* ; / *,, * <V ' .-> '-r % ?-'> *, ••„ *- V* ' f "^r - »*'. #? -" - '*S"". ; ' i->A -• :' :>" ;:,<,!j":, /-.., if.*,", i--? '• '̂ y. •.^•' ^ •*^r * ,fe" , V -- ^C.-i > *Af\\ ~t '• • i I y - ' / a - . ' lJt*' •*. "i * 't S JxC&ik' i- I,' . i • V,, -v K *• j " . ' •'•' ' V -n- \ •? .. ̂She Ptl«nrg flshidfaia i ' J # •l.MoHKNRT, J.TAXSURK, HuLXNOm #» XHX SEWS COADENSED. * M Pi f . ; I?.'?*! ft i?»H -51 & : ' V - ^ 0 {?> * GOT. RICK, of M--•ohmwtts, hM vetoed the Ml lo legalise the Marriage of Junes Partem, on grtxmdn that the »ct to wort within the oon- •tttatiooal power of the V>egtslatare--A lug* namber of the moat important liqaor dealera In New York dtj have bam indicted for crook edness. The wibnmm in moat «f the oaeee JW« Chicago men. JAKES 31. FAIR, a M-cf 15 jean, » member of the family of Mr, TVter Watte, Bring at Jamaica, L. I., deiiberately hnng hfaaself last week, Mcaose, it fe said, hie pSMnony had been spent; by an uncle. Abiki F, Fimojs Yegiatmr <*f the Water Board of ussabrfdge, Mtm., is declare* to be tu embezzler in the sum of f8,000. A New ¥OBK telegram says: '••Hie recent breakage of zwtes is bringing coin 'to this mar ket. and shows tfeis result in rcnmd nonsbtrB: £ece>pte for the week ending April 15, 49,000 bushels ; the week ending April '!&, 220,006 bnsbcls; the wwis eodUcg April 20, 407, bushed Beoeipte«t Baltiiiioie and PMladeB- phia have inoreMed more than 80 per oeot. etnce the 15th of April.".... A member offlftie Pennsylvania Home of RepNeentstiYea hps been expelled for receiving money for Mi vote on a certain boom bill. Hto name is Ljnott. THE quarrel betweMi "the two meeeging boards of tbe OentennU exposition his 'been settled in a manner eminently Amerie»R<b]rthe appointment of another board. The -polfce fome will hereafter be nnder thenxmtrof of a police board, ^consisting of five members with Gen. HawleyaB chairman. A NEW TOOK dispatch says that in liew if the large supply of corn in that city wwmltins tran»> pwtaticn to Europe the eteamebip companiee have doubled <their charges for frefght. They know that ttie New York Central i*o«d hae agreed with the owner* of this gmin to trans port it to Ltamool, and they have the road im their power. repreeentatlTe baeebaM «ldba of Ohi> eago aacl InMiBville had • aecoott meeting in the latter city on the 27th nit., and resulted in anothei aevwe defeat of the Boatharners by a eoore of lOto'O. On the same dav^Bt. Louis »n *im *'• * again moecaibed to the superior baU powers of Cancinnati, haripet club ooming oat at the lit tle end of the horn. Boore, 5<%o2. There is wailing and mashing of teeth in Louisville and. St. Louis, ail * corresponding degree of re joicing in Clneago and Cincinnati. THE eapffies mt the Bed Clocd and Spotted Tail Agendeemre exhausted, aad the Indians are re ported-to'be on the verge of starvation. GOV. THAMES, of Wyoming, has arrived at Omaha, Neb., to confer with Hen. Crook rela tive to military protection to be afforded to the Hills stage lip"- Tijq Usg prouj- ised all the protection possible, and an order has been issued to that effect.... Trials of the parties i indicted for connection with the Hountain Meadow wassacre will shortly commence again at Beaver, Utah Geocge W. lkeitz, a Western "rntrran, 70 years of age, started last week from New Albany, lad., to wale to Philadelphia,' to attend the Centennial Baposition. He was escorted from the Court-house to the eastern boundary of the city by a InmeoonooorBe of-ciMzens, headed by a brass band. CHICJAQO elevators eontain 2|577,809 bushels of wheat, 1,07,S71 boahela of corn, 649,216 b^hek of osas, 8&T28lmsheMk tye, and 15$,- ' < ^ ^ •|™d total of -4,787,780 b--hah, against 7,864^20 bushels at f this period last year.... Advioes from Arizona ,, give mformatksi of an outbreak of the Cbiri- «hoa tribe of Indians. Several erhiies were o1 «laaghter@S, mad a great many cattle driven off ;,and honsee borned. It •ajfa»'was this same tribe, under the famous chief Cochise, which committed so m ijmoy murden s few years ago.... * 5"tY./£ty,.D*®r espeets to iispeee of all vT^ the St. Louis whisky esses during the present M*Mt term of the Unitedr States oourt. fit is stated «*Mf. *bat qiril suits««rill be brought; against Mr. McKee and against the securities of Can Ma-0XM gnire, and the imagers and storekeepers: all the (fi^Uuers and recti£ers. THsdistafiMMe&in the oosl«miaing regitm it} Maesillon, Ohio, have culminated in open ^ lawiesiuuMM. A few nights since forty masked men visited the mines, seized the ':«atehmen, end set the ooal slurfts on fire, tloneof the 0i inosndieries wwre-reosgniiei, '•eUng ag«n«t the Chinese in-elan Fran- •»i««4#ta00 WMmm «-'• frowin« a«e Wtter. Ihe " Booth -Ban-FraneinooHmtj-Coolie^Ctab aad J*.