Method af Stidylig History. W4*-* Barnes, the Bchoolroaster in a erabur- ban town, lead in the Educational « Monthly that boys oould be taught Ms- better than in another nay by let- :̂<fting each boy in the dam mtra $ represent character, and reiate the jh note of that character as if he had done •1 (Inn himself Hiis «truck Barnes as a livttighly good idea, and he reeohred to try it on. The aehool had then pro- J£fL jpeaaed so far in its study of the history of Borne as the Punic warn, and Mr. JBmcDM immediately divided the boys it*; /'into two parties, one Bomans and the ;̂ ii(,bther Oarthagenians, and certain of the ooys were named after the leaders npon both sides. All the boys thought it vu *v' big thing, and Barnes noticed that «*« , iliey were m anxious to get to the his- 'lory lesson that they cotjd hardly say mifheir other lessons prooerlv. When the time oazne, Barnes ranged jthe Bomans upon one side of the room *imd the Cajrthageniana on the other. The î citation was very spirited, each party «i> telling about its deeds with extraordi- i)flf ^arytinction. After a while Barnes asked a Roma© to describe the battle of Gannnv •HaA •'""Sopies of " Way is: it tiifi euemy, xhen the CarfchageBî s a out of a bench and * " îmed it awnng the Romans,, who re tted with a volley of books, slates fP ui j Whereupon the Bomans heaved their "copies of 8SWavlasjid's Moral Science" balls. Barnes con- si of Oanaee had been I aod chewed chided that the u<-y anfBciently illustrated, and he tried to r"°ltop it. the warriors? considered it too good a thing to let drop, andacoord- vrSQgWthe Oaarthagenians sailed over to with another battering-ram <"*»sad thumped a couple of them in the fJ, |tomaeh. Then the Bomans turned in and the •?{*tgnfc became generaL A Cartha^enian '1 would grasp « Roman by the hair and Rustle Kim around over the desks in a manner that wm simply frightful to be- . hold, and a Roman would give a fiendish oop and knock a Garthagenian over head with Greenleaf's arithmetic, got the head of Scipio Afri- |4Mos trader Ms arm, and Scipio, in his * "efforts to break away, stumbled, and the two generals fell and had a rough and j '-fumble fight under the blackboard. Cains Gracchus tackled Wamiloar with a ruler, and the latter, in his struggles to loose, fell against the stove and down about thirty feet of stove- Thereupon the Bomans made a d ra%» ana in five minntes they ran entire Carthageaian army ont of the schoolroom and Barnes along with it, ^aod then they locked the door and began » £»#> hnnt up the apples and lunoh in the desks of the enemy. After consuming the supplies they Went to the windows and made disagree- , î ble remarks to the Carthagenians who were standing in the yard, and dared old Barnes to bring the foe once more into battle array. Then Barnes went for a policeman, and when he knocked at the door it was opened? and the Bomans were Imny studying their lessons, iffiea Baraes eamoin with the defeated troop? he went for Scipio Afrioanus, and pulling him out of Mb seat by the ear, he thrashed that gsemt Military genius with a rattan until Scipio began to cry, , • whereupon Barnes dropped Mm and be gan to paddle Cains Gracchus. Then ' finings settled down in the old way, and 'VlMkt rooming Barnes announced that history in the future would be studied as * 'it always had been ; and he wrote a note to the Educational Monthly to say that, in Ms opinion, the man who sug gested the new system ought to be lea out and shot. The boys do not now fake as much interest in Roman history as they did on that day.