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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1876, p. 5

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* " r *" 4 -1 £s-* -V. V * * ^ \4 "• ^4*'&**,•" « • i! rvi - 4 )(eJ(«rj flii irt WEDNESDAY. JVLT *(#. 1SX Railroad Time Table. ' .. GOING SOUTH, enevaLake Passenger „....•.,..7:25 A. ". eneva Lake Kruisrht ......... 1:45 p. m. scoette Passenger... ....Y..- 4;4fi r. M. , " <rOIX<J NORTH, * #en«** Lake Freijrht ........,8:« A. M. OUcoette Passenger ; 11:25 A. m. Geneva Lake Passeneer ..7:05 r. M. MASONIC, 'MCHENRY CHAPTER NO. SI R. A. M.--BESRU- fr Convocations held on the second and VurtU Fridays ii> each month. _ H. C. IRISH H. P. go. W. OWEN Sec.. CHURCH DIRECTORV. METHOPIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor, ervices every Sunday morn in tr at 10^ A. M. «and»y Schoolat 12 A. M. WM. PAGE, Suner- Itendent. Services at Rinirwood at 2 P. M. SEVRRAL communications of interest are unavoidably crowded out this week. f;. B. Buss is Improving liis premises^ #st East of the Parker House, by the Addition of a new fence. We learn that W. E. Smith, of Wood- ftock, has been appointed Coroner in glace of J. Grosbeek, resigned... * W J. BONSLET has commenced the erec­ tion of the addition ti> his building, • #hich is to be on the Sopth side of the old one. ( , C. H. MOREY has pot tipa new awning Ip front of his building and treated - -Hie front and inside Of the store to a new coat of Paint. * JOSIAH DWIGHT and E. E. Richards, candidates for Circuit Clerk, were looking up their interests in this sec­ tion last week. The firm of King & Herbes will ac­ cept thanks for the "original package" left at our residence. We "sampled" it to our entire satisfaction. FOR some unknown reason our Rich­ mond correspondence has failed to reach us for the past two weeks. We hope to be able to femedy the matter in the future. THE Fox River Base Ball Club, of this village,go to Woodstock 011 Friday next to play the return game with the Spring City Club of thajtcity. If the Weather proves good a fine game may be expected. * REV. PETER ARVEDSON will hold ser­ vices in the Brick Church, in this vil­ lage, on Sunday evening next, July 30th. at 1\ o'clock. He will also preach at Spring Grove on 0ie afternoon of the same day. S. D. BALDWIN, Principal "of the McHenry Public School, together with W« brother J A. who is Principal of the Crystal Lake School,started for the Qeatennlal last week. They expoct to be gone about six weeks. F. A. HE BARD informs us tUkthe will Immediately build a new dwelling 011 his lot, just south of his present resi­ dence, which he will either rent or sell. This is just.what Mcllenry needs, more dwellings. Let the good work go on. THE copv for the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors reached us on Tuesday morning, but a few hours be­ fore we go to press, consequently we Are obliged to lay them over until next week. They will appear iu full in our next. THE new Instruments purchased for the Band have arrived and are pro­ nounced No. 1 by those who are com- petent to judgte. A meeting will be called soon and the Band fully organ­ ized, when they will commence prac­ tice at once. We believe they intend .Securing the services of Mr. Tidmarsh, Of Wauconda, as Teacher. R. C. JEFFERSON, of Woodstock, has been in this village several days the past week, and purchased all the Wool held by Smith Bros., J. Lansing and E. M.Owen. This comprises nearly all the wool purchased in this market this season. Mr. Jefferson is the largest Wool buyer in this section, and pays ;the full market price. THE Steamboat "Athlete" failed to get to Wilmot on Sunday last, owing to the fact that the high water had floated a large gross bog into the mouth of Grass Lake, which «he could not get around. There was quite a large party went up, who had a good time 111 and around Fox Lake, returning to this tillage about 4| p. M. WHILE sacking Wool at the Wool flense of Smith Bros., on Friday last, one fleece was found on the inside of Whleh was some two or three pounds of dirty tags and other filth. The man who sold that wool certainly needs the attention of Moody and Sankey--or John Morrissey--at once. He