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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1877, p. 5

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r v . , ?-.f • "WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7th, 1877. ; w " v •p.. X'.. ^•*! ^k'i 'V Railroad Time Table. •S OOIKG SOUTH. OttnavaLake Passenger .........7:25 A. *. wimLtiwIfiraifht *• GOING Crttifr* Lake Frt;i srht ..*.10:00 A. W- S#nara Lake Passenger 7:08*. K. CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHOOIST.--Rev. W. A. Adron, Pastor. Ervicea every Similar at WH A. M. .and tX M. Sunday School at 12 M. Jons DOHS (Wrinteodeni 7h" "r"^ W i f • . MASONIC. HCHBWKY CHAPTER SA 34 R. A. M.--Retru- Itl Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays iu each month. HuMKT Coi.Br IL P. PHLASKI AlXEN 86C., WHKH a man gets so low down that tkibodvwill lip about htm, he had bet- turu over a new leaf. . \tlr yeu cut your fingers on a piece ef Alicet Iron the chauces are even that you will face grim death. Let your r*r!fe put up the stoves. ..ATHE turkey--is of few days and full in trouble; he cometh forth as a flower and about Thanksgiving time is cut #pwn; yea, he continueth no longer as iflrkey. " THE question of organizing a De- tHrtiing Society in this village is now feeing agitated, This is a move in the right directiou.andwe hope it will be aeoomtplished. FRANK GOIST, late landlord of the Overside House, has been quite sick fer the past few days. The "shakes" appear to be the matter. We hope to ffcfee him arrouud again in a few days. JH. C. MEAI> will accept our thanks fbr a£abbage left at our residence a lew days since. It was a monster in •Ise, weighing 23} pounds. A few of that kind would make a good winter's auppty for any common family. JAMKS B. PEKRy. ESQ., of the Arm of Perry A Martin, lias been confined to the house for the past ten days with an attack ©f Fever. He is reported better to-day. and his many friends hope to «ee him around again soon. POSTAL-CARD communications em> feface all sorts of subjects,--business religion, law, love, sense and nonsense It may-be ne w€.to some people that the postmasters have a perfect light to read any postal card passing through their hands. AT a recent sade of short horn cows in England one animal brought 822.000. That is a tremendous price, but it has Its compensations. To be kicked iu th* stomach by a cow worth #22,000 - must be accompanied by a variety of ennobling sensations. Not every man can afford it. THURSDAY, November 29TFT>, has been designated by both the President and <Governor, as a day of Thanksgiving. Time Proclamation of the President can 'be found on the inside of this paptr. Turkeys will now begin to receive ex­ tra supplies that they may be ready for the sacrifice. DUCKS are said to be more plenty on the Lakes than for many years before, and hunters are having dead loads of •port, a-mi tuber erf whom are passing to and from the Lakes every day. We believe there is no better placo in the Sfortbweet for this kind of sport than Fox and Pistaqua Lakes, WJS would call the attention of our *ead«r« to the new advertisement of Jos. Wiedeman, to be found in another column. He keeps a first class Boarding House, and in his fiestaurant «tn always be found the choicest brands of Wiues for Medical or Family use. Read liis advertisement. in this market a large number NowSs the season of the year when the sportsman with gun. dog game-bag and hunting suit, starts out early iu the morning to shoot, travels nineteen and one-half miles, and returns in the evening with a squirrel--purchased of a small bov in the woods--to figure up the cost of that squirrel and meditate upon the loss of his dinuer. HOG has been king •for the past week, having been shipped from this Station this principle shippers being C. T. Hdredge and F. K, Granger. They are honest and reliable buyers, always paying all that the market will warrant and farmers who deal with them can rest assured of a square and honorable deal. THE attention of out readers is direct­ ed to the new advertisement of John I. •Story. Furniture dealer, which can be found in another column. He has one •of the largest