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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1876, p. 8

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•JKTK BAIKY MARKJSTS. 2 tfTICA, N. Y., April 10th, 19. CIIEESE.--The present situation, as determined by the facta, is easy to map out. Old tiieem Is aeariy all with­ drawn from the Interior. The supply of Canadian 'cbeeae i« not exhausted, a* *-«3hoim by the large receipts of the |«* Week, But few factories INN* *e»umed manufacture, though Wltbotet doubt many will reaume du­ ring the next fort-night. The receipts It New York continue light, with a tendency to diminish. The foreign demand continues steady, with a mar­ ked tendency to increase. Prices do tact eh«!ige re!»tlrely, but the top price is paid readily. The condition of the cheese market is firm at from 13@14o. It rerr much resembles the state of trade during the same month last year. Then, with the increase of production prices immediately fell, and there was a long season of unsurpassed dullness. But a new element now enters into the circulation. * Butter has suddenly risen with the production of the new make. All winter butter has been dull and un­ certain; bat for two weeks new butter has sold at from 35@42c. We believe the factoryman who retain his milk at home loijger than usual to convert it into butter to gain these prices, makes a mistake. This flury can be but tem­ porary. The advanee in butter has not yet effected prices of cheese. ^ story is told of a gentleman who lately, in making a returfr of his income to the tax commissioners, wrote on the .paper: "For the last three years my income has been somewhat under £150. In the future it will be more precarious, as the man is dead of whom M borrowed the money." Chkago & North-Western RAILWAY. lAITER & BECKER, M e r c h ant Tailors, Parker Howe Block, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOSI The subscribers having opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment In McHenry, are now prepared, with a Stock ot Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en­ tire Suits, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. 49-Good Fits Guaranteed and. all Work Warranted. We alao Keep a Full IAe of &ENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, CafrSf &c*, Which will be sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment in the County. We have eome here to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronage* pledging our­ selves to do our best t?> all who may give us a call. Clothes Cleaned In the beat ef manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. McHenry, March 20th, 187s. BLAKE & BRO., --DEALERS IX- Furniture! VasMfcMi* for CHICAGO, Detroit, T<oled& 'Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg ^Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, Mon­ treal, Quebec, Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Catto, San Francisco, Sacramento, Og- dn, Salt Lake City, Denver, Council Bluffs, •'SIOOK City, St. Paul, Marquette, Escanalin, Me- 'Malta, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton, Winona, Duluth, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and East, should •l>uy their tickets via. the Chicago ft North-Western Railway. 'Close connections are made at Chicago with thai „ake Shore A Michigan Southern, Michi­ gan Central, Haltimore & Ohio, Pittsburg iJ<'oW Wayne A Chicago, Kankakee Line ana ?Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and 'SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton fend Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the "tTnion Pacific K. B. at Omaha for all far WeSt Pdfe*8- jpiose ccmnmtkms are made at jwit- tUtri points with drains of aileron* road Ihillman Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all night trains on nil the lines of this read. 5 This is the 0NLY LINE running these cars between Chicago and St Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Omaha our Sleepers connect with the Overland Sieepers on the Union Pacific Rail­ road, for all points west of the Missouri Biver. Among the, Mncennts uW Iiy this tote to th TMPOV »teel Hai to the traveling public are all the modern im- nats: il, lto (Drawing Boo ling pi ements: Boric and Gravel Ball&Bted Track. 