ittftltmTURlL AM) DOHBSTIC. The HomitMd. & ia not aa ItJoaeA to be J*l»en jam. sad I vn yoanct 'Vbim Vooad each dm and mat pears, not sc Bat still I love the oottsge where IfMNdaiariTjwi. in jt$, not a single facets tfcatt Thai nsmory endears. ot as it need to be; ffisa tee&tte roof. AU from tiiair neat beneath the «M flsa swaBows isep sloul. The robins--how they used to sing, When yon and 1 were young; t Ht>d daahed about the wild bee'a Wing - 'fte opening iowere among! • It I ^ not «i It naed to be; 'it The voioea heard af yon^ , ; And forms that we were wont to «f|t ̂ We we and hear no more. i*{•: K« more! Alaa! we look in vain|v/ s; .for those to whoaa we clung, m'ip'zi And loved «« we can lo>re but onc|| v tfr phen you and 1 were young. Around the Faras. ^AFABM," says the Kentiuilfyf/ Live Stock Journal, " is the be«t material possession in the world." A WKITKK in • the Massachusetts " Ploughman Bays: "I have given ten years trial to the cultivation of the rasp- Deny. My experience is that the only way to get one's expenses back is to sell plants at $1 per dozen." A HOBTXCUJ/TORIST fornishes the fol lowing recipe to preserve all kinds of grain from the ravages of out-worms, birds, etc.: One pound sulphate of iron, one ounce aloes. Dissolve in water heated to ninety or ninety-five degrees, and pour over one bushel of grain.-- Oh io Farmer. A DAEBYKAN remarked that before sit ting down to milk a kicking heifer he put a " snap " attached to the end of a *ope into her nose, and tied the rope to - 9, pin put into the scaffold girt over the manger, slightly elevating her nose, and die stood as quietly while she was milked as the most gentle oow in the stable.-- American Cultivator. MANY young fruit trees, especially s, are burned to death during the at season. Even when the ground is kept wet and their roots are moist enough, young and newly-set trees upon which the bark is thin and tender are cooked by the sun as by a fire, and the branches and trunks die while the roots remain alive. This may often be prevented by winding the trunks with cloths, which shuts out the sun.--Mir ror and Farmer. I FiLiiED a half-hogshead with rain water, and put into it one-quarter pound ammonia (uid one-quarter pound com mon niter. 'When the strawberry plants were blossoming out I gave them a sprinkling of the solution at evening twice a week until the fruit was nearly full size. The result was double the amount of fruit on those where the liquid was applied to what was obtained fxom those right alongside upon which none of the liquid was applied.--Fruit Record. Bows of grape-vines should run north and south, so that every leaf may get the sunlight either in the forenoon or afternoon. This is more important in September than during the heat of sum mer. if the rows run east and west, the vines shade the entire ground and hence you lose a large part of the heat, and the moment the sun disappears there is no stored-up heat to carry the vines through the night. This in time of frost is of great importance.--Massa chusetts Board of Agriculture. WE have learned to jest at gapes by making free use of camphor. We give to a chickem in a very bad case a pill the size of a small garden pea. As soon as we see symptoms of gapes we give the birds water to drink which is strongly impregnated with camphor, thus giving to the chickens that which was a favorite medicine with our great-grandmothers, " camphor julep." The treatment seems to explain itself. The gapes or "gap ing " is caused by the presence of small red worms in the windpipe. No medi cine can reach them unless it does so by vapor. An hour after tlie chicken lias swellowed the pill it smells of camphor. Camphor is a very strong vermifuge, and the worms die.--London Cottage Gar dener. J. M. HAYNBS, of Lebanoa, Ohio, finds a sweet-corn crop more profitable than a distillery. He raises over 500 acres of this crop annually. The drying house employs over fifty persons. The fresh ears are steamed five minutesto "set the milk;" the grain is then cut off rapidly with cutters having concave faces; then spread on perforated zinc tables, and heat applied four or five hours from long furnaces, stirring constantly: then packed in barrels of three bushels each for ship ment. Great care is required to have the corn just at the right age, and to have it dried just enough to keep well. Four bushels of fresh corn on the cob make one bushel dried --the wholesale price of which is $20 to $22 per barrel. At fifty bushels of com per acre, 500 acres would yield 25.000 bushels, and give over 2,000 barrels of dried corn, which, at $20 per barrel, would be $40,- 000.