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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1875, p. 7

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•;A . •: THE CtJBAK QUESTION. BUhM 0k OM iwrftirti- will Bocoaunend in dent of thfe l%mee writes ': ,<7rhe talk about has netanfllr awik.- w<' ^ know be aaiain&I npoft the mutter py the Prea» " ident in his corning message to Congtem: , His Tieffs upon the mbject and his often* expww«ed deeire to see the belligerent righto of the Gabon insurgents now- Hissed Are snfficieatly well knolrn. QlMr- 6rer. it is jlot genenBy known ho# ih- tensely the PreSdentVmind is warkid up on this subject, and how Tigotoufty heprofmfre® to carry out his plansfaHKe f . .rj adjustment of the troubled affairs in the _xT;^v West Isdia ialanda. in Ms ooming mw- :a rage to Congress it is his intention to more fully discuss this matter Chan he has ever done before. He will try to make more clear his intentions when he advocated the acquisition of San Do­ mingo. He has not hitherto cared to de­ fend himself in this matter, but now, for some reason of his own, he desires the 4 country to accept his explanation of the ~*®°\ ' ' **•' gam possession of this iafatuL These reasons he "gives with hie eustom- *'*, ary brevity. He says that primarily his y. * great object in aaqniring Bis Domingo f was to secure for the former slaves of I;; "vthe South a p'aoe of refuge where they could find labor and shelter whan they • ' were oppressed in the South. The pos­ sesion of this island alone, he thinks, would have done more to settle the troubled condition of the South than all the legislation in the world. The color­ ed people would have had a place to fly to if athe Southern people should maltreat thfens. The former would then be driven to treat the negroes kindly from the fact of the fear of losing their valuable serv­ ices in the field. The labor question would do much, the President <-.hink«t to bring the South to the proper consider­ ation of the rights of the oolored people. Another reason is to be given for the pfirchase of San Domingo. The Presi­ dent thinks that if we had secured the p^sssssion of the island we would have been able to raise there all the products whfeh we now buy of Cuba, Here is where he thinks the whole ome lias in a nutshell. He is of the opinion that with­ out, her trade with the United States 1 Spain could not sustain her war in Cuba upon the insurgents, and that really the United States is made to carry the bur- derf of the expense of this cruel war. This the President proposed to remedy, ;,f- and his idea is that the moment we arrive Pgk . ftt a point when we can do away with the product of Cuba, then will the war in Cuba bp forced to a close. Two great points are involved in the President's West India scheme; one to secure a home for the negro, and thereby tran- quilize the South, and the other to secure the freedom of Cuba. This hdwill most urgently bring forward in his annual message* He espresso in con­ versation the Hfcrongesi opinion in rela­ tion to the matter, so that all Ms friends are convinced that he is unusually in earnest about it A strong effort will be nmfwfe to secure the recognition of the | . belligerent lights of the Cubans before || the 1st of next January* Several sensa- F tional versions of the Cuban cause have I been sent over the country, abounding I in just enough fact to give color to their I. • ftss^rt|®».s, ^ The plain. matter of the I: ' whole business is that the President is [going to make one more vigorous effort to ? " carry out his pet ideas in West India, and if Congress refuses to aid bi»n then he Will see what he can do upon his own re­ sponsibility,, Im the absence of Congress the President has the right to recognize the national existence of the Cuban in­ surgents It can also be stated upon the best authority that Secretary Msk has been brought over and made to sympa­ thize with the President in his idea that Something ought be done. Mr. Fish heretofore has been the great stumbling- block. If he indorses a movement on the part of this government looking to the recognition of the Cuban belliger­ ents, the matter is as good as done. It is only a question of time for the rest. if such mortality existed the country would be alarmed. It not so with the little children, of whom three-fourths of the one-half we have aited die ande* 1 year old. The nursery, therefore, and tfaft mother must be at fault --Sa»it*rian Mafaxinf * . ^ y -- • *. '•*&* I; SoNethfn* for Everybody. Evehy stone for grinding tools should be provided with a rest, said apprentices should be taught how to use it N*w Indication of Death.