evident ly was determined to make his wool as low in quality as in price. IN another column can be found a hew advertisement for the firm of Lauer & Becker, Merchant Tailors, Whose store can be found in the Parker House Block. In addition to their large stock of Cloths for custom work, they have added a full line of Ready- Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods, to which they in­ vite the attention of the public. This firm since their location here, have won an enviable reputation for fair dealing, and all ordering a single garment or a Whole suit are sure to get "fits" every time. Read their advertisement and give them a call. WHILE passing the warehouse o M. Owfcn on Saturday last we noticed one of the celebrated Nichols, Shepard & Co'styibrators, which had been just received. These Threshers are said to bt; the best nowt in the market, never clogging with wet grain; and have ghen satisfaction in every particular wherever used. Any one contempla­ ting purchasing a Thresher should not fail to call at Owens* Warehouse and see this one. "PULL down your vest," "Wipe off your chin," "Shoot that hat."these was were three samples of slang we heard in a neighboring town the other day within live minutes, from as many young bloods, and we were just on the point of saying something about the abominable growth of slang phrasesf when two young ladies passed by, and when one said to the other, "Shake out j our pinback," we concluded to reserve our lecture. IN another column can be found a new advertisement of the well known firm of Dwight & Forrest, Boot and Shoe dealers, Woodstock, who adver, tise a great Closing out Sale of Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes in order to make room for their Fall and Winter Stock. Their stock is large and com­ plete in every particular, and those wanting anything in their line can get goods at greatly reduced prices for the next 30 days by calling at their store. All goods can be relied on just as rep­ resented. Read their advertisement. WE came near having a genuine fire to record. On Tuesday morning as two of our citizens were riding by the unoccupied house belonging to O. W. Owen, situated just North of the Steamboat landing, smoke was discov­ ered issuing from the door and windows On inspection it was found that a fire had been kindled in the middle of the floor, which iu a short time would have spread beyond control. A pail or two of water was sufficient to put it out. Whether it was the action of some tramp who had lodged there during the night, or of some mischievous boy is not known. THE Waukegan Patriot says: "On Saturday evening last, word was sent to Coroner Evans that the body of man had been found about two miles' south of Lake Forest, on the lake shore. Mr. Evans at once proceeded to the place, and had the body taken to the village, where an inquest was held, and a verdict returned. "Found drowned, name unknown." The man was about 40 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high. Had on woolen pants and shirt, and cow hide boots. A carpenter's rule was found on his body with the initials "W. F. T." stamped upon it. The re­ mains weraf brought to this city and buried by 'Dennis Marr. Exchanges will please copy. A party from Wisconsin brought a load of Wool to this village on Monday last and sold it to J.Lansing. Shortly after he had departed it was discovered that the Wool was stufted, inside of al­ most every fleece being found wet Wool, dirty tags, &c. An attachment was immediately taken out and put in­ to *he hands of Constable Wightman, who overtook the gentleman a few miles out, took possession of the team and wagon and brought them back to this village, where they are now held. A trial of the case will of course be had, when it will be seen if a man has a perfect right, according to law, to swindle auother in this deliberate manner. IN the Geneva Lake Herald of Sat­ urday last appears a communication over the signature of "A Spectator," in which the writer attempts to take the PLAIN DEALER to task for its criti­ cism upon the actions of their pet Ball Club in their recent game with the Fox River club of this village. The communication throughout proves that the writer