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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1876, p. 5

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im mmmsmm - e • • o " « .' •> » * - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2»th.l876. •Railroad Time Table. OOIJTG SOUTH. jO«*eva Like Passenger 7 :tt A. M ,weneva Lake Freight ...,l:S6r. M. ; oonro »OKta ^gPtn»»% Tiftke Freight . J# -M A. m. jGenera Lake Passenger.............. ,7516-r. M. MASONIC. MCIIKXRY CHAPTER XA»B. A. 51.--Ke«ra- Tar Con vocations hold on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. _ - E «. a IRISH H. P. Q. W. OWEicTSee.. CfiURCH DIRECTORY. MBTHODIBT.--Rev. J. T. C'ooper, Pastor, flerviees everv Snridav morning at BX A. M. Sunday School at 12 A.M. WM. PAGK, ^uner- intcndent. Services at Rinscwood at 2 P. M. BALLOTS! BALLOTS.' We are prepared to print Ballot# for Town^Meetings on short notice and at reasonable rates. Give us a-call. . g The voters of McHenry are requested •to meet at the Town House, in the vil­ lage of McHenry. on Saturday, .April ,3*t,*at 3 o'clock P. M., to nominate ean- di dates for Town Officers. Per'Order, H. T. DOLBKER will please accept our thanks tor a nice basket of vegetables. THE new German School," ^wKiich is situated near the Catholic Church, -opens on Monday next. A new 975. American Sewing Ma­ chine for Sale. Or will'be < trailed for 1 a good Cow or wood. Inquire Jtt this •Office. McHenry Town Caucus. THsfRepoTt of the MeHenry ftablic School for the" term enttingMarehJMth, is unavoidably crowded out this week. It will appear in our next. L. STOODARD has just received * lot of new Maple Sugar warantefl fresh and pure. Also nice Oat Meal Crackers. Store in Howe's Block. WE have received a new a<hrerttse- ment for the firm of Bucklin & Stevens, which will appear in our next. In the meantime do not fail to call *aud see their piles of new goods. '®»E nex*: Sociable b jr the fondle* of •the Unlversalist Society will be held *t the residence of D. Smith, on Thursday (t|o morrow) evening. A general invitation is extended. ANT School District wishing the ser- vioeofafirst class male Teacher can hear of one by addressing this oflice. Has taught with success for three years in this countv. and will teach for rea­ sonable wages. THE Public School closed on Friday Hast for a weeks vacation, and Teach­ ers and scholars are enjoying as best they can the short respite. The Spring Term will opau-on Monday noxtf •April •8d. ' * 'IPEE Hibernian Debating Club of ©tetrict No., li. Nunda, dose their whiter campaign with a gratid exhibi­ tion on Thursday evening o( i^Is week. Admission fifteen cents. JOHN-JVKOX JR. President. TK. BUG-BEE, a former resident of TOcHenry, but now of Indiana, is in town visiting friends, and contem­ plates starting a manufacturing inter- «est in this village and coming here again 1*> live. He will be welcomed by a host of old friends. "WE .see by notices posted that«i School District Election will be held iuthis village,on Saturday next, April 1st* for<the election of one School Di­ rector for this School District. The Polls will be open :;at one odook and close at 4 o'clock p. M., of said da/. INt another place can Ue found a call Tor a Caucus, to be held at the Town House on Saturday next, at 3 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for Town Officers, supported at .the coining Town Meeting. There should be a general attendance. A gentleman was placed in an em* barrassing situation to-day. He under­ took to introduce to each other two of his iutiiuate friends, .andwl^en he got them face to face coitldfi11 remember either of their names. Such things .sometimes happen with absent minded linen. "EGGS have TAKEIRA rise all on account •Af the champion egg sucker making his -appearance in oar midst. He made .away with .forty raw -egg* one sit«ing on Monday, and , said it wan't much of a meal either. It is mid that ever since he can cacklb /and crow j-u-s-t a-s n-a-t-u-r-a-1. * --:--:--1 : ON Tuesday next the Annual Town Meeting takes place, at which time there is to be elected one Supervisor, one Town Clerk, oue justice of the Peace, to fill vacapcy, one Assessor, one Collector, one <3om missioned of High­ ways, <fcc. Asyetwe have heard of no contest for any particular office. THAT