H, it r I," A b A BAD FAILUBB. That oithoBtat* 8avlasa Bank, oC ChlM|D ---IaoMents of the Collapse- Heartroad- tag Stories ot the Wretched Itapoaltors. [From the Chicago Times.] The particulars of the failure of Che State Savings Institution, and the his tory of its criminal mismanagement dur ing the last few years, the unfortunate depositors read in the morning papers. The villainous record was read early and Often, and many a hard-working man tod patient, thrifty woman read the shameless story with a ohill at the heart ftnd with the blanched oheek and scald ing tears of keen misery. The best phase that hopeoould put on J|he matter was but a mrrj oomfort, or father but a slight palliation of their dis tress. Figuring the whole thing up and utting the best face on the miserable uainess, it could be presumed that with time and care 25 or 30 per cent, of the teposits might be paid. In short, the itter moral of this imiaoral bank mis- tnanagement might be continued thus: t* Three millions owing to 16?QO0 deposi tors, and nary a cent to pay/5 "The Idarm was around the town, and many a |>ne who had passed a sleepless night Was on hand at the bank as early as 8 o'clock yesterday morning. A commun ity of misfortune united them, and dis cussion of the. bank's affairs soon beoome general. The sidewalk around the bank was foon almost impassable for the throng, i,nd in the roadway and upon the oppo site sidewalk crowds gathered and stayed tnxioudy awaiting developments. They Were hoping against hope; trusting thai ifter all things would not turn out so t>adly as represented in the papers. It Was plain to see from the trouble in their laces that most of them feared the loss Of all they had in the world. The trial, trouble, and self-denial which that all liad cost them was easily read in the feverish anxiety which prevailed. While the morning was yet early men walked about in a sort of dumb despair, fearful to confirm their worst fears. They dreaded to know the truth, the prospect looked so black. The apprehension of meeting dire necessity face to face this Coming winter chilled many a brave lieart and broke many a stout spirit. Not to be able to make the payment on ihe homestead, to " provide the usual Comforts for the wife and children, to be tobbed of the safeguard against idleness St sickness, and the nest-egg for the usiness capital or declining age; these thoughts made men change color and bite their lips apd women, weep and jpremble--for there were women there. Women who had come from thrifty, pru dent homes; wives and mothers who had iought to know the full extent of the disaster that had placed in jeopardy and perhaps entirely swept away the store Irhioh had been earned and garnered With so muoh toil and self-sacrifice. The business man was there, the small trades man,. and the prudent matron who had gut by something for the " rainy day " ihat might overtake husband and child- Sen, the* careful clerk and the horny- banded mechanic, the ill-paid, strug gling working-girl, the common laborer, and the honest, hard-working help, house-servant, and toiling scrub-woman. Youth was there impatient and vitupera tive; and old age, looking very white and Weak and wan, as though broken hearted that ill-fortune coold have them so scurvy a trick the helpless winter-time of their days. There were some there, too, Whose presence touched the hearts of Ihe most selfish and callous in the noisy, fretful, and disputative throng. They Were women, and some of them had Youngsters with them, the little ones lor too young in the world's pleasures or griefs to be able to appreciate the full extent of the trouble that had fallen upon them. But the misery in the faces of the women to whom they clung was pitiful to witness and went to many a loan's heart with the sharpness of a knife. They wore an armor that won the sym- "ly and moved the hearts of all within le selfish, anxious crowd. It was the armor of a black dress. It was the widow and the fatherless begging at the door of the bankrupt speculator for their <§was faoggisg under circumstances as bard us the polished granite of the tmpiy bank for the pittance which