--Nebraska Farmer. About the House. Lo, MONDAY is the " washing-day," Aa all Rood housewives knew, Memorable of dishes bashed, And clothes aa white as snow; And Tueeday is the " ironing-day," 'Mid cold, or fog, or heat; And Wednesday is the " HEwing-day To wee the clothes are neat; And Thursday is a leisure-day; And Friday brooms begin To sweep away the household dirt 'Fore Sunday's ushered in; And Saturday is " baking-day," Pie*, puddings, cakes and bread, And then the weary week is done, And we may go to bed. "WHEN boiling meat or poultry never put a fork in the lean part of the meat, as it allows the juices to escape. A SURE CUBE FOR CORNS.--Bathe in a strong solution of soda, pare off close funA touch with carbolated iodine; re peat the application of iodine next day and a cure will speedily follow. IT is stated that spirits of turj»entine, sprinkled through the house once a week, is a sure preventive against scarlet fever and other diseases. It is also stated that it will keep moths out of car pets. To PURIFY oess-pools and sinks, dis solve a few pounds of copperas in a bucket of water, and pour into sinks or vaults of water-closets, and it will neu tralize unpleasant odors and destroy del eterious exhalations* To KEEP AWAY MOTHS.--A small piece of paper or linen, moistened with spirits of turpentine, put into a bureau or ward- aobe for a single day, two or three times, is said to be a sufficient preservative .against moths. A small dish of charcoal plaoed in jour meat larder will keep the articles sweet and wholesome almost as well as ioe. Charcoal is a great disinfectant. Oooasionally used for cleansing the teeth, it will sweeten the breath when untying else will do so. OAKAMEB,--Td exterminate lie© ttoin 'tSaiMUfy birds, use hollow canes lor perches; shake out well mornings into a oup of water, and you will catch them alL Two parts canary, one rape, and one part hemp seed is the best food. The canes used are pipe-stems, ordiaarily oalled tobacco stems. CRACKED HANDS CUBED.--None but a laboring man, who has suffered miseir while using an ax, or pounding with other tools, can rightly appreciate this article. For years, when young, I suf fered at some seasons untold bitterness, caused by dry cracks on hands and fingers. I tried eveiy so-called remedy I could hear of, but in vain • and, being obliged then to labor each successive day for an honest livelihood, I was bound, as with an iron chain, to such sufferings as almost made life a burden. At last a friend told me to put common copal varnish into the cracks, and it would cur© then:. Although my faith was very weak, I tried the pre scription, and, to my great joy, sure enough, in forty-eight hours my h ands were as well as ever. It does not save from fresh cracks, but it never fails to entirely cure the old ones within two days. I kept a small bottle of the var nish, with a sliver standing in it--cost ten cents--always handy, and with its help my hands are nearly well. For knowledge of this simple remedy I would not part for many dollars. I have given it to many others for many yean, and have never known of its failure to effectually cure in all such cases. I don't know that the subject can be con sidered agricultural (perhaps it is only cuticultural), but there are probably farm readers of your paper who will be glad to get the information. A Wash for Fruit Trees. The following is recommended b: commission of fruit-growers, presii over by Prof. Cyras Thomas, State Ento mologist of Illinois, and is part of a very full report, embodying advice as to the best means of fighting the insects that infest the orchards of the West. Insects and mildews, injurious to the leaves of seedlings and root grafts, can be kept in subjection or destroyed by a free use of a combination of lime and sul phur. Take of quick or unslacked lime, four parts, and of common flour of sul phur, one part (four pounds of sulphur to one peck of lime); break up the lime in small bits, then mixing the sulphur