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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1876, p. 7

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•DLLS BEFORE CONGRESS; of Some of the Important incMores Pending In the Senate and Bomae. Mr. Cameron, of Wisconsin, has in­ troduced a bill in the Senate to aid the Winnebago Indians to obtain subsistence by agricultural pursuits, and to promote tfieir civilization. Mr. Steele, Delegate from Wyoming, has introduced in the House a bill to de«Ie,re the country north of the North Platte River and east of the summitB of the Big Horn Mountains, in the Terri­ tory of Wyoming, open to exploration and settlement. Mr. Willard, of Michigan, has intro­ duced in the House a measure by means of which, if he can secure its passage, he hopes to effect a pronounced reform in the civil service. It provides that no member of either house of Congress, either personally or by his agent, sliall make application to the President, or head of any department or bureau, for the appointment to or removal from the civil service, under penalty of a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. It is provided, however, that any mem­ ber may, at the request of the proper authority, give in writing any informa­ tion he may possess respecting the qualifications of any applicant for ap­ pointment. Mr, DmmelJ, of Minnesota, has pre­ sented a very important measure, which is now before the Committee on Public Lands4 for the Appointment of a com­ missioner to inquire into the destruction of forests, and into the measures neces­ sary for the preservation of timber. In­ troducing his bill, Mr. Dunnell states that the supply of timber in the United States is rapidly diminishing, and that great public injury must result from its continued waste unless adequate meas­ ures are taken for its preservation and production. A biU was introduced in both houses during the last Congress for making the Agricultural Department one of the Ex­ ecutive Departments of the Government, and was referred to the Committee on Agricullure. These committees recently held a joint conference on the subject,at which the opinion was expressed that the bill could be passed without diffi­ culty, but it was filially determined to defer action on it until after the meeting of the present Congress. This bill has been reintroduced in the House since the recess, and is now before the Committee on Agriculture. Its advocates say that the 52 per cent, of the population en­ gaged in agriculture should be represent­ ed in the Cabinet, and declare that to be the sentiment throughout the country. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, has offered in the Hottse a proposed amendment to the Constitution, the object of which is to prohibit special legislation in the matter of granting pensions or bounties; au­ thorizing the payment of claims ; remit­ ting fines or penalties; granting privi­ leges to corporations or associations; and, in shorfcs providing tlxat in all cases where a genial law can be made appli­ cable BO special law shall be enacted. A bill reported by Representative Jenks, of Pennsylvania, from the Com­ mittee on Invalid Pensions, provides that in the administration of the Pension law general recognition of husband and wife, or other evidence which would constitute Eroof ef a marriage under the common tw, may be accepted as sufficient to establish the fact «f marriage; and that from and after tlie 1st of January, 1868, parol evidence alone shall not be suffi­ cient to prove service for which any bounty warrant or certificate shall be allowed for any service not shown by record evidence. The bill of Senator Logan, now before the Committee on Military Affairs, pro­ vides that the number of Assistant Sur­ geons now allowed by law shall be re­ duced, to 125; that the office of Medical Storekeeper be abolished; that from and after the passage of this act, in addition to the grades now allowed by law, there shall be four Surgeons, with the rank, pay and emoluments of Colonels; eight Surgeons, with the rank, pay and emolu­ ments of Lieutenant-Colonels, to be pro­ moted by seniority lrom the medical officers of the army. The following is an abstract of the bill reported by Senator Sherman, from the Committee on Finance, and which has been passed by the Senate, providing for the appointment of a commission on the subject of the alcoholic and fer­ mented liquor traffic find manufacture A commission of five persons (who, at the