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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1876, p. 7

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•/** : m mm OOFLURBSSIOXAL LEGISLATION Important Bllln Introduce*! In the Senate and HOUSA. , 1 Senator Hitchoock lias introdnoed a * till in the Senate, and Mr. Kidder, of Dakota, a similar one in the House, pro tiding lor THE LOMATAON of the Territory of Pembina ofct of the northern part of Dakota. "F-S Mr. Sherman has introduced in the Senate a resolution proposing a com- •ACN "aaii of money and accounts for the " States and Oreat Britain. It re- the President to propose a treaty CONVENTION between the two countries to .'LISH A dollar? as the money of ae- 3NET in both of them. It is to be rep- lesented by coin formed of the standard Sf gold 9-10 pure metal and 1-10 copper r copper and silver alloy. FiVe of these FCSTR dollars are to be the equivalent of« ONE pound sterling. Gold coin of the ions denominations' conforming to standard are to be issued and be LE- M tender within each country. Senator Booth HAS introduced a bill in xelation to lands heretofore granted to Ktilroad companies. It provides that all V' «uch lands on either side of any portion Of the road accepted by the Government •Til;.".#8 completed shall be subjeefc to loosl fcsatiou, and requires the Commissioner OF the General Land Office to prepare ind deliver, without delay, patents for ill LAUDS thus earned, if free from con­ flicting claims, and clearly within the Emits of the grant. If th*> <?osts of sur- *EY, etc., are not paid by the railroad fbmpany, they may be paid by any pur- ••• ;• .̂ chaser at tax sale of such lands, and constitute a lien upon the patent, which •hall then be issued to the company. HIE bill also requires the Pacific Bail- load Companies to sell any land not dis­ posed of within three years after the completion of any road to the first set- " fler, upon compliance with the terms of ttie Pre-emption laws. Representative O'Brien proposes the following amendment to the Constitution of the United States : SUCTION 1. No State Bhallmake any law re- QPOCTING an establishment of religion or pro­ hibiting free exercise thereof, and no minister or preacher of the Gospel of any religions creed OR denomination shall hold any office of triust OR emolument under the United States, or under any State, nor shall any religious test be REQUIRED as a qualification for any office of ̂S FC'U8T AN7 State, or under the United Bsc. 2, No mciney received by taxation in any State for the support of public schools or de­ rived from amy public fund therefor, nor any publie lands devoted thereto, shall ever be un­ der the control of any religious sect, nor shall any m6ney raised nor lands so devoted be divided between religious sects or denomina­ tions, nor Bhall any minister or preacher of the Gospel of any religious creed or denomination hold office in connection with the public schools in the State, nor be eligible to any position of trust or emolument, in connection with any in­ stitution, public or private, in any State, or in the United States, which shall be supported in whole or in part from any public fond. ^Representative Hopkins, of New York, proposes to enact that " any citi­ zen of the United States who shall orig­ inate or discover any NEW plant or fruit, or variety of fruit, grain 3 vegetable, vine, herb. root, TREÊ wood, plant, shrub or flower, or seed, cion, bulb, tuber, eye or cutting thereof, shall, upon compliance •with the conditions of the bill, have the sole tight and liberty of growing, propa­ gating and selling the same for A period of seventeen years." The stealing covered up and carried through Congress in bills for the relief of claimants, and in other forms of special legislation, has grown from year to year tyatil its proportions have become monstrous. iSiaturally despairing of any cure for the evils short of a process of utter extirpation, Mr. Springer, of Illi­ nois, proposes an amendment of the Constitution of the United States pro­ hibiting special legislation by Congress upon any of the following subjects : Granting pensions, bounties, lands, or prize- money to any person or persons for correcting the records of any department of the Govern­ ment in reference thereto; granting relief or authorizing the payment of any claim against the United States, or any officer thei eof, ex­ cept appropriations in general laws to pay the Judgments of courts or commissioners author­ ized by law, remitting fines, penalties or for­ feitures ; creating, increasing, or decreasing the FEW, percentages, or allowances of public officers during the term for whicu said officers are elected ; granting to any corporation, asso­ ciation or individual the right to lay down rail­ road traoks, or amending existing charters for 'Mich purpose by conferring any special or ex­ clusive privilege upon such corporation or asso­ ciation which it does not already have ; grant­ ing to any corporation, association, or individual any apaeial >i aselusivo privilege, subsidy, im­ munity, or FRAR^HIPO RYVFRV^R, "ND REGULATING the practice of the courts of the United States, or commissioners for the .auditing of claims , against the same, and in all other casee where a general law CAN bs made applicable no special I law EHALL be enacted. Mr. Springer's proposition is in the Ljine