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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23d. 1S7S, Railroad Time Table. <;f>IXG SOITH. , •GeneraLake l*sissotnjfer Genera Lake 1'reight. J] OOIXO NORTH. Ceae-va Lake Freight Genera ~Lake Passengrer .7 :fS A, M .1:55 JVM. 10:1*)*. M. 7:05 j». M. MASONIC. MCHENRT CTIATTKR XO. 34 n. A. M.--Kesru- lar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. * 1L c. IRISH H. P., O. W. OWSSF See.. rRrjKOII DIRECTOR*'. METHODIST.--UEV. J. T. Cooper, Tastor. Services everv Sundav morning at 10,V A. M. Sunday Stfhoolnt 12 A/M. H- C. Trish, Super- Intendent. Services at Ringwood at 21*. M. THE remains of the late "VVM. M. Colby will arrive in this city on the 10 A. M. traiu to-day, and the Funeral Services will be held at the residence 4)f ITenry Colby at 12J o'clock, and at the M. ,13. Church at 2 o'clock P. M. "<FOHD Is still taking those nice Bur­ nished Photographs for the low price of $2 per dozen. W. FISHER has built a new Ice House the past week, next to his market,, and on Saturday and Monday, was filling it with Ice. __ __ _ THE .Toiut Committee appointed by the Old Settlers of Lake and Mellenry Counties, meet at the Parker House, in this village, to-day. IT is now a settled fact that there will be a total eclipse of the sun on the 11th day of August, 1999. Have ready your smoked glass. OUR premium list: 1st--A good pa­ per. j2d--The worth'of your money. Every subscriber gets both premiums for the small sum of $1.50. WE have received another communi­ cation from a soldier who was confined In Andersonville prison, \vhich will appear next week. IT is expected that, the new Steamer will be here the last of this week. The new dock will be built just North of the old Steamboat landing. THE next Sociable l>v the Ladies of the Universalis^ Society will be held at the residence of-C. B. Curtis on Thurs­ day, (to-morrow) evening. Feb. 24th. A eordiyl invitation is extended to all. Tirfc new Barber Shop itithe Parker Souse Block is doing a good "business and giving0 good satisfaction to cus­ tomers. Mr. Bouse keeps his Shop clean aud neat, and Ms razors are al­ ways in order to give you an easy shave at all reason able hours. Hair Cutting tlone in the latest style. Spccial atten­ tion gives to-eatting kadie§ and child- reftshair. Be member the place, Par­ ser House Block. TnE telegraph OA Monday brought the painful Intelligence of the death of Wm. M. Colby, brother of Henry Col by of this village, which took place at Granby, Mo., on Sunday last. He was a young man highly respected in this community, for his good qualities of head and heart, and the news of his sudden death cast a gloom over many a heart in this village. At the time of going to press vve have not learned any of the 'particulars, but shall speak more in relation to it next week. A oonrrEsroNDEXT sends us an ac­ count ofa school teacher who handed a problem to his class* in mathematics the other day. The first boy took it. looked at it awhile, and said, "I pass." Second boy took it and said, "I turn it down.*' The third'boy stared at it awhile and drawled out, "I can't make it." •*Very good, boy?r said the teach­ er, "we cut for a new deal." And the switch danced like lightning over the shoulders of these depraved young mathematicians. 1 Pii WE are requested to give notice that there-win be a TeachersT M+efing at Genoa Junction, Wis,, on Saturday next, the 2Gth. A general invitation Is extended to all Teaehers, and an inter­ esting time may be expected. SEE the advertisement iti another column of a House for sale near Xip- persi-nk Point. It is ea lfargain for anyone who wishes to own property in the vicinity of the,famous hunting and fishing grounds of Fox aud Pistaqua Lakea. Ix another column can be found a newr advertisement of O. Bishop, by which it will be seen that he is selling everything that one can think of in the Agricultural line, from a pitchfork to a Mowing Machine. Iiead his adver­ tisement. and you .-cannot fail to find what you want. THE. Executive Committe of the McHenry County Agricultural Board met at the Court House, in Woodstock, and commeuced the revision of the Premium List. Not being able tD fin­ ish, the meeting adjourned to Friday, March 3d, 1876. E. E. 