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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1876, p. 5

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• *1% WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6th, 1876. Railroad Jime Table. GOING*'SOUTH. CenevaT.ake Passensjer . 7:25 A. M. Geneva LakejFveijfht 1:45 p. it. GOINd NORTH. f«ncv« Lake Froipht •nova Lake Passenger . /M:00 A.. M. ....7:05V. *. MASONIC.J MCITKNRY CHAPTER No. 34 R. A. M.--RCJTH. tor Convocations hv'M f*n the swowl ami fourth Fridays in each manth. HKNHRT COT.KT H. P. PtJLABKI AT.MTST Se<\, CIIURCII DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. IT. Bacon, Pastor. Services every Sumlny at l ' t y . A. • M. and 7 J\ M. Sunday School" at 12 M. "WM. PAGE, Superintendent. FOR Late page. Dairy Markets see last, ALMANACS for*'1877 are as plenty now as campaign documents were a Tew weeks since. They aro a good substi­ tute. A first class Victor Sewing Machine, just as gobd as new, will be K>ld for less than half its cost, or traded for wood. Inquire at this office. UNCLAIMED Letters remaining in McHenry P. O. Nov. 30, 1870: Wra, Wallace, Turner Woodard, D. If. Allen. J. M. SMITH, P. M. THIS is an age of changes. The girl who is picking up Autumn leaves this fall may be picking up codfish a year hence for a short-haired man, whom she calls husband. THE work on the new lee FTouse is progressing rapidly, about thirty men and a number of teams being at work daily. If this weatlier holds they will commence cutting Ice soon, seven inches being thick enough for the first crop. WE would call .'Tho attention of our readers to the new advertisement of E. Perkins, to be found in another col­ umn. Mr. Perkins Is a flr&t-class work­ man, ais4 £»££i :»?. <«• Wag © iv? m-atfe nfc his shop are sure to be No. 1 in every particular. "WHEN a blear-eyed, bald-headed weather prophet Is asked whether it is going to be a hard winter, lie shuts one eye, looks at the sun with tlie other, -digs up a elump ot grass, examines the roots, and says: '"I don't know." lie It generally correct.--Ex. OUR resident Pastor, Rev. J. Wheeler, and wife, ai'e at home on a short visit, and go to their former Parish at Rich­ mond, to make young folks happy. The particulars of this latter trip we 111 ay hear iu the future. Mr. Wheeler ' is now located at Cainpton, Kane Coun­ ty. : A SOCIABLE will be held on Friday evening,Dec. 8th, at 1h« residence of J. II, Bacon, Pastor of the M. E. Church, McHeniy. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to all to come and spend the evening in having a good social, pleas­ ant time. Shelter has been procured for those having teams. A MISS of ten or eleven, on her way to school, was heard saying to herself : "A noun is the name of a person, place or anything, and if any of the girls have hooked that apple of mine from my desk, I'll raise a fuss with the whole school," r THE present is the time to commence adveitising holiday goods. People have commenced to carefully consider "what shall I buy for a Christmas present" and of course carefully look over the papers to see something that pleases their Taney. THE Party for the Benefit, of the Band on Thursday evening last was at­ tended by about fifty-live "•couples and was a very pleasant and enjoyable affair. The music-was good, the Sup­ per excellent, and everybody went home well satisfied. The next Party will be held at the same place on the 14th. WE learn of a. fellow who went to the Centennial and busied himself while there in counting up the Smiths in the Philadelphia Directory. He made the discovery that there were in that city 1,842 persons by the name of Smith, and sixty-two who spelled the name Smyth. There were 117 plain John Fjmiths. lie returned home without accident. THE first number of Tick's Floral Guide for 1877 is on our table,and is in no waylnferior to any of its predeces­ sors. It contains a large number of cuts, useful hints and directions about taking care of house and garden plants, vegetables, etc. The subscription price is 25 cents a year, and any one number is worth that money. Address •James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. FRIEND Bradbury of the Waukegan Patriot had a Silver Wedding on the 25th of November, and from the list of Presents we see published we opine he will not know his poor brethen of the Press in the future, but looking upon his "Silver" will consider himself a million heir and pass us coldly by. Well, never mind "Sam," we knew you to be a good boy in your younger days, and hope your bright present (s) will not mar your brighter prospectg for che fiiture. EDDT OWEN, son of E. M. Owen, met with a severe accident while skating on the River on Saturday last. He, witn quit,e a crowd of boys, were play- iug what is called "pull-away," and while going at full speed his 6kate caught throwing