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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th, 1S76. Railroad Time Table. <;<>!!>;O WVTH. *enevifcLake Passenger „ enera Lake Freight . .....7:35 x. M ..^..;4:36 K H. - OOltfO XDHISft. i3enev*Lake Freight.. ..10:00 A. *. tJeiieva Ijake Passenger .>.,..,..7:05 K M. MASONIC. MCHEXRT CRRXRTRH No. M R. A. M.--RWI* Jar Convocations held on the second' and- fourth Friday* in each month. j IL c. IRISH H. PV O. vr. OWES See., CHURCH DIRECTORY. M*Tlir>l»reT.--Rev. .7. T. Cooper, 1»l»ator. Scrvuvea every .Sunday mornint? at WM A. M. Hunday Schoolnt 12 A/M. H- C. Irish. Super, intendent, Services at Rincwood at 2P. Bi. . OUR regular Woodstock correspon­ dence toreacfy#* this Why? •; - As it Mil beiisen by a notice else­ where, the Steamboat "Athlete'* will be gold at Public Auctioiv at the Post Office,^: this village^ on 'Saturday next. * " IIITDIT THE Winter term of the Ringwood . „jPublic'Scliool will close ' on Tuesday r^A,' jfliext, the$lst insfc, with an Exhibition K|uoiufn 'the evening. An interesting aud enjoyable time may be expected. WILD pucks in large numbers are;, daily seen dying ap and down the river, and in a short time the sport will i commence in earnest. The hunters prophesy that the shooting will be Vetter this Spring than for many years. AL. SELLERS, of Chicago,, Was in this Village on Saturday last. As soon as • the hunting and fishing season commen­ ces he proposes to take command of his regular fleet, and drive the enemy from the banks of the Fox. 7W A strange young lady arrived in town on Monday morning, and engaged board at Esquire Perry's. She is said to be a young lady of engaging man- uers, tender sympathies and weighs jlist 10 pounds. Squire here'* our J9&T" IRA MALLORY, Ntinda, has j«st ptit In a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes,which he is offeri ng to the public at hard time prices. Call and see him when in Nun da. inspect goods and learn prices. J. STORY, whose, store c&lfbe found oppojsite Owens' Mill, is preparing for 'the Spring trade with a full line of ..-=£:iv4 -' Ifesty :Il&r aw^r®*- -Farisii ng Tools, fte., and guarantees to those wanting any tiling in his line satisfac­ tion both as to goods and prices. : Tttfi Teachers ineeting ou Saturday., $ last Was, notwithstanding the roads, qnlte well attended, andHn interesting time is reported# The next meeting will be held at Woodstock on Satur­ day, April 8th' We shall publish the proceeding uext week. THE Party at National Hall, Wood- stock, on St.Patrick's Day promises to <Aej>artyof the season, and should the roads prove passable quite a large crowd may be. expected from outside. We can assure all who attend a .good time, and the best music in the State. J M issue&i, bills for an entertainment to take place at Howe's Hall, on Thursday', to-mor- rqw evening Ma-rob 13 th. As tUey are the most "celebrated" "end" and "middle^ men traveling* no one should fail to go and see. them. Remember, Thursday evening, at HoW« Hall, j-e •yy-h-i^ • • V' Jolts* 31. Shrill, »t the ,F«st ̂ Office js now receiving one of the largest stocks of Farming Tools ever brought to Mo- Henry, bought with especial reference to the wants of this community, and at prices as low as thft lowest, and as his motto is "live and let livelie propo­ ses to give his customers a good article as cheap as any other house in the county. Be tsure tti eall and examine his stock before purchasing, WHILE at Woodstock a -'dijs since we learned that W. W. Ellsworth and Robert Forrest, of that town lately made a visit to the celebrated Short Horn Ilerd of C. Keiser, at Oregon, Dane county <3., situ purchased two Short Horn