--Philadelphia Bulletin. % - ' la Durance Tile. A letter from Jefferson City, Mo., says : Gen. John McDonald, the ex- supervisor, and Wm, O0 Avery, the ex- "*"ief clerk of the Treasury department, iced at St. Louis a week ago, were aught here this afternoon under two United States Marshals. Mc- >nsld, at the head of the United States troops, captured this place in 1861, and held it. for some time, occupying the Governor's mansion as his headquarters. JJpon his arrival here to-day he insisted nor walking to the Madison house, fol lowed by 200 or 800 men and boys, "V^her to Avery's amusement, who would - )jpve liked a conveyance. After dinner ' McDonald led the way to .the peniten- £tiii on toot, and arrived there several rods in advance of the deputy -nmrshal The prisoners Trere -Hmed lovrt to CkpL Bradbury, relieved of their baggage, and immediately conveyed . through the inner gate and info the penitentiary. As soon as the party en tered Col. John A. Joyce, in Ms full zebra suit, made Ms appearance -at the door of the negro ward, over which he is the superintendent, and was greeted with a laugh by Avery, to whom Ms ap- seemed very amusing. Mc- and Avery were taken into the central tower of th< there informed by Bradbury lationa, wMch we very stringent. They and le hollow square of the regu- Jrefce relieved -of their jewelry, watches, knives and aiaaej. Joyce was brought by a guard and he and McDonald in- in a good deal of chaff at other's expanse. Both reiterated their eatifoiaDoceiioe of the charges o& which they had been convicted. Joyce, infer ring to the State's witnesses, inquired after the forty thieves outside, and Mo- Donald told him he had left them there tfc save the country. Bradbury hadia- teiidei to put on the convict garb at iee©, but after taking a mental measure Of both McDonald Mid Avery, who weee •mall men* said he would furnish with-suits in the morning. throTigh a telegraph pole." " A bale of cotton weighing five hundred pounds was carried a quarter «f a mile." Dm sergeant-observer calculates the follow ing degrees of foroe for the relative velocity oI the wind: Pressure, 26.9 pounds per square foot of exposed sur face ; velocity, 78.3 miles per hoar; 80.6 pounds, 78.1 miles; 77.7 pounds, 124.6 He further estimates that some Of the results oould not have been pro duced by a wind traveling at a leas velocity than about seven hundred an hour. Bonr that Stanley Has Bees Besetted %y Bis Mea. The Liverpool correspondent of the New York Herald interviewed Lieut. Cameron as'to his explorations in Africa. In the course el the conversation he asked: " Did you hear anything of Stanley ? " "Yes, 1 heard of him several times. Of eourse he was away to the northward of my most northerly point. Poor fel low, £e has a desperate class Of people to deal with, and any one leas deter mined than he would nave been swept Several trad-out of existenoe long ago. ers whom I saw at Nyangwe spofce oi him. They had heard of jbim at Mfcewi's. H« wm uwsciibed as a short, heavy-set man; in white clothes--in fact, I am ab solutely certain from, many other facts stated by them that they were speaking of Stanley. The headmen and Portu guese traders of the Ltialabti region are deeply interested in Stanley's trip, and frequent intpiries were made for him in Nyangwe* If he is fortanate enough to .get through to that point from the Jlberfc lake region he will find very good friends, who will furnish him provisions and all necessary outfit Dngumba the headman of the settlers at Nyangwe, would do anything in his power for Mm, With Ms aid Stanley oaa get boats and 1. T. Ktewarfa Mr. Stewart was a a generous man in his WW s dealuigs. Methods, just but not He al~ happen to the intrepid beard many rumors about the desertion ol his men, and the desperate straits to which he had been reduced; but such reports are always in circulation, and there was no means of either verifying or disproving them. I can my only this, that if his men have lost heart and begun to desert the ease la very serious. It will not do any good to knock a few of them on the head. The rest will sim ply sit down and shake their heads, but go further they will not I can tell you, from the bitterest of experience, that it is a dreadful position to find one's self in--alone in the wilderness, among hu man wild beasts, hundreds of miles be tween you and eraooor, and starvation staring you in the face. But I have only looked at the worst side of the picture, I have hope that Stanley will come out all right, and I am sure that in the bottom of my heart I hope so/" "What did yon do with the men whom you brought through with yon from Zanzibar to the west coast* Lieu- teiia&t?" lasted, " 1 sent tliem