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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1875, p. 5

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KSs?*- '-'r* ' ' ; - '* O ^~Mrr J(4[«wy Pltirietiep, r w r , t - ' w 1 ri nv <i ^ , £ ( Mft*. TtSF* ^"ST < "I ^PHP^f . 1 • v " * v / - , ; * * / . • * • Jlii ' WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27th. 1875. ad T!?r.e Tafcte. GOING SOUTH. GenevaL*kt passenger... Geneva Lake Freight. ....?.*:29 A. If • r. M. GOING NOBTH. K>*"••<£ f**® •• -^ •••••• ••» *• A. M. G<^eva Lake Passenger. .7:05 h m. MASONIC. ^ . *CSEKRY CHAI'TKH NO. U R. A. M.--Rean- «JJ' Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in eaeh month. „ * W;<^Sec.. < ttattietK V SEE the new advertisement of Ira M. Mallory, Nunda, in another column. SEE Bucklin & Stevens, New Ad­ vertisement. THE Epizootic In a mildforraianow affecting neftrly aU the hoi^a in tiiis vicinity. CAPT. "Butt" Walker and Prof. Ar­ nold, of Harvard, passed through this village, on their way bora# from the IL&kes, on Monday morning last. POUND, a Poeket Book, containing a «mall amount of money, which the owner can have by calling at this office and describing pocket-book and con­ tents. ' „ ' ALL new subscribers to the PLAIK- 1>KALER between this date and January 1st next, will receive the paper free until New Years. Send in your names at once. REMEMBER the Auction Sale of Fur­ niture at the Riverside House, on Sat- nrday next. Those in search of bar­ gains should not fail to be present. Frank Foster is the Auctioneer. THE "Beautiful Snow" made its first appearance in this section yesterday and did not receive a very warm wel­ come either. May its visits be few aalfftT between for a month yet. SEE the new advertisement, of P. W Blake, in another column. He is now receiving a large stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber goods, for the Wiuter trade, and is selling afc bed-rock prices. Call and examine Ms stock. AN Auction Stile of Stock and Farm­ ing Tools will take place at tlie farm of John Hogan, 1} miles East of this vill­ age,on Saturday next,the 30th. Those wishing anything of this kind should bear this in mind. HR. HARTMAN, of the firm of Davis'& Harman, Ridgefield, with two friends, spent two days at the Lakes last week, and brought down an even hundred Ducks. Mr. Hartman says it was two days of as fit^ shooting as he ever had. A SLIGHT runaway occurred on Satur­ day last, the horse being stopped near Owens'Mill. Aside from the breaking •of the thills and the unceremonious (dumping of the driver, no damage was •done. It only made a little inn for •"the boys." QUAJBTBRJLY Meeting Services will tic£d*t the M. E.Church,in this village, <on Saturday next, the 30th, commen­ cing at 2 o'clock p. M. Regular service at the Church on Sunday* morning next, nt 10$ o'clock. Elder Grey,. Presiding Elder of this District, will conduct the Service. X FARMER named Brown living four miles north of Pecatonica. recently fell from the roof of a barn. The Doctors say he sustained a fracture of the hum- eras and oshyoidos, a compound ^fract­ ure of the coronary processes of the vertebrae, and injured- the medulla oblongata. It is the general opinion that the poor man was seriously in­ jured. ROBT. E. STANLEY, the noted hunter and fisherman of Nippersink Point, left at our sanctum one day last week, two fine Canvass-Back Ducks, for which he will pleaae accept our thanks. These Canvass-backs are getting very scarce in this section, Mr. Stanley informing us that these two are the only ones of the kind that he has killed this season, and when Stanley cau't kill a duck the next man need not try. We would direct the attention of our readers to the new Advertisement of Bucklin 4 Stevens* to be found in another column. The late hour which we received it presents us, for want of itime. giving it that notice we would wish, but will refer to it here­ after. In the mean time read their ^advertisement, and call and examine their mammoth Winter goods, stock of Fall and TICKETS have been issued fer a Fare­ well Party to come oft at the Riverside House, this Wednesday evening, the 97th, it being the last Party to be given by Mr. Wheeler before retiring from the Hotel. During the time he has run this house he has made hosts of friends, not only among the traveling public, but among the