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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1875, p. 1

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oiiri • Si . mm :n» F*VI Kiteit '/? H •riViii " rtiriii. Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No >, Win us and no Fear Shall Awel VOL. 1. 4 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESWY, NOVEMBER 17, 1875. * Published Every Wednesday by J •, H?" a, n \ S1 y Is e » Editor and Publisher. Office in Riverside Block, >,*• "4i Over Smith Bros. 6 Oa'aStore. ! ̂ . yiAili tKrm9 ot SUBSCRIPTION: Oni Yeaur, (In Advance,) ,., .'i:. .$t 80 If not Paid within Three Months,, ....SCO Kubbcriyitiona received £cr three or six months ft the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS, '3BB H. T. 'BROWN M. D. FlYStCIAN and Surgeon. Office in Brick Block over F. G. Mavea Ck>tMng£Store Water street, McHenry, IlL , . , " .. -rU E. A- BE£K9, M. D. YJBTIICIAS and Snrjreon. OA»« atr«*l<1enre, JL two doors west of Post Office, McHenry Itt. O. J . HOWARD M. D. PnraTrtTAN and Surgeon. Oftic,e at the store of Howard A Son, MeHenrv, III. ... £ F. G. MAYES. MKUOHAKT Tailor, and dealer lnReadvMnde Clothing, Cloths, Catoimeres, Vestinsr *c., OM door north of Colby'a Drug Store McHenry 111. H. C. J^TTORNEY AT LAWy McIfentyylTl, HTCHAHD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Oftii'.e in reur of Murithv & Bishop's Bank North Side Public Square, Woodstock, 111. :i£" GEO. A. BUCKLIN, "VTOTAltY PUBLIC, Conveyancer »"d Ii* 1.1 surance Agent. Cfflce at, Bncklin A Steven's Store, near the Depot, MeHenrv, III. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract of Title* in MeHenrv County, Illinois. Onl< Oonnty Clerk, Woodstock III. to .land ce with D. A. POTTER, TSfCHMOND, I*A,., Notary Ptlblic and Con- % W- i fe;; U- I?v 'r ¥ I- V' IV vcvancer,t' IT. Collecting Ajrent. 8. Claim, Insnrance,a. G. A. CANPIELD. HOUSE, sififn and Carriage Pa in tin sr. Paper Hansrins, Calcunininfr, &<•., Mixed Paints •of all kinds constantly on hand. t All oi'dcrs -promptly attended to'., McHenry 111. , FR. HECJITLE HOUSE, S><R> ry III. Will do all work promptly aud at --reasonable rates. rOUSE, Si<rn and Cirrlajre Paints! itctTen. GEO. SCHREINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House. McHenry'111. J. BONSLET, •ES ALOON and Restaurant. Nearly oopoeitc "O Owen's Mill, McHenry, 111.* Frc*hOvster« served up in any shape desired, or for sale by •the Can. «TGOOD STABLING FOR HORSES, .3* •Cj ALOON an«T Restaurant. Near the Depot,, 'O McHenry 111. Boarders by the day or •week at reasonable rates. Warm and oold •|»§als at all hours. ^>-•4 |49>Good Stabling- for Horses._f»(r • &0!$ -- -#r '"ft '• Vi* f McfiTENRY T, I VERY STABLE. "TJ. E. WIG1ITMAN, Proprietor. First class JTL rigs, with or without drivera, furnished «t reasonable rates. Teaming of all klnd3 >4oae on short notice. W. W. ELLSWORTH. BREEDER o the Celebrated Masie Ilotr. Also Lierht and Dark Bralnna Fowls. Pijrs •hipped to all points by express, r. G; Ad* •dress, Woodstock, I1L, H. D. HOLMES. BILLI ARD Rooms, in Howe's Rluck. McHen­ry 111. New Billiaril and Pool Tables of the latest stvie just put in, and v«ov>»s newlv refitted. Call and sec. II. I>. Holmes Propri- •«tor. BUSINESS OAKIiS. URGEO BENNETT, M. D., and Accoucher. Diseases of Specialty. Officeaod Residence treet, woodsloc.k, I1L W. H. BUCK, M. IX, HOMEOPATHIC Phytician and Surpeon.-- Office East Side Public. Square, Aftood- stock. 111. Office hours 11 to £2 A. M., and S to 4 P.M. O. W. OWEN, fATCH MAKES k JEWULER, V . McHENRY ILL., _ Dealer in all kinds of American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from tl><6 best factories in the country. Silver, platedware, Silver Spoons, Ac., ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos S$r \> AND THE Estey Organ X Which we believe to be the best Organ in the market. We think we know that by experi­ ence, and we believe it, for it is backed up by the Best Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organl at !<$&* prices than the Estey, but can't reccoiumbnd them to be as good. July «. O. W. OWEN. MURPHY & BISHOP, BANKERS. Office North Side of Public S<juaitow <KAN«J ACTS a Banklnrr and Ex-Ti change Basines^. Dejn>Kits 15e<*»ireL-- Interest aiiowe l on S|»«ci;il^Deputies. Buy. and sell United ̂ States lio.iuls, Gold, Gold Exchange, etc, ., ' " ;• Exchange on all nrlncJl»al eitles Europe for sale. , .. Woodstock. IIL r*w V v» MILLS, ; • Illinois. mi UUJL#) ; , :V-!