1 Hail, ring 1 Unkes, Siller's Patent Safety Coupling and Com. Ixmii ltock and iron Bridges, Parlor and Dav Coaches, Smoking and Cars, Westinghouse Safty Air Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute fort. Banning through Five Great States, and operating over 4,aii0 miles of road, this Oompanv presents to the traveler facilities <mt Alftl NOT and CANNOT be offered by any <<3onn>e titor. • ) All tickets agents can sell you tickets via this route. If you wish the best traveling accommoda­ tions, yon will buy your tickets uy this route, %ncl will take no other. HA'BVII' HUGHITT W. H. STINNETT, Geueitiihupt. Gen'l Passenger Agent M A R K T J S ' CERMAN These hitters are manu£sctn»d*y the pro pile tor from 6EEMAN BOOTS Itaported by hiro. 'Was obtained l»v the The receipt of these Bitten ^rieto xpe vleian Prussian army), and a graduate proprietor in 1H45, from sa old and experienced phy sician (then a phy of the highest medical colleges of Bit Germany, to cure the se Of all Grades and Prices. Wareroom Nearly Opposite the Post Ofice, McHenry, Ilk Wareroom Crammed Full ! Where will be found anything from Common Kitchen Styles to the finest Parlor Sets, In Hair, Cloth and.Reps. They have Chamber Sets, and can suit everybody. Marble Top Center tables, ELEGANT EASY CHAIRS, LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTURE FRAMES, UNDERTAKING ! A. very large stock of Burial Casas and Coffins constantly on hand, and made to order on short notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. All Goods Warranted Of the very best quality and sold as LOW AS THE,LOWEST. BLAKE & BBQ. McHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1875. JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT . •»*o> , _ . , .1 DON'T I Board at Wiedemann's | Bat wish I Dal Established 25 Years! : "W 'J'- ;r ^ <-* •< To I have carried on the Tailoring business in ings, as I often have evidence by the recom mentation you frequently give of my abilitv to please those in want of anything in'mv line It nas teen my aim to do good work; it has been my aim to give you as much as you pay tor. That I may have failed to please yon at times through all those years need not sur­ prise you, if von will only look back and see How your own nest intentions sometimes dis­ appoint you. My business circle extends at least ten miles around McHenry, besides manv orders from a distance, even the eity of Chicago, and lam making it pay on the OA8H PRINCIPAL, Small Profits and Quick Returns. I made the experiment a few years ago and r.?"Tri^«ri?rcavkr5;<1,u,d 1 ,0 Ready - Hade Clothing Is now Complete for the spring trade, and I am prepared to Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit you to Order. Suit you in Price. •:« V ^ Suit you in Style* » ^ Suit yon on Fit. Thankful for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the same* Iremain,^ .' Tjtjpuas TBUI/1% •' t i p.* wayw. ^McHenry, ®1., Itaroh »tfa, WJ6. m 1.PERRY & MARTIN ;"fc ; "fin. •'•H h --trU '••At if '.-i m* J . S T O B l f ; --DEALER IN- Shelf and Heavy H a r 4 w a x © t • I F C ^ . STOVES * i# TiNWAim: MECHANICS' TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, CLOTHES WMING EES Ac., &c., &c., «fcc^ WHICH WIT T, BE SOLU L O W E R THAIf USUAL PRICKS! Now is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such a* 'Plain Board, Water Proof, Iron Coated and Tarred Feltv £hp Moth P^^ Carpet KAWS. AND SEE ! These Bi'fters are Guarantee ••rest cases of ©1AJIRH<EA, INDIGBSCieir, DTgPITPSIA, and are a certain preventative of VEMAJJE grCKKESS, orTILLS ASTD FEVER, AND AGUE. ^Diarrhoea is a disease 'characterized by an increased discharge from the Bowels, nsufclly "in a very ti<fui<t state, and sometimes contain 'lag a large quantity of Bile. BeHides the vari <o>8 purgative medicines, undressed or indi gestable food, or vegetables, acid fruits, oilv •or putrid substasees freqneatly eause Diarr- ^hca. Physicians distinguish various kinds of Oiarrhusiu as {crapulosa) when the forcos pass mir ordinary quality; "bil'osa" when the bile is Wore abundant than natural; "mucosa" when tttie excrements contain a quantity of mueu»; ^•serosy" in which they are almost entirely liquid and watery; amWliruleria" wiien the ®>od passes through the bodv in an almost un ^altered state. There are' frequently, lilso inaubeaand vomiting, a bitter taste *ln "the Jmontli, a furred and yellow tongue, jirv and garsh skin, a full or Ballow countenance, and If 8|>eedly checked, preat emaciation. This is One of tqose diseases bv means of which na­ ture strives to «et rid of impurities, and r®. •tore the system to its natural condition. Bence, when it is not very violent, and the patient is strong, It is best to let it take its "Course for a short time, and bv taking onlv Kwo wine glasses full of the Bitters for th'e f rst ten hours. For violent- cases five wine lasses full per day, one befbre each meal and Hfo'between meals. In any case great care •horild be token not to stop it too suddenly 'tfhe twefttnient thus in all cases det)ends upon tVhe eauneifrom which it sprang. <For Indiges- > ?Bonand 'Byti|iepsia take one wine jrla«s full <Of the 'BittWTf before each meaL No family should Im? without a bottle. Priea per boTfto, large 80 cts., small £0 cts. Manufactured bv IP. MARK US, WOODSTOCK, ILL Near th© Depot, McHenry, III. «-We also keep the Celebrated Milwaukee Lager^Beer constantly on hand. piMoiutlon. T^Totiee is hereby given that the co-partner- >I\ ship heretofore existing between D. 8. Smith, J. C, Smith and P. D. Smith under the Srm name of Smith Bros. & Co., is this day issolved bv mutual consent. The bnsiness Ijrill hereafter be conducted by Philo D. Smith •t the old stand. All notes and accounts due the Firm will be •ettled by David 8. Smith. All parties having Claims against the above firm will present the same for adjustment. SMITH BROS. A CO. McHenry, III., March 1st, 1876. Buggy for Sale. le'bran new two seat Buggvifor Sale a Bargain. Inquire of 'O. W. OWE*. 1st, 1875. N E W F I R M ! New Goods And New Prices. iptly attendedto. 0 J. STORY. urns. Opposite.. Oy* McHenry IlL. July S8. ., ; •H ) * i HENRY COLBY, --DKALBft IN- PA£Vm OTSJ»i Paintecs Brushes, Dye&tnffs &e., &c. Physicians Prescriptions Ouftitkliy Oompaundatt. t>fa fljio Ctock of Cap, Bill ; Paper, whieh we are 1 8 7 6 3^ (Successors toOMrlh, Dwlght A ((XK,) Have on hud a rary Large and well selected Stock of : Boots, Shoes, --AKD-- Rubber Oood^ Of all Kinds, whisb OownLowfo c AS H. Mid. Right Corner Main Street anfl Public Sqoaref WOODSTOCK ILL If you want any kind of Farm imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. ytrwf i ' if iftvw: mwwv#'ffW^ *>'•>•* «'• ii, ri hau wit""" " min WT~J '• "*J i ("'-fS1 u r. ii "f* J> •vij? 'irsijw vn Headquarters for all Kinds of il-UTrt- Bo otsAnd Sliocs, hi • •im Glass- FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, Aod in short, a First CEas Stock of General Merchandize. • ' •- i v . ' j ' . • j, <" 1 • 'mtrn . -or-. . (i t We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and baying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties whd ean undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. ft,-. • - 4 '• * We always guarantee onr goods to be #hat they are represented to be We are here to get a livelihood deceive the (public, ̂ or ,J& #sk and are always ready to make good our word, and he Ace cannot afford to be undersold or to Wit* "'if' * enormous profits on onr goods. We intend to u . > , . For President in 1876: IBS XAI WHO GETB THE MOST YOTBt. • £ t f i who «hj 3|C® S for lis money, buys of # • ; ' tu (SUCCEBBOlt TO O. G. THOMPSOSr,) NUNDA, ILLINOIS »" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage i* time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. jg^'GIVE US A CALL and We Will show yen our Goods «ad use you Wfill whether yoti buy of 'os oriot1.14 PERRY dt-MARTII% . At the Old Stami oi Ow<fu & Brother. McHenry^Ill., July527th» 1875. E. M, OWEN AGENT FOR "tM HAST & CO S CELEBRATED OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Keeps Constantly on hand and offers \to the Farmers, Leading Farm Machinery, Of all kinds, among1 whieh can he found the celebrated Bnckeye Grain Drill, Broadcast Seeders, Jnnior ^Cultivator, Plow Sulky, which con be .attached to any Plow, Champion Self-Dumping Bake, &c., &c. u <-0- r U1L Not* asd Belling- rery Wehavol Mourning raper, whieh we are selling- Tery Cheap. A Use assortment of the latest Styles Box md Fancy Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted Am represented aad •'^•tisfaetion Gaaraiiteed. Patronage Solicited* !HL tJOLBT. McHenry, July 27th, 1876. - * PHILIP 0ESELER, ^ And Best Stock sf fioodt ! Defy all Competition. ^My &toek Ctouaists in pact ©£ Dry Giiofe, Clollt, Groceries, BOOTS, SMOK8, CROCKERY, *C., To which I isvite the attention of jtbe bayinK "•w , f i MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds,'to Irhich the attention oT the Ladies 1s especially invited. Call anti see. PHILIP GIESJSLEIU McHenry, UL, April 3d, 18761," ! f » All leading- Plows kept constantly on hand and at Lowest Prices. Don't buy until yau see them. Also see the celebrated Buckeye Broadcast SeedfiC. It cannot bo equaled. Prices Low and Favorable Terms. CASH AKD CLOSE BITTERS are invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Quality and Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in McHenry County. McHemy, IlL, March 7th, 1876. E. M. OWEN. Larpt InI, Best AnorM, LOWEST PRICES. The Stock is New and Large, and Consists of a Dr^ Goods, f Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hate^and Caps, hoice Groceries, &c., &c. T°™ *»•«". ** L. BOTHGERBEltt, Nunda, 111., KOT. 80th, 1875. GREAT BARGAINS --1ST-- PfilEJlllNl To an liurn tte Preseiils Ha? Con, Greetini: We orw notv pnqpdred to show one of the LARGEST stock of Good* ever qffered hy us in this market, bought for Cas&Jfeprn first hands, in one of the dullest Afarketsthe Ea^ttermmerchanis have untnessed since 1867. IN DRY GOODS! We are fun in all departments,-from a 6 cent IHni to a Camels Hair Dt*m Qoods Clothing for Men, Boys and TOUTHS*, that is both substantial and Cheap. Mens Boots, we commence at 83 and upwards, Arties andLadms<Gaiter» equally low. Hats im Styie <and Caps thai will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer isnt 80 below zero. Buffalo Robes, not100 Bales, but enough to supply the wauts of our people Carpets, Oil Cloths and Oil Ruggs, whose beauty unll produce a -smile from the young miss or aged matron. lur Easvoy Goods call and see for j/ourselves, a ̂we ewe unable to describe-at this writing. We only ask an inspection to verify the above pnt̂ lpffijqfjoifiy and lay dokiî ., ,sp iviM'confer a great, favor on the General s*oreM,m- is'. DONWELLY. Woodstock Oct.'l2thy 1870. Gloves, &re •9 --AT THE- GEANGrE SHOE STOR , Soqth Bast Corner Public Square, Woodstock, Illinois ̂ j Woodstock, ill, tmt jB(V MILLINERY * -AND- Dress Making! Mrs. S. A. RKliI> ;Sut side Facile Sqan» WOODSTOCK, aiKOR. Keeps constantlr on hftnd thefete-Rt vtylea of Mfllfnerv Goons of all kfnds, Embniderr, Combs, dollars, Ties. Veil#, all colors, W«il- dinp Hats, Crape Hats, aad deneetfc Pattern* of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In tholatest Style and made if desired m% very low rates. We also have a New Style of Ladies Cleab ! To "which w« l»vitetheattentio«<vf tbe La41«s We arc also Agent for tlie cclctrated NORTHWESTERN ORGAN" Which spefllt8 for itself, sold. Gall and see. I wiR not be satderj Mrs. S. A. REID. Woodstock, Oct. Kth, 1876. . Lm FRANCISCO, WAGON AND Cam® MM Shop opposite the Faiker HOBN, MoHENRY-- ILLIMO 8 Tke Bnbscriber would inform the p«blie that he is now jprepared to furnish them with any­ thing 111 his line from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. Using none but the best of timber and employing' none bnt SKILLED WORKMEN I 3 He Warrants his work to five satisfaction and for good pay will be as low as r poaal. biy be-ubrded. • CTS MAKES H o r s e ̂ l i o e i i i g - # * SPECIALTY. B E P A I R I Of all kinds promptly attended tow see for yourself. Can and L. FRANCISCO. McHenry, QL, July 38th 1875*

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