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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1877, p. 5

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© 3^" mmm m m I Jkiilealw. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7th. 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. Geneva Bake Passenger Genera La*e Freight GOING NORTH. ttene** Lake.Kreiirht Geneva Lake Passenger A. M. . 1:45 f. *. 10:00 A. W. 7:U5 F. M. MASONIC. McflBWHT CHAPTER No. 34 R. A. M.--Regu­ lar Convocations held on the second and fonrth Fridays in each'month. ' > HENRY COLBY H. P. PULASKI ALLEN Sec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. . METHODIST.--Rev. J. H. Bacon. Pastor. ' Services every Sunday at H)>* A. M. and 7 P. M. Sundav School at 12 M. 'Superintendent. WM. PAGE, THIS PAPER is kept on HIE in the office of .TI, P. Booth, General Eastern Aueiit, Chicago' 4fc Northwestern Railway, 415 Broadway, New York City. Our friends, when in Mew York, -are cordially invited to call iu and read it at ®ny time. They will alwiys be welcome. OUR Ringwood correspondence was unavoidably crowded out tltls week. WANTED, Fiv« Hundred Cords of "Wood, Green t>r Dry, by John Lansing. WE understand that Ward Gale Intends to remove his Foundry from Volo to this village in the Spring. WK learn that our townsman, L. Morse, inet with a fall last week, making a severe and painful bruise on "lis Wuee. "EsTifEit" will be at Riverside Hall •on "Friday and Suturdny evenings of next week, the 16th and 17th. Do not fail'to go and see her. Buckliu & Stevens have a few Over- Coats and Ladies Cloaks left which they will close out at such prices as will sell .thein. WANTED, four or Ave Wood-oho papers, to whom steady work will be given. Apply to John W. Smith, one uiile South of Ringwood. THE Ladies Sociable of Ringwood. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Isaac Harsh on Thursday next. ^ MRS. WM. LANGHAM'Secretary, WE see that a Party is advertised to lie held at J. J. Gillis Hall, on Monday evening, Feb, 12th. Good Musie in at­ tendance and a good time may be ex­ pected. THE next Sociable by tiie Ladies of the Universali-it Society will be held at the residence of C. B. Curtis this Wednesday evening, Feb 7th. All are cordially invited. THE Annual Meeting ot the 51c Henry County Sunday School Associa­ tion will be held at Harvard on «Thuwnl* Friday, Fel>, iJath and 16th. - ? THE Principal of our i'uulic School has taken a new assistant in It is depart­ ment. He if somewhat young in years, but t£.i|der the supervision of s. I), has greift promise for the future. He ar­ rived ou Friday morning last and weighed in the neighborhood of nine pounds. WE learn that there is a talk of building a Butter and Cheese Factory on the site of the old Sorghum Mill, just South of the Creek. At that point there 19 one ot the best Sp rings ot' W ater to be found in town, and It cer­ tainly would be a capital place for sucli an institution. We hope io hear soon ithat it has been definitely decided to do so. Ho$ £?holer%or asiy^d isea«e of Ifegsw Sheep, Horses, Cuttle, Do^s, Poultry or Birds, can be quickly, cheaply and •effectually cured. I have experimented for 12 years, and mean what 1 say. 1 •wiHpay half the value of any animal -or fowl on which my new discovery fai}s. Enclose stamp for instructions. .Dr. A. Fairbank. 125 Washington Aven- oie, St. Louis. Mo. AT the meeting of the Northern Illinois Horticultural Society, held at Franklin Grove, the following officers were elected for the ensiling year: President. -H. C. Graves, Sandwich; Vice Presidents, I,. K. Scofield, Free- port; J. S. Rogers, Marengo, S. G_ Minkler. Oswego; Recording Secretary O. B. Galusha, Morris; Cor. Secretary, D. W. Scott, Galena; Treasurer, I.. Woodard, Marengo. - • OvjRregMl&r January thaw, although eomewhat late was <io less effectual, •and the result «ras that our large body of snow disappeared iu nu unpreceden­ ted short space of time. The water at Haulers and Bisliop's Mill raised iquite rapidly on Tuesday a«<l Wednes­ day last, but by close watering no datn •age was done except totlte foot bridges across the creek, which were repeined with but