was to stand between them sjiI Imagex and cold and despair. Toward 10 o'clock, when the crowd tad grown large, it became too painful ly apparent that the heaviest portion of the cruel and wicked blow would be cast upon the shoulders of the aged and the unfortunate. The crowd increased, and •welled to Randolph street, and when it was found that it was actually the terri ble truth that not a single nickel was forthcoming the intensity of feeling, the passion, despair and all the general feat ures of the scene beeame dreadful. Men and women were fairly trembling with excitement, and spoke to each other in tones husky with entotion. The quiet agony of some of them who had for years put by little by little, for some cher ished and indeed sacred object, such as a home for aged parents, provision for the helpless and the sick, or toward some fondly anticipated plan of life, was per fectly heart-sickening to witness. It is simply impossible to attempt to outline the circumstances of many of the most touching and necessitous cases. The hardships have fallen upon all with an almost equal force, and the scoun- drelism that has deliberately wrought such, wide-spread ruin among the de pendent and inoffensive poor will not re ceive its due punishment until is meted out to it the terrors of that hell beyond the grave of which John Calvin used to attempt such a horrible description. On© poor woman who has passed the last few years of lier life in the toilsome Snrsuit of scrubbing in one of the pub-c departments told a pitiful story of what she had gladly suffered that her only boy might receive a thorough pro fessional education. The mother's tears ran down her face like rain, and many a man's fingers worked convulsively as he overheard the story. A very old lady, quite 70 or more, tottered with the weight of her woe as she told how she and the old man, some half a dozen years older than herself, and bed-ridden for years, had lost the little store upon which they subsisted, and part of which was to be devoted to their burial when their last of earth came upon them. A broken-hearted German girl mourned the loss of no less than $600 worth of hardly-earned savings, part of which WPS to bring the old folks over to a hap pier home this side of the water. Men were there who said bat little ex cept in curses, and who were thinking of the little ones at home when, with a mie- ohievous light in their eyes, they said that they would like the opportunity of breaking "that fellow Spencer's d--d neck." "Yes," said a respectable and elderly mm {f this thing has got far enough now.' "We shall have to stretch a few of these fellows, I'm afraid. The sight of one of these d--d tinkering, gambling monopolists dangling from a lamp-post will be a wholesome lesson to others that they will be compelled to deal honestly with the people's money." "Curse them," said another, " they're not satis fied with making a decent interest by ptuMoiig our money through their pawnbroMng fingers, but they must play hell with it in wild-cat stocks, in real estate, and bankrupt railroad bonds." " Buying real estate for a 4se, you know," said another speaker. " A rise ? Yes, I'd like to be one to give that man Spencer a rise. I'd rise him. I'd rise him higher than the level of any real estate in Cook county, you bet." And so it went on. The offioers of the bank would have been edified and some what surprised into the bargain oould they have seen the sort of men that gave utterance to sentiments like these. They were not men rough in manner or ex travagant in speech, but were of a re spectable and good class of citizens. It would not have been very healthy for the president or cashier to nave bean ex tremely anxious to test the grim earnest ness of either their opinions or their threats. - Remarkable Fulfillment of * Dream* All the world loves to talk about dreams. The streaks of insanity which a French philosopher declares run through every man's brain show their edges in sleeping, if not in working hours, and as for the supernatural ele ment, who is wholly without supersti tion in regard to dreams? Two English ladies were recently in attendance upon their brother, who was ill of common sore throat--severe and protracted, but not considered dangerous. At the same time one of them had borrowed a watch from a female friend, in consequence of her own being under repair.