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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. FEB. 9th. 1876. Railroad Time Table. GOIKTT SOCTII. Geneva Lake l'as.suntrer Geneva Lake >*r«ight * GOTNO XOSTH. Uenevi T,nkc Freight.. iiencva Lal»e I'&ssenircr 7:25 A, M .....1:35 V. M. ,10:00 A. M. 7 :05 I'. M. MASONIC. Melt F.N RT CIIAI'TKU \<». 34 R. A. M.--Reffii. lar Cv»n vocation* held on the second anil fourth Fridays in each month. . H. C, IRISH II. P. O. W. OWE* Sec.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at W}4 A. M. Hunday School at 12 A. M. II- C, Irish, Super­ intendent. Services at ItiiiKWOod at iP. M. LOOKOUT for Ford's new Burnished Photographs, next week. e REMEMBER the Sociable 9X the resi­ dence pf O. W. Owen this Wednesday evening. All are cordially invited. WE are under obligations to H. E. nightman for late flies of California papers. . O. BISHOP is now selling Soft, Hard and Blacksmiths Coal, in quantities to suit customers. J*TM. MUDGETT is drawing the lumber, &nd will immediately rebuild his resi­ dence, which was burned a week ago, J. BONSLETT is puttiitg up a new Ice House, in the rear of his Restaurant, which lie proposes to All for his own use,. REMEMBER that the next Party by the McHenry Social Club "will be held on the 22nd inst. Tickets will be issued in a few days. WE re-publish theinarriage notice of Mr. Harrison and , Miss Whiting this •week on account of. a mistake which Occured in the name in last weeks pub­ lication. DUD RANDALL lias sold the Elgin Bluff City to J. W. Christie, formerly business manager of that paper, and it is now published by J. W. Christie & Co. "Dud" still remains the editor. THE regular monthly meeting of the McHenry County Teachers Association will be held at Rirhmoiid on Saturday next, February Pith. It is expected that a large number will be in atten­ dance. ' WE hear it rumored that the Germans were negotiating for the purchase of "the Brick Church, which tlicy proposed to change over lor a School House. We believe, however, that the bargain, has not been consumated. THE liens have been unusually quiet on the big egg questien this season so far<but we knew it would break^ out soon. II.-T. Dolbeer has left one on our table that measures S.|xG inches.-- Now we are waiting for the enterpri­ sing "Biddy" to beat that. THERE is a new member to the firm of Parker & Sou, proprietors of the Parker House, in this village. He was taken in on Friday last and weighed just7| pounds. Frank says he is as well asicould be expected under the circum­ stances. WE were forcibly reminded of home In our younger days, when we found on our table otie day last week, with the compliments of Mrs. W. S. Mead, of Ringwood,a roll of nice home-made Sausage. It was what we called very nice, and the donor will please accept our thanks. • GUR readers in Richmond and vicinity will this week receive a e»ll from O. Ball, wit© is canvassing that town for the popular work entitled, "Wife No- .19, by Ann Eliza Young, 19th wife of Brigham Young." - This is one of tl>e most interesting works no\V published, and should receive a careful examina­ tion from allow whom he calls. ,"v SMITH & SNYDER have closed out their Lumber Yard at Woodstock, having re- chipped what they did not sell there to their Yard in this village. This .firm *re doing a large and constantly in­ creasing business in Lumber and Pro­ duce, paying tlurMgltcst market price for att&inds of produce and at the same time setling Lumber as low or lower than any other Yard in the county. They will now devote their entire at tentioii to their business iu this village. fjr September last a Brass Band was organized in Volo, and since that time havebe^n under the tutorship of Wm. Tidmarsli, of Wauconda, and are making progress far beyond the expectations of thejnost sanguine. We are informed by good judges from that place that if they continue to improve in the next three months as they have in the past they will be socond to no Band iu Lake county. Success to them say we. „ THE Sociable at the residence of D. S. Smith on Thursday evening last was well attended and a highly enjoyable affair. It was a social gathering in every sense of the word, and Mr. Smith And his estimable Jady doue their ut­ most to make it pleasant for all. Du­ ring the <jypning it was decided to organize under the name of the Uni- versalist Mite Society, to hold Socia­ bles each week, and officers for the same were elected, cousistiug of a President, Secretary and Treasurer. The next Sociable will be held this Wednesday evening attlie residence of O. W. Owcu, to which all are eordialy ..