'lticn-ATtns, Sccrcttfry. Jcwrx M. S'MITIT, at the Post Office, has his store jammed full of Tinware of all kinds, and is anxiously waiting for the completion of the addition to his Store in order to have a place to put It. He intends filling up his store soon With a full stocl% of farming tools in liis lijie, and will show the farmers as large a stock and at as low figures as any house in the county, H. C. IRISH, Attorney at Law, has closed his office in this village; and we understand contemplates soon moving to Chicago, where he has formed-a partnership and opened an office for the practice of his profession. Mr. Irish has made many warm friends during his residence here, who very much regret bis decision to leave us. That he may find his new field a pleasant and profitable one is the wish of all. IF anyone thinks we have no home talent in the show line they are greatly mistaken. The Oagctown Minstrels gave an entertainment at the West Side Opera House on Saturday la#t, which is «said to have been a success in every particular. They are all end men, and their performance is unique and pecvfliar, and is said by one who was there to be beyond criticism. Their next eutertaioment will be given In Gilbert's Hall on Wednesday eve­ ning of next week. March 1st. F. K. GRA>'CrER. having "bought the entire stock of goods of the late firm of Howard & So«, will, oi[ Thursday of this week, open the Store and offer the gpods to the public at prices way down to hard pan. The goods are all fresh and new aud consist in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Cloths. &c., and as he he is bound to sell at onee the buying public can rest assured of getting some jrare bargains. The Store will be open-: ed on Thursday and remain open until the entire stock ia disposed of. THE Sociable on Thursday evening last at the residence of O. W. Owen, was largely attended, the house being filled to its utmost capacity, and all s^mod to enjoy themselves in the host of manner. These weekly gatherings are becoming justly popular, and afford one evening each week where our citi­ zens can lay aside the cares of business for a Sociable chat with friends and neighbors. This is as it .should be. Let us all improve these opportunities to get better acquainted with our neighbors* and ourselves even, and we shall be the better for it. The next Sociable will be held at the residence of C. B. Curtis, on Thursday even3»g of this week. THE rascal who last week stole a Hat Rack from the Furniture ^tore of Blake & Bros., in this village, and after­ wards attempted to sell it to the Rev. Mr. Cooper, has come to officer from Wisconsin having-overhauled him at Elgin and taken him to Wisconsin to answer for sundry misdemeanors committed there. He was one of the most cheeky scoundrels we ever saw. He came into this office on the morning lie was here and inquired if we had a Woodstock paper, and, said he was^t cousin of the Editor of the New Era% and asked us if the office was still at Nunda. We gave the desired in­ formation and he departed, and a few hours afterwards w e heard of his theft of the hat rack, and visit to Mr. Cooper. Of his arrets! jua Elgin tlie Advocate says-. Oil Tuesday Marshal Powers received fi telegram from Geneva Lake, announ­ cing that a young man, aged about twenty-two years, named Br ice. alias Cameron, was wanted in that locality, because he had stolen some clothing from sundry Badgers. Powers was on the watch and soon took in his mall, who had arrived in this city the eve­ ning previous. 'Soon after his arrival here Briec called upon Rev. Leo. M. Woodruff, pastor .of .thu First Baptist church, and told that gentleman that he had beciii in the penitentiary at Waupun, Wisconsin, for four years, and that wliille in prison he became conver­ ted, and showed a letter from the chap­ lain of that institution, which gave him a show of standing among respec­ table people. He obtained a small sum of money from Mr. Woodruff, and bor­ rowed a book entitled "Things not .gen­ erally Known" which he frequently read -duringh-js sojourn in the calaboose. He was taken north on the (5 i\ M. train Tuesday. A dispatch from Elkhorn. Wis., to the Chicago 1'imen states thai Brice pretended to haVc been conver­ ted, at a revival meeting tliere and that before leaving the town he stole an overcoat from one ol' the