time of their appointment, shall not be holding offices of trust under the General or State Government, and all of whom shall not be advocates of pro­ hibitory legislation or total abstinence) shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, whose duty it shall be to investigate the alcoholic and fermented liquor traffic and manufac­ ture, having special reference to revenue and taxation, distinguishing as far as possible in the conclusions they arrive at between the effects produced by the use of distilled or spirituous liquors and the use of fermented or malt liquors in their economic, criminal, moral and scientific aspects, in _ connection with pauperism, crime, social vice, the public health and general welfare of the people; and also inquire and take testimony as to the practical results of license and restrictive legislation for the prevention of intemperance in the several States, and the effect produced by such legisla­ tion upon the consumption of distilled or spirituous liquors and fermented or malt liquors ; also to ascertain whether the evils of drunkenness have, been in­ creased or decreased, and whether public morals have t een improved thereby. The Commissioners shall hold office not to exceed t one year, or until their duties are accomplished; shall serv* without salary, but are em­ powered to employ a secretary at a rea­ sonable compensation, and report the result Of their investigation to the Presi­ dent, to bo by him transmitted to Con­ gress. Before its passagp the bill was amended so as to practically limit the orations of the Commission to. the oper Terr territories and the District of Co­ lumbia. Mr. Morrison, of the House Ways and Means Committee, has introduced a bill which requires the Treasury to hoard go.d until it holds an amount equal to 30 p«r Cent. of the outstanding legal- tenders, and also directs the national banks to retain the coin interest on their bonds until the sum of 30 per cent, of their circulation is accumulated--the coin being held In lien of* legal-tender reserves. The Legal-Tender act is re­ pealed, from the date when the banks ahn.ll have acquired 30 per cent, of the amount of their notes in coin. , •• v The bill introduced by Senator Mor- \ rill, of Vermont, to establish an educa- i tional fund is a copy of the bill which I he introduced last January. Its main feature is a requirement that one half of the cash proceeds from the sale, entry, location, or other disposition of the pub­ lic lands shall be annually invested in United States five per cent, bonds. The amount so invested is to be held in trust by the United Statss Treasury as an ed­ ucational fund. The interest will be distributed annually by the Secretary of the Interior among the several States and Territories upon the bads of the population between the ages of 4 and 21 years. The Rothschilds of tM ^est. He hadn't any baggage, and after one look at him the* brush boy walked away and sat down. The average brush-boy of the average hotel knows when he can brush a quarter out of a guest just as well a« if he were a lawyer. The straDger wrote his name on the register with great deliberation. It was a long name. It read: " Herbert Henry Washington, Chicago, Illinois." The clerk regarded him for a moment with a keen glance, and then asked : " How long will you remain here?" 4' About a week, was the reply. " Shall I credit you with ten dollars in advance?" " Who are you talking to ?" demanded the stranger as he stepped back a little. " Strangers generally pay in advance," replied the clerk. " Well, sir, I'll3 be hanged, sir, if I was ever insulted before ! Ask me for money in advance! Why, sir, do you know that I could buy this hotel and still have millions left V " I have my orders." " Am I to be treated like a dead beat ?" continued the stranger. " When a man comes to Detroit to lend two hun­ dred thousand dollars on a mortgage do your people look upon him as a skulk and a thief)" " My orders are positive," quietly re­ plied the clerk. " I want to see the 'owner of this ho­ tel, and I want to take him to the Board of Trade, the Mayor's office and the Water Works, and I want him to find out what kind of a man I am." " The proprietor isn't in." "You don't know me--you don't realize who "'I am 1" exclaimed the stranger, tapping the office counter at every pause. " I didn't care to be known, but since you have insulted me I wafrt to inform you that I am the Rothschilds of the West 1" The clerk started off with a letter to his