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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1877, p. 5

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^ ^ . -T t - "Wi- - mmm IWaMw- WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22d, 1877. flallroad Time Table. oor»o HOUTH, GenevaLake Pasienger;v..^?:85 A. *. Cisco PaMtfnger:j.*J|:8T A. W. Geneva Last Freight...,..^.....,,. 1:96 p. M Cisco Passtager.... i .. .. .4:56 p. x. Gonfo NO*tn. Gene*5 LUKE Freight... M:00 A. M. Cisco Pi#ae»Ker...... .,.. v.tvSB A. *. CUc« Passenger 6:43 P.M. Geneva Lake Passenger 7:02 p. M. CHURCH BLRECTORY. XCTKODtST.--Hev. J. If. Bacon, Pastor. Service* everv Sunday at 10.Jtf A. M. Sunday School at H k. JoUK DUXW, 8<lp«rititen- dent. MASONIC. MCIISVRY fiiM'TKii Xfk. 34 R. A. *e«tn- lar OoftVocattons held en the second attd fourth Fridays in each month. HELRRY Coi.BT H. P. P*T1.ASltl AttBN Sec,, Lawn . Festival. The next Lawn Festival, by the La­ dies of the Universalis! Society, will be held at the residence of A. H. Hanley. on Friday evening of th is week, Aug. 94th. A11 are cordially incited: Mr. Hantey has large and beautiful grounds andample accommodations for all. foe Cream and othe>r refreshments will be served, arid croquet and other amuse­ ments indulged In, The McHenry Cor­ net Band will be In attendance. . IT IS Impossible for a paper collar or apouudof butter to retain any dignity such weather as this. . THE green apple, peneh *nd early watermelon are still adding to t*h» in­ testine troubles of the country. THK Steamer "Wm, Norton,"" of Al­ gonquin, passed up the river for the Lakes on Sunday last. SEE the new advertisement of Fur* nitnre, &c^ at the Chicago 9 Cents to re. In another column. HON. GEO. HF. HARROW, Secretary of State, will please avcept thanks for a •copy of the Laws passed by the last ^General Assembly. > WILL MOSES started for Nebraska on Monday morning last. We understand he contemplates embarking in the mercantile business there. THE front of tlie Store in Riverside Block has been repainted and otherwise improved, and is now one of the hand­ somest to be found in the County. WE learn through private sources to­ day, (Tuesday.) that the Harvard In- dependent has suspense 1 What is the cause or whether it is a temporary or permanent suspension we did not learn- THE McHenry County Democrat, pub­ lished for the past three months at Woodstock, is defunct, and the mat< is in the hand* of the Sheriff.' !' .<» much '"red eye"1 was t he cause. THERE is a Now York merchant *w sessing decided ideas where the line of credit should be drawn, who announc­ ed by a placard in his show window on Broadway: "InGod we tru«t. Al! oth­ ers are expected Jo pay cash." THE Excursion for the benefit of the Universalis! ChurCh. 011 Thursday last, was well atteuckd, both steamers run­ ning up, and all report a very pleasant time. We did not learn how much the receipts were. THE Ice Cream Parlor which we no­ ticed last week as being; opened in Parker House Block was opened and Qasted just one day. They did not stay long enough to see whether or not it "would pay. and as to the cause of their %nrly demise, \ve«aJT wnSiformed;.', Ij? another column can be found a *»ew advertisement of John M. Smith,, Hardware dealer. His stock of Stoves tfs equal to any to be found in the conn. «ty, and are all of the leading and fa­ vorite make. Read his advertisement, and can at his store when you contem­ plate buying. PEAS^nd string beau's have turned out well this year. Cucumbers and jfreen corn are plenty, and. everything •considered, Cholera Morbus promises to toe a good croj*, and physicians are hap­ py, Potatoe bugs are laid up for re­ pairs. Vegetables, like hogs, would root better if there was more moisture 3n the ground. AT th'ls season of the year many people become poisoned either by faandlingor exposure to poison ivy. Generally all sorts of remedies are itried with little eflect. and the poison