-invited. \^THE ywmg ladies who are content plating matrimony during this tiliter- estiug Centennial leap year are cautioned' to first be sure* that they can properly support a husband, and Jo engage themselves to uo yonng man who is addicted to expensive finery, gewgaws and all that sort of thing, or to Bit ting in the parlor when he should be washing dishes. IF the people were not so well posted on the weather changes, we could write enough locals about this freaky busi­ ness to fill a clothes li»^e, Old Proba­ bilities, as published in the daily pa­ pers, is most of the time an unconcious liar, but the General is excusable, be­ cause the instruments will liave to be constructed that can Hop around as lively as the atmosphere haa done dur­ ing the past few months. THE new Ice House built by Jos. Wiedemann^ in the rear of his Board­ ing House, has been packed full of the nicest kind of Ice, from eight to ten inches in thickness, which is a sure guarantee that Joe will "keep cool" the coming summer. In one end of the Ice House he has also finished off a department for keeping fresh meat. He never does things by halves, and consequently has one of the best places for Ice ih the village. THE Hyatt House, at Nunda, is one of the best kept and most homelike Ho­ tels in.this section, and the traveler whose business calls liim in that section can rest .assured of being well cared for by calling at this popular Hotel. Mr. Hyatt is a born landlord, and' leaves nothing undone to make it pleasant for His guests. We take pleasure in recommending it to the confidence and patronage of the traveling public. THE Club Dance at the Parker House, on Friday evening last was attended by about sixty-five couples and was a suc­ cess iu every particular. The next Party will be held 011 the Birthday of that fellow who could not tell a lie, viz: Feb. 22nd, and it will be no lie to say that all who attend can rest assured of having a good time 011 that occa­ sion. Invitations will be issued in a few days. *. SCHOOL REPORT. The following-is a report of the at­ tendance and scholarship as shown by register and examination, of theB. and C. classes iu the highest department of the McIIenry School, during the month ending Jan. 31st 1S7G. Xickol:»s Aid up; Kttie Boers I'.-ml lirown... Maggie Clark . Kllie Curliss... 1>I>IT Kennedy. Alnion»; ranger Marv Hoiran... Char. Madden. A McOmlier... It Mc<>inher... Grace Oweu... (•ai l italston... M McOinlier... .Jennie tfearles. (Urns. Slal'ler.. Mal>el Smith... Belle Sloddaril Kfiie TUton Kttie Torrance Eloise Waite.. J Wightman... 10032*.-, 100 „.!«) 1!K) 90 100 !t(! 1(H) W KK> 8S 100 8!> 1(H) M J00 !« <>s rxs !)S Si !W> 9-2 1<K»- 8N !M> ill 100 SW 11KJ 97 100 90 100 94 98 90 l(X) 9i) 100 9(i 100 SfcJ K. PerkVns. Frank (lung., Li/./.ie Best I0I111 Keller 100 97 88 100 Nell ie Holmes. 100 A, Fisher..., Fre.l Sclmorr.. 88 Herman Curtiss 90 Chas. Owen.... 100 Dolos Wattles. 8.') Clias. (ioing.... 1<K) Eddy Ou en 7(5 ' Tlios. Murphy. 9S Kate Keller... 100 Win. Caffrev ... K*1* J, Tliurlwell.. 100 Delia(,'rahtree. SH Hose Wattles.. 1(H) .John Claxtnn,. 100 Kida Cooper.. 85 X. Stoddard... In our next report we shall give the names of the visitors during the •Ij 011th, I tbank the patrons, as well as pupils, for the good attendance of the past month, and hope that all may have good health during the present month, lliat we ftiay do-a Utile be ttc 8. D. BAI.I)WIN, Teaclicr. NOTICE.