--A med­ ical practitioner proposes, as a method to ascertain dsath, to injeot a drop of ammonia beneath the skin, when, if there be life, a red spot appears, but if death, no effect is produced. Light as a SSiCEaStCMi Wm. Crookes, F. R. S., has recently performed several experiments wfth »n apparatus called the "radiometer," which prove that light* apact from beat, may be employed as a mechanical motor. A Paphr Suwflnrn von Ijbatheii,--* An Australian chemist subjects the so- called parchment paper to a process which readers it pliable and suppk, and exactly similar to" leather in color and gloss. It may be used as a substitute for, and is especially appropriate for book-binding, as if resists wear, does not soil, and is imptrvima to wet To BeSWBB OOK.v> OK SttVEW liACE.-- When gold or silver lace happens to be tarnished, the best liquor that dan be used for rsstovfogf its lufeter is spirits of wine; it shttala be waftned before it is applied to the tarnished spot This ap­ plication *w^l we«erve the color of the silk or embroidery. Stamping Ink.--An excellent stamp­ ing ink that driet rapidly aiidis free from grease may "be cheaply prepared, according to Muller, by dissolving one part of crystallized, so-called, red aniline violet in 30 parts of alcohol, and adding 30 parts of glycerine to the solution. This oolored liquid is poured upon the cushion and rubbed with a brush. How to Make Safes Safe.-- The fal­ lowing hints for the use of safes, and of what would be put in them, are vouched for by good authority. Avoid fancy colored inks, as they .are more liable to be obliterated by heat when the safe is under fire. The black inks are better. Lead pencil will stand the heat better than either, even when the paper is black. Do not put the most valuable account books at the sides of the safe, as the heat coming from the outside will affect them first. Crowd the books from the sides to the center of the safe for the purpose of making them tight together, as in this condition they will stand the heat much longer. Wood drawers are preferable to iron for cash boxes, and for small valuable papers, as wood is a non-conductor of heat and iron a good conductor. Never use in a safe a leather Comparative Yatae of 1Mb Taking timothy hay as the standard of comparison, it requires 100 pounds of it to supply a certain amount of nourish- ' ment It ic spent that m«nt can is estimated by careful experi- _ the fol- fcrtxF: Clover lbs; rye J&raw, 355 lbs; oat straw, 220 lbs ; p&at$es, 195 lbs ; carrots, 28v lbs ; beets, 318 lbs ; rata bagas, 262 lbs; wheat, 43 lbs ; peas, 44 lbs ; beans, id lbs; rye, 49 lbs ; barley, 61 lbs ; oorn, 66 lbs ; oats, 59 lbs; buckwheat, 64 lbs; and oil cake, 64 lbs. - < Important Improvement est Tbkattho Bottcre.--The Elastic Tm«s Company have produced a great revolution In the treatment «? hernia. Tuck uew Tram ifl worn easy aiflfct Midday; adaptsiteeUtoeretymotion of tfce body ; newt diiyfaocd tpjjjaoiast «tera&M: m- tunmg rupture oolnforta&ly; till sasn perma­ nently cored. Sold at the office of the com­ pany. No. 683 Broadway, New York city. Trusses gent by mail. Sena for areolar. wallet as a receptacle for valuable papers, ueRrees. I 53 T&s seasoh for coughs and colds is rapidly approaching, and every one should be prepared to check the first symptoms, as a eongEi ^oEtracted between now aiw Christmas frequently laate &51 winter. There in 110 better remedy than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. For al! diseases of the throat and kings it aUotild be need internally »nd ©xleroaily. . , 1 VKOKT'IKE. --S%us preparateon aad ehaaicaliy C50mb!n©ll aod "%o strongly oor?contrated tiom mobs, b«tbs and barks, that its good effects &re realised imme­ diately after osBuneneing to take it. Lu±a. fever, -common «6ld, catarrhal fettr, and naaal dischas-ge of a brownish color m bones, may be oheoked at ouoe by liberal Of® of ahetykpi's. OaQalrf-Qondition Powders. comuvnwnon caw •• ftqnsoK'a PBI-mohic s*nT»p, - A- %nuWaab.