" -;f A \ • * : jMfMMi CUEI0C8 8T0RI. 1 \c •? _7wr*r> 1 , j , : T* "«STv^r ^ ,T-'" " :'r^yTTTt' • ' • ; ' • • « * * * » - * 4 4 - ^ * , ^ ^ . .* fJ'V'iy .* ' x\^ • • , .. . .;'• >" * } TV/ '»<s. W A4» Why Liawta wm A •»* s«iut«d-How Jahm WBkM Bdatt Afenfed the a*^if» •$? Ufa Frtexl, Jolna "¥• "The following singular copy from Pomsroy's >11 lor what it is worth: singular story, which Ihmoorat, is efeosen friends o4 John 'b boyhood was a dashing, named John x. liin< 'the* young whose home was in the beautiful Bhenuidoah valley, not far from Win- iMMnhesier. jDamon and Pythias were not ',f^more Btfawhed to each other than were Booth and BeaL Beal wm Southern in on/1 riloninfl^l tPAI^O ATI **«*• «yr Northern cities, and at last was captured at or near Bufialo tried for piracy on Northern lakes, and sentenced to be hanged on Bedloe's island. One afternoon, in the city of Washing ton, while Beal was under sentence of death,, there alighted from a carriage two men, who walked into the room occupied by Washington McLean, of Cincinnati, wlio was at the time in Washington is the interest of Ms business. These men who called were Senator Male, of hew Hampshire, and John. Wilkes Booth, ~~ >th was anxious to save the Jif© of 1, his fthnm and confidential personal friend. He had interested Mr. Hale in his behalf. They importuned McLean to go with them to the President, as a. Democrat-- as a friend of Booth--as a man who had much influence with Mr. Lincoln, and to youch with Mr. TTal« for any promises Booth might make in return for this great favor to him. After a protracted interview, McLean accompanied Hale and Booth in a carriage to the residence of John W. Forney, who was then in bed, the hour being late. Forney was awakened from his sleep and told the object of his calL His sympathies were enlisted, as he was always ready to serve his friends. II was an hour or more pasi midnight •'vfc'w. Hale, Forney, McLean and Booth were driven to the White House. The guard, at the request of Forney, admit ted the carriage to the grounds. Mr. coin was called from nis sleep, and ieree in the dead of night, he sat and listened to the prayers of Booth, and the indorsements of those who came with him to ask the favor of executive clem ency - Tliifl interview lasted till 4 in the morning. It was one of tears, prayers and petition. There was not a ary eye fa, the room as Booth knelt at the feet of 'Xonooln, clasped Ms knees with his hands, and begged him to spare the life of one man--a personal friend, who, in serving the ones he loved, had ccftne to the door of death. Booth told all He told how, long be fore. in a fit of passion to do some Dold cleeci, he had joined ia a conspiracy to abduct the President and to hold him as a hostage for the release of certain mili- . tary prisoners who were Booth's friends, and who, it wm thought, were to be shot. He told of the meetings they had held at the house of Mrs. Surratt, and that ill of that plan had fallen to .the ground long before. He offered his services at any time and in any place or capacity, free of cost or fearless of consequences. The eminent gentlemen who were there with him joined in the request that the prayer of Booth be granted, and that Beal should be pardoned. At last President Lincoln, with tews streaming down his face, took Booth by tine hands, bade him rise and stand like a man, and gave Mm his promise that Beal should be pardoned. He asked the J>arty to depart that he might gain rest or the work of the morrow, and said that the official document that they asked for should be forwarded at once to United States Marshal Robert Murray, in Mew York, and through Mm to the officers charged with the execution of Beiil. After breakfast Xj&aoohi iaforraedi Sew ard. Secretary of State, what he had done or promised to do- Seward mid that it must not be; that public sentiment in the North demanded that Beal should 'be hung. He declared that to pardon Seal would discourage enlistments, -:3ojig&h@ii the war, and insult the senti- • llieaii iliBij «Ui:a for MoOu. He uniueti Laailn for soaking such promises with- oat asking the advice of his Cabinet, or alfiMBg with himself; Seward, on State policy. As the argument grew