with it in a tight vessel (iron is test), pour on them enough boiling water to slack the lime to a powder; cover in the vessel close as soon as the water is poured on; this makes also a most excel lent whitewash for orchard trees, and is very useful as a preventive of blight on pear trees, to cover the wounds in the form of a paste when cutting diseased parts; also for coating the trees in April. It may be considered as the one specific for many noxious insects and mildew in the orchard and nursery; its materials should always be ready at hand; it should be used quite fresh, as it would in time become sulphate of lime and so lose its potency. Wherever dusting with lime is spoken of, this should be used. This preparation should be sprinkled over the young plant as soon as or be fore any trouble from aphides, tlirips or mildew occurs,early in the morning while the dew is on the trees. This lime and sulphur combination is destructive to these pests in this way first, by giving off sulphuric acid gas, which is deadly poison to minute life, both animal and fungoid; and the lime destroys by con tact the same things, besides its pres ence is noxious to them; neither is it in jurious to common vegetable life, except in excess, unless the lime is applied to the foliage of evergreens. bv a ided A Tough Old People who attain extreme old age have usually a certain toughness of constitu tion which triumphs over injuries that weaker natures cannot survive. The au topsy of the late Capt. Lahrbush, whose age has been stated at 111 years and 25 days, furnishes new bud remarkable evi dence on this point. For sixty-one years he had been an opium eater; at the age of 90 his daily dose of gum or crude opium was estimated at ninety grains (troy); but the physician who attended him shortly before his death represents the old man's daily allowance as only hall that quantity. Capt. Lahrbush had a full allowance of the ills that flesh is heir to, but seems to have been strangely unoonscious of them. He had no symp toms of renal disease, and yet his right kidney was gone entirely, its place being occupied (and considerably more than occupied) by a tumor the size of a child's head, with a smaller tumor of similar kind attached. This fact does not seem to have been suspected before the diag nosis made during his last illness. The left kidney was contracted. There was a cyst in his liver. The heart was fatty. The walls of the aorta were nearly pene trated by several ulcerations. His ribs were as soft as cartilage, so that they could be easily cut with scissors. But trifles like these did not at all affect his general health. He was at last brought own with a congestion of the lungs, contracted by exposure in a storm. FTOIB that complaint he was slowly recovering, when an abscess formed in his thigh. Three operations were performed for the relief of the abscess, and thirty-two ounces of fluid were withdrawn; this proved too much of a drain upon his system, and he died of asthenia^--i. e., general debility. As he was a soldier of the First Napoleon, he might have r>ted that General's famous remark ut the Peninsular war: 44 That ulcer in my extremities ate out my life."-- New York Tribune. IT is stated that a Southern man who, in the old times, spent princely sums periodically at New Orleans, is now a laborer on his month. own plantation at $60 a POND'S EXTRACT.--" The Vegetable Pain Destroyer." There is no pain or aohe it will not abate, no bruise or burn it will not ex tract the agony from. BEFORE buying any Turbine Wheel, send for "N. F. Burnham'B New Pamphlet and Reduced Prices. Address P. O. Box 513, York, Pa. "What BvtijrMa^r N»ya JtM* be True." The incontrovertible testimony offered by those who have used Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Pre scription indnoed the doctor to sell <ii under a posmve guarantee. Many ladies havesrafrsined from using it on acconnt of a en prejudioe against idtertisH fi meaaksqna#»ik. Ar*7<lU(M] . , sewing wintWaifff baoa-- yaa jive advertised? skill required in yoo refuse toinfore yoor ecasp&a? adveeHeeS iba* it had aiUHanp in bss, asd » ua|MMuui mjTwai millions i Do such advertisements shake yonr confidence, and create preindieea?