*-t iiiiH SOBXNCX,l MAHDRAXX PttUb only aadleiBM that will ear® Fa!mon»ry Coa. iamptmn. Fnqamtl; madtolBM that will stop a eoagfa will ocoa- fact, th«roloi the Mtloa of Dm wtj omana ttmt mumS theoooah. • J * " ^ 1 P|»P*f>a wthaoawof two-thirds of the ouea of Ooaramplioii. Manjr perwrna oooi- <rmwom» oau&Uy otMnato Iboai •cmdtUon of tha aUxnaoh or a torpid ttw. find the •touaoh and Utw • : • • andjnactty, and almost Bias MIA Mm. AttttCULTVML IMfUBKllTS. CHICAGO SCEAPKE S IHTOHSK CO.. W laBal^ mmrnn an» salk mom or homes, cm. _ "!»8B Ahv SSlirtia*. «r aucthm um nimiE wu. WORTHWB8TKRN TATTEKSALM. I to • > a dliordml Sehonck'a Polmoole Simp la aa npwtomnt wblck doaa notoontain opium or anything oaleaUtwt tochaak a ooosh raddenly. Sahweva SmWaM Toole dlawlvw tb« food.mlsaa with gastrin jnioaaof the stowBch, aid* dinWtloa. and oreatps aiavanooa appatite. T Whm tho bowala an Mittn, skin mUow, or the sveap- !?"¥ a bUioas tendency, Schick's Man. drake Pills These ills are required. medicines are pt prepared only h? J. It Sci _ „ -- SCHXRCK A SON, K. E. corner Sixth and Arab StMt '̂PUK 1 for sale b;> an rtruagists and dwUtn. S I I V i i R t ' . r> I The l •rsaed! „ --i_ SILVER Tl Shoes will never beoome obeolete, They are a national Institution. I Al«o try Wire Quilted Hnlsa, stating and all For coasting, kinds of out of door aniasemmntS; up ana euri it, convert it into a gluey substance and destroy the papers. When a safe has been fire mid far an expert to open it. tnwideiaaiaetdi-asm* made wfih the mm 80EEV wire Also try Wire Quilted Soles. Chinese Outrages. latest reports In view ©1 tut China, one cannot well restrain a certain feeling of regret that the British govern­ ment-had not been compelled, froui the force of circumstances and the duty it owed to itsolf and other civilized 00m- rvmnitics; to teaeli the pig-tailed sons of the sun and moon a lesson in manners, if m equity. -The Shanghai correspondent of the London Daily News reports the behavior of the natives as becoming every day more and more scandalous. Within the last two months the grossest cases of premedi­ tated and unwarranted assault have been committed upon rnprotected and inof­ fensive foreigners. During the month* of July fest four persons attached to the British Embassy were maltreated in a village about forty miles from Pekin. A few days afterward Dr. Bushel and his wife were stoned by a Chinese mob in tiie capital itself; and M. Lensey, the Secretary of the Russian Embassy, was stunned by a brick and thrown from his horse while riding along the public street, t Mr. and Mrs. Barrowdale, a Protestant clergyman and his wife, were assaulted near Tientsin and bespattered with mud. Upon another occasion 2,000 Chinese troops, on being disembarked at Shanghai, relieved their exuberant feel­ ings by rushing about, in all directions, insulting and threatening all the foreign­ ers tfcfj met. During the melee an American gentleman and his wife rode up and endeavored to thread their way through the street, but the soldiers would not let them pass, finishing up their diabolical cowardice by beating them about the head with their pikes. The Chinese population are everywhere being stirred up against foreigners, and hostilef placards, approved by the gov­ ernors,' are posted up on the walls every night. These placards invanably de­ nounce foreigners as being the cause of epidemics, inundations, fires, etc., and declare that they are worthy of eternal punishment. The Slaughter of the Lroocents. Five years of age is the dividing line between the junior and the elder dead. Half th&yfe&rly deaths in New York are of children under 5. There are 120,000 children in New York ; of these as many die as of the 1,000,000 grown inhabit­ ants. JThe mortality of one-tenth tie whole populace, and that the helpless tenth, is equal to the nine-tenths remain­ ing. if does the physician aay that An "Honorable" Forger® * Mr. Lucius W. Pond, of Worcester, Mass., who prefixed Honorable to his name, has been lamented for some weeks pasc as a prominent addition to the list of unaccountable disappearances. His absenoe is now regretted by the large number of persons whom he swindled. His custom was to remove b^ some chemical preparation all the writing on notes in his possession