celebrated Note Law Snit was decided In favor of the wagfen. That is, the man who bought the wkgon,1 giving the Note in question as payment therefor, was entitled to hola it. We never had the least doubt but what that Note would hold something, but whether it was the wagon, the f30, or weight months', was a little mixed. We are glad the la\? has untangled the' «ness. - Wja undeiPBta&d ikatjo** Wi«demau« has gone into a new business, but whether It in Beef, Ye^l. Centennial Views, Deacon Skins, o'rwhat-not, wx; are unable to* say. At all xavents it is said scmebocty did not have "Quail on Toast" on Tuesday morning, as the pro fits of that calf were tton est. The shrinkage was immense. ' SOME of our young ladies iaw» prac­ ticing with each other in order to ac­ quire the art of making' marriage pro­ posals properly. They hope, after a number of rehearsals, to be able to go through the trying ordeal in earnest almost as well as men do. but have their misgivings. They feel deeply the bur­ den of the grave responsibilities placed upon their delicate shoulders this Cen­ tennial leap year, and we are sure they have the sympathies of the marriagea­ ble men of the village. Iaiprorem«nti in MoHeni^r. Among-the improvements which are laid out for this Spring in this village., we notice the following: Blake & Bro., Furniture dealers, have purchased the corner lot! opposite thfe Baptist Church, and will put up a hand­ some brick store, to be used by them­ selves. .'--v. ; Parker & fiop^ pro>rie t«^ •* the Par­ ker House, have the lumber on the ground for a new barn v^hich is to be SOxGOandie feet high. * Isaac Wentworth has purchase4a lot on the corner west of E.« Bresee's and will immediately put up,a dwelling, the upright of which will be 22x30 with) a wing 16x20. * ' • ' E. M. Owen will imihefJi£itWy.1)uild an Agricultural Warehouse, opposite the Mill, 30x50 and two stories high. • Quite a number of other improve­ ments are talked of, which we shall notice hereafter.5 JSf jLlNXJiRJt . The Public Scliool is now having a weeks vacation..... f. .The "Beautiful Snow" fell to the depth of nearly a .foot last week..E. M. Owen is again on the war path with his farm machinery. No use of a fanner work­ ing without machinery now....*... Greenbacks will not be refused on sub­ scription at this office. ...... .There is a *he>i"' in this WHage aged "sweet sixteen" that has not thought of long dresses yet........A voice of the night "s-c-a-t,"........ .Spades are trumps just--wheik tbe Vtreather will permit .Winter don't "linger" as much as ft did but. yet there is a "right smart'* chance for improvement A gush­ ing poet as„ks, in the first line of a re­ cent eflusion, "How many Dreary pil­ grims lie? We give it up, but experi­ ence has taught us that there are many ........ We understand there was great inquiries for uMe Too" at the 17th Par­ ty.,.. Circus, Posters on Toast is the last ne% dish out........It Is re­ ported that Sonrkrout is intoxicating, but we don't believe. ..."When do you move V* is gradually taking the place of "PuH down your vest". DoiTt forget the Sociable on Thursday evening.,..... #,Nor the School Eleo» tion on Saturday.And the Town Meeting on Tuesday next should be duly attended to to encourage matriJnony in eveijy sonable way we mal ^/publication of marr We know a young pian TnE following was related to u$ t)ie other day and we think will bear re­ peating: A gentleman traveling through the country for pleasure.hap­ pening in a town in the immediate vicinity of which* a friend of hfs dwelt, thought'he would make him a visit. On leaving his hotel he accosted a Ger­ man and inquired where his friend Mr. B., lived. The German replied: "O, korse I can told you. It's Mr, B., don't •it?" "Yes" "Veil, you shoost durn rite rount; now yon see dot house ?" "Yes"' "Veil dot aint der house. You shoost durn dot botatoe batch vot you see orer mit der hill, ant yon kooms to a house vot stands alongside a liddle yaller tog; { deserted several years ago... .Beinsr anxious rea- e no charge for the age notices... ..... who went out to a party the othrfr evening and ate po imtch pop corn ychat he outgrew all his garn^ents, hp overshoes not ex­ cepted., N*j*r i3 the winter of our discontent miyle glorious by lots ot new subscrilw/rs. lie was bound td l^M^ajffK>d picture