stocks of first -class Furni­ ture to be found in the county which has marked way down to "bed rock." Persons contemplating^ buying Furni- ©iture should consult his prices as he is Ibound not to be undersold. NOVEMBER came in like a Lion, about four inches of snow falling on Thurs­ day and Friday, which made us think that Old Winter had reached us in ^ood earnest. Snow this early in the season is something unusual in this section, but it is hoped that we may yet have some moderate weather be­ fore winter sets in, as a large number •f our farmers are not prepared for so sudden exchange, and many fields of eo-rn are jret to husk. THE OMII Turned to » Dessert. " McHenry is a Democratic tosra.-- Democrat Nov. 3d. Tea to the tuna of trom II to 90 Republican majority. See returns of Tuesday's election. SEE the new advertisement of the Chicago Nine Cent Store, In another column. This store can be found In Blake's Block, in this village, where those looking for bargains win do well trfcall. As big eggs have played out for this season the hens, or pullets rather, have been trying what they could do In the other extreme. Mr. Hebardlias handed us one, layed by a Spriug Pullett that measured 2}x2 inches, and a perfect egg in every particular, the yolk being to all appearances as fine as a common sized egg. For a curiosity this will do but for general use we should prefer them a little larger. DR. A» A. RICE, Dentist, who moved to Batavia about a year ago, bis re­ turned to Crystal Lake, where he will hereafter reside and practice his pro­ fession. Dr. Rice is well known as one of the most skillful practicioners in the county, and his many friends will be pleased to hear.of his return. He will take up the appointments made by his father. L. C. Rice, and will visit Mc- Henry, every two weeks, stopping at the Riverside Hoase. THE Chicago Post has an enviable re­ putation as a clean, straightforward, sound Republican paper. It is soon to be enlarged. As a newspaper it is ex­ cellent; i^s market and telegraphic re­ ports are fuli and accurate; its editori­ als are brief, clear on subjects of pub­ lic interest, and carefully written. It is an earnest advocate of all genuine re­ forms, and while soundly Republican, it gives practical evidence of its adhe­ sion to the famous maxhn of President Ilayes that "He serves his party best who series his country best." The Weekly Post and PLAINDEALER $2.00. Daily Post and PLAINDEALER $8.00. WE saw on "^ur streets a few days since the fittest fat beef we have seen for mauy a day. It was a five year old cow, bought by Walsh & Howard, the West side Butchers, of Allen Colby, and weighed dressed 655 pounds, and showed some as fine beef as we ever saw hanging iu a market. Messrs Walch & Howard are keeping a No l market, and spare no. pains or expense to furnish their customers with as good meats as can be found in the country. Their Market can be found on the West side, in the store formerly occu­ pied by Howard & Son, where they keep as neat a Market as cau be found outside the city. WE have been using of late some of Taft's Patent Roller Composition, and take pleasure in recommending it to the craft as being far superior to any we ever used, and we think we do not exagerate When we say that it is the best and chiapcst Composition, all tilings considered, now manufactured. We have tried it on our Gordon Press and are now using a Roll made from it on our Newspaper Press, and can trut hfully say that the following points which they claim for it. are no5 exage- rated: It can be re-cast any number of times. Owing to its great toughness elastiLdity, fineness of the Materials and purity of the Chemicals, it will last twice as long as any Composition made. Its nevet; failing suction properties will save much Valuable time and labor iu sponging and preparing Rollers for the press. As it never becomes hard from cold or soft by heat, it is .always ready for the press, regardless of the tem­ perature of your office. Rollers can be put iu press as soon as taken from the molds; aud, as the surface never cracks and is always smooth, various colored inks can be used upon the same Roller, thereby saving (the expense