except the signa­ tures, and till them up with increased amounts. The microscope has now re­ vealed the trickery that was perpetrated, suspicion having been previously ex­ cited by people finding their names affixed to notes which they vere certain they never engaged to pay. Out of notes to the amount of $80,000, only one genu­ ine one has been found. One, curiously e&ough, had been altered from $1,000 to $500* It is now known that two or three years ago a man visited Worcester for the sake of selling an acid to remove blots and wrong figures from account books. Bank men at onoe felt that it might be used for nefarious purposes. It also proved to be so exceedingly vola­ tile that it was not deemed profitable to keep it on sale. It is conjectured that Pond must have bought uome of the stuff. It has been supposed that he jumped, Or was thrown fxom a Long Island Sound steamer, and some still thir.k that such was his fate. There are nisors, ho--cver, that he is at Hamilton, Ont, and is insane. Mr. Pond was a prominent man in Worcester, and was something of .a poli­ tician, having served at. least one term in the Massachusetts Senate. He was an extensive manufacturer, and had been esteemed as a man of integrity. S . Cool Capt. Rehllnder. Qhe of the essentials to the sacoess of a good seaman is presence of mind, such as the Captain of a Russian man-of-war recently exhibited. His frigate, the Olaf, had accompanied the yacht of the Czarewitch to Copenhagen, and was lying at anchor among numerous other ships intheharbor'.whenaflrewas disoov- covered in a coaTcellar below, which joined on the powder magazine. The fire had made such headway that it seemed im­ possible to check it before it would reach the magazine, in which w< s stored an unusual large quantity of cartridges and loose powder. Their explosion would destroy not only the Olaf, but alpo a number of the vessels in her vicinity, and, possibly, a portion of the city. * As the only means of averting a catastrophe the Captain instantly resolved to sink the ship. He sent away the crew with such valuable property as was portable, with the aid of the carpenters and en­ gineers stove a hole in the vessel, and left her to sink. This she did before the fire reached the magazine. The vessel was raised the following day but slightly damaged. A court-martial commended the conduct of the officer, and the Em­ peror acknowledged his promptness, coolness, and skill by wifl-hirg him his aid-de-camp, one of the highest honors conferred on Bnssian naval officers. T. M. and three friends were playing at whist on Tuesday evening. During the third game T. M.'s partner dealt and turned up the ace of spades. On looking at his hand he found the whole of the same suit. T. M. says that he has seen whist played more than fifty years, but never remembers such a circumstance happening before.--Bell'e Life. * Do Toar Owa Prlatiagt d) Q !*»»" Is esHi, labsli, mrtifw, eta YU LarcwrisMfsrisigtrwstk. Baslaess Men <• ik*ir pristlafr sM Mrvrtl*-fag, uv» mw« and iamaw HM*. P1m»«r»st protftta Aatatear frlatlag. TMOb-taw " aaa* man feat at Boys£; Inn (TtaS (n at UK tegoe nf ittting. Seed i' IM mmkm wimit IMII «• Hmum for rail Mlft* HtMMMft, ivpc, Me,, ta KtUKVaott^ For XOTHIRO. Agents Wanted ev e r; Addraae J. KlU*IfRDT * CO.. Mabmon •mrshtia id, Ind. 20 stssi $5 toS20k •af *STnfaoK ?Sx^Po*SIu d* lip ttlAeffIJCfieifda/ S<*ndJr>rChromoCsUlogya. i91w>'i9m«JJ. H. Bnvroao'aSoHS, Uostea, Maaa. WAIVTBD AGENTS asdsr lAca Sold A. OOULTI >lat and Out/It frt*. CR k CO.. Chicago. OM PAI^ARY •BlT. Asmis wanted, M.tM Female. Address, Q. B/ChrisUan. Jtarton, OEk (S( »er Week Salary. Mala or Famala. Om-ut im*. Address Oifital Oo.e lndlaaa|»olto, Ind. Bally to Aj imoa, free nsw articles and t; beat Family Pipyw in America, with two AM. M'iPG CO., 300 Broadway, N. A JMOBTTH.