around the cape in a schooner, and they are probably iU home by this time." its kept his own word scrupulously, a required others to do the same. If he promised to pay a dollar, he paid a dollar, and if a man promised him a dol lar, nothing leas than the dollar would satisfv him. Hence he got the reputn- fetion of being hard and .exacting, and consequently was rather unpopular. He atruthful mm- Henever told lies, nor asked anybody in his em ploy to tell them. The foundation of Ms bnainnon auooess was the xeoatation, which his establishment gained at an early day, for describing goods exactly as they were, offering them at the lowest price intended to be taken, and then making no deviations. When he first opened his store it was the custom of eelicrs apd buyers to charter over their transactions. The dealer asked more than he intended to take, and the buyer offered lees than he intended to give, and a lon ̂debate followed. The result was that tumid people, women an d young persons, were very glad to find a place where they could look at goods, ask prices, and then have nothing more to do than to make up their minds whether to t*k« them or leaw then?.. Mr. Stew art alsa had the reputation of paying the lowest market rate of salaries to his clerks. This was partly owing to his natural shrewdness, and pertly to the fact tjiat he constantly overwhelmed with applications for situations. Having only to pick from a great number who offered themselves, and who were anxious for employment on any terms, he found it easy to secure clerk® at salaries far be low those that jumij other employers were oompeled to pay. But whatever he promised to pay was paid punctually ana fully. And in the coarse of his long career it has- never been alleged against him that he ever defrauded man or child of a cent. At the same time he required of ail the fullest performance of the dnties that they undertook, and a very slight failure was in his eyes suf ficient cause for dismissal. As an illus tration of his business tact, it Is men tioned that on opening his great retail store he instructed his clerks to pay par ticular attention to the poor women who entered at the Fourth avenue doors, his object being to break up the Bowery trade. And he did it effectually.--New York Tribune. The flarce of the Wirnb The force of the wind when traveling at high velocities is capable of producing tile most extraordinary effects on ex- ppsed objects, anch ass buildings? trees, animals, and even bodies of water. In "jfarAh, 1875, a series of destructive tor nadoes visited North and South Caro lina and Georgia, and Sergeant Galver, df the signal service, was ordered to in vestigate their character and effects. Among other remarkable instances of wiM force he reported that "a rock weighing eighteen thousand pounds, and having thirty-live square feet of exposed surface, was moved seven feet." "A pine log, weighing twelve hundred pounds, and with thirty-five feet of ex posed surface, was carried a quarter of driven Utilising the Tramp. They have established a good method in the interior of New York State for feeding the houseless poor, tramps, va grants and the respectably destitute. They mak<9 them work for what they re ceive as relief. The town board of audit, answering the purpose of a board of re lief, have an arrangement with the po lice, and to these the charge of the poor is given, A tramp receives a ticket from the board, wMcli he presents to the po lice, who give him a plank bed similar to those in the "Soup House." The terms of entertainment are that the appli cant shall, in the morning, before break fast, break two bushels of stone. On these conditions he remains o/ leaves as the case may be. The arrangement has proved a success. The tramps, vagrants* or whatever you choose to call them, work for what they receive, and the theory of mendicant charity is to a great extent dispensed with. Women and children and disabled men are of course exempt from this rule, and are fed and lodged according to circumstances. The tramps accommodated in these small towns numbered 744, the cost of which was $174.25; the amouat of stone