^|SO^STAXTLT ON-; HAND. * • CUSTOM GREVDIlVa tv>ne promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Tiiaukful for past favors a contintMnMl of patronage is respectfully aolicited. Imqvl Waukegan Cigar Manufactory, S. M. DBNNIS> Proprietor. " Mannfikcturer awt Wholesale Dealer in CIGARS, TOBACCO, --AND-- Pipes of Every Description. 55 OEXESEK STKEET, WAUKKGAPJ, IUU NO. 16. t<5 - 5S: 1 GIiOSV An illnstrous instance of the recogni­ tion by the State of its interest In edu­ cation of every grade is to be found in Germany, where the public fond con­ tributes to the support of the people's school, the gymnasium, and the univer­ sity. Great as the German empire has proved in material power, her greatness M intellectual culture aud in all knowl­ edge, is still more commanding. Un­ doubtedly her pressent millitary as­ cendancy is largely due to her schools. But her greatest glory consists lit the citizens produced by her liberal edu­ cational policy. Her numeorus learned men and their world-wide investiga­ tions, and her men of genius and literary renown, have* secured a more perma­ nent tame to Germany than the success other arms. Military glory may be obscured by defeat, but the triumphs of geuius and Cultivated mind, in scieuce and in literature, survive dy­ nasties and empires. Any sect or any party in this country, Which places itselrin oposition to the public countenance and support of com­ mon education, or of advanced educa­ tion and learning, opposes the best interest and the manifest destiny of the nation. Let no sect or partv hope to persuade the American people that "ignorance is blis6,,sor that a sound education in literature and the suienoes Ift "£<^eiK."--itepu68c. r t h pf Proponed Postal Law, : ' The Postal Committee of the New York Board of Trade are disetwsiugn proopsed new postal law. The provi­ sions of the proposed law, In part are that the postage on books, transient periodicals, unsealed circulars, engra­ vings, lithographs, all printed matter of the third class (other than transfent newspapersj manuscripts for publica­ tion, proof sheets, seeds, &c., shall be one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof; on transient newspapers, one cent for each four ounces; on patterns samples and specimens, s Oiie cent for each ounce; tfiat packages under six­ teen ounces in weight or fifteen inches In length may be registered. The Oom- mittee were to confer with the Post­ master-General this week on the details of the bill. Doubtless some legislation will be had as soon as it can be accom­ plished by the next congress, to relieve certain clashes of postal matter of greMJllirTiefSreTfi adjournment, the bill passed in favor of the Express Companies, This is what the people demaud. •'! *<*#' . about that a these electi form. come to te but s trust if PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the nest possible manner, on short notice atnl at rea­ sonable rates. -Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Jttverside Bloek, McHenry 11L M. ENGKLN, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. Scale Remirinff done promptly at short notice. Keen on hand a pood stock of Guns, Revolvers, Pow- der, Shot, Gun Material, Fishing Tackle, Meerchaum and Wooden Pipes. MCHENRY; ILLINOIS. RICHMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND ILL INOIS. Frank Foster Pro-prietor. Good accommodations for all parties. Samplerooms for Salesmen. T.lvery Stable attached. Public Hall for Lectures, Shows &!•,, RIVERSIDE HOUSE. MCHENRY, IlL, H. Wheeler Proprietor. Newly furnished and reflttedi Splen<1ld hunting and llshinjr on Pistaqua aud Fox lAkes, a short distance above. Boats and Darsmen furnished at reasonable rates. Liv- 9ry in connection with the House. Free bus to and from thecars. Large and airy apart- -nents for families during the snmmer. The splendid side-wheel Steamer will make trips to and from the Lakes during the Summer itonths. No pains spared to promote the com­ fort of guests. Terms, $2.00 per day. FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, -AND- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Sh o. MCmt , A. A. sw*. Ii. C. lUCE & SON, D E N T I S T S . SUSD-V ILL. 