__Th«» refine to credit the testimony ot Itoie wfcohftve fromd the Favorite Presaripfiso to be ail that is claimed for it in overcoming those ailments peculiar to your sex? Why submit to the use of harsh, and perhaps caustic treatment, thus • ** * fdtof is fiM*- and permanent thousands of oases ? WABASH STATION, HI., OEL 24, 1876. R. V. PKCHOK, M. D., Buffalo, H. Y.: Dear Si)--Allow me to extend my most sin cere thanks to you for the great benefit my wife has received from the use of your Favorite Prescription. She suffered almost intolerably before using your medicine, and I had tried the skill of several physicians, but to no purpose. Finally, I thought I would give the Favorite Prescription a trial, and die is now soaud and well. Very gratefully vows, D. A. HCNTIB. Uwrw la an Antagonist That should be attacked the instant he ihows himself. Don't wait. At him before his nails are grown, and wipe him out. The great al terative and invigovant of the f»ge, Aostetter*& Stomach Bittern, will speedily infuse such healthful tone into your organism that it will be enabled to successfully resist future attacks. The Bitter* prevent and remedy chills and fever and bilious remittents, and eradicate dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, rheumatic ail ments, urinary and uterine diffiooltias. It is particularly beneficial when the system has been drained of its vitality,, or is inherently de ficient in strength. The nerves gather from it both vigor ana tranquillity. But while it im parts strength and gives a wholesome stimulus to the animal economy, it does not unduly ex cite it like the cheap exhilarants sometimes re sorted to under the erroneous impression that they can invigorate, The History ot Civilisation might be written in the gradual processes of improvement wrought out in articles of food. Every progressive step is a public Messing. To no one article is more due than to DOOLFA » YEAST POWDER. This with proper «mre in sures the moBt delicious and digestible bread, biscuits, pastry, etc. WIL-HOFT'S TONIC is not a panacea--is not a cure for everything, but is a catholicon for malarious diseases, and day by day adds fresh laurels to its crown of glorious suocess. Engorged Livers and Spleens, along the shady banks of our lakes and rivers, are restored to their healthv and normal secretions. Health and vigor follow its use, and Chills have taken their departure from every household where Wilhoft'a Anti-Periodic is kept and taken. Don't fail to try it. G. li. Fislax & Co., Pro prietors, New Orleans. FOB SALE BV AU DBCGOISTS. i 4 CoiiGATE & Co.'s Cashmere Bouquet Soap has acquired a popularity hitherto un- equaled by any Toilet Soap of home or foreign manufacture. A reputation begun early in the century made it easy for this house to im press the public. The peculiar fascinations of this luxurious article are the novelty and ex ceptional strength of its perfume. SEND $1, and fifteen cents for postage, and get the Chicago Ledger for one year. The Ledger is the most suooessfol, in fact the only successful, literary paper ever published in the West The above price is merely nominal for such a valuable paper. Address The Ledger Chicago, ILL « AFTHB an five years, many experience of over twenty- iy leading physicians acknowl edge that the Graieftmberg Marshall's Uterine Catholicon is the Only known certain roaaody for diseases to which women are subject. The Graefenberg Vegetable Pills, the most popular remedy of the day for biliousness, headache, liver complaint and diseases of digestion. Sola by all druggists. Send for almanacs. Oraefen- berg Oa, Mew 1 'ANY. XN THE firry ny XSTST YOB*. 26I-, 262, 263 Broadway. ' » wmuro ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 . SURPLUS, $820,000 APPR°VE*> FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON HOST FAVORABLE TERXS AU ENDOWMENT POLICIES Amorn oumt MATURING XN 1877 WILL at n OIT PJUBSKNTATIOW. JAMB8 BUBLL, - Burnett's Extract^ For eoekiag purposes, Burnett's Extracts i "fre-rminenlly tttperior." -*IWke<-House, Booton. 'Burnett's Extracts LEMON, VANILLA, ROSS, ALMOND, NCCTAFTYNS, CELERY, ORANOE, PCAOH, NUTMCQ, CINNAMON, OLOVES. OINOSIK Burnett's Extracts **7*he best 111 the »rorW.,% -Fiftl . AT. Hotel, N. Y. Burnett's Extracts "Uted cxelmiwlafor peart.