citizens ofMcHenry and surrounding country, and we hope ©a this occasion they will turn out and give him a rousing benefit. The best of music will be in attendance, and no •ne ean fail of having a good time who Attends. The dancing public in this village will be out in full fbrce. . Bucklin jfc Stevens ije$* the .Depot, have filled their Store, crammcd, jam­ med full of Fall and Winter GoQtJs. GO And see them and note prices, > BLOOWKI* STOCK FOB WEBB ASK A, Byron D. Smith, who has t**t« visit­ ing parents and friends in this village, returned to Nebraska last "week, taking with him as fine a lot of blooded stock as we ever saw together. He is located ai^urien's Bend, Famscc County, Ne­ braska, where he owns a Ranche com­ prising 450 acres of Prairie a»uf River bottom, on what is called the Republi­ can River. He is making it strictly a stock Ranche, and in doing so spares neither time nor money to get the best bl(H>ded stratus In the land. Besides thra|s which he took from here last week, he has three hundred head of Texan cattle, one hundred and twenty- five of which are breeding cows. He shipped from here three short horn bulls and one heifer, from the Herd of John W. Smith, and when we say that they are the best strain to be found in the Northwest, we bat echo the opinion of the best breeders in the country. Besides these he'slilpped two high-bred brood mares, a pair of Magie Pigs, from the stock of Wm. W. Ellsworth, who has withoyt question the best blooded hogs to be found in the West, and one thoroughbred Berk­ shire Boar, purchased of E. M. Owen, the stock of which was recently im­ ported from England, and is very fine. With this stock, and that whieh he already has on his Ranche, Mr. Smith can, without question, be said to own the best and purest blooded stock to be found in Nebraska. And being a thorough, gb-ahead business man, and a worker himself, we have no fears that the stock will at all degenerate under his care. He buys and will keep none but that of the purest blood, and the citizens of Nebraska are to be con­ gratulated that such a stock raiser 4ias settled in their midst, as he cannot fail of being a lasting benefit to them. His many friends in this section wish him abundant success In his new home. OUR BARGAIN COLUMN. We have this week opened a "Bar­ gained Column," under which head we propose hereafter,at a moderate price, to insert all advertisements of "for Sale," such as farms, dwellings, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, and in fact any­ thing farmers, or. business men may have to sell. In this maimer every article offered for sale will be brought prominently before the eye of the readers, and not scattered promiscuous­ ly among other large advertisements, as is usually the case. In doing this we think we can make it an object for everyone who has anything he wants to sell to advertise it. The expense will be erhall, while the prominency of the advertisement will ensure a ready- sale. Therefore we say to every man who has a horse, cow, wagon, potatoes, grain, or anything, no matter what the value, to sell, let it be mentioned in the 'Bargain Ctluma' of the PLAINDEALER. I't will soon fee looked for by buyers, to learn where-such things can be fouud. Under Ahis head this week can be found ' THE WHEE&BB FARM of 80 «cres, situated just South of this village, to­ gether with T50 acre# of timber la^id on the East side of the river, This 1« a very desirable property, and will be sold by Mr. Wheeler on very reasonable terms.® Persons desiring to purchase improved ortimberland should not fail to look this property over. F. A. HIBKARD, also offers for sale a Very desirable property, situated oppo­ site the Riverside House, in this village, consisting of a good substantial build­ ing, suitable for a store or other busi­ ness, the upper part being fitted up for a re^idene*', together with four acres of.choke- lanrl, go©*]- burit> a*n-&- some fruit. .It is the cheapest property in the village at the price it is offered at. RICHARD RISHOP, as Attorney for the owner, offers a good farm of 80 Acres^ near Crystal Lake Crossings. G. C. THOMAS, ofters a Store and Lot in this village. It is a good location, and can be bought very cheap. E. M. OWEN offers a few choice Thoroughbred Berkshire Pigs for Sale, the stock having recently been impor­ ted from England. Farmers and oth­ ers who wish to improve their breed of hogs should call and see Mr. Owen's Stock. « THE PLAINDEALER Office is prepared to print neat headingson Bill Head and Statement paper, at a slight advance over the cost of the white paper. Also Envelopes with business or return cards upon them, at less prices per thousand than is usually charged for e blank Envelope. Every business nan shmdd use printed headings, for they ale^'business," and come cheap, if ordered from the PLAINDEALER Office. 