to sctiil to "she," buj^darn the n\achiue it wan't "strong" uough to stand the presurc. He pro­ poses to bind it with hoop iron and try again .But don't fail to go aud see those Splendid Ice Views at Ford's. &.. /There has been a new street laid out in this village. It is called ."Flirtation Alley."" \Ye shall keep shy aroun'd^n that locality . .We saw oue of our prominent business men set­ ting out pnions the other day. lie set them out in front of the door for sale : Duck hunters were banging ajvay on Monday morning Here is one oi the disadvantages of adver­ tising: An Iowa tradesmau who adver­ tises quite, extensively was therebj* lately discovered by his wife, whom he An dot house his swy front toors iii dcr j exchange speaks of a hog that weighed pack side, ant tare is a pig pen in von 11.460 pouuds. We know of a still lar- corner mit foursheep in it dot aint der house too. Don you durns der hill over mit der bridge ant you koorns to proter Hans' parm all shingled mit der straw f dot aint ter house too. Den you go mit der oter rote oh der left ; dot takes shost. vere yon voiist to go." "Well, w lie re does Mr. B. liws ?" "By ahiin- niiny, 1 don't Itnow, «- i,; •- " t - • - - r r r -- ^ ' - , t ' NOTK;K u:o fabmjsk^. The undersigned are • now prepared to contract for one hundred aei'ea Of cucumbers aud such otlier produce as they may use for the coming s^ou.< Preference will be given to the orig­ inal Stock holders of the Union Co.. until April lOtli 1S7G, After that da|e the acreage will be given ta any one applying, until the amount is contract­ ed for. Parties desiring to plant Will find the contract at Bucklin & Stevens' Store. Cuiijis & WALKER. McIIenry Majf(-h 27th '7K. * F»K COLtJiCTOK. f I hereby announce myself ts a candi­ date for the Office Of Collector of the Town of Dorr, subject to the decision oif the Voters of said Town, at the An­ nual Town Mcetiftg to bo held on Tues­ day; April 4th. Wji. I v. Covins.: WoodciUH'k. March 87th, '70. The above' announcement came to hand just as wfe were going to press, and we give it a place in our columns •wfth pleasure. From a^v intimate ac­ quaintance with Mr. Cowlinfor tli^past six years we are sure that the voters of the Town of Dorr would do themselves honor by electing him to the office for which he announces himself. For a year past lie has been sufieriug from a disease contracted while prisoiifr^at ^dersou- villtj, by which, he has beeu^on^ined to the house, aud consequently was obliged to sell his business, llis record -during the war cannot be beat, &nd tve hope the voters of the Town^bf Dorr will recognize his sterling worth aiul excel^- lent busiuass quaiitic^tious by electing him on Tuesday next, . .'('.ft// Fo? CoJIect^, The Undersigned hereby announces- himself a candidate for the oflice of Collector of the 'Tow^A of Nuuda, and respedtAiily aflcs tlhe supbrt of the peqple at the coming Town Meeting, if.they.have no other whom they think more worthy of their support. ; , ROBT. St TTOK. SjEEnCOHH.*-Orders will be received at BuckHu & Stevens', for the Iowa Seet|t(^cn^ Sample t?o hq seeji at thejil* Store. : • ; Senecw Gaueus. •< • fT&e Se^wblican voters of the town of Seneca, are requested to meet atFrank- li m-iDe on Saturday, tlje first day of April,.ai.2 o'clock P. M., for the pur­ pose o£*nominating candidates for town offlcew, to be vote'd for at the ensuing town meeting, and to transact'any. oth­ er bus}ne§s that may coine before the caucus. By-Owier.ofTiown Committee.. ger hog of the human type, although he weighs a good deal less than 200 pounds. Paradoxical but true. ; ; GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAIN I>EALEB!