'Satisfaction Guaranteed on all vrorifc. Teeth Cleaned, Filled and Kxtraeteii in a careful and skillful lnamier. Artificial Teeth inserted In full or partial plates, on all the basssfcnown to the profession. Call and have yo»r teeth examined. OFFICE of L. C. Rice, West Madison St., Chicago. Office of A. A. Ric«, second door Jforth of the ML. E. Church, Nunda, IlL REPEREXCES. 'T- Wm. ATchdeacon, Nunda; Rev. Frank Uurr, -Gr6en St., Chicago, |1L ill visit McHenry every Saturday.-- lonu at the Riverside Hoa^e. W. H. SAriFOIW, Morcliant Tailor. In the store of C. IL Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fime Cloths for SutttBgs al- waysonhaud. Snit.siwa le to order aild a fit wiuiauted- Give uieaeaiL W. It 8AXFORD. Woodstock Hl.,8ept»27th, 1*75. MOUKTTF ROOT BITTERS. THIS BOTTRRS,. for fet» satrfiWe frepertiea, fa known as one ot the" Best Tonics of the Age. As a laxative Liver Cleaning. Blood FurlfV- Inr M'edi.»tne, it lias not its superior. It should be taken in quantities from a Tablespoon full to a small wine glass full three tunes a day, according'to tl»e strength and .age at the luva- 4idor Ihe'degreoof sickness. Fjpr Sale by the Casa or Botttoi -BY- KAPPLEK, Pafcenfcee» Woodstock* HI* JUST RECEIVED, A full Stock of Boots & Shoes Rubber Gowls. Ac., for the Fall and Wintertrad« which I can and will sell at prices (ttat DEFY Competition. VSIFAUL GOODS Warranted as repre­ sented. CALL and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PERKY & MARTIN'S STOKE McJIenry, HI. ; - rt l-y. I^Tlie last man read wit of the party is Col. D. R. Anthony, editor of the Leavenworth Times. The Colonel, it will bo remembered, carries in his head a half ounce of lead shot there some time siuce by a political opponent who thought thereby to sileuta the criticism of the Leavenworth Times. On the night CoL Anthony tvas shot, Mi. W. II. liond, af Leaveiiworth, drdnk a toast to Anthony's death. Somehow Bond secured the nomination on the local Republican ticket for an insig­ nificant oiliee, and Col. Anthony, while supporting the ticket, opposed the can­ didate who had so heartly approved the attempt to ttssassinate him (Antho­ ny). . Therefore, the County Commit­ tee proceeded to read Anthony wit of the party,and have denounced him and his paper as unworthy the support of the party. According to the ideas of the small politicians of the Committee, the proper thing for Anthony to have done would have been to enthusiastic­ ally support the candidate who had enthusiastically endorsed the attempt on his (Anthony) life. The latter will, however, survive the excommunication ats lie did the bullet of his assailant, and may, through h!» paper, yet teach the County Commit tee that it has no authority to to speak fo>r tlio party. t&TA certain Whitehalier Is in the habit of using the eomiuou expression, MBy the way** to a considerable extent, gfome time ago, during a religious awakening, be experienced a change of heart, and began attendance at pro­ tracted meetings. Finally, one even­ ing, he gained courage enoagh to rise and ofler a prayer. He did well until the dosing up, when he abruptly sat down without the usual "Amen." As he dropped into bis seat the omission occurred to him, when he arose quickly, and with the index finger of his right hand extended toward the presiding pastor, ejaculated: "Oh. by the way-- atnen," and immediately resumed his sent.--Whitehall Times. spciynyivr n LETTER SPRINGFIELD, Nov 8th 1875 PLAtx DEALER :--Now the Noves^K ejections are over, and the demdtMna party is beaten everywhere. EveryjMfebf ground gained last year is lo8t a8aiu> an<^ however diverseSftinions may be as to the defeat, there Is only one centiiUMK among soberminded, un- biassedwpen, no matter what party they iHjpi^lo, in regard to its future ^a<:e: dead and buried, and all ef­ forts to'lestore it to life again, howev- ®r ^*EY n»ay 1MS, are fruitless. Those AM are not convinced of this fact yeMare mistaken in the seal cause of its tlifeSt. They claim that the money and school questions brought its discouraging result, and d platform on these ques- t yet lead the party to vio- xt years election. How vain are is clearly shown by the n New York. There the*de- dopted a "hard money" plat- e school ion didn't come into consideration. The ticket was composid of the best and ablest men. Headed by Gov. Tilden they had adopted