conten- - clous, Seward declared that if the con duct of the war was to be trifled with by appeals for humanity he should go out of the Cabinet and use his influence yieh executed. The reaction to Lincoln's nervous system was such that for days he was far from well. The effect on Booth was terrible. He raved like a madman, and in his frenzy twore thai Xtinooln and Seward should both pay for the grief and agony he had been put to. From the death of Beal, Booth brooded vengeance for that which he considered a personal affront. Hi« rage took in Seward, and he engaged Harold, Atserodt, and others to avenge Beal's death by killing Seward, while he, Boothf wreakea human vengeance on !Bg© Mle the President. At last c&me the hour. Booth killed Lincoln. His friends and the relatives or avengers of Beal tried their best to v kill Seward, and when they left him •tabbed, bleeding and limp as a cloth, m he rolled over behind the bed whereon they found him, they supposed their work was completely done. Our story is told. We have given the truth of history, and told exactly why Abraham Lincoln, the humane President of the United States, was killed. Col. Forney Dcnlei the Story. ,, CoL John W. Forney oontradicts the P above statement, so far as it relates to r him. He says : "To my knowledge I never saw J. ^SSWilkes Booth in my life. The only |p'- time I ever visited Mr. Lincoln to se- C cure a pardon was in company with my old friend Washington McLean, of the • Cmoiuaati. Enquirer, some time, I think, fa February of 1865, to ask the the re- » lease of another-old friend, Gen. Roger A. Pryor, who was a prisoner in Fort Lafayette, New York harbor. Mr. Lin coln heard our statement, and set Gen. Pryor free on the quaint condition that he should report at my residence, on Capitol Hill, where he remained my welcome guest for several weeks, until I was authorized to return him to his friends and family in Virginia." He walked into a Viokaburg barroom about 2 o'clock m the morning, andslily edged his way to ihe counter. His clothes were tattered and torn, and hfc li«MU wau BttsVw**. »Mi« SuOSIi, nuu he JWiW! for all the world like a plantation field hand. His face was as black as night, and his general appafettoe fettwtxjfied and green. .. The barkeeper, a dissipated-looking fellow, with a bloated f4oe and a ling nose, resolved to play a joke on the " green 'un" to pass time ; so he offered to bet the innocent-looking darkey the drinks that he couldn't pica up a did from the flow without bending his knew. The nigger vowed that h® was not given to betting, but he would try the trick to oblige the company and heip " "If away the tedious hours. The pin staok in the floor,, the negro bent to was ,-- - th* task, and the barkeeper' got along side him with a twen1y-«wur-inch .board to see that he .didn't- cheat, ^ ] The negro stooped until his bgfek re sembled Hogarth's line of beauty ; his pants became tighter and tighter, and his breath shot-tor and shorter. The bar- keeper,, with drawing leer and a BigniS- cant Kaile, slowly lifted the board in the air with both kanctas and whirled and whirled it around to give greater foroe to the blow. The negro stooped lower and lower, his pants grew tighter and tighter, and the board flew faster and faster. At last, when everything was ready for tlin grand coup, the barkeeper took deadly aim, the boftri. f»me down with a whir, and the negro skipped nimbly aside, and the barkeeper fell flat on hia nose. They picked Mm up and carried him home, applied oysters and raw meat, and when thev told him that the greenhorn was a retired rotwt*ilM»ixts and had fired the Lee in the great raoe, he smiled a sickly smile, and admitted that he ought to have known better.