broken was 2.07ft bushels* which, at five cents per bushel, is equal to $148.80, leasing a to the board only of (?'2S,-dC wMch was more than, paid by the profit on the breakage of the stone. In jer.rn before this labor system was em ployed, the cost of feeding and lodging tramps, etc., varied from $400 to $800. The labor test extends to the resident applicants for relief, and they accept it readily. Every man who applies is re quired to go to the stone-yard and break stone, for wMch he receives at the rate of fire cents per busheL Ho money is paid, but an order is given for such sup plies m his family may need, at the labor rates. The average day's work of these men has been twenty-five bushels, equal to $L25 per day. Tie mult of this experiment is to diminish the number of applicants and to teach the idle the practical lemon that they must work to live. They ask for bread and are presented with a bushel of sfeaiie to give them m appetite. Fifty Miles oa a Bk^de. The great fifty mile international nhftmpion bicycle oonteat between D. Stanton, champion of England, and Wm. C. McGleilan, champion of Amer ica, for $7>00, was .decided in the Amer ican Institete last evening. Stanton won the race iu fine style. McCleiiaa was in training tan days. Up to the sixteenth mile Stanton crossed tne score two miles ittnd a quarter on the lead; bet then McClellan quit his bicycle and ruqjped after Messenger, accusing him of tam pering with his machine. Messeta*g;er denied it. After Stanton had ridden twenty-five miles McClellan got on his bicycle and rode twenty miles and two laps, and then fell headforemost on the floor exhausted. He went off the tr&ek sad gave up the race Stanton made his fiftf miles in throe hours and four min- utes ; McClellan's twenty-one miles was made in 1 hourt 38 minutes and 22 sec onds. Stanton's wheel was 58 inches in diameter, and McClellan's wheel was 56 inches.--New York SunI Jambs Drxow, of Pahnefstoa, Canada, olftims to he 110 yeass old, and* to have served at Trafalgar. His fetter livad to be 11& - Caatelar oa the Eastern QoeetfcM. The New Tork Herald publishes an article on the war feeling in Europe, from ex-President Oastelar. In regard to the .Eastern question, he says : " There is but one cause for war, a considerable cause--the Eastern ques tion „ But the Eastern question may not lead to immediate oonflist The two nations most interested and compromised in that affair have, and do still, unless they have recently ohanged their opinion, wisely abstained from any view naving (Mi extreme or exaggerated, character. does net mnintdn, as ir«, times* even to the point of the eword, the inviolable integrity of the Turkish empire; neither does Bussia act with audi promptness as she was wont to do in the holy city of Constantino. Each has hod her ardor moderated through the cooling influence of experience. England knows that in order to oppose Russia she requires to regain the West ern support she lost completely through her neglect to protest, in any way, against the consummation of the un happy dismemberment of France. Bus sia, on her part, knows that in order to turn the Eastern question to account she must complete her great system of rail roads and the armament of tne numerous contingent of her reserves. At this mo ment, by tacit consent, the nations of the north, as well as those of the interior of Europe, have accepted the principal initiative, and the important note of that Austrian empire wMch was so much de nounced when she cast the shade of death over Germany and Italy. But at this time, also, her mediation may deaden the tremendous shock of Eastern Eu rope with Europe of the West, a shock that might occasion many awful disasters. Geography has an immense influence in politics, and geography imposes upon Austria and the Turks various limited in tersections between the two peoples and their multiple populations. Again, the Aiwtyo-Hungariaa empire exercises its authority over an immense multitude of slaves just as Turkey does slaves of iMMtumia, GaMcia, uro*&a| and whole ofancient Ulyria." . Points Bifeimee. We can never become careless, or comparatively