leading preachers. While sitting in the cars, handcuffed, on his way back to Wisconsin, som« one asked him where he was going. He replied he was a Member of the Wisconsin Legislature, and they had sent for him. This explains the whole affa'r. SOLON MILLS. EDITOR PLAINDEALER Mr. Turner ha* offered his Mill property for sale at Auction, to the highest bidder, the sale to take place on the 29jth of March. A good chance for some enterprising businessman. ' School closes on the 29th of February Thft fonnltnw A,wl «•»,-, I, ASIv «*v,«xy i aim rv uvi«i» paring for an Exhibition to be held at the close Of the schOoL Our Minister has received the money kept back from the Donation, but too late to stop the storm which burst over our community and severed the union between church aud outsiders. •'The nail is drawn but the print is still there,*' and time alone can effiice it.-- ©on't try to blot it out with mud and water, for if you do it will grow larger.. Let it alone and in the future try and shun the path that leads to distrust- fulness. The Sewing Society meet every Wednesday afternoon at private houses and hold a Mite Society iu the evening) when practicable. A Donation to buy our Minister a new watch is the talk among his friends outsideathe Church. Let us work as well as talk, and show what we caii do. INERTIA. . NUNDA. * . EDITOR PLAIXDEALEB:--Mr, Fitz- simmons shipped a very fine load of live hogs last week. > • Luther Kerns is going to California to work at carpenter work. ^ How man}- are going to the Black Hills? J. J. Wilson has been appointed Re­ ceiver of the C. L. P. & P., Works. David Coff was in town the other day. He resides in Elgin now. Wm. Archdeacon was fined $100 for issuing scrip and using it as money, J. L.Morrill made us a call last week. Mrs. Caldwell came and preached her first sermon Wednesday evening to a crowded house. „ Four went forward the .first night.* Mr, Walkup is verysick. Six converts were baptized last Sun­ day at the Deciple church. There will be a donation for the ben­ efit of Elder Lovelace in Nunda Hall Friday afternoon and evening, March 3rd, 187G. Mrs. Jennie Smith died Sunday night Feb. 20TH, 1876, and will be buried at Ridgefleld, 111., Mrs. Dr. Smith is again able to be around. Deciple meetings are closed for two weeks: , Ernest Beardsjey and John Shales have come back. As Ernest says, Vtlie dead are alive*1 for they have had him dead. They went up in Wiscousiii and started down the Wisconsin River in skills. They went down into the Mis­ sissippi River and traveled 1800 mile*, that way into Mississippi State. When they were coming back they were both drugged in their berths on a large Steamer, aud $20 takeo Xrom Ernest and $40 fr«m John by cutting .their clothes THOMAS CLARK WANTED. Thomas Clai«k.the person who worked at John Ralstou's^ near Mellenry Vil­ lage. will learn of something to his ad­ vantage by letting his present where­ abouts be known to said Ralston. McHenry, fr eb. 19th, liTli. The New- American Sewing Machine still continues the leading Sewing Machine. It has attained its dignity by being first-class iu every particular. ; possessing new and valuable improve­ ments. and being sold at standard pri­ ces. Cheap machines will find pur­ chasers, but the intelligent mind recognizes the fact that standard articles always bring standard prices. The merchant who patronizes his gro­ cer and butcher well, and' dresses his children neat wants the American, on account of its being made in the high­ est style of art and of the best material. Self-threading throughout, being the only one in the'world, light and easy running, simple, durable and perfectly reliable. Call on O. W. Owen. Agent at Mellenry, and see for yourselves. Try the American and you will buy no other. Chicago Office., 2-44 Wabash Avenue. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons indebted to me are here­ by notified to call and settle the same without delay or it will be put into the hands of a justice for collection. F. A. HEBARP Jttf Henry 111. Feb. 7th, 1S7G. RINGWOOD. EOJITOR PLAINDEALER :--The Oyster Supper for the benefit of the M. E. Church, on Friday evening, was a de­ cided success, both financially and otherwise. The committee was on hand promptly at 6 o'clock. The open­ ing piece was played'by Miss Buckland and sung by all present. It seemed to enliven the whole company and the young faces beamed with animation, which showed that they had come to enjoy themselves. As the friends came in they, brought with them plenty of good things of this life, which proved they were bound to make the enter­ tainment first class. As Mrs. Walker entered with the grab-bag the young folks flocked aroungher, -ard the >vay it was decorated caused some laughter.