--Vicktburg Herald. Lieut. CKiMron'8 Explorations. The attention of commercial adven turers is now sure to be directed to that part of Central Africa whioh has just been explored by the bold Englishman, Ckmeron. His accounts of the people and their oountry have given mankind new Information of no little interest. As he advanced toward the west, in cross ing the continent from Zanzibar and Ujiji, ta followed Jjjw of the water shed between the Zambesi and Congo rivers till he got into Congo basin. He said in his speech at the Liverpool ban quet in his honor that the riches of that region are unspeakable ; but he wag then unable to describe the multifarious pro ducts, natural and artificial,, that had fallen under hia ey«. He felt sum that the center of Africa would ono day bo the scene of civilization, productive trade, and commercial activity ; that its fertility would make it one of the gran aries of the world, and that its mineral wealth would make it the center of the iron manufactures when other parts of the globe have been worked out, Lteut. Cameron is not a loose-tongued man, but a thoroughly trained scientific ob server and explorer, and these observa tions of his are not to be regarded m. overdrawn in any respect. He found in the region to which, we have referred a magnificent system of internal water communication, and ascertained that the Congo river could be joined with Lake Tanganyika, for purposes of navigation, !>y a canal thirty miles in length. In this way a vast region would at once be opened up to civilization--a region whioh is now known to but a few Arab traders. The people are peaceful, their towns are large, situated near each otherB and to be seen every five or ten miles. The reports of Lieut. Cameron are attract ing much attention in Great Britain; and there is no doabt that within a few years there will be plenty of British commer cial adventurers in that heretofore un known portion of the African continent which he has traversed, , Cnwltr to ]**«• Whenever I hear of some thoughtless, •elfish woman neglecting a household pet. my blood fairly boils within me-- particularly if that pet be a bird. " No one who has not a kind heart, thought- -x' head, observant ayes, hand, has the least rignt to keep One should weigh the matter of k Ckuil keei kouuo birds. a bird aa if it weretha qmMkionof aclip* mgan orphan,** If a careless person neglects a oat or a dog, it will make its wants known, and, the wont ooming to the worst, go out on foraging expedi tions, and appropriate whatever it finds to its own use. But the poor, neggleot- 6u ulrd ««« no voioeto fell its hunger; all its notes are called " singing." It cannot escape from prison to borrow, beg or steal seeds from its neighbors, and can only beat its little wings against the bars. Therefore those who enjoy keeping birds should make their care a matter of conscience. Whatever hap pens in a household, these little prison er* should be faithfully oared lor and tended. .. A dootob. in Omaha was engaged to attend a lady in her ooufinement, agree ing: to charge $10. The lady gave birth to twins, and he demanded double pay. Payment being refused, he sued her, but lost the ease. At our request Cragin ft Co., of Phila delphia, Pa., have promised to send mny of our readers gratis (on reoeipt of fifteen cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob- bins' Electric Soap to try. Send at onoe. Vallmltod Remedial Fsople sometinM suppose-that Dr. Pi«recft Family Mcdicinea mprawnt the entire extent of hie reeooroe* for curing diseaae Thi* is «n error. Experience proved that while the Gol den Medical Dieoorerr. Favorite Prescription, Pleaaant Purgative Pellets, Compound Extract of 8mart-Weed, aad Dr. frige's Catarrh Reme dy would, if faithfully used, core a large variety of chronic complaints, there would be here and there a esse which, from its severity, or from its oomplioation with ether disorders, weald resist their action. These exceptional esses required a thorough cauainatton into their symptoms, to ascertain th4 exaoi nature and extent of the disease or diseases under whioh the pktitot was laboring, sad the ose of speoiflo remedies to meet and overcome the siwrn. This led to the establishment of the World's Dis pensary, at Buffalo, N. Y., with its Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, each of whom is skilled in the treatment of chronic disorders in general and those belonging to his own department in particular. To one diseases of the throat sod lungs ; own special is assigned to another, to another, diseasm of the eye and ear. Thos the highest degree of perfection in tnedicinc and surgery is attained. The establishment of this institution enables the Doctor to