- The watch was one to whioh particular value was attached, on account of family associa tions, and some anxiety was expressed that it might not meet with any injury. The sisters were sleeping together, in a room communioating with that of their brother, when the elder of them awoke in a state of great agitation; and, having aroused the other, told her that she had had a frightful dream. " I dreamed," she sftl, " that Mary's watch stopped, and that when I told you of the circum stance, you replied: ' Much worse than that has happened, for James' breath has stopped also I'" -- meaning their brother who was ill. To quiet her agi» At a church where there was a call for a minister, two candidates appeared whose names were Adam and Low. The latter preached an elegant discourse from the text. "Adam, where art thou?" In the afternoon, Adam preac' these words, " Lo, here am I." A Ttworjr Borne Out by liMtft The theory that lade of vigor is the undarly- ing cause of disease Is reoamng daily confirma tion of the most positive kind in the core of dyspepsia, liver disorders, and kidney, bladder and ukrine oomplainta by Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters, the ruling remedy for maladies attrib utable to weakness. This superb tonic is never employed without the most beneficial effects. The liver, the bowels, the organs of urination, and indeed the entire system acquires both vigor and regularity through its action, since it gives a healthful impetus to every failing funo- fton. It is an incomparable fpedfio for chills and fever, and other maladies of a malarial type, prevents their attacks, is a reliable means of ooanteraothur the effects of undue exposure totetigwT^dsoothesM well as strengthens the iiervous organism. Purity, Strength, Bwwmbj. These three requisites are combined in Doo m's well-known. YBAST POWDER. A few trials will cuiiviuoa you that it is aot only the best, bat also the cheapest. 'C tation, the younger sister immediately t up and found the brother sleeping quietly, and the watch, whioh had been carefully put in a drawer, going oorreot- ly. The following night the very same dream occurred, followed by similar agi tation, whioh was again composed in the same manner; the brother being again found in a quiet sleep, and the watch going Well. On the following morning, soon after the family breakfasted, one of the sisters was sitting by her brother, while the other was writing a note in the adjoining room. When her note was ready for sealing, she was proceed ing to take out for the purpose the watch she had put in her writing desk, when she was astonished to find it had stopped; and at the same instant she heard a scream from her sister in the next room. Their brother had been seized with a sudden fit of suffooation, and had just breathed his last.--New York Tribune. Shocking Crime. A dreadful occurrence is reported from Bellambi, New South Wales. The house of a man named Peter Brawen wag burned down during the night, and in the morning it was found that the man and two of his children aged 11 and 13 years, had perished in the flames. With in a few yards of the smoldering ruins there was also a clog with Ma head near ly chopped off, evidently by an ax lying beside him besmeared with blood. A slate was found near the burned house, with the following written, in the hand writing of Brawen: " 25th May. I can not live any longer. During the last ten years I nave wished a thousand times I had never been born. I love my little children too well to leave them to be tortured by their brutal mother---that dirty, drunken, selfish, and unfeeling savage ̂ I bequeath her to Satan, and oars® her with mj last breath, and re joice at the near approach of my end." Passage of the Dardanelles. The reported closing of the Darda nelles by Turkey oalls out the question, Can the passage be forced ? The task would be extremely difficult; but twice within the last two