-- Miss N. Walker had been Imsy for sev­ eral days making it, with an army of young ladies to contribute of their handy work to fill it^ and it was truly surprising to see what tliey^iad made, as one after another brought out their prize, and the shouts of laughter at seeing the things that came out. The large tables were filled three times, and the Treasurers, Wm.Langham and Miss Rose Nickle, were busy collecting the greenbacks. While they were eat­ ing the young ladies and gentlemen sang some very appropriate pieces for the occasion. The evening pleasantly wore away and at 11 o'clock they sang the parting piece, "Am only Dream­ ing." The Ladies worked with a will, and everything passed off pleasantly. The receipts were 850,30. Two of our citizens had business which called them away so they could not attend the Oyster Supper,, We would have liked to have bad them with us. That Tea for the Oj-ster Supper was got at Ed.'s store. He says its only 90 cents per pound. On Friday last a lady was riding on horseback through Ringwood.and when passing the store of J. W. Cristy. where Mr. Swan's team was hitched, the hor­ ses became frightened and breaking their fastenings ran away. Nobody in­ jured but the buggy badly demoralized. Ringwood Debating Club will meet on Friday evening, Feb. 25th. at seven o'ctoct. MELTOX. Special attention paid to Dyeing and Shampooing Hair. Also attention given to the cutting of Ladies and Cliildrens Hair. Remember Charley stops at tberParker House. WOODSTOCK. i EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--While the past weelc has been fruitful of com-, plaints on account of rough roads, the weather has been all that the average man would desire. It Is true that the team work to agreat extent is suspen­ ded. but while the teams are lying still and eating daily rations,-fodder and grain are abundant and cheap, so that loss of time and labor is largely com­ pensated for in the saving of feed and fuel which are not small items to the poor,as a comparison between, this winter and last conclusively proves. Jlext to the weather the Beecher Council and Babcock trial vie with each other for the ascendency ill mounting the rostrum of discussion. '•The Drug firm on the South side, has changed again. Wright sells out this time to John S. Wheat. Hence the new firm of Smith & Wheat. Del has many friends and wherever he goes their good wishes will follow. oung men who send anonymous missives of doubtful propriety, to La­ dies, should be careful, lest jthe desire to conceal their identity furnish the e vide lite thereof and give them more notoriety than is desirable. ' On Saturday the exeettite com­ mittee of the Agricultural Board met at the Court House to revise the premi­ um list. The weather being farvorable there was a good attendance which au­ gurs well for the Autumnal Fair. It is to be hoped that the committee will lay aside all private interest and con­ centrate their efforts upon the interest of the Society. It was argued that the •society is largely iu debt and hence premiums must be cut down and to a large extent, the receipts applied Jo cancil the indebtedness. Upon this question a spirited discussion arose be­ tween the Horse interest and the Cattle interest which smacked a little to£ much of self interest. It was a little to evident on the part of some that the main spring of action was a desire to shape premiums to the lot or class in which lie intended to compete rather tliau to make the pvemiums general and adapt the article or animal thereto^ The premiums ought to be arranged as to encourage every class of industry and ought to challenge competition from every family in the county, .thus making it the interest to swell the ex­ hibition in«|uantity, quality,* and va­ riety, thus making it the direct interest of every one to attend the Fair and swell the