girl, but had only got as far as " be­ loved Sarah" when the stranger yelled out: " Who advanced money to Chicago to complete her Water Works ? Who owns six elevators and one hundred miles of railraadf" " I don't know," was the reply. " And yet when I come into this house I am insulted as if I were a loafer!" con­ tinued the stranger. "Why sir, come to the bank with me, sir, and see if my check for $50,000 will be dishonored!" "I'll go 1" said the clerk, putting on his hat. " You will, eh!" % " Yes, sir!" " You needn't go. X wouldn't stop here if you'd give me a thousand dollars a day. I'll go to some other house, and when spring opens I'll buy a site next to you and build a hotel of my own and run your house out of sight I" " Call an officer!" said the clerk to one of the boys. " That's the crowning insult I" shout­ ed the man. "But I'll Dide my time. I'll go over to the other tavern and send over a $50,000 check for you to look at, and no matter how sorry you feel, sir, I'll not accept an apology, sir--blast me if I do!" He went out, and at noon was seen eating crackers and cheese in the post- office.--.Detroit Free Press, A Good Complexion. There is nothing so annoying to a young girl as an imperfect skin. If we address any one we imagine that per­ son's atteLtion to be immediately drawn to our one source of discomfort, a broken- out face; if they speak to us we are pos­ itively diffident on account of our mis­ fortune. Dear girls, the writer has had experi­ ence in this, and can sympathize with you. For three years my face would keep breaking out with a sort of rash, not large unsightly blotches, for such I never had; but I feel sure if what I used did help me, it would benefit those who were worse than I was. I tried everything of which I had ever heard; and also plenty of which I never had, without avail. 1 became disgusted with everybody, and especially myself. Every day I met girls coarse and illiter­ ate, who knew and cared nothing abouf education and refinement, whose faces were smooth and rosy, while I was des­ tined to wear an irritable and pimply skin, and I became morose and low- spirited. But one-day while reading a maga­ zine, the word "oatmeal" caught my attention. I determined to try it. I bought tour pounds and have used it six months. I have used it twice a day all the time. I take the dry meal, a little on a pre­ serve plate, pour on just enough cold water to make it thin, stra n through a small seive, and dipping a cloth into the water, wash over my face once or twice, and let it dry. This does not require more than five minutes, and the result is, what ? AD my friends exclaim about iwy beautiful complex.on. Please follow my example, and you will not regret the trouble when you see the result.--The Household. The War In Cuba. The New York World prints the fol­ lowing extract from a private letter dated Havana, Jan. 26. It furnishes an inter­ esting account of the situation of affairs in the unfortunate island : " The arrival of Capt.-Gen. Jovellar has so far not produced any of the effects which were expected to occur. True enough, he merits and enjoys the confidence of all classes much more than any Captain- General who has come and gone since the outbreak of the revolution. But gold has gone up instead of declining. The insurgents are burning sugar-cane fields and plantation buildings. Every day we hear of one or more plantations as having been burned, and even the most rabid Spaniard,, if possessed of common sense, acknowledges sorrowful­ ly that the army and Spanish-thinking -population are not strong enough to drive the insurgents out of the central department. While the sympathizing element is not so strong as it was a year ago, everybody, with the exception of the extreme intransigentes on the Cu­ ban side and those who are making money by the war, are anxious that some compromise should be effected. It is extremely doubtful whether the Cuban leaders in the field would to-day accept a proposition for the autonomy of the island if offered by Spain. The leading Cubans who are abroad will barely be istened to. If the fighting-men are not satisfied with any propositions that are made, the war will continue until ojie or the other succumbs. It is positively asserted that Jovellar is authorized to make great concessions to the island in general, including a general amnesty and autonomy. The planters are ruined; although nominally the possessors of great wealth, they are not even making a small interest on their capital