him violently on the ice, the next boy behind him falling over him. his skate or boot striking him in the head. He was taken to the resi­ dence of M. Kelter, and Physicians sent for, who pronounced the injury a severe one but not of a daugerous character. He vomited badly on Saturday niglu but on Sunday morning was better and was removed to his home, and is now getting along as well as could be ex. pec ted. It was'an accident for which no one was to blame, but boys should be more careful, as falls upon the ice when in sut/h rapid motion is danger­ ous in the extreme. FOR several years one of our citizens has had a standing bet that he could cross Fox River on foot above the Bridge on Thanksgiving day. A week before Thanksgiving this year it looked as 1/ he would lose, but he didn't It was froze up "tighter ner blixem," the beys skarrd o". th<s river all day Thursday. THE Sociable at the residence of Mr. T. Barney, at Ringwood. on Saturday evening last was well attended, and everything went off lively. The sing­ ing was the leading feature of the eve­ ning, and several pieces were beauti­ fully executed. All seemed to enjoy themselves, and at about ten o'clock the gathering broke up. WE met a man the other morning, and upon asking him how his family was, he said Tilden was ahead; we then asked him how the cold weather suited him, and he said Louisiana was all right; upon inquiring as to when the River would probably freeze over below the Bridge, he said that Con­ necticut was Democratic; lastly, we asked him if he \v»s iu his right mind and his answer was that we must have an honest count. Such a man ought to keep an intelligence ollice. THE McIIeary Cornet Baud have hir­ ed Parker's llall for a series of eight Parties, to be given under their au­ spices, the first three of which will be held as follows: Thursday .evening. Pec. 14th, 1S7G; Monday evening, Dec. 35th, 187G; Monday evening, Jan. 1st, ,1877. The dates of the other five will be given hereafter. At each of these parties the ber»t of music will be fur­ nished. Tickets for the entire series can be procured by applying to the Band. OxEof the editors of the Geneva Lake Herald has been getting married, aud ft appears his friends gave him a sere­ nade in honor of the event, but by the following which we find In the last issue that sheet, it appears lie didn't like it. lie say*: "It's all right for our friends to come <ip and serenade our newly married couples, but. now, is It exactly right to sing, "W hat Shall the Harvest Be ?" And do you think "Ninety and Nine* Is just appropriate alibis time ? It 's too many." THAT it is not always safe to carry combustible material iu your pocket was proven on Saturday last. A son of Robt. Wright, of this village, while skating upon the river, on Saturday last, found some Phosphorus in a bottle which had been thrown away as use­ less. Not knowing what it was and thinking it looked rather handsome, he broke the bottle and put some p'eces iu his pocket. Shoitly after he went to his father's shop and stood-nc&r the stove to warm himself., whpn all of a sudden he was discovered to lie on fire. There were quite a number Wi the shop at the time, who succeeded (in putting the fire out before the lk)y)was very severely burned. The boy was so badly frightened that it was necessary to hold hiin down while they tore his clothes off to prevent burning to death. It was a narrow escape. Boys should be careful what tliev pick up and put in their pocket, for, like this boy they may sometime pick up something hot. ONE of the finest articles we have seen for a Chiisttnas or New Year's Present, is tlie Patent Revolving Photo Cabinet. The objcct of tins Cabinet is to remedy alf the defects of the old Style of Albums, viz: preventing the handling of the Pictures and wear and tare of the same: and at the same time producing a more desirable parlor or gallery ornament at prices that compare favorably with the better grades of ordinary albums. Each,and every picture when in the Cabinet'is so framed that it is perfectly flat on the surface and cannot be taken out or touched without unlocking the Cabinet, preventing loss, &c. Four Pictures can he seen at once, under lock and key; showing them to a much better advantage than iu the old style album as the top and sides are constructed ot double thick glass and the revolviug part of wood and metal, and so arrang­ ed as to revolve with equal freedom backwards ^s" well as forwards, and with ordinary care will last for a life time. It is beautiful in design, and would be ornamental as well as useful. Geo. W. Barney, Ringwood, is the sole Agent Jn McIIeury County. OLD SETTLERS MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Old Settlers' Organization of Lake and Mo- llenry Counties, for the election of officers for the eusuing year, will be held in this village on the