-J T xoasg-v v ^ w i u - o u c t c i y " B 6 i d a meting lost wMkjjiaassd rales indaraiug the , . „ detraction ol Hi® Cbinese qusrtor ta Anttoch, > and advocatfjig a -similar ooiues fsntliedty, «nkss the F^Kktral Qovemnieut. •h<w»fa *»ke immediate steps to abate the evil- The speeches saere highly inoeafimry Ie & Babtejt of Omaha, hia j oat retarded m that eity from a *h»ee months' trip to the KackKUs. He reports the mad from Caster ®wy to Itet Laramie strewn withlwagans, the OWMCS having fled, ortbeen killed or captured by Indians. Dnring bis Mp from Gbwtortto Cheyenne he dressed tthe wounds of twelve men who were wuuafied bj Indiana. St is dangeraos for smaU parties to nndertttke the trip. A SHOWIXO domestic tragsdy was enaeteffiin Oiieago ©ne d^r last week. Anthony CJeMing, Oem* newspaper eanrier, murdered his *t" to be had beeconarried but ft Aort; £*> *hen to<A hm owa Jife. The weajmn I » ®eed was sa AUen'revoiveg, .Jealousy was the . cause. soirrau -'i feuzvnra he has no pesrer to appoint • Senator where the vacancy erises from failure ,:,h" 01 4,16 t© elect, <Ciov. Kellogg, of ad °ot designate m, man to fill the V 01 »afc|inthe Senate * v«*n<7*«Wl be left for , & ^ LouiaUna Legialature to fiU next winter. ̂ A NEW OBLS4M8 dispatch states that State ' ^Senator M. H. Twitchell, his taother-in-law. % /r Gewge King, and a colored mart «eg® recently . • >tE1«seaeeinated while crowiug lied rw«r at Cou- ^^abntta, La. They wore all tim* shot bv one QKNEKAL, DAXQEBOCS ooontsrfeit five-dollar notea on " the Merchants' National bank of New Bedford, Mass., are in dfdilation. They mx& mo well executed ae to almost del} detection. i)e on your guard...,Chicago, St, Louis and Milwau- «ee have no monopoly of tbe whisky war. Iu oos Boathern States a great contest has in waged by the nithnil authorities a^wuat crooked" dlstillew aad thieving revenue JBcers, but so silently as to have attracted but ittle geoer&l attention. Laat week the re-, ilte of the campaign in Sooth Carolina ^ere; town by the sentencing of twenty-four dia lers convicted of fraud. They were sen-! . »ioed to the Albany penitontijary for terms ^,-^lwreraging two years each. ' PBOF. BULKE, known throughout the oountry ! ' .#s a mind-reader, committed suirfdeinSan the other day The Centennial sioners, after having considered the i in all its bearings, and being wwilling t offend the religious sentiment of PMladel- Cjptlia,, have decided to cloee the Expo- abkm grounds on Sundays. They have also dWat mined that no spirituous or malt liqoors jlbaB be sold on the grounds A correspondent fit Ufe8§w Yoffc fiibune gives what purport# • w^r1, 5 i i t ie _ to be the details of a story to the effeot tibat Wll*es Booth made an attempt to JriMtMlfe of President Ltoeoln at the t&l oVUs sieond inaugnra^Bn. aad thatJ. W. WestflaU, a Oapkoi pottesman, saved hk> Mf» TKX General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church w in session in Baltimore Assttmnee is given by Dr. Tindaraan, Diieotor of the Mint, that there need be no apprehen sion of a scarcity of silvsr ooin, as ttwra has been issued but ft,500,000 under the Substitu tion act, while the lYeasnry Department has (>r< hand abwt 914.000.000. and me mint eoin&ge will supply from ft500*000 to *2.000,000 per month from this time forth. It will be neoes- sary, however, before the 9142000,000 of silver coin reserve ean be made avaSUbla for oiroula- ties, that Coaaxass eathsriss its ssri.ar.gs 'of legal-tenders, these, in turn, to be exchanged for fraotional currency, and the latter to be de stroyed. A preoosition to this effect has bean introduced and Will probably be adopted. AH International Convention of archaeolo gists has been called to meet at Philadelphia on the 4th of September next... .Joe Goes, the champion pugilist of England, has challenged Tom Allen to fight for tLs championship of the world and $J,000} or more, n "side, WAiH»fitTON. PBEHIDEMT GEAHT, Secretaries Bristow and Jewell, and several other distiagolshed Qffidiftls visited Baltimore one day last week, fto? the purpose of attending the w&Mins of Mis* Sfeoejnaker.daaghfcerof fi. n, ijfeeenwker. manager of the Adams Express Company, to William (X Boylston. It wags a very brilliant affair. The bride received % vast zmmbar of beautiful aodoostly presents, tbe total value of which la placed at 9900,000. KELBOUBJTK, the oontumaofonnVtlmesa reoent- ly imprisoned by order of the Haase of Bepre- sentativ^, has been released on a writ of habeas corpus by Chief Jostiee Cartter, of the District Supreme oourt, TBE Treasury books show that, at the end of April, the total contraction of Ihe legal- tender currency m>d«r the sperstioras of the new Finance act WM, in round numbers, near ly 966,000,000. DTWWO the month of AprS-fiie national debt was reduced #2,781,191. Ike following (a the official statement; Six per cent bonds f 4M£M,6S0 Five per cent bonds...... MQ;M1,800 Total coin bonds.......-- fl,896,041,400 l«wfnl money debt .f Mt000,000 Matured debt...., «,414,370 Legal tenders <70,596,038 Oerti&satea of deposit... -- 36,665,000 Fractional currency 40,-H60,03S Orin oertiAcates ar,978,100 Total wltboat Interest 47a»0M^m Total debt 92,199,553,496 Total Interest 33,817,37* OSah in Treasury: Cofc- ...$77,605,428 Currency 5,161,186 flpedal deposits hekitmi»e- demptkm of oettiaMtes of deposit -S3,665,900 Total In Twaroy. 116,481,«ll ,93,107,938,2£8 .9 2,781,» 20,7B0,4<37 I64.62S.S12 tt292s«ro 3Ur141^US IteM less eash In tke Ikwraty. Decrease of debt daring toll.. Decrease since June 88, M75.. Scmils issued to the Bacillc Railway Companies, interest payable in lawful money: Principal Mtstanling Interest accrnod and aot-yat p*Mr c.... btepj! p.