• f ~ ' IIOTtXKD BDMBtB-BEI£& K© man can tell when a boy ot' nine Or t«n !• gof njj to break out in a new spot. A Caw farm lad. who had been noted for his quiet demeanor and steady ways ,*ll at auoe took a riot Ion to hunt bnitt- *]« -been. He armed himself with a iride-moutlied bottle and tr*mp«d ovfcr field* and lots and entrapped many a luckleRS stinger. After securing them fcc had no further pleasure except to nee them crawl up and down the sides •f the bottle ami whack thetr stingers i«t» each other. lie was out «arly yes terday morning, gathering in the bees WhHe tiiey were benumbed, and when U« «ntered the house for breakfast he had about thirty overgrown, wicked- looking bumble-bees. They were pack ed iu the bottle heads and tails and other ways, and the father, catchitig sight of them, spoke up: 1 "See here. boy. I more of this foelin* aroitnd after bees. After breakfast vou heave that bottle •ut doers, and don't bring another, bee around the housei" The boy placed the bottle be kind the dining-room stoVe. There was a gen tle fire and the bottle had , no cork. Tfee family had got through with the first cup of coffee, when they heard •dmethiug going: "Jing--ring--d i ng--ong^--Iflmjf---r©Bg g-i-g" The fire warmed the bees, up. and they left the bottle to^ariW the family up. It was a business aftair and the bees went in to do their best. The boy slid out at the first alarm, but the old folks flourished their napkins uutil sliding out would have done no jiiotl. The old man got a sting on his left ear a»d another on his head at the same second, while the old lady was p»HCt- ured in the shoulder and yelled "Mur der!" at the top of her voice. . "Maul--maul em !"' shouted the old gent, waving the butter disli aronnch am] getting another needle in his ueek* "Police! PoliceT' squealed the old lady, diving under the table as a big, bee settled en the lobe of her ear. ' It was a very even fight for a while, but then the nan got down cellar and the woman flew for a bed-room, the •ne's deep voice shouted: "Gimme the camphor. Betsy !" and the otlier squeak ing out: "If you love me go for a doc tor r "Ho one knows what became bf tsjbe boy. He is reported missiug. Seated under the swaying head of some stunt ed thorn-tree on the commons, be looks longingly toivards home, but he real ties that his reception will he red-hot. --Detroit Free Press. &QQQ Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, but those witling to work ran easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own locali ties. Have no room to explain here. Busi ness pleasant and honorable. Women and boys and girls do iis well as men. We will fuivish you a complete outfit free. The busi. nesa pays better than anything else. We will hear excuse of starting you. Particu. l&rs free. Write and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of pay in? werk at home, should write to us and learn ail about the work at onee. Now is the time. Don't delay. Ad. dress Tars & Co., Augusta, Maine. Nev Tapi at BlacM S H O P ! MoIIENRY. IUJNOia E. PERKINS Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally* that he is now prepared, at fills Shop, West of the Public Square, to do all kind* of Carpenter Work or work in wood of anv kind, such as the wood-work of Bug gies, Wagon#, making Boats, Ac., and in short anything ever made in a first-class Carpenter Shop. From % ion.gcxpuvieuci>iu the busiuoas •od using notuaiw? th- -best cf Lun:ter I can ib all cases 0uttr*mteeSaiislaclioii! Trade in all. CASE#... w^ere you ' . .yourv/f"*; 1JEST ! • and in that f .. WAY a-yt'W feather yofcr NEST! 4t +$ t Mm • ^ * if i-sZz witW but first care- <«) t - ' V I* fully b-iti i to J £(,***.'? &V«f T>TT> 4 Tjk^ the new FALL • -"WH- WINTEl price LIST. Richmond and Dundee Cash' Stores of O. F. Hall. Best Prints Best Bleached Cotton..*.. Best Unbleached.;.; All Cambrics Dress braids ,V Coats Thread -- '....... Spool Si Ik 100 yards........ Good Corsets Xo. 1 black Alpacas. ... So. 1 black Cashmere. No. lall wool Cashmere.,w Mens suits... Bovs suit..... .........» Overcoats Best Young Hyson Tea..,. Best Gunpowder,,Tea--i. Best Japan Tea. 12 lbs. Hice : . 