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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1875, p. 8

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Tears ajfd when we tackled the * school room in- tous from half ripe • aM^aids ir visages ire little dreamed of happiness in store for the buc- sedinjf generation or we would cer- lainly have postponed the laborious <#atlae until now. While viewing the «&M»ely forms of the present school inarm, with tender lips and rose-bud twth, voting and fair to represent r, totally unfamiliar with the spot, "frhlch wis ow?e the objective point for old maids ruler, we can but mourn [ask to be born agaia, «„? . i*.«lif: All irreverant correspo^eM Of the Wesafield (Mass.) Time*, who went ^Jothe Great Barring ton rattle show, ;Siay8 he was ncvei so Impressed with a * Jjense of "the eternal fitness of things'" 'tis when, after the Kev. Mr. Smith of ^tls had won the spoons in & trotting ;j!ace, the band gave with peeular em- •-^|hasi« the melody of that popular "Nearer, my God, to Thee." ^ SURE CUBE FOR DIARRHCSA. |i This is to certify that after coming w from California to my family in £0 I was takeu with a diarrhoea. 1 tried everything that was reeommen- iled to me (but did me no good) for **j|ver Ave years, until I got two bottles JltfF. Marcos' Bitters which complete­ ly cured me. Robert Forrest Peter jjllane and^ofchers can testify the above fo be true and no humbug. I have {roved it to be equally as good for illious complaints. It strengthens nd invigorates the whole system, ifcarries off the bile, and gives warmth ' to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever ' jised. John Penman Sen. JTowni of Seneca, Mullen ry County, iptate of Illinois. : Subscribed and sworn to before me ihis$Sth day of September 1875. E. Baldwin. J. P. ^ and of iSw* f: #'•! Hti/gf d' trn'mtuv. . • • h 1'•«>-& •t.> vi J•«*»*#'; i /W. *ol») K-. H i&t. 'iijdA'-Jf® Good Prints, .. f 06 Best Prints,OS Bsst Sheetinjg,..,;......-... 10 French Cofsets, 80 E x. Blk A1 pacca,.. ;«i« ;s*? as Tabfe Damask, 50 Unbleached do iC.iii # Carpeting, 35 to,..40 Coats SpoolCoitoe,..: 08 1 ft Linen Thread.. 00 Good Style Hate TO Good Style Kid Gloves, <5.- Spool Silk, WO Yard* 10 Best Young H vsoti Tea,... 1.00 f o» 1MI -RSlAJD TO-X1S VWO^Xi- XJem$ Host Jav»ai) Tea,--I " BLAKE & BRO.,* • ~-BEALEES IN--t u r n i t u r e ! Of all Grades and Prices. v. Ipteanoai N|ulj Opposite the Post OlBcc, *cHonry,IU. Crammed 1 5re will be found (anything- from >mmon Kitchen Styles to the finest f| Parlor Sets, tn Hair, Cloth and B^jpfc They have Chamber Sets, and can Suit everybody. f Marble Top Center TaUts, INELEGANT EASY CHAIRS. LOOKING GLASSES, • H, AND PICTURE FRAMES, UNDERTAKING ! A very large stock of Burial Cases ||And Coffins constantly on hand, and lade to order on short notice. 4 PICTURES FRAMED r iln all styles at the LOWEST LIVING 5*kices. " Alt Goods Warranted S0f the very best quality and sold as ' " " • We are receiving an Immense Stock of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, ilSsS GOODS, NOTIONS, &e • Olotliing' X Clothing' ! I J 1C?lotliiiig,t#! " ron mmn, FO* YOUTHS, FOR BOYS& i; r FINE SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR, ALL GRADES* -®! BOOTS AJVT> SHOES for all,i of the Buffalo and, Rochester Custom Make, the best in Market. \ ? - ; i j . t! . ' J HATS AND CAl'S, New Styles and In great variety, fnfact it is difficult to tell what we haven't got. Store lammed full of New Goods. • Oall and. See for Yourselves^ l/r tne very best quality gLOW AS THE LOWEST BLAKE ft BRO. McHenry, HI., Aug. 2d, 1875. -^fillGrloyes, Ace., •rAT THE-- if#, ji'i GRANGE SHOE STOKE, Mwb East Corner Poblle Square, ! W9«4?t«ok, Illinois. REID. , 0«T! ISTH, 1878. IMILLINEBT^ . --ahiw re as Ma k 8. A. ItEIl) East Side Public Square, fO«K, - r - ILI.INOI& ^.rs, Ties, Veijs, all oolors, |Wed.- Orape fiats, arid domestic Patterns tnaii idsy 5 I*oiiiid8 1 12 poimdsiRice, " G.C Coffee,. 80 1.00 1.00 i BursSof.)*,... v„te£.,i.',LO0j Axle UrtiM,.,, 12 Lead Pencils,.... 12 1 P.'Jttnd Castile Soaifif?:1;^ 1C Floor OilOloth. ........ 