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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1876, p. 5

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ejjnrj jtauSetlor. * WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23d, 1876. Railroad Time Table. GOING SWMJTH.^f" Geneva T-ake Passensrer #«%»;.•..... .7£S A. M. Geneva Lake Freijrht, 1:45 p. m fibeoette PMseiiger ...M*. 4:45 P.M.' 16 V GOING KORTi. „ & J4iSw»ew* Uke Freight «.. ;§A. *. CHscoette Passenger 11:25A. M. Geneva Lake Passeaeer .".7:05 p. it! MASONIC. . MCHEKRT CHAPTER No. 34 B. A. M.--REMI- Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. w . ft C. IRISH H. p. O. W. OwBir Sec.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. MRTHODI8T. -- Re V. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services every Sunday morninjr at Wf A. M. ftsndav School at 12 A. M. Wiwf. PAGE, Super- IBtenrtent. Services at Ringwood at 2 P. M. 'REMEMBER thatG. W. Collin's & Co's gfrand Menagerie will be in McHenry on Thursday. ' HON. WM. LATHROP, of Rockford, was in this village on Friday last. He - Was looking up his political interest in this section. ~ IT is predicted that the present heated term is to end with the most terrible thunderstorm the country has •ver witnessed. Lightning rod men are cheerful and hopeful. ON Friday evening of this week, the grand Harvest Party takes place at the Riverside House, in this village. The best of music has been engaged ahd a general good time may be expected JOHNNY THURLWELL will please ac­ cept our tbanks for a pair of Prairie Chickens, the first we have had this year. Johnny, that you may "live long and brosper" is the wish of yours tru­ ly. W.FISHER is making some good im­ provements, laying a new walk in front of his Market, and putting a new Pick­ et Fence in place of the rickety old board one at the Nor4h end of his buildings. THE newest collar is called the "Safe­ ty It is so named from the fact that it is high enough for a man who wears one to crawl behind it and hide whet) his wife steps in at the office to inquire whether he mailed her letters, Do not forget the Grove- Meeting on -Sunday next, which is to be held in Wheeler's Grove, on the East side of the River. Should the weather prove good a pleasant and* interesting time may be expected. See notice else­ where in this paper. WHILE at Algonquin on Friday the Pitcher of the Fox River Club. Allen . Walsh, succeeded in getting away with their champion runner, in a foot race of one hundred yards. Allen is lively on foot, and anyone who beats hitn has got to foot it right lively, and no dis- count. . S. D. BALDWIN, Principal of the Pub­ lic School, returned from the Centen­ nial last week. He reports a very pleasant trip, and returns invigorated by his short vacation, and will com­ mence the coming Term of School feeling that his vacation has been pleasantly and profitably spent. THE Premium List for the Marengo Agricultural and Stock Breeding Asso­ ciation, which is to be held on the 6th, 7th and8tli of September, was printed at the office of the Marengo Republican, and is one of the most neat and tasty Jobs of the kind we have seen this sea- sou. It -Is printed bn good paper, tastely arranged*and clean and hand­ somely worked, and is a credit to friend Babcock's taste and skill. ONE of the best Speeches we have read this year was the one delivered by Oen. Hurlbut in the House of Repre­ sentatives July 29th, on the '-condition of the country and claims of Parties to Public confidence." So well was it re­ ceived that Congress ordered one hun­ dred thousand copies of the speech printed for distribution. It was one of Gen. Hurlbut's most masterly efforts and should be read by every voter in the land. . ' A boy was run over in the street in ( front of the Riverside House one eve­ ning last week, but fortunately escaped serious injury. It is a great wonder to in that more such accidents do not hap­ pen in that vicinity, as almost every evening quite a number of small boys are congregated there, and persons driving arround the corner are obliged to use the utmost caution to preveht running over them. If parents will ( look into this matter a little a job for the Coroner may be prevented. • WK acknowledge the receipt from B. M. Patrick, Secretary, of a compli­ mentary ticket to the First Annual Fair of the Marengo Agricultural and Stock Breeding Association, which is to be held at Marengo on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 8th, 7th, and 8th. From a copy of the Premium List, which is before us, we learn that their Premiums are the most liberal and their arrangements are perfected for holding a Fair that will be an honor to the town, and a great benefit to farmers and stock breeders in that part of the county. Competition is open to the world, and as our Marengo friends