of an important reform already | adopted by several of the States. One of the most important bills intro­ duced during the session is that of Hon. leorge W. McCrary, of Iowa, providing for the relief of the United States Su­ preme Court. The business is now from ree to five years behind, and steadily lifting farther and farther back. Prac- ly it has become a Court of obstruo- and denial of justice. It is, as now mstituted, utterly incapable of hearing le cases which overwhelm its docket, thousand suits now hopelessly await a learing. The Circuit Courts are simi- lougb not quite so badly, over- led aad behindhand. Mr. McCrary's blaa contemplates an intermediate Court kf Appeals in ©aoh circuit, consisting of ie assigned Justice of the Supreme Jourt, Circuit and District Judges, whose decisions shalh be final on all questions [f fact, and on all questions of law in ses involving not more than $10,000. Lppeals are to lie to this Court from both ^Circuit and District Courts; the Cir- "t. Court is also to be empowered, after it September, to send any case on its >cket to the District Court. It will be ?tieed that this bill secures the desired blit £, at least to some considerable ex- mi, without creating any new Judges. ion [ Court Knew Alreaiy. A recent trial in the Elko County >M T, our friend Bishoff, of the Hum- bldt brewery, was called as a witness. '**. Bishoff is one of the "solid men" Elko, where he has been in business ce the town was started in the winter 1858. Upon being sworn, Counsellor d, one of the attorneys in the case, , BY T|IE way, is an old resident of o, said, " Mr. Bishoff, where do you TIDE?" "Where I reside? What for ask me such foolish things? You at my place more as a hundred lies. * iliat HAA nothing to do with case on trial, Mr. Bishoff. State to jury where you reside." "De . • ,00? ' shurry! de shurry! Oh, by jiminy! every gentleman On dis shurry has a string of marks on mine cellar door just like a rail fence." His honor here inter­ ceded in the counsellor's behalf, and in a calm, dignified manner, requested the witness to state where he resided. "Oh, excuse me, Shudge. You drinks at my blace so many times and PAYS me notings. I dinks you know old Bjahofl* vat keeps the brewery."--Nevada Sil­ ver State. ^ To a Young Married Friend. MT DRAB Krrnr: The music of your " Wedding March" still lingers in the air, and ere its echoes fade from my memory I would seize the inspiration of the moment to write you A little advice on matrimony. In the midst of your JOJ yuu can afford to listen for a few moments to the sage counsels of one who has grown old and gray (metaphori­ cally speaking) battling with the inevi­ table must be's and can't be'sof married life. Now, my dea* Kitty, these bees are very 'harmless and amiable when allowed to have their own way ; but the moment you show fight they will sting, as it's a part of tbeir nature to unless FILR? 1 FN1 { F MNT and subdued. But if you pet them and give them plenty of nectar they will make honey for you all their days. I suppose you know, Kitty K that bees don't like vinegar. They will take tho poorest molasses in preference, but their natural and favorite food is nectar and ambrosia, so I advise you to lay in large supplies of both these articles, as they cannot be had at all seasons of the year. They only grow on the southern borders of that country called Domestic Felicity. This land is not down on the maps or in the " railway guides," but I am quite sure you will find it. I should be glad to make you happy by telling you that matrimonial life is a perpetual calm of sunny skies and balmy airs, but truth and candor compel me to admit that across the fairest matrimonial hori­ zon there will sometimes come a "squall;" and I suppose this is best The calm might turn to insipid monoto­ ny, whereas a good smart thunder-storm now and then clears the air of foul vapors and lends piquancy to life. That you may the better meet these atmos­ pheric changes I advise you to put on the helmet of fidelity, the breast-plate of true love, the waterproof cloak of charity, and the overshoes of economy (that takes well with men). Then, hold­ ing aloft the umbrella of patience, you will be prepared for the worst, for "there are storms on life's dark water*. *' From your affeotionate aunt, PUSSY Wjxmjw. " New Britain, Jan. 8, 1875. --Hartford Times. Some Facts About Leap Year. The necessity of having one year in four with a single day more than the others is founded upon the facts that the rotation of the earth AROUND (he sun is accomplished IN 365 days, five hours, forty-eight minutesand foi^y-six seconds, or about eleven minutes less than a quar­ ter of a day. Julius Ctesar,® when he attempted to correct the almanac, made the mistake of ignoring the eleven min­ utes, and a misunderstanding of the imperial degree fixed the leap year one year in three. Augustus, eight years B. C., ordained that for the next twelve years there should be no leap year, and thus corrected tho error for the time. But there were the eleven minutes which, as the centuries rolled on, became hours and days. The Council of Nice, in A. D. 325, brought the sun and the almanac into harmony, but left the per­ plexing eleven minutes unprovided for, and it thus went on for twelve centuries, when Pope Gregory XIII., finding the sun ten days behind the calendar, or­ dained a radical cure, enjoining