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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1876, p. 5

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' * * ^I mnm " - " <i >F. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2Qf;h, 1876, Railroad Time Table. OOISO SOUTH. QeneraTAke Passenirer... Geneva Lake Freight OOIN» NORTH. •«nev<v Lake Freight .*.. iwev» Lake Passcnctr. .7:25 A. X. 1:46 r. M. .10:00 A. M. ...7:05 P. *. MASOVIC. MCHKNRV OHATTTCR NO. M R. A1 M.--Resrti- tor Con vocations hel4 on the second and fourth I ridaya iu each mont h. „ ILENKT COT.BY H. P. PULASRT ALI.EX Sec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. MBTHoArsT.--Rev. J. If. Bacon. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 103s. A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at 12 M. W*. PAGE, Superintendent. THIS country, after struggling for about one hundred years, more or less, has succeeded in holding a presidental election in which beth of th« opposite parties won. BUSINESS is unusually brisk In, Mc­ Henry these days. We claim there is being shipped more cattle, fiegs, poul- try, grain and hay than from any other towu In McHeury county. OWING to the severe weather progress on the new Ice Houses is necessarily slow. As soon as the weather moderates they will be push­ ed to completion at ouee. LOOK about for your holiday presents. The little ones as well as the children of larger growth are made happier by even a slight tekeu of remembrance at Christmas time. WE are now having a passible run of sleighing and business is livening up, accordingly. On Monday and Tuesday the village was full of teams and., mer­ chants report trade as brisk. > FOR the convenience ot our patrons who may desire to wilderi be for the Prairie Farmer (price $2,00) in connection withonr paper,(price $1,50) we will supply the two papers, if order­ ed jit the same time for 93,00 TICKETS have been issued for a Christinas Party at t,he old Hotel. Waucbnda, Monday evening, Dec 25th. Good llMusic will be in attendance. Chariel^Zimmermaau, is tha proprietor, JOB WAS a inau who digested a coti- siderabl ̂ quantity of misery, feat he never knAw the utter vauity aud vexation oft spirit that comes from a continuous ftvrestle with the late elect­ ion re turns.% AL. HAKKIKS is again Wintering his stable of Bhyoded Horses in this village. They comprise seine ef the choicest Running etjbck to be fouud in the Countryvy'The celebrarted Running -*^etot>krfAi»ariuB' ,ifl among the number. Now that the holidays are creeping on apace, and Santa Clitus i« brighten­ ing up hi* time worn sleigh, it behooves those who intend purchasing gifts to do so before the annual rush makes se­ lection difficult aud Ledioii*. A young man, formerly a resident of Elgin, aud employed iu the watch fac­ tory but now serving out a term iu the penitentiary for larceny, is said to have just fallen heir to $175,000, by the death ef au uucle. THE next Sociable of the Methodist Society will be held*at the residence of E. Gr is wold on Friday evening of this week. The public T generally are cordially invited to attend. Those coining with -teams will find ample accommodation for shelter. THE author of the hymn "I would not live alway, I ask not to stay."-- stays like a good fellow, being eighty years of age. with plenty of apprecia­ tion still for the good things of the world. He is Dr. W. A. Muhlenburg of New York. ANOTHER cold "tidal wave" has •truck this section, and the crop of frozen ears promises to be abundant. It is not in the recollection of "the old­ est inhabitant" when such severe weather has been experienced in the mouth of December. LARGE quantities of Fish were caught through the ice at the Lakes, last week, and shipped to Chicago, by parties who make this a business every winter. We hear of two persons who went up there on Thursday last for a days sport and brought back over sixty .pounds of Pickerel and Pike. ; > Tou all wanJ to buy some troiidar pre«euts--something sensible, and val­ uable. Look ever the advertising columns of the PLAIN DEALER. Perry A Martin advertise them; O. W. Owen advertises them; Bucklin A Stevens advertises them;. So do Lansing & Evenson and P. D. Smith. Don't fool away your money on nonsensical trifles. Buy something of real value. THE youug men of Nunda -have advertised a grand Christmas, Party, at Nunda Hall oil Christmas evening, at which time they propose to make it pleasaut for both old and youngWho may attend. They have engaged music from Chicago, and guarantee it will be the best, and no pains will be spared to make it the party of the season. WE would respectfully inform all persons concerned that we do not pub­ lish communications unaccompanied by the names of the writers; that