WEDNESDAY. JAN. 81*t. 1877. Railroad Time Table. CJiSLAu. OOINO SOUTH. Geneva Lake Passenger .i.;w.v/r:W A. W. Genera Lake Freight .....v.. .1:45 p. M. oonro NORTH. „ 1 Geneva Lake Freitfit -..JS.FLO *. Genera Lake I'assenjrer... 7:0ft p. M. MASONIC. MCHKXHV CHAPTER SO. 34 It. A. M.--Resru- iar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. IlENlir COI.BV IL P. PrLA8KI AI^.F.N Sec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHOIMST.--Itev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor. •Services everv Sunday at IOJ4 A. M. and 7 P. M. SUNDAY School at 12 M. WM. PAOE, Superintendent. THIS PAPIS is kept on file in the office of L, F. Booth, General Kastern A?ent, Chicago A Northwestern Railway, 415 Broadway, Sew York City. Our friends, when in New York, are cordially invited to civil in and read it at any time. They will always be welcome. BY some oversight, our name was left out of Stewart's will, and we were grieved, but righteous indignation fillB our bosom now to think t lint the same blunder was committed in Vanderbilt's will. Owing to the above fact, sub scribers can bring along tlieir money with entire confidence that we have room for it. i ' , "THE Centennial Exposition, de- scibed and illustrated,"* a book of 776 pages, is uow upon our table, and after a careful examination we have no hesitation in pronouncing it one of the most interesting works that has cotne under our notice in a long time. C. D Hull, of Ringwood the Agent is uow canvassing the town of Greenwood, and we advise our readers to give this book a careful exiyjiination, as it is a work that should be in every house in the land. WANTED, Five Hundred Cords of WoOd, Green or Dry, by John Lansing. SEE the card of Matthew Karges, Painter, to be found In another column. * WANTED, four of Ave Wood-choppers, to whom steady work will be given. Apply to John W. Smith, one mile South of Ringwood. DR. JAMES E. MoRfttsox has removed from the West side to tlie residence of SamuelStocker, West of the Public Square, where he can hereafter be found. HON. F. K. GRANGER, who has been Jit home during the recess of the Leg islature, started for Springfield again to-day. The Legislature conven es to morrow. Thursday. 'To the person who begins a conver sation with the phrase, U\V hen I was at the Centennial," the only quarter al lowed should be choice of burial Or cremation. "HENRY," said she sharply, as they passed a lonesome copier, "do you want me to come out of this sleigh-ride with my hat looking as though it had been run over by an omnibus?" DR. MORRISON will deliver a course af Lectures on Atmosphere, before The Public School, commencing on Friday of this week. Lecture to commence at 3 p. M. The public are invited. WE are under Obligations to Dr. O. J. Howard for a sample bottle of very nice Wine, of his own manufac ture. It was about two years old and was of as fine a flavor as any we ever •aw. THE next Sociable by the Ladies cf the Universal ist Society will be held at the residence of Hon. Richard Bishop this Wednesday evening. Jan. 31st. All are cordially invited to attend. AN individual wanted to a sensation local and this was his first production. WA blind horse became frightened at a huge snow bank, or something else, that stared liiro in the face on Main street this forenoon and ran furiously down the street toward the Depot. When at the foot of the street he collided with several kits of mackerel, seven boxes of honey and other articles that stood in front of the store of Ben Gilbert and was arrested in the act of climbing a telegraph pole. Several persons who stood at the corner narrowly escaped being run over by the furious beast. OUR business men are very fotny try ing to settle up. Somehow they don't settle worth a cent. "Hard times" is the general cry. Query: Won't sonfe men take advantage of the -'hard times' and forget their duty to^ their fellow- men? ' THE latest invention in smokers* ar ticles is an electric cigar lighter, ft is a small steel article resembling a pis tol, with a woolen wick running through the barrel. By adjusting a spring and pressing on a trigger, enough eleptrieity is produced to Ig nite the wick. 4 IF an editor omits anything That oc curs In the town, lie is considered lazy. I f he speaks of tilings as they are, peo ple get angry and say all manner of hard things about him. If he does not furnish his readers with new jokes, he is a mullet. If he does, he is a rattle- head and cannot prove what lie says. If lie condemns the wrong, he lacks dis cretion, and is treading 011 somebody's toes. If he lets wrong go uumem ioned, he is a coward aud dare not stand up for the right. If lie indulges in person alities lie is a blackguard, and deserves the censure of the whole community, if lie does not, his paper is duii and in sipid, and not worlh taking or reading. Put-yourself in his place, and see how nice it is.