receipts. Were it not wise to economise by increasing the income than by curtailing the attractions which call the crowd together, since it is the crowd that makes the success of any Fair, and the want thereof will destroy. Our managers last year in their zeal to economise raised the gateage. No one questions their mo­ tives. All believe it was done with the best intentions on their part. At the same time all believe now that it work­ ed an injury to the Society: that it was a mistake, and that our present mana­ gers should profit by their experience. That they shouhl create new attrae- t'ons rather than to destroy the old ones That the mute should have a place as well astlw horse: the Devon as well as the Durham, Aldentey or Jersey; that the crosses or grades should have an equal cluinoe with those whose pedigree is written u 11 the Herd Books; that the interests<of the masses rather than the tastes of tthe few should be kept iu view. These suggestions are submitted with 110 spirit of criticism, but as the Committee are again to meet to com­ plete theirlabors, that we may have pleasure aud they profit thereby. 3.. P. SQUARE. Ilichmoiict Departmenfc.. T I). A. POTTER, EDITOR. PiMaepger trains pass Richmond station as follows* . * _ { GOIXG SOl'TII Lake* Passenger TiWt k. *. Ueaova Lake Freight.. 12:50 p. si. ooivo xoRXB Geneva t,alce Freight: ..HV40 A. sr. Geneva Lake Passenger.. . ,-.7:27 p. m! 4!I( Hicfimoud, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-Un- ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale'Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or cull oil * D. A. POTTER, P. M., ttu'liAioixl, HI. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Cnw«RK«ATiONAi,:--Rer. F. J. Donglass Pastor. Services ut a P. M. METiTomsT:^Rov. Saml. Enrhjrev Pastor Services K>:.*1 A. M. Sabbath School'9:30 A. M. J. L. Downing, Su|>t. BAPTIST:--Etler WH.eeler Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. S:tbl>ath School 12 M. Local news scarce. A series of meetings are in progress at the M. E. Church in Richmond. Meeting nearly every evening an­ nounced for this week. THE BEST ORGAN IN THE MARKET. We make the above assertion with­ out fear of successful contradiction. We are not in the habit of rhnning down Organs sold by other Agents, being satisfied to Jet our iustrunvetot speak for itself, but we are sorry to say thero is one Agent-, !n thiscoiu'*y who has no compunction in that way. He has, we are told, on every opportu­ nity, run down the instrument we are selling, not because lie knows anything against it never, we believe having seen it. but ii^order to make people believe he te selliaig tlie only good in­ strument offered in the county. But notwithstanding this we are. as we be­ fore said willing to let the 'N^orth Western, speak for itself, aud to anyone wishing to buy an Organ we will guar­ antee them a' lower price and as good an instrument as can be found in the Northwest. Call at my store. East side of the Public Square, Wooodstock, and be convinced Mrs. S, A. lieid, Woodstock, IU. Feh'2/st 1870, TAXES! TAXES t The undersigned. Collector of the Town of Mellenry, would hereby give notice that he will be at the following place, at the times designated, for the purpose of receiving Taxes; Mondays, at J. Bonsjett's.. Tuesdays, «t Perry & Martin's Store. Tlrfirsdays, at Ring- wood. Saturdays, at B. Gilberf sStorc, near the Depot. PETER ROTHERMEI, Collector. WANTED TO RENT. The undersigned would like to Rent a good Dairy farm, situated in the vicinity of a Cheese Factory,, together \vith other conveniences for Dairying purposes. Also would like the neces­ sary farming utensils left on the place. For further particulars address E. L. B. Mclleniy, 111. MpHenry, HI. Dec. 18th, 1875, The knowing ones Say there Is soon to^ be a wedding in Richmond. We think, however,' the arrangements are not all completed between the parties yet. A Qrystnl Wedding at the residence of B. C. Martin the '"23d inst. Alfred Wilcox and Mary Wilcox are the liap- couple whose 15th Anniversary is to be celebrated, Much joy to them. The Donation party anrtounced in PLAIXDKALEH for Rev. S. Earngey, on account of the rain was postponed to a future time. If roads are favorable some evening next week will undoubt­ edly be fixed upon for the