BuTls, just turnifig one year Old, which cost, delivered, nt Wood- stck, $112,80 each, These gentlemen are experienced breeders, and the fact that they have selected from this Herd is evidence that it Is number one. THOS. WHAI.EW, Who resides South of this village, had a horse taken sick under the sheds near the Mill, on Sun­ day last, and was obliged to drafo' him home on a sled oji Monday, with the prospect that he will die, The disease was called spinarmenengetis. Anoth­ er horse was attacked on the street on Monday, but the owner succeeded In getting him along after dosing him for an hotyr or two. With the present hor­ rid condition of the roads one cannot be too careful of the horse,* * . :-- -• THE biggest yield of Eggs we ever heard of has just come to our notice. Thos. Whitson, of Woodstock, has nine­ teen -Brown Leghorns and two Brahmas from which he received in seven weeks the following number of eggs: For the week ending .January 22d. 96 eggs. For the. week ending January 20th, 100 eggs. For the week ending Feb. 5 th,. 108. Feb. 12th, 112. Feb. 10th, 127. Feb. 26th, 118. \March 4th, 103, Making a total in seveik successive weeks of 764 Eggs, which makes an average of over 109 per wdek. We think this would be hard to beat. SOME of .the MeHenry clerks have taken a "new departure," Chas. Jordan, late with Smith, Bros. A Co. now being found behind the counter at Perry & Martin's, wmlc Tommy Walsh is doing the handsome with Phil© D Smith* at the old stand of Smith Bros. A Co. ; WE understand a firm by the name Of Becker & Lauer will, in a few days, opeu a Merchant Tailoring establish ment in the Parker House Block, in this village. They are said to be first class workmen, and intend keeping a stock of cloths to suit the times, and •to manufacture at reasonable rates. . MURPHYA HOY, Druggists, Wood­ stock have lately put in a stock of Legal Blanks, and intend hereafter to keep a full supply of all kinds. They are printed upon the best of paper afid gotten up in the best of style. Read their notice elsewhere, and when in want of anything in the Blank lii^e be sure and give them a call.. ' < I» we are to celebrate the Fourth of July in MeHenry this year, is it not about time to begin talking it *uptf A meeting should be' called soon and vcominitteos of arrangements appoin­ ted. We cannot see anything to hinder the people of MeHenry from celebra­ ting the day at Jiome in as grand a manner as our neighboring cities and «wtnties. Think about it friends, and begin early to prepare. j. ON account of the horrid state of roads the Sociable at the residence ot Amos Whdting- which was to have been lield «a Thursday Evening last» was 'postyxoncd, and will be held at the same place on Thursday evening of this week, when it is hoped there will fee a general turnout. Come one come all. Mc. Whiting has ample r%om for all and extends fa them a cordial invitation. , - . • DAVID MCCOLLUM, an old and well known citizen of McHe&ry, died at the residence of Ws son, A. R. McCollum, in the town of Xunda, on Monday* morning last, aged 72 years. Mr McCollum came to MeHenry county in 1336, a«d has been a resident here ever since. Although well advanced in years, fee has been comparatively healthy, and his death qgas somewhat suddea aud unexpected. THE nett rajrty Social Club, whi Friday' o ricks Day. p and as e hcl^ttfs sHas pper tyl. nothing undo all. As this^i the first half of the if the "MeHenry to be held off St. Pat- attended has been iiuiu<Mng will leave 6 it4pleasant for dai^ce or end of rtn, those of the mett- pssfe and sport*1* members Who wish to attend the last half must signify their intention of so doing by putting down their names and paying the #l,r>0 for the coming live parties. Unless thirty members put down their names the party on Friday evening will be the last of the series. Members should bear this in tnind. Ay attempt at burglary took place ife&r the I>epbt on Sunday night last, the particulars of whifch, as we learn them are as follows : Casper Wirfs hearing a noise in the rear of his build­ ings between 11 aud 12 o'clock, got up and went out and saw a man standiug at the outside cellar door with a club in his hand. On the appearance of Mr Wirfs he dropped his club and made a hasty retreat. Another head immedi­ ately made its appearauce in the cellar way, when Mr. Wirfs slammed shut the: hatchway and sat down upon it, at the same time crying lustily for help. The caged rascal was not only strong but. desperate, and he lifted the door, Wirfs and all, and mkde his escape^ but iu the struggle Wirfs seized hi m by the top the head, but he slid out leaving ouly Uis.hat.iu his hand. Tli^ moon was shining brightly, however, and the would be Burglar was plaiuly recognized, and Mr. W. proposes to teach hint that *'the way of the trans* gressor is liardT" Who the brave in­ dividual was who was standing guard is not known, fewt future revelations may bring him to light. - , ttablle ^Examination of TCBC1)«H. Examinations will be held this Spring at tlie following ^imes iftjj plaoes, vie; ' v - MeHenry, Monday, March 20., i; 1 Nunda, Tuesday, March 21; Algonquin, Wednesday, March 22. Richmond, Thursday, March 23. llebron, Friday, March 24. Huntley, Tuesday, March 28. ^ {t i Marepgo, Wednesday, March 2ft. Harvard, Friday, March 31. 1 The examinations wiil .be Wholly written, and teachers are requested to come provided with pens, ink and p^per. Wx. XiCKtn, Co. 8«i>t. of Scfcoou. ' STEAMBOAT AUCTION. The Steamboat "Athlete" will be Sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at tlie Post Office, in the village of MeHenry, on Saturday next, Mar«»h ISty, at 1 o'clock r. M. Ternm of sale made known on the day of sale^ LEGAL BLANKS. Legal Blanks of all kinds for sale at the Corner Drug 'Store of Murphy A Hoy. Woodstock. 111. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. SENSIBLE TO THE LAST. Give them away and buy an Estey.™ . - Ducks are on the" w i ns* men are happy. ,s4...Itemeuiber the Sool«tble at the; residence of Wlii tin J on Thursday e veiling...,.. v. The game wasloirg and she home albhe. How WrtrTd youl>e ho cruel..,. ,, ..The seventeenth of Ireland will be celebnited by A Party p.t the Parker House.Our enterprising mer* chants are preparing for the Spring trade. M.,.. .The bottle was empty and he was «o dry! Ish sprakeji ze dicherf .... The Gage town Mint Ire Is hold forth in Howe's Hall on Thursday evening of this week A Teuton­ ic Justice decided a case in this way; "Der blaintiif und dur derfendant both have right, So 1 decides and by dun-r der der konstable must pay de cost." .'."iNow is the time to begin gar­ dening. Put your little cabbage heads iu their beds early; let you.* Wife sew tlie tears if* she will; but av*id rye faces. Have pease at any cost, and In putting in crops carefully avoid rows .Good morning Joe; pretty cold, aiiftit? How's your horse??........ How has your cold befen, and liow is your coal bin?...That, link has been *pl'ced,-and all is lovely. Oh, myl .... ..The Tax Collector has tnads his last mcial calls........ A new Soci­ ety has been formed iu this village. It is called tlie "Kis»*and-catch-aie' So­ ciety." W^ propose to call around at the next meeting ...The dearest object to a man .should be his wife---or somebody else's wife--it dQQ*<t make much difference which........It is no lie "that there is a happy family in -this town. It consists of a dog, two pups, a rabbit, a cat and a dove. They occu­ py the same nest in the hay loft...... ....The liens in some localities are said to be dying ol Princephalymosis. We wouldn't keep a hen that would not die of sttcli a disease as thatT O. W. Owen is selling tlie celebrated American Sewing Machine, wiiich It Is acknowledged has no superior......... •'Cut my curls with your little scissor®" is the last musical sensation John M. Smith is now receiving his Spring stock of-Farming Tools, Call and see them....Onaccount of the bad roads the attendance at tlie Teach­ ers Meeting on Saturday was small. .>. ,-,-Leap Year is well.un«l*r way and yet the girls are not happy Ford has gut the spring haJt. bnt still fie takes those splendid Photographs just as cheap as ever. P. D. Smith at the old stand of Smith Bros. CP„ is daily receiviug new , Spring and Summer Goods .There is a young man in this town who has had au offer. Slic offered him a hew silk handker­ chief if he woulit'gtf nWay and uewt come around her house again Cfuiflifiatc? fc>r local offices will scon be on the "ragged edge" Egg San- day comcs on the ISth day of April this year,...... .Those who have a de­ sire to trip the light fantastic toe should n't fail to go to the Parker House on Friday evening. Tickets only $2........The Spring Term of our Public School closes next week We are living on borrowed time now, this month and half of next being dfily Lent to us.... It is the wife who lias the making of a man's home, says an exchange. True, and now aud then site jpakes li's wig warn too........If we are eve^* called upon to kiss another man's wife we'll look for some less ex­ pensive place than Montgomery county, X. Y., Such little pleasantries are assessed at #100 down there, ^nd the women are not \tery good looking eith­ er .Almost a row in 'Tammany llall one night last week. Where is John Morrissey ?,.,. .We won't tell there was a serenade*over to friend^ Freeman's on Monday night, because we said we wouldn't . We're mum.... .The "Boss" Minstrel of Gage town has his likeness conspicuously displayed in the Post Office. Je iVkiz! The Steamboat "Athlete" will be sold at Public Auctiou, on Saturday next ........*.Th6 new engine is being put into.felie Steamer >;li. Emerson." Ileal K«t«tp Transfers. 'itttii tft *th"6 Office Of M«llenry County, Illinois, for the two week cotfimehci ng Februafy 28th 187#f and ending March lltb, A. D. 1S76: , "!:i •' Thoinas B Huntley and Wife to John Pllippert. Lot 2 blk 12 in fitVntleyV addition to Huntlej*, L & IIA Slifldon to A R donbiuh ni sw rn 44 fl ex 10 ac#»«, #0o0. Wni K Bacon by Adm'rto Cple.OObl*' ey & Cole, Flouring Mill, Richtfttoftd, 97000. Lucinda L Bacon same to samd <1. . Joseph Irondle to Joiiit C Hegert. Pt W hf lot 1 sw 30, 44, 7, and 60 acres in nc 25, 44i,<>, ^2100, Josiah Walknp and wife to Wra P St Ciair. 177 acres in sec £9 and 32, N inula, $10,620. Same to same. Lots ( and I blk 1 lot 1 blk 5. lots 1 and 2 blk 3. lots 1 and 2 lot i blk 1 Walkup's addition to Xunda, $1000. ' Mrs Eva Sehenek and husband to H Eckerti sW HW 22, 45, 7, <!14(K). too 98 «r» 100 1(H) W SCHOOL lUSI'OBT. Following is the report,of the B. and pi classes in tl^e higher department of the MeHenry Public School for the mouth ending Feb, 29tli. 1870. The first column shows the attendance and the second the scholarship. Marked on a fecale of 100. Sfl I K Perkins 91 90 9ft I Frauk«.tojnK... !»•"> *5 90 Lizzie Bust.... K*> John Kelter..'. 1"0 sw A3 Xeiiio Holmea. !'<> !H) A Fisher 100 !»S 8!> Fred Srhnorr.. W> ̂ SW 11 (Hirtia 100 tW 94 Cha« Owen 1<W !,1 !»7 Deios Watt les. 88 Chas (Join).'.... SM E<i»iv Owen Thos Blurphy. 90 Ivite Keiter... 