employed in lands, negroes ana machinery. The merchants say that they will be ruined unless the officials again allow smuggling on a large scale, the businedb done in that hue being comparatively small at present." French Duels. There are many reasons why duels rarely end fatally. All the gunsmiths keep pistols warranted not to hit a barn door at ten paces. They are grooved all sorts of ways; they are made so light that the least load of powder sends them to the skies; the trigger is made so hard the hand pulls the pistol higher than even the skies; the hammer is weighted, and has such a powerful spring the bar­ rel is knocked down. Moreover, the seconds always take care to overload, that the pistol, no matter how carefully aimed, may bounce over the object. Last'y, but by no means leastly, there is tho emotion inseparable from a maiden appeal an ce in the part of a target for an enemy's loaded pistol.- It is incredible how fast eyelids will snap under these circumstances. VAST interests center in the cradle of the little daughter of the Marquis of Bute, The Marquis is a Catholic, and had he died childless the estate would have gone to his cousin, CoL Stuart, a Protestant. MH<IJONS of intelligent women say that Dobbins' Electric Soap (made by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia,) is in every respect the best soap ever made, and will do three times the werk of any other. Try it. A WOMAN weighing 384 pounds died of suffocation from excessive fat at Stafford* Mass., last week. [From the Missouri Republican (St. Louis.)] A Remarkable Professional Success. Among the notable professional men of this country who have achioved extraordinary suc­ cess ia Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. The prominence which he has attained has been readied through strictly legitimate means, and, so far, therefore, he deserves the enviable reputation which he enjoys. This large measure of success is the result of a thorough and careful preparation for his calling, and ex­ tensive reading during a long and unusually large practice, which have enabled him to gain high commendation, even from his professional brethren. Devoting his attention to certain specialties of the science he lias so carefully investigated, he has been rewarded in a re­ markable degree. In these specialties, he has ' become a recognized leader. Not a few of the remedies prescribed by him have, it is said, been adopted and prescribed by physicians in their private practice. His pamphlets and larger works have been received as useful con­ tributions to medical knowledge. He has re­ cently added another, and perhaps more im­ portant work, because of more general applica­ tion, to the liot of his published writings. This book, entitled " The People's Common 8snse Medical Adviser," is designed to enter into general circulation. Dr. Pierce has reoeived acknowledgments and. Ikonors from many sources, and especially scientific degrees from two of the liivt metlioil institutions in the land. FEMAIIB WEAKNFSS.--Vegetine acts directly upon the causes of these complaints. It invigorates and strengthens the whole sys­ tem, acts upon the secretive organs, allays in- llamroation, cleanses and cures ulceration, cures constipation, regulates the bowels ; head­ ache and pains in the back cease ; in fact there is no disease or complaint where the Vegetine gives so quick relief, and is so effective in its cure, as in what is termed female weakness. It has never failed in one instance. SHO! ftm Main* to CallfomS* mil­ lions of children are wearing Sll.VKll T1PPEI) Shoes. Wh* not! Thq are th» I cheapest aid never wear t-hrongh at the toe. Try them. For Sale by ail Shoe Dealer*. From the Atlantic to the Pacific! the reputation 01 the I CABLE SCUKVV WIKR Hoots and Sh'jea is (spreading. I They never rip, leak, or full tol l/>ok out for the Patm* ntftjnp others are Imitations. THE BEST (E (ton > day at home. Samplaa worth 91 m "W tU ipZU fres. E-inSOH <* vo . Portland, M*. ^ WANTED AGENTS. SAMPI- «** IM/I Bttttr cAaa Sold. A. OOULTKR * OO.. Chtoa flHfleflIOICl*rdaT Bead for ChromoCa telega*. 1V * M> fcUJ. H. BCTFOKD'S SONS, Boston, Mass. ASTHMA 111,(1 CATARRH. 8-1 re Care. Trial frM. HO 1 niTH \<tdre*s W. K. Kutxis. Indinr>.v>r>H*. Ind. CARDS, T styles, with name, 10c. Address J. B. HUSTKD, Nassau, Rensa. Co., N.Y. 20 0 P «**r at horn*. Agents wan fa. Outfit and t«rDS *1 * **••• Address TRDK A CO.. Augusta. Maine. W. I,. HAYHEN, Teacher of Guitar, Flute, Comdfc pm^_£.V<rt-fi>rTi:ton PaLGuitar.thi' hem in um V|>o»liT iti Musical Instruments, Musia Catalogue* free, lit) Treuiout St. Boston- FKKt f "jo}u»aui xavao v onp •>1 Jsjnaat;) ioj durejs -j}; -a».