centuries it has been done. In 1770 Capt. Elphinstone, a British offioer in the service of Bussia, ran through the Dardanelles with a sin gle vessel, anchored in front of the Sul tan's palace (off Seraglio point), drank a glass ef grog, and ran out again. Thirty years later another British officer ran through the Dardanelles with a squad ron, and menaced Constantinople with a bombardment. The Debt of Paris. The debt of Paris on Jan. 1, 1877, had reached $380,000,000. The population is 2,200,000. The debt of the Kingdom of Prussia, with 24,000,000 inhabitants, is not more than $230,000,000. Nine separate loans constitute the debt of Paris, and of these five, amounting to $200,000, ()00, were incurred under the imperial regime and before the Second Empire. The remaining $180,000,000 of the debt has been contracted since the e'ose of the German war. SAm Pkbmahkht aw*» CJoimaif* !-- Wilhoft's Tonic cures Chills and Fever, Dumb Chills and Bilious Fevers--those Titans that kill their thousands where this remedy is un known. It cun-o Enlargement of the Spleen. It cures Hypertrophy of the Liver. It hurt# no one. It cures &H types of Malarial Fevers and is pcrfoctly protective in its effects. Try Wit haft's Tonic, the great infallible Chill Cure. G. R. Fihsat A CO., Proprietors, New Orleaas. FOB SALS BY ALL DBUQOISKB. I HAVH sold Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup since 1870. It has had the leading sale among all cough remedies, from its first intro duction. Mv customers, as they get acquainted with it, become its friends almost without ex ception. After this trial of six years, I can recommend its use to all in need of a cough remedy. A. B. ARMSTRONG, Smethport, Pa. Sokl by J. Blooki A Co., Chicago, HL Thb name Cashmere Bouquet, as ap plied to Toilet Soaps and Perfumery, is regis tered and patented as a trade-mark by Colgate A Co., New York. Purchasers, however, need hardly to be warned against infringements; the genuine article is s* universally esteemed as to have made the names Cashmere Bouquet and Colgate & Co. nearly synonymous. THIBTT years' experience proves the Graefenberg Vegetable Pills to be the mildest and most effective medicine ever known for the complete cure of headache, biliousness, liver complaints, nervousness, fevers and diseases of digestion. Sold everywhere; prioe 25 oents box. Send for almanacs. Graefenberg New York._ THOUSANDS are entitled to increase of pension. They have been pensioned at rates below what their disabilities warranted, others as their disabilities have increased since first pensioned. All such can have their pensions increased, and those who are not pensioned ̂ but entitled to pension, can secure the same by addressing, with stamp, McNeill & Birch. Washington, D. C. No fee till claim m allowed. CHEW The Celebrated 4,MaTCHI«B8S" Wood Tag Plug TOBACOO. Thx PIOHKKB TOBAOOO COUP ANT. New York, Boston and Cbioago. Hofmann's Hop Pills cure the Ague at once. If fom fMl doll, drowsy, debilitated, han frequent headache, mouth tastesbadly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, j u\\ ra-e suffering from torpid liver or " bilious ness," and nothing will oarejrou bo speedily and perma nently an to teke SIMMONS' Litoe Rsaui^TOB or Mkd> ICXXE. PURELY VEGETABLE, The Oheapest,Purest and Best Family Medicine In the World! AN Bivkotitax, SPE CIFIC for all diesMM of the Iiw, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the liver and prevent CHILLS AND FKVKR, MALARIOUS FK- VKR8.BOWKL COM- PLAINTS, RESTLESS NESS. JAUNDICE AND NAUSEA. BAD BREATH! Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so oommon a* bad breath, and in nearly every ease it ootnes from the stom ach, and can be so easily corrected if you will take SIMMONS' Livkr REGULATOR. BO not ncuglect so mim a remedy for'this repulsive disorder. It willalsoimprove gfmg Complexion and General Health. CONSTIPATION! SHOULD not be regarded sa a trifling ailment--in foot, nature aetnands the utmoot regularity of th* bowek, euiu aaf deviation from this aetnand paves the waj? often to eariuubiuu^ ., IU&quKc •s necessary to remova Impure •uniul&tlons from the bowels so 'A Is to eat or sloep, and sio hccltl; can be expected whore & csstivs habit of bod* prevails. SICK HEADACHE! Tuts distressing affliction occurs most frequent*: . »s disturbance of tne stomach, arising from toe inipurfectly digested contests, causes a severe pain in the head, ac companied with disagreeable nausea, and this craiatitsiw " h e ; f u r t b e " 'ULATOB OB loinpi. is popularly known as Sick lief of Which, TAKE SIMMON*' Lmtm MKDIOIN*. HiXUnCTVUD OVLI BT J. H. ZEIL1N A CO„ PHILADELPHIA. Nn, 91.00. t«M by all Dru8gi«ts. SAFEB THAN THE AVERAGE SAVINGS BANK. 