-^Agenta wanted. *4 best-aeli- in£ artloles in tlie world. One sample free. Mdcesa J. BEONUON, Detroit, Mlek WAH IAK AOEOT lit »Terr_qoua»f Motors ani Jlf I NAME Basinsse. noO a Month. Geo. B. TkD. I Puon, Pah., OS Heads St, Hew York. viiia rua. UU.,iH*ffani, H.J, tiook A t«n d<illnr bill of t?Vi\ wtut froa for Stfiiap. A.3>rasa C. ItUJlW £ CO., "tSWasaau St., N. ¥. Materials to adorn home. Apmit E • !» * fit-* »'amttd. t>ar Weak. OS-page and Uesigns.Oc. J. JAY GOuLD, Boston, Man. GUM'S BOOK KEEPINB SSRASS Prlc* ll.nOjmt-nifd. Send for circular. "W. S. CLARK & CO., 185 Plain street, Cincinnati. Ohio. | of she VA THOLIC iJt'E&TfOX, fully prcscniod m our new 1 lk>ok: ThtBA TTL&tif thtQlAffTS, hjlil&ifitw.t, BO 310E5^ "W"n' P*redt, rte. ! tviI. Apvrtt* WaM4J. 0. F. VENT, Cincinnati, 0. $25# A BIOIVTH--Ajntnta wanted everywhere. Basineas honorable and first class. ~ ticulars sent free. St. Louis. Mo. ticu CO. Par-Address WORTH A CATARRH! C U R E D Pws trial bottle of Dr. Lanca'i Oatarrh Car* given away with tanthnohy 1 to wonderful enres performed. Send to Hkniiy Reed A Co., 643 B'wajr, N. Y. AN All want rr--Thousands of lives and Millions of projjarty tiavnd by it--For­tunes made with it. Address Ijnino- TON Bbos., New York or Chicago. -Something new. Sells at Tine WHAT IS IT. ^ eight. Bis indnceinents to Aeonte. cento and Stamp. Agents wanted. Send for Catalogue. U. S, SPBOIAJUfalXi., T and U BVltoanit., Boston. OPTO! acaolei and Morpbim ><abit % curad. Painli __ _ t^id sfaraj) for particnlars. no suMciCju rap for particnlara. Dr. Carfc 187 Washimttoa St., ChkiMQ. Ill $77 PRH WRKK GUAXAKTRKO to Male and Female, Jn their own Terms ami OUfFIT FHBR. P. O. VIGKKRY A CO., Aususb locality. Address Augusta, Maine. I Sep. p. Roweil & Co- « ftlCAA Invested in Wall Street ^ 90vW ^"ds to fortune. A , Ta-pa^e hook eijMainin; arerything and firing price of etoeli «1T RMPF HICKllSG a CO.. Banker* wfcnl _rtlMi> » nrokerff.fM ^ro^dwi/,New Yoflf pAB CAI IT Chicago Sutmrhan Iota at $100 aach> I VVl VHMbfSl&dowtt and $S monthly for balance, within a short dlstanoe of City Limits, with noorlv traina ~ " ' IRA B&OWlf, ahaw fare. Send for circulars. LaSalfc^t.. Cbleago. in make money on Sat- AUKII 1 d pdajrEr«ar« Poat. Biggest Pay. KBm,Wrnimmiw a nojfrhM.H»tt»KtS Qrdeia filled tram Boeton, BakL, Pittsboigh or Chicago rraniwiaiMdwnam « OWaa«».aad far sal* oioiiB Iwp or nun qtuntlttei OHIOAGO NKW8PAPEK UNION. U« Monroe itsssC Cfateagp m. Same Blcgaotly Prialt-ad W II TUMMtlt TUWIW _ Cakds, fbr It Cents. Bash sari eantakii a mh which is not ruible until held towards tba light KothingUke thfm errr befbra offefed In America. Blginduce-inaatsto Agaata Novcltt F«i>Tit« C».,AAlaad.Masi choice, workmea g< Or«r $£S« < TS1 Broadway. 3:faw Yark. r .9 manufacturer of SOUD Gold of every desoriptioiu 'J'he eiook u iarga, vary " > offered at retail <tt trade prioes to keep our ur. Bill* u&d&r $13, P.O. ordsr In advance. O.O. privilaga to aaiwnhie. OalalUguss fiaa "V ** l"$-W Awiim, iwi*, twines Jim 6II.BKRT, HUBBAKB A CO., Mte8HSo«th Wataa SAK1M POWOOI AND SXTMCVt. BMNftM AND «U8t SN0HMMK9 HIIHt « uitUM, SIS W. Hailhim BOOTS ANO SHOES--AliSTMM AND OOlllltSStON. fAB, P. McXAMAKA A OO, tl B. WaaUngtosk. 3 C0WING S DRIVE AND WEU PtfUN, k DCfWNEE A WOOLS BR, Wand 100 Frankttn. CROCKERY, CHINA AND OUSSWAML ABKAM FRENCH A CO.. 101 and im Wahaabw: 'w •̂BRAVER, SEAU, PRESSES, STEEt AND -- STAMPS, STENCIL TOOLS AND STOOL ft H. HANSON, 88 Sestb. daik. CNORAVERS R D. CHIL118, Jit., S; CO., llftFrsetito. CNORAVER, DIE SINKER & MANPt. OF tmO|l Is BOCHE, 171 E. Randolph. ' EM6MAVERS OH W0OO, Be. GXABS BROS. 4 CO SAV. cor. Claris aad IMMhWtn. FLOWERS AN0 STRAW GOODS-SPECHALfY. DALY, HKNBOTIN A OO., 144 and 1« Wabash^T. . FURNITURE. AbRUtiUo.,M,9IB.iNM<S|RiBM|k, BRASS SEEDS. AXAKRT DICKINSON, 11? Kinric GUNS-CUTLERY MANUFACTURERS. .W. X. SPENCER A CO., 54 Staw. -Sbb4 'illwhie till HARDWARE AND CUTLERY--WHOLESMK. ®WIN HUNT A SONS, Uand«> lake, HEAVY HAR0WARE-WH0LESALB. KOfBARK BROS. & CO.. 80 to M MlchlgaMK, HOTELS. WOOD'S HOTEL, 11$ A 1W SUth-aT. Enoch Wood. p«op.t late proprietor of Wood's Hotal, SUte-st. ,K^?Si0IgV'RSjJ2,frfSSR. LUMBER. ®15.^w?"L®0 CO.--OtMn Bay Lumber. Kortk Pi«r, W. K. Strong,Prsst; O. C. ftempateed, Smv MjFW. OF' WARWICKSHIRE AND COLUMBIA SAU- ces,imported catsups, flavorino extracts. 