen will be furnished and table room prepared for all who may come, by the citizens of McHenry. Each town will be assigned ample table room. It is requested that parties coming bring dishes, table spreads and such provision as they may need, the roast beef being free to all. All persons where ever dispersed around the globe, are cordially invited. By order of the Committer of Ar­ rangements, GEO. GAOE, J. IL -JoiiNsojr, I). 8. SMITH, F. K. GKANOBB, E. A. BKEBS, MCIIEXBT, Oct,, 4th 1875. OUR Fair report last week uninten­ tionally slighted the firm of Colton & Curtis, Photographers, at Woodstock, iu not giving them the proper recogni­ tion. They were awarded the Blue Ribbon foT best card Photographs, and no one who saw their splendid speci­ mens at the Fair could but acknowledge that the award was just. Charley, the Junior member of the firm, is a Photo, graplier of experience, and persons calling at their Gallery can rest as­ sured of getting a good Picture every time. • THE preparations for the Old Settlers Meeting in this village next week, are being rapidly pushed fdward,and noth­ ing but a severe storm can prevent one of the largest crowds ever known to assemble in McHenry County. As will be seen by reference to the proceedings of meetings held in Wttukegan last week, which we publish elsewhere. Lake County is Wide-awake, and will turn out in full force. They are wrgan- i/.ing thorongly by town and school Districts, and the Old Settlers of that County seem determined to do their part towards making the coining Re­ union equal at least in point of num­ bers, to the one held in 1860. The local Committees here^at McHenry are leaving no stone uhturued on their part, aud the preparations are being, pushed forward rapidly, and it is de­ sirable that (Hiring the week yet re­ maining that every town in the County become thoroughly organized, that they may come to Mcllenry in a body, where amjfTe table room will be provided,and w he re tow n, and Di strict can be t oge t It­ er. I^*t every man, woman and child iu Mcllenry County set this day apart for a general good t<me,and make the Old Settlers Meeting of Lake and McHenry Counties in 1875, a day long to be remembered with pleasure by botjM>ld and young. NUNDA. EMTOE PLAIN DEALER:- -LAST -week when there was so much thieving go- Jng on Elder Lovclace was.aroased • by his dog Marking. He went to the barn to find the door broken open but the thieves did not succeed in getting any plunder. Mr. Montgomery, Adjuster iter the Canadian Insurance Co., was here last week to see about Bryant Bms. loss. The building was owned by Clias. Snnd and the companjr will p^y him about 8725.00 or build him a new build­ ing, as it was over insured. We return Elder Lovelace thanks for garden vegetables. The Elder takes the PLAINDEALER. List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Nunda Sept. 30th 1875: T, W. West, Fred W. E. Swerwslu,Mrs. James •S. Quiiitsoe, Wm. Dodge, G, P.Paulson, Chas. Maynard. W. S. DEWOLF P. M. Our churches had accessions to all of them last Sabbath by baptism and let­ ter. The Deciple church received 7 members the M. E. Church received 3 and the Baptist 9. The other two churches also received some new'mem­ bers. We are glad to see the gospel spreading and this winter there will be revival meetings here when we hope every person in town not a member now, will come out on the side of the Lord and join some church. Having sold my house and lot, I now offer my store 24x50, 24 feet high with public hall up stairs, at very low fig­ ures. The best, investment any one era make in this town is to buy this property. It never will be offered so cheap again. Bids received for it for one month. * IRA M. MALLORY. The Woodstock people congratulate themselves that they have a Pickle Factory that pays cash. Their money will pay bills in Chicago. Ours won't. People are offering April notes, for one-half their fate. E. Beckley, has purchas«d the Miller lumber yard, and the two are consoli­ dated, Mr. Vermilyea Iras had his bouse, that was damaged by the fire repaired. It looks like a new house now and is ready for rent. » We see the next regular meeting of Patrons of Husbandry advertised to be in Growers Hall, Crystal Lake. Now what is the use of lying for Archdeacon Growers Ilall is in the village and town of Nunda and why persist ih calling it Crystal Lake. We like to see places called their right name? J WOODSTOCK? EDITOR PLAINDEALER;--The Fair iias been sufficiently noticed in ^ur columns so that other matters may bfc, attended to, and first as to court mat­ ters. Your McHenry readers are somewhat Interested in the result of the Pat, Quinn suit, against the Knoxes and others, which terminated last Friday morning in a verdict of $3000 damages for the widow, of which ) amount the jury thought Tom Knox, should, ae~ quitably pay 81200. A queer verdict to thus leave 81800 