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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. STAY: 3d. 1876. Railroad Tim# Table. •: '£ «oixo BorTit'*'* ' "'*i5®fteTaLake l^ssenjter...... .1.... Lake Freight.. 4 '1 OOIKO KOBTHi -r «ene»* Lak*Prvight -Si IWIICT# L»k« P#«sfni«r.i. 7:» A.* 1:35 P. M. ......10:00 A. *. 7 Mv.n.. •*"} • MASONIC. ^.*C!??,CRY rTTAPT*^ 84 R. A. M.-netu. i sPJf vf^nt!'jns hold «-.» iho seconrt and .. *>urth 1- rWays In each month. * * RW NR ' H. C. IRISH H. P. o. W. Owns Sec.. ? CHURCH DIRECTORY. " -- METHODIST.--Iter. J. T. Cooper, Pastor-- Services evorv Rundav morning at I0?tf A. M- •imdavSchordftt 12A.Hr.* WM. TACK, Super- l»it»-ii'lt'i\t. Services at Rin#r.\vood at 2P. M. RWFTJBWCAN CAUCUS. 1#'^ The Republican voters «of the town ^ S|f McHenry, are requested to meet in ! ̂ aucns, at the Town House, In the ••plage of McHenry, on Thursday, May ®ii#th, *t 3 o'clock, p. m. for the purpose ^choosingeleven delegates to attend i ^1|t»,e County Convention, which is to be , Iwldat .Woodstock May 6th, A. D.1870. ,:vt*dr; order of Committee. •' .'aivS' 'mtkm BOTH our Woodstock and Nunda cor- ^ jpespondence have failed ts reach us t h i s w e e k . • ^ - r ; - • JOSEPH BiiqK tja4 JHE mtsffcttun# to loose a valuable mare and colt one day !' Jpst week. " SMITH SEAUI.ES, of this village, has lieen ordered to report In Chicago on •£§ie 10th, as aJuror in the United j ^States District Court. i _ " SMITH & SNYDER sold on Saturday last twelve thousand three hundred and ' *i»verifyfive bushels of Outs. .And Tip lifcys it wan't much of a day for Oats •%|theh- "• "13 ! ^ • : ; r THOSE Who failed to settle with the' , Collector when.he wasupon the "war Hath"should bear in ninid that the isale of lands for dellnqnent taxes takes place on the 22d day Of May, at Wood­ stock, . • , A young lady who wasrtfbuked by tier'mother far kissing her intended Jtttftifted the act by quoting the pas- •«kge: "Whatsoever ,ye would that tnen should do uuto you, <M> ye even *© unto them. f IN another column can be found the Proceedings of the Board of Trustees. "We*fcall hereafter publish regularly the proceedings of each meeting, that <Htrcitizens way be informed of the i doings and sayings of our city Paps. WE received A pleasant call on Mon­ day from «L V. Aldrich aiuiG. P. Wodell, ^fwo of the solid men of ofir neighbor­ ing town of Richmond. Jim looks hale •and hearty while Perry is pining away 225 at a rapid rate. THE question which is now unsettled In the minds of the school children is ivas that man asleep on the Horse Pow­ er, or which? If thatwas him he had lost a hone. If that was not him, then by 8himiny he had found a Horse Pow- •r. f-Oi A's will be seen by a notice elsewhere an adjdurned meeting to perfect the arrangements for a Fourth of July cel­ ebration will be held at the Universa- list Church on Thursday evening. Do ..not fall to attend, and by your presence JA least, help push it forward. WE are authorized to announce that 'Mere will be a grand May Party at the Parker House, In tni* village, on JYlday c rening Slay 19th. The Of music for the occasion^ and a pleas­ ant time uiajr be expected. Tickets including Supper, only #1,50. Invita­ tions will be issued in a few days. Tps Steamboat uAthle^ie',, was brought down from her winter quarters on Saturday last, and anchored ,at the dpek, and.we understand is to be im­ mediately repuired and put in shape for thesummers wopfe. iSie is to lie tnateriajiv lightened, ind wheH com­ pleted will be in better triiift than ever before. . f • , JilST before We 'go#%9f vtcrf .. stowu portions of a skeleton taken from a Moim&pn the farm j»f Marvel Plerce,4in thevfown of Burtoft, but time ; ' and space will not permit us to speukof •hem this week. In our next we wfll give the particulars pf^their finding to- gether \yith the supposition as fo what tribe and geueratiou thej forqierly be* longed. ; : , • 1 .j , -v flWip would call atjfcyition tQ the notice ^ tho,f>ale, by the Executor of UK> Es­ tate of-the late William S. Mead, which Is to take place at his late residence oil Thursday, May 11 th, at which time will be disposed of Hprses, Cow^, Sheep, Farming Tools, and HoushioJd Fuml- t«re of all kinds. . Persons in search of, bargains will do well to bear this in m i n d . 