'i'lie .Share# of the Consolidated Virginia California Mining Companies u* " ' * " dollars each. The and the THE belle of a ball in Washington, Ky., •as fought over by rival admirers, each of whom wanted to dance with her to the exclusion of all others. Two were wounded with pistol shots, and three with knives. * A TEXAS paper claims that its State lias now 1,750,000 inhabitants, and pre dicts that by 1880 it will have more than 2,000,000, and be entitled to twenty Representatives in Congress. THE Pennsylvania railroad has 8,000 tons of scrap mm for sale at Pittsburgh. more than forty-nine . ids. The rate Is equal to eighty per oent. a year on the present market prioe of the stock. Orders for lota of five shares and upwards executed and tull information given by WiLLlAiM WAKI). Banker and Broker, Ex-President of the American Mining Board, Drexel Building, Corner Broad and Wall Streets, New York. N. b Investment, Railroad and all marketable Se- curities bought and aold and dividends collected. rupui nriuiM IBJiBAUSU a"SS2~ JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO war fcwafdeci the highest prise at Oentennlnl Exposition for Its fine chewing qualities, the excellence ami lasting character of its sweetening an.t flavoring. If yini want the best tobacco twr inn<!e, your grocer for this, and see that each plugj>ears our bln^-strip trade-mark^with words Jackson's Best on it. bers. Ma nut nc surer a. 1'eterHliurK, V, boid wholesale by a Send foreamy'.e to C. A. JACltMON dfc job- UOh RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, POUCHKEEPSIE, N. Y., OTIS BISBEE, A. M., Principal and Proprietor. Numbers ita alumni by hundreds in all the honorable walks of life. Pupils range from twelve to twenty ye;irs In age. Next session opens Sept. 13th. Those wishing to enter should make an early application. 1* not eauliy eanma in liiese time#, but it can be rnnde in three months by any.cne, ot either sex, in any art of the country, whe Is willing " ent C777 fcfat • • • lo work steadily at the employrae H H H that we furnish $(HS per week in * your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give jour whola time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making ovar MHO per day at the busi ness. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It oosta nothing to try the mmjmmb. Terms and f5 Outftt free. Addraaa, atONC. SThaLLETT * OO.rPMtUad. Malna, JR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORBET. &W1Ui 8Un Sappartrr cund Mf.A<|a*tiM Pads. 8€cnres HEALTH and Comfort of Body, with Gkacb and Brmjtt O( form. Three Garment* in one. Approved bj all physician* AGENTS Wanted. t 8am pies b? m«si. !a Coatll, : 1 Sattean, »i m To Agents at 185 cental eat. Order sice two | Inches smaller than waist mea-' snre over the dress. 1 Warner Bros. 8ML Broadway,K.T. SIflTBt SHNMN6 SUKMOHTy TB HJLAWTHOHY104 BEADE ST. NEWYORtC ifW It* ̂ j* $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The ehoitmi household ommmtnto. lYfot Onm Hollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. ** m BOSTON. MASS. _ $1.00 $1.00 c AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL HISTORY OFTHEU.S. Thi great Interest in the thrilling history of onr coimtry makes this the fastest-selling book ever published. It contains over 500 fine historical engravings and 1.120 pages. It sells at sight. Send for our extra terms to Agenta,aad soe why it sells faster than any ether book. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING GO., Chicago, 111. 