93 Wm Caft'iev... 97 J ThuriweU... !»1 Delta t'rabtree 7^ !K> Rose Wattles.. 100 «» John Claxton. • ^r> SW Cooper... ^ 95 ! NettieSto'Mard 100 !W 93 I Emma Gregory 100 '•*$ Allen Walsh, Mr. Tho&. Walsh^ Mr. C. E. Seymour, Chas. Be>ers, Mr. Fi G, Grover^ Miss Belle Steve us, Miss Maggie Curtiss. S. D. SALUW IX, Teacher. , EGGS FOR HATCHING. , From Pme Blood Brown Leghorn Fowls and one of the best strains to be found in the United States. As layers the Brown Leghorns have no equals. Price per dozeu $2. All orders prompt­ ly attended to. Address. ; THOS. WHITSON, Woodstock, III, • A GboD HOUSE TORRENT. Near the Depot, if applied for soon. Apply to S. RAYMOND. McIIeary, III March 14th 1871 Nick AVflng 90 Kttie lieers... 98 FAUL IU-OW#... 100 Maggie Clark.. 40 Eflie Cartiss.. loo l»orr Kennedy. 100 Alinon Granger lOu Mar\ Uotran... 100 Ohas Madden.. 100 A McOniber. . 90 B McOnil»er.'.. 98 (rraee Owen... (H Carl lto lhton... loo M Met )ui!)erv.. 88 Jennie Searles. 100 Chas. Slafter.. 100 Mabel Smith... 9S lielie Stoddard 100 Effle Tilton.... SS Ktta Torraneo. 9S Eioise Waite.. 100 J Wightman.:. 100 VISITOKS.--Mr. Micliael Eekert and wife to same, taW sw 22, 4&, 7, 0600, Philip Sullivan to Ohas FProNty. 4$ square rods in lie cor 17, 46,7, $125. Chas F ProUty to II M Prouty. same, $150, Flora Wakely and husband to Chas F Prouty. \ acre In ne it, 46 j, $SK)0, Chas F Erouty to H M Prouty, same, $150. . ' Hii'am Howe and wife to Joseph Avers, ej se 10.46, 7, $4800. Joseph Ayers and wife to Hiram Rowe. Lots 23 and 24, Hebron, $1200. Lucy J and Mary A King to Daniel Underwood. Undivided *88 acres iu 1, 42. 5, $2926.44. Timothy MeNamarit and wifts to Patrick 11 Kennedy. 60 in» and 10 in 40, 5, $050. 3 mie C Kellogg and husband to Hi ram Phctteplace Lot 4 blk 16 Harvard, ai5oo. P C TeepTe and wifte to Loren Wood- ard. Undivided ^ of Lumber Yard, Marengo, S^iTiOO. Wm C Bowley- and wife to Joseph H Bowley. 45 aci^s in sec 28 and 32, in 43 Gs $1500. Melvin J Cole ftnd wife to Geo W. Conn, 287f a in sec 6,10 aud 15, in 48, $7890. Chas Armstrong and wi& to David W Baker. Lots L 2 and 3 Mk< Har­ vard, $2ooa Tvollin A Howard and wife to O J Howard. Pt lot 13 blk 4 West MeHen­ ry, $1500, J I Pierson and wife to Thomas Gill. 10 15-100 &crt»s li» xv J Jot 2 nw 4, -43, -8. $oi:i,75. Jlary McGrath to Robert I IP arsons. T.ots 1 and 3 blk 7 Mull ins addition to lluntley, $400. George W Newell and wife to George .NswelU mhi 7-, 44, 5, $5, George Newell and wife to Richard Barnes, same. i4100. .Tosiah Walknp and wife to Henry L, Co* ties. Jx>t 12 blk 1, Nuuda, $100(X Luther Kerns and wife to same and wi fe, Pt lot 1$ blk 1, Ntmda, $10. HVNPA, EDiTOs few Invi­ ted gtiests met at the house of Mr. John Wliiston, on the 6th day of March, to celebrate their China Wedding, A good time was anticipated, aud really & good social time was realized; but not until the doors of tlieir spacious dining room were thrown open, did we fully comprehend the good things in stcre for us. Every desired taste was gratified. After this bountiful colla­ tion,uiauy beautiful and appropriate presents were made to the bride and groom, and now John if you don't build the fires, fetch the wood aud rock the baby, you ought to be sent to the Black mil*. Centennial Tea Party to be held at the M. E. Church next Tuesday eve ning for the benefit of the Pastor. All are invited." Our Public School Will close with an Exhibition, next Thursday and Friday. Mr. Nickle says the arrangements are all complete, and success certain. Growers Hall will seat all that come. So all come and thus aid in represent­ ing our Coiumou School the Centennial. The law office of M. F. Ellsworth was broken into,-by some unprincipled renegade on Tuesday eve ning,swhile he was at church. The office was badly demoralized but nothing of import­ ance taken. We should judge by the crowd we see in his office that wMot" has plenty to do. But when can we have that temperance lecture? Our merchants begin to look happy as trade revives. Come to Nunda to do your trading tf you want to get the worth of your money. So say they. Many cases of sickuess in town. The M. D's. all happy of course. Mr, Walkup is slowly recovering. TTRO. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Bred Dominic Fowls. I shall be prepared to furnish a limited number of settings of Eggs from the above breed of Fowls, which are ac­ knowledged by all to be the best layers in the country. Eggs can be obtained by calling at my farm, 4 miles South­ east ot MeHenry, or orders can be left at the PLAIXDEALEU Office, which Will receive prompt attention. Price 50 cents per dozen, II. T. DOLUKEK. MARKET ON SUNDAY. I would respectfully inform my cus­ tomers that my Market will not be open hereafter on Sunday after 11 o'clock A. M. Those who wish meat on Sunday morning should bear this in mind. I would also give notice that here­ after all bills must, be settled at the end of each week. Short credits makes long friends. W. FISHKR. STORE TO RENT. I offer for Rent my Store, near the Depot, in the village of MeHenry. Or îll trade tho same, with goods, for a good farm. PHILLIP GIKSBLER. MeHenry, III. March 14th, 1876. Richmond Department. IX A. rOTTKK, Euiroa. , Paseenger tttttns pass Uichmoml »tatkra a* follow** •Genera LakO Passenger*.. *Geneva Lake Freight....... ttOlNt* SOUTH A. *. V. Mv sosfft K5«nevaIjikeFN>iiht.t%,»v.M<4flv Geneva Lake ^.7<27 jfvii. CTTURCH DIRECTORY. w C0K0*K0XjihHVL ^ke\-i FX J/Doacttfts Ipnstor. services at a 1*. m. i MKTUor»TRt:-*ftpv. S*am1. H&rrijftT J^ashfi-. Services 10:30 A. M. dalRwth ^hOol'9:M A. M. J. L. Downing, S«iit. BAPTIST: 10:30 A. M. -Elder Wheeler I*a«for, Services Sabhatii School 12 M. Business dull, ^ierehauts are looking tor an early Spring tradfe. To say the roads for th e few days have been horrible Is A feeble way to express It, and as* a Result farmers mostly have staid at home. Captain C. H. Tryou has decided to accept of the General Agency of the Warrior MoWer Coirtp.Vny fdr the siihie territory he had last year. Farmers are buying ttttd «!l» larking their dairies, so it lttrtks as though the dairy business wbuid be tar* ried on quite as extensively the coining season as any former year. Pedestrians need to be careful where they travel ill Richmond for some of our sidewalks are very much out of re­ pair and it looks as though if our City Fathers w-ajit to bo re-elected or save a bill of damages they .would look after our Street Commissioner and see that the Walks were put iu order. Major J. B. Vosburgh has the man- agehieiit of the Richmond Cheese Fac­ tory artd i» putting it In first-rate order for business, The hew Cheese Maker, A. W. Johnson* contee very highly recommended by some of the best Cheese Makers in the East. Pros* pects good for a good year for manu­ facturing cheese. Yosburgh has the Cheese Factory known as Spring Lake Factory, South of I, B. Stone's in He­ bron, is putting it in order for business aud has an experienced Cheese Maker hired ready for business^ " HEAD! READ! Wo have made arrangements where­ by we are able to furnished the papers named below at the following low rates. Inter-Ocean and the MeHenry Plain- - • - 1 Harpers Weekly and McIIeury Plain-1 dealer $4,85 Harpers Monthly and MeHenry Plain* dealer *1,75. Live Stoclc Journal and MeHenry Plaindcaler $3,00. Godey's La*.y Book and MeHenry Plaiudealer $4,10 Prairie Farmer aud MeHenry Plain- dealer $3,00 Call aud subscribe and get your reading at Club Rates ALEX vXliliR A IlTDBt Dnigglsts. KichiiMud, Fclx 1th 1S7G. FOR SALE. A House and Lot In the Tillage of Richmond, favorably situated uear the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin- ished barn, well located for Livery aud Sale'Stahles. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on - D. A. POTTER, I», M., Hichmond, IU. f@°"A horrible scene occurred in Brooklyn at the burning of the Home for Old People Tuesday morning Marclf 7. The flames originated in the lower part of the building, so early in the morning that none wrere np, and were first discovered by the students of St, John's College. At 4;30 the flames burst forth from the windows, driving back the firemen with signed garments and suffocating the helpless Inmates many of whom were unable to leave their beds. Eighteen bodies were fouud after the flames had b^en sub­ dued. 8&-A North Carolina negro thought he could outrun a locomotive the other daj% on the Air Line road, and when he picked himself up, after being thrown twenty feet and landing on his head, he said: "Yer don't ketch disyer chile doin' dat agin It's a right smart won­ der I didn't tear dese britches clean o#t» ____ , The Best and the Cheapest. The American Sewing Machine Runs the lightest of any Shuttle Ma­ chine. Makes the least noise. Has self-setting needle. Has the most room under the Arm. Never skips stitches or breaks threads. Is most easily learned. Can be instantly adjusted to work from No. 300 to No. 10 Cotton.,- Is thoroughly made in all its parts of the best material, and every machine Is warranted. O. W. Owen, MeHenry, is the Agent, who will fell you a machine on the most reasonable tetins. Gift At his Store and examine it'. ' READ!READ! I have now commenced to form my Clubs for the Chicago Weekly Timea and latei'-Oceati. aud those wishing these papers can have them at the following rates: Chicago Weekly Times and MoHenrv Plaimlealer $2.50 Chicago Weekly Inter-Ooean and MeHenry Plaindealer $2.70 Daily Inter Oceau aud MoHenrv Plaindealer $11.00 . .r . Daily Tribuf* rftlkd MeHenry Plaindealer $11.00,% • As I wish to send in my Club at as early a day as possible, those who wiah the papers fejiouldsend in their names at ouoa* - _ JOHN M. SMITH. Postmaster, MeHenry 111. BnniiieMK Notices. -v. .sjr Tty Xmr 50ct and 7o*'t Jnpfln Tea* . BUCKLES & STJGVUIFII" Tlrt» mw»t Goods foT a dollar in fth* County At Bucklin A Steven's* Hk catt be reen next doof to At Jt Cowlin's on Main Street, Woodstoekt For bargains In Shawls,caIlatBwlttd & Steven's __ SkK Ifucklin ft SteVens, New 16 ̂ vetttsemertt. " Look Mr low prices lit Budclla W StcvenV •->- - Machine repairs and all leadla ̂ machine* kept by E.M.Owen. If you want any kind of Farm Imp]** mentsor repairs call on E. M>Owen. 50 pairsnorse Blankets a% Ww prloa at Buckliu & StevenM» A spiended Piano to Rent on reftsottb able terms. XrMtehrvjui. Jan4ilth.n??7R.0" owin1, To make money is to save It, and to save money is ttt btiV tottr Gotols of Bucklin ft Stevehs for Cftehi Sure Cure for Hard Von Goods at Btrckliii ft SteVtehS Cash, * ? - 1 JL T\ie first rtrte ever bfoitght to MeHen­ ry COunty Can. be seer, at tl«» Little Shoe Store^on Main Street* Wwefetock, Beaver Cloths for Cloaks at Bttcklltt ft Steven's* Have Vrrtt seen them? They are cheap as Well as desirable. All Who have dnll Razors aTid wish them sharpened, take them to Charley, at the Parker Hou«e. All work done by the latest tip of the wing. Boots and Shoes made to order Hfef Ladies and Gents, at the same prices you would nay fo/ sale goods. Where ? At Warren^ Oh Main stree stock* street, Wood* rlhe Bottom has fallen