careless, of our points of difference, until we learn what wretched stuff they are made of; that these points of difference reside in opinions acquired at no cost at all, and that they often rise no higher in the ttotde of value than bor rowed prejudices. So long "ortho doxy" oi opinion is more elaborately in sisted on in the pulpit tiian love and purity; so long as dogmatic theology has the lead of life; so long as Christianity is made so much a thing of the intellect md so subordinated a thing of the affec tions, the points of difference between the churches will be made of more im portance than the points of sympathy.. Pride of opinion must go out before sympathy and charity can ootne in. So long as brains occupy the field, the heart cannot find standing room. When our creeds get to be longer than the moral law; when Christian men and women are token into, or shut out of, churches on scjTOunt of their opinions upon dogmas that do not touch the vitalities of Chris tian life and character; when men ot brain* are driven out of churches or shut away from them tgecause they cannot have liberty of opinion, and wilf not take a batch of opinions at seoond-hand, our pride of opinion becomes not only ridic ulous, but criminal, mud the consumma tion of Christian unity is put far off into the better future.--D, in Soriimer for May. up in Vienna alone. In working up the shavings and dust into materials, about nxty women are employed in sorting, sifting, washing, and cleansing the refuse a§d rolMmng it through sOken sieves. The quantity of coal sent from the Schuylkill region for the year so far has been 749,748 tons, against 619,344 tons the same period last year. A*our request Gragm & Co., of Phila delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fifteen oente to pay postage) a sample of Dob bins Electric Soap to try. Send at once ' ***** \ ̂ it# 7 S*cc*hM1 PhySdm. • V ilfconi «*• St. Lonla Glob*.) • There is probably no man to whom the eom- *""*"*-7 ou much as to tbe hoomt, far- spoken physician, who does his actual duty both to luonelf and to his patients. Really skiJlfal physkuans are not so numaroas that their vijv taea need no mention, and henoe the adver tisement of Dr. R. V. Pieroe of Buffalo, may well claim the feeder's attention. Dr. Pierce is a type of % clafe of men who obta n success by oarefal and veil--directed effort, not attempting too much, or creating false ideas as to ability. »nly reliable pliysieiam in these cteya of complicated, ftiaonlers »»<i high-pressure ifving is the "SjwsdWMfc," the man niw* nndeNtand* mo uiie. briiieEi of the bonneee. Bach in Jde one in r«y. Pier®©. For the benefit of his read Ms he has written a "Common Sense Medioai Aa*iser," which is well worth readiug by those who nead such a work.. With strict bosines# aonor, high profemoiml skill, treasonable fees, and a Saw© corps of competent assistants, Dr. Flê ree will flonbtIe»9> xnsjee his nnme ferailiar •« "household words." Centennial Quid* I*ree. The Pan Handle root* from Chicago, apolis or Oiucinnau. via Oohumbos, is sending to all applicant* their Centennial Goide-Book, showing route* tickets will be sold over, and prices of wane. Tiokaln will be sold vis, Wssh- Iggton City, and return via Nlsemfm Falls,, eta. Writ® to either of the ondemgiMf! for this Ooide: W. L, O'Beim, G. P. A.. Oolumbos, O., 8. B. Jons, G. Booth. Act., Cincinnati, E. Gn- iajp, Gen. West'n Agt, Chicago, Pucpues on the face, rongh akin, ebapped hands, saltrbeum, and all ontaneoos affections cured, the ekrn made soft sad smooth , W the use of Juniper Tar Soap. That made by Oaswell, Haaard i Oa, New York, is the on)x kind that csn be relied on, m there an many imitations, made froaa eoaaami tar, which are worthless. Vkgbttms is composed of roots, barks and herba, It is Tery phasant to take: ererr ohild likes it Ohoupsw, beat famil; VOrid--CmoAoo Lsixwa. iy paper in the See aaVertiMment, OR. SCHBWCK'S STANDARD RMB- DIRS.