1 Til) WE have seen big Radishes, big Beets, and even "dead beats," but we think Joe Buck has two Winter Radr ishes that beat them all. One weighs 10} and the other 7} pounds. The largest one is the most perfect turnip Radish we ever Saw, smooth and nice. The seed was brought from the old country nineteen years ago by Mrs. Buck, and the Radishes were raised on his farm, half a mile North of this vil­ lage. We think these radishes will be hard to beat. I have the celebrated Bell City Feed Cutter for sale,and challenge the world to produce its equal. 0. BISHOP. HOUSEKEEPERS DELIGHT.--Enquire at Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot, Old Settler*. At a meeting of several old settlers of Lake and McHenry counties, held at the Riverside Hotel in McHenry, Oct. 14th, on motion of E. M. Dennis, Hon, Richard Bishop was chosen Chairman, md E. D. Bcsie», some " discussion as A «• -- Secretar. «Aitci the time and to piACC for holding the next AnmiJU Meeting of Old Settlers, the following gentlemen were chosen a committee, being three from each county to confer npon said matter, ami with power to cali a meeting to .efTecfX^ permanent organization, andfrtfTfifttie tlmp and place for holding the next Reunion via: E. M. Dennis. J. G. Ragan, and Wm. Besley, for Lake county, and Ridiarr! Bishop, Joel Shepard and Dt. Beem^Sf McHenry county. 4fter some remarks and suggestions as to the propriety of Including some other counties in the next Reunion, o» motion the meeting adjourned. Ii. BisHor, Chairmiusu X. Dl Bk8L^t, Secretary. Stoambowt Kxcur* on. ' ' On Sunday next, the 3ist inst.. should the weather prove favorable, the Steamer "Athlete" will make an Ex­ cursion to the Lakes, leaving McHenry at 10J A. M., and returning at 5 P. M. As this will probably be the last Ex­ cursion this season, it is hoped that a goodly number will avail themselves of the opportunity to visit the Lakes. • NOTICE. Members of the McHenry County Teachers Association, are requested to be present at the next meeting, as- there is considerable business to come before the meetiug, besides the regu­ lar programme. In addition to the published programme Mr. G. B. Curtiss has agreed to be present and conduct a class In writing. All teachers,, and those Interested in the success of oufr public schools, are cordially Invited. Remember the time and place. Next Saturday (Oct. 30th,) at Ridgefield. S. D. BALDWIN, Secretary. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER.--The Re pub­ lican Caucus met at the appointed time and place, if sixteen can be called a caucus of the voters of this township. So little interest was manifested in the result that the regular committee of five actually went out to prepare the list,of nineteen delegates, and were absent almost half an hour. George Bunker Esq. was made chairman and B.N.Smith Esq. secretary. Another departure from the usual programme was manifest In not calling the meeting to order promptly at two o'clock. No instruction, were given. The convention after a great deal of going to and fro without increasing knowledge was called to order by G. S. Soutliworth Esq. at half past two and James- Crow Esq. of Crystal Lake vrm made chairmau with secretaries Tip. Smith of Harvard and the editor of the Sentinel. Towns all present except Burton; number of delegates 175. Bartholomew, Gardner, and Glllillan were appointed as committee on cre­ dent ials_a]uM*eported all right, when a motion was made that the convention proceed to take an informal ballot for Treasurer. After making permanent the temporary organization. A. W. Smith, B. N. Smith and Wilkinson were appointed tellers, and without.vo­ ting on the motion to take an informal ballot the tellers proceeded to collect and count the votes;,when it appeared that James Nish, had 82; Lyman Shel­ don, 39; Southmaid, 9; Sellers, 11; A1 drich, 11; Garriecu. II; and