a reform policy which was rati­ fied by levery honert man in the coun­ try. B&it still they came near sharing the fat# of the Ohio democracy, which stood 4n the opposite side in the money puesti^n. Whether resumption or iu^ |iation|)e their watchword, is all the fame i#th(> end. This leads one to search for some other fault for its de- tlie money q,uestion. and it >und. The fact is that those ins who helped the demoerats victory last year, had be- ,(disgusted with the increasing on in their party and wanted It a lesson. They went over her side, not out of conviction, •i»iy for easting a vote of mis- tgaiust republican corruption. *n!t was that the republicans d reform, and the deserters re- (ttined to ihqflrown flag. They may not yp approve every action taken by rcpuftpoii leaders, but rather than to give"flew strength to a party they have successfully combatted for the last fifteen years, they remain where they are. Whey choose the smallest of two i these late victories can't Miblican party either. It itaajjvejv amcrnsSed out of existence^ftnrt out o the best mater*al from both stdes a party will arise, which is the coming party for the next deoennium. I hope you will excuse me for molesting you Avith my political jargon. There is so much written and said about the po­ litical situation now, that a person cjui't help hut form his own opinion about it, and having nothing particu­ lar to write you this time I got to"gass- iug" so much about politics without intention. Local matters are very dull. Noth- !ng going on anrwhori*. Not even a burglar or rowdy in town to enliven things a little and furnish material for items. Everything is quiet, except our matrimonial market, which is quite lively. From 12 to 15 marriage li­ censes are issued weekly. This lively condition of things most be attributed to the strange fact that our young la­ dies have turned the tables and are do­ ing the "^capturing" instead of the men. If this was leap year such proceedings would explain themselves. But being as it Is, no other excuse can be quoted for their strange actions, than their be­ ing in the majority. They are making a lively raid on bachelors, whether old or young. Under these circumstances even your humble correspondent couldn't escape their persecution. If he had been assailed by one at a time, heaven knows what might have been the result. Btgt being besieged by three at the same time he managed to get out of the affair nicely,by referring them to the large number of unpro­ vided for young men of McHenry, and promising to inform the boys of Mc­ Henry that want to be tvcapturedn to come down here. In eonsequence of this many a sleepless, night is spent, (by the remarkable trio) patiently watching and waiting Iter the boys. Will suoh patience aud! constancy be unrewarded? F. RE-UNION OF THK OStll I. T. ' The committee on Re-Union of the Ooth Regt. for 1876 met at the Walker House in Harvard, as per appointment, on the second Tuesday of Nov., Lt. Col. Avery in the chair. W. H. Stewart was appointed Cleric. Capt. A. S. Stewart, M. Southworth »n<! Surgt. iftarly were appointed a committee on tents, and ordered to make requisit?an on Liettt. General Sheridan for the same. Capt. Nish, Lts. Southworth and Walker were appointed a committee on grounds. Maj. Loop, Capt. Beckley, Lt. Woodf Col. John M. Southworth, 8th Cnvslry, and Col. Glllman of the ISth were ap­ pointed a committee on correspond­ ence and invitations. Lt. Col. Avery, Lt. Wells and Capt, Tyron were appointed a committee on music. Committee on Finance--Capts. Nish, Skellenger, Sargt. Horen, Lts. Bubcock, Hoffman. Barber, aud Sargt. Randall. Committee on ilospitkl and Hospi­ tal Stores--Surgeon* Grau,Merritt. and Groesbeck. Committee on Rations,--Capt. John Eddy, Lt. Cutter, Lt. Alderman, Sargt. Andrews, Lt. Heeler, Lt. Geo. Eckert, Lt. Wedgwood, Frank Packer, Sargt. Reynolds, and Sargt. Bosworth. On motion it was resolved that each one be requested to furnish themselves with beds and bedding, blankets etc., and also rations. It was further ordered that each of said committees be ordered to report progress at a general meeting to be held at the Walker House on the 1st Tuesday of August next, to which time and place this meeting stands ad­ journed. WM.A VERY, Colonel, W. H, STBWABT, Clerk. I "II1 I I[ III f' _• tytj A clergyman, now deceased, used