--Tb« (tftndurd remedfm for nil dlaeMM ot llw tangs in ScHmcK'B Pulmonic Svepf, HcnmcKV Bba Weed Tone, and Scum's Mamman Pnxs. •ad, if taken bate* iha leas* aae tatrarad. a lynfe MN 1» effected. Tc them time tnodlobtM Dr. J. H. SahMMk, at Phga dalphis.. ow®® hi« unrivalled »n»o-- la tba luahwirt •t palmonsrr dlseaiM. The Pulmonic Syrup rtpMi* th# motftlA awttor la tba law; swtare throws It off by »n uv aspaotorattoa, far wb«n the pbl«ftn ot matter In rip* a ltt(ht eoagb will Utaowitofi.tliegatieBiSiassfSBiaad Si» loagi bagia ta heat ToaaablatbaPiilaania Imp to do Ihk, Sohcnak'fc Menlwlte PUlfl and Sohenek'* Saa Waed Toole must, be itmif mfWMl to elaiiiiM the stomach aad bvar. Mandrake Pilk act on the liver, removing all obatrea- tlofu, relax the sail bladder, the blla (tart* freoiy, &ad tba liver ta soon relieved. SchenckV Sea, Wwd Tonte ta a saatla atlmalant and alt«rativ ;̂ the uiknli of which it la oomposed tnizee with the foot! ami prevents souring. It aaaiata the direetloa by tcmhiK up tho moinnoh to a healthy condition, so that tbe food and the Pulmonic Syrup will make good blood; then the lunna ln».il. «nd the pntient will snrvljr get well if care is taken to prevent imh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Kchonek, either peraonallr or by letter, can do so at his principal office, corner of SIXTH and AncH Sth., Philadelphia, every Monday. Schotu k".-. inadicinea are aold by ail drnsRiata throa(b-oat tit* country. Fearful--the amount of nxinagr thrown away in not burins Shoe* protectad by SILVER TIPS. Pnrenta, be wiaa! insist tbatyoni shoe dealer chonld keep them. Also try Wire Quilted Sobs. SOOTS AND SHOES Adopted by U. S. Government after four years trial, v REMEMBER THE NAME. nWCUGO IEDGER FOR $1.00, POSTPAID. la Midisk iiial everybody may be enabled to take this giaat Stmry aad Family Newspapere we have determiiwd to o«er It till Jan., 1877, for (1.00, postpaid. It Is the LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BE8T, aad kmm& widely circulated Nawnwpar la th» W»«t- Ssad mon«f addressed Tl uEBuSS. Onoiao, III. $5 to $20 a day athwi. Baaioica woyth ai 1 frea. • Srutfiui) A Oo.. i'ostlfxi. ̂ 1*. IfiTUIII fkl only sure remedr. Trlsl wcltiM ,"3 I free. h. SMiAllWlGUT.Clevslaiid. O. &OA A DAT. BOW T® SfAKM IT. 8omethin$ NBW. COM. rONQB <t CO., ». Louit, Mm. >r. J. G. Holland, OA FAMCY MIXED CARDS, 10 tints, with JU vf name, 10 eta. NassaC Oabd Co.. Naaean, N. Y. a K FANCY CENTENNIAL CAHDS.wlth name, 10c. /UtJ Address J. B. HUSTEOi Nassau, Renss. Co.,N.Y. Profitable. Pleaaaat wort; haadiads now a«a-•flsysd; Iraadrada mora wanted. M. H. Lovall. Erie, Pa. 60AA A MONTH. Agentswant«d. K*c«I.Mf«. Fv" Co., 151 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. £ J f) C per day Send for Chromo Oatalagna. IplU *• 11. Buffokd's Sons. Bostan, Maaa. OA Eitra Plat MIXED CARDS, with naim. itSJ lO oeats, postpaid, h. JowaaiOo., Hassan, Ni*. FBi ~ KK GIFT of a Piano tor distributing oar circulars. Address U. 8. Puio Oo., 810 Broadway, New York. 6 VERY desirable IfEW ARTICLES for Agents. Xanfac'r'd by G. J. Capawell A Co., Cheshlro Oonu. AVOHTIINF *OH Wil.Offi) AGENTS to seU " UH«1 V i.1 Hi the Kukeka Bitbolab-Pboop, Samples by mail, 60c. Taylor Mfg. Co., New Britain, Ct. §Outfit* I^OOTPRINTS of tint AOKS. Oat •• Government and History. 6oos)«peeo'B r* "It£ • Book, Bible and Map House, CHliuao. A MfniaCsire Oil FafnftncaaOsiivM which will A be joar own LUtenese, fraaT wtth Tlte Weekly, sent 3 month® on trial tor W eta Mo»e# toA,entZ L. T. LUTHER. MU1 Villaga, Sria Co.. VAIID llliiie neaUy pnniedon40flneBristoiOa«ia TUUK HAIWC (7 tints) for lOo and to stamp. On W Assorted Cards, 80c. Twenty Acquaintance Cards, 10c, Agents' outfit. Clotto* Bkos. * Co.. GliatanviUs, CU S260 Meerschaum. Meerschaum shavings and duat are used when compressed for making in ferior or imitation pipes. Forty-one thousand handled weight of this waste m annually consumed in Vienna In the production of pipes, cigar-holders, etc., and the imitation has been carried to sneii perfection that oonnoissenrs some- istingt i of the articles from similar ones of tiie genuine HubHisnce. Of the sieerschanm itself, 12,000 caaes, each weighing fifty or sixty nnnnfla. and WQttii A £iBBL JUCB ilflfid |ryiaaMfnf "'T -Hi | , -P1"* Jf *1 $i,9. Three Points FIR CMSIDEMTIOI. »aM a*a feais the