third Wed­ nesday, the 17th day of January next, In the mean time we would again re­ mind those who wish te become mem­ bers of this Organization that the Book for the Register of names can be found at the PLAIN DEALER office, - and it is desirable that as many as possible Register their names before the Annual Meeting. Names can be sent to ns by mail, but should be accompanied with the following information: Name; present P. O. address; when born; where born;when came West; settled where. The above information ac­ companied by the membership fee of fifty cents will secure the proper Reg­ ister of names" \Yv hope every Old Settler in McHenry County will see ?that his or her name is on the Register before the Annual Meeting in January. OCR DRY GOODS MKRCHANTSL , Although.the cry of hard times is still heard, we believe one would repu­ diate the idea if he were to judge by the amount of business being done by our Dry Goods merchants at the pres­ ent tiu:e. BUUKLIN& STEVENS, near the Depot have one of the largest-and best se­ lected stocks to be found iu the county, and that they are doing a rushing busi­ ness is evidenced by the fact that their store is constantly thronged with t'us- toniers. and we have yet to hear of one who went away dissatisfied in quality of Goods or price. This is a live, go- ahead firm, j^nd knowing the wants of this community spare no pains to meet them. LANSIKG & EvANSON, at Gieseler's old stand.have a good stock />f Dry Goods, Clothing and general merchan­ dize, and are working up a trade never before known to this old stand. Mr. Evauson is a practical inanlii the busi­ ness, and an honorable acquisition to the Vive business me:i of this town. PEKUV & MARTIN, the well known and reliable firm who occupy the old Owen staujd^are. ney£jL hehUul ̂ iiLjauxUU!!*?., and the throng that daily can be seen at their store is sure evidence that they are keeping up their enviable reputa­ tion for good Goods and low prices. P. D. SMITH, at the old stand of Smith Bros. & Co. is also up to the times with afresh and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, &c., and his store presents a lively appearance wjth the coming and going of his many customers. Taken all in all the merchants of McHenry have no cause for complaint, as we believe they are doing more business in proportion than any other town In the county. And their trade is not confined to MclfPliry SloKTe, fciis- tomers coming many miles from neigh­ boring town*. The reasons for this is obvious. Our merchants are liberal advertisers, keep their stocks full, and sell at the lowest living prices. Per­ sons who trade with theui once are sure to come again. DO NOT FORGET That you can buy Overcoats at prices never before offered,at Bucklin & Stev­ ens', McIIeury. Report of the McHenry Public School. For the month ending Not'. '24th. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled 40. Average- daily attendance. 37. Number tardy during the month, 11. Number neitherabsent nor tardy, 21., viz: Jennie Beers, Paul Brown. Mabel Smith, Clara Wight man. ' e> , Dorr Kennedy. Frank Torrance, Eloise Waite, Etta Beers, Jennie Searles. Ella Kelter, Ada Granger, Mary llogan. Sarah Thurhvell, Belle Stoddard, Nora Morrison, Frank McOmber, Beckwith, Fred Colb}-, Henry Hogan, Eugene Perkins, Addie Alexander. Number of visitors 0. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT.-- MISS LUCY WAKE. TEAC H Eli. Number enrolled 45. Average daily attendance, 31. Number cases of tardi­ ness, 28. Number neither absent nor tardy 12, viz: Willie Best, Emma Fay. Frank Fay, Mabel Ford, John Hogan, Clj'de Nichols, Millard Stoddard. Millie Waite, Willie Wentworth, Etta Rosenberger, Robert Madden, Stacy Clark, Number of visitors, 3. PRIM ARY DF P ARTM EN T,--M ISS^ETTA TORRANCE, TEACHER. Number enrolled, 30. Average daily attendance,23. Number neither ab­ sent nor tardy 5, viz : Lena Buck, Fred McOinber, Ray Owen, Fred Race, May Wightmau. Number of visitors, 3. S. D. BALDWIN, Teachor. ROBES! ROBES! ROBES I Horse Blankets, Horse Blankets., We can save money to any one that will give us a call in these goods. BUCKLIN & STEVENS, McHenry, Ills. (iEMLpMESS DKESS AT THE BAND \ v PARTY. It IsAcustomary in many places to give a description of the . Ladies cos­ tumes at Parties, but as this is Leap Year we will change the custom and give our description of the gentlemens costumes, syid as the young men are somewhat sensitive we will confine ourselves to the married men. "T."