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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1877, p. 8

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« > • • - b. r A 8HKGWD SWIfTDfcE Oiwofthe sharpest cases of swind­ ling that has recently occurred in this •trinity took place yesterday at one of •ur;promtivent dry goods stores, no t far from the corner of Winter and Washington streets. A finely-dressed lady entered the shawl department e»f the store in question'and, after careful examination, selected a camel's hair •bawl, costing about. #100, for which •h« tendered in payment a $1,000 bill, which was carefully scrntinteed by the cashier, who, doubting his power of discrimination, dispatched a messen­ ger to the bank to ascertain the genuineness of the bill. Meanwhile the lady customer had become anxious to procure the change, and had ap­ proached the locality occupied by the manoffcerip when the messenger re* turned and anneunced In an audible tone that the cashier of the bank said that the bill was good. The lady, upon hearing this, waxed exceeding wreth, and demanded to know "wheth­ er he thought she would attempt to pass a counterfeit bill." Of course apol- egies and explanations were of no •vail, and assuming to be highly indig­ nant, she refused to purchase the shawl, demanded her money and departed frem the store the very embodiment •f righteous indignation. A couple of Hours afterward she returned consid­ erably molified, and confessed that she was pleased with the shawl, and that Iter inability te find one which she liked as well was the only reason she returned, and she concluded to take it, which the obliging salesman proceeded to hare prepared, while thecorteous cashier, disdaining to entertain a sus­ picion against such a lady, proceeded te count out the $900 change, with which and her shawl the lady departed. The feeling of that storekeeper can better be imagined than described when he awoke to a realizing sense of the fact that his lady customer • had. after all the precaution, succeeded in passing upon him a counterfeit $1,000 bill. It appears that anticipating just what had occuried, she had provided herself with a good bill, which played its part in the early 6tagesof the game, after which it retired in favor of the counterfeit--Boston Express. mm Trade in ail CASES where you can do your BEST! and in that WAY feather your NEST! but first care­ fully READ the new FALL and WINTER price LIST. Richmond and Dundee Cash' Storea of 0»: IT* Hall. A New Hair Tonic Worth Having* It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural eelor; restores faded,, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores^ dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads;removes dandruff, humorsrsealy eruptions ; removes irri­ tation* itching and scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful eftects. Try for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with •ay other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every­ where.. Trade supplied at manufact­ ure re prices by C. A. Cook & Co., Chi­ cago,, Sole Agents for the United States •nd Canada, aud all Wholesale Drug gists, Kev Wapi aid Blacksmith S H O P ! VeHENBY. ILLINOIS. E. PERKINS Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he is now prepared, at his Shop, West of the Public Square, to do all kinds of Carpenter Work or work in wood of anv kind, such as the wood-work of Bug­ gies, t?agonc, making Boats, Ac., and in short anything ever made in aflrst-class Carpenter Hop. From a long experience in the business and using none bat the best of Lumber I can Ja all cases Guarantee Satisfaction t Best Prints. •y . " ' ' - . 7 Best Bleached Cotton ..i...-. 10 Best iTnbleached........... ............... 8 All Cam brics................ 6 Dress braids ............... 6 Coats Thread.. 6 Spool Silk 100 yawls......... ...... 10 Good Corsets ............... 60 No. l black Alpacas ."i 32 No. 1 black Cashmere 80 No. lall wool Cashmere.... 75 Mens suits........ .........i. .#7to t26 Boy9 suit ..< $2.60 to #10 Overcoats..... :. $5 to $20 Best Gunpowder Tea Best Gunpowder Tea Best Jatmn Tea ........... .. 70 5 lbs. Good Coffee 1.00 25 bars Soap LOO 12 Cakes Fancv Soap 8 boxes dime Matches 26 12 Cakes Fancv Soap 8 boxes dime Matches 25 No. ] Syrup . eg lib Castile Soap * $ 1 Box*Layer Ralsen s...... ..........7..... 2.00 12 tbs. Pared Peaches.. .... .... . . iju Saleratus.... . . . 