was either not what he pre­ tended to be, "A Spectator," or else an unmitigated bullhead, who does not. know what constitutes a fair game of ball. But his communication is so full of gross falsehoods, from beginning to end, that wt shall take 110 farther notice of it. Citizens of Geneva who did see the game, agree with us that our remarks were none to severe, and "Spectator" but belittles himself by at­ tempting by fal6hoods to find an excuse for such actions. F. BEST of the McHenry Bakery now makes regular trips as follows: Ringwood and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best; is a first class Baketr, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in tllfc line of Bread, Pies Cakes, etc., on the days meutioned. BASK BALL. The Fox River Club, of this village, played their tjiir.l game for the Cham­ pionship of the County, with the Crys­ tal Lakfe Club,on Friday afternoon last, on their grounds in this village, the score standing Fox River 84; Crystal Lake IS. This was one of the boys off days, and they did not pliay their aver­ age game, as the unusual length of game and large score will show. The battiug was good, but the fielding was not near up to the average. * Below is the score In fulls FOX RIVER R, . lining 1 f ,g A Walsh p S C" Waite r f ft G . Owen c-.«» 5 J. Thurlwell 3 b.2 T Walsh > li 4 A OatrandrT c f. .4 F Van Slvkc S s..S O Owen'1st b....s I CRYSTAL LMK O, R. 3 jBntler 3. Mellow ley,.... T Leonard...,;. S Leonard J Leonard..... Rnwlpv Hyatt ".... . . . . . , . .1 Sliianer .....8 MuWttt IS 37 M 27 SCORE or IKJJTNGS. _ 1 « S U 8 T,« i-1 Wot : BIVBR- 4 0 7 6 0 4 3 f 8 , t wife -r CttTSTit LAKE 0 1 4 I 17 2> 0 % --18 The Crystal Lake Club are good Ball players and gentleman in the bargain, and although defeated were good na- tured, and signified their intention of giving our boys a llttte warmer time at their next meeting. The game was fair and impartially Umpired by Mr. Joe Hall, of Woods and we believe to the entire tion of both clubs. * * WHILE in Greenwood one day last week, we'made a. short call ou our friend J. H. Garrison, one of the pro­ prietors of the Greenwood Nurseries. The short time which we had did not permit us to visit his farm, but we took a look around his yard and sample grounds^ and must say that in the line of Evergreen Shade and Ornamental Trees, the firm of Garrison Brothers can beat anything in the Northwest. Our limited knowledge of the names makes it impossible to even attempt to enumerate the different kinds to be found in his garden, but suffice to say there is no variety either in the Ever­ green, Shade or Ornamental kind but what can there be found. They also maffe a specialty of raising choice Flower Seeds, Plants. &c., and if lovers of the beautiful want to get into Para­ dise all they will havetd'do is to visit Mr. Garrison's Flower Garden. In this department, like the other, we shall not attempt an enumeration. He has there all known varieties, and some of the most beautiful we ever saw. No lover of the beautiful should fail to make Mr. Garrisdn a visit when in that section. In their Nursery and Seed b u s i n e s s t l i i s f i r m l i a v e w o r k e d u p ' a n immense trade, their seeds beingjustly popular wherever used, being always fresli and pure, while their trees are all hardy and healthy, and sure to live when properly set out. When con­ templating purchasing anything tn this line do not fail to give Garrison Bros., a up. 75f acres in sections 29 and 44,8. Division of the Estate of Walkup. Mary J Walkup et al to Evaline M Walkup. 5-G interest in 43 7-9 acres in same. Leonidas W Walkup to Mary JWalk- up. North } of same $1200. Mary J Walkup et al to Alfred C Walkup 43 1-9 acres in same. Same to Leonidas W Walkup Nl-16 part in same, Win McDonald and wife to Isaac N Powell. Lot 13 blk 2 Nuhda, $160. Maryette S Hickok and husband to Joseph O Button. 