«tl by the Uasted Siatas Interest repaid i>* traasportati<m ef mails, etc «,787,m Balance of interest paid by United States 2,835,3» TEE President has •declared that he will veto the Consular and Diplomatic bill if sent to him in the shape it passed the House. TEE District Grand . jury has indicted ex- Secretary of War Belknap for the alleged ac ceptance of bribes in his official station Ibe President has nominated Olive Logan's husband, Wirt Syi&ee, ae Consul at Florence, Italy. .,. .The draft of the Naval Appropriation bill has oeen completed'by the committee hav ing that work in charge The nun covered by it is about $12,7(KL<m> something more than 94,000,000 less thus last year. fOUTIOAl. TH* Chicago Jrnnml "A^old polit ical stager, who is pretty igood at guessing, wishes us ft© place on rrseord the prediction that the Republican candidate for ••President will be either Bristow or Washburn©, and that the Democrats will nominate either Tilden or Judge David Davis. We will see." The New York Democr^fe State convention pro nounced for Tilden for Brssident. Hanrfrrr Kernsn, Lieut-Gov. Oorshsimer, Congressman Hewitt, and Henry CL Murphy were appointed delegates at laige toSt.2Loius... .'£l»e Arkm- sas Republicans expressed a warm preference for Morton for President, 'but left their dele gates to Cincinnati uutrammeled, ®»" an esswig u>iuiio^pu oontest in Indianapolis on the Sdimst., tssolting in a vic tory for the Republicans. A .-serious riot oc curred after the closing of thefMlte, In which pistols, clubs and briehs wene <f>eelv siaad. r«- suiting in the killing at on© and probably the fatal wonnding of swo eoleraitsBen, Numbers OK oiMn, both w'Mtaa end ~re »rlfissinjnr«i HOB&TIO BEYMOCB has eritten a latter eay ing be could not and wonlt not aeoept a nomi nation for the Presidency andcr any drcum. stances. THB Republicans of Oregon have nominated Bidisrd Williams for Congress Tho c©m. mittaa on Transportatioa for the National Democratic convention haws receiwsii replies from twenty railroads that they will mtfae half- (f* IM^ ^ to delagetes to thaeonven- t'oo. but to all persons in any way cotmected with the convention, ant it is a^t least all the malu roads will acquiesce in this ArrangemeuL... A State Greenback convention twas held at Jackson, Mich,, last week. It was attended by about seventy-fim delegates The :ttnyeuti<m elected twenty-tw® delegates to the National Greenback convention. FOBUOR. 'SosiiLims lt®ve actually bagmti betwees Guatemala atid Salvador, the troops of the ut ter having been defeated near the frontier. All-the London Journals support the position of the British Government in the Winslow extra dition A cable dispatch says the plague in Mesopotamia is increasing. Since the last re port there have been 553 new cases and 288 deaths--Queen Victoria accepts the title of Empress of India." Spain has lost •hipped 2,000 soldiers for Cuba. AT a conference reoently held at Borne be tween fee representatives of the European powetw, <Mid the Cardinals, the Mler an- nouaeel ihut pm was impossible unless 4' tiie spiritual independence of the church" were ac knowledged. .. .A telegram from Athens to the Loudon ftsaeif save although the Sublime Porte has been induced to abandon an immediate at tack on Montenegro, it will concentrate 80,000 soldiers at Seutari and 50,000 in Herzftgcmn®. Public opinion in Turkey is weary of diplo matic interference. The'Government's object Heems to be only to gain time to assemble forces and stoke a terrible blow regardless of consequence*. The situation is full of danger. 1 he Government is exhausting its resources in iwbody l>reP#rat*0!U,> ^ declares it can pay A DECBBB has been published restoring suf- frage to the inhabitants of Alsace and Lorraine. who, while under German rule, have elected to detain the French nationality Advices from Cape Coast Castle report that the King of lj>*liowey has refused to pay th i fine recently imposed on him for maltreating a British sub ject, aud has sent an insolent message to the British Commodore inviting him to vtait Dahomey, where he promises to pay the demand in powder and bullets.^. The French have suppressed the Algerian in surrection.. ...A Mexican special says Gen. Diaz occupied Ckmatgo unopposed. Narranje will join him a* Mier for tbe march on Monterey. A battle may be expected at Paso de Los Muer- toe..., OHieiai mivices mention an important* victor}- ohUmed by the Turks under MnMM.br Pacha, who has at length suocsaded In Mlisv- ing the military posts so long Isolated and threatened by the tnstngaotB. A BOIUSR explosion on s ferryboats* Bi^ee, Germany, recently, killed thirty peo|de....A Paris Journal say* that before the and of May the Emparor of Russia will take the onnortnni- ty of awrmlng that the peace of Ernopa must not be plaoed in doubt. The daobratton will be made with such solemnity as to dispel all distrusts. % WINSLOW, tha Boston forger, was not n- Imaed on the M last., as was expeeted. Hie British Government obtained a further May of ten days, to give time for tha reoatpl of Secre tary Fish's answer to the latest English FORTY-FOVRTil 00N«K88. TBTjamuv, April rj.~SeruOe.