that the ten days between the 3d and 15th of October, 1582, should be struck out of the almanac. The different nations of Europe adopted a like course, one after another, Protestant England being the last to conform to the Pope's bull in 1752, when the English calendar dropped eleven days in September, which had then accumulated. To pre­ vent errors in future, it is necessary that three leap years shall be omitted in each 400 years, and this is managed by mak­ ing the omitted years the even hundreds, that are not divisible by 400. So that 1700 nor 1800 were, and 1900 will not be a leap year, but 2090 will be as 1600 was. In transposing from " old " to " new style," the time must be taken into ac­ count, the farther back we go the fewer days it takes to make it right. The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Decem­ ber 11, and as the error was only ten days, the celebrations of that event should be on the 21st, and not the 22d. The days of the week were not effected by this change. The fact that leap year gives unusual prerogatives to the gentler sex who are matrimonially inclined is not of astro­ nomical origin, but may, nevertheless, be worthy oi the most profound manual respect--Milwaukee ( Wis.) Newt. New York's Large Tax-Payers. The tax list shows to all who look at details what large soma are collected from some establishments. I will quote a few: Stewart's retail store $1,150,000 $3A, 0U Stewart's wholesale store 850,000 23,800 Stewart's Fifth avenue palace... 600,000 16,800 Grand Central depot 1,600,000 42,000 Drexet Building, corner of Wall and Broad streets 1,000,000 29,400 Equitable Insurance 1,100,000 30.2U0 New York Life Insurance Build­ ing 1,000,000 39,400 Brown Brothers' banking house. 440,000 11,816 Duncan, Sherman & Co.'s bank­ ing house (now closed) 850,000 9,800 Stock Exchange Building....... 425,000 11,900 Fifth Avenue Hotel 1,100,000 , 30,200 Metropolitan Hotel (owned by Sewart)... @00,000 25,200 In this list we find Stewart paying $56,000 taxes on his stores. On his house and the hotel $12,000 more are paid, making $98,000; but in addition to this he lias a large amount of real estate scattered in various parts of the city. It is probable that his tax last year was not less than $120,000.--&ew York Cor. Iroy Times. Sudden Death of a Knife-Eater. A few days since the celebrated "knife-eater," who, for the past few years has astonished the community in this region by his feats of swallowing knives, nails, etc., came to an untimely end. He was living at Isaac Ozmun'S, on the State road, doing chores for his board, when in drawing water from the large tank that supplies the cheese fac­ tory there with WATER, HE fell in and was drowned. It is supposed that as he leaned over the tank the blood rushed to his head, and so he lost his balance and fell in. His body was examined by Drs. Pixley and Cole, but, to their astonish­ ment, nothing was found unusual, ex­ cept that the coats of the stomach were very slightly inflamed. That he actually did swallow the knives, etc., with which he is credited, there is the most indu­ bitable evidence, and many are the anec­ dotes connected therewith, of which I give only the following, as related by an eye-witness; One day he came alongC where several of the railroad Italians and others were at work, when a boy told HIM that if he would swallow a large clasp-knife, with an iron hook in the end by whinh TO pend it from a belt and which belonged to one of the Italians, he would give him fifty cents. Immediately he seized the knife, closed it, and swallowed it. The astonished owner of the knife gaped upon him with saucer eyes, but recover­ ing his wits he seized a shovel and held it up to him, exclaiming, " You swallow dis! you swallow dis I"--Peninsula (O.) Oor. Akron Beacon. His Obitaary. It was a very sad woman that came into our sanctum the other day. Not to put too fine a point upon it, she wept. " I am MM. Briggs," she murmured, sadly. The sub-editor said he was glad to know #, and inquired after Mr. Briggs. "You don't seem to keep the run of our emi­ nent citizens much," she said, with some asperity; " for, you know, he died last Friday." The sub stammered out that he had indeed overlooked it " That's just it," said the grief-stricken one. "I want an obituary rit on to him, some­ thing strong, you know." "Ah' pre­ cisely," said the sub-editor; "I will just take down the points. He was public- spirited, of course ?" "Certainly," sighed the widow. " Respected, influ­ ential, high-toned?" "Wayup," sobbed the relict "Fine feelings, self-made, rich?" "Well, no," said the mourner, " he would have been rich. His partner was just elected Supervisor, but he didn't; wait for the first day even. He faded away, faded away." All right, madam, we will get up a notice that will make all the other bereaved families in your part of the town howl with envy." " On the front page, mind," she sighed. "Just so, ma'am. It will be $8." "Eight dollars for an obituary, with sugar at thirteen cents ?" " But reflect, madam, that you will have an article that will I&ake Andrew Johnson and Henry WIL­ son turn over in their graves." " Eight dollars--and Johnny's shoes will be $4, and Jane's pullback -- well, mister, I guess the old man will have to slide through on his merits. The regular four-bit sendoff will about do, I guess," and depositing that coin on the desk she sobbed herself down stairs."