we are always ready to give receipts for sub­ scriptions; that new advertisement# should be handed in as soou asMouday; that we are always glad to see our friends; and that the price of the PLAINUEALER is $l/.50 per year, in ad> vance ^ • I AN excellentt-Shadow Soup" is made as follows: Take/a suitable sized kettle of water and pliice it upon the floor near the window, where ' the rays of the sun can fal| into it; then let a chicken walk slowly along the outside of the window, so its form will make a I shadow in the Water, and season to suit the taste. As nothing is said about the kind of gravy to eat with it, each one can prepare it to suit the taste. WE understand that the periodical cloth peddlars are again operating in this vicinity, ahd we have heard of a number of cases where they have swin­ dled parties. We would caution our readers against making any purchases from those traveling fellows. It is certain that (heir prime object is to swindle, and adepts as they are, they are successful in nearly every instance where people trade with them. THE Dancing public should bear in mind the Two Grand Holiday Parties, to be given by the McHenry Cornet Bau<| Club at the Parker House on Christmas aud New Yeurs. They have secured the best of music and a general good time may be expected. They are selling Club Tickets, entitling the holder to attend seven parties, which includes Christmas, New Years and the 22d of Febuary. By purchasing one of these tickets it-will bring the cost at less than seventy-flve cents each. These tickets can be procured of P. D. Smith J. M. Smith or O. N. Owen, at Perry A Martin's store. IN a Prospectus issued last week, the Woodstock Sentinel says: "The only paper officially publishing the Pro­ ceedings of the Board of Snpervisors Real Estate Transfers," <fcc. Now what are the facts. The Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors are pub­ lished hy order <>/ the Board, in every paper iu the County, and all are paid the same price therefor. As for the Real Estate Transfers the Sentinel hud :i'it published' tkrm for over three years until the PLAIXDKALER was started, when we made arrangements to publish them and the Sentinel fol­ lowed unit. It looks to us as if Mrs. Caldwell left her work untiuished when she left Woodstock. THE time has again arrived when the man on the street suddenly stops on a patch of snow and ice, waves hie um­ brella two or three times over his head as if celebrating an election return hurls the implement through a shop window and frantically sits down on the "sidewalk in the shape of a letter Y, with his toes pointing imploringly to­ ward every flag-staff'in town. WE see by the White Pine, Nevada, News, that our old friend W. R.Forrest formerly of Woodstock, was elected County Clerk of White Pine County, at the last election, by a majority of 257, the largest in the county. In that county the vote on Hayes and Tiklen was a tie, each receiving &68 vete«. ^Will's" vote was 090 against 433 for bis opponent. LAUER A BECKER, Merchant Tailors, •ear the Depot, have a new sign that fs neat and nobby. It represents a man full size and in full dress, who seemingly invites all passers by to walk right in and "dress up." And it is a fact that they have a good stock ot Beady Ma tie Clothing, andean make to order to suit the most fastidious. Bead their advertisement in another AOIJJIQQ and give them a call. WE understand that arrangements are l>eing made for a series of lect ures iu Illinois during Jan. and March, aud in Iowa during February, on "War and Its Remedies," bv Wm. G. Hubbard, of Ohio. Mr. Hubbard is an eloquent speaker, and has lectured iu many of the principal cities of the United States and England, with great satisfaction to those who heard him. We hope that some of our public spirit­ ed citizens will endeavor to engage him to speak here. Any committee, 'church, or individual wishing to do so, can address Mr. Amasa Lord, at Elgin, 111., who * is the correspondent for arrangements in this State. The terms will be verv low. O. W. OW EN has as usual put in a large stock of Holiday Goods, which those looking for Presents will do well to examine. Besides the usual stock of Toys, Fancy Jffticles,&c., he has a flue lot of Books, by the best authors, which make a very acceptable Present for either lady or gentleman. And then again he has Watches and Jewelry of all kinds, and last, but not least, if any father or mother wishes to make a Present that will be of last ing benefit to their daughter what more appropri­ ate than one of those celebrated Estey Organs. They are certainly the best instrument in the market, aud as a Present would be highly prized by any young lady. Call at Owen's and see what bargains he will offer you on anything from an Organ to a rattle- box. Kiclimoiid Department. ;.FT:40 A. K ..;7:27 r. M Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follows* v GOFWG SOUTH Geneva LaVe Passenger.A. * Geneva Lake Freight... .kissSl:60 y. m. OOIXO NOBTH * Geneva Laka Freight Geneva LakeXPaasenger, OHURCII DIRECTORY. C<I*RH*0ATT0».ii:- Rev. F. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at 7_>s P. M. METHODIST:--Rev. Saral. Karagey Pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 9:3*A M. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAPTIST:--'Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. ALMOST A FIKE Qn Wednesday evening last about nine o'clock our citizens were startled by that dreaded alarm of Fire, ami in a few minutes our streets were throngec$ with men, women and children, all anxious to know its whereabouts^ and learn the extent of the danger. It was found to be in the upper part of Mrs, L. C. Gates' house, and as the smoke was so "dense it was for a time almost impossible to ascertain how much headway it had gained. A ladder was put up to a door in the back part of the house, and P. D. Smith, with his Babcock Fire JSxtinguisher, entered. and in a very few minutes succeeded in extinguishing the tlames. And we have no, hesitancy in sayinf to this little machine is due the praise of saving the building. The room where the fire caught was a sleeping room, in which there was a stove. A tire had been built, early in the evening, and a heavy quilt from one of the beds accidentally thrown up against the stove, and as it caught Are the blaze ran up the side of a closet door, amd was discovered just in time to save the building. It certainly was a uarrov escape. And now will not this be a Warninj to our citizens and remind them that we have nothing, not even a ladder, to aid us iu case a tire should break out. It was only by accident that a ladder was at hand ou this occasion, and had there been none the result would have We notice that our popular land- been disastrous. The expense of pro- * rank foster, of the Richmond vidiug the village with Hooks and i '^ o u s e« * ,as Tickets out for a grand New MASONIC. RICHMOND LODGE, NO. US, A. F. JS A. M. Jtetrular Convocations first Monday in each month on or before the lull, moon, and the second Monday thereafter. G. B. CAKI'KNTER, W. M. O. G. COTTINO, Secretary. Forty-threfe teams on the streets at one time on Saturday lastv • i Mush and Milk Festival at the resi­ dence of C. G. Cotting, on this Wednes­ day evening, Dec 20th. Several tuarriges in and about Rich- mo ml of late, all iu " high life" of course. picture and he will be proud to witness ydnf admiration, ^ It is rumored that ^Al" Skinner is to have an awiittant at Algonquin, not in the school but in the house. He is to change from bachelor to Benedict, she from Pratt to Skinner. The awful change is to take place Christmas mor­ ning, the license permitting W. A. Skinner to pay the board of Ada Pratt, or board her himself, just as he'pleases, and.he wijl do it too. *'On dit" that, Anna tiibbons is to jump the.broomstick with the Express messingfrof the Woodstock Accommo­ dation next Sunday aud having with­ drawn from the W. D. A. that club is in a bad way for want of lady members which accounts for its failure to bring out a play durjlng Holidays. SQUZEBS. ^ To the wife of Otis Wilson on Satur­ day, Dec 16th, a girl. Otis is looking as Well as could be expected under the circumstances. A first class Victor Sewing Machine, just as good as new, will be sold for less than half its cost, or traded fer wood. Inquire at this office, Ladders would be comparatively small aud then with a few buckets and an organized company, we would be pre­ pared to tight the fire fieu| with some show of conquering. This is no idle talk, but a matter which our citizens should look to at once. "TIP" SMITH'S old dog "Prince," met with a violent disath on Friday last. He has been in the habit of barking at all incoming trains at the Depot, and i-t was his custom to run along the plat­ form aud jump ou the track just ahead of the engine about the time the train stopped. He had done this so i long that he had 'probably come to believe that it was by his eflorts that the trains were stopped. But oa Friday last he made a mistake. The Direct- tors car was pasting this Station at the rate of about forty miles an hour, when old Prince made his usual signal which was disregarded, and he was struck by the cowcatcher, thrown high in the air, and as he aligiited upon the track his tail was cut off clone behind hig ears, aud old Prince was ue more. He was a good naturrd, inoffensive animal, and well known to every man or boy who have visited McHenry for several years back. He was a regular attendant