-A laifa an- dienoe was present in the galleries to witness the impeaohmeat prooeedines. The managers ap- pearea saorily oemro 1 o'clock, and the proceed ings were at once begoa by readlag the of the last session, Thia was followed by the teadine of the answers Sled by the managers and coamel tor tn<i Moane during the interhn, as to ths tlon of Mr. Lord submitted a mo tion tlsat the evtdenos relating to tfse aaesiion of juricdictton of ttje Senate be given before the argu ment relating thereto, and if gneh pl»a is overruled, that the defendant be required to answer the artiolea of impBMhmeut witbira two days, and the Btcooe'a re ply, if they deem it necessary, witWii two davn, and that the trial proceed tke next day after the Joining of the issue. Mr. Carpenter, of the cownsel for the aoatsed, moved tbat the trial be postponed till the first Monday of December nest, and aoked that the time for discsMwdmg this motion be flxe4 at two hours for each side. The request was granted, forty-eight to thirteen, and MrTnlair addressed the Senate in favor ef the motion. The Senate then at 3 o'clock retired for consultation, and retasmed to the Senate Chamber at halMest 4, when the presiding 'Officer announced thatthe motioo on the part of the defendant waa denied. The managers then mbmitted a proposition to go on with the hearing, take all the testimony and men decide both the questions of jurisdiction fid guilt at the close. Morrison rsported neck tbe amendment to tbe House bill the tax on fermented or malt iliquors. This amendment adds a proviso that nothing in tbe act shall change the present rules of the law respecting the evidence im any prosecution or suit. The amendment was con curred P Turoey made a oonfereooe report on the bill excluding Mlaaourflfrom provisions of tfa« set df tlie 10th of May, 1873, to promote ths dey?I opment of mining resources. ...The Lcwialatire Appropriation bill was debated. FHHRAY, April 28.--Senate.--'When ths im peachment court met, Mr, Carpenter, oooasel for the defendant, asked that a postpoasaaaft be ®wnted for two weeks, at which time they will be ready to proceed. Manager Lord opposed the grant ing of the rsrjoert, maintaining that ample time had •been Afforded to the defendant's ooamM pepare their side of the •' Senator Gonkling moved an order that tke court hear the amumenta and determine at onoe whether (he aoonaea is amenable to Impeachment, aotwhh- mandlng his resignation as Secretary of War, and •that testimony be heard touching the exact place -of said resignation. Seimtor Edmnada moved tm 'amendment that the managera and cooasei may discuss the question whether the issues «f fact •are material. The Senate, after ooasnlta- tion, adopted an order that they preoeed tfirst to hean and determine the questtoa of jurlsdio- tion, that the hearing proceed on the 4th «f Mm I that the opening and dost, of tha argasaeat be givep to respondent; that three counsel aad three mmv.e,-- gers may be heard In such order as may be agreed on between themselves, and that saehtkne he al lowed for argument as the managers and osuisel may frfsiw, Mom&i--Tha Speaker laid before the decision of • Chief-justice Cartter, dlsciMtgistg flresn •custody iHallett Kilbourne. Befexred ... .UMbos offered % resolution in regard to the CTatan VScttc irailroacl, whicli, it is claimed, had some nMNwe to Blaine, ss it directed Ihe Judiciary Committee to ioquire into the olrcumstaaraes nanhert ~ • with the pumhasn by the the Union AacMe astlsoad of f76,000 insine the bonda of the Bock and Forttieaith railroad for 164,000. Harlbnt ob jected,, and the resolution was wUfciliawjl....The House, after another day's diaoussion, pSIssd the ^Legislative Appropriation bill without ssert vesiy miterUlttoiiges. The ohief featute of thssK"*-*'" •She opposition made by Prof. Seelye to thei position of the'.tranafer of tfae," " «he War Department In this Appi this opposition Prof. Seelye was --speaker Kerr, in an elaborate opinion, sustaintag tion passed at the last session of Congress censur ing John Young Brown, of Kentucky, for lang^ag# used in debate with B. F. Butler, wss rescinded and expunged. WBDNKSOAT, May Morton msde a personal explanation regarding the newspaper charge of corruption while he was Governor of In diana.. . A bill was passed authorising ths transfer of $16,000 to pay light-house keepers and mahtsta light-bouse service on the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri rivers....The Japanese indemnity fond bill was discussed without aettoa. Howss.--1The contested election ease ef Le Moyae vs. Farweii, Second I'tMnvm district, was decided in favor of the former....The Postoflce Appropria tion bill was discussed... .Stevenson (111.) addressed ths House in opposition to the sdmtesion of Mew Mexico ss a State. i Prof. Seelye was signally luaoessful i\. in an elaborsts opinion, sustsinteg ®ie;point of order....An amendment was made to rule S, so ae to provide for the appointment of a. Speaker pro tem. for a period of ten day«, instead of one day, as heretofore. SuruKnex, April Houte.--The Farwell-LeMoyae contested election case occupied the attention of the Hoase, bat no decision was reached. MOKDAY, May 1.--Senate. --Bout well intro duced a bill authorising the Secretary of the Treas- niy-to renew the issue of fractional currency, p» Tiding the total amount outstanding at any one time •shall not exceed $90,000,000. Referred.... The resolutions submitted by Hamlin on Friday, to saaend'the rules in relation lo the Impeachment trial, aoas to provide that the deliberations em the questions submitted shall to ita public, WM dis cussed, but no action taken, the impeach ment •Mini wag r«a«s»ied. The ptsdisg qass^ tion mm* tthe motion of McDomud to rescind the oeder .agreed, upon in th« cotilerenoe on Friday, allowing the respondent to open and close arguments, etc., etc. Blair, of counsel for the re spondeat, spoke agaihst the motion to rescind. Hosr, of the managers, spoke in favor of rescinding. He claimed 4hat<lhe managers ted & right to eioee, and cited Knglisli precedent# in support of his views, vis wiiialrij, 'the primluS.:-.