never do things by halves, we have no doubt they will succeed in all they have undertaken* EVERY man who desires to see the "Ring"' defeated at the coming County Convention, will use his influence to secure the nomination of Josiah Dwight for Circuit Clerk. That the "Ring*' de­ sire his defeat Is the best reason why the People should stand by him. * * ON Thursday of this week G rw. Collin's & Co's grand National Menage­ rie and Collosenm will exhibit in this village, afternoon and evening. This show undoubtedly has one of the larg­ est collection o/ animals now in this country, which, together with a stage performance makes it onC of the most interesting and pleasing performance now traveling. Read their Advertise­ ment and be sure to come out and see the show on Thursdav. ONE of the most pleasant parties of the season gathered at the Parker House on Thursday evening last, by invitation of Mrs E. Hanley, it being gotten up for the benefit of friends who were visiting here. About twenty-five couples were assembled and with good music tripped.tlie light fantastic for a few hours, and had a very sociable and enjoyable time. As usual mine host Parker left nothing undone to make it pleasiint for all. It was an evening that will be remembered w ith pleasure by those present. CNrVKRSALIST GROVE MEETING. A grove meeting of Universalists will be held in Wheeler's Grove, East side of the river, near McHenry, next Sunday,27th inst. Services will be held at IOJ A. M. and 2 p. M. Revs. S. F, Gibb, and Sophia Gibb of Sycamore, and B. N. Wiles of Macomb will be present. All are cordially invited. Basket dinner in the grove between services, for which all will please come prepared. Should the weather prove unfavorable for out door services, they will be held in the Universalis! Church in McHenry at the hours above stated. WE were treated to two runaways on Thursday last. The Riverside Buss team took it in their heads, while at the Depot waiting for the 7 p. M. train, to try a little race on their own hook, and the lively manner in which they made tracks from the Depot to the Hotel had a very demoralizing effect on the buss, leaving pieces of it strewn along the streets in all directions, and making it a total wreck. On the same day a farmer's team became unman­ ageable and undertook to run over our friend C. T. Eldredge while he was crossing the bridge, near Owen's Mill, but as he was behind one of those little roans it was no use for any common team to attempt to catch hi in. He got out of the way by the Mill and the team was brought up standing in the gravel hole near Perry & Martin*# Store, with but sligl:t damage. WOULDN'T it be good idea for our supervisors to make a small appropria­ tion for a complete history of Kane county. A small sum would Insure it and a few years hence it would be very valuable. McHenry county supervi­ sors recently appropriated 0500 for this object, and did wisely in so doing.-- St Charles Leader. We have noticed in our exchanges for some time this $500 clause, but sup­ posing it was a typographical error, and meant$50, we have said nothing. But of late nearly every paper in the Dis­ trict has copied it and we think i't time a correction was made. The facts are the Board of Supervisors voted just forty-three dollars for said History. That is 025 for compiling, and 018 for printing, and it was dear even at that price, as it was bunglingly put together, poorly printed, and a botch job all around, errors appearing in nearly every page of the pamphlet. We hope our exchanges will not "har­ row up the reelings of our worthy County Board again by charging them with pacing 0500 for such a work. AT an early hour on Sunday morning a very sorry and dejected looking in­ dividual might have heeu seen wan­ dering around in the vicinity of the Depot. He acted as though he had lost something, but the truth was he wanted a chew of Tobacco. Seeing a window in the rear of Gilbert's Gro­ cery Store open he deliberately Crawled in, helped himself to a supply of the weed, honestly deposited his ten cents on the counter, and with a smile of satisfaction upon his countenance, com­ menced his exit through the window. But that smile was of short duration. Just as he supposed lie was out of dan­ ger, the window came down, the patent spring snapped, and the tail of his Sun­ day-go-to-meeting coat was securely fastened and he was a prisoner. Here was a dilemn he had not looked for. An appointment to preach at Fox Lake must not be broken, so with some diffi­ culty he got out of his coat, and ab­ ruptly interrupting "Ben" in his morn­ ing prayers, demanded his coat! "Ben" saw the point (or the coat) at once, and after reading him a lecture upon the uncertainty of windoio springs. sent him away rejoi' ing. Moral--when you crawl in a window be sure and leave your coa; on the outside. SENECA