--San Fran­ cisco Mews Letter. CHAPPED hands, faoe, pimples, ring­ worm, Baltrhemn, AND other on tan eons affec­ tions cured, and rough akin made soft and smooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap. Be care­ ful to get only that made by Caswell, Hazard & CO., Kew York, aa there are many imitations made with common tar, all of which are worth- leas. It» fact that fir* milUon ot pairs of SILVER TIPPED Shosa are nwae «v™, »iiuw» how t boat who aae them Khnut it. Thar know that they last thre« timaa u lonf ! Economy is wealth but th« beat Shoe Is tha ! CABLE SCREW WIRE. J They never rip, leak or come apart. I Try them. All genuine good* •Uaaped. THECHCMXI LEDGER. A Paper for $1.50. AND LARGER than the NEW York LTAGTR. Always an tuustrntcvl S«»r|AL A new SWHT com M<>NCE« alxmt FRCII. I. One year, POOTANE paid, for $1.5(1 bamples sent. Address THE LF.DGKR, Chicago, DL. JAMISS I5. SCOTT. CHICAGO, w*nts 7io but for Iflo. sends 1000 advertisements of those who do. 9!A SNOWFLAKEor Damaak Cards, with name,90c. £t\J Audreji, J. B. HC»T*1>, Nt»fau, Co., N. Y. Send for Chremo Oatalogu*. •PAW ~ 11. BiTFroaDuSown, Boslcn, MUE. CR FFT &9n * <*** home. SamplM worth 91 sent free. STINSON A Co., Portland, Me. ASTHMA »n<l CATARRH. Sure Care. Trial free. NW 1 ""M* Addreea . K. UKIXIS, Indianapolis, Ind. cloth, 50 eta. T. J. MORHOW,41 Warren St.,NEW¥ork. 1'IIIDING PRIjT (no tar),for outside work and i Inside, instead of Plaat«r, Felt Carpet in as, Ac. Send "ircular and samples. C. J. FAY, Camden, N.J. § T K 'JOJAAAUJ ,J[HVXO V ONR O» JOJ DUMP -J}; M»AO puo/ ®T.f QORO* '*:$ «>J N&S SXNTSO TAlVORCES legally and quietly obtained for incora- JLF patibllity, Ac.• residence unnecessary; fee after deeree. A. tSOODRICH, P. O. Bo* 1037, Chicago. AfiFiiTi 3® Klrganl Oil Chroinot,mounted, Nwliff 1 O aire Still, for SI. Novelties and Chroinoa of every description. National Chromo Co., Phtla., Pa. ^FLNLfi(«gOOTPRHfTS of the AGE*. Our ...... . r Government and History. Goodspeed'a --<•' lf* • Book. Bible and Map House, CHICAGO. MflllCy Made rapidly with Stencil and Key Check Hiyi'l« Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars FREE, S. M. SPENCER, 347 Washington St., Boston, RICH Books, Kurions Goods, Sporting Articles, etc. (>4-pnee Book for two 3c. stamps. BALDWIN * CO.. Ill Naasan St.. N. Y. $350 A Month.--Agents wanted. it4beet s«U- lng articles in the world. One sample free. Address JAY BKON $Q\, Detroit, Mtca OPIUM aad Morphine speed)? cured e hahlt atwotately and _ 1, Painless; 'no pubicity. Send atamp for particulars. Dr. Carl­ ton. 1ST Waabijigto® St.. III. $17 PER WEEK GUARANTEED to Agent®. Male and Female, in their own locality. TePM and OUTFIT FREE. Addraaa P. O. VICKERY * CO., Aogosta. Maine. C'.-.iOiuim. Swei KngraTtngs, Photo. JLr«rapha, Serai^bcok Eleg«i>t aams»;®5 and catalogue Miit ooetnald for SO cts.' Aaetiia Wanted. J. L. ratten it Co., 16* William St. New York. .. "O wearisome condition of humanity!" HOW RNRNS wretched homes IN. oor land I How D! any lieart- broken invalids! Life with many signifies a mere onerous existence. All are subject to disease, but when health is re­ moved the hope is nearly gone out. Sickness its usually incurred through exposure or care- U-ssuess." Especially is this true with those diseases peculiar to woman. Through her own imprudence and folly she is made to drag out a miserable existence--A source of annoyance and anxiety to her friends, and any thing but A comfort and pleasure to herself. Exposure to the cold at times when she should be most pru­ dent, and overtaxing her body with laborious employment, are both fruitful causes of many of the" maladies from which she suffers. Grad­ ually the bloom leaves her cheeks, hor lips grow ashy white, her vivacity departs, she con­ tinually experiences a feeling of weariness and general languor, and altogether presents a ghostly appearance. What does she need? Should she take some stimulating drug, which will for the time make her "feel better," or does her entire system demand reparation ? She requires something which not only will re­ store to health the diseased organs, but will tone and invigorate THE Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will do THIS, it imparts strength to the diseased parts, brings BW:K the glow of health, AND restores comfort where previously there was only suffering. Every invalid lady should send for "The People S Common Sense Medical Adviser," in which RT^ER ftfty PAGOA nro devoted to the con­ sideration of those diseases peculiar to women. It will be sent, post-paid, to any address, for $1.59. Address E. V. Pierce, M. D., World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. ¥. Agents wanted to sell this valuable work. IVINS PATENT HAIR CRIMPER8. Adopted by all the Qaeens of Fashion. Send for olrenlar K- IVINS. No. S903 North Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. tf> /** A PER MONTH and traveling expenses paid to 3>OU who can sell onr goods, and better ^ wages to experienced salesmen. Address ARUAND KINDI.ERCO.,98 LaSalle St.,CHICAGO, 111. $2SS A MONTH--Agents wanted ••erywber*. Bussnea* honorable *n<i «>•*• nlp«« P.f ticniars sent free. Addraaa WORTH A CO.. St. lUrais, Mo. IIT RDITUKS, PUBLISHERS, JK% AisfmUiei* faring ftAlUCOAtt TICKRIV leading out of Chicago, will find a purchaser by address- ins E. B. MAJVTZ..W Oearborn St.,CHICAGO. Ev- RAILROAD TICKETS BOUGHT and SOLD. REVOLVERS!! PEVEN SHOT NEW lluffalo Bill Ilerolver SFNT WITH KX) CAR?' $3.00 700 SUPERB VMIEHB Half a Million Oreenhouae Tflanta. Hailing Plants a 8penalty, glw Illustrated Catalogne *ro®. &T.TEAS 4K CO. Richmond Ind. MIND READING, PSYCHOMANCY. FASCINATION. Soul Charming, Mesmerism ami Lover®' Guide. showing how either ae* may fascinate ami gnin the lovs and affection of any person they choose instantly. 