4 " • g Silver GI»8S Starch.'..".'.'.'.'. .'.V.r.V.V ' lfl Corn Starch............ * in 20 Tbg. Cod Fish., 1.00 10 lbs, Raisens ,;... L00 15 lbs. Prunes...- !!!"!! 1.00 12 Tbs. Zante Currants ..." L00 80Good Cigars.... LOO Stove Polish :.... ; 5 Axle Grease .* 8 Ladies Shoes good LOO Best Kip Boots. 4.00 Good Kip Boots 3.00 Good kip Boots *2.50 Boys Itoots No. 10 to 13 $2.00 BOFS boots No. 1 to 5. 2,50 to2.80 Pura.and Robea. All Price*. I am prepared to sell yon Goods cheaper than any STORE in the NORTHWEST. WHY NOT ? 1 buy and sell for cash,--make no bad debts, and light running expenses completes the list. ALL my immense stock of men and boys' clothing is manufactured Expressly for ME. ONE price to all and that the LOWEST. A cordial invitation is extended to YOU to call and see me. C. F. HALL. N E W S T O R E ! J O H N M . S M I T H Having removed to his New Store, near the De­ pot, is better prepared than ever to supply his cus­ tomers with Builders and Ml Hardware, Stoves,, Tinware, <fcc., And at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. His stock of Stoves, both COOK and HEATING, caunot be excelled in the County. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS Is his motto. Call and see for yourselves. JOHN M. SMITH. McHenry, Ills., Nov. ft, 1876. Baring entered into an arrangement with ICr. Phillip Hauperihs! Who will do the IKON WORK, wo are prepar­ ed to get up BuggiuH and Wagons to Order on the most Reasonable Terms and Warrant as represented. MR. HAUPERIHS' SHOP is one Block South of my Shop, where all those wishing Jobs in the Blacksmith line should ealL GENERAL JOBBING Promptly attended to. Give Me a Call! E. PERKINS. McHenry, IlL, Nov. ®th, 1876. NEW BLACKSMITH AND I PERRY <fc MARTIN. Headquarters for all Kinds of TIE UNDERSIGNEDJIAVING WUILT A new Shop North of Ferry ft Martin's Store Mar the Brick Church, is now prepared to do aarthlng in the line of Blaeksmtthlng or Wagon Making, oa short notice, and guaran­ tee satisfaction. Baring entered into an arrangement with MR. E, PERKINS, qrho wiU do the Wood Work, we are prepared Co get np Buggies and Wagons to order on the •MSt reasonable terms and Warrant as repre. •en ted, Horse Mi & General Mini promptly attended to. VA good Shed for the aeeemmodation of . fjNsftomera. '•"i- feive ME a Call! PHILLIP HAUPZRIH& ilia., NOT. 26th, 1870. Boots and Shoes, • v * . Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk Is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live In this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee onr goods to be what they are represented to be and are alw«ys ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and henoe cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to " Live and Let Live!" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. a©-GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. * PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother! McHanry, 111., July JTth, 1875. Kata'blished 180ft» GILMORE & CO., Attorneys at Law, B(i«c«wMom to Ctiipmsu, IIo«iHe» 4k C*., 029 F Street, "Washington, D. C. Americaa and Foreign Patent*. Patents procured in all countries. No F**8 n» ADVANCE. No charge unless the patent »« granted. No fet** fur making preliminary exami­ nations. No ttddiiionni Tees lor obtaining and conducting a n>li<mrit1g Special attention given to Interference Cases before tiie Patent Office Extension* iivfore Congress, Infringement. Suits in ditiVrettt Si:tiet«. and MIt litigation appertain­ ing to limMHion* t>r Pau-tii*. Shnu S'l'AMrroH •frAMI'llt.KI tl*' MX'I'Y tJnited States Courts and Departments. Claim* prosecute*! in the .Supreme Court of the United States, Court Claims, Court of( Jominis- sloners of Alabama Claim*, Southern Claims Commission, a nd all classes of War claims before tlie Executive Depart litems. Arreat-s of Pay and Bounty. OfKK 'KTIS, MILIUMS, and KAII.OIIK of the late war, vr their lielrs, are in many cases entitled to money from I lietjoveriimeut, of which they have no knowiuit({e. Write full history of service, and • •tale amottiii of pay Mud Itonnty received. En­ close stamp, and a full after examination, Will be ui veil yon free. Pensions. All OKKKMCMN, soi.iMiciu, and HAII.OH* wounded ruptured, or injured in the late war, however slightly, can obtain a pension, many now receiv­ ing pensions are eiitii'ed lo an luiynae. Send stump anil information will bo tarnished free. United States General Land Office. Contested J.and Cases, Private I.aud Claims, Milling I're-einpiioii and Homestead Cases, prose­ cuted before I lie <?en«ral Jj.