Bartholo­ mew, 4. Necessary to a choice 89. A fui buliut was thca taken resulting in, Nish, 110, Sheldon, 54; Sellers, 11; when on motlou the nomination was made unanimous for Nish and John Briuk's nomination for county surveyor was made by acclamation. The county committee was theu appointed and without letting us know the sentiments of the party ui>on the money or any other question by passing the usual number of Buncombe resolutions, the meeting adjourned to the sheriffs room to smoke the nominees cigars. If the other towns took no more in­ terest in the caucus than Dorr our sheriff doubtless found it an easy mat­ ter to obtain instructions in favor of his favorite, and by giving him a majority on the informal ballot secure his nomination beyond a peradventure. So the court house, the voters permit­ ting, will not be without its regular "Cap." What fearful sacrifice these epuletted gentry must have made in the war that the Re publican party can no longer nominate a man if a Captain can be had, . . As soon as Will-bore can get stamps enough to take him out of town he is to bow himself out bf the * Sanctum of the Sentinel, "Gard" having come to the conclusion that in the natter of locals he cau do quite as well himself, if he does come short in writing dog­ gerel. . Mr. Curtis' writing school is in so gbod favor that he has beenfcompelled to divide his class and hold* session each evening of the week. The W. D. A. have determined to play three farces a'tftheir next enter­ tainment, to wit: "His last Legs," "Put Him Out" and the other not decided upon. The characters are jaat and re­ hearsing will soon begin. L.Jones house is up and enclosed while Mr. Ryder the livery man Is ad­ ding to his house what will doubtless be a kitchen and bedroom. On Friday afternoon a returned mis­ sionary gave -out notice In the public school that he would talk to the public in the Methodist Church that evening npon China, its religion, morals and customs. "Children without their pa­ rents norwan ted" The audience con­ sisted of twenty including the qholr. He spoke for about an hour la a collo­ quial ^ay, his utterance being thick and indistinct enough to drive his score of auditors from the house. This letter is already too long to give you a sy­ nopsis of his ^marits, that la the few that were unucrstood. The Mass Convention met fn the Cojirt House at 2 p. M. McD. Richards in the chair and W. D. Ringland secre­ tary. R. Coony and J. O. Lewis were appointed tellers and an informal ba?lot taken when it appearing that E. M. Lamb had a majority, he was on motion of Mr. Gilbert made the nomi­ nee for Treasurer. Miles Hatch WAS then nominated for county surveyor, and after some other unimportant business the convention adjourned, ODD Richmond Department* GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDEALERThe excite­ ment and anxiety usually attending the preliminary proceedingis Incident to an election, in part is over, and the many disappointed candidates with their numerous friends, will doubtless •turn their attention, and unite In the final contest between the two existing parties,--Republican, and tlie Demo­ cratic, or the self-styled Independent. Should the latter make thp proper se­ lection of the right man, for their can­ didate, the contest Will doubtless be a warm one, as we have already heard many expressing themselves quite freely in that direction. Personally, we care but little which way the wind blows, any way. so that we get good honest mengto fill our offices, which is too often, not the Case. The Republi­ can Convention on Saturday last we think made a good selection In the per-, son of "Capt. Nish." and should he be elected will doubtless, fill the bill, to , the satisfaction of his constituents. The farmers are extremely busy,im­ proving the fine weather, securing the remaining crops Ac. Our town the past week has been honored by tl.e presence of some of the dispensers of "Blackstone," "Parsons," » who were attending to a suit be­ fore Square Baldwin, wherein M. M. Clothier'was plaintiff, and C. F. Hall defendent. To putslders, those ndt di­ rectly interested In the matter, it ap­ pears tp be a sort of "dog eat dog" arrangement, wherein the plaintiff sues the defendent for selling the same kind of damaged p$nd unwholesome goods as he himself was selling. We know but little of the merits of