5 lbs. Good Coffee 25 liars Soap 12 Cakes Fancy Soip 6 boxes dime Matches 7 10 9 6 6 6 10 #0 s» 80 75 .... #7to*25 .,12.50 to $10 ... fS to «ao .... .. ' 80 L00 .. .. 70 1.00 1.00 100 28 J6 No. ] Syrup I fl) Castile Soap.... " 1 Bo\ I.ayer Kaisen^i.. .... 12 1bs. Pared Peaches.. Snlerat us.. Silver Gl fls Starch" Corn Starch 20 Ifts. Cod Fish. 10 U>s. Itnisens ..... ..... 15 lbs. Prunes... ........... 12 lbs. Zaiite Currants SOGood pivars.., stove Polish Axle ti rea •idies Shoes good... B.'st Kip B?>ots. Good Kip Boots.............. Good kip Boots: . .... Boys Itoots Xo. 10 to 13 Bovs 1 loots No. 1 to 5. 16 2,00 1.00 8 10 10 I.C0 1.0', 1.00 1.00 L00 5 8 1.00 4.00 3.00 $2. (TO . *2.00 ?.f)0 to tjft Furs^and Robes. Ail Prices. I am prepared to sell y«n Goods cheaper than nny STORE In the TTOBTHWES r. WHY XOT? I buy and sell for cash,--mnke • • • • - • = • list. ALL my immense stock of men OXE price to all and that the LOff see me. , -y iv C. F. KAU. cntwpef cnan nny iti inrAviunwr^i. will inke no ba<i «le.bts, and light nmnina: expenses completes the nen and boys' clothing is manufjjf ture I Expressly for HE. WEST. A cordial Invitation is extended to YOU to call and N E W S T O R E ! J O H N M . S M I K T H Having removed to his New Store, near the De pot, Is better prepared than ever to supply his cue* tomerswith Stoves, Tinware, &c, And at priceB that DEFY COMPETITION. His stock of Stoves, both, COOK and HEATING, cannot be excelled in the County. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS Is his motto. Call and see for yourselves. JOHN M. SMITH. MeHenry, Ills., Nov. 27,187«. Having entered into an arrangement with Mr. Phillip Hauperihs! Who vllldo the IRON WORK, we are prepar ed to get up BuggieS and Wagons to Order on the most Reasonable Terms and Warrant as represented, MR, H-VCI'EKIHS' SHOl' is one Block South of my shop, -where all tho»e vlihini Jobs ia the'Blacksmith line should call. GENERAL JOBBING Promptly attended to. Give Me a Call! E. PERKINS. MeHenry, 111., Xov.29th, 1876. NEW BLACKSMITH AND PERRY & MARTIN. Headquarters for all Kinds of Goods Clothing, Boots and Siioes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass - "Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a first Class Stock of General Merchandize. The undersigned having ®uilt a new Stoop North of Perry ft Martin's Store near the lirick Church, is now prepared to do anything in the line of Blaeksmithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guaran. tee satUtaetieeu j, ' ' ' # Having eaterad kit«aa arrangement with MR. E. PERKINS, who will do£he Wood Woyk. we are prepared to get up ftuggies and Vagans to order on the most reasonable jt«riQ« ^<j Warrant as repre- «6nte<L Horse Mi k General Jctimc promptly attended to asr A good Shed for the aceoi^mo^tUAea of Castomers. Give Me a Call! We Are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk Is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell lis don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE-AXD CONSTANTLY IN CREASING TRADE testijfes better than anything we ean say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always gn»ra»tee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and^hence cannot afford to be undersold pr to (Deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to . "Live and Let Live!" And while we are grateful to a public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same iu tfcue future. J®"GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well wlielher you buy of us or not. PERRY MARTIN. A£Jh£ OJd S.tajpdflf Owen & Brother. tf cHenry, Jll„ July 27th, 1875, " K«ilabliHh«d 18d5, * • G1LM0UE & (JO., Attorneys At ta% Snrcpimor* to II»Min«r 4k 029 F Street, Washington, D. C. American and Foreign Patent*. Patents procured in all coihiii ihs No rmm abvavOk. No cliiirge mil"f^ the patent granted. No fet** for maUiiig prt"liiniri;iry ttxami- nations. No additional fees lor obiiiiniuir and ; coudiK'liug a reliviirmj: .Speciiii atti'iiiion triven to lnteifort-iice <'a,st*s l^'fore the Paiciit Ollic«s Ex lensiwisi Ix-I'oi h t l«ii|!rcsH, liifi'ingcineiit Suita ia dilleii'iiL Si;tn-!