-ind Office and Depart­ ment of the Interior. Old Bounty Land Warrants. The last Report of the Commissioner of the General I .and Office shows acres of Homi­ ly Land Warrants outstanding These were is­ sued underact of I86f> and pnot acts. We pay cash for them. Send by regu'eitni let ter. Where assignments are imperfect we give instructions to perfect tliein. Each department of our business Is conducted in a separate bureau, nndt>r the charge of expe­ rienced lawyers and clerks. By reason of error or fraud many attorneys are suspended fiofn practice before the Pensiofi and oilier offices eilcli year. Claimants, who*# attorneys have been thus fiispended. will be gratuitously furnished with full information and proper papers on application to ha. \ 1':? As we charge no fee u ft lees successful, stamp* for return poetage should be sent us, I.iberal arrangements made with attorneys ill all classes of business. 9 Address QILMORE & CO., P. O.'liox 44. Wathlngtlln. D. O. WASIIINOTOM, 1>. Xttvember ft, 18?#. I take plennure iii expressing my entire confi­ dence in the retiponHibilUp and fidelity of the Law, Patent and Collection House of GILHORS k Co, of this city. OEO. H. B. WHITE, {Onthirr iiflhe National Sfetroiiolitan Ban* > L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND Shop opposite the Parker House, MCHENRY ILLINOIS. Persons contemplating purchasing a new Buggy should call at m.v Shop. I can give yftu a good open Buggy, made of the best material and finished in ilrst class style for $90. Am now preparing to put up a line lot of Cutters, which will be sold at Hard Pan Prices for Cash. I am also Agent for all load­ ing Farm Machinery. Horse Nhoei i i i r A SPECIALITY. R E P A I R I N G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. L. FRANCISCO. McHenry, 111., Nov. Hth, .1876. FOUNDRY AND VOLO, ILL. IARD B. GALE, Proprietor. The undersigned have just started a Form- dry and Machine Shop, and are now prepared to do all kinds oi Casting for Machinery, on short notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on short no­ tice. Orders solicited. „ t . , WARD B. GALE. Yolo, 111,, July Sth 1876. BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile College, Keoknk, Towa, on the Mississippi, Prof. Wm. II. Miller General Manager, Nlnetoenth year. About sixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership Board and Stationery, Bookkeepers, Penman, Heiwrters, Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly fitted. English branches free. Free Leotures by eminent Orators, Freo festivals with Brass Band in College Hall. Free furnished rooms for self boarding, Telegraphing frpo. Short hand writing free. Good boarding clnbs and family board. Railroad fare deducted. Immense business in Keokuk, No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa, State where, you saw this advertisement, WESTERN. HOMES! THB LAKE OITT JOURWAL is a local news paper published in the midst of the Garden of the West, where lands May be procured at $3 to per acre. The man ot whatever age, pro- fession or capital, can here make his fortune. Those contemplating a western home and competency, may be thoroughly informed by becoming subscribers to the JOURNAL,. TERMS : One year, $2 00; Six months, (100; Three months, 60 cents; postage paid. Address T. B. HOTCIIKISS, l.ake City, Iowa. SPECIAL NOTICE. WE WILL CLOSE OUi OUR ENTIRE STOCK This is no Humbug. Call and convince yourselves that we are going to sell out our entire Stock of Gfoves. Mittens, Hosiery, LADIES AND GENTS' Underwear, At what they Cost us at the lead­ ing Factories iti the country. t dornef Main Street and Public Square, WOODSTOCK, - - - - ILLINOIS Sated Sept. 20th, 1S76. LAUER & BECKER, ttTai Near the Depot, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS The subscribers are now prepared, with a Stock of Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To. make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en- t.ii*®nits, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. *8^Goofi Fits Guaranteed and all Work Warranted. We also Keep a Full Line of Ready - Klade Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, &c., Which will be sold as Low* as at any estab­ lishment in the County. We hav,eeome here to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public- patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call. Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. * JtfeUenry, July 26th, 1876... NEW FIRM. BLAKE & BENTFIELD. Having Removed to their New Store, Comer of Owens' Old Stand, have just filled up with a large and well selected Stock of CTLOVES and MITTE^B, 0BOGEBIXB, CBOCKBBT* GLABS-WABI And are now prepared to sell all Goods in their line AT THE LOWEST GIVING PRICES Our Goods are all new and aelected with especial reference to the wants of the people of this community, OTJio trouble to show Goods. Call and examine our Goods and Prices before purchasing, I^The Highest Market Price Paid fhr But- ter, Eggs, and all kinds of Country Produce, Shoe Shop. Onr Shoe Shop lain full Running Order and we are prepared to make Boots and Shoes to Order or do Repairing on short notice, Weare Agents for the celebrated Patent Heel-Stiflfe* nor, which is warranted to prevent Boots and Shoes from Runniiig Over. WAN warrant, ed. BLAKE A BENTFIELD, McHenry, 111,, Oct. 27th 1876. Errors of Youth. j\ GENTLEMAN who suffered for years 2V\ trom Nervous Debility, Premature De- e»yAanf> a11 the effects of youthful indiscre­ tion Vvill. for the sake of suffering humanity, send ifree to all who need it, the recipe ana direct Win for making the simple remedy by which IJhe was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bk the adviser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence JOHN K. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York, To\ Consumptives. THE adver\i*cr, having been permanently cured of tviat dread disease, Consumption by a simple roii&jedy, is anxious to make ((pawn to his follow snWerers the means of cure, To all who desire i\. ho will send a copy of the prescription ueo<ti< (Free of Charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which thev will i«nd a surecure for ponsump- tion, Asthma, Rrq nchitis, Ac. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, 1M Penn St., 1 Filliameburgh, New York. 1MB M Rak W Say! aiders. SC A. ttElD, East Side Public Square* WOODSTOCK. . S | I ^LINOIft, Bm the -Largest Stock of Ever brought to McHenj*y County, and can sell you a Fashionable and hondsomer Hat or Bonnet for LESS MONEY than any other establishment in the Northwest. This is » fast and no discount. HER STOCK OF* Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Lace* NECK - TIES, COLARS AND CUFFS, Is complete In every paticnlar. Call and 1 convinced. Mrs. 8. A. REfD. Woodstock, NOT. lflth,[18?6. J . S T O l t Y , ---DEALER IN-- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, STOVES TINWARE; MECHANICS' TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, \ '1 CLOTHES WRINGEM& &Ci<| WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R THAH USUAL PRICIS! New Is the' time to purchase, and save m> ey. I believe that I can Itimfsh good goodsak as low prices^as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock ©J BUI1>DIXG PAPER, such as Pl»i«. Board. "Wnter Proof, Iron Coated andl Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpel, Linfnsr. KAWL AND SEE t Repairing: Promptly attended to. J. STCRY. Opposite Owens MKL H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, WAUCONDA, Lake County, - - - Illinois* Has just rceeived the Largest and Bes^ Stock ot Cloths, Cassimeres, Fancy Vestings and also Clothing of all kinds, ever brought tot this Market. Mens', Youths and Boys Suit* of all grades and prices. 1 am prepared to Suit you in Ready-Mad© Clothing Suit you to Order. Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style. Suit you on Fit. YQUHS TRULY, II' MAIMAV. Wauconda, 111., April 25th, 1876. At the Old Stand of J. E. Vasey, RINCWOOD, - - ILLINOIS, Have just filled their Store with a Lars* Stock of ^ STOVES, Both Cook and Heating, Vhich they are offler. ing to the buying public at BOTTOM PRICES We have also a line assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and other Goods that ar« usually kept in a country Hardware Store. !H connection with our large stock of Art ware we have opened up with a full line of The Pest Tobacco and Cigars To be found in the Market. OUR STOCK OF Rubbei Goods, Ac., are of the best manufM. ture, and we extend an invitation to all to come and see us before purchasing elsewhere All goods sold at thd lowest Cash Prices. VASEY & HOLMKS Ringwpod, Sept. 18th, 1870, 4* ' 9

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