™ --Continental Hotel, Fhll®. Burnett's Extracts The inferiority of these Extracts consist! in their perfect purity and great strength. Tbey are wairuntwl free from the poisonous oils and *ci>ls which euter into the composition of many or the factitious fruit flavors now in the market. They are not only trao to their names, bat are prepared from fruits of the best quality. Mid uro so highly concentrated that .1 compare ttvely small quantity only need be used. JMEM BURNETT ft 00* BttTONb ^ PROPRIETORS. A POPULAR NEWSPAFEC THE BEST AND TUB CHEAPEST. THE INTER-OCEAN. IF YOU WANT A First-class Family aid Political Newspapr SUBSCRIBE FOR ' York. £ SKMi more of Hatch's Universal Cough Svrup than of all other similar prepara tions. 1 have Bold it for abont six years, and my customers would certainly not continue to buy it if it were not a valuable remedy. C. C. HIOOINS, Friendship, AIL Co.. N. Y. Sold by J. Blocki & Co.. Chicago, DL INFORMATION worth thousands to those out of health. Self-help for weak and nervous sufferers. Facts for those who have been dosed, dragged, and quacked. The new Health Jour nal teaches all. Copies free. Address, Electric Quarterly, Cincinnati, O. BUBNKTT'S COOOAINE.--A perfect dress ing for the hair. The Coooaine holds In a liquid form a large proportion of deodorized ooooanut oil. prepared for this purpose. Hofuaauu'a Hwp Pills cui v the A.gvui ai once. Kansas display of products at Centennial sur- £assed all other States. KAHSA9 PACIFIC t.W. CO. offers largest body of good lands in KAMSAf* ut lowest prices* ana best terms. Plenty of Gov't lands FSKB for Homesteads. For copy of " KAWSAA PACIFIC HOME STEAD," address, Land CotHtn iivner* JC. P. itie.. Smlina, Kansas. The price of the Daily Edition is $10 per year (postage paid), the Semi-Weekly Edition CJ.80 per year (postage paid), and Tie WeeBf Edition $1.65 Fur Tear (posraoi MUD). M a Literary, Family, or , | Political Newspaper, , is unexcelled by any in the oountry. the " Queries and Answers " and the Agri cultural department are worth more th«n the prm of the paper. t9*Simple Copies 8EITT FESE on application. Address TME INTER-OCEAN, 110 Lake St, Chisago, I1L STAMHIY. MEXICAN MUSTANG UNIMOT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. UctBunzoSSTuM. AIWWMIN, Ahnia --dy. Alway* hand/. H*» neraryot fiilad. Tkirtf mUliont have (<•»ted it. The whole world ippnm the glorious old "Mustang--the Beat and Cheapest Unlaaent in existence. K cente A M-Ut The mustang Liniment ctves when nothing elae wilL SOLD BT AT.T. MEDIO EKk KNDKR8. il. WARNER'S HEALTH tm A. i. With Skirt Support#* aid Se)f>A4|H»tiiig Fads. Secures HEALTH and COMFORT of Body, with GBACB and BBAUTT of Form. Three Garments in one. Approved by all physicians. AUNTS WANTED. Sam pies by mall, In Contil, $3; Satteen, |i T6. TO Agents at 185 cental ess. Order nse two | inches smaller than waist mea sure over the dress. VarnsrBros. 351 Broadway.V.Y. ( H U N T ? L V I £ D y i D N E V . " F O I U i I prepared cured thouMUida. Ercrr bottle warranted. Send to W, E. Clarke, rtwidence, ILL, for 111 nitrated pamphk-t. ! If your druggirt dont luwe H, he will order ittor yon. UNHAM PIANOS. Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers. WnrcroooM, 18 East 14th St., [Established 1884.] NEW YORK, tr*-Prices Reasonable. Terms; Easy.j0 $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornaments. MM One Dollar eaeh. Send for catalogue, JAMES R. OS0OOD Jfc CO. ^ ̂ BOSTON, MASS. ^ $1.00 $1.00 aon a Day. BOW TO MAK* IT. Something now 'and ealable. COK, 1'OJVOAdt CO., St. Louit.i BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. Unrivalled for ftho Toilet and the Bath. No nrtttkUl and deceptive oilorc to cover I'otnuion and deleterious. in«rredi->t*. Alter yvnrt of _ ientifio experiment mamifju'turer o' B. T. fiaUitt's Bt* Soap hn# |terloi"ted nn»l nowofvr" to the public Tie FINEST TOILET SOAP In the World. Onhtlki I'Mffrfrtprtahfc oil* uvrd in iff n<anufacturt. „ For Up* In the Nursery it hasMoJEqual. Wortn ten (Trues it- loovt-ry mother ftitii lan.ily inCliriKtendom* Sairple box, containing 3 rakes of (> o*s. ecidi, sent lri-e to any Mi* dreu 00 receipt of 75 c«*nU. _ Tb« attention of Aiwrtwa Is oalled tooqr list of Wneklr Newspapers. Send for a Catalogue. MARVELOUS CHEAPNESS. An advertisement occupying the space of One Ineh will be inserted one week in t<100 newspapers for J8T.50--or less than ei-jht rent* per newstxiper. CUTS