of extra Rollers. Its very soft, elastic surface makes it superior for Cuts, Plates, and Ruled work. No matter bow soft the Rollers, they are never sticky. For Fine Job Work it has no equal. Owing to its extreme toughness, the highest priced Inks may be used without the Composition pulling off, or injuring the delicate surface of the Roller. Printers who have so much trouble with Rolls at every change in the weather should try this Composition. It Is manufactured and for sale by H, D. Taft & Co., 57 Washington Street, Chicago. Heal Estate Transfers, Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending Novem­ ber 3d, A. D. 1*7J: Chas Guth and wife to Margaret Warner.-- W„»4 s\v 27, 45, G. $1800. Wm F Ilale to Martin Jacohson. E 90 acres, N 110 acres, ewV 29, 44, 8, fllOQ. Win M Clark and wife to C Lcland Ward.-- Lots, blk 13, Harts addition to Harvard, Orsamns Turner to Dewey Thompson. WK se se!{ sw sec 10, except 10 acres in ne 7, in 44, 6, Win F Hale and wife to Gertrude A Wing.-- E 30 acres N 110 acres, sw)i 29, 44, 8, #3000. Dan Rowe guardian to Mrs. Belay Millet.-- 8 acres in ne& 1, 46, 7, $25; John Nolan and wifo to Polk J Nolan. SO acres in sec,:3 and 4 in 45, 6, S2XKX). Fred J Mansfield and wife to Horace B Chapin. 19 acres off w pt, c>», lot 4, nw frac V. 2, 45, 5, *510. Win M»o<lv and wife to Elvira Bombard.-- E,V w>£ nw Y. 46, 6, $1600. John P Vormilyea to Gilbert H Vermilyea.-- Pi lots 2 and 3, blk 2, Ellsworths addition to Nunda, $1000. James I.awson Jr and wife to Daniel Henrie EX sej£ jieVf 4, 43, 7, $200. Fred Arnold and wife to Chas Hannock. Pt lot 87, nc 6. 44, 7, $48L*>. Daniel Henrie and wiie to Wm W GrL»n^~ KJi «e -ne 4, 43, 7, $45Q. The Social event of-the week, la ibis village, is the folio whig. MAKRIKD.--At the residence of the Bride's father, Dr. II. T. Brown, on Wednesday evening, Oct, 31st, 1877, by the Rev. Dr. Balch, of Elgin, CLARENCE A. KNIGHT, of Chicago, and Miss DELL BROWN, of this village. A large concourse of relatives and intimate friends assembled to witness the ceremony and congratulate the happy couple as they started out to tread life's thorny path together. The Presents were numerous, beautiful aud very appropriate to tHfe occasion, and well represented the high regard with which both bride and bridegroom were held by their numerous friends and acquaintances. They took the 7:25 trsun on Thursday morning for a short bridal tour, taking with them the blessings and best wishes of both friends and neighbors. While Mr. Kuight. who is a rising young lawyer of Chicago, has gained an amiable and lovely wife, McHenry has lost one of her most honored and respected young ladies. That Heaven's choices blessings may follow ihem through life is the wish of yours truly. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for December is on our table, ahead of all others, a very miracle of beauty and cheapness! It has two splendid steel plates, one of them, "Among the Roses," as beautiful as a poem; the other, an exquisite title- page ; a mamoth colored fashion plate; a superb colored pattern for a chair stripe, alone worth the price of the number j and nearly fifty wood-cuts of fashions and patterns. The stories are by the very best authors, all powerfully written. Forl878great improvement will be made. Among these will be a monthly Supplement, ; containing a FULL-SIZED PAPER PATTERN for lady's or child's dress, thus giving to every subscriber twelve such patterns, extra, during the year. Certainly, all things considered, this Magazine has no equal at its price. The terms are astonish­ ingly low, viz: Two dollars a year the postage pre paid by the publisher The prices to clubs are cheaper still (postage also pre-paid), viz: Three copies for 04.80, with a superb Mezzo- tint(21 inches by 26) "The Angel of Christmas," the iluest and costliest ever offered, to persons getting up the club;or six copies for 90.00 (postage pre-paid), and both an extra copy aud premium engraving to the person getr ting up the club. For large clubs the prices are even lower. Specimens of the Magazine are seut, gratis, if writ­ ten for, to those who wish to get up clubs. Now is the time to subscribe for 