party. Ex­ act time to be given at a future time. Roads are improving and the far­ mers are taking advantage of the high prices that are paid for Pork, so that our streets are thronged with teams and business has decidedly improved. Business men are looking happier than for some time past. Beely Try on, who has had one of liis legs broken three times and the other one twice, and who two weeks since had OHertvTsliis legs amputated above the knee, is Himjp&ving in health and the wound isTtealing,with good pros­ pect of seeing Beely round among his many friends as happy aud jovial as aforetime. FOR 8 A I.E. and Lot in the Vlllngp of ' Business Notices* Try ot»r 50cjt and 7wt Japan "Tea, • BUC KLIX & SrEVKica. If you want an extra good Shave or Ilair Cut, call on Charley, at the Parker House. lb* The most Goods for a dollar in County at Bucklin & Steven's. o For bargains in Shawls,call at Buekliu & Steven's SEK Bucklin & Stevens, New Ad­ vertisement. . Look fpr low prices at, Bucklin 4 Stefen's. Machine, repairs ami all leading machines kept by E.M.Owen. If you want any kind of Farm imple­ ments Or repairs call on E. M. Owen, 60 pairs Horse Blankets at low price at Bucklin & Steven'•_ Henry Rogers, of Yolo, has an Estey Organ, and all those who contemplate buying should r.ot fail to ask him how he likes It. SENSIBLE TO THE LAST. Gly.e them away and buy an Estey. HE can be seen next door to A. B Cowliu'g op MjMn Street, Wooodstock. W. II. Purely says there are a few Tax payers that he would be pleased to see at his ofiiee within the next ten days, as the time for paying taxes is fast drawing to a close and he has a few receipts he would like to place his autograph to and give such |>ers6ns as a memcnto. just for old acquaintance sake, but he is not able to carry the re­ ceipt to them. Leap Year and Centennial Parties are already the most prominent, and talked of most frequently by all classes age aud'sex. at the psesent time. At one of these social gatherings in Rich­ mond, a short time since, the young ladies met in the afternoon and some eight or ten remained in the evening, where a like number of young gents were invited to call and spend the eve­ ning. The evening passed away very pleasantly, all merry and happy, aud ere they were aware the hour for sepa­ ration had come, This was one of the first parties of the kind. After some winks and sly looks together with now and llien a bacame apparent to the yoAing ladies that the young gents were expecting the inauguration of a «cw era, and a change of pro­ gramme, no less than that the j'oung ladies should signify the young gen­ tleman they prefcred to accompany them home. The young ladies, either from being bashful aud timid, or more likely because it was apparent it would please the young gents too well, after going to an other room for th^^iats, cloaks and furs preparatory to taking their leave, quietly left "by auother door without disturbing the gents in their delightful imaginations, and the first that broke the spell wa6 the sound of music. They listened and caught the sound and tune of "Home Sweet Home," being played in an ad­ joining room by the leader of theBrass Band. It was then that these young gents saw their true position. The ladies were at home and the gents wished they were, and left with very little ceremony, only it was very gen­ erally admitted by all tha| they were sold aud they had set their own price. The boys do not relish the sound of that good old tune since that evening as of yore, and the words that accompanied the tune does not bring happy remem­ brances. READ! READ! We have made arrangements where­ by we are able to furnished the papers named below at the following low- rates. Inter-Ocean and the Mellenry Plain- dealer, §2.70. Harpers Weekly and Mellenry Plain* dealer $4,85 Harpers Monthly and McHenry Plain- dealer 84,75. a Live Stock Journal and McHenry Plaindealer $3.00. Godey's Lady Book and McHenry Plaindealer $4.10 Prairie Farmer and McHenry P3ai«~ dealer §3.00 i Call and subscribe and get your reading at Club Rates ALEXANDER & HYDE, Druggists. Richmond, Feb. 4th 1876. A splendcd Piano to Rent on reason* able terms, ' £* O. VT. ownr. McHenry IU. Jnit.jlUl), 1*76. To make money is to save it, and to save money is to buy your Good* of Bucklin & Stevens for