-, waiiMeir mmUs'l iiiai ihe 3-: "on to sdsolnd tlie vote v.-Jakh th® «?dc4- of argument waaaosde was overruled, and that the n- qnest of the managers that foor of them be slloweS to address the Senate on the question of jurisdiction had been granted. The Court of «™p^«t»tntnt *¥a adjourned aaMlThursdav. May a. Hwuse, Sekuan offered a resolution to suspend the rules and repeal that portion of the Resump tion act of Jan. 14,1875, which provides that the redemption of legal-tender notes in cola shall begin on the 1st of ianasry, 187». Rejected--lis y«ae to 111 nays--not two-dhirds....Bills were introduced and referred relating to the punishment of witnea- see adjudged ia osatempt by either bouse of Con- grass, and to repeal the law which rsqta. t- the Speaker to eertifjr Ihe case of a recusant witness to the DUtrict-atteraey for criminal prosecution.,.. Hale moved to aatpend the rotes and adopt» rem- lutioa directing the several comaiittees of the Bouse charged with investigations to conduct such investigations with open doors while the testimony is being taken. Rejected--yeas, la#; nays, 108 not two-thirds in the aOrmativc... .Morrison moved to suspend the rnles and adopt a resolution direct ing the several oammitteee of the House charged with investigations to conduct such investigations with open doors, except in the opinion of such «o™u*ittee public interest will ba prejudiced thereby, but any person accused before a committee shall have the right to be heard in his own person, or by counsel, or both. Th© rules were suspended, the resolution adopted without a division Htoskim moved to suspend the rules and adopts res- ST"?? inRtructing the various committees charged J"° the investigation of alleged frauds and miHcon- asirt to complete the same as early ao possible, aad TO make report thereon on or before the lOih of excePt where otherwise expresfiiy pro- a'y Hous«- Rejected--yeas,84;nays,i2fi«.; ^ f.i*nnouuce<1 to*' appointment of a sei«!t committee to invebtigate the Federal offices v/?.eTr Orteans as follows: Gibson, Blackburn. °f (thlo» Stevenson, Janu w 11. Reiily of SneTkerIMTI Crapo« ®nd D»rr*u- The tratn u jfi» i'm0*® HonMe ® comnmnication ^"lrne etotinK thai he was now will- arniwer ^NiiiJ*6 Tf Ho',se or committee, and t .. y interroRutories is regard , KHh^nmft80^^ » real-e«t»te pool to which ^ou™r;t ^ Latta, or himself, are or «*. r 5ny !L*y connected. The comma- « OIJthe Uble• • • • Blaine madeaper- rSfsiiino nrwYn "hi ? 't?'"rtt to newspaper articles reflecting upon him in the matter of certain bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railroad Company . . He said in conclusion, that he should uot makf aay further •nythln.« niight be invented , and circulated conccruing him, and that the ex- 1 planatiou of to-day concludes hig answers to all charges .. .Leave of absence for ten days was granted to Speaker Kerr. ' y TUESDAY, May 2.--SENATE.--Tha Haase bill appropriating $50,000 ror subsistence supplies for the Apache Indians in Arizona, and for the removal of the Indians of the Cheriahua agency to the Carlos agency, was passed.... The Senate dis cussed, without action. the motion at Hamlin providing that the consultations of the Senate as a court of impeachment shall be nubile not private.... The bill to refund the Japaucgc in demnity fund was discussed The LeMoyne- Farwell contested election case was considered but no action taken. ' ' Hovm.--k resolution was unanimously adopted ordering the Judfciary Committee to investigate the transactions of the Union Pacific railroad in worthless Arkansas bonds... The Banking and Currency Committee made a report r«commending the adoption of the resolution providing lor the immediate issue of $10,000,0(0 of the silver coin re serve iu exchange for legal tenders....Xhe rotoiu Phreaolofixliig a Minister ii Vexii. * A blind phrenologist lectured the other night at the Christian chureh, There was a large crowd of ladies and {gentlemen present. At the close of the ecture a committee was appointed to select candidates for examination. The lucky man was Dr, Felix Johnson, Cum berland Presbyterian pastor of this eitj, The blind man of science proceeded to gay that the doctor was very fond of the fair sex--in fact--, as JTosephus said of Solomon, " immoderately fond of women;" that if his wife were to die he would lose BO tiaie in looking out for smother ; that he had m splendid appe tite, loved good estiugj and liked to "dine out/' &nd was sure to make it understood that when he did that Dr. Johnson was there, etc. Some one ia the audienoe wanted to know about his religion. The sightless scientist re sumed : " Publicly he is very religiotis, but privately he is root trouble^,' with, piety; he has a fine mechanical head, and while he would make a fine Mack- smith, he would not make much of a preacher." Here the doctor turned very red in th© face and said : " Sir, I haws been a presMehear of the gospel for forty years! ' The blind man shook Ms head, as much as to say: "That's too thin." During the whole time the •wdienoe was in a roar and the fan WM prodigious.