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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1877, p. 4

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.ifrt/Vj';.1 ta£ THerk? - ' ? • >9.M .ip<, WSi man '<&& *•?1 \ n > if .,1 ia, 4r& v , ' - gwJH&NESDAY. OCT. 81st, 1877. *1". VAN 8LYKE, Editor ELECTION, next, November 6th. For Whom Shall We Vote? . This is the question mauy voters are Asking themselves as they bring to mind the fact that the Annual Elec­ tion occurs on Tuesday next. Fcr the four offices to be filled there are thir­ teen candidates, enough some would say from which to make a choice, but this is not the question. The people of McHenry county want honest, capa­ ble and efficient men,--men who have been tried and never found wanting, and we now propose to make a compar­ ison as between them for the benefit of •ur readers, not from a political stand point, but on the ground of principle and common sense. We will first speak of the Republican Ticket. B. N SMITH, the nominee for County Judge, has filled that position for a term of years with ability and to the entire satisfaction of the people of the county. In no single instance can his most bitter opponents truthfully say be has erred, but in every particular has he filled the position with credit to himself and bono/ to his consti­ tuents. PETER WHITEST, the candidate foi County Clerk, has held the office for four years, and although coming into the office without'the least experience as to its arduous duties, his record stands to-day second to no Clerk who ever done the^duties of that office, do­ ing his duties so faithfully that he lias covered from #500 to $700 in the Treas­ ury, a thing the records will show was done by no other Clerk. This the Tax Payers should and will appreciate. JM^The editor of the Aurora News\ j is susceptible to female wiles. A week) lor two 6iuce a female tramp printer! [came to that city, applied at the New* [office for a "sit,*' aad it was given her, I but after working steadily for a week •she began to "soldier," and, true to the [principles of a tramp printer, after get- Iting a little money ahead* she "lit out" land was accompanied by one x>f the [brave youths of tliat eitj. Dick, look wit for 'em; they're bad*--Bator-Aa \Newu. Dish -Water The Marengo JRepubliccm of Saturday last* *ft«r giving the names on the live different tickets now before the voters of this county, to be voted for at the Election next Tuesday says: "From the above it will be noticed that "party lines" are to a certain ex­ tent ignored, and the result can be better determined after election than now. There is very little doubt how­ ever, but that the straight Republican ticket will be elected, though four •ears ago taught us that a nomination by the Republican partv was not equiv- olent to an election. In the "oft years." we are of the opinion that it would be better not to hold any Convention, but let every one run for whatever office he wishes t«.w Or in othet" words, Mr. Republican* why did you not say, "'there are the tickets, take your choice." And this from a Republican paper, knowing that there is chicanery at work to de­ feat the regular nominees, and yet not one word to warn the people that there is a wolf in the fold, but rather by his words to lull them to sleep as the hour of danger draws nigh. The editor of the Republican was a member of the Republican Convention and knows that Col. Avery was honest­ ly and squarely defeated in that Con­ vention. and if he is hones t in the advocacy of the principles which h« professes, then why this •'dish-water" style of argument, when solid work is necessary. That Col. Avery is a good man no one will attempt to deny, but he is now allowing himself to be used, (we honestly believe against his better judgment) as a tool, by one man to gratify a sense Of revenge, and by another who Is an insignificant detna- gogue, whose only ambition is to. get himself into respectable notice and put a few shekels inlo his o^rn pocket, without any regard to principle, policy or good sense. These are the kind of men who are trying to use Col. Avery as a tool for their own personal ends, but we do not believe the peoplc are ready to accept theiy as leaders. The above extract would indicate that the leading Republicans of Maren­ go were inclined to bolt the ticket in fa*»or of Col. Avery, but we do not be­ lieve it. Marengo is a largje town and has always been foremost in denoun­ cing all such iho'ves, and we do not believe will now be willing to be led astray. But we would warn her leaders if they contemplate this treachery, that there are sixteen towns in McHenry county outside of Marengo, and each have a few votes, all of whom will watch closely their actions in this matter, and will weigh them well in the balance in the future. ^ g > In alluding to advertising sta­ tistics, it is said of Hollo way, the famous pill-maker, that in 1837 he com­ menced