--The Executive Committee of the McIIenry County Agricultural Board will meet at the Court House 011 Saturday February 19th, at one o'clock P. M. Farmers and producers are invi­ ted to attend this meeting and offer suggestions, iu ltvitjing the premium list. The ladies are especially invited to be present. By order of the Presi­ dent. L. WOODARD. Attest IJ. E. RICHARDS, Secretary. Woodstock Jan. 20th, 1879. NOTICE TO PATRONS. Masters of Subordinate Granges are hereby notified to call special meetings of their respective Granges prior to Saturday 12th, of February, this being the date fixed upon for organizing a Pomona Grange at the County Court House in Woodstock. For instructions regarding representation see Article 17 Section 2 By Laws Illinois State Grange. Delegates should report by 10 o'clock A. M. By order Executive Committee McIIenry County Central Association P. of H. M, M. CLOTHIER, Secretary. RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--The excite­ ment caused by the Pickle business is over and now they are talking about an Oyster Suppler for the benefit of the M. E. Church. Ringwood is always do­ ing something in the right cause, and they have the name of being a liberal community. Our citizens ar£ talking new Station, better times and plenty of money when Grant is elected. A new Town Board is also talked of. Wonder who are the august candidates for Town Officers.? VOLO, Feb 7th, 1876--O. W. Owen Esq.---I see by~a notice in the PLAIN- DEALER that you refer any who wish to buy an Organ, to me. Xow I take great pleasure in saying that the Estey Orgau bought of you I consider one of the best instruments made, and I would not have any ot,her, even if I could get it for half the price. The Estey is cer­ tainly one hundred per cent ahead of any other Organ in the market. Yours, &<•., HEN It V KOOEES. •MHK SPUNTEB& Just as soon as it begins to snow s o m e b o d y v p e a k s a n d s c a r e s i t o f f . . . . .., .Remember the Club Party on the 22nd .Next jlotulay is St. Valen­ tine's Day. Do thta gii-ls buy them this year, or--liow?. .Heft fruit is still plenty at 15 cents per dozen.... .Cheek always wins,especially if it be plump and rosy....... .We found <A«netter, and shall print it in chap­ ters soon. An exchange says they know a lady who eats 20 buckwheat pancakes at a sitting, and seems to think that a remarkable performance. Fudge! Only 20? Fie! ...There are #500 counterfeit bills in circulation. Examine your bills of that denomina­ tion quickly. We have looked at all of ours and they are all right There is a new Doctor in town. We won't tell his nafrie, but Ford is still taking those nice Photographs for 92 per dozen....... .A Vermont paper mentions, as shown at a local Fair, "a good display of Thomas cattle." Won­ der if they have "Thomas cats'* in Vermont?. »..An exchange pro­ poses a society for the prevention of cruelty to unmarried females. What, however, is the use of so much red tape ? Send 'em to us-^-we'll take care of them..."...We might have good sleighing if we only had plenty of snow... The man wiio teaches penmanship should do what is write.-- Charley says it is fearful hard work some times when the outside class Is so large We are 6lowly gliding down the last half of winter .And the next Holiday is the birthday of the cherry man and his little hatchet.... Ilanley's Patent Flour beats the world. Try it... The following came under our observation while In a temperance town the other day: "Bet half a dollar I shall fall dowji! Bet half a dollar I shall!" murmured an old chap who being loaded with too much whisky, he was feeling his way down the street. "Bet half a dol"--Just here the old fellow's lieelfe flew so high into the air that his head and shoulders beat them back to the ground. Rising to a sitting posture, he took up his hat, rubbed the back of his head, and then said: "Won the money, just as I expect­ ed! And itisllie first bet I've won this winter!" The matrimonial mar­ ket is dull about these days. Whether it is caused by Leap Year or the scarcity of a good, marketable article we are uninformed.........Good Skat­ ing on the River, which is being im­ proved by the boys........ We have heard of the Indian name Old-man- afraid-of-his-wife, but it is only lately that we have learned that there is one called Young-uian-afraid-of-ljis-girl.... Wc learn that a certain young man has been hunting after green cucum­ bers lately. W-h-i-c-li Another change in the weather. How strange." * , . • --J ftoal Kttate Transfers. Conveyances filed in the Recorder's Office of McIIenry County, Illinois, for the week commencing January 31st, 1876, and ending February 5th, A, DM 187G; e Simeon Potter and wife to Henry Quain. Pieces in nw$ 15, 45, 8. $380. •Tames N Reynold, Special Commis­ sioner to Luke S Johnson, sw nw IS), 4G, G, $1200. Josiah Dwight and wife to John Rei ber. 4 acres tn lot 87, ne, 6, '44", 7, $100. Joel Stevens and wife to Samuel D. Fox. 1 acre and 122 rods in 33,44, 5, and lot 1 and 2 blk 5 A D Paul's addi­ tion to Chemung, $180. Robert Gardner and wife to Orson W Horton. Lot 12 and 13 blk 3-, Hart's addition to Harvard, $1000. Wm II Stewart, Special Commission­ er to Adsit II Lee. se sw G, 46,7, $1210. Charles E Frisbie and wife to Simeon 5 Gates. Lots 1 and 2 blk 1 Frisbie's addition to Crystal Lake, $200. Anna Adams to Adsit Lee. se sw, 6, 46, 7, $1000. ®lLouis Bauer and wife to James Grif­ fin. Lots 8 and 9 blk 3, Harts addition to IIarvardVi$'2000. James Griffin and wife to .Elizabeth Bauer, same $2000. Ellen Penney Frederick Almus. 136 93-100 acres in 28,43. 8, $7941,64. Jesse M Mathenav to Margaret Bird. T<ot 7 blk 4, A W Smith's addition to Woodstock, $1000. Barzilla B Kellogg, assignee ofWm. Tracy et. al. Elisha/W Pratt. Lot 160 nej 8, 44, 7, $1000. Walter W Mitchell and wife to John Corkill. 70 acres in 15, 43, 8, $2800. Elizabeth Matthews and husband to Ellis Marham, 54 96-100 acres in 35,44, 8, $3281,40. Chauncey Sweet and wife fto Aaron Hoffman. *60 acres th swi 32, 46, 9, $1800. Philip Hoffman and wife to sam6. sj lot 1 11 w 30. 4G, 9, $1200. John McMahnus and wife to Murphy 6 Bishop. Lot now occupied by Far­ mers Bank, Woodstock, $2500. Julia Bashaw, formerly Collins, and Peter Collins to Alexander H Hawley. 1£ acres 111 sej 27, 45, 8, $150. NOTICE. To all persons indebted to Smith Bros. & Co., allow us to call your es­ pecial notice to our claims, For many years we have sold you goods and al­ lowed you to pay us at your owu con­ venience. But now we are closing out our business, with the view of leaving the country in the Spring, Therefore you must see the necessity of prompt payment. All accounts not paid soon will be put in course of collection. We are in earnest in this matter and would not advise delay. Respectfully. , SMITH BROS. & CO., January 21th, lt)73. IIE can be seen next door to A. B Cowlin's on Main Street, Woodstock. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--It was the the ybung horses which the thieve^ thought to get out of the stable of Jiio Gali6e, about two miles northwest of Woodstock, but by mistake the scoun­ drels took the old ones instead, and when daylight appeared concluded not to run any further chances of getting away with the old stagers, and left them to make their way back*to their stable as best they might. By the way the Porkers huddle around John I>. Short's Scales, Hog must be Slving again. And judging by the cheerful countenances of both seller and buyers of ,|iis swinish majesty, good prices prevail, thereby causing farmers, to some extent, to forget their ill luck in the Pickle business. By the way, I am informed by sever­ al of the Directors of the Pickle Com­ pany, who conversed with Mr. Weight- man, the Pittsburg Assignee of Heinz, Noble & Co., that the assets of that Bankrupt concern are likely to pan out much better than the twenty percent talkers represented. All that your cor­ respondent can say in that behalf is. "So mote- it be," Our Pickle enterprise, thus far has proved to be on the sliding scale, and that too, like the boys *sled, down hill. Notwithstanding there is good ground for belief that adverses will serve to work off the overstrained theories of too large expectations, and that the business will be operated on a surer and more practical basis, and prove a source of profit to the stockholders and grow­ ers, and Indirectly to the community.