YBGKTINF has ban " lata pobtta faaar, aad tiboM nke lasiaiagaid tails meritm» and sapporters. mm far those haviacaatfei tirnr apWim a ̂ i ths advanown--t of YgQ. XTINS. Is*. It Is an honsaUr ptapatad •--'Hn« ̂ bar ka, roote and haHba. ML It hoMstiy aaaaaottabes a> that Is cUfaaed tgc a, wttbawt laavtog any b î sass-b^ass-'ssaSE1 aftiMir had effects te Intaatimo iturne are a aaflelant, tar. Taking in! icina bronght eoospictioaslr before the" pnb¥*thr^mgh the flaialng advwrtissmeete tn tha nawspaper oolurnna. wittt ao proof merit or genalne vowhwa of wh*t it ha2 lUrr. J. 8. DMJKRWOs, D. D., ana Wpwmpmt&rQi ib» Bontli lto|>llst lioston. TNI TIRED BODY 8UES FOR SLEEP. _ „ Borrow, Maiah 16,1874 a. a. STSVCJSS, BS .̂: . j*sar Sir--It is aa BMoh fraai a sansaof date aaof gra*. itnda that I write to say that rottr VEGBTIN1C--even tl s*' is a patent iwadlrtaa hss been of great bate to ma when nothing aiae teemed toavaU which I oookl safety -- Either axeeasiv»BMntal work or nnasoalearebrii M. A littla mora VSGKTIN helped aia. How, I have a ̂ articnUv liorror of " patent msdioinos,'" »at I hava a g3»ftt«r horror r.f belrg *frald to tell the SkitgM nat >.rath. The VKGET1NK Jieluiod wa,aM lavnlt̂ ). Yours, etc., J. S. .t>KfiKMSoî valuablFevidence. »«roh, and at piassat seMad taa Providence, R, I,, mast bsi osteemed as reliable evidence: No one shonld fail to observe that this tsatfaaonisl is the ^ ̂ u t fo i vrob. fan,u*,wh"n<>w s*0- invaluable, aad I lannwuaiail tt toall wtoaujr iavigorattng. repovatlag toaio. O. T. WALKl gonimly PaatorBowdoia Bq. Chartih. E TXeCTIlK fts KNL>*» h)r AUi DSVGQIffl unr TOTOO. kTonrKs ink. SSITINO , cardoeotahiF vMhii na«R hald towaids ths ligrt)0 ad oa 18 Tbaxsp. v CAftDi.lbf If OnftL » areas which Is not vWhie nntR held KothlagUks them ever tsSas ufftisdla atsafe ' ~ actBtlrPrlt rAjtaa* visiti . Kashcardoeota MIC AGO I6RAPIR PITCHEII. Gaaiantaed to do doable the worfe of coaan serapsn. Townships can take them on trial. Prioe aft. Send for Manual af Road-MakW idDttohlnaJree. AddrasaChiasca »naDM Scraper itohsr Oo., Chioago. ^aaTCHOXANCIT, or Sural Chwrmlny" •" How tfitlur nmv tiu< Jove and •flffction oiany prraon tbi y inntantly, ThH *rt all o«H pOMH?fuit by mail, c«'XiU; to(?«tL4-r w!ll» » iA>v<<r'* Uultl*, KfjpptUn Oracle, l>renm ,̂ Hints In Lm<1Ion, AC. l,MQ,€t0« A qoe«r book. T. WILLIAMS A CO., I'ub'a, t'MUrirliihln CA£ >-M White or tinted Bristol. HO eta.; S« lake. Marble, Rep, or Damaak. 33 eta ; 50 40 ota.; with your name beanttfM% prlntad oa aad 68 ssnĵ es of type, agaata' pilealist, eta.. W. a . to AM. A BOOK for the MILLXON. MEDICAL ADVICE ̂ il'sesr^ss Catarrh, Hupture. OpiumHshti. ac., b£N'1 i'REE on rcceipt ot stamp. aMn% Dr. ButU'SlipeBMry No. 19N. 8thit, St.Loais, Ma 9 fast puchaaad IJM0 'RING T^ADK,"an'I » largest We have fltst-claas .. forth® RPRL wtll sail them at tha disooont from faotory ever offered. Tanas of pay ment fX to $100 ca*h, remainder quarterly, or $10 to $E0 . montAly. Catalogues, with fan. explanation sent free. IIKD'S TEMPLE OF MU8I0, «) VAN BfJRBN STREET, CH1CACW». IBV Cut this eat aad Ineioee tt ia yoar letter.] manner C(M>P« How to bny him. How to sail him. Row to train . ' hint. How to tell Uula tar. A NEW BOO! gsieatistersst to !1> pan. 8snt by mail lo; ESos '•»< >* i'?iiPAao, im.„ FOX/TZ B • HORSE AND CATTLE PO^DKRS, cure or prevent XMsoaaa. ZNQUmik FOR I.OBQWN&Wi DUBBELLAS. PHII^ADBXjPHIA and NEW YORK.--Tbe qualities marked with their name a/a confidently reoom-aseaded. 8*U»eted Freaek S«rr Mill Stoaes Of all sires, and superior workmanship. Portable CrlMlinlr Mill*, uptwr <>•- uudnr nninors, for Fitrui or Merrhant work. dfaalae Onlrli An* kerB«ltliirClotb, Mill Picks, Coin and Cluaiiei'g, Owning, Huiftins. Pnllies, HituE'TH, ctc.; all kinds of Mill Murhinery imd Millere' supplies. Send fur Pwuiphlct. Straab MIU SAFE AND RELIABLE. Have Yon "Weak lam? HareYooa^^«rGrti? Have Yon Pain h» Yonr Breast? H^VgTftilOMiSnqtpttSa ? D8Blte.L0.c. wm»nm FDiE TREE TAE COMUL Are Yoa "Weak and DebUltated? Do You Suffer from Indigestion? Po Yon require a Tottlc? Have Y on No Ai ««Ja VBGET1NB takes Just before I rstire gives in* jw@at and imatadiata sloop, and witho<«t any ofthe evil al aa*ao«oa, I think two things would land to make bnta^workmsleaa. 