as slowly thrown oft by the process of nature. There is however, a remedy which is vouched for by a correspon­ dent of an agricultural paper, as a sure And speedy cure. The agent is common lime, a small piece of which should be dissolved in water, and the parts aff­ ected bathed with the water. EVERYBODY should remember the Lawn Festival on Friday evening of this week, at the residence of A, H. Hanley. Let everybody turn out and tiave one of the largest gatherings of the season. The money raised at these Festivals is to be use>d for upholstering, carpeting, and otherwise furnishing the Interior of the Church, and is certainly A worthy object. Remember the time and place, Friday evening at the resi­ dence of A. H. Hanley. The McHenry ^Gofnet Band is expected to fee preseat. DR. E. BENNETT, of Woodstock who we some time since noticed ascoutem- plating.returning to Europe, we under­ stand has given up the idea forth** pres­ ent. This will be good news te his many friends. % ' " ' •' '••••'• 11 " " " • AMONG the improvement* daily go­ ing on in our midst we notice a new six-foot tralk being built from the Riverside Block running North past II. Colby's Drug Store. H is being put down in a substantial maimer and not only adds to the appearance in that locality'bt\t is a great convenience to pedestrians, the good work go or.. L. STODDARD, whB has lately re­ turned front Elgin and MOW occupies the new store of Blake Bemfeid, op­ posite Bishop & Sons Warehouse, has a store full of Staple and Fancy Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods. Cigars and To­ bacco, Hats, Caps,&t\, and is offering rare inducements to buyers. Look out for his new advertisement next, week, and in the mean time call and see his goods and learn prices. --• . •',•,1-,;' THE Chicago Tribune of last Sunday contained the following "sweet mor- seP' which is probably news to all (hut one) of the citizens of our count y.-- Who the victim is we cannot say, but will gi ve 11 to oyr readers, just as we found it; ^ . "The Lord may temped the wind to the shorn lamb,* sadly observed a gen­ tleman Frcni McHenry County as he stood at the depot waiting to see some one he knew and from whom he could borrow his fare home, "'but the L«rd never sent a special agent down by ce­ lestial express with a tree pass hoipe for H cussed fo«l who got. hunkoed out of $267 iu eleveu minutes by the watch. WE understand that R. Bishop & Son have let tiie job for cutting a Ca­ nal from their Mill Pond through to McCollum's Lake, thereby drawing the water and materially increasing their power. They have now one of the Jinest water powers in the Sta;e and with this addition we shall expect at no distant day to see the power in and around their Mill running a manufact­ uring interest second to none to be found in the Northwest. Mr. Bishop is a live,go-ahead man and no» enter­ prise in his hands will be allowed to drag. We shall speak more of this hereafter. As'will be seen by an advertisement in another column the firm of Smith, Aldrich «fc Haytriorn will open the Store in Riverside Block, formerly oc­ cupied by Smith Bros., & *Co., this week with an entire new stock of Goods of all kinds, and in lac,' they are now busy unpacking aud tilling the shelves of that splendid store with a? flne a stock of goods as was ever brought to this county.' Their goods are all new, and direct from Chicago and Eastern markets, and were bought, with especial reference to the wautsof this section, whioh Mr. Smith*, by his extensive aequaiiitance in this vicinity was ••tut!'.led ; i'Ue i-»uyi;ig pithiic »hould 11-i!•! mind and give them a call. Ilea >4 t' "ii- advertisement., fN anoi e.iM !>" foir.i*' the advertise;ue;il of the Joim-bur^h Mar­ ble Works Ilenry Miller Proprietor.