200-aeres in 31, 46, 5, and G, 4o. 5, and lots 1, 2 and 5 blk 8, Chemung, $4000. Ilannah M DaLue to Ann Eliza Ba­ ker. Lot 2 blk 6 Hart's addition to Harvard, $1500. Samuel R Morris and wife to Mary E St. Clair. Lot 4 blk4 Safford's addi­ tion to Marengo, $1500. ( Abraham Radcliffe and wife to Jas E Cassady. e£ sw 32, 46, 5, (ex RR) and wf nw and pt ne nw 5, 45, 5, $13000. William Day and wife to Lyman Backus, sw no 4, 45,5, $1100, Harvey B Hubbard and wife to Henry Keyes. Lot 1 blk 7 Plumleigh's addi­ tion to Algonquin, 100. Wallace II Jennings and wife to Jas. Philp. Ptse se 18, 43, 6, $300. Geo Carmack ind wife to Wm Barrit 10 acres in swj 7, 45, 6, $85. John B Lyonv Master, to Robert Campbell, se se 1 and sw nw 12 in 44 6, $250. ^ . Nelson Carmack, Trustee, to George Carmack. 10 acres in sw 7, 45, 7, $40. Loren Woodard and wife to P C Tee- pie J interest in Lumber Yard, Ma­ rengo, $3500. Robert Morris and wife to P C Tee- pie W$se 74 44, 5, $2150. Lyman S Backus and Wife to Joseph Grosskinsky. se nw sw 22, 45, 5. $100. Richard Bishop and wife to Mathias Engels. Lot 11 blk 8, McHenry, West side Fox River. $500. Michael Kelter and wife to John Best Part lot 2 blk 2 Nunda, $150. Lillie C Earlie to Geo W Earlie Lots in Algouquin, $1. PORTRAITS PORTRAITS Hayes and Wheeler, Tilden and Hen­ dricks. To any person who desires to act as our Agent to sell the Presidential Portraits, we,will furnish, prepaid by mail, a pair of either for 50 cents, or both pair for $1, with terms to Agents. Now is the time to take the agency and make money.. Send money by P. O^ order or registered letter. Address Southern Picture Co., Lock Box 137t Cleveland, Tenn. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The tramp nifcance has broken out more violently than ever. Either from choice, or the force of circumstances, the most of them appear to be persons whose pres­ ence is to be avoided by all those-wot prepared to snoot on short notice. During the past week Woodstock has had something of a variety in thii new phrase of American life. First, one was arrested in Stoners house, to which he seemed to get easy seees about mid­ night of Tuesday. Nothing could be proved against him except his nw>««w»ce in the house at that hour without Sir. Stoner's knowledge or consent. Next on Thursday night an attempt was made to get igto the Post office by a window in the rear, the burglars btflng serprised in the act by the night watch a$d one of them shot in the attempt to escape As he was not found,is not known how severly he was hurt, but he bled profusely. A chisel was found in the morning near where they started, with which it is supposed they pried up the window : And now oemes Mr. Rosseler, who deposeth and saith that near the Catholic Church, between this place and Crystal Lake, he had a right smart skirmish with a pair of the in* in which they bombarded him witli stones, to the injury of himself and horse, they being persuaded to desist only when they saw the revolver in his hand, and the4 'blood in his eye." Our night watchman would have given them a broadside in return for the first rock. The Marengo Base Ball Club came here Thursday to beat our "big uns," but met the Spring Cities instead, and went home sorry that tliey made so grevious a mistake. Score 14 to 6 in favor of the "little utis." Woodstock has become so much elated over her triumphs that last Friday evening a Base Ball Club Was organised at the office of M. L. Joslyn who was elected President, with Anderson Murphy, for Vice, L, Hoy Secretary, and T. Bell Treasurer. About fifty admirers of the Diamond field enrolled their names and paid the dollar. The new club play the Crystal Lake Club next Tuesday at the Fair Ground. The ground formerly occupied by Norton as a lumber yard is to be fitted np to practice on. It is said that a history of Mcllenry county has been writteu by J. H. John­ son and published at the Sentinel office, but it don't appear to he visable much around town. Emery and "Gard" went to Huntly last Friday to see how the land lays, but as they didn't leave word at the hay scales on their return, you will not learn from this letter what they dis­ covered. The Supervisors got things all equal ized, except the offices, and adjourned on Wednecday, but I understand that Joel H. didn't like their style of treat­ ment, in fact he broke out so that Mack thought of sending for Graves to return forthwith, but he took the twenty-five, and feels better now. i^How would you like, on, a hot day in 'uly. to catch a fugitive swarm of bees ying over;gets