TOWN CAUCUS. The Republican voters of the Town of Seneca are requested to meet at .JTranklinville, on Friday the 25th inst., at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing seven delegates to the County Convention to be held at Woodstock, on the 26th, and to transact any other business which may come before the caucus. By Order of Town Committee. Seiiee», Ai^g. 7tli, 1876. BASE BALL * ':"~I The result of the Fox River Base Ball clubs visit to Algonquin on Friday last was one of the worst games of the season, the Algonquin Club winning the game by a score ot 22 to 13. It was a regular muffin game on both sides, but our Club done some remarkably poor playing both at the bat and in the field. We think we know the cause of this but will not mention it at present. We hope ttie boys a^e aware of it them­ selves and will now turn over a new leaf and go to work with the determi­ nation to do better in the future. The game was fairly Umpired by Dr. llarback, and the boys speak of being used in the best of manner by the Al­ gonquin Club and the citizens of that town. THEBABIES. An infant Club from Woodstock, called the "Lightfoots," came over on Saturday and played a game with a Club of Babies of this village called the "Ragged Edge," which resulted in a* score of 28 to 27 in favor of the McHen­ ry infants. The two clubs were com­ posed of boys from nine to twelve years old, and for that age showed some good playing qualities. Below is the SCORE OF INNINGS. 12 S 4 5 8 7 8 9 RAGGED EDGE--2 3 19 7 3 7 0 S--W LIOHTPOOTS- 1 6 S S T 1 1 7 0-R«7 THE Elgin Bluff City Club played the return game in Woodstock on Tues­ day last with the "Clippers'* of that city .and t lipped them to the tune of 15tol. How is that for uour Water­ loo's'* Did they throw this game Elder for bets? REV. FATHER CAKROLL. EDITOR PLAINDEALE?;,--We had the honor last evening of an introduction to Rev. Father Carroll, of Woodstock, who is on a short visit to Rev. Father Fegers of Johnsbnrgh. Father Carroll is 84 years old and still hale and hear­ ty, and from his appearance we should judge that he has many years still to serve iu his holy mission. The old gentleman is truly an irterestiug con­ versant. The hour spent with him in the dusk of last evening was one of the most interesting of our lives. He held us spell bound as he related to us many" incidents of his earliest years. He was well acquainted with President tlackson and is a distant relative of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. with whom he was very intimately acquainted. The old gentleman showed us a heavy . gold watch seal, which he carries, a present- to him from Charles-Carroll, of Carroll- ton. Thi« seal and the gold watch and chain that it is attached to was stolen from him once and lay buried for eight years on the banks of the Niagara River. It was finally found by parties excavating in the vicinity aud strange as it may seem performed its mechan­ ical vocations as we!l as ever. The Rev. Father informs us that lie is go­ ing to the great Centeuuial Exposi­ tion and has several introductory let­ ters to parties connected therewith. McHenry county should be proud of its representative there, for iudeed the persons are scarce now on this sphere who carry the honors of'our old friend Father Carroll. M. K. VOLO. We mode a ftving trip to Volo last week, and found that little burg as live­ ly afc ever, and in this respect it is not behind many towns of much larger population. We found Henry Rogers, as usual full of hnsiness, his store being jam full of waiting customers, and the goods being carried away by anus full. This we presume is from the fact that be selk good goods and also at low prices. Just across the street we found E. G. Payne, just as happy as ever, no matter whether he is selling Mowing Machines, Horse Rakes, or buying eggs, it makes no difference to him. He keeps in ad­ dition to .his Agricultural Machinery, a good stock ofGroceries, and buys pro­ duce of all kinds. At E. Carpenter's Blacksmith's Shop we fuund them as busy as ever, and in fact they find it almost impossible to do all the work that comes. Good work promptlv doue accounts for all this. At the next door we found Thos. Moore, who is always ready to make j'ou a Buggy or Wagon on short notice, and warrant it of the best material and workmanship. B. Rowing's Furniture Store is doing a good business (considering the times. Anything ordered at his shop will be done in the best of manner and waran- ted just as represented. The Volo House, J. Bossing, Proprie­ tor is a well kept and neat looking Hotel, and the landlord evidently the "right man in the right place," as he spares no pains to make it pleasant for all who give him a call. Our time being limited we were un­ able to make any further calls, but shall make another trip soon, when we shall