\o puoM V>oo noma »£$ JOJ ({as SXKHOV !OotfitsET9OTPR,:,rrs ®'t»*e AOfcs, ou» .^°l»»verrpient and History. Goodspeed'a '•= Book. )«.bie ana Map House. CaiCAtto A Month--Agents wxnted. 84 best eeli- iTig articles In the world. One sample free. Address J A V llllOX SOX, Detroit, Mich UflUtV trade rapid!?/ with Stencil and Key Oheck muiilal Outfit*. CntaloRtie* and full particulars Jt'KKR. S. M. SPKNCKR, 317 Washington St., Boston. PER WEKK GUARANTRRD to Agents. Male and Female, in their own locality. Terms and OUTFIT FRRK. Ad.lreas P. O. VICKKRY 4 OO.. Acgusta. Maine. -Axenta wanted everywhere, honorable and first class. Par­ ticulars sent free. Adit sis WORTH t OO.. St. Louis. Mo. $11 $250 A MOUTH ODKlness hone PKR MONTH and traveling expenses paid to salesmen who can sell our goods, and better to experienced s&lestaen. Address $60 ^ . wages lo experienced salesmen. Address ARGAND K1NDLER CO., 36 LaSalle St., CHICAGO, 111 iVINS PATENT HAIR CRIMPER8. A Q n e e n s o f F a s h i o n . S e n d f o r c i r c u l a r . B.. IvliSS\ iSo. 2903 North Fifth street.Philadelphia,Pa. KIPPERS PA8TILIJ8.S^H'r Symail. Stonoll k Co. Charlcstown, Mass. THE CHEAPEST AND HEIST PAPBE IN THE COUNTRY. Scbool Music HIGH 8CH00L CHOIR.££* ... Seminaries and High Schools. Songa in 3, S CHOICE TRI08.'""'""1* > best of fine lie voices. Full of tiki music for SeminariA •1.0C 50 PER ANNUM Unexcelled by any Weekly Literary Publication, East or West. A THREE DOLLAR PAPER FOR OKE DOLLAR AND A HALF. 8wd yoar name and eddrees and get a specimen oopy. Addret* THE LEDGE#, Chicago, 111. A REMARKABLE INVENTION I WOOTON'S PATEHT, CABINET OFFICE SECRETARY. American School Music Header^ JP 3 Ihooks, cts,, 60 cts.. and 56 eta. Fine oraded courfft for Primary ani Grammar Schools. All the preceding works are compilations of thos* thorough teachers aM oomposere, L. O. EMERSON and W. S. TILPFN. CHEERFUL VOICES. JSS NATIONAL HYMN AND TUNE B00I eta.) Contains th« h«»t collection of 8>cred ] lo.- opening and oWlng scli^ola. Uecttifc 00K. We also cill attention to excellent collections of School Knny* •• Marry Chime*,' •nd "Golden Robin." each ,•!< glos, L" " Famervn's A B (V1 Perk: ' Jtolden M Nightingale/9 * t:> ** Doras' i Me#. 'Sim ' "'"iT."'1! B -"V" 1 • I'erKin s " Orphean,'- Hoarot Ringing," nil K<I tUehigherscbnililk Mason's gtern Mn>i<M 'hart«. #8, and * " Dr. Streeter's on "Pri­ mary Elements," 60 eta. All books sent by mail, poot-free, for retail JIIM OXalVER Dl'rsON Ac OO., BOSTON. & H. D1TS0N & CO., I J. E. 0ITS0N It CO.. 711 Broadway, ISuccmorstoLce* W-Mktr New Yoik. J Plii.n.J.'.-ihin. "pSVrHOMAflii'V, .*»««! ( affection ot ;iny JM'TK»111 thr> Y. Thin ;u t IKONk'tui,Tn»»\ by mail. ti.icthel with Lov<.r * KtfyptUn Oracle. Hint* ?«• A/' 9%cr book. Ad'lron* T. SviLl.l AMs..£ CO., I'uli'n. Stock Growers Colony, NewMexico, •*Vill start about Mny 1st, lf<"t>. Great indncement«Of­ fered to parties wiRbing to join us. Pamphlets containing full information free. Address New Mexico Stork & Asrlriilturiil A<W'B, ISO B..-r;r! >s«m Chicitgo. Wootonl)f«k Co.. Deelgnors ond Manufacturer®, INDIANAPOLIS. INS. Illustrated Descriptive Clrotilais famished on Replication. REVOLVERS!! $3.00 SEVEN 8H0T N«W ltufttlo Bill ReToWar wl|k U*) C»rt- tidc*«forfs. FVIL SrrKtz PL*T*. 8*ti«f»otinn frxiarmstwd. Illu«tr%tod e»UIopM Fin. Addnu WE3TERN GIN WORKS. Cnicico. IU. > Drrnlromnnte,Cliromo8. Steel RngraTlng*. Photo-graphs, icran-book Pictures, Mottoea.etc. Elegant samples aoc* catalogue gent postpaid for 10 eta. Agents i Wanted. .1 L. Patten * Oo.. 102 WQliana St.New York. \ F O U T Z ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, 0P10S W BOOK AGENTS. American and Morphine habit and speed 1; cured. Painless; no pubicitjr. 8end stamp fur particulars. l>r. Carl­ ton. 187 WuDlnaton St.. Ohiongo. II! MOODY SAIS'KEY.--The only original, authentic and complete record I of these men and their works. Brtt-arc of imitation*. SKN1> FOR CldCUI^RS. fubllsklng Co., Chirago, 111. Will euro cr prevent Diseaao. COPYING AGENTS, A;ND for our n«w C»t»lonu».n Fine India ink,W«(frCoK)ied»nd OU PortmltHj The prions wUlNfc»tofti*h you. Oldest line HOUM In America. Addn EYCK A OO., Auburn, N. T. REXTEXMII u£*st£!?TIS. ^0 by Rbv^om J. Lo^sino. l.L, T>.t now r< Kdr ! Tuc onlp co-n. phte Historyof ourvAof« Coutifry ui Utige HIKI nvlilf bound, yet low-prloed volume--over 800 pipe* 450Mneen jrraviog»~nnd ti e only worthy to f>«ihll»li«vd In hot It tCtittlliiH ait«L KuM au I IMIHIY ii> lui«tr:itei < f < he tippro.t-'biiiK i*ran>i 'entenant br<u<n ACENTS WANTED! * omine i* tere»t e*cr.