--We have at length arrived at conclusion that iiar prophetic vision, (though 'some­ what dimmed by the descending tor rents of ice and show for the past few cf^ys) is fully.equal to that of the re- nqvyued' Tice," and that our combiued wisdom in weather prognosticating, (if closoly" followed) would ruin the natiorlr, exterminate from our conti­ nent the sweet songs of the Blue Jay, Cat Bird and Crow, congeal the melo­ dious warble of tigs croaking peepers, "and turn to icicles every creeping snake'aud lizard. How immodest on the part bf "stern * wi»ter" 'to thus stalk so abruptly ih, and place himself fully and squarely in the lap of Spring. Shame thou gray-hair&d veterau; slide off quickly in tears. Again have we been permitted to be­ hold the gaudy drapery of the matri­ monial Hag float 'tipon the breeze. This time the standard hearers of this .emblem o£ .future destiny, were- Miss Nellie Newman supported by Mr. M. Dassow, both of Greenvvcod. Also Miss Mary A. Crodkshank of Green­ wood, by Mr. C. Paddock of Cary Sta­ tion. May their march through life be a pleasant and profitable oue. On Saturday last some of our citizens sawjaiki fctirted in pursuit^6f, a Deer, but failed to bring'1t tb time. Seud for "Piukerton" boys. Wolves' are bec'oniftig8quite numerous again, or l^ast so reported ifa differ­ ed localities, l( The legal voters of tlie TOWB^, of (3reenwood. are requested to meet at the. School House, in .the Village of Groenwood, on Friday, Marah Slst, at 2 P. M.v for the purpose of putting in nomination persons to fiUl the various offices of the town for the ensuing year. On Friday last occurred the funeral of fche youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Cary Station. The re­ mains were brought here for Inter­ ment. Services were l»eW at the Church on the hill, by, Rev, B. Alden. . Quite a pleasant little surprise was participated in on Wednesday evening last, by a few of the friends of W. C. Herringtotf ^n<j can keep a secret. , ' ' Our ne,w merchant, J. J. Philbrick, is receiving full his proportion of trade, and Judging from4 prices placed upon niany of his goods he is bound to win a much larger share.' try him. Our old stand by Cowdry, has also a full assortment on l^and* which hp is selling at ruinous ; prices defying all eonipetitfon. Givebim aoall. EVEN. Remember that Bucklitt & Stevens o#er their goods at the ve'ry lowest living prices, and pay €ktkh for Butter and Egg^ ... 'tf-.s ii "• i r ' ' 'P. •' .WRJ, '-M • R i WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKAI.ER:--Another week has come and gone, another storm has covered the earth with a mantle of white, another of our citizens has crossed the river to try the realities of the other side. Storms ami sunshine, prosperity and adversity, peace and contention, honesty and rascality, health and disease, marriages, births and deaths, sobriety and drunkenness, praying and cursing, success and fail­ ure, joys and sorrows, have prevailed throughout the land, but the mass of mankind continue on in the course dic­ tated by inclination, habit or taste On the right our ears are greeted bjr the soul stiring i^iusic to the time of which the gay and happy throng delight to whirl in the gidy dance; while on the left, before, behind, and around us our eyes are greeted by the miseries of the unfortunate. To day we follow the youthful couple to the matrimonial altar, tomorrow we follow the hearse laden with the remains of some dear friend soon to be placed in the silent tomb, the final resting place of what is mortal of us all. And were this the end, were there no 1 topes beyond the grave, no belief in a future state, where the soul, the immortality of man shall find a home where sorrow never comes, where death never enters, then indeed, who is there that could content plate his future doom and rejoice in his existance here. But It is not my calling to moralist much le^s to sermonize, nevertheless my pen hits followed the< natural train of thought predominaut in my mind this beautiful morning, andyou have it as it is written. Of course your rea­ ders will naturally expect more items of uews than my diary affords. James II. Tappanso long and so well known throughout the couuty, atter a long and lingeringjsickness, has passed in his check and his name has been re­ corded in the Book of eternity, on what particular page we shall not know till we in our turn shall have stepped into the boat, been ferried over and lauded on the other side, and the same Book shall be opened to the registry ofour names. Then shall we see, and hear and know. All we desire or wish below. So with that guaranty let us wait aud be content. It is now about twenty years since Mr. Tappan first came to Woodstock and it will be remembered by many of your readers that at that time the House of A. W. Tappan & Co was oue of the most extensive general assortment houses in the county, and that Jatnes, during the existance of that house was the