1st. A little lees work. ~"MfK This prescription bm I>o You need BnlldingTJp? Pa Yew wish to be Strong aad Kealthy? ~ BR. L 0. C. ~ Sold by all ProggiatR. Principal Depot, Ko» 292 Korth Second #11 osn.££TK£r- will do nil IbrrclslMuW.)'. IIWi/ii«n^n.l! pnrth-olur,. Oar Star tali Focb Doflai Watch, 6. an-vareaaa. Ua aqoallad for style. WWitdiL, and clwNtvinasa. Tbey haw oil th« appearance of.aMl cannot be told from, a Sottd HUvor Watch tvisting ttme Unuw the price wa sail them for. These Watches oaa rendily lie sold fi>r doable the prtcc wa ask for than, ana «ra the best Watah inade for trading parpoaes: Mass making the most desirable Watch ever offered talks public. Wa aia th» oaly com^mny inpatyias a Snll. DARD Watah at •*. Sent C. o7b. on noeiptof fits gnar*nt#e express ohanrea, which will be deducted RMS pricc. Addiaas all orders, CHICAGO WATCH ij9 CliOCK OO.. 88 Randolph St.. Chioago. HI. /N AGENTS wAMttb F6D tHE I jENTENNIAII v HISTORY or m U.S. The aisat lateraat In the thrilling history of oareda» ttf males this tbe fastwt̂ selUng hook avar pnhHshai It ooataiaa «• full a«oonnt of the graad Osiilaiiillal •! hltiition. C AVTION.--Old, Inoomplete aad ITsiaiUbls worts are belna oircnlatied; seathat the book roq Day eaatalBS 449 Fl»« Ea|ravlBgi aad Ws Pages. Send for clnmlars and extra, tanaa to Agaata. 4 NATIONAL PUBLISHING OO.. Chteago, HL ASTHMA. ajefc'si- rfTOB anbaoribars are msnofsotants sad X. ton of Dr. B. W. Rasa's Celebrated Astfins ] lief, which ia n&doabtadly the bast asthma remit? yat dlsoovered. Instant relief is guaranteed or psiw shasa price refunded. We put up ths medietas la boxes of three slma, which retail for Kc., 8O0. and fL. Bsnoos remitting retail price will hats the madicia* promptly forwarded by mail, postpaid. Also saa* pies sent free to anv who ma* daaira. Prioea par doe., tl.78, $3.50 sod $7.00; groes price, $18, $80, fit. Wholesale agents: John r. Henry, Curraa ft Oo4 M. Y.; John t». Park h Bona, Clnelunati, Ohio; RicbarA> son k Co., Ht. Looia. Mo.; Lord, 8mlth % Oo.. Chi cago, ni.'. a. G. OOodwia li 00., Boston, Mm; French, Richards k Oo., Philadelphia, Pa. Addxtsa BTHRIDOB, TULLKB k CO.. Bom ̂N. Y. The Enemy of Disease, the Pain to Mail and Is tits Grand Old MUSTANG « LINIMENlf, IICH HAS STOOI> TIIK1 \KS. THKKi: IS Mil 1 HEAL. NOLAMKNKSi 1 CFHK.HO ACHK, lOi FjnriailV AllllTtAUt I '>A I JIPTFJOM _ ELD TO ITS MAUIC TOUCH. A bottle vosttnar $5e.j S<ic. or SI .OO, has often sav«# tlie life of a Iranian Mint, and raatored to liflUUlMAtfwittfll MUUf ft ' MYER ESfi SFJTER. iramtljr ClBS i! »i C- W. O. va. IT i j WHEN WIUTKHO TO^VSRTUELi' Tf jdcass say yoa saw the sAvmUsmmiIW latuspapw* OanipMny, Box 14CO. QaeuMiitL Ohio. --With LIGHT OKAY •abstitate tor-- Aahaatos Palats, sll Asbastas gttaa Plwu41 tahestaa Hteaa faeklog- A*\ itas Htanas Pipe aad Bmer Csyeriasa. Ilia aha itaa HtsaatPaeklac--Iadestro«tlbla,.satf4abrieatlrî .:„.,̂ _/toa Rssl Ca*tl a Sjt°r restoringand preaervlng Ko Fslat* for Tin "Roofs, Iron Wpik. e»o. Plr«-Proof CstuI HkeaMlsn, Torafn Pnaf Llnlng*, rre. gond for rasphtet, P*" list. Rannlea and list of Th«*only BVLiaail . ow Ka Uy *!• *" finish. .cwk i?.ii if CMUlBft for bhlngle APIfTH ftSla«^£'gSE«ff̂ I W<th a!l ath«m SattJ UriUB pantsalsra Pr. Part- t̂ô toaoe««feBts and aaolaalva right of sale will fiTgî w MnmiU. .Sccsial rrfew ̂ BSSSSATSASttflTBftfcai.srJs W, JOHp, 87 Maiden A i A to (OO a Week and ffrpewass, ar 1100 l forfeited. Ail tha aear and stsndard Noveltikia, Chromos>@t«. Valttahla Samplea fcaa wltb Clnwlara. ~ W Ohaatbeca Stemt, Mew York. B. L. FLETO REVOLVERS !!S»SS3.00 f°r TtUe NtcKiL PLATS, e^T î&ra* rilti*tra4*4 Catafeft̂ fm Atet&m WE3TERH OC2i WOiUfi. Csicaoo. lit ahit Cared At Home. bffi'asisajs! OPIUMS THE DETROIT PHEB PBBS3; Famous for Its weekly batch of good things, will be sent tofour address <>ne< y«jar. post paid, with Illustrated Pre© Press Alm&aac, for $2. For sslc by p î >,ewsa«>ater». SOMETHING- GOOD ! SOMETHING- N! ill. THE TIME. J FOB EACH WEEK, DETROIT FREE PRESS CO , DETROIT, MI OH . ̂