-- We have no hesitancy in saying that Mr. Mfiler Is one of the finest Marble Workers to b%' found in thi» section of the country, and that the Monuments and Tombstones gotten up by hint are equal to the best to be found in the Northwest, while his prices are full one third lower. While at his Shop the other day we noticed a very fine Monu­ ment just finished for Mrs. Stevens, et Ritigwood. It is 10 f^et high, with a Granite Base,3J feet square, on fop of which Jo a round shaft,of Italian Mar­ ble. The design i< new and very iieat. H e a l s t » h a * t h e r e o n > • • < • - ' - x h i f c l t i o ; : - t w o Monu'.acnt? of AinrriCiiit; <*1 te, on® 11 feet and tiie other 8 1'eet high, which are flue specimens of workmanship. As we said before Mr. Miller i« a very fine workman, and charges only living rates Read hi" advertisement. The best Goods at the Lowest Prices at Smith. Aldrich & Ilay thorn s, River­ side Bl«»ck, Mclleiirv. WE have received a copy of the Premium List of the Twenty-fifth An­ nual Illinois Stat*- Fair, which is to be h^ld at Freeport, from the 17th, to the 22d of September. The Premiums are the most liberal iu every department, and the officers are leaving nothing un­ done to make it one of the most success­ ful ever held in the State. The Rail­ roads will carry passengers at reduced rates and the accommodations forgo­ ing and coming from this part of the State are the best. We learn that quite a number of our citizens contemplate attending. In looking over the list we find the following names from this County on the Committee of Awards: Class A.--Lyman Shelcton, Union; E. H. Seward.Marengo; W. S. Eicanbrack, Hebron. Class D.--W. W. Ellsworth, Woodstock. Class E.--Albert Mygott, Richmond. Class H.--L. Woodard, Marengo; Jam^s Crow, Crystal Lake. Class K.--Mrs. E. Ayer, Harvard. Money to Loan. In sums of $500 and upwards, on Mc­ Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent in­ terest. Address or apply to ASA W. SMITH, Woodstock, 111. For anything in the line of Dry Goods, Clothing. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Notions, Ac^ go to Smith, Aldrich & Haythpm's, Riverside Block; tfpifenry. Proceedings of the Board of Trustee*. COt'KClL ROOMS Aug. 18th, 1877' Board met on call. President Bishop presiding. Preseuk Trustees Howard, Weber, Walsh, Curtis, McOmber and Marshal Holmes. The Clerk being absent Mr.McOmber was appointed Clerk protein. On motion the following bills were Audited and allowed: R H Btickland, for cultivating Public Square V.'. M M. Enaein. for services.......;UU. ...i, ICS Peter Thaien, in favor of R Biultop foil. mowing Pa bile .......... ..,.6 00 s; Total On motion the folio wing Ordinance was passed: ^ ORIV.N ANCR S*c. ISt. Be It ordained by the (*r<t<tt4t*nt and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mcilenry that it shall be unlawful tor the owner or owners of any domestic animals of the species of horses. muU-s. a*s, 0:1 tile,shevm #ont or hog, to suffer the nme to run >U iart^e within the corporation of the Village of Jtc- Henry. .§ i. Any animal found runnine at larg« in violation "of Suction one (I) ef this OnHiianco. shall be taken upand impounded by tho Pouua Master who shall receive for each and every sheep, goat or Img, the awm of twentwflve ceut^. ami for keeping same, th$sum of twen* ty cents each for every day so .detaineel. And for every horse, mule ass or cattle, the sum of tifty cents, and for keeping same, forty cents «;i«i for every day uol.Uii**u. ? 3. If an>' animal or auimals so taken up fchall not Ue claimed by the oWner or owners thereoff within the of three days and all charges paid as specified by Sectioii sec. onrj of this Ordinance. Then It shall M> the duty of the Pound Master to sell the same at 'Public Auction for cash to the highest bidder after giving live davs notice thereof bv posting notice in three pnbfic places 111 said Village, giv. ingdescriptionof theanimal or animals taken up,and the lime and place whereand when they will besoldand he shall receive for each notice so posted Up the sum of twenty-rive cents>and for selling ti« shall l-ecelvetvn per cent,of the amount sold