at all shows, public meetings and Steain- What could be more pleasant and comfortable these cold winter evenings than to sit by one of those nice illumi- boat excursions, aud his a dmission ait&Wtring Ceal and Heating Stoves, which Care was always paid, as he was no ""dead beat*'of a dog. "Tip" feels bad at his sudden taking, off, and talks of presenting a bill of damages, to the Railroad company, and also a bill for back pay, as he says the old dog has acted as traiu dispatcher at the Depot for the past two years. Heal JEstate Transfers. Conveyances filed for record In the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending Dec. 16tli, 1876: Michael Miller to Win'C Thompson, w j uw 27 and se ne 28 iu 46 5, $100. William Buchert and wife to Mar­ garet Sewell. Pt sw ne 21.43, 6, $1. G W Darby and wife to Patrick Balli^ter. ej sj l«,t 2. sw ̂ ifl,. lot 1, sw 30, and sj e end n} sw 30, also n| nW 31, in 43, 8, $3,200 Henry Binnie and wife to same, sw se 30. 43, 8, #700. Harmon Roost and wife to Henry Hobiue. 80 acres iu sec 20and 29, in 43 y, $3,200. James S. Livingston to Morgan Knight. 1 acre iu sw sw 4, 44,7, $350. Chester S. Blackman and wife to Joseph K.Stroker. Lot 8. blk7, Black- man's addition to Harvard. $200. Edwin M. Owen to Albany Frett. Pc in sec 26 and 35. McHenry. $200. John P. Lawson et al to John Gillilnn 166 acres in sec 1, 2, and 11, in 43, 8. $4,500. Jerry Riley and wife to Patrick Hart. iiJ nw 13. 44. 5, $5. Daniel Geerto Ranjamin Dake. 10 acres in nw 24, 43, 6, $600. Michael O'Brien and wife to Daniel Conners. 5acres in lie 10,45, 6, $50. E G and E E Aver and wives to Esther Conroy. lot 1 blk 33, Harvard, $190. Edwin M Owen to Wilhelm Uphoof. nw sw 32, 45, 9, $1,600. Cathrina Gleeson to Simon Michaels. 1 acre in se ne 13, 45, 8, $100 aud sup­ port. WONDERFUL. SUCCESS. It Is reported that Jioschee's German Syrup has, since its introduction iu tljje United States, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen per year. Over 6,000 Druggists have ordered this medi­ cine direct from the Factory, at Wood­ bury, N. J., aud not one has reported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its astonishing success in curing se­ vere Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of Throat and Lungs. We advise any person that has any predisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist Henry Colby, and get this Mediciue, or inquire about it. Regular size, 75 cents; Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case. Don't neglect your cough. Suits ,&uit8, at F, G. Mayes, Year's Party to be given on Monday Weuing, Jau. 1st, 1877. Friday night appears to be the time fixed for • regulating Thermometers this winter. We found ours set 18 de­ grees below zero one week ago, and 12 below last Saturday morning, Still it changes as frequently as before. Richmond as a market ranks among the first of its size in the State, and in the Poultry line we think it leads. On Friday of last week Geo. W. Eldredge picked aud shihped 3240 pounds of Turkeys to the Eastern market. We saw Santa Claus iu Town yestei> day, and judging from the large purchases made should say the good boys and girls would be liberally dealt with the coming Christmas. How many belong to the above class? Mr. and Mrs Geo. Trowe have the sympathy of their many friends iu their bereavment and sorrow occasion­ ed by the loss of their little girl, (aged 5 years) who died pn Sunday last of K-arlct fever, after an illness of ouly two days. are sold so cheap by our popular Hard­ ware Merchants, I. N. Meade and Milan Hicks. A nice Christinas present. If the wif e should prefer a nice Hat or Bonnet, Mrs. Wodell and Mrs Carpen­ ter have them. If it should be Furni­ ture, Downing & Dennison or Cluny Jones can please you. For Toys, go to Alexander & Hyde's. Dry Goods and Notions in endless variety, at D. A. Potter's aud Smith, Aldrich A Hay- thorn's, where you can find good relia­ ble Goods iu all classes and at very low prices. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALEH:--1There is uothing,the matter iu Woodstock at this time except that A. Reid, Our Bool and Shoe man, made an assign­ ment last Thursday to D, Robinson, but the business is carried on as usual. There is nothing remarkable about this seeing that similar failures are every day hapening all over the country. Our city will be fortunate if it gets off with one failure before 1879. Perhaps people will get their eyes epen some uday to the fact that this resumption humbug is at the bottom of the mis­ chief; at least history informs your correspondent that no nation using a legal tender paper circulation ever be­ come bankrupt by means of it. The failures invariably occur when in obe­ dience to the behest of the money