\JIIV ia the ihnUing history mir >.'iH)Cry; hence; rw*i CUMIC • fo Apcnt^ seeking a Hrtt TV- K, ail io«eod ul for f;i!l<;e crlptioD 'iiu ut u a, lo F. A. HUTCHINSON AND COMPANY, Chicago, III. a an • •• aflillnbit i'nml A# IIom<% H MM 1 ID |MBNo publicity. Time short, i'erma l.UOU testimonial*. 5tte >o:ir of unparalleled success. l)n •eribe eeso. Address D>. F. E. aaanii, ^ulncy, Mleh. BOOK { MiRK TWAIn'S Siw Booa out­ sells everything. Don't worry about AO E19 TS bnrd time#. Sell this book and see how i easy they are. Send for circulars to American Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. UtA MTen^ few intelligent Lndies and «v Hll I BBV Gentlemen to solicit orders for CAPT. OLIAZIF.K'8 new work, for the Union." Just the book for Centennial times. All expenses ad­ vanced. References required. DUST1N, OILMAN & CO., Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, 111.; Cincinnati, Ohio. 8. H. HARRIS' IMPROVED XDSTC^Tjire W. A.DR0WH & CD'S UMBRELIiAS. PIlILADELFUIAaml SEW ¥CICi^. i.ho qualities marked with their namo are ccmiidently rcoom> mended. leSnpr Maicer-s FHsal Aeeata 'KzztiA ... wry 0KJ district to cuu- vi>ss for t'l.' ot Tatcat MstsUie Eareka Sap 'Jpcwt nnd Baoioi Hiajcr. Samples, C\;-ca- lare ond Terms cent post-paid OB _ receipt of 20 cents. Address C. C. POST, Kwuf. & Patentee, 3wllnjt8a, Vt. DOMESTIC SEWINC MACHINES. EBAUKEFORSE of evexy cription. "DOMESTIC PAPER FASHION8. The Best Patterns made. .Send Sets, for Catalogue. Address DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE COL AGENTS WAHSED. K£W YOllK. C H I S A G O S A F E S And VAULT HOOKS are tl:«« Itest. Address S II. II \!tHIS. and Manufacturer. *5 liaudolph St. CHEAPEST, best family paper in the world--CHIOA<K) LEDOEB. Bee advertisement. JAMES SMITH, an old man of 7i, live in one of the poorest houses in the poorest part of Manchester, England. He was found dead the other day alone, and surrounded by every indication of extreme poverty. But when the police searched the house they found a safe containing deeds and mortgage bonds worth £12,000, and £2,000 in gold. THE City of Richmond (Iuman Lme) has made another extraordinary p -ssage across the Atlantic, accomplishing the journey in eight days, nine hours, and fourteen minutrs. PIMPLES on the face, rough skin, chapped hands, saltrheifen and all cutaneous affections cured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the tise of Juniper Tar Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard it Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, aa there are many imitations, made from ooinmon tar, which are worthless. SEE ADVERTISEMENT headed "A Re­ markable Invention." in another column, and do not fail to send for an illustrated catalogue. SECRETS WONDER 3 _ . .itfVUK'li llluatmtrd, Scot f»r« to oil for 2 Jiostnr* P'Mnps. •ddrtNM ILl.TCHfrK CO., WiHUmaburght Kcw TorV Your Name Klrjantl* Print- •d OB 13 TSANSIMRSKT VISITI«« CAICDS. for?S Cent*. Esch cmrdcontains s teale which Is not Tiiible »i ntiI held towanii ths lifbL NothioKliks themrrer bcfersoA'«rsd la Amtrics. Blf indues- MBU to AffsnU. NOTBLTT PMIWTIM* CO., Aihlsnd, Msss. A It US.--50 white or tinted Bristol, '40 cts.; 50 Suuwfinke, Marhle, R«p, or Damask. 35 ot«.: Si Glass, 40 cts.; with youi name beautifully printed un them, and GG samples of t>^»e, agents' price-liet, etc., sent by return mail on receipt of price. Discount to Ciubs. Best of work. W. 0. CANNON, 46 Kneelimd Kimi. Boston, Refers to S. M. PaxTENOlXX A Co. &9WER QKNT«U»oid writ* far A(*n«y for Brw bssk by S«NT.^ « _ _ Jinn Eliza BBISHAM'S H"Z_ JER Young !bc rata of | .000 a w«k. Foil *zpoH of the horrt- SU sy»tcui or Polygamy, riloitr&tfd CIrcalAr*, with couipleW Information fre« to all. Ad4r«aa Dear*it oflc* of OuStina* Oilman A OOat Hartroni, Ct.fCbLCftfO, lll.,CinciLiu»'j, 0. My IHiitraM Floral Catalefn* for 1870 is now ready. Price JOOnts. less than half tbe cost. WILLIAM E. BOWDITCH, 64i Warren St., Boston, Masa. S WHAT IRE PILES I RHADt "PLAIN BLINT Facts," aTrentisc on tho Canece, lliptory, Cure and Prevention of 1*1 LKS. Pub- by P. M Kl'.sTAKll* i'Kit A CO., 46 Walker Street. :•.