Cash. The first one ever brought to McHen­ ry County can be seen at the Little Shoe Store, on Main Street, Woodstock. Beaver Cloths for Cloaks at. Buekliu & Steven's. Have you seen them? They are cheap as we'll as desirable. Boots and Shoes made to order for Ladies and Gents, at?the same pricc* you would pay for sale goods. Where? At Warren's, on Main street, Wood­ stock. The Bottom lias fallen ont. Prices way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. If you want to get the h.test style and best quality of Photographs call at Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McHenry, 111. Price only $2 per dozen. TO HORSE OWNERS. The undersigned is prepared to break colts, handle ugly and balky horses, and make them gentle and true. Charges reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Address me at McHenry 111., or call at tny residence three miles Southeast of McIIewy Village, on the Seaver place, or leave word at tlio PLAIXDKALKR office. J. E. HACKKTT. McHKNltY CORRECTED Tt'ESD.VT OF EACH WEKK. Wheat, SpriiiR Wheat, No. 3. Spring Rejected, Oats Xo. 2 Corn, (porSO lba) Itortejr 2 Barley No. S Rejected.. y. lluU-er, (tub*) .1 Butter, (rolls) Ewrs Lard, Cheese, ..Jf... Dressed IIogayfT. Lire IIog«,.... Cattle Beans 00 Wool, (washed) 9S Wool, (unwashed) ft These weekly reports are corrected from the actual purchases of that (lay, and nmy to relic* tupon. ^ to 74 M St 81 m Jt » n v m i** 4m 7 8* BARGAIN COLUMN. For Sale. Thoroughbred Short Horn Ball; four years old past. A very fine animal. Wilt o'ld at « rcason:i|>lo price if applied \for Caa -ccn at my farm, one mil* West of MoIIcnrv Depot. " II. V. MJEAD. Kellenif, 111., Fel>. 15th, 187«. A be s Horse for Sale. A good five vear old Ilorse, *mind and Ira* in everv' particular, well brot<> either- double or single. Will lw sold reasonable fop either cash or approved paper. Inquire at the PLAINDEAI.EU office. Buggy for Sale. One bran now two seat Bugjryjfor Sale at a Bartntin. Inquire of O. W. OwK>. McHcnrv, HI. Nor. 1st, 1875. For Sale. rjphe undersiened offers ibrj Sale, the Brick village . II. Mori Mellenry, now occupied by Mrs. C. li. Morey, as a Millinery Store. It is 14x33, the upper story beinp finished off asu residence. TKRVM REASONABLE. Inquire of L\ II. MO]<KT Mclteury, 111. Nov. 1st 1875. For Sale, a Good Farm. Of Kiffhty Acres within one hundred and sixty rods of Crystal Lake Crossing*, on easy terms. For further Information apply to R. Ill-SHOI*, At tornev, At Murphv & Bishop's Bank. Woodstock, IM. Dated July «M, #BOARt>ERS WANTED. ' In consequence of Mr. Bacon's long continued lameness, without any pros­ pect for the better, I have decided to solicit boarders that can lodge them­ selves. Can lodge 3 or 4. Mas. J. BACON. Richmond. Jan. 1st, 1876. House antl hot for Sale. SITUATED rear the Nipperwink Point, on the noted T1 unttngand Fishing Grounds of Fox and Piatauua Lake* The House is well built and cajmble of accommodating twenty persons. There is a good stable, two acres of choice land and oyo of the best spring water in AfcHenrr 'Countv. Any parties mn- teniptatUig building a Club House will' fln«t this a grand opportunity. Will lie sold up tha meat reasonable terms.* For Further Partteur lars inquire at the PCAINDKALKQ. Office. -w^jr For Sale. The Wheeler* farm, situated SOfrods south of the village plat of Mellenry, containing 80# arres of prairie, and SO acres of timber, with a good brick, cistern, two puu»p»» mul usual apendaires. Also ISO acres of tun- b^r joining the village ot'MeHenry on |bi> easl, together with the personal property, Iwiuira atvthe premises, ur address J. WIIEKLK*, SICHOPRV, P. S. Household furniture, ejo., together with actual possession can bo huu foi»wUh by purchasers. For Sale, The undersigned offers vr Sale !ii» property, situated opposite thv Itiyerside lnpise, in McIIenrv, on the nxto-t roasonaMe term*. There is'a good and substantial U\uldtiyj, suit, able for a store orothvr business, the tipper part of which istlttc<i UH for i\ residonoe. Con- nected with this is lour arras of choice lanft% a good burn aud MINE fruit* LIUU-SOHS. oomraa- plating purchasing will rtiidit to their intv*. est to call a^d lftpk this propertv over. / fF. A. UlBUASUV McHenry ittt P1&

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