^. was attired in a beautiful black claw-hammer cut deeollettc, with court train, and buttons of the saitt'eon the hack. Open 111 front it disclosed an elegant pair of studs, an immaculate bosom, and a Pine Tree *earf, tied with exquisite taste; Bupkskiu Mit- fiens. C. T. E., a charming blonde, was also attired in a broadcloth swallow­ tail cut square in the neck, en train, open in front, disclosing an elegant pin with a turkey Head glistening oh the end, a milled shirt snowy white and trimed en arabesque, with Byzantine ftutings, hair a-la Apollo l>elvid«re, with puffings at the back. Very stylish and much admired. . , II-S., direct from B. T., Chicago, a faciuating brunette, with lovely eyes, attired in a Well-starched shirt cut a la Julius C;rsar, and trimmed with French bobbinet; swallow-tail en train, flounced and truuuied with black tape, with pockets of the same. Au exquisite pair of tight black pants, cut a fa Laoeoon, with spring bottoms. A Shak^peare collar and a delicate lemon tie completed the picture. Hair a la Maic Antony--absent on top. J. W„ a stately chataine, was attired in a heavy corded dress coat, cut <tla Black Prince, with court train; heavy buttons on thS panier,which were very conspicuous; and a delicate salmon-colored tie, with Yarn mittens to match, llair a la ?hakspeare-- nearly all gone. JIM W., the genuine and real beau of the evening, was simply attired in a clean shirt, with collar to match; ele­ gant beaver claw-hammer cut decollcttc with huttonsat the back. A white Marseilles vest, and delicately-shaped' pantaloons, with back pockets, (where he hud a Brdogna Sausage,) gave the roup dc.urace. to many a t;i>ir heiirt .tuu.l- vomilMed the beauteous picture. liis tiair was parted in the middle, gently festooned 011 each side and looped up with mutton Tallow. Very stylish. C. V. S.. a bewitching chataine, wore au elegant coat with delicate tails, pantaloons to matcn. A delicate mauve satin tie gave a thoughtful appearance to his lofty brow, which was admirably draped and festooned with beautiful die's nut hair. E. II.. a charming blonde, looked ex­ ceedingly bewitching in a white open- bof-onied shirt, with applique rufiles and brick tlust insertions. His dress uoat. was unexceptionable, as also wan hls'vflour (y) vest. Hair frilled in front and scrutled at the back a la "Bismarck. ----S., from Elkhorn, an entrandngly beautiful chataine, was elegantly got­ ten up in a broadcloth coat cut de/ni train with bias trimmings 011 the tails. Very neat and appropriate, Wait' a la Paul Clifford. Pond Lillies in his button-hole. J. D., a rare beauty of the blond type, was attired in a light-blue neck tie, with boots to match. Coal dust in his hair. Very neat and much admired. R. W., a charming brunette?, and one of the beaux of the evening, was attired in a black swallow tall coat, cut square in the neck, with court train. Execedi ngly eharru ing» There are several more we might mention but time and space will not permit. FOX UIVER VALLEY MILLS. On and after this date allFloui% Feed Ac., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere in the Corporation Free of Charge. Leave yonr orders at the Mill aud they trill be ptomptly gitetid- ed to. -- We arc how potting in the proper Machinery for making Patent Flour, and farmers bringing their grists to our Mill can .liaye the Patent Flour if they so desire. j Our Planing1 Mill fs also in rnnn'ing order, and all joh? of Planing and Matching will he jljme on short not ice. T£. CIS I • Or Proprietors". M"HenRY, NOT ilstjl.-'To. To Whom It May Concetm I have been running the new Ameri­ can Sewing Machine for some time and can cheerfully recommend it to all. There is really no, "fault to he found with it. It i nns | 'ei y lightly,is thread ed with remarkable ease, does the finest of work or makes a stout seam on heavy cloth with equal facility. In addition to its other good qualities it is a very ornament si piece of furniture. Friends at thr East (where it Is v«ry popular) recommend it very highly for •durability and say as a family sewing machine it cannot be surpassed,' it does so many kinds of work and does all so well. Mb*. It. A. UrCKLAND. ltintfwooil, III., Nov.21, IS7<>. DURING the coming week I shall in­ crease my Richmond stock with an immense Bankrupt stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats aud Caps, and General Merchandise. Tins stock will be sold at from J to f its actual wholesale value, and will be t he rarest opportunity ever offered to ca«h buyers. The stock is ir. every way de­ sirable and I know whereof I speak when 1 say I will more than meet j'our expectations in the way of extreinely low prices. Shall be in Richmond as ninch as my other business will permit and give this matter my personal at­ tention. Come try ine. C. F. HALL. Millinery and Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. H. Morey 's. A rare chance to get a uice hat or bonnet at one half the usual price. Don't fail to call and see for yourselfi R I N G W O O D . EDITOR PLAINDRALKF.:--The Public School in this village is in a flourishing condition. The school ia under the Stella ! supervision of our able County School Superintendant, Mr. Win, Nickle, whose ability as a teacher, .cannot be