AND EIjECTUOTYPEM« No extra charge for cats, trade-marks, unngital dis play, or advertisements inserted across two or more col umns; onty ttcenty-tix cuts are required for the whole n umber of newspapers. Cute should not be over two and one-eighth inches in width. AN INTERESTING; STATEMENT. To seed an advertising order to 1«1Q0 newsnapers would require an investment of S34.3D for postage: ststtoosry would coot nearly ns much: the labor of ad- dressing l.lOO envelope* is considerable; to write I.IOO orders would be a great task; to print them would cost something. Our price for a five-line adver tisement in the whole 1, lOO papers, one week, is or less than th® cost of postage and statkmeiy. NOTICE* IN NEWS COLUMNS To havt- an advertisement set up in the fotm of read- In* matter, and inserted in the news columns of new*- papers, is a very efficient iaod@ of advertising. These lists ot newspapers offer advitntagee in this respect which no other newspaper or lists of newspapers possets. Manufacturers and merchants desiring to publish a de scription of their wares or establishments will find this plan very serviceable. By publishing a series of brief notices, they can soon make the merits of their Roods familiar to the people of the region* in which these papers are published. FILES of the papers can be Brand in the office of Beals A Fos ter, A Park Bow, New York. A partial tile, together wit® samples of Ml, may be found at 110 Worth street. New York; 114 Monroe street, Chicago, 111.; 366 Kasl Water street, Milwaukee, Wis,; 17 Wabaahaw street, St. Paul. Minn.; 143 Race street, Cincinnati, O.; 827 Second street, Memphis, Tenii. r,ir Catalogue, address BEALS&FQSTBH, 41 Park Hew, MEW YORK. Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Coooaine. baa iavahiable renwdy for Buuttnttm s»S wloeU causea it, have entirely disap- paand, and my hair wa* never before in sc. eood A. A. FULLER. BA.LDNKS& „ - CHICAGO, May n, tin. *«<*•• «'* of your " Cocoaine," myW vimahr MM head has been covered by A growth of hair. 1 had always esteemed your prepa ration as a di liiina. knowing many persons Who W- «t •«** hi^lly as such, but never before knew it was as a restorative. J. G. LEWIS. LOSS OF HAIR. * ' . .. BANCO*, March 3, *86? Yonr "Cocoaine is the only dressing for (he hair used in my family for the last eight years. It nr« only stcjjpcd my wife's hair from coming ouhat in* erased its growth. I am also under obligations to this same " Coooaine " for saving my own hair, which waa very fait eoming out pre ' ^{ahfe preparation. J. >66 jgy iaatfshg'Kaftag $12 tstiZ? fas* ̂ 5" agL«* DPVAI V ' dmt » K}lw. ///. Cht.fnm. » GTOWom.CMwiah $40 $65 8 »77 t£Z*BS* mm this C. MITCH&L. ISBITATION OF THE SCALP. WATBgvitr.g, MB , Sept, 15. I purchased a bottle onlr, for the purpose of & hair dressing; but, to my'aurproe, it has entirely rnncrtd the irritation of so long standing. I ha?e rccom> meaded it to several of my friends, who were afflicted M the --tie way, and it has wholly irradicated the disease. JOSEPH HILL, JR. HAm-HRESSim : ^ N*W YORK, Sept. »*. nr SOSM time past I have been using your Cocoa* ioe, and thiak it far preferable to anything I have d for the hair. FRANK LESLIE. r used 1 JOSEPH BURNETT * < 0., Boston, - Mmmufmetursrs and Proprietors,, THE ORIGIN" AL AND ONI.Y OENUINX2 "VIBRATOR" Made by 17 Agents in Jan. 77 wlIk »• e»s www* 11 Wfl mynncwnrtM^. Hampleifrei Addrcfcs ('• M. tin Jtom, Ck _ ~ -- »ww» year ta Apents.' OttjH Mii OT a»#llHBlM^SkoirGJin M?' * w a<W *K Wortft <{• Co*% lAIMTHk^11^ mrnKmMtmt O AMTOX TSA CO., 148 Invested in Wall 8 fortnnea every < fiM •xpUintaur OU.. aainkm; t? ! v<,L ••in, wv wiu wiiHi jfihi a vnilVInU fj| m FkAMK« itid a l&paire, 64-oolomii ilfaikpiMRr Frr« for 3 mem, IncioS JOct«. topvpoteK KENDAL i Co,, r ~ for 3 n<M. A<w»nt» wanted. Ww torn. OMnjassftdn. THlaiWI KSi^B 4.SS5SRSKJS y^ngitfat Vnmw Bcnob w ToMum, ~ " ™ §@Ss OOKSISTIKO or 0 Ctmnlrte Horae-Pnwrr EatnMlalimMits, 84-fnch, SMnch and >S4noh Ojrlindem, end ft, 8, IS or U-Horse-Powers to match. Tw# our lm| (Woitduui^ uwui uiiui lauunim u special sizes made for 6,8,10 or U Hoism * Hopae-P»wer|t i pro red "Triple Gear" and improved "Spur Speed* Ibnty style), both kinds mounted on « and .. St«a«.Pewer Ontflm: our unrivaled vu?5*{»f1 ^KWftors, made expressly for S^eam-Pow-er,with 