light and life of that establishment. It will also be remem­ bered that at the incipiency, and growth of the Republican party in this county, the Tappans and L. P. Converse, a member of the firm for sev­ eral years,, exerted a strong influence in the prosperity of the party, and if I mistake not were among the leading spirits that started the Woodstock Sentinel. Since the failure of the firm Mr Tappan has been connected as sales­ man in several of our mercantile .estab­ lishment, in which capacity, his ability and integrity have satisfied his employ ers and been universally acknowledged by his competitors aud the dealing public. And until his health failed him, "Jim," as he was familiarly known, never was idle for the want ol a place. He was buried in Oakland Cemetery i^ the midst of that terrible storm on Friday afternoon. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather a large concourse of. friends assembled at his late residence in honor of his mem­ ory, and iu sympathy with his bereaved family, paid the last tribute of respect to his mortality and vied with the fast f&lliiig snow, in "burying their dead out of their sight." Ha leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his loss who are highly esteemed and respected in this community, and who have the sympa­ thy of all who know them. May their sorrow be assuaged, and nuy they find comfort in the knowledge that though the husband, father and friend has gone they are left to each other and for each other until their time shall come to cross over and join the departed ou the other side ; Poor Owen too, what «ball I Mjr of hfm ? for though he yet breathes his end is undoubtedly nigh. PoorShanly, for fifteen or twenty years has the war been waged between him and crooked whisky, with various resiaii* at various times, but at every enoounter whisky came off victorious. ' For fifteen or twenty years has he walked our streets a living temperance lecture, a signal, to the youth and to whomsoever he should chance to meet, and the device inscribed upon that signal is "Tastft not touch not, handle not, lest what I am you soon, too soon, shall be." And should tlie dim taper that yet Bickers fitfully in the -socket of his frame go out simultaneously with that of those who have in whole or in part contribu­ ted to hi* deplorable condition, and should they appear at the Ferry togeth­ er "as my abul liveth," I believe he would be ferried over, acroft the river, and assigned a place rest, while they would be left to wander up and down the banks of the dark dark, River, with­ out light or hope beyond. And is thefre another hell for poor Shanly ? May ob- liviou cover the thought so sad so awful for contemplation. L. P. SQUARE. llichmoud Department. D. A. POTTER, Em?OB. Passenger trains j»»8» Richmond ttation as follow A' GOIKO SOUTH Geneva f.ftke Passenger.,..1M A. w. Geneva Lake Freight .li:80 P. M. OOIKO'BWaWi^-j Genera Lake Freight.,.. M. Geneva Lake Passenfer., .7:37* jr. ' * CHURCH DIRECTORY. OOKOKROATIOXAL:--Rev. F. J, Doaglase Pastor. Services at 4 P. M. M RTiiomsT: --Re v. Saml. Karnfter Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sftbbath School 940 A. U. J. L. Downing, Snpt. ; BAPTIST:--Elder WTieeler Pastor* Itrrteei 10:30 A, M. Sabbath School 12 M. « DIED.--In Richmond, March 26th, Hat tie Thomas, aged 17 years. With mud and snow mixed, tfceroada are nearly* impassible. Trade dull and most kinds of business at a stand still. New Goods arriving daily at P. D -Smith's^ P. G. Skink.e, Milan Hicks, Mead & Harrison, and others are receiving Agricultural Tools which will be duly noticed when we are advised of the kind, where made. Ac. Hie Richmond Public School, closes its winter term on Thursday March 80, and will re-open April 10, for the spring campaign. Under the euperfla­ te n da nee of Mr, Young oil* ftchool has been a grand success. Last Friday we had the severest snow storm of the season, with North­ east wind. Snow fell to the depth of eight inches or more and that with the mud beneath give us from one to two feet of going purpendicular*vith very little longitudinal travel. \ We hear many of the Richmond vo­ ters say: "IF we had tlve power to cast the vote of McIIenry county this fall, for office of Circuit Clerk, we would do it first, last, and all the time for our good