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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1876, p. 8

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nilkdclpblt Wool PHILADELPHIA. .Tone 30th.--Colorado Wished. 18@22c; unwashed, 14<®16e;ox- ti* and Merino pulled, 29('?30c: Texas and medium, 14(«20e: coarse, I2@ tte; CaIiforn!ft.fine. medium, 18<$20c; coarse, 14@10c, - PAILADELPITIA,.Tuly 6th--Wool is in Tery moderate demand, the supply be­ ing ample. Colorado washed, 18@22c; MfiWftshed, T4@16c:extra and Merino polled, 28@32o: No. 1 and superfine do, 48@3Sc; Texas fltfe and medium, 14@20 course, 14@16e; California fine and me­ dium, 18@25c; course, 14@16c. 00"An absent-minded Ohio woma^ got the coffee pot ready for boiling, aid carefully placed it on a chair and •at herself on the stove. Although the oocasion was dreadful, yet she man­ aged to oblige her husband to buy her a new dress. The ehief result of having the street lamps lighted these summer nights is, that most <\i our young men who nang over other peoples1 front gates nights are getting cross-eyed, as they are obliged to keep one eye on the light to see who passes, and attend to business with the other. IffiWhftn each player in a four handed game of euchre holds the right bower at the same time it is pretty good evidence that the influence of the Moody ana Sankey revival meetings has not been exteuted as it should. A new style of E^tey Organ, which is the handsomest instrument ever put on the market. Call a:ui see it at O. W. Owen's. wrVtiK. 50,000 lbs. of Wool Wanted! --AT THE-- JANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS KORTII MAIX STREET. fl^UE subscribers wieh to inform their patrons A and evervlxxly that thev will mannfac- tore their Wool into pood (substantial ('ansi- meres, Doeskins, Flannel and Stocking Yarn, on shares or hy the yard or pound, on satisfao. torv terms; of will "buy their Wool UJUI pay the" highest market priee and sell them gooci pnbstrintialC'sie-vimcres at Sfl.00 per yard, and all other goods at the same rate. "Will pay half <v»»h on good line lots, not too small. Wit) pay Express rha?g».« on all- lots of Wool of ; pounds or more and return the goods free < charge. Will card their Wool into rolls for ('••• per pound: also card Wool the same day when brought from a distance, if possible. Will dress their rloth on the usual terms. Carpets washed ; price 5 cents per yard, Farmers, pa­ tron i/,c lit'inc industry. 1AI- M i , .J IN exchange for Goods, TV alllvQy"" Wool-Grease, Tallow ami Wood, for which the highest price will be paid. V. A. WHEKLEI1 & CO. Janesville, Wie., May 30th, W76. 1876" * li' 1876. t. Tit.-'#*' • • >?• «• - . .. BUCKL1N & STEVENS, NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY. i "K " Have a,Tall and Complete General Stock for the Spring and Summer Trade. Uniformly Low Prices FOB CASH. pgr The Highest Market Price for -BUTTER: AND EGGS, in Cach.or Trade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS, McHenry, 111., April 3d,.18TG. V. NAILS, NAILS, NAI^S, Fence "Wire, Crowbars, Mauls, Forks, Rakes, SHOVELS, HOES, and a Full Line of HENRY 6OLBY9 -DEALER IK- Drops PAINTS, OLS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs &c., &c. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. STATIONERY, We havejajftf>e Stock of rap, Bill, Not#? and Mourn in fPsjier, '.vhl"h w« ftre *••?!!»njt very Cheap. A line .assortment of the latest Styles Box nd Fancy Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted At> represented.and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited* H. COLBY. McHenry, July 27th. 1875. We have a lar<rc Stock of Pans, Pails, Milk Cans, and a Full Line of Tinware of all kinds. ALSO SCREEN WIRE, CLOTHES WRINGERS, In fact everything you want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES. ^ er^caii and examine. No trouble to show Goods. jgFj McHenry, 111., April 3d, I87G. JOHN M. SMITH. M I L L I N E R Y --AND-- Dress IWakingl Mrs. ». A.BBID East Side Public Square* WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS. J . S T O R Y , --DEALER IN-- Shelf and Heavy Hardware , STOVES TINWARE. MECHANICS' TOOLS. FAliMINO IMPLEMENTS 1 - CLOTHES WRINGERS % &C., &c., &e., WHICH WILL EE SOLD LOWER THAN USUAL PRICES Now is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goodaat 'as low prices, a« anyone in the cduuty: Also keep on band" a full Stock of BUILI>IX<?'- JMPEE, fueh as Plain Board, Water Proof. Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. \ KAWL AND SEE ! Hcpairing Ko ip»w>n»«torttly oh hand fch® latest styles of Millinery (ioodBGf all kind.