meet a long-felt want in the treatment of ti* fiHAfd severe chronic affections. By a careful oon- federation of the symptoms ss given in writ log, he successfully treats thousands of oasee si Siieir homes. Others visit the Dispensary in pafsoit. The amplest resources iiie trea^ stent of lingering affections are Aw plaoed at the disposal of every patient,, ui those whom the proprietary medicines do n&have the desired effect oan prooore a more thorough and eSoient ooorse by a personal application lathe proprietor of tha World's Di Southern Hotel, St. l<ouIs, Itto. The most complete hotel in all its appoint ments in the West The table supplied >t all times with the host the market affords. A Cat ttat Will Stay In the Family. A low days ago a cat and kitten were presented to s lady who conveyed them to the store of Mr. Edwards for tha pur- £Gzz of having them takea into "the oountry. They were ses^ uown on the train on Monday afternoon to Santa Clara, on the Southern PEeifio railroad, and deposited in a residence in that town. Yesterday morning, before the train from that station had arrived in this city, the oat wandered into the house mi its first owner in this city, presenting a tired and worn-out appearance. In quiry revealed the fact that oat and kit ten were nowhere to be seen about the Santa Clan house yesterday morning, and it is presumed that the oat carried the kitten a part of the distance, and left it to its fate, completing its lonely jour ney of forty-nine miles in the dark. The cat will remain in the family.--Sim Francisco Chronicle. A Preference. " If you prefer the keg of lager or the bottle of wine to me,"^aid Mary, " just take them to the Magistrate, and get married to them." " What do you mean I" said John. "Just what I say. I don't want a young man to come here evenings shew ing ctoveB to hide his breath, and hide his habits of drinking. If you like lager more than you love me, just marry it at onoe, and don't divide your affections between woman and wine, or a woman and lager-; love and liquor have no af- finity. "Why, Mary, how you talk!" ex claimed John. " Yes, I mean what I say ; unless you sign the pledge, and keep it, you nad better not come here again." John did sign the pledge, and he kept it, and he married Mary. Remarkable Ocean Steaming. The recent voyage of the Pacific Mail Steamer Companv's new steamer City of New York, from New York to San Fran cisco, was in some respects remarkable. The total distance, 13,552 miles, was performed in fifty-nine days, the actual steaming time being fifty-four days and fourteen hours. The entire passage was made on the coal shipped at New York, none having been taken on board en route.--Scientific American. Although 210,000 persons have been admitted since last Easter to the Ijon- don Tower free of charge, not a single article in the great national collection has been lost or damaged. C haffed hands, face, pimples, ring worm, saltrheum, and other cutaneous affec- ttoue oared, and reneh skin made soft anl smooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap. Be care ful to set only that made bj Caswell, Hazard & Co,, New York, as there are many Imitation made with Mmooo tar, all «f whioh are worth VEoiTiKE is acknowledged by all classes of people to be the best and most relia ble blood-puriier in the world. Notice to Swt>s«rtf»ers. .Any mbaoribar to this paper (aid or a*w) whs will taka the troub!@ to Mild hie name Mid kddraat, with twwntr- five c«ntc to pay for postage, mailing cylinder, ate., to th* well-known publisher, Mr. G. F. Vent, 88 Weet Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio, will recelrefcjr audi, gurantect in perfect order, a oopr mi Hodmniin't Faulty Album; a wit (inscription uf which may be Men In our advertWai roIimuM, or a cfif may be aeen at <MTr oflloe. It will be obeerved that this Album la not In the usual book form. It ia In the form of an kkobatimo. whioh ia aa aenalble and unique In deaifn aa it is beautiful and •rtlatlo in execution. In order that subscribers OMBt To AU* particularly Invalids, spring I* a tr?inc season. Indications of «liitn-- should ataaca be attended to Fatal dlseaesa may be einnd tftBMtai the bowels t- feeesaaa ccasiiisated, 