to advertise, expending about £250 per annum; in 1842 his expenses in the same line amounted to £5,000; in 1845 it reached £10,000; in 1751 it £20,000; in 1855 it was £30,000; and in the present year, 1877, it has readied •the enormous amount of £40,000. The directions for the use of the pills and ointment have been translated into every known language, and circulated all over the inhabitable wfrld. The enterprisiug advertiser has conse­ quently made a colossal fortune. This is a question f©r every voter in this county to ask himself candidly be­ fore he casts his ballot on next Tues­ day. It is a question which is connect­ ed with the pecuniary interests of every tax payer of the county. Our present efficient Clerk, Peter Whitney, ,has covered into the county treasury of his legal fees, from five to seyen hundred dollars per annnm for the past four years which he has held the office, while no other man, !n any of the coun­ ty offices, has ever returned a dollar of the fees allowed by law. These hun­ dreds, paid in every year, would amount in a few terms to a large sum, and greatly aid the county in paying ofl her public debt. Mr. Whitney lias, (as every new man must,) gone through his schooling and fully learned the business and duties of his office. Why should we put in a fresh hand at the expiration of every term of the office, when we have proved a man and know that he is all right in every particular? It ceitaiuly does not pay us as tax payers. Let us then consult our own interests, and act ac­ cordingly, for the offices cannot get round to all who would accept them, in the lifetime of this generation. Is it not then better to reduce the compen­ sations to the lowest reasonable rates and permit those, who prove efficient and honest, to<retain them longer than one term? , The salary of County Clerk is now fixed so low that the net proceeds is only about $1200 per annum, a sum certainly sufficiently low for a man having a family to live on comfort­ ably. Under the present compensa­ tion, reduced three hundred dollars, Mr. Whitney, by his careful manage­ ment and close collection of legal fees, will doubtless be enabled toHcover into the county treasury about $1,000 per annum. Whether there is auother man who could anrl would do It, we do not know. < Previous to the adoption of our pres­ ent constitution, the county officers re­ ceived all the fees allowed by law as compensation, and, in counties like this, the clerks made a good thing, while the treasurers and sheriffs bare­ ly made it pay. Mr. Editor, the question now comes home to every Republican in the coun­ ty, shall we permit our opponents to take up a fairly defeated candidate of our party and elect him over the regu lar nominee ,who has in the past, proved himself so honest, g® accommodating and efficient ijva^ery way ? May the fates forifnT it. Let us then turn out tMi Tuesday next and roll up such a rousing majority as will shame those who would steal our thunder in order that they may triumph. JRSTICB. Crystal Lake Pickling -AXD-- "The other day a tnean man outfin Western Iowa went off into a quiet country place and died so quick that his wife got his insurance money be­ fore the company had time to fail.-- The President says he never felt so ^swindled and cut up sine* he has been in the business. •Not long ago they had a Sunday I school picnic down at the Cascade, and the two senior deacons threw a couple of lemons and a pint of sugar in the creek, and charged strangers fivo cents (every time they took a drink. ̂ Preserving Works Supply Store. Is Running in FULL BLAST And expects to run for nil time to come. keep a full line of Groceries AT CHICAGO PRICES. Also Salt Pork, and all kind* at Salt Fish and Smoked Meats, ami take in trade-or part cash, Oats, Corn, Butter, Eggs, Ac., at the highest market prices. Don't be led away by false representations nut give me a call and see for vourself.-'- Thankful for the liberal patronage f have had hope you will continue and I will endeavor to please, B. F.JONES, Agent- Crystal Lake Crossings, Oct. 29th, 1877. N E W * Astonishing Success It is the duty of every person whl, has used BOSCIIKK'S GERMAN SYRUP to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma. Pneu­ monia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person*1 can use it with­ out immediate relief. Three doses wHl relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recom­ mend it it to the poor dying con­ sumptive. at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the GERMAN SYRUP cannot be too widely known. Ask your Druggist about it. Sample BottleR to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. For sale by H. Coliiy, Druggist, McHenry. For anything in the line of Dry I Goods, Clothing. Groceries. Boot6 and Shoes. Hats and Caps. Notions, Ac. go to Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's, Kiverside Block, McHenry. The undersigned having Opened a New Meat Market in Curtis' Old Shop where he is prepared to furnish all who may i'avor him with a call with Fresh and Salt Meats of all Kinds, Respectfully asks a share of the public patronage. e Vegetables of all Kinds IN THEIR SEASON. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. and we will try and please you with the Best of Heats and a Clean Shop. R. WAITS. McHenry, III., Oct. 81st, 1877. is not easily earned in these times, but it can bemadein three months by any one of cither sex, ,,.!1t"-v ll!irt of the country who is villing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- tfwpbr week in your own town. You need norbe away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or onlv your snare momenta. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at on < e can maky money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rap- Idly at an v other business. It costs nothing V>try the business. Terms and *5 Outfit tree. Maine88 °nce'H' Hau>ett & Portland {, j <A. i % |? I;- • ' *> !*i %"» r "1 if P P (li CD I v; im C v. -J tr CO -J M < 2 CO BUCKLIN & STEVEN?. McHenry, Attqusi 38th% 1877. A New and Complete Stock •V, will offer Special Bargains • •m&v'.-; and Men Youths Dress Suits. a Cliilds and small Suits. Overcoats, Overcoats! A complete line for Men, Youtlis and Boys, at ex­ tremely Low Prices. Call and examine Stock and Prices. Smith, Aldrich. & Hay thorn Riverside Block, McHenry, Eicliii id Dundee CasI Stores OF c. HALL. Are you going to nse Good Cash or Good Credit in making Your Fall and Winter Purchases ? If Cash, go and see what C;ish will do. H^gT'Oiie Price Only. Remember I l>ny Bankrupt Stocks, Goods from forced bale*, manufacture all my fine Clothin? and Overcoats, and present th most attractive stock found ii this section. Are *you EuySr.g Cocdc at the Following Prices? , , - - 1 00 ;Ca»tilo Soau I. cut jrlass (.oblets.,.... 1 00 j 15 1t>s SteinlessUaisLns.. I SoaP-• 1 00 jS lhd Lavcr IMisins I 12 lbs Kiee i oo box llayer Baisins.. . | <> boxes limn* Matches 25 120 ir.s Cod Kiah 12cake*i llouey Soap 2.i |2.'> . sugar Chicago prices freight <20 1t>s \o l Mackeral added , IS n>s (; ('dftVe. Uest V l( Tea. . . . ' . ' . ' Best J;iii,'in Tea i <;<»od Y II and Japan II I . Japan. . . . . 4 lbs It 1 Jn pan 5c off oj; ,1 lbs lots No 1 Syrup 100 50 109 100 100 Good Friats..., r> r&fTumbieir# Best Print# ("ATT^V Good un bleat* had Cotton b v Piece Best ditto 7% 40 inch ditto 8)v Best Bleached "ii) Dress 4iooris bar grains ..10 to 4A Black Alpaca if . •fi inch (" ishmere 75 Good Corsets 3ft All Cambrics u Dress Braids fi Mens Sni! ,s . .&-.00 to #?S.0o Bovs Suns t0 $|o.oo Bnli'iiki Hoi tea all prices Ladies Kurs all prices 1 bong-lit my "W onlwis for the manufacture of my Fall and Winter Stock at ICSR pru-f tluiii It cost ro make t!io rjooilg. Come to mjr Dundee or Richmond Store aii(J von will l>« cijually well served. Am prepared at both Stores tor ;i ol^j frndo and will more than satisfy j*ou. Come, and it will be monev in your C. F« HALL |^T"(,hieago Office 122 Franklin St., top Stairs. 2.) ji'i Thd Ilako |20 IDsXo 1 3 Ladies Shoos sowed 1 00 pcjrjred 100 no tMisses shoes 11 to 12. 100 70 jMens Vc-il Kip Boot* 50 I warranted 4 00 .'JO jMens Kip Boots 3 tS 1 00 jMens Split Kip Boots..... 2 IS ' Itoy s :i nd You ths tocorrea 65 j 'pond. Mate Mow is to Save TO SAVE MONEY, Buy your Goods for Cask or Produce. -'I READ THE .FOLI-OWING PRICE LIST t Good Prints Bets. Kest Prints 0 to7 Good yard wide Sheeting 6 Best yd wide .Sheeting ..7 to 8 Yd wide nleached Sheet­ ing 8 to 10 Extra good Waterproof. 75 Carpenterville Flannels 45 Large line of p^ain Flan­ nels 20 to 37 Cotton Hatting 12, 15 and 18 Good all wool Stocking Yarn -- Dress Goods, bargains. 10 to 40 All wool Blk Cash­ mere 70, S5, and $1 French Bone Corsets... 40 Clarene« and Peerless Carpet Warp . 22# A full line of Itochester and Buffalo custom made Boots and Shoes every pair warranted Mens Suits 96 to $20 Boys Suits to #10 Cotton Klannel 9 to 15 California'Overalls leath er trimmed Fair Japan Tea 3 1hs for C hoic e .Ja pa n Tea. Best Japan Tea warrant ed best in market.... Fair Rio Co'Teti Choice Rio Coffee Best Kio Coffee 4 bars Savon Soap Fair Young llvson Tea.. Choice Youngllyson Tea Bes-t Young Hyson Tea. . Best Layer Raisins M box I,aver Raisins.... M 3 tt> Can Peaches, best.. U 2 Can Blackberries. .. lfjf :<5 different styles Car- m peting 50 to $1! w all l'a " -* *aper and full line Trunks 9 Ths White Coffee Sugar 50 ] lbs C CoflV-e Sugar... 10 lhs Light Brown Sugar Best Sugar cured can. vassed Hams 12 Ihs Rice Fair Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Good Fine Cut Chewing -- i Tobacco 40 | Extra Fine Cut Chewinc 70 Tobacco 85 I.Beat Hardwood Butter 12* | \Pails 75 20 2.S 25 25 "3 43 m u These Prices are for First Class Goods. Every article Warrant, ed to prove as represented or mouey refuuded. P. D. SMITH. \

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