-, Embroider*, Combs, Collars, Tics, Veils, all color*, Wen­ ding Hat8, Crape Hats, and domestic Patterns of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest Style and made if desired at very low rates. We also have a lev Style if Ladies Cloaks-! To which we invite the attention of the Ladles We are also Agent for the celebrated NORTHWESTERN ORGAN Which speaks for itself. 1 will not be under" sold. Call and sec. Mrs. 8. A. REID. Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. James Robbins. MANUFACTURERS A^KNT for the Champion Reaper and Mower, the <*or- hmn C«rn Cultivators and Diamond Plow, warranted to Scour in anv soil, liie Forest Citv seed Plow and State Beam Stublde Plow s Corn Planter*, IlorMj Kakes, &c. Will take C.u li or Good Note# in exchange for any and all of my Goods. Post Office* Solon Mills III-* LAUER & BECKER, Merchant Tailors, Parker House Block, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS Tin* nnb.'UM-nior'! havinp opcr^d a Merchant Tailoring establishment in McHenry, are now P R E P A R E , W I T H U 3 J T O C K « £ ^ ' U - • . Fine Cloths of ail SCinda, To make to order Coats, Patits, Vests or cn. tire Suits, on short notico and on the most Reasonable Terms. *S"Good Fits Guaranteed and pll Work Warranted. We also Keep a Full Line of HITS F0MMIN& GOODS, HatSy Caps, Ac., Which will bo sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment in the County. We luiveeome hero to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call. » Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice^ LAUER & BECKER. M<-Henry. March 20th, 137s. tms PAPER IB ON fTLE Ul I'Wt PERRY & MARTINi : lat>.v,i 0ritM ij " * '• ^T " '.T •' Headquart6riB fof all Kinds of Boots and Shoes, Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-"Ware, FRUIT CANS, GARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Clas Stock of General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby coabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is chcap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We arc here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to "Live and Let Live!" And while we arc grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the satae in the future. fl^-GIVE US A CALL '.and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. McHenry, 111., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. E. M. OWEN, AGENT FOR ALL LEADING FUM lUCHIlim I Among which can be found the Bertrand & Sames Celebrated Sulky Cultivator, That Stands without a Rival. Algo several other Leading Cultivators. The Peerless Reaper and Mower, the Waiter A. Wood Reapers anc! Mowers, the Mescfow King And the "Warrior Mowers, All of which arc first class machines and sold on Reasonable Terms. 1^7°Also the celebrated Kenosha and Racine Pumps, Hay Carriers, Horse Forks, &c. Prices Low and Favorable Terms. CASH AND CLOSE BUYERS are invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Quality and Prices, as I will not bo undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in McHenry County. E. M. OWEN. McHenry, 111., June 27th, 1876. There's Millions in It. What? Wliy, in Buying Your m»a® Adwerttolng Contracts can be madek wo promptly attcuUedjU). J. STORY* Opixwltu OW«*as Mill. BAYLIES. HEAT utile. K,.(>kuk, Iowa, VJ o» Ui>-£lissi:s*i|»i,i. l'l'of. Will. H. Miller Oeii« .Manager. Nineteenth year. About Kixty dollars pay all expense*, for Membership Hoard and Stationery. Itookkeepei H, l'eiitnan, lienor tern, Operators, Architects, Surveyor* and Teachers thoroughly litted. English branches tree. Free Lecture* by einiiieiit Orators. Free Festivals with Brass Band in College Hall. Free furnished rooms for self ljoardm#, Telegraphing free. Short hand writing tree. t»'»od boarding clubs and family board. Railroad fare deducted. lmnienne liusiness in Keokuk. No vacation. Address liaylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. Statu where you saw thin advertisement, JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT 1 LMJN'T I Board at Wiedemann's I But wish I Did Apnltural Iiploments! -OF- L . F R A N C I S C O , Opposite the Parker House, MeHEJiKY, - . . ILLINOIS. Nearthe Depot, McHenry, 111. Cfi-'We ;il.*n keep the fvlebratydMilwaukee Luger lleer eonstantJy ou hand. McIIonry, May 10th, 187fi. L. FRANCISCO Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY. Pafi-engers Ibr CllTffAtiO, Oetroit, Toledo OJeveland, Bufialo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg Cincinnati Bu^hestcr.' Albany, Toronto, Mon- ir.eM ' I'ortl;unl, Boston, New York. 1 hiladelphia, Baltimore, Wftshins^ton, St- Louis, J'Hiro, San Francisco, Sacrnuiento, Off- den, Salt. T.ake C-ity .Denver, Coniu-il muffs, aioux i.ity st. I siiil,Mariinctre,Kscanalm,Me- nasha, Madison (Jhevenne, OHIUINI, Yankton, Winona, Dulutli, Oreen Bay, Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and Kast. ah^ld buy their iickets via. the Chicago & North-western Railway. ' Close