480 paces. By mail, Mot«. Hunt A Co., 119 S. 7th St., Phils. Men to travel and sell our goods to DEALERS, No _ _ peddling trom house to house. Eighty dollars a month: hotel seid traveling ex­ penses paid. Address KOBB & CO., Cincinnati,Oblo. WANTED! 9 SECRETS W Aad 64 PAKE Book tali of peculiar I»UK.-K'<stir«. II!kii»(7ated. S«nt FIEE IO >11 for T postarn >'iap>, AMlMS FLETCHER * CO., WiUlMMburtb, Sw V© CHICAGO LEDOEB--Best story paper going. See advertisemeut. DOBBINS' Electric Soap, (made by Cra- gin & Co., Philadelphia), contains noth­ ing but the purest material, and does the work quickly, but without impairing the finest fabric. Try it without fail. THE editor of the Covington (Ohio( Gazette offers to eat a quail each day for sixty consecutive days, if anybody will furnish the birds. PLMFLESAND HUMORS ON THE FACE.--In this condition of tlie RW" TL>» VOMHIU I« th« great remedy, as it acts directly upon the cause. It cleanses and purifies the blood, thereby oausing humors of all kinds to disappear. THE Kansas State Senate has a colored Methodist preacher as chaplain of that body. . CHEAPEST, best family paper in the world--CHICAGO LEDOEB. Bee advertisement. A TOT, popular, and learned Lord on the northern side of the Tweed tells a story of a Scotch wife, after the nuptial knot had been tied, mildly expostulating with her husband for indulging in two tumblers of whisky-toddy just before going to bed. *' My dear Agnes, a glass o' whisky-toddy makes anither man o* me." " But, my <dear William, you take two." "Ay, Agnes, that gangs to the ither man!" SCIIEXCK'S PILMONIC STRIIP, SEA WEED TONIC AN 1> MANDRAKE PILL8. --These deservedly celebrated and popular medicines have effected a revolution ia the he.i!::;s art, aad*«3 the fallacy of several maxima which have for many years obstructed the progreaa of medical science. The false supposition that " Consumption is incurable1' deterred physicians from attempting to find remedies for that dis­ ease, and patients afflicted with it reconciled themselves to death without making an effort to escape from a doom which they supposed to be unavoidable. It is now proved, however, that Consumption can be cured, and that it hat teen cored in a very great number of oases (soma of them apparently desperate ones) by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup alone; and in other oases by the same medicine in con­ nection with Schenck's Sea Weed Tonio and Mandrake Pills, one or both, according to the requirements of the case. Dr. Schenok himself, who enjoyed uninterrupted good health for more than forty years, was supposed at one time to be at the very gate of death, his physicians hav­ ing pronounced his cctsa hopeless, and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured by toe aforesaid medicines, and since his recover?, aiaiiy thousands similarly affected have used Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same re­ markable success. Full directions accompany each, making it not abso. lutely necessary to personally see Dr. Schenck, unless Eatients wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose e is professionally at his principal otfioe, Oorner Sixth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where All letters for advice most bo adtjjossed. Schenck's madir cines are sold by all dra^gist*. Tour Name Elegantly Print* ed on 13 TRA!»SPAIIEJ<T VISITIKO CARDS, for25 Cents. Each card contain;! e aceae which is not visible until held towards the Hgli* Nothlnfrlike them*ver before offered in America. Bigindu:^- mentato AGENTS. NOVEVTY ."S!-:T:MA CCH,ASHLAND,ILUSA "QElBgHEADQUARTEaS FirsM'laut VI* .Ming Cards, with vour name neatly printed, sent by retnru mail MDon"receipt of lt» ots. and a .*l:o. Btamp, 5 packs, 5 names, fu one addross, 5!> cts. A list of SO oindsof cards and samples ot' <'»"» stylos of Printina.sent with each new order. I maU<; 'I'liiOr! 1^It as 1 wish to introduce my cards into every family. All want 'now when they get one lot. All say: " More than pleased. Write name, town and State • . Address w. C. C.vS'.VOSi, 30 Kneeland St.. Boston, Mass. H O ! F o r i O W A I ! T<> KAIOIKKS. Better Lands at Cheaper Prices cannot be had in tho world, than from the Iowa, K. It. Lnii.'i < o. Soil and Climate strictly hr^ class. Pure Water abundant. Half Fare Tickets from t hioago out and back with Frr«- FAT* •« I'uw haiM'rj. A Descriptive Pamphlet with Maps of Over One MMil­ lion Aeros for sale at S » 8'* OB_ 1 erms scut Addrese Iowa It. Ilo 1 ®«n- panF. 9'i Ttandolph Vf sjiSiE R»l»ld8lowa. »«»«»« n i A..Tfat<N. JOHN Linnd I Commissioner. IV®- Is del >y*"i »•>' uoiiiR K. «* T. Twnle Kllxlr Mia MeuM Kxtiwtof Bfef, which is no'vpo«ed of the inice of raw lueat wish li on Tonics I)i;iretiCH and aild ('iithartics. and proscribed by Fhysicia-.ia for t-h© cure of Indigestion, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Piles, Lone Liver, Kidney,Children. Blood and all M*initl« Jl»rn«rt and weaknesses. Price Sl.tiO per botiie. RICH AUPsON' * TULLIDQE, Proprietors, Cincia- B»ti 6 For sale by all druggists. None other genuine. S. FT. HARRIS' . IMPROVED C H I C A G O S A F E S And VAULT SMIOES are URN BEST. Address S. H. HARRIS, MANIA ft M-tatrer, MM! 1U lululpm It. fiEXTEXMU BEN&OM J. I/ORStKO, IX. I JliBtnrvnf oxirufwte Ct S T O R Y OV TTTK i UNITED STATU. 