1 1 * ' ! , 1 . ,, I 1 -r ,n <•., ; THE hrtiwe of Robert fT£.' Stanley, ! lifho resides at Nippersink Point, was . destroyed by fire during the heavy Wind on Thursday night last. We have *»t learned of the extent of hi« 1O>=B, or whether he succeeded in saving his furniture. He was insured for #800. This was a favorite resort for hunters and fishermen, and it is to be hoped that he will be able to rebuild at an TRAMPS are about as plenty as potii '^Ugslir Aho«r!^ thirds of them are scoundrels, thieves and vagrants, Fhile tlie other tliird ai^ dead beats of extraordinary cheek. It'sa pity thatso much good material for road making is allowed >0 run to waste<r . ,t: ajtu i% m . Tnfi clancing pithltc should n^!! for get the Calico Party, to be held it National Hall, Woodstock, on Friday evening of this week. The reads are now passable, and there never will be a better titne to visit this beautiful Hall and dance after music that has no stt- superiof in the Northwest. Remember Friday evening of this week; the 5th. THE Marengo says: "One WM. Adkins, of Ne w Milford, was found dead in Monday mbrning of last, week, about two miles,w^st of Cherry Valley, near the railroad track. An empty hot tie, and a bottle full of alcohol were found on his person. The empty bot­ tle told the tale of beastly drunkenness, resuiy^ug in death from cold ai^d ex­ haustion. So said the coroner's jury." A PROPOSITION is now on foot to build a dam across Fox R.\ver four hun­ dred feet high, cut a shipOanal through from Lake'Michigan, build levies along the banks of Nippersink Point, sur­ round Lippincott's Club House with a wall, the stone to be brought from the low lands of English Prairie on the new Steamer WR. Emerson." Will not some one immediately enter^a teef against this great outrage. WE have received a new advertise­ ment from F. K. Granger, which will appear in our next. Mr. Granger hav­ ing decided to run his store during the entire Summer, is rtow filling up witli a large ' and well teiected stock of gereral merchandise, to which he in­ vites the atentionof the buyiug public, confident that he can give them as many and< as, good Goods for their jmoney as any house in the county. Give him a call and be convinced. TifE time for muzzling your chickens has arrived. Do your duty; be watch-" •fill, and appoint a funeral for every chicken that trespasses or even looks through the fence at your garden patch. 'By the*time you have slaugh­ tered a dozen or two, the owner will take the hint and realize that you planted jtour seeds for some other pur­ pose. While this is not mora! suasion, it is the'quickest way of settling the difficulty. & WE have received a beautiful Chromo entitled "The Captive Child," which is -given as a Premium to Demorest's Il­ lustrated Monthly, one of the best Mag­ azines for Ladies now published. Jt contains not'only' the latest patterns and styles, but is £ull of etyoiee reading matter, and eaoh number contains a piece of music, which is alone worth the price of the book. Send for a spec­ imen copy., A'Mress W. Jennings Demorest, Xo. 17 E»$t, ^th^ t,; New York.-' ' .r, firm are THE enterprising ^anll reliable of Perry & Martin, in this village, this Spring pntting in an unusnallv large stock of Goods in their line, and the new goods that they are receiving each week issurc evidence that their many customers are appreciating the bargains they are oli'eriug. By con­ stantly adding to their stock th»y are enabled not only to give their custo­ mers the latest style but also the advan­ tage of any decli'ne in the market, whidh Is *9 small item in these times when every thing-in-the- mercantile line Is fast getting dotfcn to hard pan. This firm is always up to the jiind the buying public can rest assured of find­ ing what they want anil at bottom figures, by calling at theft* store. n THE new Steamboat "11. J£inersda,*f is now in ruaning- order and ready to accommodate Hunting and Fishing Fartics»9r others, and' warrant them quick and pieassuvt .trips.