«, and till liiiiraiioii apperutin- ing to Invi'iuimis or J'a|.i-ni>. Skni* Sl AMI' koii PAMinil.K I' Of SIXTY f'AU Its. United States Courts and Departments. ('laimi |>!<)sfciiii'il in t|i«. Sti|nfiin' ('ourt of l.lie (yiiited SIhi»*k, ('onrlof I'lainls, (!oiirl of< 'ointnis-. sioin'i's «>f A lalciiiia (llainiM, SoiiiIhtii Claims t'ommission, and all classes of war claim.- before the iixwiitiv* I»«>|>it.i iiiumiis Arrears of Fay and Boanty. Ofrn Kiis, mh iiikiin, and sAii.oiiN of tlin late war, or ti»«>ii ate in many .•utrn.-<l to money Iron) Diet j<>v<*iiiiii«-tit, of which they 'lave no kiiowli'il|><>, \\ rile lull liiNiury of xtfi'victt, ant) stale itmoiHii of |n»y anil Ihkiiii.v received. Kn- cIosa siutiip. ainl a. 'full n-|il|, ufiw Msniiitnatieii, will be given yon fie*. Feosiona. All orriCKNK, soi.iukiis, ami maii.ohk wotimfod rnpt 11 or injin ed in I tie late war, however tlighlly, ran olnaiii a (lension, many now receiv- in|( |»e««loiiK lire entitled lo an itu-mitse,. Send stamp anil iiifonuatiou will lie fiii kiiwhed free. United States General Land Office.' Contented Jjand 1'rtvale I .and (Maims, Milling Pre-einptiiiii and Itonientead < !a>eis, prose- filled hefote iii»> (}eneial l.air<l (Mltcealld Ilepart- mcnlof ll»e Interior. 1 Old Bounty land Warrants. The tasl Keport of lire Comtuisoioirer of the Qpiieml iriiiul Ollite sliow»'J,W»7,(>iH>tn'iei.oi Koiiu- ty Land Wai rains oiitKiaitdiiiy I'liese weie ie- ened mi«l<*r net of IM.'i amf pifi>r aets. We pay cash for Ihem. Send l»v rejiU't-i wl let ler Where asKi^iiiiieiUs art* iniperl«*cl w« Rive luotrnctiou* to perlei-t rliem. Ea<-li de|rtirlinent of oHi1" hnsinens Is cn*«tiicted. in a #e|i;iraie hiirean. under the iliarge v{ expe- rleneeil hrwyers and clerUs Hy reiiMni ot err<n or fraud many attorneys are fei»!<|M'ndi'd Iroin practice Iwfore the f'eni>ion and otlier nnicex each year. (llaiinani*. wlio»e nttornev» have liefii i.lin.< ^iisiientled. will be (fi uiiiiKm.'.ly luriiiitheti wnlr t rill iniorfniilioil 3Wh) proper pa|>ei>- <m a|>|ilitMiion to in. As we j'lntrye no fee ntrliv>s snocessfuf, stamps for retnrii pt»Majre slionld lie sent us. Ijiheiiil arraii!.rei»u'i>i.» inaiie with attorneys i» all tl as^es of fnismess. Address GILMORE & CO., P. O. HOX 44. H'tmhinffton. D. C. W*NlifN«TOM, .Vomith*.r 24, 1S76. I tithe pleasure it. expre>.~iutf my entire coull- deiice hi lite ren'ii»»sibilitfi and fidelity of 1 he Law, Patent, aud •loltectiioii House of (^u.MOitt k Co, of thki cM.y. OLO. Ii. B. WHITE, (rttwhier <>ttUc Kiitiunitl JMropulitnu U<mk ) L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND §hop opposite the Parker House, M c H E M R T - - - - - - I L L I N O I S . Persons contomphitlnjif- pure hash)#- s littKgy s!',ouM call at inv Shop. *t can g-r a »«w liitKgy s!',ouM call at inv Shop. *t can g-tvoyon ;i pmi'l op'.-n liitftfry, niaile of the materirtl and linislu'il in iir»t class style-for i?00. At^niiw pri'paritiir to put up a line lot of which will be sold at Hard Pan Prices for Oi^h.. Javt^lbo Agent for all lead ing Farm Machinery, H o r s e S h o e i n g ' A SPECIALITY. R E FAI R IRV G Of all Liinds pvompity astemlefl to% Gatl ami sue fur } uuv?>eUi°* L. FRANCISCO, MeHenry, IU., Nov. Hih, 187(5. FOUNDRY AND voiio; WARD B. GALE, Proprietor. The unflersizned have just started a Foun dry and Mac,hint) Shoti, ami are now prepared to "do all kinds o Cistin^ l'or Machinery, on short notice and in the host of manner.. We also manufacture the celebrated tiale Wind Mill. Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Mnchinos repaired on short iao- tlce. Orders solicited. WARD B. GALE. Volo, 111.. July Bth ISTfi. SPECIAL NOTICE, it- w svwti'tll W E W I L L C L O S E O U T OUR ENTIRE STOCK it Cost for M. '•vft" = 1 V,.