small expense. Had the large t>ody of snow went off with a rain the damage might have been great. MESSRS CURTIS A WALKER are snaking arrangements to extend tht txisiness at the Pickle Factory by putting up a Vinegar Factory and Canning Works. They lutye already commenced drawing the stone for the foundation. The building is to be 40x60 with basement, the upper part to be used as a Vinegar Factory and the Baseuiient for caiuiiug and storage. Messrs Curtis & Walker iiuend to Jargely increase the business of the Factory the coming seamen. THE Riverside House, in this village, has been leased for a term of years by Mr. F. Goist, late of Urbana 111., will be newly furnished throughout and opened for the accommodation of the public on or about the 20th inst. More particulars next week. Bucklin & Stevens are very thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on them for the past year exceeding their utmost expectation. They will start the- year with renewed vigor bj- closing oft their winter ^opds at such prices a* uiust sell them. UNCLAIMED Letters remaining in the McHenry P. O. Jan. 31; Mrs. flattie E. Woodrufl, Mrs. Joseph Hancock, Mary Catharine Finny, James Hunt, Col. E. O. Cadwell, J. M. Powers. In Calling for any of the above please say. advertised. • C. It. MORKY, Dept. P. M. - -IS another coin inn can be found an advertisement of Elliot's Improved Harrow, for which Xorqnest & Weber of this village, are the Agents for Mcllenry Oninty. Farmers, who have examined this Harrow pronouhce it unequalled by any they ever saw. ami we would advise all our farmer readers to examine it before purchasing. Read the advertisement iu another column. FRANK FOSTER, proprietor of the Richmond House, Richmond, 111., has announced that he will have an Old Folks Pai$y on Monday evening next the '2th, and from this we infer there is fun ahead as Frank never does things by halves, but always does his level best to please all who give him a call. We therefore say to the danciug pub­ lic if you want a good time be sure to go to the Richmond House on Monday evening next. TIIE Wauconda Dramatic Seciety gave an entertainment at th^'River- side Hall, iu this village Inst evening and will repeat it again to-morrow, Thursday, e veuing. producing the great Temperance Drama of "Ten Nights in a Bar Boom." Those who have witnessed entertainments by this Society pronounce them the best Amateur Association in the Northwest, and as they have come here bj' the earnest solicitation of some of our citizens we hope to see them have a r >uSing benefit. Tne entertainment will conclude with the Roaring Farce of "Lord Dundreary's Visits Remem­ ber the date. Thursday evening, Feb, 8th, at.Riverside Hall. For particulars see programmes. POST, of the DeKalb News, com­ menting on the failure of the Sycamore Democrat, makes a very sensible com­ ment on the pril ling business gener­ ally, and which agrees with our idea eXacily. lie saj's: "it requires several Ihiugs to make a suites in ..hut tUreetion. First, there must be a demand for a paper--tin1 re was none for the iMiuonrut. Secondly, facilities for the execution of job prin­ ting are generally essntiai to a country paper's MK'ces*--the Democrat had roihing of the sort. Furthermore, pluck. energy, and indoini table perseve ranee are requisite; a man ca.iuot suc­ ceed at the !-usine>s who attempts to play tlie gentleman; he must work, work, day out an 1 l.iv in;:fhecan accomplish two day's work iu one ail the better. In fact lie must not only read 5i"d write, but must roll up his sleeves and pitch iu wherever and whenever there is work to do; and an experience of nearly twenty-live years lias convinced us that there's always plenty to do inside of a printing office, it'one has the disposition to do K." QVKEN I;STHI;I;. The rehearsaN for the rendition of the Cantata of "Esther, the Beautiful Queen J' under the. direct ion of Prof, li. D„Svott aa<l \vife,> are progressing favorably, and everything promises that it will be brought out in a manner never equalled in Mcllenry Comity. They have decided to bring Nit out on Friday and Saturday evenings of next week. Feb. 16th. and 17th, at Riverside