--Paris (Tex.) Press. t* *11 tke Women in Colorado Carry Pistols ? She drew her pistol and attempted to shoot. I held both her arms firmly for & time, until my wife, seeing the strug gle from a window of the house, jumped into her buggy--whioh was standing near die door--and drove rap idly to -jrhere we were. 1 let go her hands and jnnped into fee buggy, when she fired a mot that passed behind the seat and lodged near the residence of E. W. Keyeo, whose little boy narrowly escaped being hurt. In the excitement the driving lines got caught in the singletree,, so that the horse made a complete circle around where this woman was standing, pistol fe iwmcL Whew mthin a few feel of she attempted to fire the aeooud time, but the pistol did not go oft We drove to the house and she fol lowed, but my son 9 taking in th© situa tion, stopped her at the gate. She put her pistol in bis face, but as he hap pened to have a revolver with him sne concluded not to shoot I drove the horse to the stable, and my wife weat through the house aad opened the front door, where her pistol 0ot entangled in the sleeve of her dress aad went off merely by accident. This is 4lie only shot that was fired at the i:<c*ua.--Bockg Mountain Herald. Tke Mexican Troubles. Gen. Hazen, who has been on a visit to Mexico^ has Just returned. Gen. Hazen, in speaking of Mexican aflturs, gays that he considers that the Insur gents have about an even chance for suc cess. To overturn ti&e present govern ment will not result in much of a change, aa the people of that oountry are too much accustomed to revolution. He is of opinion that our people are equally to blame with th® Mexicans for all the Texas border troubles. He says that along Ihe border there are bands of law less sssa of both nationalities whose sols of support is by plunder. ILLtllOIS ITIX8. . -- - -- t o o r g a n i s e h a g b e e n by the fixate department to the Shipman White £«ad works, of Chicago. Capi tal, 1800,000. Tan City Council of Jacksonville have closed a contract with the gas light and coke company of that city tor light ing the stnets of that city for the ensu ing year, at #26 per lamp. Tra residence of Hon. J. B. Cohrs, at Pekin, was burned one laat week. A valuable private library, a ucim ut Dum'i Ml iiiO jttWtJiry, clothing, and furniture were destroyed. The total foss is $11,500. JASPER N. HOGAN, whose wife and children were drowned at the Sandy bridge a few weeks ago, intends bring ing action for damages against Scott county. He claims that the bndge was in an unsafe oondition, being without any railing. ^fiE Governor lias paid o rewavd. of $200 to Frank B„ Albright, for the arrest of Abraham Bice, who murdered Val entine Tabor, in Jackson county, in 1874. Bice has been recently tried and convicted and sent to the penitentiary for twenty-one years. Gov. BBVBBIDOK will appoint a dele gation to represent Illinois at large at the fourth annual meeting of the Na tional Prison-reform Congress, to meet at New York city June 6 next, it being held as preliminary to the meeting of the itional Congress, which is to meet means of support is by plunder. He laughs at Ml the crazy stories that ott Government Is in danger of a war with m H w s oompeunve anil by tbe mili- Mexioo over these border troubles, companies of Peoria and neighbor- would mean sim- exercises by the Turner " ' ' A ' ©those, Gen. D, W. Ma- Interna a at Stockholm, Sweden, next year., The State Board of Public Charities will be represented by th© Rev. Fred H„ Wines, the penitentiary by McClaughey, War den, and the State Beform School by some offioer of that institution. JOHN MAIONK is evidently a haxd oaae. He reoently took up his residence in Peoria, and signalized his advent by trying to break up an entertainment at Mlis nail, on the Bluff. Offioer Matson arrested him, but MMone resisted, and fought like a tiger. He finally suc ceeded in getting the offioer by the throat, and would probably have killed him had Matson not, shot Mm, The ball struck him above the heart, and fortunately ranged upward. His wound is not considered as necessarily fatal, bat the surgeons say they cannot tell definitely what the result, will be. DBSOTOj Jackson oounty, was visited by a disastrous lire a few nights since. The supposition is that Davis & Freid- line's dry goods store was robbed and set on fire to cover the robbery. The fire had gained considerable headway when discovered. The flames leaped across the street to W. P. Duncan's saloon, thence burning the following buildings : Store-room attached to the saloon | Mm, Murphy's Jwardiag- honse; J. Y0 Bagsdale'agsjdPence® and Jones' ahoe-shop, - Th^^^ess ol the flames was stopped by jS jg down the laat-ttamed building, total loss is about $7,50®. ^ Gus THOBNB, a brakeman on the St. lipuis and Southeastern railroad, met with m horrible death near Belle River„ Jefferson county, a few days ago. While passing from one ear to another Ms foot slipped and JM» was tteowo, tinder the wheels. Five loaded oara passed over Mm crashing him beyond recognition. The affair has caused pro found regret in Peoria, where the de- oeased had always lived. His widowed mother is almost heartbroken, as this was her second and only surviving, son, the deceased brother having been killed by the explosion of a gun some tim« be fore. THE oommittee of arrangements hav ing the Fourth of Julv celebration in charge met at Peoria, a few nights since, and decided on a programme. The cele bration is to last two days, the 4th and 5th. CoL B. G„ Ingersoll is to deliver an