1878. Address CHAUI.ES J. PAT- ERSON, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadel­ phia, Pa. J. F. HARVEY, of this village, has again taken the Agency for Vickery's Fireside Visitor, a large 32 page paper, containing 38 columns of choice mis­ cellany, and nxt continued stories, each number being complete in itself. It is issued both weekly and monthly, and is one of the most interesting story pa­ pers now published. Each subscriber receives a choice of two Premium Chromes, "Spring Beauties" and "The Ascension of Christ," each of which are worth the price of subscription. After subscribing for your home paper, ex­ amine this paper before securing your winters reading. CRYSTAL LAKK SCHOOL. Below is the report 6f my A spelling class for the two weeks ending Nov 2d. Louis Crow, 2-250; Mary Crosby, 75; Clara Wash, 175; Edith Lowell, 1-226; Sarah Clow, 150; Dora Clow, 3 200; Alice Dunn, 4-225; Anna Harris 1-150; Minnie Lanning, 2-250; Louise Wilber, 4-200; Patsy Leonard 4-250; Clarence Hill, 3-175; James Leonard, 75; Anna Bushnell, 1-50 Howard Wilson, 6-150; Olive Van Allen, 8-250; Nellie Hill. 225; Laban Bordeit, 3-225; Julia Goodman. 4-225. JonN MORTON, Teachar, NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm of Smith A Snyder either by Note or Book Account, are hereby notified that the Books are now in the hands of H. Snyder at their office, where all are expected to call within the next 30 days and square up. Those interested will please bear this in mind, as delays are dangerous. SMITH & SNVDER- McHemy, Nov 5th 1877. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his resideuce, four miles South of McHenry, one ttf ile Northeast of Patterson's Mills and one mile West of Burton's Bridge, on Wednesday, Nov. 14th, 1877, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., tlie following property: 1 span matched mares. 1 two year old colt, 1 yearling colt, 1 pair of matched spring colts, 15 choice cows, some new milcb and some coming in soon, 3 two year old heifers, 1 bull, nearly full blood Durham, 3 sows with pigs, 12 8&oats,10 good sheep, 100 fine wool sheep, 1 Warrior mower, 1 Kirby reap­ er. 1 seed drill, 1 milk wagon, nearly new, 1 single buggy, and otherfarming tools. TERMS OF SALE.--All sums of 910 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of Ten Months will be given on approved Notes at 8 per c«.nt. JOHN ROBINSON. J. A. SHEBWOon, Auctioneer. We offer 50 Suits men's all wool Scar­ let underwear at 92.00 per suit. A bar­ gain. Fitzsimmous & Evanson. NUNDA- EDITOR PLAIKDEALKR:--The room between Horn's Drug Store and Clark's Boot and Shoe Store is undergoing a thorough renovation and brightening, preparatory to its occupancy 'by the McMillan Bros., a rising young aerc^rt> tile firm, whose increasing business re­ quires mora room than their former quarter^, the Walkup building afforded them. The rainy weather doubtless pre­ vented many fro in attending tb6 tem­ perance lecture on Friday evening, but there was a fair number of people In attendance who were amply paid for what trouble they had in going to aud from the lecture room. Mr. A. C. Dixon, the lecturer, is one of ability and one who knows what Temperance can do tor the unforunate drinker, aud he tells how Temperance can do it.-- Even with the adverse weather, and the scant time for advertising, the meeting has already been productive of good works, and if the apparent re­ forms were reforms indeed, then it was a great work. To-night (Monday) Mr. Dixon lectures in Crystal Lake, which lecture is under the auspices of the Y. M.-C. T. Association of Nunda. It is hoped that a co-operative society will be organized there. If Crystal Luke organize? a Tem­ perance Society I see no reason why we could not coi\|ointly indulge in a little reciprocity with the McHenry Society during the coming winter. I should think something original and entertaining might be devised between them (uuless they have too much else to claim their attention) with which some of the winter evenings might be enjoyed with greater profit than they might be If spent otherwise. ALPHA. [The Time Table for this depart­ ment will appear next week.