lying around loose. While upon court matters it may be as well to mention that on complaint of Ci-F. Hall, the grand jury fouiid a bill of indictment against M. M* Cloth­ ier, on account of some matter con­ nected with his administration of their branch store at- Richmond. The grand jury was instituted to guard the sub­ ject against causleess arrest and trials by the officers of the government with­ out sufficient cause. As there never was, in this country, the slighest danger of such arbitrary proceeding, the cum­ bersome machinery of presentation by this grand humbug always was a nui­ sance, and lately has become entirely the vehicle of spite and malice; the only way in which it furthers the cause of justice being that it provides at least three more avenues of escape for those who® should be punished and helps the legal fraternity to a large amount of fees in drawing bills of in­ dictment on the one side, and quashing them for some technical llaw. ou the other. From the mode of Mr. Hall's prosecution it is to be persiuned that Mr. Clothier Is innocent of any crime worthy of punislnnet. On Saturday, Andrew Goodrich, youngest son of G. W.Goodrich of Sen­ eca,while running a threshing machine near Union had one of his arms badly lacerated. City Marshall Pease's "carbuncle" has 'done busted," and he is able to be out around; Herbie Medlar's nose too lias healed leaving a scar six inches long. See personals in the Sentinel of the 23 d for explanation of the above para­ graph. Nelson Norton is building a barn on his lot near the viaduct. Thfe "Hidden Hand" was successful beyond the expectation of the most .sanguine, and the W. D. C. need have no fears of playing to empty seats as long as they do as well as they did in that play. Th& public see Results when witnessing a play without thinking or careing much about causes, and the acting alone would not have pleased them so umclu probably, but for Ed Blossom, who.painted the new scenery, which all admit to be as good as though it had been bought in Chicago, aud Mr. Early who amid all the vexations inci­ dent to the drilling of a club of ama­ teurs achieved so great a success. To him the Club owe more than they think, and although tht'y have sometimes thought him too exacting they are now satisfied that lie has made their playing successful. That there were faults can­ not be denied, but they were chiefly elocutionary. Emphasis and accent are sniall matters, but they must have attention; It were better to have no emphasis than too much, and to at­ tempt to make every other word em­ phatic destroys the efleet of emphasis. We are glad the Club has become suc-^j cess fill, and learn that they contem^ plate organizing as a stock company. Tom Kelly's house opposite Todd Seminary and occupied by Chriss, Hausauer was burned last Monday night. No loss to Criss, as he was aroused by some one rapping orf the window of his bedroom. There had been no fire in the house for several hours, nor in the part where the fire originated this summer. Last weeks Sentinel must have been a surprise to some whoexhibited at the Fair. Mr. Crow will be glad to learn that he was the principal exhibitor ou the flower stand, but he won't come after that first premium. Mrs. Ilass too will wonder how the* dickens her flowers got there and back again with­ out her knowledge. That such blun­ ders should occur when so many of the Sentinel's big and little guns are around Is certainly ODD, Richmond Dgpartmeiit, rfgas D. A. POTTER. EDITOK. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follows: •GOING SOUTH * Geneva Lake Pagasngsr A. a. Geneva Lake Freight p. a. UOINO KOHTll ^ Geneva Lake Freight. ..+....Jw:40 A. IS. • " "" . n. Geneva Lake Passenger. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CoXGBBUATiqxAi.:--Rev. V. J. Douglass Pastor. Services at 'i P. M. METHODIST:---Rev. 8am 1. Earn gov Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School'9:30 A. M. J, L. Downing, Snpt. • BAPTIST:--Elder Wheeler Pastor. 8«rvlces 10:80 A. M. Sabbath School M M. HAIR WORK. Mrs. C. Richard, .Woodstock, would respectfully inform the publio that she Is now prepared to do all kinds of fau- cy hair work, consisting of frizzes, braids, curls, and switches. From her experience in the business she can guarantee satisfaction in all cases and would solicit the liberal patronage of the public. Her rooms are over Mrs, Reid's millinery establishment, where she will at all times be in readiness to attend to her customers. Particular Notice. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to me either oil Note or book account, are requested to call and set* tie the same without delay, as I am de­ sirous of closing up all outstanding ac­ counts at once. A word to the wise is sufficient. , F. W, MtAS, Siugwood, Sept. 8tb; 1874 1 Sight-seers, and lovers of the beau" tifulare visiting the Exposition, as this is the last week advertised* : A. Bonner and J. O. Meeker, at X O. Meeker's old stand, are doing a general Blacksniitliing business, and are as cheap as the cheapest. ."J;.; As Circuit Court is in fRll blast at Woodstock, and talis quite a number of our citizens there, especially the legal profession, makes our village seem like an exceeding qiiiet town.