address; there is to be a grand pro- oessiott and oration on th© morning of 4th : a regatta on the. 1* ̂ in the °ftcr noon, and a magnificent display of fire works in the evenu^. On the. 5th there is a to be a competitive drill by the mili- trouhle in saving the logs from floating away. Hie spokesman of the party, wl it now seems was a canallboet turned John Lookwood, would not paj gem anything, and began insnltii Mrs. Ccebel, calling her all sorts names, until at last she picked up a i and threw it at him, striking L, Without further ceremony Lookwc knocked her down and began poundi her hmvily about the bead and she dera, Goebel, who. nntjl th*a fa'rnp 1. said and done nothing, ran toifae housck a few yards distant, and camebAok iriS • a abnf-mir, r^slMsg x:p bcLiil Iiockwood, who was still beating Mr4 Goebel, fired and instantly killed th» ruffian. Goebel surrendered himself t§ the policemen, but a Coroner's jury ao> quitted him of any blame and discharged him. KEEPING THE DEYIL AWAY. War with that country would mean sim- *"8 witiea, wi nl« iwjopafioij- T[q im «# tw j sociof.cs and Mexico ii e.or© than anxious to do all in liar power to meet all reasonable da- jaands.-- Washington Telegram, Th® Whisky Trader's Article. Some stones are told about the KIMM .traders, who carry wM»ky info the Northwest territories, resort to in order to elude the vigilance of th© lynx-eyed mounted police. It is said that a French half-breed trader, who had an eight gal lon keg of the " O, be joyful" on one of gee is to bs H«t» C&fiud Mwlittl of It is intended to make the ©2s in tils "WIAGIG St®*® will hav© 6 chance to participate, and to begotten np on a scale not equaled in the West. TUB Governor of Illinois has issued a proclaiu»Moa urging the people of each county and town to comply with the res olution of Congress recently passed, which, reoommends that in every county Of UHinidpality in all the States, local. .. lt hMtofies, as complete ani exaet as pos- dead, to keep the devil «wav. •ible, shall be prepared to be read im 1 • Chinese Feast of the Dead--A Picnic In a Snow Storm. (Virginia City (Hey.) Cor. New York World.] From Yirgi&ia City to the Sntro tun nel a road has been built across the hiljf for the accommodation of the Tunnel Company, ^ Since the road was built/ various habitations have sprung up along ite borders. The county hospital fi reached by this road, likewise the habi tation of "Old Kentuck," a hermit, who lives,, with his donkey and dog, in a hut ' about, three miles from Virginia, &nd a like distance from Sutro. "Kentuck" is certainly a curiosity, but the great curiosity of the neighborhood is the Chinese cemetery, in the sage brush, just east of the county hospital. I have often been struck by the bare and de serted appearance of the plaoe as X passed along the divide between the two towns, but was never more forcibly im pressed with its weird and somber char acteristics than on a certain claar and terribly oold midnight in F ebruary, as I guided my jaded lidtse through the mountainous snow drifts and wondered if ever any one saw a Chinese ghost.I This afternoon I had occasion to pom over this grade, and my curiosity w-is aroused bv the spectacle of a wagon load of Chinamen directing their way toward the Chinese cemetery. I roiiia not believe it to be a funeral, for then was nothing to indicate a corpse, but to satisfy my curiosity I followed them... Just as they arrived at the cemetery I looked toward Mount Davidson, and saw the snow whirling on its eresf* Before I arrived in the midst of the Mongolians a blinding, stinging snow storm was upon us. It came directly from the south east, driven by a fearful gale of wind, and for half an hour it raged as I never saw a snow storm rage before. The Chinamen, nothing daunted, commenced unloading th© wngo& of its treasursc <a whole roast hog, plates of rice, bundles of cigarettes, white biscuit sprinkled with red sugar, preserved ginger, liquors and fireworks and bun dles of light brown bits of paper inscribed with Chinese characters* One ot the heathen spread out a roil of pa pers to the four quarters of the compass, and laid them on each grave, keeping them in plaoe with a stone; another grasping a handful of sticks about as tufce-in cireumferenoe as & mn.t^v> anHi a foot ill length, lighted them and placed them at the head of the graves. Others took bunches of tinv candles, and placed them lighted on the graves^ the whole crowd keeping up the most incessant chattering all the time. "Hi, yal Hi, ya! gou & wa; teyar " seemed to my un educated understanding the burden ol their song. Then a bundle of fireworks were set off amid loud hurrahs. With out further ceremony they squatted themselves on the ground and the feast commenced. My distinguished friend Mid laundryman, Su Wong, politely re quested me to join the feast, but f be lieved that I oould wait until I reached Virginia City. The fact is I was not hungry. The joss sticks continued to ourn and the uninamen dincnnfinij the baked meats of the many funerals, and the storm increased in (my every mo ment _ Finally th© least was completed --a little quicker than is usual on these occasions, I judged, and, gathering up ths rsjanasfe, they icpLccu ticia in the wagon, and all retailed to Virginia, In , former tunes they used to leave th® re- mains of the banquet in the oemetery^ but the Piute Indians, without the