534 ft® ssyBtvna to -resmin In a 4b> «rtiered«oodU!on,until thedlsosTd^f Iiaatime to lts«if. An ounce of pM?an^oa ia «?orth a pound of cure. Is an old and truthful aaytnc- Therefore, we advise all who are troubled wiUi the cotaplainta new *et|r prevalent --headache, Indigestion, disordered liver, want of appe- ttte, nausea, or feverish skin--to taka, without delay, Schenck'a Mandrake Pills. We know of so remedy so harmless and deolsive ia Its action. It at onoe strikes at the root of the disease aad prodaeea a healthy tone to the system. People dmk need suffer from any diseaa* ariaing from a disordered condition of the liver If the, would take this exeellent medicine whan they feel the first indications of th® malady. Families leaving homo for the raontiw ®ht»uM take three or four boxe of these pills with them. They have an almostinitanta neouaeCeet. They will reUeve the patient of headsshs in one or two boun, and will rapidly clesnss the liver of nrnmalteg «Ue, and will effectually prevent a bilious attack th>s$ mm aold tey all diugglaU. S I L V L K T I P P E D S H O E S The naas< erased 1 of vlctpriec may hm our battfe-llags, bat id from our battle-llags, I SILVER TIPPED Shoes will never become obsolete. They.are a national institution. Also try Wire t|niited Soles. For boots and shoe*. Used by Government 4 year*. T78E WIS Urn Sunt ChUBflt Warrutad. dwiraMa 1JEW ARTICLB8 for Agynte. MmafaeVd by O. J. Oapewell A Co.. Cheshire Conn tK fft fOfl a day at he--. Hamplss SMtfa tl seat 90 W 94U Ira*. Srixsoa * OdT, Me. WUT1D AOK1VTS. SewUs Ou/Mfr*. " 0eU. A. OOULfBR * O0.,Ohioagu. $10e$25TA 8<'D<lfoTChromoC"ul̂ u*-stmoao'a Sons, Boatea, Ma» A ®rWBTTH. Agentawanted. Excel.Mfg. (I5A(Uv Co., lfil Michigan Avenue, Chicago, DL Profitable. Pftaianl work hundreds now ew- Vloyad. hundreds more wanted M N Lovell, Erie. Pa. AGENTS* GUIDE on Trlal .1 mos. 3 cent®. Jamee P. Scott, Chicago, O K FANCY CARDS, T styles, with name, 10«. AO Address J.B. HiUSTKD, Nassau,Renss.Go..N.Y. S12 » taty at.hoaie. Aassrtswaiaiad. Sw*. Address TRUH A OO., August " " § Outfits^«OTI»Rnrrs «r the ACSfiS. Our O ERre 1™ government and History. GOODSPEED'B ^ Book, Bible and Map House, Chicago. • Til ACCUTIil For the best Books, bett of en • 3 I U HDCI1 I O. and most MONRY, address! | Auburn Pcdlishinq Company, Auburn, N. Y. • IBI _ A pretty Cbromo and Jolly Paper 3 mos ka I I Ml f frre for 3-cent stamp. Agents wsntea. • I ™ a Address "Joker's Budget, Chicago, lit TVIVORCES legally aad quietly obtained for Inoora. 1/ patibihty, Ac.: reeidenoe unitsussesit; faa aftar &r ̂A7G6oDjU(JHrP. O. Box 103T, Ohieaga S26 TO $sa PES SiT CnnAoteaUj be Made with the Well Auger n WE MEAN IT! Amd mrr pnpnml to demonstrate the flMt* »n operated entirely bv HORSt-p< K. and will boise at the rate of 90 M!1ST FER HOUR. Th»*y 5»ore from 3 TO 8 FEET II DIMETER, A»d ANY DEPTH REQUIRED. They will bore ia All kinds ofEarlh, Soft Hand and LIim> atone, Bituminous Stone Coal. Slate and Ilaixtpan. Aad we MAKE THE BEST OF WELLS la QUICK- SAN O. OOOD Acli v m A.OKNT6 Wanted In every State and County in thr Uuited StatOH. Kend for oar Illnstratod Catalogue, terms, prices, ttc.. praviiMP otir advertieemcuts tHmm.fide. Address 6REAT f ESTERS WELL AUGER CO., BLOOMFIELD, DAVIS CO., IOWA. H^State in what paper you saw this adverlisemaat, PER MCIMTH OVARANTBRD, - - Business ftrst-cliM, Agents §vwy. Address, witl* T. 8, FAGKfi Totata, O. OPIUM ntals. Describe ease . HABIT CURED AT HOMK. No publicity. Time short. Twms moderate. 1.0U0 teetlmo. Un, F. E. Him, Qulnor, Mich, i-m A40 ^uiara Mat trM. 4Mna WORTH » 00., St. Uola, M% A Blonth.--Agents wanted. 30 best sell ing articles in the world. One aunble free. Address JAY BRQJVSQ9, Detroit,Mich -i T.ndlen'Shoes. . Aii jJ 8atssfactiok GuabantuD, - --g for It. MficliHii!*, send for ClKCCUI. CSA HOLDKN A CO., 1STE. Klacie St.. Chloaco! VilliD HIUE neatly printed nn tOflne Bristol Cards 111VIII nHmfa (J tints) for 10c and 3c stamp. On M Assorted Ccrds, 30c. Twenty AcQuaint«nce Cards, lOe. Agent'® outfit, 16c. Clinton Bros. A Co., Clintonrllle, Ct. YOUR own likeness In oil colore, to show our work, painted on canvas, 6%x7>6, from a photograph or Un tme, free with the Homo Journal, $2.B0 n year. Sample ot our work and paper, terms to agents, So., IS oanta, L T. LUTHER, Mfli Village. Erie county. Pa. wrais^igis OPIDM Habit cured. Chinese mode of Cura. Palnlms. No publicity. Does not Interfere with business or pleasuia Cure guaranteed. Address _ DR. .T. B. Wn,FORI>. Toledo, a REVOLVERS £1! 