1®W1S A CO., I® & Bin lie. 8aod for price-list. / REAL ESTATE. JAB. B. QOODMAN A CO.. 78 Dearboca. ' SAW MANUFACTURERS. BBNBiY DISSTOK A SON,N. W.cor.RaadoIph A HhW SEWINfi MACHINE COMPANIES. BOMB 8. M. CO., Johnson, Clark A Co., 141 State. WATCHES, JEWELRY AN0 JEWELERS' SUPPLIES COGSWELL, WEBER A CO.. log and 107 State, M'W READING, PSYCH0MANCY, FASCINATION, Soul Charmlns, MwnHm and Lomt' OhM*. aonwitut now either ses may fascinate and gain the lore ectionof anyr "" " - B? mall. (0 eta lGENT8 Wa have the finest: gad 1 m e e i d e n ad kinds of Table Knlratf1 makass ef » pa' WHITK HAIiulk anown. Always k onha \<lade. BoM l>y all dealers and bv CUTLERY CO.. •» Chambere St., N. V. Table K "It®* sgd FoA« Iticlurtre IVOR!," most durable NDLR known. Always call for ACtKNTS WANTK0 for oar new book on MOODY and SAN&E7 - M*-WOW Iff mm. aad an STS-WI7KBSS of and »a*tic» TAwrm8#<i^w>*«d«ae5n^t«i«iiWoLtHo. Indoreed jasiasnt OhrUtiana. Saya Pbcbidrnt - . WWII'W«W«MI UKITBltSITT:--"May »'??• u lalssJBhii rreifers and naay font trim # Ckrtsf." Sand for circulars to AMBRICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 114 Rniidolph St.. Chicago, DL -- h« aaad IVlt aa nuyO«||| OPfcMM ajfaMcUmlaw. W«wlW»~^ • ; - SB, MSWiTf Sarsaparlltian ANN ELiZA YOUNG'S NEW BOOK. m .VOUdkl'S Iwart Mvnu < mh! >*OLY4 Utt.1 Jv« nuerw, Hoadr^s tre doii lllnatntxl (XBAT " Ut*STI NT CllMAK A **>•» IIumw, Own., Cikuo, lu,, Cim»iit, OHIO. to M iwflr day »_U._ jTa» taft wiUn,; PiwlUir.entary Pr.otice, SSS: «my Boatan, Man. Smith Organ Go., B08T0H, MAII. Tĥ se standard JnstrummU Soli Mhsie DobIots Evtrywhtfb. •BENTS WAWCDM EVERY TOWN, " ' MMi ait OnHtd III ilea «a 'W IN8TALLMEKT PLAN l - IM to, aa Your Stprs Dealer Patent ELBOW ition of any person they chooae Instantly. 400 H"nt AC®.. U»8^TttnK!!pMi». 0 'iwciSKAT! SSt'S'lUwiii Aii indapandant ICaasS M Columns of Reading. Spacing! Oon* rnax. haThe '• STAR^CO., ti.'oX aclaaa rJKST&SSE Ni,ta vrar offered to Agenta. One Agent madaliS 'jOsliRf Indlaaapolls, Ind. 100 pace Book and sampleaof Rubber KooHng. tampMa materials for new roof, 4^4- ft II. Kre-proof, durable, cheap. EasUjr applied with positive aatlsfoctioo. write ui «Mte« and aave moaar. No V* Slat* RooflitcCo* 7CKDAK8T..K. Y. With 100 Cartrldgea, $8.00 :M^X)0 Bold; er^mewari ILLUSTRATED Homx Maoaune. " The Hoosshold Serial Stories in IS7S. •nd" MlRfA^^ by +. a Arthur. BL'TTKR- ?l"*I7u y* *iary number. Terms-- §•4.5° per year; 3 co[rfes for id.M). Splendid Book aiwairf Pf*gtng>a frfim <•» number 10 o». T. S. AKTHctTA SPIT. Phllad'a, Pa. Pits Any Angle. Sargent, Greenleaf & Brooks, A LARA EC 48-COL. WEEKLY NEWSMKR Will be sent three months, postpaid, for Vwenty-Five Oenti. Address CRAMBR, AIKENB Ik CRAMER^ Prop * of WeelriT Wlsoonstat" Mflwaukee ̂Wis TUm (Ar open until Dec ALIVEBOOK rerked. the CENTENNIAL KDITION of Uie imineikM-|y popular workD Wells5 Every Msn His Own Lawyer itMia liVSlNBSS FORM BOOK, A complete gidde In ifl matters of law aha business gaiieaijUosig. ror em State iu. tho Uuioa. Price, •CxH-aat Libnmvt»*WS| *rnt Sand for de-scrijstive vircnlus. Addrafc- KOBEKT MAOOY, Poblisliwi', Bttwlway, KJT. mntorr ihciiinr, lote ^ 111 to C-MIO invasred m Stork Privilege*, hati Brmda and Gold bought on NsmIns. Intcnit SI* Pc«' allowed on depo- Kits subject to Bight drafts. BDCKWAM'ER & CO.. Bankers and Broker*. Wo. ,Q Walt street. I*"," Vork This Tragi Is war* with perfect comfort night itd (if. Adapt* Itself to venr motion of the body, staining rnptnre andar the hardastexerelse or severest strain nntU pennauantly eared.. Sold cne«p by tk| Elastic Tros the Hlood Raabea with roo^tfi^fe' 0& lence to the bead, causing hot floshea, vertigo and dim­ ness of sight, it it, m certain sign that a mild, salubriew, aooling and equaliaing laxative is required, and Tsrrsni^ Effervescent Seltser ApeHeat shonld be at onoe resorted to. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. GIVEN TflB QKBAT BLOOD PDBIFIB1. I cles, ate. ~ " & SMangth In-nrsaisa, SMMttta laniw. tattrti foa food, no more soar 111 WMilniM «r satatnaLsiudA. w^s^ealmand nndletallied slas^Mnkenfrssh and . RjfwMppuaimnoe of sp<4a,blo«idiaa, ptepisa;tbe sktai no pain or weaknees. *ljboertatoty ot perms want core. Increased strength "> M»a yeCTeUng ghtods, and fnnotimlT1fJ7 •wwtwfesei to theccvsral amm. a. Yellow ting® on the white of the eysa, and tbeswar- SSgad to a clear, ^lljoae aajfesSaft from weak or wloantod tenga or tnbwdaa wiU reaSse great baneSt la aapectonting nw^r the tongh phlegm «t mncoos from tfee tangs, sir •»il», brooch* tp windpipe, th?o%t «r hoadVdhnto&h^Bg w Msefrsqtreacy of eongh;gmMerii incrac^eot MtraiwtE shojudera, etc.; oeesaUca of oM and ehiUs, 1 saffocatiou; hard braathing and paroxysms of cough on down or aris^ittth»js>cil>b«.AH theae dtet: ra^ - --- gay lb?i s