- >.1 iChis i» no Humbug*. - feitl 1111) cpiivince yourselves that we ure •ffoinw to sell out our entire Stock oF Gloves. Mittens, Hosieryf LADIK9 Ajfl> GEMTSf Underwear, At wlint they C(yst its at tfie lead ing Factories iti the eouutry. t OortieT Hah) S^remt rtt«f Pnfrffc 9qnaf-e^ WOODSTOCK, - - - - ILLINOIS Sept, 20th. 187(1. LAUE.I & BECKER, BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile Collejre, Keokuk, Iowa, on the Mississippi. Prof. Wm. H. Millor (ieneral M:tna>rer, Nineteenth venr. Ahout sixtv (lolhrrs pay all expenses, for Membership Boai 'l stationery. Hook keepers, Penman, ltenorters, Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly fitted. English brine lies free. Free Lectures hv eminent Orators. Free Festivals with Brass Band in College Hall. Free furnished rooms for self Ihiiiriling. Telegraphing free Short hand writing free. Good Itoarding clubs and family board. Railroad fare deducted. Immense business in Keokuk, No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. State where you saw this advertisement, "TOTERN HOMES! The Lare City Joi rkal is a local news paper published in the midst of the Garden of the West, whore lands May lie procured at $3 to Pi per acre. 'J'lio man ot' whatever age. nro- ftission or capital, can here make his fortune. Those c.ontumplatinc a western home and competency, njay lio thoroughly informed by becoming subscribers to the Jot unal Tkhmb: One year, f2 00, Si\ months, flOO; Three months, 50cents; postage iwiid. Address T. B. HotoiikisS, Lake City, Iowa. Xear the D«|jpotf WICHENRY, « - ILLINOIS The subscribers are now prepared, with a Siock of Fine Cloths of all Kinds, Ty> make to order Ooats, Pants, Vests or en* tire Surtsv oj> sliort notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. *3"Good Fit^ Guaranteed and all Work W arrattted. We, also Keep a Full I.ine of Ready - Made Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, &c., Whrioh wi-11 he sold as I.ow as at any est'ib. lishmenfr in the County.. We lwiveeome hev« tosta.yvandr*\s(KVtfit 11 v ask a fjhare of piiblio patroiwi-ge^ plodginsr our selves t-o do our hodi 'to ple<ise i»U who may give us a call. Clothes fS#anert i» the boA* of-manner and on siiorj notice, LAUER & BECKER. MeHenry, July 23th( tS'd, NEW FIRM; BLAKE & BENTFIELD. IfaVtntr Itomoved to fche-ir New Store, Corner ofOwws1 Oild stand, have JustV'Hei.l i^p a lasf«.apcVvs'eU fC'locttvt St^ek of WO GLOVES ami >IITTENS^ GROCZKIES, CAOC^EI^Tft GIASS-W4AE And are now prepare 1 to sell all Goods in their line AT THE LOWES'fHV LXG PRICKS Our Goods are ill new and selected \y*lth especittl reference to the wants of the people of this community, #r NN) trouble to show Goods, Call ami examine- our Goods aud Prices before purchasing, «®*The Highest Market PrM*e Paid Ifor Stut ter, Eggs, and all kinds of 0>uutry ^vwUice. Shoe Shop. * Our Shoe Shop is in full Running Order au«l weare ,prvi>ared to make Boots and Shoes to Order or do Uepairtng on short notice. Weare Agents for the celebrated Patent llcekstift'e' tier, which is warranted to prevent Boots and Shoes from Running Over. "w'All warrant ed. BLAKE & BKNTFIKLU MeHenry, IU., Oct. 27th 1876. Errors of Youth. AGKNTl'KMAN who duffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De- cav, and all the effects of youthful indiscre- tio'n will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured, Sufferers wishing to Erofit bv the advisor's experience ean do so y addressing in perfect conlidonce JOHN B. OGHEN, 42 Cedar St., Ifew York. To Consumptives, THE advortiscr, having been nernmnpnHy cured of that dread disease, Consumption by nsimple reinedv, is anxions to make known to his fellow sufferers the meansof eury, To all who desire it, be will send a ropy ol jhe prescription used, (Free of Charge), with thp directions for preparing ami using the same, which thpv will find a sure cure for Consump tion. Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. K. A. WILSON, •llM Penn St., Williamsburgh, New \ork. C. & N1-'W. ". »vi : £ ttiK CHICAGO & NOBTII WE8TEBN HilLtTAf Embfacewunilcr one managertfeift the Great Trunk Hriilwav Lines of the WEST ana NORTH-WEST, and, with its numerous Branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago and alt joints in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michl' gan, Minnesot!!, Iowa, Nebraska, California •iind the Western t erritories. Its Omaha and California Line Is the shortest rtint best route between Chica go and all points in Northern mindls, Iowa/ Nelu-%ska, Dikota. Wyoming, Coolrado, iftah/ Nevada, (Jaiilornia, Oregon, China, Japan and Australia. Its Chicago, St Paul A Minneapolis Lirir- Is tlie sh'vvt, line between Chicago' and alt ooinfc* in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota/ I ltd lor M i lismi, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Du- I itti, ami all points iu the Great Northwest/ I fs IrftCrosse, Winona ft St. Peter Line fs tlie best route .between Chicago and La crosse,- Wimma, Rochester, OwatonAa, Man-* kato, S!. Peter, New Ulin and all points ia Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Gresn Bay & Marquette Line? fs tfieonl line between Chicago and Janes-- ville, Watertown, Foil du lac, Oshkosli, iileton, Green Buy, Lscanabaf Megiaunee/ M ir<|iiette, Houghton, Hancock tfftd /th« Laker lujierior Country. Its if Frcepoft & Dubuque Line Is theoulv route between Chicago and Kp»'kforl, Freeport and all poults virf Free-- piort. Its Chic igo & Milwaukee Line Is the ol I l.ake Shore Route, and is the onlV one pflssifig between. (;i*icairo and EranMod/ ! ake Forest. Higlilnud I':»rk, WaukeJan,- Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Oars are run-«W tfH through tmins on tMs t'ond. This is tlie ONLY LINE running thsse car# between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne apolis, Chicago a'Ad Milwaukee, Clitcfigo an# Winoiiii, in- Chioago and Green Bay. Close connections are made at Gliicalflf6 with1 the Lake SHhore"and >richigati Southern, Mi'<5tf-- igiini Central, B tltimore and Ohio, Pfttsburg,- Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee' Line and' Pan II in lie "Route's, for all points A AST' and SOUTH F AST, and with the Chicago and A1-- ton and Illinois Cenfcfal for all points-SOUTHS Close connec tions are also niad-e- witii the' Union FaciJic ft. ft-., ait Omaha for illl ra* West- points-. Close connei-tiohs made at junction. Mintr "with trafr.sol'all cross poiiSt?'. Tickets-over this route av«? sold' flfll Con'-- pon tickeft agents in the United States and Canada. Rememlier yoifasli for'voMr tickets tia the- Chicago A Nortlnvestevii Railway awd take* none others. New York Office-. Sfo. 415 : BroadwaV; fiostoil' Office, No, Jfr state street; <cmaha •Office, 2& Farnliam Street; San Francisco Ofllee, 181s Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices.' (!> (;iark street,- under Sherman House; 75* Canal, corner Madison Street; Kitozie' Stre*#> IK:pot, curlier W. Kinzie ami Canal' Streets;' r Well« Streets. Wells Street Depot, coViieV Well« and' Kinzie* For rates *rr j-Hfowwation not frtt>!VtT<a?b5ie'fifbi«t your lxviwe tic'ke'tagei*ks, fi^il v to' MARGIN HtJGfiltf W, 3f, SIS ftewli Pats-s-e': gvtt'Agilrt LIST! I Aid Reiiigffiler flat L Sai! Mrs. 8. A. I { t East Side Public Square. " WOOUfjTOCK. - 5 1 5 Has the Largos* Stoct of Ever brought, to MeHenry County, anA ea* sell vou a Fashionable aud, hondsomer- Hat: or Bonnet for I.KSS MON+KY than any e&h«r establishment in the Northwest. This l/i faet and no discount. HER STO^IS OF- Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Lacet; NECK -TIES, COLLARS AND CUFF& Is"c.Mn]>lcte iu eycry paticulan Call and teOj coovineed, Mrs. S. A» REf P« Woodstoek, Nov. 16th, 1876, J . S T O R Y , --DEALER IN-^ Shelf and Heavy Hardware, STO VES TINWARE, MECHA NICS* TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS\' CLOTHES WRINGERS, &CM WIUCII WILL SOLD L O W E R T H A N U S U A L P R I C E S ! Now is. the tlpie to purr.has?, apd save moi ev. I believe that ^ can furnish good goods at as low pnees, as anyone in (he caunty. Al.«o keep op hand a full Stock BUILDING PAPKR such as Plaia Board, Water Prooi, Jrpn Coated anq Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpe^ Lining. KAWL AND SEE! R epairing: 'fomptly attended to. J. STCRY. Onposite Oweps tuiif