- The "first trial trip was made to the Lakes on Friday last, muol) to the satisfaction of the owners, and others who were aboard. When tb^y reached the Lake a strong wiud was blowing, and the Lake uncammoitly rough, but the %*Emerson,v,rode Uie wavt-s like a< dude, and made an average of seveir miles an l;our. For small parties there can be no pleasanter or quicker means of trans* portation to the Lakes than by the "R. Emerion," whose owners wiliaiways be fonrtd ready to accommodnte you on shprt. uotip^ at any time of day 'oVe- ning. Read th^ ^vert^ei^fi Vi i||j another celuifta. •" ' " SPlcixIN-Q. " : ' - class for the two weeks ending April 28th 1876: Grace Owen, 4-250; Effie Tiltoli, 4-125; Lida Cooper, 2-176; Jennie Beers, 6-200; Belle Stoddard, 1-250; Kate Kelter, 2-250 Eloise Waite, 2-250; Mabel Smith, 6-250; Ettie Beers, 335; Nellie Holmes, 1-250; Ada Granger ^250; Ehgene Perkini, 3-200; Charles Slafter^ 2-175; Jennie Searles, 250. £lla Kelter has the most credit in the A. class for the past month. , S. D. BALDWIN, Tcapljer. Fo» a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., go to F. K. Granger's at the old stand of Howard <fc Son. Remember that Bucklin A Stevens offer their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Omh for Butter and"E^^. Forul'ii OF itLXY. tr ¥(>tlce held at the Universalist Church on Thursday evening last, for the purpose of taking into consideration the tion of celebrating the comiug Fourth of July in McHenry; On motion E, Griswold was choseU Chairman and J. Van Slyke Secretary. On motion, duly seconded it was re­ solved that we celebrate the coming 4th of July in a manner becoming the Centennial year. % ^ , A committee of three on Finance was th£n appointed consisting of O. W. Owen, J. Van Slyke and Harrison Smith, who were instructed to see i f the necessary funds could be raised and report at the next meeting, The meeting then adjounied to meet at the same place on Thursday eVeniag of this week, at 8 o'clock sharp. Now that the preliminary arrange­ ments have been completed, let each of our citizens constitute themselves a committee of one to help push the mat­ ter forward* If this is done we can have one of the best celebrations ever held in the bouctv. Let every man at­ tend the; meet ing oii Thursday evening, and by his presence, at least show that he is interested in the matter. The success or failure of the celebration now rests entirely with you. , Therefore we say remember and toe on html on Thursday evening. J, : TliJ& new baru at the Parker nonse being completed we took a look oVer it one day last week, and can truly re­ iterate what we said a week ago, that it is decidedly the best hiflfn for Hotel purposes to be found in the County. The new barn is 30xfi0. A large slide door lets you first into, the carriage room, which is 30x30, and 10 feet 4 inches between joints. Oujt of this a large door let's 3*011 into the stable which is the same size of the carriage room, and is finished off in stalls suffi­ cient to accommodate 20 horses with­ out crowding in the least. The stalls are all hirui^hed with the patent shoots fpr hay, and the stalls and mangers neatly bound with iron to prevent horses from knawing them. The floors over head are all rtiatclied, leaving no chance for a particle of dust or hay seed to get through, while the lower lloor it solid two inch plank, and in the stalls ^re doubled. A large double door connects the old barn with the new, large euough for a team to be driven through. The old barn i? 30x50, and is finished off in stalls sufficient to accommodate 24 horses. The loft is made into two departments, on the South side being )>uiR an Oat bin ca­ pable of holding about 700 bushels, while the balance is large enough to store 20 tons of hay. In the carriage hoKse is a trapdoor through which the oats are hauled up to the granery. and a slide or hopper is. fixed which brings them down into the stable in quantities to suit. Taken all in all this barn coultl not be bettered in any particular. We fere informed that it cost between five and six hundred dollars, and was built by Wendell & Shultz. and no one can examine it without admitting that they ar^ niaetcus of their trade. It is certainly an houor to their skill. I^roceediuge of the Ho^rd of Trustees. M<?Uekry, April 28th 1S7G. Board met in pursuance to adjourn­ ment. Present, President Bishop, Messrs Searles, Story, Welsh, Weber aqd Ilanley. ' • House called to order )»y the Presi­ dent and proceeded to business. Min­ utes of last meeting read »nd approv­ ed. ,<v -Colhf «4!r municipal year* On mot iei. ofs ®ir. Walsli Mr, Isaac Wentwoith, was appointed Street I* k u f>n k^cA^rfenry Old Settlers' Meeting. .,</•» -ij t •••v.. • >v v A Joint Convention of the Vice Pres­ idents of the Old Settlei* organization, of Lake and McHenry Counties, and all others interested, will be held at the Parker House, in the Village of McHen­ ry, on Wednesday, May JQtb, at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of form­ ing a Constitution and By-Laws for said organization. It is hoped and ex* pected that every person whose name appear# below as Vice President will be present on that occasion, and report that his town is fully organized tor the coming meeting. All Old Settlers and others interested are requested to show their interest by being present on that occasion, The following are the nafites of the Vice Presidents: VICE PRESIDENTS AT LARGE--Neill Donnelly, of McHenry County, and John G. Ragan. of Lake County. TOWNSHIP VICE PRESIDENTS POR MCHENRT Cot'NTY--Algonquin, John Brink; Grafton, Thos. Hhntley; Coral, Carlisle Hastings; Marengo, Peter W. Deitz;Dunham. Jonathan F. Moore; Chemung, E. G. Ayer; Alden, Fralik Wedgewood; Hebron, C. H. Tryon; Richmond, Wm. A. McCoiinell; Burton, Robert Tweed; Greenwood, Job Toles; Dorr, Mark Ilickox; Nunda, Wm. HufT- man;McIIenry4 A. H. Ilanley; Hartland Rodney Cooney ? Riley, Valoris Wil­ liams; Seneca, Thos. HcD Richafds. TOWNSHIP VICE PRESIDENTS FOR LAKECOLNTT--Benton, Hiram Ferry; Newport, O. F. Heydecker; Antioch, J. II. Elliott; Grant, Richard Compton; Avon, Albert Kapple; Warren, Nathan­ iel Vose; Waukegan, Lorenzo Ilinkston; Shields, Thomas Dwyre; Libertyville L. E. Pennitnan; Fremont, Thos. H Payne ; Wauconda, Justus Bangs; Cuba, Lewis II. Bute; Ela, John Robertson; Vernon, Elisha Gridley; Deerfleld, Thos. Geodbody. E. A. ComMjvmrttnf Secretary. THE NKW 81EA.HWOAT. • EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--By T^fe WTID invitation of Messrs. Snyder & Clark, the gentlemanly owners of the little Steamer "R. Emerson," we took a fly­ ing trip to the Lakes on Sunday eve- niug last and although there was a stiff wind and strong current to overcome, our staunch little craft victoriously "made the riffle." The waves on the Lakes might fairly be termed heavy in­ land seas, yet thelittle Steamer buffeted them with ease aud passed along with surprising steadness for so small acraft. Unbeknown to our captain and engi­ neer I was noting the time of our pat- sage and can say that we made excel­ lent, time considering the disadvantages of weather, the newness of the boat and machinery, the inexperience of our Pilot and the quality of the coal used, which I must say was poor or not adapted to the furnace of the boat, for it formed repeatedly in large clinkers over the bottom of the fire chamber, destroying the draft and "making our engiuecr sing an occasional hymn while poking them out and letting the steam run down. We made the round trip from McHenry to Col. Lippincott's beautiful harbor on Fox Lake and back 01^ a if Average of 7 miles per hour which under the circumstances I call very good. I hesitate not to say that when the boys get everything in run­ ning order aud can keep Lew from look­ ing towards .Johnsburgh so muph they will carry you to the Lakes and back as fast and with as much genuine generosi­ ty as any team afloat. You BET. P. S. Some other time I will toll you about what we «aw on our trip. Commissioner for the municipal year. On motion of Mr, . Searles Mr Peter Leikuin was appointed Corporation Constable. Moved by Mr. Stotv, that this Board grant Licences for the sale pf liquors within the dQrpo>atioji}|Tor\tjhe munici­ pal year. Carried. On motion of Mr. Searles, the Ordi­ nance of .XpHi ^4th^lS7l, inflation to "Drain Sjiops" is Continued lu force and adopted by this Board for the ensuing year;-; . <• Ou motion the following Resolution was adopted. - r) Henolved. That the Clerk or this Board be authorized to receive appli­ cations for, Lice uses and to have the Bonds therefor executed* in his pres- ance .. Ordered that the Clerk notify thi Treasurer elect of his appointment and request him to furnish a Bond of $£000. Ordered Clerk to notify Street Com­ missioner of fhis appointment and re­ quest him to give Bond of $300. Ordered, that the Clerk of this Board give fiondof 9&0. * f' ; J Adjourned to meet Saturday next May 6th at 7£ o'clock p. m. sharp. !; > 1 ; i . - BMJl^POi', Presidest. * 1 it KfttTEW, !Ct^r£ • "t; ' •' >.