Mod^lagwwa to ^waigth 1 gsasasia^. S IneaMa.wbwa tba syaten Im been agitated, and SfsaassfK' sasaaisar^^" ̂ carfes of the booee, riekHta, 1 . Jtifcita, ate., JA If Ihoaa who are taking t&eeemedtefwee for the cme at Cbraoto, Serofalooa or Syphllltto Hiihm, kowevar skw may be the care " feel better,"and flndtbsir geo- aral health lapiovinc, tbetr flesh and iinigM inn iiiahss or even keeping 1U own, His a awe sign that the onraia. prngi>seing. In theee ihssms the patient either gs*a "feel bettar." every hour you will grow batter and in­ crease in hesAth, stsength and flesh. The great power of this rwsasdy (breatsen death--as in Coosamption of the i nbMenkwi Phthisis, Scnrfala, BypfaUotd Wasting, DegeneraSoa, and lSoeraUon of the Kldnep% Diabatas, Stoppage of Water (instantaneous relief si. forded wnern catheters have tc be ased, thws dotag awsy trtth the painful oparrtion ot mm theee Intiiiiiw nTa), dissolving stone In the btaddarTana tat all casae of In- Hsmnuitton of the Bladder and Ktdnays, ta Ohronia osaes of Lenoorrtiea and uterine dlnassa. In tamon, nodes, hard Ktapa and sypUMd nleers; In dfimy and aeneraM sora thmat. nlean, and to tnborclsa of the lanes; in gout, <rTT*lT rheumatism. Ift mercnrtB deposHa^jnTtorthaga terrible ! dlsissi. where «&> human bodyhaa beoooseac •jack, and where every hour of exiatenoe is wherein thte great remedy nhslVsiass the a and admiratioa <4 thej£k. It la in sooh cassa, wh all the piesswres of artAeaoe spnssr cot off from i unfortunate, snd by its wooderfuT, alaaost nwaraatand restores Uie hopsliss to a new Ufa and new Mice whers this great rstnedy stands aiona in Its it and power. ^ -"M"" dlssssB» that faery oae Is TlWes^icted with chwrnic. dtoaaass *|S WELL AFFORD INSTANT B&IK iumW CHILLS. AG J|ORB TjntO A' PALPI^A' RBADACHE, JM( ot fini woere too pttn or nlHIimHjy otto vB Iffnrd «ue and comfoit. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of gmenta^cu ro ̂A MPS^SPA81 HEA, DYSENTKRV, CQUC, QWeLs, end (U1 INTEfeNAL PA _ _ w Travelers should always carry a bottle of RAD» WAY'S RELIEF with them. A few dropainwiSar will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. fl,# * bwtSBJ^WT In a few THE : mice 90 Cents.. 'S®b SoM by DragglaUfc To every reader of Thr Family Journalt CENTEHHIA1 AMERICA, A $10 Tinted Engiuvlng, stsc ^sS8| Our Laitte and Beantii'ulTinted KngravinR.eontslnlng over ^tKI Views umi Portraits ot all loading events unci p(!r»oniip»R, tm>.' the inniiiiiK of Columbus to tho present time; including ' magnlHcent .ind perfect vk>w ot tlif Ontemiliil Buildii irs in Fairmount Park at Ph'iadflpliia, will be tciven T<> !!•* lit-uUis -if Our QrnM Litri'tnj itifl I'ajirr, The MV-/.7#/ Family Journal^ Cohtainiwj Three Splrmlia CnntUmrti Stories, together with short sketches and a large autouiit of miscellaneous reading. Kent four months on trial, UichHting tiie En­ graving, iKwtpaid, for Sl.UOb Am/ Aintl gint uoua ii-jiy />"•. or address The Fimily Journal, !(V!i Broadway, N. Y. Agents Wanted Everywhere 1 OR. RAD WAY'S BEGULiTDfB PILLS Perfectly tastelMa aofs t Bow^s, Kidiwy^ Bladder, Nerrcme Diseases^ He^da^he. Constipation, OosUro&MK. Indkm* tloifi, BOloumess. Bilious Forcr, Infiammn tiosi m tlici BowdsJ^ilea and all Derangements of the JntGiisft! Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive corc. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercui?, mi&mk or deleterious dru|js. tiie following symptoms iwalttnt tnm Di^oraorS ot the Digestive Organs : ' C<mstln:ktl hi. Inward Piles, Fiiltness of the Blo6d In the Hcid. Acidity of tlir Stumach. Nausea, Hoartbure, l>iBgust of food, B'ullnesi' or Weight in tho Stomach, Sour 10ruct:tti »n >, Sinking or Fhitteriissr ;it the Pit of the Bfnniach, SwiraminK of tiie Head, Hurried and Dif­ ficult Bre ithing, Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or Sutfoc'itiiH? Sens itiaas when in a Ifityi Posture, Dim- nt>3 3 of Vision. Dots or Wpbs l»oforc the Sight, Fewer ntvi Dull Pain in tli" Hca<l,» Deficiency of Perspirstlon, Yollinvness of tho Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Ciw«N, Limbs, and Sudden Flushos of Heat, Burning In tho flesh. A few doses of R.iDWAY'S PILLS will freatlw system from all tho above named disorders. Prke JU| Cents per Bax. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS., Read "FALSE AROTRHsi NO. 683 Bant bjr mail. Call ar sent! tor Oiraalar and be enr KAN0FACT0RY AND! BOA 20 RANDOLPH St.,CHU Drltcoll, Chanh It Hail, ffrrw-w*, Ami* |f«w soy w "The demand f«w your Sea Poam in- creases rapidly. Nsvar a oomplaini1 Joan, FeuaerdtCo.. wait--, harrr. At., "»{/ - Hsve sold yonr beaFioatn to all claaseeof trsde. It never failed to give aaUsfactioD." Biggestthing: to raSsron evwsaw. Greatest thing to sail voqever knew. Miiny valusbla oooking lecipesasDt free. JSendat onoe for GlrcnUr to GEO. F. UAST!l £cO ̂ Wfi Onanc St., !few YoiV. IHHCISE1ESBEMB i«ELB88! /?L Voi.ta s Ei.kctho uud 4/ r Bauds »rc iudiir^otl by tli most eminent pl»t-ii-miiK ut the world for tht-oui eofrhev- niatisui, neiiriilKia.iivereoai* piaiut, aysiM'pHia, kidney dlt- ea«etachea.pains.nenrous dis-orilors.ftts.fnraale complaints nervonMUMt ftanara I debility. and otUsr chronic dlseaws of the cbaM.heHd .liver, Htoifiach kidnaf#and blood. Book with fall partlculnrn frin- t<v Voi.ta Bbi.t (M , CiiK'iiuiHtl, Oliio. WISCONSIN, 9 Months, Postpaid, for SSOts. Try It! Try It! Try It! letter-stamp to RAD1VAY CO.. ktbi ifn Strret, New Vork. Informatloo Send one 32 Warren Corth thousands will to gent you. aiO a e«i" y •! home. Agents wanted. Outfit and tan vIb free î Adiran'I'RUK A CO., Aagnsta, Malim in1 order that every (tertian msy h«a an opporttsntt^af judging of the nvtr.jrr .nn,-it*tif thi Wtekiu Hi»»««• tta proprietors wOl send it to anjr address1 for tbe at>o»a 5®asMr8TttK»-. --C^SSSEB. AIKBSS^famkp.^ |o i!<'irty«d l>y u»ing It. * T. Taalsi MfliiM SstruM sf a*«r. which iiico" aoaMoftEa jiiiw ot raw sural wtm Iron Tonics Diuretics and Wild C'atharMes..andprescribed by »ysirisns for siiroof ibuiKo.iioo, c onstipation, Drsaeaaia mIm Lnng, Liver. ,i.:fcild£a. Bl^Vn^Kl?Ui!Sa flariiMHi iinii we»kue»«ei, Price lla Mr hank. SlUllA UDM.H A pLLlfwit^^Sf^fc •ati, 0. For sale by all drnggiete. Seas slier 1 IKHr and BBAttlHt-L WSTBCMI Piano-Harp CABINET ' An eaqoisitc combination adding to toe oapatity of tiie ow«n isSoh of that of the piano forte and harp. With a dmibleVreed organ, complete and nerfart. 1 is combined ft new instrument, th«- 11A. tones of which Era ptodacad by bteel » rigidly set in stotJ j«lat«« ulhxed to asoi .the ban. ng-boi, aad THE H ,BoxH,CAlea|i>,Ul Scientifically Mplalnad. How to jadie and ctee for him. The requisite tofnts tor speed and en uranea fully demon stratad. A work ot cvsct{ interest to horse owi and breeders. Also, ing a Surx Cure aootfr. PKIC Address J. it?«ck by hammers, as in the piano-forte. .The tonesara nf a pure, silvery, tell-like quality, verjrbeautiful in binauon or alh-'rnation with the organ tonea. The <s mav be used Aktrn', and is in every respect as eomi S^wrfect (Jorgin as without t&e P1ANO-HAR StfSTused with the PIANO-HARP; the latter majr be BNdnpmteli'or inooasbination with anjror all tfaestopa of the organ, to which it adds greatly in vivacity, life and variety, adapting it to a much wider range of aula. Upon its invention and introduction, about a year since, this new instrument was received with So much favor that the demand greatly exceeded the manafaot- wera' utmost ability to supply; so that they have had no occasion to advertise it extensively. Having now pea. facted facilities far a large supply, theff odfsr it to tta* p»Mic vita oanfidanoe. - BBJIAFTPOEH'S liver Coiuiiuuuded entire Tlime taUMH are*: move all anorMd ar bud "̂ aCUr (Vain tlM»nra~ ittuplyUg In their plasM a healthy Asw af bile} larl|oraU Ingthtttonacli! taiuing fbodl ta aiareot wall 1 PC- R1FYX2KG THE BLOOD, «Mu tone and nealtn to tbe whole naa- elilMrjr, rtmov Ukf( the cause of tlk* dtaeaaea, «f. fcetlng a radical •nre. AI a FAM­ ILY KEVICME ItlatVEQirAL. ED, and la AL­ WAYS SAFE, nt couuncncamenf irons Uai i Pe raona natag [altould adsattks doae to Ihclr la- ;dlvtdnal eoustl- tntlon, ficas a ItaacnoonAiil ta « taM ea|HM»n fall lac cording to •£» ftct. Far all af- raetlom mt the LIV£B| Irrena- lar Itlca oftitsa* Mh and Bowels, dlaeaaea depend* ent onarcsnstd by saelideraaga- n«at as Billow attacks, CasUw neaa, Cluranlc M* srrboa,l^rsptp> ala, Janndleea»4 Faaaala Weals- n eases. 1 taUe* ipaanMl taken 1 attack urilfflt bt m iswmwp ami »a M wHrrm« TOAfl^Mj^na^ isiS nun \BMma w*i JXttSSK yamsmri ft .-wi- ' P

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