power the attempt is made to resume, what never had an existance--specie payment. The Times talks about the Bank of France resuming; why it Las nothing to resume. The Govern­ ment takes paper and gold alike pay­ ing it out in t^ie same way, and when & law is to be passed that is likely to «flect the currency the Government does not run to the bankers to see how they want it; it asks only what is best for the people leaving capital to take its ehauces with the rest. No politi­ cal party in this country ever acted so much like Idiots as has the Republican in the matter of money since 1861. C. G. Thomas having attained actu­ ation as bookkeeping at the Stock Yards goes to Chicago soon and Mrs. Thomas will resign her place in our school and goes with hitn. The Teachers Association met here Saturday last a*id had a very interes­ ting meeting iu the afterneou, the day being very* cold but few came in the morning. The next meeting is to bo held at Nunda. Medlar has found something new in the picture line, and"it is as good as it is new too. It beats the photograph too because it won't fade. Ge, and tell Jo hn you want to see that new style of AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction,at his residence in Johnsburgh, 3 miles from McHenry. on Tuesday December 10th, and eyery Tuesday of ach week until all is sold, the follow­ ing; Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Grocer I es. Crockery, Hardware, t'in-ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Stationary, Jew­ elry, and every tiling belonging to a General Store. Also one new Wiilams Combined Reaper, 1 Williams Light Mower, 1 Sulky Rake. 1 Pair Drags, 2 Plows, 1 Cultivator, 1 Copn Plow, 1 Double Sleigh, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 double Bug­ gy. 2 hew double Harnesses, 1 old double Harness, and all other farming tools. ' Also one span of yaluable Horses, seven and eight years old. 1 Cow, 7 Shoats, 40 Acres of land. 8 acres Timber Laud, 150 Bushels of Oats, 10 tons of tame hay. Also my Store • and Dwelling, with two acres of land adjoining, and all niy Household Furniture. TKRMS OK SALE.--All sums of $5 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be^ given on approved Notes at 8 per cent interest. Itir Private Sales every day on the same terms aud at cQst prices. L. ItOHSLET. F K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. BOBES! ROBES! ROBESt Ilorse Blankets, Horse Blankets. We can save money to any one that will give us a call in these goods. BUCKLIN & STF.VKXS, McHenry, Ills. FOX H1VER VALLEY MILLS. On and after this date all Flour, Feed &c., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered apywhere in the Corporation Free of Charge. Leave your orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. * We are now putting in the prope Machinery for making Patent Flour; a??ul farmers bringing their grists our Mill can have the Patent Flour If they so desire. Our Planing Mill is alse in running order, aud all jobs of Planing and Matching will be tlcna on short notice. R. BISHOP ASOJf, Proprietors. McHenry, Nov 2lat, 1376.' Business Notices. Boys Clothing, at F. G.May tog Go to E. M. Owen for Plow®. For yottr Holiday Goods go Bucklin A Stevens, near the Depot. Steam Engine, at the Bad Frftat Drug Store, Woodsrock. Bucktin & Steven*, stvnd ready %$ meet any and all competition. Nubias in great variety. Men a>4 Boys Scarfs, at Bucklin &'Stevens. Good Yard wide Brown" Sheeting* only 7 cts per yard At P. D SMITH'S, Alpacea at 25 cents per yard la fttt new shades at Lansing A Evanson. Chromos,all sizes, at the Bed Frftftt Drug Store, Woodstock. Beaver Cloths for Cloaking, as wall as Cleaksat Ruckdn & Stevens. ^ The best place in the county to bar Horse Blankets ]» at Lausing « Evanson's, McHenry. Diaries. The cheapest and largest stock at the Red Front Drug Start, Woodstock. , " Waterproofs in Seal Brown, THwrt Blue. Grey and Black, at BuCklla & Stevens. n- THRESHING MACHINE MEN. Get your String Leather of O, Owen,*McIIeury/lll. * You can buy a first-clagi-Worn ana |lj Calf Shoe for *75 cents at Lansing A Evanson, McIIenry. Go to the Red Front Drug Store, Woodstock, for Holiday Goods. You will find something that will suit you. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S, Have you seen the new arrivals af Ready-&ade Clothing just received Lansing & Evanson. Don't fail. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Gents furnishing goods a speciality at Lansing A Evanson McIIenry. Beautiful Books, at the Bed FrMt Drug Store, Woodstock. Flannels at all prices from 15ets pSF yard up at Buckliu & Stevens. • A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow tijfa for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and see. • E. M.Owaw. LADIES CLOAKS 1 LADIES CLOAKS Just received from New York a Una assortment of Ladies Beaver Cloaks, at Bucklin A Stevens. We want 50,000 pounds of choice but­ ter for which the highest Market prioe will he paid. LASSISO FT EVANSON McHenry. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of tho Buffalo and Book ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see thein before making your selec­ tions. p, D. SMITH. What did you say? Don't know what to get j'our wife for a Christmas present? Then you should not fail to »ee the large stock of Furs. Dress Pat­ terns, Shawls. Felt Skirts. Elegant sets of Jewelry, Cloak Patterns, and scores of fancy articles which are ornamental and useful, at P. D. SMITH'S. Millinery ami Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. 11. Morey's. A rare chance to get a nice hat or bonnet, at one half the usual price. Don't fail to call anti see for yourself. Before, making your selections of Christmas presents do not fail to look through the large and varied stock displayed at P. D. SMITH'S. Lansing & Evanson, McHenry, have just received a large assortment of Uuflalc Robes, which they are offering very cheap. Lansing & Evanson have juf»t received a large assortment of Mens aud Boys Caps, Call and examine them. Woolen aud Flannels a full stock and at lower prices ihan ever at Buckliu & Stevens', Horse Blankets! Horse Blankcti! Do not pay more than p©r pair for One Buckle, Six pound Ilorse Blankets. Bucklin A Stevens,near the Depot. Still another large invoice of Buffalo Robes, Lap Robes aud Horse Blankets at Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. Beautiful Box Paper, at the Red Front Drug Store. Woodstock. Long Branch, Cape May aud number of new 6tyles. Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps, Groceries &c.,now arriving at Lansing &.Evanson's. From 10 t© 25 per cent may be saved on all goods bought from this firm. Parties buying In large quantities will get an extra deduction from o to 10 per cent. CLOVER THRESHER,. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress F W?edirck» Woodstock, 111. . Heavy Work Team for Sal*. / One Heavy work team, ̂ Harness and W agon for sale cheap. Apply at tha Fox River Valley Mills of H. D* LUFF. A new stock of Dress Goods and Waterproof f'loakings. Black Al- pacca 25cts and upwards at Lansing d? Evanson's McHenry. The Red Front Drug Store, Wood­ stock, is overflowing with Holidny Goods, and selli ng cheap for cash. Lint of Prices At Fords Fine Art Gallery, Tintypes four for $1. The commos Card Photo's. $2 per doz. Tha latest style Frost and Marble Back­ ground $3 per doz. (This is tha finest Picture out.) Please Call and examine Specimens. New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in? the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladles Waterproofing and Cloaking*, at, P. D. SMITH'S, . HARD MONEY OB SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens] take either, aa well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange gpod Goods lit Bot­ tom Prices. 1 Lansing Evanson have just received a choice article of Machine Oil which they offer 33 per cent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers should ebar this in mind. The Performing Bear dlT^xhibitien daily at the Red Front Drug Store, Woodstock. Go and see him. Sleds, at wholesale at the Red Front Drug Store, Woodstock. A full line of Gloves and Mitts at the lowest possible price at Bucklin A Btewns, You can save at least 25 per cent in, buying yflnr Clothing, Hats, Capa Boots and Shoes,at Lansing & Evanson McIIenry. Don't buy yonr Underwear, Bootfe and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains in theso Goods at Lausiug A Evanson's, McHenry. WANTED. v 10 Tons of Poultry for which tho highest market price will be paid St Lausing A Evanson's; McHenry» New Goods daily arriving at Lansing A Evanson,* to be sold at bottom prices. Give them a call and judge for yourself. The new American Sewing Machine* the best in the market. They are war* ranted in every particular, run easier% and make less noise. Call and eeo them. O. W. Owen, Agent. A full line of M. Selz A Go's Boota and Shoes, Custom made, and tally warranted and second te none in tho market, at Buckliu A Stevens. Tho prices are considerably reduced from last year. List of Games at the Bad Front Drug Store, Woodstock. Fesist. of F1owei*% Coru and Beans, Chopped up Monkey* Mixed Pickles. The most laughablo thing out, Popping the Question, i tit and Eagle, Royalty. - i Arrived at the Red FrontI>mgStar* " Woodstock, one of the original Bulldoao Preachers. Winds up and delivers % sermon worthy of the occasion^ 1| )a worth 13 miles of ride toseo- hi|^

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