1 bv ISENSOM ..L. D„ DOW r. sdy ! The only ct>m- niete Hiitortof our trVole Country In on* large AIID richlj BONOD, vet low-priced roluiuo-ever 600 PASES. 4«0 fine en- K »lni's-*i)d tlie »nl7 one worthy (o be BasblUbpd in »-AEJ»W'UNTEFTL.E appro-<-hing (Jrmui (.entMutal Celt- TORSI™ ACCMTS WANTED ! K.pldlyg.owins.a. TSSRVVE*RN the tkrjung Nl»I«ry ot our coontry; HINF£ rarech&v.c' to- A pent- seeking a (!>«»•<•(«.» I>" * rail SSFFO «™D 2once for full DE^RIPUOA ,mi Uberal ts. OS, 19 R!FT. HUTCHINSOi AND COMPANY, Chleagp, ML IEEBS FRESH AND PURE. market gardeners SEND FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST. ENGLISH OK GERMAN. GEO. S. HASKELL & CO„ QTPTFTIQ R00KF0ED. XLLMOiS. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTIOWWWO* .... NI0MMMMOOOOOOOO <ww»tK>oooooooooooo<>ooooooo(Mln0ttfimMMii>tftffcWHmTO|̂ ^ ®^2<k>oo^>000000O0W)0<^^ ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ^ oooooooooooocm OOO' Only 3 Cents a feel ooo ooo ooo ooo Grand Divestment OOO OOdOdOOOOOOOtft oooooooooooot* ooooooooooooe* ooo B*nroae ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ^OOOOOOOOOOOOTX) ooo ooo OOO «J OOO ooo ooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOO aooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo Splendid. Returns. ooo ooo ooo OGO ooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO «>00000000000000000 ooo /TOP! Oily. ViHage. Country. ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo 400000000000000000 4OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO® ̂ OOC ooo OOO ooo ooo WV ooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooo OOO 000 READER, YON WANT (OR YOURSELF UD 000 OOO OOO FAMILY, FOR 187FT, THE MOST PRACTICAL, THE 000 O0O . OOO °°° MOST VTTFUL, TB* MOST BMUTIFTTL, WAD Y«T «» OOO OOO "OO CHEAPEST JCWRSOT TA AMSRIOS.--TON WILL 000 OOO ITV- OOO "O® «RTSIN!Y FIUU UUI JOARAAL H» THE AMURIRAN «X>° OOO OOO WO IASAIOC ITS 39TL> AMMSI OOO OOO VOLUME DAIINC THE CENTENNIAL TEAR. TWO ®°° OOO OOO nnmbers now ready for 900,000 old nedam, ^ and TLM 000,000 new onsB, 8S •4' • ««X» OOO £££ if TTM7 laun its REAL SEFM*. ooo ®°® 44 doable (or qasrto) picns in OTWY OUM- JJJJ ooo ooo »O ber, booatifnlly printed ON fin* popsr. *5 to 60 KngrmYings, boaaUfal, pi«M- ooo ooo OOO OOO 9OO LUG, AND IFTSFRWELFEE, IN EEERU NUMBER. 000 OO° 000 000 000 O® A ORONT VARIETY OF PTACSCAF, RELIABLE, «O 000 * ' 000 ££ INETRUCTIVE BEADI*C, 1U»/M TO EVERY MAN, ^ 000 WOMAN, AND CINLD, IN CITY, VKL-WU OOT) LAOE,UDCOL!HTRT. 000 000 (TOO 000 OON HOMES For Tlie PKOPL.E. -Erery ^ number of .iiam'os* Agricultoritt CTMI «n> ^ ^ *»TED House Plans, oommon-senss ones, with ^ ^ •llmatorials.and the EORT. EVERYBODY wants a ̂House, or to improre one. Here is* world of information. OOO ^ HOUSEKEEPERH will find in every SOD Care--not fancy notions, bet reslly use- fnl suxiestiona and information. 000 000 000 CiniiDREM of all ages find in every ^ A CALENDAR of WORK, with oseful hints thereon, in Bouee. Garden, Orchanl, ^ on the fhrm, etc., GIVEN in every num- ^ ber, is alone worth the ooet. 000 3 HUMBUG EXPOSED. -Koother Jour- nil in the world so pentietmily and fnlhj ei- £££ pom tho trioka «ND schenMt of THE swindlers ^ THAT prnv TTPQS «?sry iadlviaooi. TB«N ezpot- ^ QVM alono SAVE !U readers miltfonfe of dotlan, AND will AAVE «Y«R/roader many TIMO* the cost ^ of the paper, in bad purchases and in*wtuitnta, £££ IF not in avoidiiiff bare awindllnc. 000 oeo OO> OFH) OCKft OOO OOO OOO '<H>o oo«> 000 ,000 TITI) OOo OOO oc>o 000 OOP boo OCI) OOI> oo» 000 00(1 oeo OQKT OOO Ooo OOo 000 OOo OOo OGO OCNI OOo OCK» 000 000 oc»o OOo OOO 000 THE ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE GO<*T ^ FEAT TIRE TOT THEITMENVAN ^ , THAT FOR JJJJJ 34 YEA^S HAVE MADE IT SO ACCEPTABLE AND NETFUL TO ITS SUBSCRIBERS, WHO ARE SO NUMEROUS THAT TLIE ^ PUBLISHERS CAN SUPPLY THE PAPER AT A RMINRK- ̂ ABLY LOIC PRICE! IT OOMBLNES BEAUTY AND HWMLNWI TO A WEEDERFOL1 DETRREE, AND FE ^ THSCLAEEPEET JOURNAL IN THE WNRKT. SOO EVERYBODY WANTS AND SHOULD HAVE IT. THE 2OE CENTENNIAL VOLUME (FOR ALL OF 1870) WILL FAR £OO EXCEL IN VALUE AND BEAUTY ANY PREVIOUS VOL- £OO UME TRY IT. SS 000 Terms t Only Q1.80 a year, *«M< pott-paid; ^ 4 to 0 copies, $1.85 each; 10 00pies, (1.98 each. £££ OOO OOO 000 OOO 000 OOO OOO OOO OOO 000 ooo OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO 000 000 OOO 000 OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO 000 ORANGE JUDD OON PubUaban, M5 Broadway, New York- * 000 000 000 uw OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000000000000000000()0000000000000000000<KH>0 &OWER& ltdt the COB DO YOU ft OWN PRINTING. I For Proreasloaal and Amateur 'rinter*. KI-HOELI, Societies, Mas. uOteturv> ! ; MERCHANTS, AW*others itla the BEST ever im-onted. 1S.OOO In U. 6end etainr for CaUlosue. Ten styles, Frioee from SB.00 to 9160.00 BENJ. O. WOO.D8 &CO. Mamifptnnd dcator; in all kind, of Printing Material, br Caulosue.) €0 Federal St. Boston. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL HISTORY or the u.S. The creat interest LI\the tlirllling history of our country Makes this the fastest celling l>ook ever published. II contains 448 ttne HISTORICAL ON^RAVL c with a full account, of tennial Kzhibitlon. Send ENGRAVINGS ani the approaohing I for a Full desorii and 0 45 PASES,, Itrand (JON- iption aiu! tra terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUBUBUMO GO., CHT eafo, JII.. or St. Louts. Mo. SENSIBLE TRUSS FMIB «BW ELASTIC TRUSS Has a Pad differing o::-or« its action Is woo- uuniu. tsetng oup-Bhape, with Self-Adjastintc Ball in I f F O I • " finger. With li«ht pressure the Hernials held se- 00rely day and night, and a radical cure certain. It is perfectly easy, durable and cheap. Sent by mail. Send for OirculHr and Truss to EGGLKS'TON TRUSS Oik, Marshall. Mich. 1776. A National Family Paper. 1876. aIsrge page, RUMIS _ . . adyi campaign, and 100.000 more delighted subscribers. THE STAR 8PANGLE0 BANNER If 40-oo!UAM paper. LEDGER overflowing with charumig Storifis» Tales, SKE^J^ESI Poetry, Wit, Hamor and FUN. ITGIVEA NIL RECIPES, Sccrst®, Arte, ; nas a CLIILDR^N'A Departmezit, A Medical DEPIARTHSENT, IMZZLER'S Comer, ETC., etc., AND is a perfect Family Paper. iifi!AADII£& Us specialty is ta- exposeev«IT Fraud, (IUIVIDUMVB Quack, Swindles* ana "Beat. 9 Ktery number has five columns of truthtwlj. reliable itateaienta. No sawdust, lottery GIFT, bond, or "jpufc and call" GAME can ever '• catch" yon it you THIS great paper. It EX* \RO*E9 all swindlers without fear or favor, and GIVES a list of over 1,000, witii NAIUES AND " GAMES." IT OFLOTG But 75 ceute A YEAR, aad is «ent prepaid I I U09 1 9 everywheie. It ia juat the paper for every HOMO, .Southern or Northern. It is not political,RE* ligiott® or sectarian. It waves for aU. Started IN LS^TT tias gone an F OR 13 YE&RS, «&D iaroad by 100,000 people. Yo® want it ana will have it some lime, W hy HOT now F ELE6ANT CHROMOS. SS,SrSSS!&S mos (worth $1 each), eizedxll irichys, finely mounted, and we offer ANY FOUR of these gems and BANHKB a whole year, all t ree, for $1. These are genuine ohromos, aoit- tble for anv parlor. Fifty other premiums oSered. K a h«t liinHfl Header, remember 1878 ia our n LnO I ITUnlle country's centennial. During his one yeur do take a NATIONAL, patriotic, wide-awake taper; one that is for BltiHT and againstwrons; one that <n<i\»s no party, no North, Sooth, Bast or West; bat* ; taper intended for every reader, one that saves money to ta readers by exposing the "tricks and traps" of swiadl*. loin; and now is the time. ¥OD have pot it off too long. Send to-day. Now ie the accepted time. Only 7& cents secures this great paper ft year. 9Eife><j V itb four charming chroma*, emly 91. Hi, aumberti seat for 16 cents. Specimens (MMNJO ready) 4KSTFBEKTOAIA. SEND FWITMOW.^Oortanothingto it. Send TO-na* to BAKKJBR FUBLISHIKO OO., Hinsdale, N. H. 4 I". *:> ; V " ' ' TJie Sugar Maker s Fk iani Aetata Vsat*" in overy Sugar district to ca*> «5 v*sa for the ' - A h 'MM •> 2 x ftM auu •A*™"" set E J ^ N ^ R ; flieWonders ofModemdheniigtrfc SamparDliaD gilts AsnMs. •* Ch*n«es M Sen and Felt mm Tkey Owi|4 Occw* tiler Cling m. Few Www of ™ . 1 . . i i r t DB. JUSfWtYV -MI --'IT. Sarsaparillian •0' Itesolvenl GREAT BLOOD Hmmaif L, ®ood spirits,diMppeantaee of maknpn, Ixmnm. ' lnoreM® """J hardness of flesh and^nS 2. 'Strength increases, appetite teiprow, relish fktf food, no more BOOT eructations w KwHiS. vsto Md oBdiMurtwd idaen. A.W«TT«a fresh 'mm VIGOROUS. " 3. Disappeavance of 8jwts, biotehes. p!mp!«B;tho skfai locks clear and healthy, the urine changed from its ur bid and" cloudy appearance to a ci-sarsherrjovftrnbs*' color; water passes freely fr-mi the blo.ddei throuch urethra, without pain or scalding, llttte or no Bedim<*k- no pain or weakness. * 4. Marked diminotkm of quantitar and freon. Involuntary vrfnhening discharges (if afflicted thi_ with certain-;- oi jsanaanent core, increased sf... exhibited in tha secreting glands, Mid functional monyrestored t> tho several organs. 5. yellow tinge oa tha wblto of the eyes, and thenw. ihy.ssfiFs-on aupearance of the skin chapped to*claw, lively AND !? >althy color. 6 Thoso sulfennit from weak or nSc«rst«d lun^ dr reallR " "' " isa of the frequency of cough; general increase of throughout the system; stoppsge of night SWEAT* JTLD •»£NS and FEEIIUN of weakness aroand the ankles, legs, ehouldetm. etc.; cessation of cold and chilis, KOH at * suffocation; hard breathing and paroxysms of oooghMi ' LYHIFJ down or arising in tho morning. All theee DISTREM; ency of al h**- . •••.• -!FAJ * V ; vs great benefit in expectorating W R _ ) mor MNCOQS from the Kings,AFT cells, bronchi or windpipe, throat or head; diminishing * strengtS INS 7. taken. rc^r^s«S»lSi5eri;L,A* i»n, new signs of returning health will appear; AE T blood improves in strength and parity, disease will di> • ", and all foreterTand impure ateporito, nodaT i, cancers, hard hunpe, eto.,too wowed away and ^ IA tho minish, tumors, cancers, harrt lumps, < the unsound made eound AND healthy; ulcers, sores, syphilitic sows, chronic «W«* rMesaaes grad disappear. 