speak further in relation to the business of that place. We did not have time to call at the Foundry and Machine Shop of Amies, Gale & Co., but were- informed that thej' are doing a goorfbnsines, and sup­ plying a want long felt in that section. FLAX SEED WANTED. One Hundred Thousand' Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the High­ est Market Price will be pa?4 to cash, by Smith & Snyder. , '• ,^- Mulleuryf Aug. 21st 187G. WOODSTOCK. "«• EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Politically this has been a lively week for news; the editor of the New .Era, having found it necessary to define his position iu that 1 ndependent-Democratic-Con- vention-call, which he pt)blislied in his paper without assenting thereto, but did not find out what he had eudorsed till his atteution was called to it. Well, that comes of publishing a daily, when a man must do everything upon the jump in his waking hours. John Scott, the man who lost the reg­ istered letter at this post office, Was paid his two hundred dollars by P. M.­ Smith, last Monday, and Harbison made a ten strike, too on that day. catching R. K. Todds cows within the corporation. Like any other man's kine, they were put into Billy's cage, and the owner, not having the amount of money the pound master wanted for his little accommodation in putting the cows where they could be found, told him to let them out, and he would "make it all right." Billy dont like this way of making it right* and talks of going to law. • On Tuesday a Base Ball Club from Walworth Co. Wis., came down here chicken hunting and went home plucked. They expected to play the "Clippers" but had challenged the Spring Citys, by mistake. The footing stood, Lone Star's 16; Spring Chickens,36. Gen. Hurlbut was in townon Wednes­ day and Thursday looking after his political interest, probably. He was the guest of A. W, Smith, and does not appear as though the late, longest session upon record, has worried liiin much. lie expects to have the vote of this county in the Congressional con­ vention. Thursday afternoon accom­ panied by our Post Master he left for Richmond. On Friday, the "Clippers" clipped the wings of our "Chickens*'34 to 18, and Charley Asmus sold out his business to Mr. Gove, but keeps his plaid suit, so his friends won't foget him, Mayor Donnelly has returned, and two meetings of the Council have been called without being responded to by a quorum. The mayor has got his back up, and says if the marshall don*t do his duty by bringing the absentees to thfe Monday night meeting, he will get the pouudmaster after the whole lot of them. There will be K meeting then. Algonquin has a penchant for law, and should have a court house and pat­ ent grand and petit jury of its own. This time it is Dr. Law well who wanted his pay for doctoring that pauper. As the patient recovered, the town de­ murred, and the doctor transfered bis case to Woodstock where it was de­ ferred, tilljthe cost amounted to a trifle more than 32 dollars when the parlies submitted the case .to arbitration, choosingP robate Judge Smith Circuit Judge Murphy, and Political Judge Joslyn, to judge between them. The town must pay $72 and costs, all on ac­ count of the stupidity of that M. D. in letting that pauper get well. Things in the "Office" line had been growing warmer all the week, being helped along by the fuel furnished by the PIAINDEALER and New Era, till Saturday's caucus; with Ben Smith for chairman and A. W. Cumins for secre­ tary had performed the willing task of assenting to the list of delegates re­ ported by the committee, and which some sour Independent said had been prepared more than a week, but then his name wasn't on the list. No in­ structions as to candidates, was given but in the Senatorial aud Congression­ al matter they must vote as a MBit. 1 suppose mean* cast one rote ; feal what is the use of sending nineteen men to do that? There was not a very large crowd out, unless our informant has deceived us, the most of them be­ longing in the city, but the absentees knew the business was in good hands. Rev. A Newton and wife have issued cards for their Silver Wedding, Monday night. If they don't forget me I will take a silver shovel to the wedding and tell you all about it next week. The New Era appears to be a little bit sensitive oil that show bill question, but thert is no need to go for me, I think the bill a good one. and have no desire to get into a fight with the Elder. SQUEERS. CLOSING SALE FOR THE SEASON. In order to make room for their Fall and Winter purchase. Bueklin & Stevens propose to offer their Summer Goods for the next 30 days at a bargain Good Prints at 5. and 6 cents per yard. Dress Goods from 15 cents per yard up. Pant Linen at less than cost- Summer Shawls at prices to close. Hamburgh Edgings at greatly reduced piyces. Ladies Hose from 10 cents per pair up. Men* Summer Coat? 