< . York. Sent KRKF.toall parts of the United Suite* on receipt of a letter stamp. Selected French Bnrr Mill Stone: Of all sizeg, and superior workmanship. I'ortuble GrlndllniS' Millc. tipper o tin tier miiruTs, for Fiii-ui or Mervhagii. work. U4>nnln<' Itiiieh All' I kt>r RoltiiiK ^'lolli, >IU*i Pieli*. Corn Shelli'i's nnil ' CluMiH'i s, in^, Shiiftiufr, I'lilli'i's, Hunei'tf", etc.; nil kiniis of Mill Machinery and Millers' Kti|uilii>8. Send for Pamphlet. Nlriuib 91111 r«ini>any, Rox 14 ;iO, <'leiciiiiintl. Oliio. MRCrS SCIOPTiCON. With netT,improT*d anil C JICHIICBOJ HAOIC LAXTEBK SLIMS. GOOD BOOKS. 111K, Ererybody HEf »* more of the foil, -n and really valuable volumes, sent prepai i < named. HUNTEII'SONNF ANNTNAVPKN A < all about KuntinK.Trapping, l<1sUln«r,Raisitnr .TO.^ Ac.; IIKI PA^ea, ONI.Y raliabie work, only 2.r> ci«. I t'toxa ANO TKITW IIK AMKBICA, « «<>mplete EXPOW UT ILI,> <!^ in«s of every Swindlov, yuack and IHIMTUIB in Ameiioa. Near 1(H) pp., contains list of hundredx of sHindln<s. IT will " (Kist you" and #<?iv you cash, only 2.1 ets. Tuk VkK- TRlt.ogt ibt's Oni)>E, or How t<> learn VontriloipHens. Full instmctiotis.eiamules. anecdotes, ALSO BOW t > LU IK* the \v!ii>!le to iiuiti>t« all birds ;MU BEASTS, MILJ ii cents. AKT HF TUMNINO ANl) llRF.AKINU lloKKl'-.S, itlco t)M Complete Horse DT>otor. A lar»ro oetjivo book and fAt b'»t ever issued, near 1(H) pp., evety tiivni.'r needs it , onhr Sooenta. AM AND KTI^I'KTXK OK MAKING I.OVI1. AH about it, How to " pop," and n et ijHtiny «lKe ; 1,(5 |>P.,"NLJF P0 cents. MAGIC MADB KASY. How to do nil trick* m legerdemain, boat book on subject, only eenta. S*- CBKT8 OF I.OVK; 12otpp., elwRiint ehroiuo cover, URTLY 8# cents Any book sent tree on receipt of prieto. free Adaress all orders to the old estsblishsd ho»x«» ot HUNTKR A CO., Hinsdale, N. H. low to bnv him. How to sell bin. How t o trsin him. How to '1 a ti-. ; - tor. A NEW HOOKof^t groat interest to Horse men. Sent by rnnil foi 50 cents. Address J. P. VINCENT, Box 58,Ciuciuo, IIJ* THE GREAT BLOOD REKDY Kor Homes, Son^ay-schonl* i OBdLecture-rooms It«taa4s UMKITALLEil. 1 Brilliant and euy to show | Oirsnlars of SPECIAL Offer free. Seloptloon Uanual (5ih Ed.) •• cts. LJ. moT, 1310 Cheitaot Street, PhiladelphU, h. M B R I D E N Qutlery Co. , Hake all kinds of Table Knives and Forks. Rxclnsiva : maker?) of "• PATKVi' 1 VOItV," most durable ; WH1TR HAMH.E known. Always eoll for " TraditlVlark" on tba.blade. Sold by all dealers and by MBRIDKN OUTLKRY CO., 4«J Chambers St.. N. Y. -13- CHIOAGO LEDOEB--Best story paper going. See advertisement. Consumptive•, Take Notlc*.--Krery momsnt of delay makes yonr care more hopeless, and mach de­ pends on the judioious choice of a remedy. The amount of testimony In faror of Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, as * oaro for consumption, far exceeds all that eon he brought to support the pretensions of any other medi­ cine. See Dr. Schenck's Almanao, oontaininf the cer­ tificates of many persons of the highest respectability, who hare been restored to health after being pronoanced Incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup alone has curod many, as these evidences will show; bnt the care is often pro. moted by the employment of two other remedies which Dr.'Schenck providos for tbe purpose. These additional remedies aro Schenck's Sea Weed Tonlo and Mandrake Pills. By the timely use of these medicines, according to directions. Dr. Schenok certifies that moat any case of Consumption may be cured. Dr. Sclmnck la professionally at his principal office, comer Sixth and Arch SU., Philadelphia, erery Monday, where all .letters for adrin^i must be addressed. VEGETINE. MAKE IT PUBLIC. SOCTH BOSTON, Feb. 9,1871. H. R. Rt^tkks. Esq.: Viir Sir -I li.vo Ueard from very many Hources of the erent Bviccecs of VlitiKTINK in casosof Scrofula, Rheu­ matism, Kidnev Complaint, Catarrh, and all otlier dis­ eases of kindred nature. I niuko no hesitation in savins that 1 /.