50 25 PoundsMackgrel, ...... 1.00 8 Pounds Pared Peticnos,. 1.00 8 Pounds Layer Raisins,. . 1.00 SPounds Prunes, ...... 1.00 IS do ante Currants,... l.W) 7 Cans JPeaches, . . .i. . 1.00 1 poupd fine cut Tobacco,. (W 20 pounds Cod Fish, 1.00 20 pounde White Fish,.... L00 Best'.1.^^ S . G . S t a r c h , . . • Stove Polish, Kip Roots, . .i 8.0& do Clrieago work Wiw'.; 4.00 Veal K;p do .. 450 Boy 8 Boots one to.......... 8.00 l adies Shoes irout one t».* 3.00 Childrons do ilijf Bargains Buffalo Robes all prlor T adies Furs all pi W a t e r P r o o f , . i . , . 7 5 Wool Flannel IB Cotton Flannel, 10 A large Stock of M«n and Boy« Clothing of my own mannfiie tnre.^whioh I -will rvMAfl'afless thar. wholesale prices. A guaranteed saving on every article offered In this market. "An ex- am (nation of goods and prices will result in a benefit to you. Try It. ' AST- W a xtktj,--Butter and Egga. ^ Respectfully Vburs, C. F. HALL. . . i s D u n d e e a n d R i c h m o n d . , '!> if :-i , Every Day Brings Something New At ATiDRICH &, SMITH'S, RICHMONE>, *& si»l "(It"! Gt Richmond, HL, Sept,J0th, 1875. ALDRICH & SMITH. JIENRY COLBY, --DEALER IN- PAEVTS, CHLS, Painters Briwlies, Dye Stuflfe &c.. &c. 11; •• Physicians Prescriptions €arcfalty Componnded. SPECIAL pMicm m WHITE LEAD AND OIL. Scrtotly Pure »t. Louis White Lead, $10,00 per hundred. BoiledJLinaead Oil, Seventy-five cents per. Gallon. All Goods Warranted Am represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Patronage Solicited. H. COLBY. Mc&enry, July 27th, 1875. >3 ,.i •« xo3a.^s|, --neiiEB is-- "J Shelf and Heavy H a r d w a r e STOVES £ TINWAtM" --siarff MECHANICS' TOOLS, •?%*. FARMING IMPLEMENti CLOTHES WRING &ri " OF AltL'KIXDS, • At Prices that Defy CometitiOQ! HALL'S SAFES,. Fanning Mills, Wheelbarrows, Sawing Machines, Corn Planters, &c~, &c., THE BISHOP WAGONS, &. : fp^" ft IS Out unci Fitted Style and mpd« if paired »t very V e ajsw hav.e a le* Style of l^fes Cloab! Eh wMehve tavite tb#of the Ladles We are aloo Agent for tbe celebrated |Ni0BTHWJE SfEK^f ORGAN Mniicb speaks for itself. I ,vlU not be under peld. Call and see. Ura. s, A. RUB. JToodrtoeki Oct. )«lh, 187». -V'v.'-v... * ' Which will be soliST^ L O W E R THiS USUAL PRICES! *° Pllr«*ha»e, and save mon- *7:, * lH*leve that I can furnish good goods at *6 low pieces, as anyone In county. TO^T^rR ^n<l * Stock Of Bt J^DJXO PAPKJt. j^ach as Plain Water Proof, Iran (j&ated and Tarred Pefi;. Also Pr^of Carpet Li»ijag, ' KAWL ANP SEE I Promptly attended to. J. STORY. Opposite Qwen Mills. XeH^^ry. JnUr 81. That have been in use for near ly one quarter of a Century, that« will WARRANT to be well made, of seasoned tim- ter and second to NOVME IR! THE MARKET. EN0CK AHD D0TY PLOWS, Of Rockforrt, thatare warranted to «MUr in any soil. If notthey can be returned. I am also Agent for the s \ Noble Manufacturing Co.'s Cfiieljratei ' Sclool Furniture. • > O . BISHOP. IIcHbkbt, I1L, Oct- 13th, 187|* j. •f n KN. f t- Virr,>l *r»s 'I ^ e 't" }™i >hf* (iat / <», t fi""' ,*• UVh .(biiUU#) <4 t'i'J , 4:? s •. f . ; , u ff t-tfi-f.4' 'li% v. PERRY & MARTIN • » > ' < ' » • ^ ' < 1HA-ftuj\ u 4'. t'iiW '» • - f -x\: - '•'<! I . - , d; t- v •• i . •:<,! • XMKf ' ^1- <>it tMhiWt,.-,* •-y :> •/ 'f .3 i ' fH 1 ' "-"ni'V f.. ml }'t»</riu: /. }li* b- '-,o ".! • : ... '< ' o.'r* " ki0#« lW*f:W *Crj.ri Is v..iivl i.' • '\ii • V.; > 1111 > Ui t" G.bjtytPr r'6^ U.J•- jt titfJ-'S T "V*i« ̂ ̂ t s,' 7* r .. J.- {!: 4^- ' ' >• !!*/ - t M' • •-i .i«r' . Boots and Shoes, S|?:« ftW *4 "Hi ^ M •I# J?/; W * jlM , T * fyM* r » 4s i 'h'- 'i ' ffii-fif- ' Ji*.< ** if t ra'f.- -5 '«>4 l#Tj PRUIT43ANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, 8 stock of General Merchandize. «»<f8 S! Ji And in short, a F|rJ C ' \.. - n /Ar We are conil iny receiving new Goods of all lr!nd», *tlfl bujing them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. • . * • " ,Ju, We know that talk is eheap, but the party or parties who can undersell as don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say tl^at . 1 • " ••• rt a.<- OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. ' ife always guarantee oar goods to be what they are represented to be ahd krG always r^ady to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood andhenoe cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on otir goods. We intend to • %> 19 "Live and Let Live! And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage In time past, we hope to merit the s^me in the future. * USgrGIVE US A CALL and w* |^WS 01|T G^oda aod use you well whether you buy of us or Hot. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. 3ffcHenry, I1L, July 27th, vAr'i • - I i ,y/j i • ,l' - • 1^"!-',*?' : <* &MjW >'*4' Maj CoraJrejtiiif :. We are now prepared to show one of the LARGEST stock o/ Gtood# ever Offered by win this market, bought for Cashfromfirst hands, In one of the dullest Markets the Eastern merchants have witnessed since 1857. IN DRY GOODS! TT^or«/ij7?#n:a^tfCj!3(i:r^ien ,̂/rr^n abeentPrint to aCcanels Hair Drom Goods mr YOUTHS', that is both substantial and Cheap. Mew Boots, toe commence at #3 and upwards, Arties and Ladies OaXters equally low. Hats in Style and Caps . i. " " ' v that uriH makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at 30 below zero. Buffalo Robe#, not 100 Bales, but enough to supply the wants of our people. Carpets. Oil Cloth* and Oil Ruggs. whose beauty will produce a smile f rom the young miss or aged matron. IbrFanoy Good* call and see for yourselves,as we are unable to describe at this writing. We only ask an inspection to verify the above Proclamation, and by doing so will confer a great favor on the General Store Man. is. r»owwEa-JL."5r- . .. Woodstock, Oct. ISth, 1870. THERE 18 NO U8E IN COINC OUT OF TOWN TO PURCHASE ANYTHING I1T THE 1JNE OF 'Ami l 8TOVE8» TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, fte* Whmabetttr article Can be Bought fur LOUIS NONBYmtKe Hardware Stm . --Of-- , * . 3" Vi . , John M. Smith, * % AT THE POST OFFICE. We heme STO VES that make frozen men laugh, and sell them Cheaper and you Van Steal Them. We also manufacture Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Into anV Shape Or Vessel desired. We make a point to do I JOBBING OF ALL KINDS, Promptly, and Warrant it done well. We make Tinware a Specialty ̂because vie think on this we are Master of the Situation. Come and See, for Yourself JOHN M. SMITH. cMcHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1875, Near the Depot, "• ' '•'f* "WO'f . m m>, ' 'A ,, •>?' ft'> ,'£$>• - ery, Glassware, etc., tte. ^ IHaoe-jL* •, • pflf ^ ft , ' I \l . ^X:-» .. • . t ... fs .f+ i selTing af • •. i.-T. • tbm. • \:at fymnpm seipwi- f&t - '• ' , •; '•{•.̂ •.1. j diiii 'i. : "kite HANDLE" ALL KINDS Of . • ' • -r4 >*4m - • . ^ -ilii') : ' Produce and poultry I - F#r which wo pay the Highest Market Price CASH OR IN GOODS ! HOWABI> 4t Sp£t~ J^cHenry, In., Ko*. i ,-- ' : ":,}<?« I f l) "Hi >•<••• vr; ~vrTff~£T' irz:2 1 8 7 5 PHEIP GIESELER, At his new Stor^, nea,r the Depot, h movr roadr" withthe Largeftt AM Be8t Stock 0f Goo|> ! Erer tennprbt to thU m*r\M, on which I ana prepared utad will make yrices that will Defy all Competition* My Stock, M iii |art of L. FRANCISCO* WAGON AND )>tt 'iv Shop oppotite the Farker Boni% B' II MoHKWKY' r<- fie wtlwcil(>ei?%S^^tewii^he iwMIe tla| he is now prepared to fuviii^h them wllh any. thing in his line from a cmniuon Farm Wagom to the nicest Top Carriage, ©n short notice an<a at reasonable rates. Using none bees of tialwr HMI tapliyiafnoM tat SKILLED WORKMEN I He Warrants his work to rire satisfaction,, and for good pay will be as low as earn possU biy be affoi*<led. "-UKVWWM, Bool's, SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac., To which I invite the attention of the Iravintr public. I also keep utt hand a large and well selected stock of MILLINERY GOOD S» Of *11 kinds, to which the attention of thai Ladies is especially invited. CiU and see. 4 PHILIP GIESELER. UcHenry, IB., Oct. 5th, W75. BEPAIRIN Ofall kindspromptly atteadeC to. ^.XMl see for yourself. ^ L. FRANCISCO. HcHenry.IU., July 28th 1«75. • V.' .'K > >:X

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