connect ions are mad* at Chicago with the Lake Shore At Michigan Southern, Michi­ gan Central, Baltimore A Ohio. lMtt«>>ur« Fort Wayne & Chicago, Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH, Cl^^e . .11 ii , •. l iiuu^ VVXWi tflA Union Pacific K. B. at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections are made at junc­ tion points with trains of alt cross road»f Pullman Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all night trains on a 11 the lines of this read, This is the ONLY LINE running these cars between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Otnalia onr Sleepers connect with the Overland Sleepers on J he Union Pacific Rail- road, lor all points west of the Missouri llivtsr. Aiiioii^ Iho If to the traveling public are all the modern im- prftveinents: Rock and Gravel IJailam ed Track. Steel Jtail, Hock and Iron Bridges, Parlor and Drawing' UIH>IU Day CoachOs, Smoking ami Lounging Cars, Wesliiighousc Saftv Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Conpling and Platforms, Speed, Salcty and Abrfoliilu Coiii- lort. Running through Five Great States, and operating over '2.0(H) miles of road, this Company presents to the traveler facilities that, All.fe/ riOT and CANNOT be otic red by any Com net ilor. , All t ickets agents can sell you tickets via this route. If you wi.-ih the best traveling aceommoda- tions, you wiil buy your tickets by this route, and will take no of,ber, MARVIN HtFGHITT W. H. STEKNETT, (jeneralSupi. Gen'i i'asssenger Agent 1 8 7 6 , [ PHILIP GIESELE, At his new Sionear liie Depot, is now ready with the Largest And Best Stock of Goods ! Ever brought to till.- market, ^on which lain prepared and will make priced thai, will v « Defy all Competition. My Stock Consists in part of Dry Goods, (Mini, Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, CKOCKEttY, &c.. To which T-lnvile the attention of the buying public-. I a IHO ki'eji on inind a large and well selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, to which the at tention of tho Ladies is especially invited. C'aii aud Bee. ; PHILIP G1ESELER. McHenry, 111., April ad, 1S7C. For President in 1876: THE HAN WHO GETS THE HOST VOTES. And the Man who go te tho^ MOST GOODS for his money, buys of L. JC^UCCESAOR TO O, U.|TiiOMr;>os.) NUNDA, - - ILL!NOI84 Larpt Stock, Best Assortment, LOWEST PRICES. jgy rHi<> Stock is New and Large» and Consists of t Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. #W(;ive me a Call and Save Yonr Money, by buying Goous Cheap*. L. UOTHGEUBER. Nunda, III., Xov. 30tb, 1S7.). He 'is selling the celebrated Union Corn Planter, the One and Two Horse Champion Cultivator, the Best Gang Plow in the Mar­ ket, Cart*, .Scott & Co.'s Threshing Machines, the celebrated two- wheeled Kirby Reaper and Mower, The Improved MEADOW LARK MOWER, and other first class Machinery. The Kirby Reaper and Mower is now acknowledged to have no e uual and will be sold as low as any other first class Machine 111 the Market. B^tlRemember I will not be undersold when f i rs t class Machinery is 111 com petition. Call at my .Shop and examine Machines and learn 1 rice?. NED ALHAMBKA. This hi^lihred tvottmff Stallion will stand tho season of ISTUai tins lia .'n of I". M. Oweu. Ned Alliain»«ra wi:* hired In* C. s. I>oU'*s Al- liainlK'a,jlam Norma l<v l.ktlf I*1 '- "'a-ja he by a irra iid.-on oi' Ameriran Ecli ;). o. lhile 'ij Alliain'iva w;1 s };o! by (.'lay's IMetn'i. in<> t.'hiet lie liy Menituino Pa \ ma - tor, by >l«ii:ii; i'io out of a mart', by 'inn Paymaster. Rlt-nil«rino wil» a con of iinp Mo » 'o « , ;io oi Alulnllali and the graud irr or itvs.tyrkV lli'inbleiouian. UOIST. OOSi.IXt;, Proprietor. I5AKNEY SEARCHED, JR. Thi:- i lioro'jt'l'broi! n» •: v 15 by ]{»ruc/ Searelier Hire! by Kin1.' Sva-rt-iicr by .Sir llenrv bv Mar-.nve by J:<• I'.».-t, by Duroc out of Oillet.t's ociniiriic'l maro I»anisei sired by Wefseii!,cr. Itaruev s«\tif.lM!r'.4 dam was aireil In Yonti'^Weasel lie bv W'. •"•el lie by ini j>oi ted lilac'i Jl:Mvk. Ills < :;'in v.-is r'. /iill-biood<Ml libic < It v\ t n» re. *'i"ii:> t'oti i , n"i i ,> .-.1; i.t t:ie \ it' 1.-*• of Jlelli-ii.-y. lie .5 'oiviun aud v. ;» • i-j.' m 1 .• i,ie >ub • ribe•. .)OHN V . X.VS1I. For SaSe. The Wheeler f.'un. m'.i' i:ed cfrod* south of I he Mil:,: e ,>ial of 5i-.'Ilen<y, < 'o:ii.lining ilM acre" of pi-airie, and SO acres of 11111 ber, with a t;ood brick house, ebdern, J-wo piinipt;, and udual ape«i<iapcii,. A!.->o ir«0 avres of tim­ ber joining t'lie village of Mclf ' nry on the east, to>,'i."»tlitwitlltho pe' • Oil:d iiropert y. Iiiquil* at the prcmiaesi or address J. WHKKLER, Mcllenry. P. P. llou.-elioM f'uvi.U in toMYner with a«-t u:.i p-»_..-ei-.-:"u U..d l'urwlih by •,'ur< lia.-' : • :f" >

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