--Ex. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. We have received from the Fine Art Publishing House Geo. Stinson A <Jo., Portland, Maine, several pictures re cently piibiished by them. The subjects as works of high art, deserve the high est praise. Stinson & Co. were among the pioneers in the Fine Art publishing business in this country, and year bj' year their business lias grown, until st the present time it has assumed colos sal properlion. A short lime since they published a chromo that had a run &f over one hundred and twenty-five thousand eopies. The w-eight of them unmoun ted w*eover nine iu the selection of subjects, Stinson & Co. show correct ^Judgment ot'4 the public taste, which natural talent, aided by long exj>er!-> ence, alone . can give. They publish every description of fine works of Art, from a cliroino to a photograph--t'r-jui a.flue Crayon drawing to the most ele gant StceJ Engraving. They bring into service the skill .of the most talented artists. Messrs. Stinson & Co. are at present in want of a large number of ue\r agents, to whom they offer* the most liberal inducements. We call attention to their advertisement, headed, "To the Working Class,* in our advertising columns,. II. D. LUFF, while taking a sleigh ride on Sunday last had the misfortune to upset aud his horse getting away made lively time toward home. When opposite the residence ot JuliusMunson the entter came in contact with a post and the consequence was that new "Portland" presented a rather demor alized appearance. A VENERABLE divine, who had been dining o*t the night before, went into a barber shop one morning to be *havedl. He s*w that the barber had been getting' more drink than was good for htm. for it made his hand shake very much, and naturally a little indignant, he began to give him a little moral advice by saying: "Bad tiling, drink." "Yes." said the barber, "it makes the skin remarkably tender'.*' ft. A, FORD, the old reliable Artist, who has kept a Gallery in this village for so many years, has sold out his business and will remove to Streator. IJ1M in a few days, .Ford is a No 1 Artist and his many friends in this village and vicinity will regret his decision to leave us. Of his successor w,e know nothing, but understand he is A good workman and will not allow the GaMery to lose its former good name ;under his charge. PROF. R. D. SCOTT and wife are now in this village preparing to bring out within the next two weeks the Conta- ta of "Esther the Beautiful Queen." Professor Scott is so well and favorably fcnown in this county th^t he needs no introduction tronj us, and wherever he has brought out the beautiful Cautata he has met with unbounded success. The class met for tfee Arst time on Monday eveuing, and will now rehearse every evening. Next week we hope jto be able to publish the programme £« full and give the date. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR TLAIXOEU.KH--There i* aa little-to;write in the line of nrws that 1 hardly think it worth my while to waste paper in sending you "opinions" for news, still the letter will be looked for probably and 1 will do my best. The Congregational Society re-open their dime lecture course this week Thursday by an address from Dr. Woodruff of Elgin, which will cost those not holding season tickets jast* ten cents each, aud it does seem that the dullest might get a dimes worth of information or amusement unless he is one of that class who Vlo not part with their money except something tangible is received in exchange. These persons do not seem to be aware that the only really valuable matters in this world are the intangible ones. We ought not to expect a quadriped to delight in mathematics or logic nor a biped to whom a dime ,appears as large as the full moon to appreciate intellectual recreation or labor, unless the latter should consist in reckoning interest or discount, The Presbyterians have a sociable this week also and the sleigh rides have been so numerous during the past week that but little more need be said than to^meution that the Congrega- tionaiists packed John Pierce's house to overflowing aud are of the opinion that they