•HOT VEC H "INK to ho the most reliable remedy forCatunli and General Debility. Mv wile has been troubled with Catarrh for many vea« nnd at times very badly. She has thoroughly tried e*ery'suopose>d remedy that w° could hear of, and with all this she has for «everal years l«een Rr;idually growins worse, and the du,_jarge from the head was excessive and very offensive. Sue was in this condition when she oommonced to take VKtiKTINK ; I could see thiit she was improving on the second bottle. She coutinued taking tho VlCGliTlNlC nntii she had used from twelve to fifteen bottles am now lin-'py m informing you and tho public <U >;n cuooie to >ke it public) that she is entirely cured, and vWtlK'i'l NH accomplished the euro after nothiTi^ ( i>:o would Hence 1 feel justified in saying that YECETIN'K U the irio'-t reliable remedy, and would advise all suffer­ ing humanity to try it, for I bolieve it to be a good, L " st .esetable medicine, and 1 shall not hesitate to SKU-* TC'SitDRU.. Store 431 Broadway. VEGKTINE acts directly upon the causes of these complaints. It invigorates and strengthens tho whole «stem acts upon the secretive oygans, allays inflamma­ tion cleans09 and cures ulceration, cures constipation, and 'regulates tho bowels. HAS ENTIRELY CURED ME. BOSTON, October, 1870. daughter,after having a serep* attack vvhtvinine Cough, was left in a feeble state of health. BeSg ad«"ed by a friend Bh= tried the VKG ETINE, and iminr » bottles was fully i*Psfor< d to health. T hue been a groat sufferer from Klioaiuutism. I have UkBii several bottles of the VKGETINK for this com- nlaint iind nndLi'ippy to say it h «s entirely cured me. I gfve recommSded •the VEGETINE to others, with the °l,e eood results. It is a great cleanser and purihor of the blood ; it is pleasant to take and I an cheerfully recommend »L ^ J 30* Athenia^et. Sold by all Dra|glits and Dealer* Erery* Whcn> A Farm of Tour (htn -IB- The Best Remcfty far Hard Tines! FREE HOMESTEADS AND THE Best and Cheapest Bailroad Land Are on the Line of the Union Pacific Railroad, -- 1M -- NEBRASKA. Bocuro A XXome KToWs Fnll information sent FRKK to all parts of the World. Address O. F. DAVIS. Land Gom'r U. P. It. R., Omaha, Neb. WILBOKS 00MP0IT5D OT PURE COB LIVEftl OIL AND L1H1. ^Vil!ror's C«{| Li> cr Jfil ami liiiiu .-l'oiMi who have been t'iking (A>d IJver Oil will be pleased ttt learn that Dr. Wiltior has succeeded, from direction*at several professional gentlemen, in combining the |M oil and lime In «tu h a umiuier lhat it ie ploaBant totto taste, and its effects in J>ur.g t'omplaintw are truly tW derful. Very many persons whose easna wore pra- nounced hopeless, and who had taken the clear oil log a long time without marked effect, have been entire^ ^erea by using tills preparation. Be sure and get tilt genuine. Manufactured only by A. B. WILBOR,GhMa let, BOSTON. Bold by all druggists. 1876. GEO. S. HASKELL & CO., * ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. ' NEW CATALOGUE, FREE. Mr. STuyMff•: mmmiwrnsa Thepui»hstieisoi tua dUi. •_• -4' riant W it/ Vi'v M'tiaziw, reci nimen Kt'i by Jennie .lime, Mary 1. Kooth, Dr. W. W. Hall, .1 imes Farton.andoth- eis--will, on receipt of the subscription pr'ce of 1 V* O I.\ItS. deliver toeich sul»«cr;b«r'^ linn, <MSi of the Mississippi Itiver, 1> MP»{KRIll'M BOXES, contaJmag t articles, viz. hnr'd nrtnrest^f- i, one of tbeii tbe io\U>yiing ....Prici'lOc; Box liUbV's Best Blacking " 10 BoxHixt Package Dixon's . Package v 1.. T, , M Box ( 4 lh.) lt-iyal Baiung Powder W Bottle IloyalCelery Salt. » Cake Jesse Oakley A Co.'; King Soap ....... 10 Package F. E. Smith A Co.'s Crashed White m Wheat..., IS ttle Kpauldi K J. Taylor' Jkage (1 Iti. Total I8.M And HOU8EK£EPUH,l year, postpaid. 8.00 Making n total of S^.06 For S'4--as above announced. The prices above onoted are TIfE USCAIj NEW YOliK CITY RKTAili Prices, and the good# ant the best in their line. As we allow AtSRRiTS A LAKG1" CASH tSainmimlon, U t'« a rare chance to make tn>>/iry rapiJlif jnnd wur* a permanent busing -. The IV. Y. Hrckly Sun of Jan. 1 '.th, 1N70, gay« : " The readers of thiB paper who would like to get more than the worth of their money are referred to the advertisement a "Novel Idea." This is " a new do- partnre," and as the parties will do all they claim, wo recommend nil our readers to peruse the same carefully. It u one of thf chancef> fur t cer vffirrd. CHAS. F. \Vl.\<».\Tli & CO. (Limited). Publishers, 6l> DVASK ST., New York. P. O. Box 634S. SampU copy text postpaid uu r&etiipt tjf 10 <«»{•. SAFE A M D RELIABLE. Have You Weak Lungs? Have You a Cough or Cold? Have You Pain in Your Brqpst? Mavy yon tiny Throat Disease? Ha ve You Consumption ? USE Da. L. 0. C. WISRARfS PIKE TREE TAR CORDIAL Are You "Weak and Debilitated? Do STou Suffer from Indigestion? Do You require a Tonic? Have If on Ho Appetite ? Do You need Build la ar Up? Do You wish Strong and USE DR. t. 0. C. WISHABT'S PINT! TBCT MR CORDIAL |3old ty all Druggists. Principal P«'PO|» Jfo. 232*North Second St., Phtl% O. N. U. Be. .1 WHEN WRITIKO TO ADVE HTi SKR% VTpltoic »r )OU taw U>« »lv«rtl'icrn«fl| l»iUi|MP«<

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