8. Incases whero the «®«t«n» bus been saliratied, S4I Mercury, Quicksilver, Corrosive Sublimate, (the prtnat- pal constituent in the advertised Sarsapariuas. associtt- ed in some oases with Hyd. of Potasaa) SAVE Aocnnrali^ ed and beoome depodlM in the bone^joiato, OTAN rickete, s^nai cmrrRtawg, vartcoae Win, *t«„ p -- resolve away theso do- posits and exterminate tho virus of the rtlsosrr from ny«t»m. &J( thom who are taking these medicincafortbecwM x>nic. Scrofulous or Sypb ay bo tho cure " f*el I oral health improving, tbeir 1 2ss R MWW NWUMW IUI WIIHIW - flesh and weight increashy sign that the cure fi» of Chronic, Scrofulous •tow may bo tho core "foel I keeping its own, it is A^S progressing. In these diseases the patient either SET* better or worse--the virus of the disease ia not inactive! if not arrested and driven from the blood, it will SPMM andcoi " as tho feel IT VRVSTFIU MIU UNVCU iiviu WIN VIUUUATV NUI •(NVWI continue to undermine the constitution. AS MMA ho KARSAPARILLUII makes the patiMi 4 better." every hoar yon will grow better Mid Tho srt'j't-, power of this remedy Is in diseases rhaf threaten death--as in Consumption of the Lungs and Tuberculous Phthisis, Scrofula, (Syphiloid DL Wasting, Degeneration, and Ulceration of tho Ki Diabetes, Stoppage of Water (instantaneous ie!-- forded where cathetors have to bo nsed, thus doing as with the painful operation of using these instrument dissolving stone in tho bladder, and in all cases of flammation of tho Bladder and Kidneys, in Chrol cases of Loncorrhoa and Uterine diseases. In tumors, nodes, hard lumps and syphiloid ulcers; H . inereal sore throat, ulcers, and in tuberoh , of THE lungs;in goat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, rickets In mercurial deposits--it is in theee terrible farms O i disfi;u«>, whare the human body has become a wreck, and where owrr ho»r o? asistoncs's i-.-Uun - wherein ihia «ro*» rom* CHIUCNG,™ T!.r. <W!I«NIAHN!«B • ana admiration of the Kick. It «<i In «w»h iw«ep« .spBear ©•' off ftima the' UNFORLUTAXTA, NN.I BY its nondenul, ALMOAV .apernatonl restores tho hopeless to I new life and IM OXUTTMCE where this great REMEDY "tands sUone in J "night and power. In the ordinary skin dli might and power. . the ordinary sl_ _ troubled with, a few doees will in most cases, and * in the more aggravated fonns, work & ptjt< tseaeos that every one is more « » , r ' doees few hottws ii manont cure. Those atilicted with chronic diseases should a. package containing one doaon bottles. srhalf doMn boUlea, or perdoicn,or $5 perha Ue. Sold by druggists. RAuwaY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD IMSTANT EAGLT 1PDBR. ; BOWK1& 1TKH ̂ > RBADY REL e pain or difficulty exists l DtFLAiryATION OF THRtelDNETS. IffFfcAMMATION OF THE BLADB INFIiAMMATION OF THE B , CONGESTION OF THK SOEE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART. »v! GOLD CHILLS. AGUE Theapplicstlonof the or parts where the afford oahe and eonifort. , Twenty drops in half a tumbler of witter will, in a moments, cure OKAMI'S, SPASMS, SOUR ST( ACM. HKAUTBURN. SteK HEADACHE, DL. RHKA, DYSENTKRY, COLIC, WJNI) lk T; BOWSvLS. and all INTERNAL PAINS, Travelers should (hnm carry a. boUie of RAO* WAY'S RELIEF with them. A few drops in WATER will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. IT IS BETTER THAN FRENCH BRANDT Ot BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Prloc SO Cento. SoM bjr Drugf Igta. Ir. radwavs BE6UL&TIN6 FILLS ' K, - Perfectly taatsl--, elegantly coated with sweet mm.; Pajlje. rogulato, purify, cleanse and strengthen. RAD* WAY'S PILLS, for the cure of all disorders of ttae Stomach, Lirer, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervoae Blaeases, Headache. Constipation, Costlvcneea, Indigvc- tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Fever, Inflamma­ tion of the Bowels, Piles and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cut*. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, miner-sis, (IF . deleterious «kma- tVObservo tho following symptoms resulting ft«W. Disoraera of the Digestive OI*ans : THE HI Disgust Soar Eructations,' Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the -LEAD. Hurried and PFF _ . Chokb itlng Sensations when in a Lying P< nee? of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. ficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Suffocatr ~ ' " and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain Chests, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, the Flesh. urried and DTF* sart, Choking o« " t,Burntogl« A few doses of RADWAf'S PILL8 wffl (Me M system from all the above named disorden. FRTC<8 $K: Cents per Box. SOLD BYDRUGGI8T&. ' ftrad "FAME AJFD TRIJE." Send ono letter-stamp to RADWAY d( COu llta» 39 Warren Street. Mew York. TnlliiiiinllS worth thousands will l>» sent you. e'"rVORCRS LEGALLY OBTAINED ft* bility. etc. Residence not required. No after decree. J. B. OONKUN, Box 505, GENTS shoold writ* for Agvney f« MM TN| |,: JlnnlZliza A] BSIdHAM'S , WIFE iNo.19. SS:!!ag at of | .OOO a w«K. Fall .spott of th. hor TIE lyitm of Polygamy. Circalara, witk temp Informalion to all. MM. Kr.reU .FFLE* of 0USTL Oilman 4 0OSE Hartford, Cl,Chicaf*, liL,ClacIanAU71 Smith Organ Co^r: ; BOSTON, MASS. * i' Theee Standard Jnatrttmenie Sold by Mule Dealers Everywfcw*^ ? MINTS WANTED IN CVEKY TOWN. ' £ ' •OU FECOAGIMMTI THE UNITED KM «L ' INSTALLMENT PLAN* I AIT TA. M • K*TWA «F MOETWR „ M IK.A«W NMMUSFLMTF ^ 4 FTW TBEBMIRT , C. N. U. Re. 4 4- « VPHESI WRITING TO.AOTORTlsltiK% • ' TV please say yo»»WthaadvMtll«Mli, - LA T£ls paper. ^

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