the case, but sufficient to know that both parties were guilty of a mlsdemeaner against the public. We are Informed that defendent was found guilty and bound over under $200 bonds for his appearance at the next term of Court. On the following u day another suit was brought before Squire Brown of Hebron by the same parties. This time the defendent of the former suit was brought up on a charge of Petit Larceny, of some valuable papers pur­ porting to belong to plaintiff. The defendent in this as in the former, be­ ing again bound over in $300 bonds for his appearance at the next term of Court. And thus mankind strive for pre-eminence. The view of such pro­ ceedings, in the mind of very many, will be doubtless best expressed by using the combined staiuas,^ of' of our d i s t l ng u ishe J pee U;- Cus torn does often reason overrule.--Rochester And throw a cruel sunshine on a fool--Arm­ strong. We accept the correction. It was a thirty-five foot jump which "Dick," our champion jumpest made, instead of twenty or less as stated last week. Boys, beware of "Capt. B's," old man cider. Its too strong for you. Better drink milk a little longer. Those having good milling wheat to sell will do well to give Mr. Toles a call, as lie wishes to purchase a large amount, and will make it an object for those having good wheat to dispose of to. Give him a chance. Mr. Philbrick will take possession this week and become a resident among us, on and after Tuesday. SVEN. NOVELTIES NOVFLTIES.--Every day brings something new from the "Hub" from "Gotham" or elsewhere, to Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. They say that ladies now pro­ pose to introduce a style of dress sprinkled profusely with lions, tigers, panthers, griffins, monsters and" chi­ meras dire. *No matter: they cannot frighten the men away with such trifles as these. The Bottom has fallen out. Prioes way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Bucklin 4 Ste vaps, near the Depot. HAIR WORK. Mrs. C. Richard, Woodstock, would respectfully inform the public that she is now prepared ta do all kinds of fau- cy hair worjc, consisting of frizzes, Braids, curls, and switches. She has a liooter, with the aid of which she can take combings and make them "P into Switches as nice as cut hair. From her experience in the business she can guarantee satisfaction in all cases and would solicit the liberal patronage of the public. Her rooms are one door above Diesel's Furniture Store, where she will at all times be in refttjiness to attend to her customers,' D. A. POTTER, EDITOR. P&SMBgvr trains paw Rlchm«*| »tatto* a» follows- GOfim SOUTH CroiorS TiiVc _?#WWIgir ....... A. H. Geneva Lake Freight _ r w in *>. n. QOTKO KOKTU Genera Lake Freight ..10:40 a. M. Geneva Lake rassenger 737 j(. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL HOT. F. J. Donfrlaaa Pastor. Services at 3 P. M. ^ MBTHOmST:-- 8ftmL Earnger Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabtetb School»:» A. M. J. L. Downing?, Supt. BAFTIST:--Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:90 A. M. Sabbath School 18 M. Richmond Public School has a larger attendance this fail term than ever be­ fore, and teachers and scholars are hard at work. Wm. Kllley has opene d a Taflor Shop in Mrs. D. Gelispie's building, and is prepared to cut and make coats, vesta, and pants, on short notice. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. The M. E. Church was reopened last Sabbath, agreeable to notice, the Rev. Sc Earngey, the Pastor, conducting the services. He preached appropriate good practical sermon, to a large and attentive audience. Richmond Flouring Mill, with their Increased facility forbusiness, is hav­ ing an increased custom business, and their orders for flour are large and promptly filled, to the iatlsfaction of all lovers of good flour. Mrs. .Gelllspie la in the Tailoring business as usual, and Will be pleased to see customers, old or uew, and as formerly will devote her time to coats, vests, and pants, as customers may want. Her long experience and the acquaintance of the people with her work is sufficient without any, com­ mendation from us. Our merchants are all receiving large invoices of Fall and Winter goods in almost every style, quality and varie­ ty, which they are selling at exceeding low prices. If our citizens wash up to the water line and let