migiit have gone to a worse place, so if John is satisfied with that sociable lie must not invite them again --unless he wants them to come. Osgood Joslyn's was where the Meth odist went; one load making a mistake and calling at tlio house of A. W. Anderson who had them pile out with out waiting for explanations, then being informed of the mistake . per mitted them to load up again and go 011 tlieir way. Amos will have his lit tle joke whenever there is half a chance. At the sociable'there was a house full aud a jovial time. Senator Joslyn come home Saturday night to stay till Wednesday and doesn't appear as though the senatorial contest lias worried him very much. He says Davis was elected through a blunder of a Speaker iu entertaining a Democratic motion to adjourn just who n'tlie"pipes were all laid to elect Lawrence on the next ballot. Before the vote was taken the next day "the wind was in the east" and then two votes had gone over to the enemy. The nomination of Judge Davis is well received by both parties but the inde pendents have not covered themselves^ with glory as Davis is not a greenback man as far as heard from. SQCEEBS. ---------------- HEBRON. Einrou PLAIXDEALKK --As I see ne items from this town in your valuable paper and thinking that it should be remembered us well as the other towns NUN DA. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--It is sel dom we experience more pleasant weather in winter than has been meted out to us the present season, although the cold has been many times severe, yet the sudden changes are not so ex treme or often, as we sometimes expo rience and the cold bracing air seems more like, that of Minnesota than of Illinois. The nice sleighing^lias 111 ado quite a<demand for cutters and other sleighs bwt the great scarcity of Greenbacks" has prevented only a limited purchase, besides the Town Collector is now on the war path and gobbles up most everything in the shape of money, hence we hear the cry of "hard times" on every hand. Mr. Martin's Restaurant and Bakery was broken into Sunday night, Jan. 21st inst., and a quantity of Cigars, To bacco, Cakes, Candies and some other articles taken out. Entrance was gained by smashing out a rear window, giving ample room to get in. Some parties have been arrested aud there is no doubt but the guilty ones have been found. It is with unfeigned sorrow arid bit ter regret that we learn of the Repub lican defeat in the Senatorial contest in our Legislature and nothing but the party lash and foolish worship of par ty gods can be offeiVd in extenuation for such a national calamity. The peo ple should hold their servants in rigid remembrance aud mildly intimate that sojne other occupation would be better suited to their capacity. And we can hardly refrain from speaking of .the Compromise Bill that is to settle the Presidential muddle. We fear that when the great Charter of Human Liberty shall be acknowledged insuffi cient to direet the course in the present emergency and means taken to toggle it up to satisfy partisan humor, that it will not be long before" everv Presidential election will require some similar patchwork support, and after the first deviation from Constitutional requirements it will be an easy matter to trump up like necessities. No. Let us take the Constitution pure and unadulterated for our beacon light and all will be well. Some little time ago cards were is sued by our worthy friends Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Mallory, announcing that a Tin Wedding would take place in their drawing rooms Jan. 23d inst., in the evening, and it has been currently re ported that the largest sales of Tin- ware'kuown in our village, was made on that day. Their spacious rooms were beautifully illuminated at an early hour when our citizens cotn- inenced to wend their way over to "Ira's" each with a huge bundle nicely labeled "Presented," which was deposi ted upon a table appropriately de signed for the occasion. Great pains had been taken to make it a pleasant in the county 1 will endeavor to wrilaland social gathering, and the hours Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follows' OOIHO SOOTS Geneva Lake Passenger....