surpassed. The school now numbers 90 scholars. So many coming from the adjacent towns aud paying their board speaks well for the town. And we have an able Board of Directors, who are always willing to accommodate all the outside scholars. Mr. Nickle makes it his whole study to try and improve the human mind and instill into their youthful thoughts things that will be beneficial in after years, when they willmost need them to combat the ills of life. With such a leader and by following his example they are sure to conquer in after time. Our new minister. Rev. P. Gorton, preached a very interesting sermon on Sunday last on the Wisdom of Solonian. the glory of his court and his cup bear­ ers as he went up iu the temple to wor­ ship. Evening meetings this week At the M. E. Church commencingat 6i o'clock. All are invited. The new Barber shop is meeting with success and the Restaurant is doing some business. Our village ia waking up. The dwelling houses are all full. Not a house to rent. What is wanted is a good Boet and Shoe maker. For such a one there is a good opening. MILTON. A GOOD CHANCE. Any young gentleman wishing to learn the Photographic feuisness will find it to his advantage to call at Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McIIenrv. 111. To those wishing to. write, No. of Box 93. Your immediate attention desired. Suits, Suits, at F. G. Mayes. Cheap Clothing, at F. G. Mayes, AUCTION SALE. The subscriber will sell at Public Auction, 011 his farm, 3 miles East of Johnsburgh and 1 mile West of Big Hollow, on Monday, Dec.-11 th, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M.. the following property to-wit: 1 span Horses five years old, 1 Mare seven years old, S Cows, 2 three year old Heifers, 1 pair three year old Steers, 3 yearling Heifers, 4 Shoats. 10 tons of Hay, 1 double Wagon, 1 demo­ crat Wagon. 2 set double Harness. 1 Reaper, 1 dewing Machine, 1 Sulky Cultivator. 2 single Cultivators, Plows, Harrows aud other articles. TERMS OF SALE.--All sums of 35 and under. Cash. Over $0 a credit, of one year will be given 011 approved notes at Epfrrff'tfr- WONDKKFI'L SUCCESS. It is reported that Boschee's German Syrup has, since its introduction In the United States, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen per year. Over 0,000 Druggists have ordered this medi­ cine direct from the Factory, at Wood­ bury, N. J., and not one has reported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its astonishing success in curing se­ vere Coughs, Colds settled 011 the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of Throat and Lungs. We advise any person that has any predisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist Henry Colby, aud get. this Medicine, 01* inquire about it. Regular size, 75oents; Sample Bottie, 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case. Don't neglect your cough. Election is over, the contest is deci­ ded and the uniform, low prices at Bucklin i Stevens remain the same. Business Notices. * 6oyi Clothing, ajf F,. G.Ma/es. Go to H. M. Owen for Ptofflfe Nubias in great variety., Jffti and Boys Scarfs, at BiickH 11 & Stevens. Good Yard wide Brown Sheetings only t cts per yard' At P. D SSHTR fs< Alp acea at 25 cents pet yard in *11 ne\y shades at Lansing & Evanson, P.eaverCloths for Cloaking^as w^JI as Cloaks at Knekiln & Steveus. The best place in the county to bar Horse Blankets in at Lansing m Evanson's, McHenry. Waterproofs in Seal Brown,. Navy Blue, Grey and Blaek*f at Bucklin & Stevens. iTHKESITlNG MACHINE MEN. Get youf String Leather of O. W« .Owen, McHenry, ill. Over Coats,Men- and Boys Snits at lower prices than ever at Bncklia 4k Stevens. IIenvy Work Team for Sain. One Heavy work team, Harness and Wagon for sale cheap. Apply at the Fox River Valley Mills of If. IV LUFF. A new stock of Dress Goods and Waterproof ( loakings. Black Al- pacca 2*>cts aud upwards at Lansing & Evauson's McIIeury. • List of Prices At Fords Fill* Art Gallery. Tintypes four for $1. The common ('aril Photo's. $2 per doz. The latest style Frost and Marble Back- f round 03 per doz. (This is the nest Picture out;) Please Call and examine Specimens. Bucklin & Stevens are prepared with a full and complete stock of Seasonable Goods to meet the wants of tlie buying public, and are bound to sell theui at such prices as todefv any and all com­ petition. SURE CURE FOR DIARRIICEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family in Chicago 1 was taken with a diarrluva. 1 tried was recommen­ ded to me (but did nieuo good) for over five years, until 1 got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and 110 humbug. 