80*000 Copies Sold in Two Months I HARK TWAIN'S Mew Book, " Mmtorei of TOM SAWYER," CO.. Hartford. Gooo.; Ohfaagw.ni. t BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. , Oarlvallsd for tte Toilet »H<i Ihe Bath. No artificial sad dei-eptive odon te I cove.' common m4 ! deleterious ingredi ent*. After of icitntlfU cipcrimeDt [the manufacturer ol £. r. Babbitt's Bt* f fioa/> hn$ perkoUA nd now off? rs to fwbHe The FINEST TOILET «OAP Im ike World. Qnljf tlU pup*M ttpcte&fc mh %9td in it* ik, roofciUning l:l cske& of 6 cse. each, stint frM lo »o*!pt of «& ceng®. Address Best Family Paper ii Ana. |tHE TOLEDO WEEKLY COIEEClil Successor to the looal Weekly Blade. PnbUshsa simultaneously with it all the attractive features of the Weekly Blade. Ae.by arrangement, the home news will appear only In ilie COSI- MEKt'lAli, IhUUthtpaperyouwant. . , All the Mars in a nutshell. Tne best storSoa. the choic est poetry, rarest wit and humor, best Homo and Farm Departments, Department for the Young, Sunday- 8«nuol ? Sunday Reading, Markets, etc. Four Month!!' Trial for 50 Celts. Great IndnetttKata to Clubs. Gold and other valuable and miiilfO HIsWhifAt^ti €0., TOIiBPO. O. THE GOOD OLD STAND-DY* MEXIMN WU8TANB UNIMINT. FOR MAW AND BKAtT. ttunuiD 85 Yi JlM. Always curaa. Always nady. Atwayshandy. Has never yatfallad. TMrtg miUiont have U»t*d ii. The whole world approraa the glorious old MusUng-the Best snd OhMpeeft Uniment in existence. 26 cents a bottto. Th® Mttstaog UnliBint cures when nothing else wML HOLT- BY AIX MKPIOINK VHIfPWTI* UNHAM PIANOS. $IOto$25 for H5 Cents, il Catalogue free. J. H. BVFFOJWV Buaton. [EstsblUhed 1880.) A HAY SlIKH made by AgeutssellingourChroiiioe, Crayons, Picture and Chro- mo Cards. 1 samples, worth 85, Beat, postpaid, """" " ' Illuftrated (NIMH* OBI Pfll'S EXTRACT. POM'S EITBACT. ThB Bemedy. Sho Universal Pain Zztraotor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract, Take no Other. •Vmii fbr I will week ofexeellent tklngs." ysars, and for cleanliness and prompt curativa yearsi mo I« weananess ana prompt curaUva vlrMMMuiotbe excelled. fkuBlly can afford to be with* oat¥«^i Extract. AeeldentH, Bralaes, CeataslsBS^ Cats, Strains, art; relieved al- i most Instantly by external application. Promp nenuy dmis ail mi immediate relief an< vlnga, stops bleedlos, removes discoloration and UUMES^nd it their best friend. It assnam the pains to which they arc peculiarly subject-- notably fullnsaf and pressure in tne head, nausea, •ertlgo. etc. It prompt^* ameliorates and perma- neotly heals all kinds of Inflammastraii and J or PIMC9 And In thin the only J and ultimate care. No case, how- ever chronic or etalMt* !on.»f Jts regu- " ,*r a*e- It ts the only rare cure, i any canse. >'or thlsit Is a Kpeci- It has saved h'tndreds of lives when all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from nose, permanently cured, PHYSICIANS of all schools who wo acquainted with Pond's Extract recommend It la their practice, we have letters of commendation from hundreds of Phytlclans; many of whom order it elr own practice- Ijt addition to th>; for use in their of ail they order us use for Fronted Feet, Stincs of Inpeeta, toe. etc.. Chapped Hands, Face, i all manner of skin diseases. TOILKT IISK. Itemoves Snrenees, Roagh- "Sn * /ns«*«st" wRle"wondcrfn!ly improving the Cook _ ifcncifi ftovili« aess and Smartlngi heals Cate, BraptlsM and Plaiple*. it revive', invigorate and re- No Stock •without It. TO Pi?A$tSf*RS-Pon«r» Extract. Breeder, no Livery Man can afford to be It Is used by all ttie leading Livery Stabled, Street Kailronds and first Horsemen In New York City. It lis« no equal for Sprains, Harass or Saddle ChafliiKR, Bwitness, Bcr.»t«he«, Swelllnes, Cuts, I-Rccrations, Bleedings, Pneumonia, Colts. Dlar- • irtMpa,, Chills, Oolds, etc. Its range of action la wide, and the relief It affords Is so prompt that It is Invaluable in every Farm-yard as well as In every Farm-house. Let St bo tried once and you win never be without, it. CAUTION I Pond's Extract has been Imitated. The genuine article !»