for, and if snid animal or animals shall sell tor more tlmn the charges set forth an<l Specified by Ae«*tib« two ami throe of Hiii Or­ dinance it whall be the duty of said Pound Master to pay the same into the Village Treas ury where it sliall remain subject to the de- maud of tlie owner of said animal or animals by proving his right to same. "§ 4 Thar whoever shall lie guilty- nf driving or raeaug any animals ou any street or public, higliwav within the limits of the ct>r|ioratioii of McHenry» above the rate of eight miles an hour or in such a manner as to endanger the i»ersmis or lives of others shall be fined not tess than ten dollars nor more one hundred dollars. § ;> When,-any person is eonvleted of anv offence in violation of any ordinance of tjie Vii. lage of McHenry, thu* awrt a flue shall be In­ flicted on »ny such person, ami in default Of the payment of any such line, such ueis>n so convicted shall btM omnelled to work out such tine on the streets of tfie corporation at tire rate of one dollar per diem. § tt Fees of Village Marshal for «ervtng W arrant lor each person served fifty cents.-- Por serving SuhptiMiia tor each person Served twenty-live cents. For served Veuirie llftv cents, for eaeh arrest llftv cents, when 1 urn arrest is made without process and according to la w. This Ordinawee to take effect on the First Day of September 1877. Adjourned to meet on call. It. Bisiioi', President. , J. M. McQMBKR, Clerk protein. WK understand our citiz^nstL or a number of tWin formed into a Club, have purchased two acres of land on the shores of Fox Lake, which will hereafter be known as the Mcilenry Picnic Grounds, They propose 'o fence it and fix it up in No. 1 shape for the use for which it is intended, and keep it for the use of our dtiaens and fie citizens of all other towns of the coun­ ty who may,«ee fit to spend a day or more at Fox Lake. Heretofore it lias been Impossible for a Picnic to go to Fox Lake without trespassing upou, some oue, aud on this account may have stayed aw ay who would other­ wise availed themselves of this beau- tiHil summer resort. Tne Grounds are beautifully . located, a supply of good water hail dy by, and accessible for landing at any time.-- This Is a mpve iu the right direction, and one which we hope Will be fully carried out as started. Notice to Pensioners. iMennial examinations of Army and. Navy invalid pensiot?ers are required by section 4471, Revised Code,. (34 of Act of March 8, 1878) on every odd year, the next being due Sept. 4. 1877. I will be at my office in the Gazette building, Richmond, next, door to M. M. Clothier, Claim Agent, ou that date and as long thereafter as may be nec­ essary to^Conduct sUch examinations, F. BKNNKl'T, Examining (Surgeon, U. «. 55T SOLON' Kmix»kPla 1 .vi»kalliR:--It has been some time sintse our Solon correspon­ dent has asked for space in the columns of the McHenry paper, and some have already began wonder why our lit­ tle village cannot be represented iutlie PLAIXDKALKR'S columns as well as the other county pipers, so I have ventured to speak for once, to let the readers know that wo are not yet dead. Ev­ erything iu the village seems to be in a prospering condition, and the mag- natesof the village say business never was better. Asliort drive in the country this last week told us that the farmers have just gathered a more than average crop of grain, but hardly an average crop of hay, and unless rain falls in this section of the country soon, thecoru and clover seed crop will be very light. The Ladies Sewing Society contin­ ues to meet every Wednesday after­ noon. They are making preparations for a Fair to be held the fore part of September, at which time thev will dispose of the several articles they have been making either at a fixed market price or at auction, to the highest bidder. Our neighboring village, Richmond, that felt so proud over fchefr temper­ ance victories last Spring, and refused* to grant a