• .av FOR SALE OR .BENT. ? The undersigned has a good, comfor­ table House which he offers for Sale or Rent. &t is located in a pleasant part of the village, and is in good repair. Possession given May 1st* r**D ecaarows. • litEQwiry April'24th I87S. Elegant patterns of Nottngham Cur­ tain Lace from 20 cts., and upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall paper and window shades, at very low prices. ' > „ P. D. SMI TIL ' ' ! \ tow*. . . . - '"g.-vu6ijgh- boring f^wa of Volo, <;ne t1ay last week, a^d while we had but little time could not help making a few notes of what we saw. We called at the new estab­ lishment of E. G. PATX£, who has ju«t started out in the Agricultural Implement line, He has 011 hand almost anything in the line of machinery a farmer needs, and infoj^ns us that he can and will sell as low as the lowest. Farmers Contem­ plating purchasing machinery of any kind should call on Mr. Payne before purchasing. We also found Heuery Rogers at his old &tamly.^UL(i from the piles of goods in his store we are ponfideut that the buying public in an around Yolo need not go away from home to get what they need. Mr, Roger is putting up ju»t East of his store a very handsome residence, which, when completed will be equal to any iu Lake County, West of Waukegan. All of which proves that Rogers is doing a prosperous business. .rust this side of "Volo we noticed a niew building being f>ut up which we Were informed was to be used for the manufacture of th*, celebrated Gale Wind Mill. 1 :-i< On our next.vislt to this burg we shall speak of the Other business and business men, whom our want of time would not permit us to visit this time. ••si! It* ====^===--5---- ' EEED POTATOES. Fifty Bushels Pure White Neshanoc Potatoes, for Seed, for sale by Granger. F. K EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Puie Blood Brown Leghorn Fowls and one of the best strains to be found in the United States. As layers the Brown Leghorns have no equals. Price per dozen $2. All orders prompt­ ly attended to. Address. THOS. WHITSOK, Woodstock, 111, Richmond Department. D. A. POTTER, EDITOR. Pas»isng«-trains pass Htchinonct station »» follow*' Wt ttt Geneva L a k e , , , , . , . . , . 7 f i g M . t f , tienera Lake ] -.60 r. v. •' ' ' 001*0 Geneva Lake Freight /•/V /. . 4 , ...10:40 A,*. Geneva Lake Passenger..: ... ....7:27 v. u. . CHURCN OIRECTOHY. OONGRKUATLOXLL. Rfv, "f*. J.. flbeAsa Pastor. Services at 2 P. M. ^ MKTIIOIHST:--Rev, SAML. EMRNGEV Paster. Services 10::{0 iV. M. SaMbeth School 990 A. M. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAPTIST:--Elder Wrheel*r factor; H#»R«r«RES W:;«> A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. Mr. Shuey a resident of ElkhUrt, In­ diana, and father-in-law of Af R. Alexander of this place, is spending a few days with his friends in Richmond. The new Paper which will soon make its first appearance in Richmond we understand is to be Neutral in Politics, which will undoubtedly be a great re­ lief to President Grant, as he was no doubt waiting with breathless silence to see its first leader. Business Notices* it thing In Flows. Call and see. ' r v £ . M . O W E X . Groceries at Panic Prices at F. K. Granger's, at Howard & Son's old stand. If you Want any kind of Farm impla* toents (ff repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Union Corn Planter, the best in market, for if ale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. TO RENT. #• A rfdod HoOse, if applied hr soon. Will be vacated l5th fust. __ £. H. OWEN. A nice lot of new Dress Oftods at F. K. Granger^, at Howard <& Son's old standi Mclleury. ' , A NE W T1UNG. , t tfettble chain, Ingrain beats them all, fte «xle a( P, D. Smith's* Our Brother, Steven