fear of the Mongolian deity before their ©yes, were wont to gobble up the dainties as soon as the Chinamen were out of sight, which " would never do for Larry OBrien." During' the ceremonies I asked Su Wong what it all meant, and was told it was a "yearly feasfc of the his oarts, expected to be searched by the • »uk>( --imn u%j imt^wvu w uo ruuu m policeman stationed at Sheai Lake, and public gatherings on the coming Fourth ©n arriving at that point when within of Julv, and of which copies •h»il be wawof the officer, he removed the keg -- • r . . from the cart and proceeded with it to the beach, and there stooping down held It in the lake lor about ten minutes, as if replenishing his supply of water, after whicn h© leisurely replaced it on the cart, and with a face that seemed a mar vel of innocence, invited the officer to inspect his train. Everything was close ly examined exoept the water dripping keg, and the trader allowed to go on his way rejoicing that he Aad escaped de tection. . Equestrianism Extraordinary. Old Walter Lamb, of Jersey City, N. J., well known a generation ago as an equestrian messenger, has been telling how they wed to express news in the days before the telegraph had revolution- iced journalism: In 1843, he rode from Wilmington, Del., to Jersey City, 128 miles, with the Havana lottery drawings, between 5 and 11 p. m., changing horses every four miles. About the same timf> he expressed news from Philadelphia to New York for the steamer*, seventy-six ' milest doing it under contract, in seven lioure9 and he took1 Van, Buren's inaug ural to the Courier mid Inquirer in that time, over a very heavy road. Once, on a $1,000 wager that he couldn't ride 300 miles in twenty-four hours, he did it in twenty-two hours and fifty-eight min utes, using thirty-two horses, and then rode an extra hour to insure the bet. THK New Bedford Mercury tells of five dogs who were shut up in & yard fey the gate's closing after they had passed through it. When they wanted to go out they couldn't, for the gate swung inward. Then the canines held a con sultation, which resulted in the best jumper, a big Newfoundland, getting over the fence, pushing the gate open, $uid rdloMUUT IUA i iik •• filed in the offices of county clerks and in the library of Congress. The object is to put into recorded form the immaniw mass of historical facts relating to the early settlement and development of the country, especially in the Western States, which have never hitherto been put. in writing, and the knowledge of which is confined to individuals, by whose death these primary materials for the history of the oountry might be irretrievably lost A FEW days ago Sheriff N. E. Norris, of Williamson county, and two depu ties, Monroe Bulliner and Zack BLty, Sassed through Carbondale en route to oliet and Pontiae with the eight prison- era recently tried, convicted and sen tenced in the Circuit Court at Marion. The prisoners' names and terms of im prisonment are as follows : James Nor- ribs eighteen years, for killing James -.flpaderson; 6awuel Music, fourteen J«®m9 complicity in the Bussell-Bulliner vendetta; James B.. Gore, nine years, tke same ; James Crosson, seven years, horse thieving; Bill Warren, five years, assault With intent to kill; W.D.McCow- en„ two years, grand, larceny. These six go to Joliet, while Marion Young and William Venis go to Pontiae each for two years for grand larceny. Will iamson county is awakening from its stupefied sleep, of the past years, and is bringing to justice many noted and feared criminals who have had a liberty scarcely allowable in civilized countries, SOMX time ago, when the water was high in Peoria lake, John Goebel towed in several large logs which were drifting about. Last Wednesday three men came up the Illinois river in a skiff, stopped near his place, and claimed that the logs belonged to them. Goebel and his wife were standing near the logs at the time, and insisted on being paid for their THE MARKETS. HEW YORK. -- W00 01«SO HCKM Dreaaed T 00 # 8 00 COTTON 12)d<3fc 13$£ FtotTR--Snperflne Western...'.. " 4 no a « * Wheat--No. 3 Chicago. i jg - COMN . OATH 45 BYE.... iu PORK--Hew Mess ... 3i w LABO--Stesm CHICAGO.*"" BKKVES--Choice Graded Steers.... S 40 Choice Natives 4 BO COWB and Heifer*......... 836 Oood Second-olsss 8teers.. 4 00 Medium to Fair 4 as How--Live Q 75 FLOUB--Fancy White Winter.""! 7 35 Oood to Choice Spring «»,. 5 00 I i l l * & 64 66 85 ai so 0 S 6 5 ® 4 SO « 4 75 0 4 so & 7 60 @ 8 36 » 6 76 a UW g 62 «2X 89 13 .... «1*» .... 61 9 . . . . CO ® .... n (A __ ....30 10 @30 96 .,,, ll.W MX WBUt--No. 1 Spring 1 13 No.2Spriag 96 No. 8Spring g7 CORK--No. 2. ,44 OATS--No. 3 I 09 RYE--No. 3 BARLEY--No. 3 '.',11'. BUTTER--Fancy..... .* ."J EGGS--Fresh POBK--Mess. LA«D M ST. LOTUS. . WHEAT--No.3 Red Winter........ 1 87 O 1 33 OORN--No. 3 44 @ 44^ OATH--No. 3 88 « 88^ RYE--No. 3 67 (•» 68 PORK--Mess .......31 00 @21 36 LAB»..... 13#<a 13\ Hoos • 00 @7 00 CATTLE 8 09 a s 00 MILWAUKXX. WHEAT--No. 1 No. 3 CORN--No. 3 OATS--No. 3 . RYE BARLEY--No. 3 CINCINNATI. WEEAT CORN OATS £f^..... RYE..... ' 73 PORK--Mess -Q21 80 LAB© ....i. ........ 12 9 18 TOLEDO. " WHEAT--EXTM 1 87^@ L 88 Amber... 12a @138 CORN 60 9 61 OATS--No. 3 88 9 8* EA8T LIBERTY, PA. Hoos--Torkers...... 7 00 Q 7 38 Plilladeii hiM 7 60 @ 7 76 CATTLE--Best 6 60 A 5 76 4 80 @6 80 SHSS»....yp...??..7. 4 38 @ 8 36 % 1 08H @ 101V