to tell the following story of himself: Early one morning a son of Erin called at his house and wanted to be married in a hurry, "'Why Pat," said the clergy- man,"what have you come to me for? Why didn't you go to the Catholio priest?" uIv'e been to him, yer honor," said Pat, "and he told me to g<? t$ the divil,aud I've come." UTB DAIRY HP UxieA.NTirovWfc.lBa. CilKKSE,--The trade fit cheese \ Utica on Monday was without life«|k v. •, The offering was 8,000 boxes, and n attendance large. But nobody was. prepared to buy and consequently no^f" sales were made. The reason is, there41 ,v is no demand in STew Tork. One first-;/V 1 class factory offered cheese at 18c with* J out buyers. At Little Falls the market for farro ^ i cheese opened extremely dnll. The^. ^ ofierings probably were in the aggrcnf J*; gate 400 boxes, selling at lli@18te|§ Fnctorymen were on the market iu some number, quite generally offering , ; their cheese, some of them with tht*-. last of September, others oflbrlng onlj* ' ?,y 4 October. There was quite a general, L desire to close out all the Octobe# * make, the idea having gained groun^|| since the previous week that prlce^ltf can not now improve. Many of tliO r largest operators seemed very loth to, - ^ ^ buy at over 12|c, for October and 13c» ^ for finest September. General solicit ,, tations were made for the securing ancl^ ' selling on ooaimlsston^ holding until ". _ orders were given to seU, Probably^ " 10,000 cheese could have been bought 1 • had prices been satisfactory to factory-* " |l men. As It was, not to exceed 3,00(1* - were sold, at prices ranging from 19}#\ 13Jc., the former price for Octobers#; ^ thongh some reached 12K*>« 13} waaV ; only made by a few uhoice Septembers k | where a consideration of time wafi given. The next week will quite gen#^.,! ^ orally close out the October cheese. t BUTTEK.--Receipts foe the weektr 26,527 packages. Exports, 1,796 pack# v ages. The market is quite bare o^ ; fancy high flavored fall make, and suclf;. is in good demand at top prices, and! there i* quick sale for desirable falf - butter. This sort Is scarce on account4 RESULT OP CSNTUESES OF CrLTUSF.' °* frosts aud inc early hous-t. ̂ --The successive editions of Webster's Unabridged are as parennial tn inter, est as in value. Each successive re- ing and foddering of the stock, and thai; . trade will soon be forced to use flue lo^«| * dairies in its place. The sale of sum* ; print finds (be work of <nur great lexi-.< a?"er h>ade stock and of fair or commos| cographer still unrivaled among Eng­ lish dictionaries. In each republica­ tion we likewise find a mirror of the scientific progress of the age, a sleep­ less vigilance which nothing escapes, to catch every new shade of verbal significance, and to retain for our un- achetl staoArd of language, that ess whlch^i||ges 1| i'mm ever^i centuries of culture, and the sum of the Intellectual contributions of some of the greatest minds of the raoo.-- Whether regarded as a whole, or iu detail, the book is equally marvelous. Its illustrations are copious, appropri­ ate and carefully executed. The mat­ ter in the appendix is of a character indispensable for reference to a?l who read, and to all who writer with serious purpose. The book |s. In short, one which neither school nor study, library or office, ought to be without.--vZVewr York Times. dairies is mUerabiy Blow here at thdr "VH moment. We quote: Finest Orange county or fancy creame ry make>P32@9Srf ; good to fine near-by fresh t»»bs or paAs^. >, 32@3S; fair to good fail made butter^ ,r% 28@30c; northern dairies, entire, ^ 32e(; ^pri^ern sumraer's mo^, ^ t&t'The general failure of thf^Crops in Russia this year is already winslng apprehensiousof famine* Never be­ fore, it is said, has the failure been so wide-spread, oi> Included so large u pro­ portion of the products of the country. The entire cultivated zone hassufiered, cereals, roots, and grass having been alike cut off. It is to be hoped that the apprehensions of suffering from famine may be mistaken, aud that the reports of prospective destitution may be ex­ aggerated. If worst comes to worst, however, America has aJLarge surplus of breadstuff^ enough to supply not only the demand in Western Europe, but to furnish food for the starving Russians, should it wme to that. * f9*Peterson*s Magazine for Deoem- beris