out. Prlcea way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Bucklin ft Stevens, neat the Depot. Just received IVom Boston our Unit installment of Spring and Slimmer Goods, consisting of new* and desirable styles of Dress Hoods* beautiful Prints, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, "Cottonades, &c..wii ich W*iil be ottered at prices that cauuot fail to please. BrcRLix ftsnvm BOARDERS WANTED. The undersigned is prepared to fhr» nish accommodations to Boarders by H«« Wool- nn,- „.. ,>2 •>_ M..., _•„» * cue w «6»i, g<vuV good awommodatlon at a modefate price. Residence first street West of the Public Square. ... . »tes. L. JL OSAMU MeHenry, III. March ]«t, 1870, BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! Ill order to make room for their Spring stock, Bucklin ft Stevens will oifer Bargains in Woolens, Water- protofs, Bed Blankets, Nubias, Lined Boots and Shoes, Overcoats ftc., ftcn THOMAS CLARK WANTED. Thomas Clark, tlie person who worked at John Ralston's, near MeHenry Vil­ lage, will learn of something to his ad» vantage by letting his present where* a bouts be known to said Rals Ion, j^JULenry, Fob. lath, lH7fi. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. At Ford's Gallery an Apprentice to learn the Photograph Business. This is a rare chance for any wishing to be­ come an artist. Ford Is a number 1 artist, as the work he is now producing is ample proof. BOARDERS WANTED. In Consequence of Mr. Bacon's long continued lameness, without any pros­ pect for the letter, I have decided to solicit boarders that can lodge them* selves. Can lodge 3 or 4. _ _ „ Ma#. J, Richmond. Jan. 1st,1876. HAIR WORK The Undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of MeHenry and sur­ rounding country that she is prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Braids, Curls, ftc., on short notice and at reasonable rates. Rooms ov or O. W. Qwcus tJewelry Store. . Mas. C. |L HOLME*. Mellenry, IIL, Jan. 4t h, K78. TIIB BEST OMOAN IN THE MARKET. We make the above assertion with­ out fear of snccessftil contradiction. We are not in the habit of running down Organs sold by other Agents, being satisfied to let our instrument speak for itself, but we are sorry to say there is one Agent In this county who has no compunction in that way. He has, we are told, on every opportu- nitv, run down the instrument we are selling, not because ho knows anything against it never, we believe having seen it. but in order to make psoplo believe he is selling the ouly good in­ strument ottered iu the count}*. But notwithstanding this we are, as we be­ fore said willing to let the North Western, speak for itself,and to anyone wishing to buy an Organ we will guar­ antee them a lower price and as good nn instrument as can be found in the Northwest. Call at my store. East side of the Public Square, Wooodstock, and be convinced Mrs. S. A. Raid. Woodstock, 111. Feh «lst 1*78. DIKD. HENKEE.--At the residence of I. A. Parker, in Xunda, March 7th, of Con«nm|>. tion, Miss Ellen N. Hentloc, age 20 years awl 11 nays. MeHKNKY MAKKKTS^ COBKROTBn Tl'BSDAT OP UC8 VIM. Wheat, X<x I Spring:.......v.% Wheat, No. 8. Spring.......... Rejected, ^.vv... Oats No.9 ....",7N%>„. Corn, (per80 fee) . Barley No. a .--... v .. ». vUt. Barley No. 3..........-- Kejoe ted -- ••*.-• * •.--.**.•• llutter, (tubjl ,,. Butter, p»II 'Kgif*,. ..r.. Lard, Cheese, Dressed .. <•.. Livo Hogs,......... ... Cattle Beans ................. Wool, (washed) Wool, (unwashed)'.... The*4 weekly vepwrCs are eorreeted the actual purchase*(tat ttar, aud UM S4 r« ss ML •* AA MI m m .........,, MM • .v... , a aft rtm • \v.» ....«

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