live, and look to their own intf rest and the interest of their town, they will purchase their goods In Richmond. Good Mews for Iavalld Soldiers. Dr. S. F. Bennett, of this place, has received the appointment of Examining Surgeon by the War Department at Washington, has received his commis­ sion and all necessary instructions and papers from the Commissioner of Pen­ sions, and is now prepared to examine Invalid Soldiers for new Pensions, In­ crease of Pension*, or Biennal examina­ tion. As the Doctor was a soldier in the late war and knows of the hardships prii^fCl^ns, and sufferings of the sol­ diers, and is in sympathy with them, his brother soldiers will find in the Doctor a warm friend. If we cau judge of^his- examinations and the reports that he will be called upon to make to the Department, by the honors be­ stowed upon him by Rush Medical Col­ lege of Chicago, when he graduated, and his practice as a Physician and Surgeon, the Commissioner of Pensions may rely upon his examinations as be­ ing thorough and unbiassed, not swerved by sympathy or favor. "The right man in the right place." We failed to furnish items week before last for the PLAINDEALER, as we were absent on a short furlough, and as traveling or the want^of it has become a perfect mania with Americans at least, and rs all have not tlie ready for a tour to Euro? 2 a«d to visit the Holy Land, or a trip around the world, we had to ohoose a short voyage or none. We visited Joliet, the seat of the Rock River Annual Conference, Which is composed of some 217 Methodist Preach­ ers, who, if we could judge from the representation of the Presiding Elders of the Conference, and their general appearance, they are doing a noble work In educating men and women that this world is a preparatory school to learn the first rudiments of mans christian lite, to be commenced here and continued in the "Sweet bye and bye" under the immediate instruction of the Grdat Teacher. While at Joliet we visited the State Penitentiary. The Chaplain escorted quite & large number of us through' the different workshops, cells, kitchen, and different rooms of the Prison. Everything is kept in the very best of order. No fllth anywhere in the building and for neatness the cells and all the rooms would compare favorable with our pri­ vate dwellings. There is nearly 1400 prisoners in the prison and out of that large number there was only 10 females to 1370 males, k majority are young and middle aged, a very few old men or women. We learned some very Im­ portant facts which wo noted. On? was from careftil investigation by the Chaplain and officers theyle^n that J of the prisoners trace the direct cause of their situation to intemperance, and all of another third indirectly to In­ temperance, and the remaining third in a great measure to idleness, not be­ ing learned to work; \yhpe under the care of parents, T^ last named class say that they have been taught one good lemon; they; are learning a trade and when they get out they can work and support themselves anjd will not have to be®, rob or steals When will the parents in this land of schools and churches, apd area ,of land sufficiently large so eyery man, woman and child can And a plenty of laudibfa to do, when, I sayr will prrmf Iw-- wisdom and educate their iearu them to be regular stten at church, and learn to v«tk with fAOt Kpjjl * themselves to eomethlng mendabie and honorable. 3j*i 1 be tanght that labor is idleuess a disgrace and our would be nearly empty. Business Kotiees. F^yMyo„r Ready-Hade Clotbte£ # Violins, Flutes, and VifM, «j| <xir.owKH*s. m Machine repairs and all leading machines kept by E.M. Owen. If you want any kind of Farm ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. Ready-Made Clothing at bottoM figures at F. G. Mayes. One Two Seated Buggy, Just flnisheck Will be sold cheap for cash or goo# n«mr "**• ~- All kind Madden Organs? and Melodeons to rent at verjP , low flgureit f " /- *•. i t If you wstit to gft the latest style 'uM I best quality of Photographs call > Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McHenry, Hi. d of Harnesses made by Heni# and H. S. Gregory, tor sale bwi; 1 . aw.owi*. Good Rubber Boots for fS, at P. "Wi Blake's, opposite Perry A Martin'!, store. ______ F. G. MATES IS offering bed price In Ready-Made Clothing. and see. FOR SALE.