8KTUT 8 HOT K®- Bu«l» BUI Brat with 111) Cu«° «ii|aD fte Pcu. Ni«ku. PtATa. 6«iiftw<ioa gMemnteed. Illuetmli OMlopB Fasa. AMims WE8TUIN «UN WOMi«, Cmeteo. Ill, $3.00 A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE HBSSnCSirtSSS Caurrh, Rimture, Oplumllahit, Ac., BENT JTREE on rccslnt ip. Add rem, Uf, Butts'Oispensary No. IS N. 8th(t, 8t.Louis, Ma f PUOM RIMCEA Be« ̂ Quality i-lETIFICIAL LIMBS ttatinfactorv or no sale. CHKAPRST IK THK f. 8. during CENTENNIAL YBAR, CHA8. M. EVANS, Manuf'r, 13S West Fourth Mreet, CincinpatL O. Fourth and Market tits., Louisville, Ky. 1 trent which fe not vlsftis nd held towards tks light Sgthlaglfte th-gyre?g f t r a a t B A s a s s h s - B ! s ! = d a » - aisatsto Agents. Dorntr fitxriiie Co,AJiltiid,Ha> ELBA'BEifrJ&SrSS •wf Asent wanted in «*«ry town, elty « fmi for a rc^wctable buiinii»tl8 which iwwliv gvut mau or wotnnn nn »sflly m.kf from ** *- * ptr d.'iv. Tit? boilnru it mw anil p« •eati >H' wttnakr tbc ismc offer nest VMir ti.ut <io tklt. A WkohatJ nwereeoiaiH «lU!ort-,.r.a<SS^r* I1M» | P'̂ li.wra. roll _ We k»»' ss< rriisWe, ardlnarv Mscsa t ttcxperincul - fT%& la »» ...rticalsn fees. C* A. Dvsm St., Nswwofk. LE««, «»a«gw.«» EN.*" »«-. W«w»or«. B&« A D of the eiSXTVRT. Bliowitiflp •VI #% the extent of the original Colonies u 1770 i» contrast with the United States 1876, con taining much information of practical value to eve- izen. Fac-8imile nal Declar ation of ndependence, in tl»e hand-writing of Jef ferson; a great curiosity; wanted by everybody. Sold onlv througli affente. For terms, address, •Talon Map Co. Chicago, 111a. Should write fbr areolar tor Fast 8«IUii( New Book to amml 1'utiHsher, 140 KINZIE STREET, CHICAGO. Also, tor his unrivaled editions of the Holy Bible, co ntainlnn ## Distinct Features, and 1,500 Illustrations, including Gallery of Riqnlslte lafllsk Uteri Plates god Illuminations. Full description aad terms, free. Junhin i liUrri ami life i r«king«l by uaiog L _ Ml iAqitid Bum ct of Uttf. PhyakeUa* nport nm:iv r.ri la Ia41(.: '.i-.-, HSUoushmp, Coaxipatisa, l>yspes>siB, !*!>«, T,in^, Liver, Blsildcr, KWticv and Klnnd difeaom. Ifeuiali' p;>. I- eiaai it ufver fuilsiD ffMA|tJtttMttuvl •««?>. ha" 'Oadoaasd to Molneopathlo »r<l Old SekoolPtqraleiansr«|«>rt: "Unmetfail*, tktwntmedicine for cAitdrsa and female*." " Tfw only Liftiid Kxtraet of Brif *Uh Toalea and Cath»riics we will rmwribe." PHo® $1 s«r -tf. •MMAtlttll A TBLllHt. SIHtMRATU I. Madame POTS Corset Skirt Supporter Increases in Popularity every year, and For HEALTH, COMFORT and STYLE b acka ̂ icdg. d THE BESV AKTICLK af lb® kind $ver m&d®. For esl@ by all !#adln? jo^b«ra ia<t re tailers. S«war«ofSffliulioMttd intrix^e- MamrrACTiTBsn BO LILT BY VOY New Haven. Oonn DO YOUK OWN PRINTINC! fWOTfiLTT JB PRINTING PSESS. For Professional and Aautear Printers, Schools, (tocletlea, M«sn- uftacturere, Mei^nanta, andothcrs Un. , the BBST ever invented. 18.000 lnua< si^nTen styles. Prices from $5.00 to $150.0 j | IBHHbENJ. O. WOOOS&CO. Manufrsaiid I ••••dealers 1aaUk^U PrlntlB* Material, . Send stampfer Catalogue.) 40 Federttt Bt. Boaton. I "THE VIBRATOR" 1000 BOLD LAST BEA80N WITHOUT ON* TAILUBS OB isnoiui *fe!s b ths Tiu«aLiag iiniia, mat Ms "swept the AeW" and created soch a revolution in tha trad*, by Ha ma*owi« GsAiK-AAVUia asb Tixk^Ut- m prlndpies. TH* *NORMOOS WASTAGE of gnln, so faerffeUt otter <tgle* of Thrashers, can bo SAVED by •-- ^»pm7<Hi Machine, njlicimt, <m every Job, to mtore to §*& «8 tjqmm ef thwsWng, STLAX, TIMOTHY, MILLET, HVMGABIAN •»« lw® are throshca, prparatrd, clMUied and flared •a easily and perfectly ;w Wheat. Oats, Rye or Barley. AN EXTRA PBICS is Msurily paid for grata And c»o&n<^ by this for oxtfft elttuiDQN, IN THE WET QRAIN of 1875, these wen< tmlxdan- «a»y tb;> ONL¥ &aS could ran vrith profit or *«nomy, doing fiwt, tliorongh and perfect work. Set--,-! cAhrn ALL GRAIN, liiMK end MONET westing eompHcfe. tions, auch