-' Robt. Johonnet. so well known as one of the veVy "best horseshoed in McHen­ ry county, is .doing all kinds of work in his line, and will make or repair any­ thing that can be made of iron or steel. Mrs. £. B. Carpenter has just returned from the city with a splendid stock of Millinery goods of the, latest styles and fashions, which she is opening at her rooms over Mead's Hardware Store. Ladies wanting anything for head, fix- turns will be accommodated by giving her a call. « Mead & Harriso u, successors to R. Sibley, are enlarging their business. They have added general custom work to their Blacksmith Shop, have a good horseshoer and are doing horseshoeing and anything iu their iine that farm­ ers, mechanics, or others want. They have tools to repair the drills and tools used in the bored well that is becom­ ing so popular. In their Wagon and Manufacturing Shop, they are building and repairing Wagons, Carriages Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery made of wood. I Success to the new and wide-awake firm. A CARD. I would take this method of return­ ing my hearty thanks to Messrs. Cole, Cooley&Co., for their kindness to me in my affliction last winter. I injured my ankle so as to be unable to labor in their flouring mill, which has crippled me so that I have not been able to la­ bor or do any business up to the pres­ ent time. As I ha«| received all my flour and numerous other necessary ar­ ticles of them toward the support of my family, 1 last week ask them for their account against me which they presented receipted in full, whereon thfiv had ciedited me with two months -rffiges, allowed me after I was confined to the house, and the highest wages at that. For this and other noble gener­ ous acts 1 return my sincere thanks, and hoping that they may more than real­ ize their highest anticipations in the noble and magnificent improvements they have recentlv made to meet the increased demand of their numerous customers and friends . is the sincere wish of your friend. JAMES BACON. Natural Sciences in the Com mo* Seheols. PHYSIOLOGY KO. 1. INQ.UIRIXG FRIENDS :--There is a ma­ chine ou the writers table, which is one of the so-called American WcUtham Watches. It is to be presumed that it is as good a specimen of the kind as one will ordinarially find for the sum of fifteen dollars,--case, guard and key all comple te. That machine is guaranteed to run one year or twelve months from date of puchase: provided it is wound regular at the sauio hour each day, dur­ ing said period; is not loaned to the purchaser's friends (which by the way there is no danger;) is not made a play­ thing by the children (of whtch the owner, hain't, as yet, any of them;) and is not left for repairs iu anybody else's shop. The owner supposes said ma­ chine will, with'being cleaned once a year, run for ten years; but should he discontinue's present course, should he leave the path of peace andstralght forwardness for the paths of reckless­ ness and folly, it would in all proba­ bility be pretty much dilapidated as well as himself much sooner. But how is it with this machine called man? of whom the poet Shake- spere, in his Hamlet so rhetorically ex­ claims,--"What a piece of work; how noble In reason; how infinite in facili­ ties ; in form and moving how express and admirable; in action how like an angel; in apprehension how like a God; the beauty of the world; the paragon of animals;" How is it, he asks, with the machine Man?--lie runs twenty years, he inns fifty years, he runs three score and ten; he wins eighty years! lie runs ninety years!! "he runs one hun­ dred years !!/ And he does all this running without ever resting one pioment from breath­ ing the balmy air,--morning or eve­ ning, week days br Sundays, winter or summer, awake or asleep; except per­ haps for a little while on a very few occasions in mischievous boyhood, when for the perpetration of some vile act his mother gently took him across her knee and applied her hand to the patches on the cushioned portion of his pantaloons. People study the watch; they know it is a vast improvement on the ebbing and flowing tides, the sun-dia] and the hour grass. Why should they not study themselves? Why not study man, the highest type of all God's creation? IULIW. Business Notices. W ANTED.