out the whole family, with cow bells and tin pans, rouse the whole neighborhood, and, having suc­ ceeded in treeing thefoi, spoil a good salt barrel to make a hive, then when you have watched them for three mor^ tal hours see them come out of that half barrel and go straight into a hive your neighbor had placed iu one of his orchard trees for-this very purpose? Two of the crout tubs at the factory were emptied last week by hauling out their contents for • manure, although not hurt in the leact. The remaining tub is to be kept until the stink made by letting oft' the brine from the other has been all snuffed up, when that too will be emptied. Wouldn't it be as well to empty it the week before the Fair, so the whole county can have the bene­ fit of that delicious prefume. In the ease of McGhee. no papers were taken out, and no trial will be had till that is done. There is no doubt that the whole thing is a put up job, Mayor Donnelly has.gone* to Kansas and the Hon. President of our Base Ball Club, to Corning N. Y. Eastwood has been getting up a story on top of his house, while the new roofs visible ih all directions slow that this h 8 been a bad eeason for old shingles. SQUEERS. Proeeedingi of the Board of Trustee*. MCHKHRY. July 24th, 1876 Board met on call of President.; Full Board present. The President on~calling the house to order stated the object of the meet­ ing to be the consideration of the matter of improving the Public Square and other necessary business that might come before the Board. Minutes of last regular meeting read and ap­ proved. On motion of Mr. Story, the President appointed Messrs Story, Weber and Searles a committee on Public Square with power to specify the mode of Fencing same, to advertise the letting of the contract and receive sealed pro­ posals pertaining thereto. Attorney Granger reported that Mr- Luff had substituted the name of Judge Wilcox of Kane county, in place of Mr. Coon as arbitrator iu the mill race matter which was on motion ratified by the Board. Adjourned to meet on ©all iPieii- dent. B^Bieaor, PEUMWU M. Kkltxb, Clerk. ' CJREENWOOD Editor Plain dkalsrAt no time within our nations history has our coun­ try been so completely tilled and over* ran with that class of humanity com­ monly termed 'Tramps," as at the present. While there are tfndoobtedSy thousands of human beings who are driven to desperation by starvation who weuld giadly labor for their daity bread, there are teus of thousand* whose only object and aim In life Is ap­ parently to avoid labor and live by stealing the hard earnings of others. There is not a day that pa»<*s but what we come iu contact with more or less of this class in one form or an oth­ er. Some of course more bold j^rid dar­ ing than others operates. n open daylight by attempting to gain your confidence and thereby swindle and rob you, while others take the silent watch­ es of the night in which to make their visitations. A few nights since an un­ successful attempt was made to enter the house of II. J. Wood living three quarters of a mile south of the village Suspicions looking characters have been seen prowling about .the past week and we would advise every house owner to look well to the fastening# upon their doors and windows and be prepared within to receive them warm­ ly. There are two pieces of music which should be familiar In every household, to-wit:The "Rogues March" and "Tramp Tramp." Teach your children to sing and play them and have them so trained that upon ap­ proach of one of these gentry they may be prepared to entertain them. Teach your dog this same music. An objects about, both animate and Inani­ mate, to strike up in one harmonious discord. Get you one of Smith A Wesson's best. Teach that to htm in the silent watches of the night when occasion requires to this same melody. Our School closes on Friday of this week. Farmers in this section have already commenced cutting their wheat. The bug is working destruction rapidly. We hear of many who are complalutng of their depredations In the grass seed. R. Gaiuer has beeu building an addi­ tion to his dwelling. S. D. and J. A. Baldwin started for an Eastern tour on Monday last. They Intend visiting the prludpal cities of the