-- The Directors have .ueitaiuly worked witk a zeal worthy of better success* They have worked untiringly, but it seems that constant working &mong pickles sharpens the wits of those to : whom the business of manufacturing and selling is entrusted to such In ex­ tent that ordinary minds caunot cope with Pickle dealers. In these times of crooked whiskey prosecutions, our Postmaster is a little exercised over that $83,000 worth of stamps sold at his office, as per last weeks Sentinel, lest he be called on to make up the difference between the amount actually sold and the said $83,000. But Asa is plucky, and 110 sei-i* ous doubts exist in the minds bf his friends but that he will prove master of the situation. The oldest inhabitant still insists that this Is the most remarkable Winter he ever experienced. But if the Wood chuck or Racoon should happen to leave his den on the 14th inst. and can see his shadow by reason of the sunshine, that same oldest inhabitant will tell you that six weeks of snug winter are yet to be before e the rial Spring shall coin*. The Improved condition of our roads Is a geneknl cau«o of rejolefng,and great numbers of the teams which concen­ trate around our beautiful Park indicate that farmers fail not to come to town, and judging by the activity of our counter-jumpers our merchants cannot complain of dtdl times. The Phoenix Mills are now run by the firm of Toles & Barber, a sure guaraiw tee for an abundant supply, in futuro, of everything in the milling line. Arnold, Zimnier&Co. have, for sev eral days past, kept a chain of teams between Spring Lake and their Brewery hauling Ice, which, notwithstanding the mild weather* lias acquired a thick­ ness of about ten Inches. It is rumored that Mayor Jefferson has or is about to resign, but Madam Rumor has not posted your correspon­ dent as to reasons. ^ L. P. S<JTJAKE Kichmoitd Department. D. A. POTTER, EDITOR. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follows * GOING SOUTH " Geneva Lake Passenger 7:«t a. m. Geneva Lake Freight ^ ,....M:60p. M. OOIXO XOKTH Geneva Lake Freijrht.... 10:40 A. *. Geneva Lake Passenger.... 7:27 r. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CfOKORKGATiox.vL:--Rev. F. J. Dongla88 Pastor. Services at 2 P. M. MKTHOIMST:-- Rev. Rami. Enrngev Pastnr. Services 10:SO A. M. Sablnth Sfchool'9:30 A. M. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAPTTRT Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:80 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. m Business Notices# Try mir 60ct and 75et Japan Tea, BrcKLix & rttEVKxr, The most Goods for a dollar In HM'- Cotmty at Buckliu & Steven's. . For bargains in Bhawlt^an at Bncfcflii & Steven^ SEE BnckTin & Steven*, X«w vertisement. Look for low prices at BacklTn ft Steven's. Wood is coming to town quite brisk­ ly, which finds a ready sale. Business fair. With high prices far­ mers are bringing all the hogs to mar­ ket that are fit. The past week has given ijs the nsnal changes from cold, with Thermometer at 7 below zero to warm, Spring-like weather. No snow. Persons wanting any of th<s Chicago papers can get them inconnectio^ with the PLAINPEALKR at greatly reduced rates, by calling on our Postmaster. Our Tax Collector has some more Tax Receipts he wants to dispose of this pleasant weather, and the present week is a good time for all that have not doi>e so, to call and see friend Purdy. DONATION VISIT. The friends of Rev. S. Eargey, will make htm a Donation Visit on Thurs­ day evening of this week, Feb. 10th. at the M. E. Church. Refreshments, Singing,and all th# usual exercises to make it a pieasaut Mid #j)Joyable affair. All are invited. READt READ1 We have made arrangenteots by we are able to furnished the papers named below at the following low rates. Inter-Ocean and the McIIenry Plain- dealer, $2.70. Harpers Weekly and McHenry Plain- dealer $4,85 Harpers Monthly and McHenry Platn- dealer $4,75. Live Stock Journal and McHenry Plaindealer $3,00. Godcy's Lady Book and McHenry Plaindealer $4,10 Prairie Farmer and McHenry Plaits dealer $3,00 Call and subscribe and get jour reading at Club Rates ALEXANDER A IIYDE, DP^FGLSTS, K)ehn»««d, Feb. ttb 1*76. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the businoss centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance .secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. M,, Richmond, IU. BOARDERS WANTED. In consequence of Mr. Bacon's long continued lameness, without any pros­ pect for the better, I have decided to solicit boarders that can lodge them­ selves. Can lodge £ or 4. Mas, J, BACON. Richmond, Jan. 1st,187(1. Machine repairs and all lesdfcur machines kept by E.M.Owen. If you want any kind of Farm frrrpla* mentsor repairs call on E. 51. ON EN. A splended Piano to Rent os frrasti>- able terms. O. w. Own. McHenry III. Jan.|llth, W78, To make money is to save It, and Ut save money is to buy your Goods ©f Bucklin & Stevens for Cash. The first one ever brought to McTTen- rv County can be seen at the Little Shoe Stoic, on Main Street, Woodstock. Beaver Cloths for Cloaks at Buckliu & Steven's. Have yon seen theiu P They are cheap as well as desirable. F. G. MAYES is offering bed ro«& price in Ready-Made Clothing. Call and see. Boots and Shoes made to order for Ladiesfand Gents'afvthe same prices you would pay for sale goods. W here ? At Warren's, on Main street, Wood­ stock. The Bottom has fallen out. Prices way down low. Drv Goods never so low. Consult Buckliu & Stevens, near the Depot. TO HORSE OWNERS. The undersigned is prepared to break colts, handle ugly and balky horses, and make them gentle and true. Charges reasonable aud satisfaction guaranteed or 110 charge. Address tne at McIIenry 111., or call at my residence three miles Southeast of McHenry Village, on the Seaver place, or leave word at the PLAINDEALER office. J. E. IIACKBTT. DISSOLUTION. . Tiie <VvPartnershi p of Owen & Bros, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. E. M,vOw,ej» is Alone authorized tosettlo #31 the *iftjuics of .the hi to firm. JI.OWEX, LII.IL4U.OWKN LUFF, Adm Jmuuiry 1.1874. The Milling business of the late firn|. of Owen &, Bjios. will hereafter be conducted by II. I>. Luff. In retiring from the Milling business I Htioereiy thank tin* pui>ii<i' for their generous patronage heretofore extend­ ed to the Jute firm. «*»d would bes|>eak a continuance ©f the same to H. D. Luff, believing I hat the reputation of tlie Old Fox River Valley Mill will be sustained. E. M. OWEN. SETTLTE UP. All who are indebted to the late firm of Owen & Bro. must call and settle at once or I will proceed by law to collect, E. M. OWES. Sure Cure for Hard Times--Buy you Goods at Bucklin & Stevens for Cash. LATE DAIItY MARKETS. UTICA, N, Y., Fob. 7th, 7«. CHEESE.--During the concluding week of January last year, the receipts and exports at New York aggregated less than they did [last week. The exports were then 7,403 boxes, both the home and foreign demand continuing good. Export^ continue brisk, and there is a tendency ou the part of holders in the interior to claim a high figure with in­ creased confidence. No quotable change appears in prices at any sea­ board market. Advioes from Boston indicate quiet and a lack of good quali­ ty, with prices of ohoice factory rang­ ing from 12$ to 13 cents. No transac­ tions ou this market are noteil,buta fair analysis of the general feeling leads us to quote factory at from lli to 12 cents. BUTTER.--The sca-board markets re­ main quiet; no activity aualgous to Butter trade has sprung up • WATCH LOST, On Monday Jan. 31st, between the villages of Richmond and McHenry, a heavy Gold Watch, with Silver chain attached. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the Jewelry Store of O. W. Owen McHenry. H. M. AVILLIAMS. Volo, Illinois Feb. 1st- 1876. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons indebted to me are here­ by notified to call and settle the same without delay or it will be put into the bauds of a justice for collection. x F. A. HBJJARD McHenry 111. Fob. 7th, 1876. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! In order to make3 room for their Spriug stock, Bucklin & Stevens will oiler Bargains in Woolens. Water­ proofs, Bed Blankets, Nubias, Lined Boots and Shoes, Overcoats &c., &cM Mrs. S. A, Reid of Woodstock, invites all who want to buy a good Orgau cheap, to give her a tall, at her store. East side Square, in that Citj\ Now fa The Time to Get Your Wlqt«r*l Reading:. I will furnish to any who wish, the following papers ontho terms annexed. Weekly Inter-Ocean aii&J McHenry Plaindealer, $2,70, Semj-Weekly Inter-Ocean and Mo- IIeury Plaindealer. $3,90. Daily Inter-Ocean and McHenry, Plaindealer, $11,00. * 'Westcran Rural and McHenry Plaindealer, $3,15. Prairie Farmer and MoHenry Plain- dealer. $3,15. Young Folks Monthly and McIIenry Plaiudoaler, $2,00. And nearly all other Leading Pub­ lications at proportionate low rakes. Those wishing for either of the above named singly, who aro now receiving the Plaindealer, can obtain the same by deducting $1,50 from the prices mentioned. Address, J. 11. GARRISON, Greenwood* IU. A SURE CURE FOR DIARRHG3A. This is to'oertify that after coming home from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with a diarrhoea. I tried everything that was recommen­ ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which complete­ ly cured me. Robert Forrest Peter lilane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved it to bo equally as good for billions complaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. JOHN PENMAN SEX. Town of Seneca, McHenry Oouuty, State of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 2§th day of September 1875. E, Baldwin. J. P. READ! READ! I commenced to form my Clubs for the Chicago Weekly Time* and Inter-Ocean, and those wishing these papers can have them at the following rates: Chicago Weekly Times and McHenry Plaindealer $2.50 Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean and McIIenry Plaindealer $2.70 Dally Inter Oeeau and McHenry Plaindealer $11,00 Daily Tribune and McUewy Plaindealer $11.00, -As I wish to send In my Club at a» early a day as possible.those who wi«h the papers should send in their namea at once, JOHN M. SMITH. Postmaster. McHenry Ill% OVER $1000 WORTH, Of Holiday Goods, at J. S. MedtarY Photograph Gallery. Wo«d»toek, coin sisting in part of Frames, Wall Brack­ ets, IVIusle Stands, Match Sates, Ac., and In short everything in the Bracket Line, just received from the celebrated Variety Bracket Works, South Bend Indiana, which will be sold as loto am the fowest.. d t is no old stock, but every­ thing yew and of the choicest pattern*, Call In and we will show you the finest Stock of Brackets, and Frames ever brought to Woodstock. We also havo a fine stock of Albums, Chromos tfce., which will be sold cheap. We can al­ ways be found at our Rooms ready ta take Photographs of any style, and aro willingthat our work should speak fof itself. JS. MEDLAB Woodstock, Nov. Wth 1875. TAXES! TAXKS t The undersigned. Collector of tho Town of McIIenrj-, would hereby give notice that he will l>e at the following place, at the times designated, for the purpose of receiving Taxes: Mondays, at J. BonslettX 'IStesdays, at Perry & Martin's Store. Thursdays, at Ring- wood. Saturdays, at B, Gil berths Store, near the Depot, PETRU ROTIIRKMKL Collector, MARRED, HARRISON-WHITING--On the 27tb ult„ at the residence of the bride's mrent*. in MoHenry Township, by the Rev. It. K. Tod I, Mr. Charles W. Harrison and Mjxs C\ Whitinp, second daughter of Fveetnaa Whiting, Esq. DILLON-- BEXWKLL--At the residence «f the bride's father, Mr. John Hen well, Ks»i.. in Wanoonda, Fek 9>l, |S7«, bv the Rev. N, Pritchett, Mr. Christopher DiU >11 aud Him Rose A, Benwell, both of Wanoonda. MoHKNRY MARKETS. COBBKOTHD TL'KSI'A V or HAC1I WE$K, Wheat,.,., 50*^9® Oats Ooro, (per80*>s) * -- Butter, (tub)) ^ Butter, (rolls).... I# ' £ Lard, " Cheese, Ilogs, 3® Cattle Beans U® Wool, (w ished) ** Wool, (unwashed* St These weekly reports are corrected from the actual purchases of that day, &&& *g> relied uj aa.

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