as MladU«s« Apron#," "Raddlee," "BaaCeia,'* "Pkkers," etc., are en>irelgditj>tK*ed with; less than one-half tl»» asim! Clears. Belts, Bcxeg, and Journals: easier managed; more durable; light running; no cost- v repairs; no dust; no " IttteringB " to clean op: not troubled by adverse winds, rain or storms. FARMERS and ©RAIN RAI8ER8 wko an trnted wth" 'wrg® saving made by It wiU not employ Infe rior ftnd wasteful machines, but will fcni'if on this tasproTed Thresher doing their work. FOUR SIXES made fcr C 8, 10 aai tt Horse Fowcra. Also a specialty of SepakatomL and mode ixpikmut fob stkab rowsa. TWO STYLES OF HOB8E POWERS, rtx_- oar lm- proTwl "Triple Gaar.̂ nd our "Spnr (tpeed" fWood- bury 8tyle), Iwth «Mounted "en/Or wheels. 1 IF INTERESTED in Threshing or Grain BaWa& apply to oar nesrest Dealer, or write to ns fbr Illastri* ted Circalar (sent free), giving fell partlcalaia of gisea, Mylaa.Pxlcaa.Terma.ete. JBRchols, Bk^epmrd & Co., P^TTL1 0REXK, UMOB. __ Sarsaparillian # ^ The^Wonders ofModern Chemistry. SraiieiitaaiHim Awiatex. «»a«ge« ns Rem and Felt aa TbtyDailf Oeenr After Using i» FcwDnwW SR. RADWAY'I * " a*m '.j? Resolverit, .TIE" iRSAT BLOOD FUKD1E& bid and ekradx tppeaiUMi to a • °°*9T=waty <rwt» Q* oratun wiiuotR pain or no pain or ww«k»iBss. 4. Marked dbMnttta hivolantanr w«aa with oartaaaty of uhlMtad in tha tnonr reatored to the «w*wi 6. Yallow Man an vv-ij ;tne skl» frasa Ms tar orusMi Ua.aaBm hmnIh will Mia, brooohi or the skin ttewes,«M|tb»«rar. cha«ta2rto*,do«tV wwt <>r nloetaficd Ikbcs m tpetft. benefit >» saps * > or momitKa the throat or M; ( "Vi i i THIS NIW ELASTIC TRUSS Ha»»P«A dtfTrriof tTacn .11 otbrm.l' Joap-8h«|>«, wha s«ir Artju.tiet Bull Id «rat*r. ttdapia |u»lf to >n pr.t. •ban «f the body. wMir she ball in tfcajup praaaaa back «(><• in- w^gSrw^fflb.^?^ - . . --• ̂ llSk* prasara Ike Berria In h>l4 jarjljr da* eaTaleht. aad a radlsal sate sartain. It la u,r, n 8**i h* Wrsalan fraa. J •OQLiaTON TitUM OO.t Marshall, Mloh. at the frequency of eoash; canaral lactsaas of rtwmrtS thra«Kboalthe Wtom^steppace ofnlfht sw*ato aad Mint and flseling of weakness aiemidFttie aeklee, kgs, shoulder*, etc.; oeacatton of oold and ohills, mtko oi mffocation; hard breathing and panqins of Wisnt down or adslnc h» the udm»c- tJX'ffiEiS'lliriSa taken, new alma* of retamin* huaHh b on ; as the blood improvaa in stesqgth and puitj minish, and all fore ton and impure i sores, syphilitlo khm, chroalo skin CSttduallr where the wystsin has-been sdirated, and Merourjr, Quicksilver, Oonostre SqBlimate, (tbe princt- pal oonstit«eatin the adiwtised SananariAaa, aasoeiat- ad in some caaaa with Hid. of Potassa) hare aetonmalat- ad aad beoome deported In the bone*. Joints, etc., oariea of the bonee, rfeketa,̂ Ssd owntum. ^arlooae telna, etc., tHf raaolra awajr these d« «ftto diaeaae flromtte tas vims of nstem. 'owto bwrklak. How to aad hla. How to tettin bba, flow to tall a trot «K A NEW BOOK great inters at to Jtt thoea who • anTk or oTea keepInc Its own, tt is asore aign Uut llM sora I profreasln/ in these diaeaaea tha patten* altharcata better or worse--the ilraa of tha dlaaaaa la so| taiollia; U not arrested and driven from tbe blood. U <nll spread and oontinae to iindermiae U>e uwlWnltoi. Aa aa tha RAMAPJl£EUAH aiakes tha ; "feel better " ereij hour jraa will grow battar i erease In hesdth, atrenrth aad fleah. The great power of thla remedy ia to < threaten death as in OoosuapUon of ( Mberaoloas Phthiata, Scnrfuia, Snthil fotSedwaere oathelers have te be eaad, 1 with the painful operation of oatoc that dissolving stone in the bladder, and in all caaaa of lar flainmation of the Bladder and KHMa, to Ohroai ssaesof Leveorrbaa and Utviaa diaaaasa. • •ai • • In tumors, nodes, hard Mmpa and ayphUold aloers; " draosy sod Tewad aore throat, nkrni, and In tabercl af the loagalto goat, drspepria, rbeumaUsaa, stckeU; in nseroarUl deposita--it is in these terrible forms oi disease, where the human body has beoome a oomptate wreck, and where «wnr hoar of existence Is tortany wherein this great remedy obaUengea tha astonishmsnt and admiration of the sick. It Is in such cases, whan all tho pleasures of existence appear cat off from tha unfortunate, and by its