8S-lncbCylinder and 44-Inch Separator,otSMnsh Cylinder and 48-Inch Separating and Oleaniog para, with all the other parts proportionately capacious and fall of business ;,r «lm, our matchless Steam Thrraher VaKrlnaa A# NT>» J T a »_ «\ „ w«»u»ow, uur niftujiuoH qieam i.nrrHifi K11*™°tour OT «nal», beyond rivalry in Power, 111, pit Kill, w 1 =• lTtJaia rh 11 n . . Steam Separator. Onr " Vibrainr" Sspmtor 1 alone," made ex-pressly for Steam-Pbwer. and to match to any and all other make of Engines, also, perfectly adnpt*d to go with any and all other make of Horse-Powers. Four sim ranging from 31 to 3$4nch length of Oylinder. and m to 48-inches width of Septntini pacta. •uiuunvHi viwillllKi IIU WHW||V| mnKiOIDf 1Q repairs, durability, ease ot maaacement, and a general lisiiedanST^ nowfolly estab» Threshers WUtlkiHft eaH truttijullii claim any comparison, The Gtenuine s ̂ "Vibrator" Thx'oahwa AU MASS ONL* BT NICHOLS, 8HEPARD «i CO., BATTLB OBBEK, MICH. They, or any of their regular authorized Doalers, fu. niah Illustrated Pamphlets and Price-List*, and fall paK ttonlnre, tree, on appucaUen, , All Pnwn* In Dfllcate ITrnlth who naai a lazauve, corrective, anti-febrile or Hnti-billnuo medicins sre advined to use TAIIKANT'H KKFEUVKSOKNT SELTZXM APERtKNT, and for thin ronson: if removes all acrid matter from the bowels, find IOKUIKIO* the Hecretions and exertions, without impairing the strength. Sold to' drutu[ist« everywhere. PITTSBURGH MWJUFWf URE8 AT WHOLE8AJ.E PRICES. Oiahee, 1 It individual Sauce Uishea, I Oak* : 2doxen ha j«[|jr Tumblei Boi, oontalning 2 dosen Tab Jelly Tumblers..... & of goad auaUty Ulasa, lor the ^c^fc*-^n f̂plnt TaW* 'na * ITJUI t.Go Window Glsss, Box CO ft. r a**t. Table and 4 doxen'iuMwranS ...*S.CNI f by 8 to 10 by IS i M 76 11 by 14 t« 16 by 34 | 18 by 22 to S) S! I 4 Oil li by M to »i by S$?.. I i 50 Second. •S80 8 U0 8 75 Third. nn 8 B0 i 75 lOdto&S 4 & e -KnQs, Keg of 100 lbs. $l7f> m.00 *S.2S *3 so <Ve wtU furnish any of above articles at prices etatoflw dallvereu on board oars or stenmbuuib Uere. The money must. In all cases, accompany tho mdur. Send P. O. Oa der. Banker's Draft or Beguteretf Letter. Roferanon. dth National Bank, Ptttsburgh. Pa. Aadress. MKNltl' H. VANCK, P. O. E«s MI8, 6 A mm •• pi | Are made is ail styles andof ever* I ^1 Ei I drsrrlpeion, from the lii(hlcM« flaeat and nsst elcRnni in use to the heaviest and •trou«eat required for any kind of work; are an. ^AAlf^ADn I equaled inMtyle. WNVVRU | workmiinahlp, sfrenjttb and dnrnklllty. They received the lalnia- ®si; tviittea award at th* Centennial Exposition. y A D M P f i C 9 9 I N o n e K c n i t l i i * ri#M%C«CCIOs I unless thay »'• Stamped with our aar«e and Trade-Mark. A liberal will be Riven for infor. • « Es Ml«l# mation that will csnvlrl any one who sella faarneN* an the Concord liar, aesa that are net made by lis. Extra Indue* manta offered. Send for circulars and price-IUta. J. R. KILL&OO., CON( N. N. KKKI*'(* HII1KTS--only one quality--"fha Keep's Patent Partly-Made " •'ar> be linlsh«d ai Tne very best, sis Keep's Patent Partly-Mai ar> he finished as aasy as hemming a liMtdkerehiat Ix for 97.00. Keep'e Uustom Shirts--made to measuiw, Th? •«».« aix lot 9B.OO. An elexant net of genuine uoid-Piaie Cvini •ve Buttons given with each half <ioz. v'eop's Shlrta eep's fsbin« are delivered FREK on rec-ipt of pries 1 any pnrf of the Union--no express chaiRHK to 4ay. 8amp<i.a, with full directions for feWf-muti? jrumeat. Sent Fr«-e t<> any sddress. No stnmp roijiurod. Deal directly with too Manufacturer aitd get Bottom Prices. Keep Manul'actiiringOo.. I <85 M»rwr S» V v coujNSiCo'.s YOUR address TO) COLLINS lb CO. 212 WATER ST NEW-YORK CITY. is noi easily earneu in these times, but it can be m .ide in three mont hs by any one, or either sex, in any part of the country, who is willing to ^ork steadily at the employment thflt we furnish. SttG per weak in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your snare moments. We have agents who are making over SSO per day at the boai-ness. A11 who engage at once can make money fast. At. the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly fit ai'iy other business. It costs nothing to try tha business. Terms and Sd Outfit free. Address, at onoa. H. HALLETT A CO.. Portland. Maine. A Ylr AK. AI«H.KTB AMTIaU $2,500 Kssssj^asK?