license for the tempter, which takes the spare dimes ffom the heads of families, that should have been spent for bread, has granted li­ cense and does encourage one of these temperance advocates to hold out a temptation to the young people and coax away the children's pennies th%t should be saved to make old winter comfortable. "The little pig if well fed wilj soon bepome a big bog. J*c*. mmmmm r RIMQWOOD PASM»ger trains pass King wood Station as foliJWa; OOtKO BOrTH. Oeieva Lake Passenger...;. Ois o Passenger CI* o Passenger. ooiKOMoam Ci? o Passenger 11:4* A.M. Ois O Passenger e. W* eva Lake Passenger ,7:10KM, ........7; 15 A. X, «:*• A. M. .... ..4:47 e. x. » Lr^ice8at the Church every sabbath at 0:30 A. *. Rev. Philo Gorton, Pastor.-- Sabltath School, 14 M. Mrs. iladole, Supt. -Surely the Weather clerk has forgot­ ten tliis section of the country, as we Wave had no rain worth mentioning for more than* a month. Vegetation is fast drying up, and crumbling back to mother dust. The ground was certain­ ly never in a more dry or parched con­ dition, which hot only shortens the coming crops butcauses ;he atmosphere to become very impure and unhealthy This being the case too milch care can­ not be exercised in guarding against the many alarming diseases that the hitman race is heir to. Last week Tuesday^ Mr. Thomas Ltttnley, on iiis way home from Rich­ mond. driving at the time a very spir­ ited horse hitched to a sulky, met with quite a severe accident. In reaching forward to adjust some part of the harness the horse became frightened and commenced kickf&g, striking Mr. Lumley. in the side, breaking three ribs and inflicting several other severe Wounds, Mr. Lumley succeeded iu holding the horse until several parties came to his aid when he was taken to a neigh boring house, a physician sent for, and his wounds soou dressed. At. last accounts he was dotng as well as could be expected. The Rev. Mr. Gorton,, with several members of his church, will attend the Cherry Valley Camp Meeting this week, staying over Sunday, Conse­ quently there will W; M preaching next Sunday. ? The tramps have already commenced laying in their stock of winter cloth­ ing. Farmers and others cannot be too cautious about seeuring their doors and windows, as Mr. James Ladd now mourns the loss of a thirty dollar wed­ ding overcoat and several other lesser articles. , * All strikers how quiet, (except the old choir) but as a full corps of new singers have been secured it it hoped that the church affairs at least will soon run smooth again. BISMARK. CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAIN*I>KALER.--Vegetation has changed considerably within the last few days. Tuesday of last week we had a nice shower, a heavy hail and rain storm Friday and another beautiful shower Saturday. The hail storm was probably one of the heaviest which has visited this section of the country for years. It came from the west, struck this village at 4:20 and lasted about 20 minutes when the wind changed to the south and it rained hard for about 45 minutes. The cucumbers looked as if they had just got over the small pox. The Picnic which we spoke of last week was held last Thursday at the Lake. One of the largest crowds we have ever seen at a picnic was there.-- There were people from all parts of the county. A good many' of them came to see the soldiers, who were not there. It seems there were a great many who did not know but what the sol­ diers were here until they came to see for themselves. Teams were going and coming from the Lake almost con­ tinually Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, some of them with very large loads. Tntly it was a great dis­ appointment to many. A temperance meeting was held in tlie Baptist Church last Friday evening An efibrt will be made to organize a Temperance Literary Society. The Literary Society convened last Thursday evening aud had a very in­ teresting meeting. Music, Reading, Singing and