P. Potter, 11 tg "very dangerously sick and will proba­ bly not live but a few hours Jongtr. Everything that medical skill and lov­ ing hands could do has been done, but all seeming of no avail. It seems to be his time to go. We all hope to meet him on that beautiful shore. The Republican Caucus was held at the Richmond House on Saturday last pursuant to call. Owing to the farmers being so hard at work there was but a few present. The non. W. A. McCon- nel was chpsen Chairman and George McConnel Secretary. The chair ap­ pointed J. V. Aldrich, Jamea S. Overton and A. L. Brown a committee to select delegates to attend the County Con­ vention to be held at Woodstock, Sat­ urday next who reported the follow­ ing; W. A. McConnel, G. P. Wodell, Jas. S. Overton, A. L. Brown, I. N. Mead, G. W. Eldridge, E. R. Young, C. G. Cotting, J. V. Aldrich, D. A. Potter 1st, John Sumner, J. li. Hyde, John McConnel and W m Cooley, which re­ port was adopted. « , The Inangtiral Address of Geo. P. Wodell,President of the Village Board has the genuine ring of the true metal, and we cheerfully giro it in full. We hope it will inspire our citizens, and officers will awake to their duty and in the future we shall have a sober and peace-loving people. On taking the chair Mr. Wodell said: "Mr. Clerk and members of the Board of Trustees: I thank you for the dis­ tinguished honor you have imposed upon me. Although 1 feel myself the least competent of any among you for the position, yet as*the grave duty of presiding over the deliberations of this Board has fallen to my lot, 1 promise you that 1 shall discharge the duty de­ volving upon me to the best of my ability, and without fear or favor.--• There are grave and momentous ques­ tions to come before this Board, to be by them deliberated upon, which de­ mand their candid consideration. The question of temperance and intempe­ rance, of license 01-110 license, are ques­ tions of vast moment to our country, and holy in the sight of Heaven, aud our action in this matter will be looked forward to with a jealous eye.audgreat anxiety; and the thought arises in my mind as to which is the best pWay, to license, control and restrict this iiiing, or not license, aud let it run, and be dealt out promiscuously to all, as in years gone by,--or which is for the best interests of the town. If it is for the best to take money from the Devil's purse to put in the Lord's treasury, why, then, 1 say let us do Yihzt Is far the best,everrcmambeiv !ng that to do what ever, in our best ju'jmont-j fl%? •'le •*'>. that our children's children uiay*beproud of the record. May a wi"« Providence guide **s through the coming year, and through life, and when this' the Cen­ tennial year of our national existence shall have come to a close, may we have the proud satisfaction of knowing that we did our duty faithfully--and did It well." New arrival of Clot hi ur and flats Caps at P, D, Smith's. If vrttj Wstrtt anextra good Shave or# Hair Catf call on Charley, at the Parker House. -- ff 1 i-in 1 • . ' A splended Piano to Rent on reason* able terms. McHenrrfllL Jan.Jllth,*1876.°' 0w**' The first one ever brought to SfrffeM* rv County can be seen at the Little Shoe Store, on Main Street, Woodstock. SEED CORN.--Orders will be received at Bucklin Stevens' for the Iowa Seed Corn. Sain pie to be seen at their store. Good dress Prints, fast colony only 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. The Pearl Gang Plow lias no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. DRESS GOODS. New; and desirable shades in Sent Plaldsi Mohairs, Melanges. Alapacaa, at P. D. Smith's. All who have dull Razors and wish them sharpened, take them to Charley, at the Parker House. All work done by the latest tip of the wing. < Boots and Shoes made to order for Ladies and Gents, at the same prices you would pay for sale goods. Where? At Warren's, on Main street, Wood­ stock. ;;!'i f 8EEDSI SEEDS! ' Ail parties designing to raise* pro­ duce for the Pickle Factory, will please leave their orders for Seeds at Buckjin & Stevens, that a full snpply inky fci had. It is the universal testimony that tho Rochester and Buffalo Boots aud Shoes, for which we r»r» tins ssoic agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give them a . . P. D. t;, LEGAL BLANKS* T^egal Blanks of all kinds for sale * if the Corner Drug Store of Murphv A Hoy. Woodstock. 111. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. If yon want to get the*latest style and bn»t quality of Photographs call at Ford's Fine Art Gallery, MeHouvy, III Price only $2 per dozen. STORETOTJENT. I offer for Rent my Store, mat tho Depot, in the village of Mcflenry. Or will trade the same, with goods, for a good farm. PHILLIP GIKSKLEB. McHenry, 111. March 14th, 1876.. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P.M., Richmond, I1L To Pleasure Seekers. The undersigned having purchased and put upon FV>x Kiver the fast run­ ning Steamer, "K. EMERSON," would respectfullv inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public geuer* ally, that they are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make trips to and from Pistaqua and Fox Lakes, and also Wilmot, Wis., 011 short notice and guarantee a quick trip aud pleasant ac­ commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort of passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River Toad. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for any special time can do so by mail or telegraph, bv address­ ing, SNYDER & CLARK, MCHENBT, ILL., April 24th 187FT. Do not despair if your taxes large. Do not «ive up if you have been a little careless and allowed the elephant to step on your pocket book; if you still have a skeleton of "the once fat pocket book" remaining, re­ member it will go along ways toward purchasing your Spring Goods at P. JV Smith's. BOARDERS WANTED. Tho undersigned is prepared to far* nish accommodations to Boarders by the Week, Day, or single Meal, giving good .accommodation at a moderate price. Residence fijrst street West<of Pnbllo (Square. ^ _ • W-AUI&- • 5£e Ifcnry, III. March 1st, 1(jjn. 1 a l> ^ ^ . 35GGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Bred Dorainio Fowls. I shall be prepared to tarnish a limited number of settings of Eggs from tho above breed of Fowls, which are ao* knowledged by all to be the best layeim in the country. Eggs can be obtained by calling at my farm, 4 miles South- 1 east of McHenry, or orders can be left at the PLAINDEALER Office, which will receive prompt attention. Price 60 cents per dozen, II. T. DOLBEER. Y PATENTS. Persons desiring to take out Pat$giti», or de- airing information from the t, 8. Pat,eat Ofea should consult r. A. LEHMAXK, SOLICITOR OJT AMSBIOAX AND rORElQN PAIEXTS, Washington, b. CL Bxftmiiuitloms f^ee. HO PATEK* NO PAT. Send tot CtrcnlSr. -mv For Sale. W Tlie uniioraigned offers for Sale, the Brick Store on Water Street, in the villi*ire ot McHenry, now occupied bv Mrs. C. H. Morey, ait a Milliuerv Store. It is UxS5, the upper story being finished off as a residence. TEHMS REASONABLE. Inquire of C.H, MOKET McHenry, 111. Nov. 1st W7K. J. S. MEDLAR, Woodstock, hM yet on hand a few more of those splendid Ice Views of Woodstock and vicinity, and those Wishing them should order early; They are valuable and in fature years will be highly prized. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address J. S. Medlar, Woodstock, 111. New Goods just received at Howard A Son's old stand. F. K. GRANGER. For Sale or Rent. In the Tillage of Rin^wood, a ftood^ffowse a«d Lot, and seven acres of land. The hoas® •Wkntalna ten r.wm», and is »w y*** repair, i'ftere Is a gooti well of irater a>n! a 1mrn ra the premises, besides an abundance of KIMQ fruit. It will be .«>M silltwelher or the hoase and lot or land scpomte. Tkkmsli£A90Na HLS liio wire of J. W. Cristy or " Wwusy Uoa Ringwood, Nov. -let 1W8. -'H? Sa For Sale. rphe Wheeler form, sitasled SOtrods south of A the village l>l»t of Mellonry, oontainiay 200 acres of prairie, ami 80 arres of timber, with a l>rick fw*«tse, cistorn. two pumps, arid t»s«al aiie*daj?e«, .Uw 13S acree of tin. her imninsr the villasro of McHenry oil the east, together with th» personal property. In<itiira at the premises, or addre ss J. WHBELBa. McHenrr. P.S. Hwseholi fwrnnure, etc.. together with actual pofwewarui eMin ha4 epvitk to purchaseck. ™

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