wonderful, almost supemataial agency, it restore* th« hopdeas to » now life and new axlstenoe where th.is gnat rwnady stands aJose in Ita might and power. . In the ordinary akin diseases that iPl^PTlS^S will In most cases, and a ivttad fonna, work a per manent cure. Those afflicted with ehronle dlseaaes itHootd narehaaa a uu.iidinin* one doxen bottlisa. nut 119 6"r SoW by <iu«!u iwtuea, or |l |X*M- RADWAY'8 K|#' r PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS. $40. $50. $75. $100. CHEAP A DURABLE. Witt yield 400 per eent profit. MtlPPtiD BRADY FOK V*'< budfot Ad4i«M*h«ottW MMufaetttim wmtl CP, itr\ AGENTS WANTED foe THE ENTEIMNIAL HISTORY °fthe U.S. The greaitlBtorast la the thrilling history of oaroooa. trj- makes this the iutMt-seillng book ever published. It contains a full acoooatef the grand Centennial -- hlhitana CAITTIOK'.--Old, Incomplete and Unreliable waska are being etoraiatod; see that the book you buy coatatoM 448 Fine Engravings and 099 Pages. Send for circular* arid extra terms to Agents. Addnaa WfT'PNAL plJBI^SHIIff} CO.. ChUsaao. IlL READY RELIEF WIU tm»D DtlTAIlT x*n&1 1KFL. IPHTHKBIA. EMSA# "j^. IDNEYS ICS. ORO CATARRH CUE Tha application of UuftliiAO part or parta what* tha p&iB or afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half aitunbSerof water will, to a few MMnen*e *n«a nDAUDfl ODtOUO OAtin' MAU iU£Sfi'tb the lists will ' nta, coje CRAMPS. SPASMS HKARTBURW. SICK H RA. DYSItNTRRY, i wKLS, and all INTKbN iinnat slelBnaas or patoi SOUR 8TOM- 31ISS!SS>,,V>44S' aany a. bottle ef W • than. A faw dpotss in watat t ifMinebangeof watav. -S i "* • tatos I V Price SO Cent*. The ftieniy of loe of Ifsls 4® Men and Besst,- • MUSTAIfG LINIMENT, wmcw HAM 'flicts til Htf) IK 1MDT of * viol ewatlnw SAe., lM»c. or 81.OO, haseften a ^*rDr«Kgls^,a ' \'t DR. RADWAYt REtfULATIUG PIliS tartalaa .̂gla^i% watsi with sweet P««, wSTV^PpiS' MAsfi. 00 aero,u»' « resulting Head. Hurried and Dii ficalt Breathing uttering Suffocating 8enaatfc»ns when DOVER EGG BEATER. li Under I Jus 8, July 7, swsia Mead " FALSB A1VD 'fRCTJ®." !"™'" IN0 READIN8, PSYCHOMANCY. FASCINA7WM, SmI ChamtoB, Maawariaai and Uvara' 6«M*. how either aax may fMatoate and gain the love ASTHMA. .1 toil Of Dr. &, W. I • II • U. « WMHHM ».l imifc ag. M-whlehia nadoabtadlyttw beat asthma ninedy TCt dlaooyered. Instant relief Is guaranteed or paiw aaaae price refunded. We pnt ap the njediciiie ia lnxea of three aises, which retail for av., 50c, sad tL Bsraons remitting retail price will have the n .̂ttaiae promptly forwarded by mail, postpaid subacribera ar* naaofaotnrer* and pnmrto> '. Kaad*a Oalebrated Asthma Be. Ai«o niHHNBiB aireQui: joqq f, Hear ̂Cnrr«o & Cj., if. Y.; ̂ ohn D. Park A 8ona, Clticl>inat<, Ohi<; B:cnar4> aon A Co., St. Lonla, Mo.; Lord, Biuith A IV., Ckf* ®agov Ul.; o. c. Goodwin A Co.. Bu«tun. SI«as4 French. Richard* A Co., Piiii»a«!p»ii*. Fa. A.idrasi XTHRUXIK. TULLEB A CO., Bowe, N. V. 0. H. U. H*. IS WHEW WRITniG W ADVER1"KWI. It plcaiir tiuy you tawtho a«i»trii' s (n tSic paper. 4 On the receipt of Twei of this paper, a copy of r-Sve Cents, I will send, postage pre|»aid. N' "TP?!; - - --3DOMAN'S FAMILY ALBUla, which i* not in the form of u but of a mitotic, Vienutifui dt'ni*fi*, prmi**a ou » siiigif sheet of very heavy pUte board of the tiii»'»t quuhtT, ftuiUblt* ft>r franuuc; And tn 2^x28 iuchim. In Iho center is a Family ttecord, wh'ich i» •tirrouiid*'d hr » ht««»ly jgientai, very artistic and appropriate deficit, in which are i»pac«tf for16 PB«l4Mcrift|llMha Yhv great advaniu^e t»f thu arraii^t-nit iu over the b*x>k form vi album U. o» cv apparent. Kverv one knowB how soun the likeiu^se.* of the one# arran^l ui :t 6ot>£ aibunt become tfefucedi :in<l in uinn v canes ruined% while by thi# pl.'m of arran^m^ thvsu vwler a ana in a frn me, they mil f«* seen, but not handled, aud fence will WV«r. wear wait. I fir »o Ktell write upon this Album, but w.li gwtraHtte that it tmU more to f>r<xiM«?*, and will rive better gatliUaHioii than mt»y of whatever name, ever prem-uted to the old subseriivr* of any paper. See hUiiUirinl Suttee, or utiiioniioemeut of publisher <>f Oih |«p«-i. jm u»ol/<< r C. K., VEST, Publisher, (Established 1SW.- W. «h Mh (ladaaaM, 4ft. Ai i