Essays occupied the time until the debate after which was the Query Box wh$eh created considerable fun, and the Roll call which was ably answered by Historical Facts. The question for discussion which was han­ dled by J. J. Wilson and E. M. Thomp­ son, Affirmative, and A. Thompson and Miss Mansfield, Negative,was Resolved, Tnat a Monarch ial form of government is preferable to a Republican. Decl* ded in favor of the Negative. We notice in looking around that the hail did a great deal more damage than we at first supposed. It seemed to go in streaks. Some cucumber patches be­ ing entirely ruined not having a leaf left on them. In fact It was so heavy thkt in some places the Stones could be shoveled up the next morning like snow. We noticed quite a disgusting scene 011 our streets last Sabbath, enacted by a couple ef men, no not men but corn Juice in a couple of fellow's heads.-- And on Saturday night there were three wagens with men in tearing around town until midnight. It is well to Kay that they did not belong here and if they want any more such sprees they had better go somewhere else. ODD JR. Nuiida Department. We are offering a large line of French and English Calicoes and Percales, full yard wide, at 8 cts., per yard (worth 15 cts.) Don't fall to secure a Dress pat­ tern from these goods. FITZSIMOKS A KVAKSOK. No old Goods, but everything fresh and new, at Smith, Aldrich « Hay- thorn's, Riverside Block, McUutiry, «f Trains at Crystal Lake. WISCONSIN' DIVISION. OOtKQ VOBTH. PrtlMtt.. . W JsrfA.ll. S! » 1I:M A. St. Paul ., 11:37 A. M. Woodstock ....4,.;. •:»>>. M. Fonddu Lac .v.*.*.. e, M; •st. paat (aight).... £1. UOBO aoc TH. !§*• (night) A. *, Woodstock t:« M. St. Paul........ S: 10 t'. M. Mail *•'*••• ii SO P. M.. *Huns daily exeept Knturdavst tKuns daily exeept Mondarm All other trains run dailv, (Mad**-* e< ias ' N .' ,uf Tfr tfi. -- -- • > ti'vtoaa RIVKR BRANCH. • ' OOIKO ftontifc txaak. , Accommodation.... ......JFE:S0a, V. Cisco. 11:IS A. M. Cistio #:25 p. *. Mail OOMO SOUTH. ' Mall.I;5!l.^.ir A,* Cisco " ................. ..S:S7 A. * Accommodation..;.. i>. m Cisco ..Jl.Wir. M All trains run dulWj ^ttiwlsys excepted.-- None of the OiSfto trains full South of Crystal Lake. Business Notices. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. K differ, (Nit styles at F< D. Smith's. .All the leading Mowers in the mark* et c:(H be found at R. Biehop A McHenry 4 If at Woodstock and in want «l ft good warm meal call at tne Eagle Res­ taurant, Northeast corner Puhllo Square. New styles of Men A boys clothing* Don't buy before joi» examine Ottf stock. F.D. Sailthj, For the best Puuiplu tfe* to R. Bishop & Son's. FARMKRS, if you want the best i&tfeo* or Pump in tlie market, eitt «i Xi.- Owen. For want of particulars I can only mention briefly the ofgauliation and object of our nettly formed society, the Youttg Temperance Associ­ ation. It was organited on Monday of last week *'for the advancement of temperance* the dissent 1 utttiolt of knowledge and the furtherance of mor­ al Principals." As one meaus of doing these tnings, the society is taking steps to establish Rending Rooms and a Li­ brary. It is hoped that the young men of both, towns aud vicinity will respond to the call, for there is an Implied call to each one* individually, aud give all the assistance in their |iower to make it a grand success. Wo are contideut Of having an inviting place for them all to spend their evenings this winter, pleasurably, profitably, aud usefully* A popular lecturer will be engaged for one lecture, and probably there will be a course ot lectures eometime duriug the winter. Last year there was a dumber of peo­ ple who took pleasure in noticing the great number of "drunks" on our street*. What's the trouble with them now? There is one farmer who conies to town every morning before work and gets parti ally drunk, then completes the degrading business after work at night. We see drunken men ou the streets