East and take the Centennial On their return. EvsN. Go to C O.W* Go a being at Still 1<?S taurant, nefcr rhurstiay«* FrP«*»9»nf ftt*1.00perB(«K A bran new for $100. Dr^ss Goods of ces to please,' at B Best thing Piopa* A ftlll lit Stevens*. Clothing One tw sale cheap. If yon want meutsor rep# Ladies Tl very cheap, a The Bla the best in A CARD, Editor Plain-dealer :--We had a very*plea8ant time at our Exhibition on the evening of the 14th Inst. Not­ withstanding the busy season we had a very good attendance. One thing which coutributed much to the enter­ tainment was the music of the Burdett Organ,kindly furnished for the occa­ sion by your townsman, C. H. Morey. This instrument made a very favorable impression, and many have found fault with us because it was not used more during the evening. We think that* "Charley" will have no cause to regret the time and trouble of bringing It. WM. NIOKLB. STORE FURNITURE FOR SALE. One Pannel Counter, a lot of Sugar Boxes, Shelving, Drawers, Desk, Ac. The above Is as good as new and will bo sold at a Bargain. Call on or ad­ dress R. A. Howard. Mcllenrf, HL •/ WOOL! WOOL! ;V I am now in the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find It for their interest to call and see me. F. K fiBlSOBBi ' McHenry, 111, July 5th 1878- Volo Cornet Band* 4 Artr now prepared to fhrnUh nfftalc for Picnics and Pleasure Parties to the Lakes or elsewhere on the most reason­ able Terms. Address Yolo Comfit Band, Volo, 111. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on d. a. potter, p. m:, RfeRmond, IK. f Auction Hale of Plekle». The Directors of the Union Company will sell at rublic Auction, at the Pickle Factory, in McHenry 111., com­ mencing at 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday the 29th day of July, 1876. the entire interest of the Union Company in the Pickle crop of the year 1875. Said in­ terest includes some sixteen thousand bushels of Pickles in brine. TerHia make kwpwn on the day of sale. »y order of the Board of Directors. E. BKKSBJS, Secretary. A SURE CURE FOR DIARRH( This is to certify that after «|pit] home from California to my fat Chicago I was taken with a dl« I tried everythingthat was recomofl ded to me (but did me no goo^} over five years, until I got two * J of F. Marcus' Bitters whh&eoia'ir cured me. Robert Forrest, Peter and others can testify the sho' true and no humbug. I have p; to be equally as good for billio plai nts. 11 strengthens and Invj the whole system, carries and gives warmth to the of both old and young. It bitters I ever used.. / Town of Seneca, McHenry Illinois. Subscribed' and 8$th day of Sep tomb Forsyth's Slav Scales' and Portable Platform by O. Bishoj POCKET The be® dard's, C All kl Stevens' Doubl beats Smith's. New arrlvai'ofbio] Caps at P. D. Sinlt! M. Sete & Oo.V warranted to give at Bucklln A Sleveus\ If you want an e Hair Cut, call on House. . A 8plended Piano to Rent OA able terms. a ft, W McHenry 1878. Bucklln at the and pay Rem' ofle^tj living pt and tEggs. HATS! HATS! A cart load just received at & Steve its', at very low prices. VViuts, fhst colony ••jCt6#,|M»*;iy#ard, at P. D. Bmltlrt, Elegant patterns of 9T tain Lace from 20 cts^ Also a pew Invoice of Wall window shades, at very tow'pi P.D. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, at P.D. Smith's. A ne*# style of Estey Oi the handsomest iustrume the market. Call and see Owen's. It Is the universal testimony thai tk#'^ Rochester aud Buff&o Boois and dheo|*» for which we are the sole igeatt l»titift village, are relatively the beat' tod cheapest in the markait. Give ~ trial. P.P. The new Aenerfcsn Sewing '«?.ehl«€,v the best In the marker. They an •war­ ranted in .. jry particular; ran and uiake les« aofse. Call #^§1 them. O. W. Owen, Agent, FOR SALE. I have choice Tillage Lots and Property, in and adjoining the YU of McHenry, that has herettforQj held out of nftarket, which I selling to those who will improve, on very reasonable ) To Pleasure The undersign and put upon fol ning SteameVj respeetfutty ~ Pleasur ally, that tl mod ate al" and from also Will guar co mm new, 1 with of be Ri*e: thi~ • v, I- 'itffi' *•- "I*"'- V.,I•ut.-JsL

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