«...w.7:08 a. * Geneva Lake Freight r< OOINO NOKTH Genera Lake Freight.. ^ Geneva Lake Passenger 40 A. V :27 V. M CHURCH DIRECTORY. OOWOMGATioHAt.:- Kev. w. J. Doualass. Pastor. Serf ices at 7# P. M. METHODIST:-Rev. Saml. Earhyev Pastor Services 10:30 A.M. Subhsth SCHOOLV:N A M J. L. Donning, Supt. BAPTIST:--Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND J.OIMJE, No. 1*8, A. F. A A. M lteffnlar Convocations first Monday In each month on or before the tail moon, and the second Monday thereafter. G. B. CABPKMTEK, W. M C. G. COTTING, Secretary. Weather pleasant, good sleighing and plenty of people in town. If you want a nice Coal Stove eall on M. Hicks and look at the Oarland. Mead is selling the (*BossM Cook Stove. Call and see him and "Ike" will show you around and look smiling, Robbie Emmons is getting along nteely from the effects of bis broken limb. / 'Judge" is no longer a widower and looks as iiappy aud smiling as in his younger days when courting. On Sunday Jau. 28th, to the wife of Leonard Howe, a son. Now we under stand that smile 011 Leonard's face. Business Notices. 60 to E. M. Owen for Plows. Halfs Safes, all sisee, for sale Bishop. > Hall's Safes, all vises, for Salt by - • Bishop. ~ Good Yard wide only 7 cts per yard Brown SheettnM At P. D SMITH'S. Alpacea at 15 cents per yard in all n£w shades at Lansing A Evanson. Hall's Safes,all sixes, for sal* if Q* Bishop. The best place i"h the connty to buy Horse Blankets is at Evansou's, Mellenry* Waterproofs in Seal Bine, Grey and Blaok, Stevens. Lansing Brown, Nan at Bucklia c We hear that Dr. S. R. Ward's is sick again. Poor cow. She have to lose another piece of tail. cow will her A Siote of Thanks. I wish -to tender my heartfelt thanks for the many acts of kindness and tokens of true friendship which have been shown me by the people of Mc- Henry and the sir rounding country, during the many years that 1 have been one among 3'ou. and be assured that I shall always reserve a warm mtch in my heart for you. I have a sincere and lasting iuterestiu the well- fare of Mellenry. and should any of my friends tjjppcii to stray to my anticipa ted hoin%.itt Streator they will find a hearty wfelcome there. B. A. FORD. Jan. 30th 1877. ,r NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in* debted to me will please call and settle the saine during this or the coming wtek, as I aiu about to remove to an other part of tlie State. Also those holding any claims against me please present the same. n. A. FORD. McHenry, Jan. 30tli, 1877. THE PEOPLK WANT PHOOF. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Boschee's German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled 011 the breast, Consumption, or any disease of the . Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced in this coun try from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing ever3Tone that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by Henry Colby, Druggists, McHenry Illinois. New Goods daily arriving at Lansing A Evanson,s to be sold at bottom prices. Give them a call aud judge for yourself. tip a few Items. Tl»e weather fer'tlie past week has been fine and«!eighing good which the people **«in tq. be improving iu getting up their wood for the ensuing year. Our town hull is being completed as fast as pos>ibfce. attnng that has long been nee device re as we have no place for lectures or anything of the kind. Frank liowe lias rented the upper story of the building aud those wish ing a. place for lectures, &c., will do well to call 011 him as it will be furnished up in good shape. C. F. Prouty. who has been clerking for Money Goodsell for the past uine yents, has re;;t~;i the lower portion of the building and is going to start a store. Go ;ihead Charley, we wish you success. The poultry business of Mead A Brown has furnished employment for a number of the boj*s that would have bad nothing to do had it not been for the start they made. They have bought upwards of ninety thousand pounds this season and are still buying. They think they will reach a 100.000 pounds before the poultry is all gone out. of the country. They ship prinei- pallj to Boston and New York. The meetings conducted by Rev. Earugy for the p^gt eight weeks closed last eveuing. He has had very good success, having about 25 converts, some of the oldest inhabitants being among the number. * TIP. We have decided not to purchase a lelgii at present as the chances for borrowing are pretty good. C. G. Cotting and Frank Foster both have put up large quantities of Ice and we hope to be able to keep cool the coming summer at a small expense. Elder Young is holding a Series of meetings at the Baptist Chnrch. Let the good work go on there is need enough of it in Richmond. If the shipment of hogs from other points is correspondingly as large as has been from here the past few weeks we do not wonder „ at the decline In Pork. THRESHING MACHINE MEN. Get your String Leather of O. W. Owen, McHenry,111. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. ' Lansing A Evanson are now offering special bargains in Shawls of all de scriptions, they have a large stock which they will sell at cost. Have you seen the new arrivals of Ready-Made Clothing just received at Lansing A Evanson. Don't fail. Fancy Note an?l Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Geuis furnishing goods a speciality at Lansing A Evanson McHenry, Suits,Suits, at F. G. Mayes. OYSTERST Four Cans for ftl at J. Lansing's Meal Market, near the Depot. A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow m'e for $100. Best thing in Plows, Call and se« . E. M.OWKH. COUNT V GUANOK, Will meet at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Thursday. February 8th at I o'clock p. M. Pa«t Master, Anson Thompson, will install the officers elect J. B. COLLY, Master. M. M. CLOTHIEB. Secretary. TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of the Town of McHenry, will on Monday, Jan. 8th. commence the collection of < Taxes for said town, and will attend at the foilowiug time and places for that purpose: , Monday, at the Store of L. Bonslet, in Johnsburgh. Tuesday, at the Store of J. W. Cristy, in Ringwood. Thursday, at the Store of Perry A Martin, in McHenry. Saturday, at the Store of B. Gilbert pear the Depot. PETER ROTHERMEL, Collector. FBESII FISII. We pay the highest market prioe for fresh fish, in cash or trade Lausjug& Evanson. flew swiftly by as they always do when much interested. An appropriate cer- emouy was performed by Esquire Mallory, when supper was announced and the guests repaired to the Hall where a large table filled with all the delicacies of the seasou awaited us. Of course. Oysters was the fayorite dish, but the most fastidious could net help but be satisfied with the delicious viands that were spread out iu great abundance before us. Time and space will not permit us to name all the beautiful presents but suffice to say they were numerous and appropriate and many of them particularly nice. We know it is common to describe the style of dr««?s atlunied the ladies present but we shall simply say that there were none present that had at tired themselves 011 purpose to have tlieir dress spoken of in the public press. "Ira's" T«n Wedding will long be remembered as the great social oc casion of the seasou. TYRO. RINGWOOD- EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:-- Our Public School is doing finely, aud the scholars are getting more aiid more interested in the work of storing their minds with useful knowledge. Mr. C. Hall is around soliciting sub scribers for a new work entitled "Com plete History of the Centennial Exhi bition," which will be a work of note in every man's library for reference tor time to come, aud very interesting to the rising generation. Those beautiful House Plants In Wm. Langhanrs window made one doubt the thermometer being 20 degrees below zero 011 Tuesday uioruitig. The Debating Club of Ringwood will discuss the following question on Fri day evening Feb. 2nd: Resolved, That the right of Suffrage should be found ed on an Educational bases. Affirma tive, James Ladd, B. Smith, H. C. Allen, A. Luuily, D. Hall. J. W. Cristy. Negative, Walter Prickett, C. Prickett J. L.Holmes, Rev.P. Gorton,O. Tabor, Wm. Langham. Volunteer speakers are expected aud the public are invi ted. MELTON. P. G. Skinkle Is in'business again and has the north part of this county as Sole Agent for Dr. Chases Receipt Book. Look out for "Perry" for he will bo 011 the road in a few days, On Monday of this week Geo. W. Eldredge shipped over four thousand pounds of dress poultry to the Eastern market, and still the feathered tribe continue t«» move ou to Richmond. Business of all kinds is dull at pre ent unless it is Harness Making. We see West has put on another man John makes a good harness. If you dou't believe it try one. The Singing School opeued and con ducted by T. F. Shephat d is being well patronized aud promises to be a suc cess. We hope and trust our citizens will give it the encouragement need ed. We want 50,000 pounds of choice but ter for which the highest Market prico will be paid. LAOTIKO it EVANBOK McHonry. SOAPS, We will sell 25 Bars of Kirk's Soap for 11,00 or 100 Bars for $8,80, Lansiug A Evanson. Lansing A Evanson are closing out their entire stock of woolen goods. Clothing, Uuderwear Look for bargains. Lansing Evanson have just received