•• • the words Pond'a Ex tract blown in each b«me. It la prepared by the only pernonn llvlnj, who ever knew how to prepare It properly, Hefnse all other preparations of witch Hazel. Thte la the only article used by Physicians and in the hospitals of this country HISToK^mna Usee of Pond's Extract, In pamphlet form, sentJ^rce on apidlcattpa U> POTND'S EXTRACT COMPANY, #3 Maiden 'Ape, Kew ork. Ui NITED STATEi INSURANCE COMPANY, IN THE CITY OP NE YORK, 261, 262, 263 Broadway. *--•ORGANIZE® 1810 • ASSETS, $4,327,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERT APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES APPROVED CLAIMS MATURINQ IN 1877' WILL BE At 7* OK rJMSSENTATIOW. JAfiSBS BUBZiZi, - * PRESIDENT iworehildoan get it- Most'penslong oaii be incrosaed. If discharged for wonnds, injuries (ruptui ;. full bounty is gsld. lp- GRACE'S XGETABLG PREPARATION, S68 $55 h ^77 AOn * llay, no w ro MAKE IT. ^ATVNWJSWMBS. COB, YONSM JT CO.,SU. $S to $20 a APWS a TM tm/aA svi!'fa» pwnetaa, as a Tlaieplecc. Unless the bow ... do their duty with the regularity of clockwork, perfect health is impossible. Therefore, when disordered, onn- trol them Immediately with TARRANT'S KmnvxacENT Seltzer Aperuint, the most genial balsamic and ef fective laxative and alterative known to the msdioal profenlon. Sold hr *11 druggists. n • • Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, Wareroomii. 18 Enst 14th St., [Established 1834.] NEW YORK, t /"Prices Reasonable. Terms taiy.-fl SOT FAII' to send for our Now Catalogue. It foI!' tains valuable Infor mation lor every person coutem- jilLitlug the pur chase of any artlc! • for personal, tuuily or agricultural use. Free to any Address. . rOSTtJO.'OEKY WARD A CO., Original Grange Supply House, 227 -.(• 229 With<r-h Are.. CHIf ifi«. I" >--The Beat. sy as The T«rr best, six for $T .OO Steep's Gusto! Handteahlsl A GEWT8 PAW MAKB C^cnSIr. WORSWICJ?*M' $12 PKR DAY . A DAY at home. Ajrents wanted, terms free. TRITK H CO., Angusta. Made by 17 A rents InJan.S7wMk my 13 new articles. Ssmptet lhts. AddressC. " $6937 , Fensions, Prices, Bostnty and Claims of all kinds prompt* ' collected. Soldiers disabled in theserrioe (though bat Ltly)_esn get pension ; if dead, the widow or ehfld . TI . ply at once or yon will be tea late. Have had five years' experience at the front ss a soldier: 11 years as Pension Aire tit. Letters cheerfully answered and full informa tion given free where stamp ia inuloeed. Send 10c. fee Bounty and Pension Laws. Ploasn give me <i trial. Address E. N. \VEKI>KN, Clilcn«o. Ilk |9" No charges unless claim in allowed and paid. that baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day. and was regarded by all who knsw faiita as a pablic benefactor, xo cents a box. For Sate by B'rug- gista generally. Sent by mall on receipt oi pnea. Prepared by 8KTI1 W. FOVV I.E £ HONS. 80 Harrtsss Avenue. Boston. Mass. PERPETUAL iSOBGHUM EVAPORATOB. $15. $20. $25. Cheap and Durable Send for Circulars, ddress the only ManufactufSO nHAPMANiCD.'1ir m Shirts--made to measure. The Very best, six for 80.UO. An elegant set of genuine Gold-Plate Collar gafi Sleeve Buttons given with eaeh half doa. Keep's Shblk Keep's Shirts are delivered KRKK on receipt of prioe U any part of the Union--no express charges to p.%y. Samples, with full directiona for self-measnremant. Sent Free to any address. No stamp required. Deal directly with the Manufacturer and get: Bottaa Prloes. Keep Manufacturing Oo.. 1(15 Msrusr St.. M.T. HOMES IN KANSAS! S2Knn ̂we?."rsutc WfclflilPdreaa, J. Worlk<ft Co., The Stet» ft Kansas. --• saithful climate, and -g _Cers great advantnges qj change their residence, ̂ For those wishing Cheap P" good grain, stock and a lands, at Low Prices. tion of country and farms '«•* "fit/ft*. J. B. Pay lord 4Co^ ' HAUNETIO T % works. Hunter i A;t ww ww 6end for Catalog. Vam 4k CthC&icipk 1 In Wall Bt. Steeka t every month. ~ $10 § SI 900 YOUNG MEfl! .jilary while learning R. VALENTIN K. cum Learn Telegraph? lMMfc and e»n; trom * I Wl a month. Sasw Situations furnished. Ad4rm* Superintencjent, Ksgiewood, Bk ' K71NGKAHAM <8c (AM are superior In design asf Mfc eauaied in qnaHty, or i. Ask your Js Manutftotory-1 * ' with her fertile soil, abundance of pure water, to those who are about to either for health or profit. Homes we have a few fruit Fur ins. also raw We will give full deserip- pli " upon application. CR0SSMUN, WATTS * CO., Humboldt Ku BEWARE mi Imitation*. $350 A MONTH--AGENTS WANTED--36 best selling arttelss in tbe world; onesample/rss. AddreM JAT BBONSON, Oetrott, Mich. $1U0.00 h'«vxvy KOkTZiZir, nmocth f*o« b/ the of !