--A convenient and fortable house in this village. Inqptf* at the PLAINDEALER Office. Buy your Ready-Muil? Clothing «€ F. O. MSYOKT layes, Violins, Flules, and flfes, a w. ow K**S. Twb Button Kid Gloves; only dollar, at Buck!in & Stevens. For the best variety, latest style,: lowest prices, go to Bncklin & Steven®. Machine repairs and all leading machines kept by E. M. Owen. Ready-Made Clothing at bott<HB figures at F. G. Mayes. If yon want any kind of Farm imfta* ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. All kihd of Harnesses made by Henrjf Madden and H. S. Gregory, for sale by O. W. Owsx. Good Rnbher Boots for $3. at P. W, Blake's, ntppceite Perry , VartStfi store. Organs snd Melodeons to rent at very low figures. » a w. HORSE HAY RAKES--.A few more of the celebrated Holingworth Rakes at E. M. Owen's. F. G. MAYES is offering bed ROCK price in Ready-Made Clothing. Call and see. Wanted at Bucklin & Steven's, near the depot, choice Butter, Eggs, and Poultry, for which the highest price will be* paid in cash or trade. F. G. MAYES has just returned from the City with a choice stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING, which you will do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. Those 6} cent fast colored Prints have arrived at Bucklin & Steveu's.and are going like hot cakes. If you want any you must come soon o# they will be­ gone. . FOR SALE.--One two seated buggy one single seat buggy one double wagon. All new and of the very best land, will be sold cheap for want of store room. o. w. own, I have an Estey Organ that has been rented Eight years which is to day in perfect order and as good asr new and has never been tuned or repaired to the amount of one cent. It can be seen at o. w. own, CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Bucklin & Stevens now have a fall and complete line of Clothing for Men and Bo vs wear, and can sell you a rait 6? clothes from Eight Dollars up. P. W.BLAKE, at his store uppestt# Perry & Martin's, has just received * full stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, Among which III a full stock of Rubber goods of all kind* Good Rubber Boots for 03. Call examine his stock. New Goods, No Old Goods. Bottom Prices. Quick Sales. Small Profits For Cash. Buckling Stevent Near the Depot McHenry 1U. Neto No Old G(x)ds. Bottom Price*, Quick Sales. SmaU Profit|» jflor Cash. Bucklin &StevfMU Near the DepqL , Mcllenry HL Hamburg Edgings, Yak Laces. Gut. pure Laces, Bugle Fringes, Silk Fringe, Braids, Triuiings, Buttons, Collars, Tie*. Felt Skirts. Wfiite Skirts, Gloves, Ho* siery, Alpaccas, Poplins. Invisible Plaids, Cashmeres, in great variety at Bucklin A Stevens near the Depot ti McHenry 111. For<fs combination Side and Skylight is superior to any in the State, and m well arranged that he has no difficulty in making brilliant photographs In cloudy or dark days as well sis'wear. It also cuts the heavy shade oft' from the neck and does not leave it as blade aa an etheopian's, but brings it out full and round in all its graceful oontomv To Whom it 31;iy Concern. This is to certify that I have carried one of the O. W. Owen Watches for the past two or three years, and can iay that in ray judgment there is no bet* ter time piece made. I have set miim yb Chicago time and carried it for months without a seconds variation. I candidly believe that it is the beet Watch In the country. If I could not get another I would not sell mine n| anv price JOHN M. SMITH. Mcllenry August 141875. INTERESTING TO ALL. This is to certify that we have nsed for a term of years the Custom Madf and Warranted Boots ami Shoes kept iforsale by Smith Bros. . & Co. and can recommend them to be A No I in every respect, and we consider them relative* ly cheaper than any other boots and shoes we have ever used. John Hefman, B. F. Peck, IJ. T. Do beer, John Fie mating. Saml. Sherman, A. P. Colby, Calvin Lobdell, E. A. Been, Jacob Miller 2nd, R. H. Sherburn. C .11, Morey, MAKIUED. CTIL-BERT--SISLSBLIK,--Iu this village SENT* #th, 1875, by Rev. 8. Hewes, Mr. A. B. Gilbert ami Miss Belle Serber, both of Mcllenry. ,OOVILIj--PARKER.--At the re§ideneo of the bride's father, Win. Smith, ia this vilUuy, Oct, 4th, 1875, by Rev, S. Ilewea, Mr. Siueo» Covili ami Mrs. Huiilah Parker, both of this town, WOODARD--TURA3?.--At the Parker Hon* in this village, Oct, 1st, 1875, Uy Rev. S. Heww, Mr. Arunah Womisnl HII<1 Mrs. Anna S> Tfc* ran, bothof Grant. JL»ke county. •• „.J For Sale. A tew Choice Thoroughbred Berkshire Pl|» A for Sale. Stock receutly imported &H| England, and very line. E. M. OWEN. McHfVBT, Sept., 30tb, 1878. Bstray Notice. CAME into the cnctosureof the undersienaC one mile east of Spring Grove and «Ut Htiles from Mcllciirv, on or about the 0th , one Brown Mare, the owner is bereby fled to prove property, mv charges her Hvuv. MlCHAsi-L LAN>IN(i* Dated Sept., 16th, 1S75 83w M'HENRY BREWERY, King & Hertoes, Proprietora* THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of country and warranto,I as represented.** Orders solicited and promptly attends* a'

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