- 150 DI8TINOT BOOKS, BiBLES. Snperior to ail others tratad Aids and oaperb Bindlnga. slety Clsvics FARMERS, send to C. W. 1'.. Box 6a. Grand Ridge, IB t gs^' WaMV s'u-' c ansp a aaS* is the only preparation, one SNaekagaof shilk will Ibiw the beard to grew thick aad haanr oa the smoothest (Wee (without iniurv) |sA days (a svsry ease, or money eheanallf g funded. 8t cents j t: f I- "' t •!- d ir7' *;• • ^1.:; .. r "Ms,; i ilT^ •>4v •I" ;f S1U0.00 H llf AV\ I1EAKD ntnltvr.! <• « ttM«fUYKf:»BEAKUiLIXIIi«MW NlHl ? 11KAVV USARD pralu<r<! Ahk by «Jw I «m er will fnrfHt f.uO.' inrtiii. MX; ^ A. UlMITll ft \\U A^NLT. Oat^oa iht pnbi:; by mail, is s**lat KUMMKICKSIOO. ttfr: GS, Waterproof Covera, Stark Cavep, Sln|» Uliidow Nbadem Ac., AT. MlJRKAV * BAKBK, lOO .South lleMplnlaen at,, Chipaca. #3r-Send for^ Illaatrated FriccLlst. TRUTH IB M1SHTTI l*rg«faiir S«ef with TO«I of )h«tr, mm* la ym • iwmljwusa h^tmSkmwU*%jG3»* •NiMMbiksllWMl ilMlrtara n MnMiOtek tfUeienmkmmkmft 1 mm hawoi m I » --W 1 wan! itr. mmi la ym • twnHjiHi SI0L»$25 Catalogue IVee. J. IT. Boatoa. [Established 18W.] A DAT M RB maaelv Ag^ntasalling our Crayons, Plotura mo Cards, 1 it' worth $j|. sem jptfgl for H5 Cants. BI:FFOKD>M -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! A Kreat diaoovery! --a new aoap compound! ItaaotMfc softens and whitens the skin, haa wonderful healing aaaT •upaiior washing properties, and la equally aattaa forWa bath, nursery and general toilet. It is delightfully Ma fumed, and sold everywaere at a moderate ptiea. ftjph UTFLRFS REMCW. THE CMR BIPOD PIMMCI llev. J. P. LUDLOW WKTriESlI f,- . %% ad ' ># bit* • 178 BALTIC STBKR, B»OOKI.TM( ml bennflt received bj 1 |H'r whose CIIIH-S tlio:< l>v liavo at-emcd almost Mrae»> Nov. 14,18*4. H. R. KTHVENR, ESQ. : 1 Dear Sir--From jK-rsoiial bennflt received by tta use, aa well OH from pcrxonal knowledge of tbosa * kma, I can most lirartily and eitu-ore ly reoomn^ad, the VKOUTntK for tho complHintx which it taehiUuA to cure. JAM ICSI l*. i-i'Dl̂ OW, . M > Lite Pastor Culvarv Baptiat'ClmrclL' f • * f ' NATURE'S REMEDY1 TICXBI THE GREAT BIOOO Puwnt SHE BESTS Iff:, ,W J WELL- •* Mi „ _ ^ „ SOUTH POUND, M*., Oct 11, W7C .JJ II*. H. «. STEVENS: - Dfar Sir--I have been sick two years with tls liv»T complaint , and during that time lutve tak^aa great many different mctlicincn, but 110110 of Cliula. did me uuy 4* t many diflertut medicines, but uono of me uuy good. 1 was rcxtlesH nights, and had |N» anpctltc. 8iuc« takiug the VKOKTINK I roHt well and . rensh my food. Can recomnuMid the VRKKTINK fW- what tt haa done for me. Yours rcspectiulty. . ^ Mhs, ALHKHT EICEEB6">-. Witness of the abow: ^ k f ^ * MfcOEOeOE VL VAUGBAir,' r v llsdford, ---- m.x A '£5 NATURE'S REMEDY. mnm THE &BEAT Btooo ftimnca Rev. O. T. WALKER PBOVIDKNCE, B. I., 104 TRANSIT STKKST. ,,{ ,-W H. H STEVKNS, ESQ. : • ' • I feelboimd to cspresa with myaiguaturetue Wg|k '• •! talue I place upon your VEGKTINK. My family havtt r 11 scd it for tho last two yeara. lu norttwrf dabiliMi it is invaluable, and I recommend it to ail who ny^W> used sn invigorating reuovatiug tonic. " O. T. WALKER^ Formerly Pastor Bowdoln-sqm NATURE'S REMEDY. I?EEBIH IWE CMAT BUOD ftiiunc 1 1rt\ til ? «*,. W ,1. i-1 ;». n 1, .'i .V ' NOTHING- EQUAL TO m. S.UTK SALIM, MAM., yim.1t. HML Ms. H. B. STEVENS: : III->.MI F Dear Sir--I have been troubled with flcrofnli Canker, and Liver complaint for three year* Kot| ing ever did me auy good until I commenced u^ii the VKOETINE. I am now getting along ftr«t-rat*L ' and still tuing the VJCOKTINE. 1 conaider ttoew M . nothing equal to it for such complaiuts. Cau hciotf. . • iiy recommend it to everybody. n': Yours truly, Mrs. LIZZIE M. PACKARD,. .1 r Ko. 16 Lagrange 8t., South Salen^MlsK t ' ,ts firtli .1) - r-rny* NATURE'S REMEDY. ME CBEAT BIOOO PlifuncR GOOD FOR THE CHILDRElfr--rr BORON BOMK, L# TTIMJ9W«)^ A-A BOSTON, Aprils l«t» piH • H. ILBTKTKNS: Dear ,S'ir_We foci, that the children in oiw homa have 1MH*U greatly beiiefltetl by the VEOBTINK JO* have so kindly given ux 1 rom time to tiaa^ sapacmUnM troubled with tho Scrofula. ' • • Wl1WOBMKIA, asiNi|' ^ J ' JL • 4. Prepared by « STEVENS, Boston, Vegetbw is Sold l̂ r all Droggist&pf 7, ZTi ! hZZT*« O. K. V NRHEW WRITDCO TO AOVERL Vf please say raa saw Uto 1 la UUi paper.