--One two mated bug] one single seat buggy one double wai All new and of the very best k will be sold, cheap for want of » room* j, ... ;• p. w.Own. f ;• I have an Itetey Organ "fliat has beear rented Eight years which is to day lit perfect order and as good as new MKI has never been tuned or repaired to tfa# amount of one cent. It can be seeu a§ o. w. owu. * : his store oppoalt^ Perry & Martin's, has just received iy full stock of Boots and Shoes for! Fall and Winter trade, among whfch % a full stock of Rubber goods of all klnd§v Good Rubber Boots for #3. CaU MNf^ examine his stock. ' C 1 '•Wi .riil .MS •> INTERESTING TO AMi. This Is to certify that we have for a term of years the Custom Madf and Warranted Boots and Shoes kept ij iii. *2 a. j£ -O: »vi caic u\ UIUIVII JWIVP, .|)b VU. Hllift recommend then* ioiw A No i me respect, and we consider them relative! ly cheaper than any other boots gaq, shoes we have ever ueed. John Hefman, B. F. Peek, H. T. Dobeer. John FiemmhM| Saml. Sherman, A. P. Colby, Calvin Lobdell, E. A. Beers, "" Jacob Miller 2nd, R. H. Sherburiu C .11. Morey. DIED. MORRISON.--At the residence of atockcr, in this village, on tbe Ijttli IML, congestion of the hrain, after an illness MOI__ fifteen hours, Maud, daughter of Dr. James ̂ ^ Morrison, of Paxton, III., aged 2 years. ' ROGERS - In Bakersfleld, Callforata, 0*1 11th, of Consumption, CAIIKIK, wife of Of 1* 8 Rogers, aged 85 years, One by one the leaves are lkllta|, Fading, falling, day by day, ; And in silence Heaven is callte* « One by one our friends away, " h. a. % Trustee's Sale. WHEREAS, by his certain Trust deed, dat ed September 21gt, A I> lt*>9, and raeovt in the Recorder's Office of McHenry O0M1 and State of Illinois, in Book .'SlofTrusI JT'" at page 318, William Wall, of said Ooaaty, M| grant, bargain, Holland convey toB N NUTK Trustee, the following described real estate situated in McHenry County, State of fllt*irt% to-wit: Four acres and SB-LOO acres oat ef the southeast corner of the northwest quarters* the southeast corner of the north westqaaftef of the southeast quarter of section 37, towa* ship 45, north range, 8 east, Ac., bouM*dafr follows: BeKlnninff at smith?*"*"* ol the above described It'.r.-*., rtiRnlsg tbCBf# west ten (10) chains and JO links ta *. stalk# i thence lici'ih on Itcuf'slinc to the centre Mtkv" road and to a stake; thcncc- southeast on O# line of said road ten (10) chains and St ltaks Wfcrvs a stake; thence south to the place of begtaj ning, in trust to secure the payment of «• Promissory Note bearing even date with safcp Trust Deeil, for the sum of One Hundred aa®J Fifty I)oliars, jmyable to thy order of Jolufc Flusky, with annual interest at tea per Mt|r, and due one vear from the da to tneraoA-fi*' And whereas default has been made la pM|i payment of said note and interest; on tW same and there is now due on tlit* sup® T*N Hundred and Forty One and 25-100 Dol' and application having been made to me the logal holder of said note I shall an tbe MtljL dav ot November at; the hour of One o'clockf P M of said dav, $t the front door of the Ooi Hp use iu WcMxlstiick, in said County, sell"m Public Auction to the highest and best bhtdu. for cash, the above described premises to payr ^ and satisfy said indebtedness. .. A- B. N. SMITH TroatM, , « Pated, Woodstock Oct 86th 1878. ^ REPORT OF THE O O N I > I THE FIRST NATIONAL B01 At Woodstock, At Close of Business Oct I 71 KICSOUBCKa. mWl IHscounts Overdrafts ;" U. 8. Bonds to secure circalatioa... Due from Reserve Agents. Due from other National Banks.... Ileal Estate Furniture & Fixture)^ Current Expenses. IT, • Checks ami other cash items....... Bills of other National Banks F rac t iona IC ur rency., • • • specie Legal Tender Notes Lugill Iciiuer I(eaemption ft)Bd of C. 8. urer. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock ..... Surplus Fund Other undivided profits.....',... Circulation outstanding........ Individual deposits.... I U4»rr sseea PMffll 4- 8TAT> OP X1.LZKOI8, > MonEKRY COl NTT, F I, JON'H J. MCRPiry, Cashier of the abov% named Rank, do solemnly swear thut above sbitement is true to the best of »y>; knowledge and belief. JOHK J. MUEPHT Cashier. | Subscribe*! and sworn to before me, this 11th s day of October, 1875. J. A. 1'AtKlui, K. f. ^ CORRECT ATTKST.-R. C. Jefferson, NeUI BonaeWy, J, b. Medlar,

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