Hall, and we hope and trust our citizens will each and all consider themselves a committee of one to see that the Ilall is filled to its utmost capacity. The McHenry Coronet Band are interested iu the matter, one half of the proceeds being for their benefit, and for this, if for no other reason, our citizens sliould •nterest themselves in the matter. There is no snail amount of labor and expense attending the getting up of this entertainment, and Professor Scott is determined that there sh ill be no failure ou his part. it will be brought out in new and beautiful cos­ tumes and cannot fail of being highly entertaining to all who attend. Re- memeinber the date, Friday and Satur­ day of next week. Feb lfith and 17th, at Riverside Hall. * Bucklin & Stevens wish to reduce their stock as much as possible within the next sixty days and will make it for the interest of close Cash Buyers to call on theui. NOTICK. All those who desire good pictures and have been accustomed to patron­ izing me and all others so disposed in fututre will find the same care taken to please .the public by my successor, and I can freely recommend hiui to your atteutkm. He is in every sense a good Artist and well aycustomed to my style of taking Pictures. Give him a call and satisfy yourselves. You will not regret it„ and will thereby show your good will. Hoping j'ou will give him a hearty welcome to a home among you, 1 leavfe him with my best wishes io#* his future welfare. B. A. FOBD. McHenry, Fe1a,fth 1877. CHINA WEDDING: It is seldom the privilege of mortals to enjoy a pleasantcr occasion than was aflorded those present at the. residence •f our townsman. Smith Searles^ on Thursday evening last. The occasion *f the gathering was to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of tho marriage of the host and hostess. About one hundred guests were present, who en­ joyed themselves during the evening in social cliat, which was now and then interspersed with music, both vocalaud instrumental, while the host and hostess were gliding around among tli»ir guests, looking as bashful as though it was the first instead of the twentieth anniversary of their wedded life, but at tne same time doing all in their power to make It pleasant for the large crowd of relatives and friends who were there gathered, and that they succeeded was evident by the satisfied look of all. The repast was bountiful and delicious to whfch am­ ple justice was »lone. It being a China Wedding there were a large number of presents of the China order observable, and we can no better describe them than by*giving a list in full with the names of the donors, which will be found l>elow: Gold Band China Dinner Set, bv Mr. and Mrs. Henry Colby. Mr. and Stfrs. ,T. Compton, Mr*and Mrs. FT. Bishop, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Van Slyke^ Mr. and Mrs. L. Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. John Story, Mr. and Mrs I*. 1>. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Beers. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Curtis, Mrs. II. N. Owen. Mi4 Mary Dacy. Silver Ice Set, four pieces. Urn. Slop Bowl. Mug and Trav, by Mrs. Searles' Father, Mother and Brothers. This was an elegant Present* and at­ tracted much attention„froin all. Teapot, by Mr. J. B. Gavin. Pair China Vases, with Cameo Me­ dal ion Settings, by J. F. Going. China Tea Set. by Mr. and Mrs. Jal>ez Carr. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr, Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harrison, 3Ir. aud Mrs. James Carr. Pair Vases, by Mr. aud Mrs. O. W. Owen. Gold Band China Tete a Tete Set, by Mrs. J. p. Going. Paii*of Vases, by Mr. and Mrs. Clias. T. Eldredgc. Gold Band Side Dishes. oue'Casserole, two Comforts, one Fruit Basket, one Butter Dish, by Dr. AIM! Mrs. II. T. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beck with, Mr. E. M. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. S. Colyer, Mr. aud Mrs. S.'Coville. Mr. and Mrs. 1>. S. Smith. Mrs. 1). A. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mai tin. Pair of Vases, by Mr. and Mrs. Caufield. Gold Band China Vegetable Dish, oye Platter and Pitcher. Butter Dish and Fruit Stand, by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. ,h»>. Dm per,- Mr. and Mrs. Benson Hauley. Mr. ami Mrs. E. J. Ilanley, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Bucklin. Mr.and Mrs. Ralph Stebbins. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Ilatilev, Dr. and Mrs. Morrison. Miss Lizzie Walker. China Clip, by Mrs. Stegeniann. A very hand-iome Present bv W. and F. A. Parker, of the Parker House, which we overlooked, and did not learn what it was. The Presents were all. of. the most beautiful and costly kind, aud were re­ ceived iu the spirit iu which they were given, that of true friendship, aud well wishes for the future. They have passed twenty years of toiling togeth­ er with a bond lasting as life; and may we not add as imperative as eternity. May the next twenty bo equally a* pleasant. Among the guests present from abroad we. noticed J. B. Gavin, of Chi­ cago; Miss Mary Dacy, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. J. Compton, Volo; J. F. Going, of Cincinnati. Xoue present will ever forget the pleasant evening they spent celebra­ ting t he China Wedding of Mr. and Mrs.Smith Searles. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Our beau­ tiful sleighing has given place to mud, mud, mud, and many would fain tlatter themselves that whiter has yielded up the scepter to the approaching Spring: but let us admonish ail those, that Feb­ ruary is one of the most fickle mouths iu the whole year, aud that a mild be­ ginning is most generally followed by a boisterous, aud stormy ending. Though many regrets are expressed at this softening of the weather, still there is a class iu almost every place that do sincerely rejoice wheu a mild and temperate atmosphere surrounds us. To supply the necessary fuel to keep out the cold from many of the habitations of the poor, has been a se­ vere tax upon their consumptive purses during this cold winter,aud it is but natural that this mild weather makes their thankful hearts rejoice. Mr. Geo. Raidle's team, while being driven ho ..e Saturday,suddenly became anxious to get htmie, aud acting on the impulse of the moment, started ou such a 2:40 gait as to utterly dety Mr. Raidle's power to restrain them, hence his buggy was upset when the pole broke loose from, the buggy and the team increased their speed to 2:30 which soon brought them up to tiie door of their -table where they were soon found, quietly waiting to be cured for. No harm was done to either driver or horses, but the buggy looks very much demoralized. Get a new bit George. The Crystal Lake Pickling and Pre­ serving Work* were put up at, to be knocked off to the highest bidder on Saturday last, subject to all lawful leius, claims or demands, by order of the Court. The first bid was one hun­ dred dollars, which was increased to five, when it was knocked off to Mr. Weidner of Chicago, he liaviiig Jarge claims against it. The personal prop­ erty was sold in lota to different par­ ties as desired at a small fraction of their cost. Mr. Anthan Buck and Miss Sopha --^ both of Nunda, \vere married by the Rev. Mr. Wiley of this place, Wed­ nesday evening. Jan. 31st. After tak­ ing a short pleasure trip to Chicago, thej* returned here and if wrf were to judge irom appearances Mr. Buck Js one of the happiest men in town. Of course we congratulate them ii\ their union aud hope the "honeymoon*' will continue to shed its effulgent rays up­ on them through life. Tirato. * Richmond Department. GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAINDE ALEF : -- Constant and unvarying are the viabrations of that pendelum which swings to and fro, moving with uuceasing . accuracy the hands around the dial plate, mark­ ing off the moments, hours and days, striking ever and anon, reminding us of some duty or labor to perform; and again moving on warning ns of the aj>- proach of other duties and cares, and the necessity of increased and energetic action npoii- our part to vie with the rapid flight of time. Thus do we find ourselves at the present time endeavor­ ing lo perforin an pet of labor, (or per­ haps duty) from which we would many times gladly be released, especially in a time like