ahead of all others, a m'racle of beauty and cheapness I It has two splen­ did steel plates, one of them, "Little Tot," as cunning as possible; a mam­ moth colored fashion plate; a superb colored pattern for a slipper; and near­ ly fifty wood-cuts of fashions and pat­ terns. The stories are by the very best authors, all powerfully written. For 1876, in addition to the 100 shorter stories, five copyrighted novels are an­ nounced: one of them. "The Days of *76," by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, is jsut the thing for the Centennial year Certainly, all things considered, this Magazine has no equal at its price. Theterm8are astonishingly low, via: Two dollars a year, the postage pre­ paid by the publisher. The prices to clubs are cheaper still (postage also pre-paid,) viz: Three copies for <M.£0, with a supurb Mesjzotlnt (21 Inches by 26) "Christmas Morning,** the finest and costliest ever offered, to the person getting up the dub; or six copies for $10.00 (postage pre-paid.) and both an extra copy and the premium engravlngf to the person getting up tho club% For large clubs the prioes are even lower. Specimens'of the Magazine W sent, gratis, if written for, to those who wish to gut up clubs* Now is tho time to subscribe for 1878. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street,Phila* delphia, Pa. f&*It will hardly be necessary to tell the name of the facetious party who went into a village dry goods store the other day, and was observe^ to be looking about, when the proprie­ tor remarked to him that they didnt keep whisky. "It would save yon a good many steps if you did," was the stage-driver's quick reply*--Iforte^trc Cour^&r,t tuaDayofTh sriuNoriKtx*, livr,., Novembers. . In conformity with the proclamation of the President of the United State%, -<•, r I. John L. Beveridge, Governor of th#^ I * State of Illinois, do hereby iecommen(| that Thnrsday, November 25, 1875 b#-, observed as a day of thanksgiving au{ praise to the Supreme-Ruler of the uni* verse for the bounties of life ysov$tN dence. * j!l In testimony wkeieof I hatre* Isi HI', to set my hand and caused. fpw§ .* •, seal of the State to be »fllxs<d. Done at the city of Springfield, thlfe dtlkd&y of November, A. D. 187ff„ JoiiiV L. linvicniEGK (Z^ vaxnor*. GEO. H» JlAnLOM", Sccret v ry of State.. i S^^Thoy say that Budd Doble Us* ̂ " bought Flora Temple and will exhibifc ; r; her at the Centennial. The history ou­ tfits venerable trotter, now somewhere In the twenty-oddth year of her igft affords a splendid example to the twof*; S legged youth of our country. Born oj|vV';i|' poor though hardly respectable parenta. her early advantages were extremely* . limited, aud she gave so little promisi*. of usefulness in hercolthood thatsh^. seemed soarcely worth the niggardly- supply of eorn and fodder they allowed her. Same idea of her apparent valv# at that existence may be formed froiP . the fact that site was ouoe sold for tt£ contemptable sum of three dollars, anf at another t|wo for the not less coifck. - temptable bagateila of a single-barrel^.""" ed shot gun, But tho quantity > come-out in her was perfeotly marveK ous. And now mark where she standi• " ' »world-wide wonder on the measu^ less dlse of f^me. True* other tr-ottertt' " have beaten her time, but then she it scarcely mora than half the siae ofsomp^ other horses, and uow» of them how to trot until B\m showed them. Ife •Jfe.". - Never insult a man because he ts poor in purse or raimeut; fo,r beneath a ragged coat it may b« tbalj a muscle lies concealed that could put a he^¥l oi» the oltleet man in tho limiuftfiai , 4 . Onr Mister Smith is troubled wMUr w*hat he calls a ̂ »lgb hinstep," and waf therefore!, greatly rejoiced last springs when he obtained a pair of boots fi a worthy Teuton that fitted so n: that hia troubles on that score seempdt ended. Last week he called to another pair, and expressly requested that they should he made by the samO man. This was the reply he reeeiveds vNow, Mr. Sifhwld, dot vas a very patjg tings; b«d% yon see, dot man vas gonf dead siwe tree »e«ta ago, undfce don4 could made some poofcs for me efia^ since.'* ^ As exchange saw: Started o«t Ibr a walk the in company with * lighted (wo poun& of gwipowder. it's too late to remedy the raisfortOM* "? "• k

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