1 have proved It to be equally as good for billions com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off tlie bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of bolli old and young. It is the best bitters 1 ever used. , JOHN PEXMANSEN. Town of.Sonera, McIIeury Couuty, State of Illinois. ^ Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th day of September 1875. E. BALDWIN J. P A New Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, aud has 110 equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glassy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vlgor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff, humors.scaly eruptions; removes irri­ tation, itching and sealy dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it. call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put oft with any other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices bv C. A. Cook &, Co., Chi­ cago, Sole Agents for the United States and Canada, and all Wholesale Drug' gists, A full line of Gloves aud Mitts at the lowest possible price at UncHliu SteVe 11s. You can liny a first-class Womans all Calf Shoe for 75 ceuls at Lansing & Evanson, McHenry. CLOTHING! CLOTHING^ A large . Invoice at. unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. Talk is said to be cheap but not cheaper than £g>ods of all kinds at Bucklin & Stevens'. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Gents furnishing goods a speciality at Lansing & Evansou McIIeury. Flannels at «11 prices from 15 Ct« par yard up at Bucklin «.t Stevens, A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow *n*a for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and se«. E. M.OWBN. Cashmeres. Alpacas, Poplins, Cards, Reps, Serges and Plaids at Buckliu A, Stevens. If you want any kind of Farm imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M, Owen. LADIES CLOAKS!LADIES CLOAKS Just received from New York a Una assortment of Ladies Beaver Cloaks, .at BiickUn & Stevens. . We want 50,000 pounds of choice but-, ter for which the highest Market price will be paid. LANSINO A EVANSON McHenry. Buffalo Robes. I.ap Robes, Horse Blankets, and Bed Blankets at Buckliu «$te vens. £ GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of tho Buffalo and Roch ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fall to see them before making your selec­ tions. P. D. SMITH. A full line of Flannels, Cassimeraa Domestics, aud desirable Prints at Bucklin & Stevens. For the Winter trade, a full and com­ plete stock of all kinds of Goods found in a general store, and at prices .which defy all .competition at Bucklin A Stevens. ?- New and elegant styles.of Fall and Winter-Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakings, at P. D. SMITH'S. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens' take eitheyr, aa well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give iu exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. Lansing A Evanson have just received a ehpK'e article of Machine Oil which they oiler 33 per cent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers shonld ebar this iu mind. You can save at least 25 per cent in, buying your Clothing, Hats, Cape Boots and Sliccs,atLnusing&Evaasfia' Meiienry. D.>n*t buy your Underwear, Boot*, and Shoes, (Moves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains in these Goods at Lansing & Evanson'o, McIIeury. WANTED." 10 Tons of Poultry for which tha highest market price will be paid at Lansing «& Evanson's. McIIenrv. daily arriving at Lansing to be sold at bottom the in a call aud judga Now Goo,l> & Kvauson.s prices. Give for yourself. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the market. They are war­ ranted iu every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and sea thoai. O. W. Owen, Agent. A full line of M. Selz A Go's Boots and Shoes, Custom made, and fully warranted and second to none in the market, at Bucklin & Stevens, Tha prices are considerably reduced from last yean FLAX SEE1) WANTED. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted,for which the High­ est Market Price will be paid in cash, by Smith «& Snyder. McHenry, Aug. 21st 1876. TO THE PUBLIC, All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to the firm of Blake «fe Bro., are requested to call anil settle the saute iu the next ten days, as 1 wish to close all outstanding accounts.. JOHN RUAKR, Surviving 1 Partner BUkeJt&ro, CLOVER TliRESHBR. F. WIEDR1CK would the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to .thresh Cluvor or Shell Corn, having one of the be^t machines in the 'market. For Information, adk dress F Wiedirek, Woodstock, lit Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large and New Sto^k of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes% Hats. Caps, Growries «Sc.,now arriving at Lansing it Evanson's. From 10 to •J."> p»M- cent may be saved 011 all goods bought fitm* fchrs firmv Parties buying in large quantities will get au extf* deduction from 5 to 10 per cent*

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