whom gray hair and senility would render venerable if they did not better deserve the sneers aud hisses of boys on account of their performances when drunk. Where are tliose couuters? They have a big Job on haud! The meetings of the Ladles' Temper­ ance Union are held regularly and teem with beneficial results. A meeting was called by Rev. G. L. Wiley in the lat­ ter part of July, for the purpose ot or­ ganizing this association, whose meet­ ings and pledge is according to the Murphy plau. Addresses were given by several prominent men at the first meeting; and on presentation 75 signa­ ture were given the pledge. On last Ftiday evening President Blanchard of Wheaton College,addressed the scciety in the Baptist house. A number sign­ ed the pledge, raising the number of siguers to between two and three hun­ dred. Among those who have identi­ fied themselves with the teuiperauce cause are several <dd drinkers, who promise well to make their present stand a permanent one. The next meeting will be held a,t the M. E. Church eu Friday eveuiug, Aug,, 24. MA Fots. LATK DAUty MAtUClfTS. WATKKTOWN N. Y. Aug. V. The Board met at 9:30 p. m., 16 fac­ tories being represented, offering 4,000 boxes ol cheese. The market was unu­ sually dull, and there were no sales, buy. ers holding for higher prioes; uo offers wero made above 9| cents, while Lolil ers are asking 10 cents. UTICA, N. Y.. Aug. 90, CliEESK.->Tiie market to-day was duller and lower. Notwithstanding tlie downward teudeucy of the market, sellers to-day were loth to make any concessions from the conviction that the demand for cheese must ver3' sooe Increase. About 11,000 boxes were put upon the market. Of these the holders of 1,500, not being able to obtain the figures desired, returned them to the factories for another week. Of the bal­ ance fully 3,000 went on commission, some with a guarantee of 9$c. The re­ maining 6,500 were at prices ranging generally from 6} to 9}c. A dozen fac­ tories or so sold for 9|c; 280 boxes brought 10c., and one lot of gilt edge sold on a special bargain, for a fraction above this figure, but the price is not quotable. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y. Ang. 90, FACTORY CHEESE.--The offerings were large, but a good many salesmen refused to sell at the prices offered, and concluded to hold over their cheese. About four factories obtained 10c.* although the figures are not quotable. The tables show that the ruling prloe was 9}c. A goodly number however, went at 9}c. FARM DAIRY.--Two lots of farm dairy brought a higher prlee than anything we quote among the factories. These were sold at 10c„ and 10Jo. Fifteen lots, aggregating 238 boxes, were dis­ posed of here to-day. They ranged from 8c to 10Jc. Intermediate prioes were 8|c., 9c„ 9Jc 9Jc., 10c. BUTTER.--We quote only 18 tabs from 90c, to 99c. For the Latest Styles in Dress Goots, go to Smith. Aldrich & Uarthorn'*, Riverside liloO, W&M*ry. ' Call at the Eagle Nirth-" east corner Public Square, Woodstock.-- Warm or cold meals served st aW hottrc Warm meals at all Hours a® the EaglO Restaurant, Northeast coruet Public^ Square, Woodstock. Fof anything in the Farm Implex ment Hue go to R. Bishop A Sou's. SECTIONS for all kinds of ltea and Mowers constantly on haftti Warehouse of R. Bishop A Sots-.- New styles of Ladies neck weai1^ Parasols, Fans, and all the novelties or the season at P*D. SmithY. The Wm. Anson Wood. C. lfc ^ li,. MeCorinick, and the Bradley Mulittfae-' • tilling companies Machines'CfttT tllP |p found at R. Bishop & Son's McHehrf. PUMPS. A large Stock of Adami celebrated Kenosha Pomps. The best Pump* Mul' at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any ia»4 of Cylender, that u boy 12 years oldcin' work with perfect ejtse, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. , For sale at H»v Bishop & Sonvs. We are closing out our stock of mer Goods at less than cost during- the coming week and would respectfully' solicit the attention ot cash buyers to' this fact as decided bargains may bo' found. FimsiMMorife <fc EVAKSOX.