the present, when there is such a generai dlrthof news or items of interest from which to form a com­ munication, worthy of tlie compositors time, "but such as 1 have, give 1 unto thee." On Wednesday evening, Jan. 24th, the Rev. Mr. Cox. Pastor of the Baptist Church of this place, was made the re­ cipient of a very pleasant and liberal donation, amounting to 979, mostly cash. The entertainment was partici­ pated in bv nearly the entire commu­ nity and a general good feeling seem­ ed to exist throughout. Much credit is due Mr. aud Mrs. Charles who so gen­ erously threw opeu the doors of their spacious residence and who by their untiring energies and pleasing mau- ners endeavored to make all feel that they were welcome. The meetings which have been in progress for two ©r three Weeks past have closed for the present on accouut of the bad weather and traveling. The Singing School, mentioned in our last, is proving a decided suco^ss. Some 35 have already joined the class. There is apparently much interest, and a general determination ou the part of the entire class to learn to read tuusic. The Literary Society still maintains its usual interest, save that now and then, occasionally, some little "un­ pleasantness"arises to rather have a cooling tendency. With a change of programme we are confident a more ge:;c:ul aud united Interest can be ob­ tained.- Mr. S. Baldwin, our Town Collector, has a habit, (by appointment) of wait­ ing at the Store of J. J. Philbrick every Friday, also the Store of Bunker Bros., in Woodstock, Saturdays, all for the purpose of getting a little money. Our "Boss"'farmer, Mr. L. B. Peatt, has a span of colts two years past and coining three in the Spring Svhich turn the scalcs at2tK)0 lbs . Who can beat it 'i Mr. Elmore Howe met with quite a serious accident on Friday last. While engaged in chopping he had the mis­ fortune to sever the great aud second toes from one foot. Ht, however, with remarkably good grit, rode to Wood­ stock and had the offending members replaced. Mrs. M. E. Britton, of Elgin, of "Fluid Lightning" notoriety, has been spending the past week visiting rela­ tives and friends ot this place. As is the usual custom to discribe the of notable guests, wo do not wish to turn the cold shoulder upon ••Etiquette'" consequently will give a slight passing notice of ttie ar­ rival,# The morning "toilette" consists of a "liapere" (borrowed) made from "Vegetanle S«*a Island Wool," gor­ geously striped, (culled by uneducated people calico.) with Xo. J) Brussels Slips. Hair frizzed and powdered. " .1 hi mode."" Mrs. M. 3i. Paine, of Waukegan, has also been visiting friends here for the past few days. EVEN. MASONIC. RICTIMOFFO I.OIKJK, No. MS. A. F. & A. M. Ueffulwr Convocations llrat Xondav in each month on >»• before the tull moon, and the second Monday thereafter. '* ' G. P. WoOEit., V. M I* C. G. COT TING, Secretary. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as tollown- y OOINO SOUMT Genera Lake Passenger 7*1 A.* tftmeva Lake Freisht.n. oomo nomm Genera LakeFrcifflrt v..B>:40 A.* Genera Lake Passenger......... t:27 r, it CHURCH fiUKECTOttf. Ctr?«fiK w ; »TioNAU:-- Rev. F. J. Don Klaus. Pastifr. J^erviee* at 7,^ P.M. MKTIIOFMPT: : -- S a m l . K a r o j r r v L'astor Service* *»:» .V M. Sablxith School »:30 A M. J. L. l*»w»»insr, Su|>t. BArrisT:-- Elder Yoitng Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sahlmth School 12 M. Sleighing gone, business dull And tout few iu town. Mabel Drake, who has been suffering: for some time past with consumption, died oil Satnrday eve at^T o'ciockf Feb. 3d. We are sorry to anoance thp death of Mrs. Ella Dorathy, wife of A. Dora- thy and daughter of B. F. Gfbbs,-which oecwrcd Friday morning. Febuairy 2d, Why is it there are so many ragged people in town? when yon can g# to 1>. II. Potter's or Smithr Aidrich & llavthorn's, aud gert clothing way dow below cost? The Revival meetings have been changed from the Baptist ho«se to the M. E. Church, We wonder if tliose grumblers will cry mud and stay from the meetings now? Mrs. G. B. Carpenter, who has leen confined to the house by Rheumatism, is improving. Will soon be able to> wait on her customers again at her Millinery Store. We have some bulldozers in Rich­ mond. We hear from them occasionally. Charles Bogart tried to bulldoze Frank Imerson. Both got scratched seme. Where are the Police and City Fathers? Are they takiug a Rip Van Winkle sleep? I. N. Mead means business with lii» Hay Pitching apparatus. At I o'clock p. M, Febuary 14th, there will be au ex­ hibition and trial of Gardner's Patent Hay Pitching apparatus on the farm Of H. B. Gardner, three miles North of Richmond. Farmers hi want of a Hay Fork will find it for their interest to be ou baud aud see i t work. HEBRON- EDITOR PLAINDEALEK.