>YK 1!KAIU> LUXIKi out injury, or will <g, Pric? by buuU h* m packafT1. ccjita; 5S cnly , A. L- t'MITH k »'<V, lVatine* 19-, 8«!f Acvttto. ciftUticm tV * ssK&arwi TOssak Kitted OrsatMercantile Coll--t, Kttkik, 1UNS. THE BE8I iiu: IT B« U 2 & Bteeeh and Mnsale Trading. Save 25 par ' " i-ing of the Importers and Sola RUSSKL A>IAYDKNS, bW; Bend for prtse Ust JaoksonTiUe.IML T AWNINGS, TENTS* IKBRi 100 8oith Uesplalaee at., rkiwwtiti | , HUN KIDNE HUNT'S REMEDY .- "V . the creat , . J L JNEY MEDICINL itive remedyfbr Drsstv and sail diseases tf j Idaeye, lUaMar and V Haars Kesiedy is pur .prepared expressly tor the above cured thousands, tvery bottle warranted. Send to w. "B. Clarke, Providence, R.I., for illustrated pamphlet. If your druggist don't have It, he will order it for yew. VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Reii* ovates and Invigorate^ the Whole System. St* Xedioal Propdrtiet tr» ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLVEIT an Biuuiie. Mai Entail * MB. H. R. 8mm: Dear Sir--I will moat eheerfaQsaM my testimony to the great number |M have already received in favor of year great and good medicine, Vteninb for I do not think enough can be aaM ha ita praise, for I waa troubled over thMr years with that dreadful disease. Ca tarrh, and had such bad coughing spsite that it would aeem aa though I nsiw could breathe any more, and vismn has cured me; and I do feel to ttsak God all the time that there is »<> good % medicine aaVBOXTIliK,and 1 alsotMak It (ran of the best medicines for e and weak, sinking feelings at the „ ach, and advise everybody to take _ Vegetine, for I can assure tbeol Ik one of the best medicines that ever m MKS. L. OORK. Cor. Magazine and Walnut Si Oambridga, * GHVES Health, Strei and Appetite. ^" My dsnghtar has reoaived great efit from the ass of ViramiaL deviinitifr lieuth WSfi a MunS \'0 aas-'iity to a!! her friends.1 .L few" of Ykgetike restored b«r strength end ap: appetite. N. H. TIMiEK. . and Real Rskit« Ae«riL " " Sears' Rnildir Boa ton. Vegetlne Vegctine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Tegetlne Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Tegetlne Tegetlne Tegetlne Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Tegetlne Tegetlne Tegetine Tegetine Tegetine Tegetine Tegetine Vegetine Vegetine Tegetine Vegetine Vegetine Tegetine Tegetine Tegetine PrepredbyH. R. Meis, Boston, 1m. Vegetine is Sold by All Draggiaifc SANDAL-WOOD A' positive remsay for all diseases of the K Bladder and Urinary Or«aa»« also. Dropsical Complaints. I* never prodi ness. Is oertaln and speedy la Us site It Ii superseding all other ismedlss Sixty aspealss smh six or eight days. No other medicine can do thin. Beware of lactations, for, owing to Ms i soccees, many have bew offered; some are ass* < ussens. cansing pflsa, *«. DVNDA8 DICK ft CO.*8 Maks ** < m{m, contaMw Oil «/ Jsu<slin>< seW e» aV i Morss. for cireulmr, Mr ssmI /kr sas IToottr *r--t. lftm TarA majriros bb. ̂ EXCELLED. Cbabumtown, Marcb IS, Mi B. K. STEVENS: Dear Sir--This Is to certify that 1 has* need yoar " Blood Preparation ** te mm family tor several years, and think thl for Scrofula or Cankerous H asanas ear Rheumatio Affeotioos, it oannot ks» celled; and aa a blood purifier or swete* mediolne. It is the bast wing I have aaar uM-d, and I have used almoat evesytMsw. I can cheerfully recommend It t»agp one 1b need of such a Btedlclast Yours reepectfnlljr. A. 6INBMORJL So. U Russell StiM^ BE00MMEND IT HEARTILY. Sottth Boston, Feb. 7,1 MR. Stxvsns: Dear Sir--I have taken several I of your Veoktink, and am coaeteswA it i« u valuable remedy for Pj»i|s<a Kidney Complaint and General IWiiHl ' of the System. I can heartily recommend M toaMs from the above complaiatSb teeing irom the above r°5ST«Sfi. PARKHR, M Atheae C. N. U. Mow 34) HEW WRITISMS TOADVEim adw< ;rti8U%