'from 60 cents up. Clothing at reduced price, and in fact all kinds of Goods at such prices as cannot fail to sell them. The highest market price for Butter. Eggs and Poultry. Call on them and see for yourselves. No trouble to show goods whether they sell or not Aug. 1st 1876. New arrival ofClOthi ig andHa^s and Caps at P. D. Smith's. ; Volo Cornet Band. Are now prepared to furnish music for Picnics and Pleasure Parties to the Lakes or elsewhere on the most reason­ able Terms. Address Volo. Cornet. Baud*. Volo, 111. RiNCWOQO* EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--The young ladies and gentlemen of this village, met some little time ago to talk over something for their amusemeut for the coming long winter evenings aud pass- time for the whole community. After talking the matter over they resolved to form themselves into a society to be known as the Alumni Literary Society, and elected the following officers: President, C.lf. Pricket; Secretary and General Manager, G. W. Barney; Treas­ urer, W. A. Cristy. They are now arranging the house with scenery that looks well and fitting for the place. The first play will be entitled "The Wine Cup," which all the yonng men of the county ought to see. it will be represented in its true light and ought to be witnessed by all, old and young. The best talent of the village and sur­ rounding county will he employed, and no expense will be spared to make It truly interesting and pleasing. On Friday night a detective arrived at Kiugwood on the trail of amen who had stole a horse and top carriage from a livery stable in Kenosha, Wis. When one-half of a mile from Ringwood his horse gave out but he got it to the Ho­ tel where it had to be killed the next morning. But nothing daunted, he was on the track the next morning with another horse. The thief passed Mr. W. Ladd's corners at six o'clock the night before. It is the same detective that found Mr. R. Carr's horse three years ago. He understands his busi­ ness and it is hoped he Will catch the villain. Mr. Ben Ralnthorpe met with a pafin- ful accident while threshing^ the other day, a sliver flying from the machine and striking him in the eye. The Woodstock gentlemen are lock­ ing up their fViends, and shaking of hands is the order of the day. How does the political sky look out here? I think some of them will think itlooks black after the 26th. Some wonder if they will know you after the Conven­ tion is over. If there was a toll gate into spme of the villages I think it would be a harvest for the gate keeper? But it is men we'want not party wire pnlling. Give us honest men, then the ship of State will sail bravely ou against the storm that threatens it, with Gen. Hurlbut at the helm. MK1TOK. NUN DA. EDITOR PI,AIM>EALKR la can­ vassing our town for news that will in­ terest your readers we find but little to note of a general character worthy of mention. There was a very extensive, raid made by many of our citizens upr on the Prairie Chickens last week but with rather indifferent success. 1 saw some mention made of old coins in a late issue of your paper that will do very well, but I have a copper coin that is a Patriarch beside them. It bears date of 1718. Who can go "one better." Bring out the old coins. To all those Interested in the comtng Re-Union of the 95th Regiment, at Ge­ neva Lake, I would say that Sergeant Bell, of Company "C.," will supply the camp with bread, cakes and pies, fresh from the oven, every day, at very low rates,, hence there need be no fears in regard to the Commissary department. And JohnGroesbeck has the medicine chest all packed, even to a supply of "No, 6," hence those that fall ont by the way will be cared for. A general invitation to soldiers of other Regi­ ments and commands is extended to joiu with the 95th at Geneva Lake, and let MS "Reune" together and mark this the Centennial Year of [American Independence, by/a jubilee that will long be remembered. Turn ont sol­ diers and bring along your friends. The Republican Caucus was quite generally attended and many conflict­ ing interests manifested, showing how well the aspirants for county honors have done their work. We all know they have been very faithful for some time. Nunda will present two sets of delegates to the Convention, which is necessary to satisfy all the candidates, and there are some now that have only a meager representation. TYRO. .Business Notices. -- : -- -- ' ' " S r Frtift Jars In abundance at Biicklitt A Stevens. ~ ^ . Go to E. M. Owen tor Pttmjp#^-^: Croquet Setsfrom O.W.Owen's. one dollar up FRUIT JARS. ' . * All sifes, at L. Stoddard's. Go and see the piles of new Goocff being received daily at P. D. 8mith'?4 at Smith Bros, old stand. ICE CREAM at R. A. Howard's Res­ taurant, near the Depot. Tue»df|% Thursdays. Saturdays and Sundays/ SALT: SALT! ^ ^ Fresh Salt for sale at oirr Warehoos# at 01 ,G0 per Barrel. SMITH & SNTDKR A bran new Organ at O. W. (Nrea** for 0100. Dress Goods of all kinds and at f«1- ccs to please, at Bncklin & Stevens'. Best thing In Plows. Call and see^^ : E. M.Owl|p:;; A full line of <?lothing at Buck]in 41 Stevens*. A full suit from 06,50 up. One two-seated Democrat Wagon for sale cheap. O. W. OWE*. If you want any kind of Farm lmple* ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Blanchard and Eminett Churns, the best iu the market. For Sale by O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Hay Scales. Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scalcs, for Sale by O. Bishop. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The best in the markei at L Stod­ dard's' . A NEW THING. Double chain, Ingrain Carpeting beats them all. For sale <& P. D. Smith*8. . • ' M. Selz & Co.'s Boots and Shoes, warranted to give perfect satisfaction, at Bueklin & Stevens*. A spiended Piano to Rent on'reason* able terms. McHenry III. Jan. Ilth, 1876. - Remember that Bueklin &1 Stevens ofter their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. - ^ * Fancy Not© and Letter Papev, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. ^ # HATSJ HATS!J A cart load just received at Bnckliii "at very low prices. & Stevens' Elegant patterns of Notingham CIW» tain Lace from 20 cts„ ana upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall paper and window shades, at very low prices. P. D. SMITH DRESS GOODS. ,New and desirable shades hi lent Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapacas. atP.D. Smith's. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the market. They are war­ ranted In every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and seo them. O. W. Owen, Agent. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester aud Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in thla village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give them a trial. P. D. SMITH. P. BEST of the McHenry Bakery now makes regular trips as follower Kiugwood and Richmond Mondays and Ihursdays, Volo and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Plea Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned. CIDER CIDER J. W. Freund, at Owen's old Plaiu- ing Mill, will be prepared the last of this >veek to make your spare Apples into Cider on short notice The Mill has been repaired iu the best of man­ ner, and all toho bring their Apples can rest assured of getting their Cider Pure and Clean. Remember the place, Owen's old Cider Mill, near Luff's Grist Milk A New Hair Tonic Worth Having:. It Is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff, humors,scaly eruptions ; removes irri­ tation, itching and 6caly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, aud don't be put off with any other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices te C. A. Cook & Co., Chi­ cago, Sole Agents for the United States and Canada, aud all Wholesale Drug- sister-,.,, FOR SALE. A <ifotW"fe-and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-^ht- fshed barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, ftal- «(See secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. MN Rieftmond, 111. Republican DUtrtct Convention. The Republican voters of the several counties comprising the ^Fourth Con­ gressional District of Illinois, are re­ quested to elect delegates to the Re­ publican District Convention* to bo bo J den at Elgin, on Thursday, Sept. 7, at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Member of Congress, to be supported at the gen­ eral election in November next and for transacting such other business as may come before said Convention. Tho basis of representation will be lite vote cast; for Republican Presidential elec­ tors at the general election in Kovem- bci\|1872, and the ratio will be one delegate for every foor hundred votes, and one delegate additional for each fraction of one hundred and ffty votes or over, so cast. Under this apportion­ ment, as will be seen by the vole of the several counties of the district, append­ ed below, the representation iu said convention will be as follows: Counties, Votes. pelogmtea. MCLLEURY........... 2,8!>3 T BOONE ..L.WT - 4 WINNELTAFLO IS DEKALB. « 4,637 M J. H. Mannt\ * * - A. D. STKWiVit, «V V PHAS. KBI.LIW, if if U-! a n. f.oor, < | * J. II. MAVMOREKE. ,; Ooturressioiial Central Committee E3TRAY NOTICE. /XAME into the eiiolosu roof the uiMteiwitaM 1/ on or about July 35th, a large S<»1 ' aviul viDSAtt ei&f. Miid edi | • m « / on or about juiy »rn, a large numk The owner is hereby notified to prove .prtpar. fcr, nay charged ami Uke her away, -'p " * H:, McHenry III., July :»l>t IIW. 3w it* •Uiifcr

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