--News is a scarce article iu this market. There has nothing transpired hardly worthy of note. 1 do not see why something should not transpire,even a marriage or a fight; something to break the qn.etude of town. Our Public school is doing finely under the management of D. W. Soper. Dnane has been with us as a teacher for the past two years aud seeius to have good success. He has about sixt}' scholars on the roll. There i9 but one fault with the school aud that is a suitable house, which we are very much iu ueed of as the one we have now is not large enough to accommo­ date all the scholars that attend. We were very much startled at the sudden death of one of the young men of our town last Thursday morning Johnn3r Bartlett left this world ot care and sorrow. He was a young mail about 30 years of age. He had just commenced a building in town and had it enclosed, was taken to his bed and lived but five days. He was buried at Big |ToQt corners on Friday last. TIP. TICKETS have been issued for a Grand Old Folks Party at the Richmond House, in this village, on Monday even­ ing next, the 12th. Foster has the reputation, and justly too, of getting up very pleasant and enjoyable parties, and no one who at tends ever goes away dissatisfied. The Old Folks Party on Monday evening next promises to be the party of the season, aud all who love to trip the light fantastic toe should bear it in miml and be on hand. Frank will furnish the best of music, give you a good square meal a"d send you home happy. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned, having bought out the Fine Art Gallery of B. A. Ford, in this village, wishes to announce to the citizens ot McHenry and surrounding country that he is prepared to take Pictures of all kinds on short notice and in the latest style of the Art. We shall endeavor, by close attention to business and good work, to retain the former good name of this Gallery, and hope thereby to merit a-continu­ ance of its former patrons. Good work and low prices shall be our motto. We invite all wishing anything in the Picture line to g<ve ns a call and we will do our best to please you. Respectfully, L. 8. GORTON. McHenry, Ul.FebTth 1977. KlvMKMHKK THIS. Now Is the time of year for Pneumo­ nia, Lung Fever, Coughs,' Colds, and fatal results of predisposition to Con­ sumption and other Throat and Lung Disease. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP has beeu used in this neighborhood for the past two or three years without a single failure to cure. Jf you have not used this uiedicinc yourself, go to your Druggist, Henry Colby, and ask him of its wonderful success among his custom­ ers. Three doses will relieve the worst case. If you have no faith in any medicine, just buy a Sample Bottle of BOSCIIEE'S GERMAN SYRUP for 10 cents and try it. Regular size bottle 75ceats, Don't neglect a cough to save 75 cents MARCH 'EM DOWN. Flannels and Woolens marked down to sell. Hats aud Caps marked to close. Buck ^Mitts and Gloves away down. Winter Goods of all kinds reduced at Bucklin & Steven's. FOX KIVER VALLKY MILLS. On and after this date all Flour, Feed &c., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere iuthe Corporation Free of Charge. Leave your orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. We are now putting in the proper Machinery for making Patent Flour, and farmers bringing their grist* to our Mill can have the Pateut Flour if they so desire. Our Planing Mill is also io running order, and all jobs of Planing and Matching will be doho on short notice. R. BISHOP AdOX. Proprietors. Mcllcnrj , Nov* --."Il'M" i JEltt&iiiesg Notk'CSi Go t»15. M. Owen for Ploir*. Hall's Safes, all ?izes, for sale by O, Bishop. Hallfs Safes, all *izef, for sale by O Bishop. Good Yard wide Brown Starting* only 7 cts per yard At P. D SMITH'S. Alpncra at 25 cents per yard la alf uew shades at Lansiirg & Ev.insoti, Hall's Safes,all sizes, for sale by O*. Bishop. THRESHING MACHINE XEH. Get your Serf tig Leather of O. W, Owe% McHenry, 111. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!^ A large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. - Fancy Note and Letter Paper* tvith etivelopes to match. Very ueat stylet* At O. W.Owen's. . Snits .Suits, at i\ G. Maye*. OYSTERS." - Fonr.Cans.for $1 at J,Lansing's Meat Market, near the Depot. A bran new Organ at O. If; Ow 4 for $100. Best thing in Plows. CaU and se«. E. M.owam CUTTERS! CUTTERS! The Portland Cutter, the latest style ont,for sale at manufacturer* Prices by E. M. Owen. GREAT REDUCTION? la the prices of tho Buffalo and Roeh ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail te see «hein before making yonr selec­ tions. P. D. SMITH. Heavy Work Tnm for Hale. One Heavy work teanr, Harness and Wagon for sale el trap. Apply at the Fox River Valley Mills of IL D" LUFF. New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goodsr rn the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large varisty of Ladies Waterproofing andCloakings, at P. D, SMITH'S. • CLOVER THRESHER. F, WIEDRICK would inform the farmers tlironghout the County that lie is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress F Wfedirck.'Woodstoek, 111. NUNDA TAXES I The undersigned. Collector of tho Town of Nuuda, will be at the follow* iug places, at the times designated, for the purpose of receiving Taxes: On Wednesdays, at the Store of D. C. Mallory, Nuuda. Fridays, at the Store of C. -Shales, Barreville. | Ou Saturdays, at the Stove of Perry J & Martin, McHenry. % . | ROBT. J. SUTTON, Collector. -J TAXES! TAXES! f The undersigned. Collector of tho ; Town of McHenly, will on Monday, ; Jan. 8th, commence the collection of Taxes for said town, and will attend at the following time and places fer that purpose: Monday, at the Store ofL. Bonsletr in Johnsburgh. Tnesday, at the Store ofJ. W.Crlsty, in Ringwood. Thursday, at the Store of Perry A Martin, in McHenry. Saturday, at the Stor^ of B, Gilbert near the Depot. PKTER ltoTiiKRMEL, Collector. MCHK$RY HAUKKT. BUTTER--25 cts. CHEESE--ll@12c. ' EGGS--23 cts. LARU--12J cts. BEANS--#I.iio per bushel. OATS--25@30C. -J- POTATOES--$1 per^nshcl. CORN--$12 per Ton. FLOUR--#>.50, £>7.50@$8.00 per barrel. HOGS -- Dressed, 6.50(g$6,75. Live, 5.00(a$6.ftt. TISIOIHY SEED--#L.50(<£1.76 per BASK* el. CLOVER SEED--$7(gS.50 per bushel. FLAX SEED--81.40(a)L.OO par bushel* lltWG.viu.vx--40 cts. per bushel. HAY--per Ton. TURKEYS--Live, 8(^10cts per pound? CHICKENS--Live, 5@6cts per pound. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N --OP THE- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT-- Close of Business Jan. 20,77 RESOURCB8 Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, U. S. llonds to secure Cirenlation.. Due from approved ltoserve Agta, third Nat. Rank Chicago l>ne from other National Banks,., Real Estate and Furniture, Current Expenses, & taxes p*Rl. ... Cheeks and other Cash Items,. Hills of other National Baalu* Fractional Currency, ia^luding ,. Niekle Specie, Legal Tender Notes,.. Redemption Fund W'.th U. & Tread. tw>.oro.7?. AT'-* •i.'iOO.UO 3S7.S7 9tkj.s»7 54KOO sua 9ooaoo 1730.00 LIABILITIES. Capital IBO.OOfXOO Surplus IVart *>.000.t» Other und ivided profits Nation#' Rank notes Outstanding- 45,OOUOO ImUvi'tual Deposits subject to faeck r. 104,838 07 Total H*.2ai3a STATS OP ILLINOIS. 1 County of McHenry ) I, JOHN J . MURPHY, Cashier of tbe above named Rank, do solemnly swear th* t the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief! JOHN J. MUftPHT, Cashiei. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of Feb., 1*77. J. V. PARRISH, X. p. ATTEST : l * > n i i e l t y , K . A, Maruby, 1L C. Jefferson, Director*.

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