friend, Emory E. Richards, a man of Irreproachable character and Well qualified to fill the office. TOWN CAUCUS. The Republicau Voters of the Town of Richmond are requested to meet at the Richmond House on Friday March 31st at 2 o,clock p. M. to put in nomina­ tion candidates for tlie several officers to be elected Tuesday April 4th, and to transact such other business as may come before tlie caucus. By Order of Town Committee, R.'G. McClellan is selling the Grand Detour Gang Plows, Single Plows, Sulky Cultivator, of the latest improved styles. Also Marsh Harvester, Mowers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Ac. Says he will sell cheaper than ever before. Farmers wanting anything of the kind will do well to call ou him. To day the death knelt has sounded in our ear admonishing us that death is no respeetor of person*, for this timei he has called home a good old christian lady of nearly eighty winte#, old Mrs. Peck, mother of Mrs. John Carver of this place. She died, not as one that has no hope, but with a firm reliance iu the Savior whom she had loved and served for so many years. Peace to her ashes. i As the ^me for Town meeting ap- proscbes the cauldron begins to boil, and candidates are being talked of for the different offices. So that we get good men we should not unearth the tomahawk to scalp noble men that we may have some private pique against. Let no rings be formed. The good people of Richmond have sense enough to know who they want to vote for, and when any one man gets np and says be is going to defeat a certain can­ didate, he must remember tfiatindlvid- na!!y.h« z small part of the town Let us all pull together and elect men who have been long tried and well test­ ed, capable aud iciest, and w* - •, • r-" " FOR SATE. * "I"M- A' House and Lot In the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Llvery and Sale' Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ cular^ address or call on , „ IX A. POTTER, P. Richmond, {II. rf- ' , NOTICE. . ' TbC^^arthership heretOfofe toxi&tr I tig silkier the style of Smith Brofc,. & Co., having been dissolved on the first of the present month and all notes and accounts due said firm having come in­ to the possession of the undersigned and feeling anxious to leave for my >iew field of operations in Nebraska, at as early a day as possible, I would earnest­ ly request"all parties indebted to make immediate payment. Bv so doing they will confer a favor that will be greatly appreciated. Resj^ectfullv^ EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Blood Brown Leghorn Fowls and one of the best strains to be found in the United States. As layers the Brown Leghorns have no equals. Price per dozen $2. All orders prompt­ ly attended tot Address. <( »i THOS. WHITSON, Woodstock, in, 'BOABD-ERSWANTEf*. The undersigned* is prepared to fur­ nish accommodations to Boarders by the Week, Day, or single Meal, giving •good accommodation at a moderate price. Residence first street West of the Pttblto. Square, , , Mc Henry, 111. March IstflS*1* Machine repairs and all leading fnachinos Ipept by E.M. Qwfn. •' '11 . Business Ndiiees. -• •' PHm«* whit# Leaf tarifJgftMltftt P, D. Smithes. * • HE can be seen ne?:f (!of.r to Cowlin's on 3Iain Street, WootktoSc. If yon Want an extra good Sfeave o»*. Hair Cut, call on (Thai ier, at the Parker House. ' / A «nlendefl Piaqb to able terms. McHenry^HL Jan^lftM.'l^^ 'V*.";- *r A large invoice of Croelrer^ffanft Glassware at greatly reduce^ priees at P. D. Smith's. The first one ever brought to MclTeu- ry County can be seen at the Little Shoe Store, on Main Street, Woodstock, All who have dull Razors and wiMi them sharpened, take them to Chaclpy. at the Parker House. All work done by the latest tip of the wing. ' » Boots and ShoeS made to order, for Ladies and Gfnts. tit the same pfiees you would pay for sain goo;l% ? WHcie? At Warren's, on Main street, Woodr stock. ^ r, > ' SEEDS! SKEDS? • All parties designing to raise pm- dnee for-the Pickle Faetotr. will please leave their orders for Seeds at Buckiiu it Stevens, that a full supply may* be had. Hi It Is the omiversa! te^tlmonry tTiat-.tbe Rochester and Bnffafo Boots itn(t for which we are the sole agents In this village, are . relatively the best '•and cheapen* in the market. Give them s trial. P,D. SBITH. WANTED. ' Choice Butter to fill orders t&r pri­ vate families in Chicago, for which we will pay extri pricea lb trad#. » . / P. D.SMlUW. LEGAL BLANKS* ' ' f_•. Legal Blanks of all kinds fo'r fal^J at the C«>rner Drug Store of Mul-phy • & Hoy. Woodstock. 111. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. ' • --'--HI • We have a largo invoice of Dry Goods. Dress Goods, N otions, &6.% t« •arrive from .New York, due Miarcb -P.P. SMip. If yofi w*ant to get tiic lutest style and best quality of Pho'ographa call at Ford's Fine Art Gallery, MeHeiiry. 111. Price only per ddften. « STORE TO RKNU 'it 4. I offer for Rent, my Store, near the Depot, in t-Mfe village of "McHenry. > Or w'll trade the samH.wirh goods,* fof a good farm. * PM tu.ip GIKSKLAU McHenry, IH. Murcli Hth, 1S70. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. I At Ford's Gallery an AppwntlO» to learn the P|j[Oto;*raph Business. Tills is a rare chance for nuy wishing to be­ come an artist. 1 , is a numbex 1 artist, as the work lie I ^ngw prodding isample proof. : t ^ • ' • (dhirntr- " - '< * . • Do not despair if tajces were large. Do not jxivo up if you liavo been a little careless... and allowed tho elephant to step on ^our pocket book; if you still have,.' ii "'^eleton flf "the once fat pocket bo^" rerViaining, re­ member it will go a'lofig \vavs toward purchasing your Sisring GoOiU at P. D. SW&l^v-- - • •*". '- • 'f •>* 5^** The mulersign^d woul 1 fe^pectfiilly inform the Ladies1<#' Jlcrienr^ and stir- rounding country s?ie'is "jvrcpared to do all kinds of Wortc, such as Switches, Braids. F?nrfc», t%e.. oil short notice and at ren^insilde rates. Pooius ovar O. W. Owe its j«Jevvelrv Store.« ' . . MiV. (lM. lloLSIW,' McHenry. 111.. Jan.,4fc h, MO. "I .. MARKEO'^O^^NP^"" • I wouW respeefefnlly inform my cus­ tomers that. my Market will not be open hereafter ,oji Siunlay after 11. o'clock A,M.< wish meat on Sunday^ morning s&mtjd bear this in mind. . ,.j;.jt. j ,'j. I would also gi v9 liof lco tliat here­ after all bills muVt '%*!settled at,,the end,of each M eek. SfiOrt credits makes long friends. W. Prom .Pwre. Bred-I>?»n*«io .F9*.vla»< • shall be prepared to furnish a limltefl ' nr.mbcr of of -Eggs from the above breed of Fowls, which are ac­ knowledged by all to be the best layers M the country. Eggs can be obtained by calling at my farm, 4 miles South­ east oi McIIenry, or orders can be left at the PLAixDEALEIt Office, wiiicli will receive proiiipt uilenfion. l^t'ic^- B0 cents per dozen, • II. T. The Best «u^ tJieCli<*app»t. .,t The America;!; iSewing STacfilne Runs the lightest of any Shuttle Ma­ chine. Makes the* least noise. Has self-setting needle. Has the most room under the Arm. Never skips stitches or breaks threads. Is most easily Jlearned. Can be instantly adjusted to Svork from No. 300 to No. 10 Cotton. Is thoroughly made in all its parts of the best material, and evOry machine is .warranted, O, W. Owen, Mcilsiirv is the Agent, who wiii sell you a machine on the most reasonable tetnift,. Gt̂ l aft his Store and examine it. HAKRIK1X ARfeK--Ooi'tMAK.--At the residence of tho b.rido?B mother, on Prairie, on the 2*1 i»st,t by the Rev. l*o;or Ar' wK-son, Pulavki K. Allen, of liiagwood, to 5'iss fanny E. Ooul- inan,of English Prairie. Annual Town Meeting. VTOTICi; IH HKR'EBV (;i*'KV t« the cili- Ll tens, le.qfal voioef of t in- i'own <«t" AlfHen- rv. in the Omntv uf State of Illinois, that, tlie AMXlf Al. T<>WK MEETING for said Town w ill hu hei 1 a; the Town House in said Town, on Tuesday, tbe 4th l)aj of April,, Next, bpfny theH1**!* Tue^ay la said month, for the purjuwes f iflawintr, •!*: First to ohuose a JUoitemtor to fresidefttflakt Mcotin«r. _ Second--To elect one Snpcrrimrs, one Town €loi%, ©ne A^tiessor, osio Collector, One Own. missionei* *>f Hi.irhnajs, Ju^!Iiv tho Ponce to flit vat-.-inry, a* many !>u:u<l Mastvr* as the Electors tlett nalae, au i seventeen Overseers of lii Uwjh-s, i*int |s> upt>u any aMitional subiivtx v.-n usl?\ j.>t5r:>uane» of law. i*'«n>' I'-'f-'ro >is<t whe\i con, vene l. Wl!h h«at<e*in-3 wIM bv catle^l to order between tU« ho«^,-u uineaiul o'eloek in torenoon, a.-id ualii, siV'K»ck in tho af ernoon. • Given nn ler m ; Mt Heary, this Slat day of A. fcCft. A. litcKUK, TownderlU

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