a large assortment of Mens- and Boys Caps, Call aud examine them. If you wish to buy Waterproof*. Flannels and other Woolen goods at great bargains, go to Lansing * Evanson's. * Geo, W. Eldredge Is about to occupy his new residence which is oue of the finest iu our village. George is it not rather imprudeut to move into a new house at this season before it has been warmed ? We think so. NUNDA TAX*;S ! The undersigned. Collector of the Town of Nuuda, will be at the follow* ing places, at the times designated, for the purpose of receiving Taxes: On Wednesdays, at the Store of D. C. Mallory, Nunda. Fridays, at the Store of C. Shales, Barreville. On Saturdays, at the Store of Porry & Martin, McHenry, RPBT. J. SUTTON, Collector We did not know what qualities a Feather Bed Rer.3va.tor had ta have make him a success at that business un til we noticed the Gazette of last week in the Solon items. We have learned something. But fetch your beds along, the boys will do you a good job. The Concert given by the Richmond Glee Club at the M. E. Church last Thursday evening was a success. Re ceipts of the evening 027. We doirt think there is another town in this county that can boast of a better Glee Club than we have. We think such talent ought to be encouraged for it is a benefit to any place. Our popular Flouring Mills are now being run to their full capacity. The water power being inadequate to meet the demand of its increasing trade the steam engine is again brought into re quisition, whereby all work in their line can be properly and promptly attended to. Rev. Samnel Earngey of this place has been holding a series of meetings at Hebron the past few weeks with very •favorable results, we are informed having made upwards of fArty conver sions. many of them heads of families, aud the good work still goes on. Our Public School, under the man agement of its Principal, E. R. Young, is flourishing finely with a good attend ance in all departments, A number of scholars are attending from other dis tricts which speaks well for the advan tages given, and we hope our own scholars will not fail to improve their time. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! The Portland Cutter, the la tost stylo out. for sale at manufacturers Prices by E.M. Oweu, Lansing A Evanson are sflling a choice article of Fine Cut Tobacco at 50c per pound. Try some. Call at Lansing A Evanson's for supplies of Japan Tea at 60c. This Tea beats anything ever offerestlo this market. POULTRY. We want 10 Tons of live or fancy dressed Poultry for which the highest hiarkefprice will be paid in trade or cash Lansinc A Evanson. ORE AT REDUCTION! In the prices oftho Buffalo and Roeh ester Boots and Shoes. Dou't fail to see them before making your seleo- tions. P, P. SMITH. Heavy Work Team for Sale. One Heavy work team. Harness aai Wagon for sale cht<ap. Apply at the Fox River Y alley Mills of * H. D'Lurv. A new stock Dress Good* Waterproof rio& Black Al- pacca 2octs and upwards at Lansing A Evanson's McHenry. -- CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having oue of the best machiues in the market. For information dress F Wiedirck, Woodstock, Ity» For tha best Teas town e*H op •Lansing A Evanson. New and elegant stvles of Fell Ml Winter Dress Goods, 111 the mo&e pop ular shades.--Also a large vari«ty of Ladies Waterproofing aud Cloakinrs. at P. D. SMITH'S? Yon can sava at least 25 per oent in. buying your Clothiug, Hats, Capa Boots and Shoes,at Lansing & Evansoa McHenry. Don't buy your Underwear, Boot*, and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains in thesa Goods at Lansing A Evanson's. McHenry. ^ If you want the highest price far your Poultry in trade pr cash go ta Lansing A Evanson. Lansing A Evanson, McHenry, have just received a large assortment of Buffalo Robes, which they are offer lug very cheap. MARRIED. ROITSE--WAITK--At Genoa Junction, Wis, Jan. 85th, by Rev. F. J. Douglass, Mr. Charley Route and Miss Eva Waite, both of McHaary, DIED. SMITH--On aothof Jantiar Ills.. Elia# Smith, late of years. CTTuacola and Chicago papers please cop/ rv at Fox Lake Tuscola, aged 64 XoHRNRT KABKBI, BUTTER--15 cts. CH EESE--11 @ 19c. EGGS--23 cts. LARD--12} CTS. BEANS--SI .25 per bushel. OATS--26@30c. POTATOES--$1 per bushel. CORN--$11 per Ten. FLOUR--No. 1 Spring, 96Q7, par baiV rel. HOGS--D ressed, $BJ76(g 7. Lira, #S,Sffc TIMOTHY SEED--$1.40<§1J60 PER basfr® el. CLOVER SEEP--K(5 8,25 par bushel. FLAX SEED--#1.40^ 1.50 per bushel,, HUNGARIAN--40 01?. peri>ustt$l» , HAY--$3(?6 per Toa,