- IIAY BAKES! HAY RAKES! The unrivaled Tiger Self Dumping Rake has no equal. A child can oper­ ate it. Also the celebrated Helling*' worth, Furst & Bradley and otlktf leading Rakes, at E. M. Owens. < Wool Growers, AUentfoH* The suliscriliers will pay 40 cts. for' Wool washed on the sheep, 80 eta. ffrr " unwashed aud 45 te 50 for tub washed,* in goods at lust years prices. JANKHV1M.R WOOI.KN MILLS. Korth Mam .St., JaneavUle/Wta.- REMOVAL. f>. "Smith would announce t#nliil " customers and frieii'is chat he has re­ moved to his new Store, near the Do- *• pot, where he invitee his old customsrt v aud as many new oues as see fit, teofcR and see him. His stock of Dry Qood«t Groceries, Clothing, Crockery, &4.. la; oomplete, aud he otters bargains secotld ; to none, quality of Goods conaltMfid ! GOOD FAKM8 FOR RALB. 1 have four good farms, *ltuat*d<!i * Mcilenry county, which 1 offer formal* upon the most reasonable terms. Tlr'o ' 80 acre farms, with good building#, or- ̂ chsrds and improvements; ene faHta of ^ 215 acres wi Ih buildings complete, w*U« " watered aud fenced, under line culttva- tiou; also iny home place consistingof 280 acres, one of the finest farms 1» •©* ̂ HeniT county. Both of the lsft^tst farms lie 9J miles south of McHenry village. 1 will sell one or all of tlto ' above mentioned places on easy terma ; Part payment would be required aad the balance to suit the convenience of v the purchaser. For furthe r particolim, v address, B. r. PECK, MeHenry, Ilk • THE AMKR1CAM P1COPLE ^ Ne people in the world miller M afCAlfer* with Dyspepsitas Americans. AlthNfli 1 years of experience in medicino ha<A ' failed te accomplish a certain and ditto " remedy for tills di»ea«e and itsoflttctV % such as Sour Stomach, Heart-buMv W»-»- ter-brash. Sick Headache, Oe«titoiBesn;"\ palpitation of the Heart, ^Lfvfet filaint. coming up of the f«6d, low spir- ' ts, general debility, etc., ret since tito intvoductlen ofG«i:F.n'S A t'tsusx FLOW- • KR we believe there is no caso of Dye» • pepsin that cannot be immediately re­ lieved 30,000 dozen sold la;-t year with­ out one case of failure reported.' Go to yeur Druggist II. Colby, and get a sam­ ple Bettie lor 10 cents and try it. T«e.( doses will relieve you. Rog«|tf i^ft 75cents. ' • n A KKW MEAT MAIWKtff;: ^ i Walsh & Howard have opened a Meat. Market uear the Depot, McHennr^. where they will keep on hand Freui». Salt and Dried Meats of all kinds, aa« deliver to auy part of the village free - of charge. They have commenced running a» Wagon and will visit neighboring-* towns, with a Choice supply ot* Meots^ on the following davs: Ritigwood and Greenwood--Sattir** davs. voio--Thursdays, | John burgh--Wednesdays *n<1 Saturn | days. These trips will be made regular, an£ residents of these towns c-^n be assuredi of getting iinything they want tn th** Meat line, of the best quality and at bottom figures. WALSH A HOWAMOl Mnllenry, Hoy 15tb, isn. Shakespeare makes Hamlet say "Te be. or not to be. that is the Question,^ We would say to suffer or not to suffer, is the all-important question whick comes home to every one of us, and has as near an application to all sufferer* from Rhcnmatic, Neuralgic and all other ailments of that class, as tko famous soliloquy had to Hamlet*.moral stnte. When a remedy is within readt of every ene. it makes it optional w)tl^ the afflicted whether they suffer or art cured. We n ish again to call ®tu>read­ ers' attention to "Lawson's (HtMHtve.'* and to re-state, so they will nalfmryet it,that it l« a s«we ottw tor JMieama* tism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Nervone Hendache, Diphtheria, Wonucte. finrna, and in fatu so rouuy of the every day complaints which all families are mb* Ject to, that we nrge its being kept tf| every house, For a*it bj fitaw IU. . - : " f t

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