--Ei>.] Richmond Department. J&~Beys and young men sometimes start out in life with the idea that ones success depends on sharpness and chi­ canery. They imagine if a man is able always to get the best of a bargain, no matter by what deceit and meanness he carries his point, that his prosperity is assured. This is a great mistake.-- Enduring prosperity cannot be founded on cunning and dishonesty. The tricky and deceitful man |s sure to fall a vic­ tim, sooner or later, to the influences which are forever workiug against him His house is built upon the sand, and its foundation will be certain to give way. Young people cannot give these truths too much weight. The future of that young man is safe who eschews every phase of double dealing, and lays the foundation of his career in endur­ ing principles of everlasting truth--Ex For cheap and fashionable cutting, fitting aud dress making go to Mrs, Scarlos new fnillinery store. STAMPING! STAMPING! Having just received a full set of Patterns of all Kinds. I am now pre­ pared to do Stamping on short notice and at very low prices. Call and see me. Mrs. J. M. SuiTli McHenry, Nov. 7th, 1877. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician retired trom active practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the for­ mula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge, to all who desire it. with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address with stamp naming this paper I>r. J. C. Stone. 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa IT WILL BE LOST! M^oey if you don't buy your boots and viioes at Fitzsiinaious& Evanson'*. Their stodc is now complete aud they offer big bargains. JBSa^That Lawson's Curative will do and is doing a vast amount of good in relieving pain and suffering, 1s beyond dispute, and it is a pleasure and duty we owe to our readers to make the vir­ tues of this medicine more widely known. For sucli complaints as neu­ ralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, or tooth­ ache, headache, and diseases having their origin in the nerve structure, nothing has yet been brought to the notice of the public which can be so thoroughly relied upon, or . is more readily and easily applied. We assure you that no one will be dissappointed in i ts effects. Give it a trial, if y«u are suffering. m • i i . -.r 100 Men's Cardigan Jackets, at 91.00 and fl.25. number oue goods. Fitz- simmonstt Evanson. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We have purchased a large line of Black Cashmeres (including some of the best makes) at prices that will en­ able us to undersell anything ever offered In this market. Please call and examine. FITZSIMMONS A BVAHSON. Genuine Bueksktn Gloves end Mtttena. Manufactured by J, E. HaH, Stockton, California, The undersigned having jnst received a supply of these celebrate* Goods, now offers them to the public at as low figures as the genuine article can be bought in the eouutry. Button Glove, 92. Half Gauntlet, 92.28. Full Gaunt­ let. 92.50. Every pair warranted to be genuine Buckskin, aud will de more service than two of the worthless imi­ tations to be found in the market.-- Call aud examine them and he con­ vinced that thev are the best. For 6ale by O. Hall, Ringwood, 111. Cloak making a specialty at Mrs, Searles. Paasengvr trains pass Richmond station as follows- ootxo SOUTH . Geneva Lake Passenger.....,..7KM A. M Geneva Lake Freight.......i:$» p, M. ootNoxoava Geneva Lake Freight. >10:40 A. * Geneva Lake Passenger 7:26 p. M CHURCH DIRECTORY. COWORKr.ATIONAI.:-- Rev. F. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at 7% P. M. MKTHOMST:-- Rev. samL Earngev Pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sablttth School V:«$ A M. J. L. Downing, Sttpt. ^«ArTiBT:--Elder Yonng Pastor, Servleee 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND LOIH»K, NO. US, A. F. ft A. X. Regular Convocations tlrst Monday In each month on or before the tull moon, and the second Monday thereafter. G. P. WODKLL, W. M C. G. COTTINO, Secretary. Geo, Vinton has ntoved into his new house aud is improving his grouuds and it begins to look like livfc R. B. Cole'R house will soon be ready for him as it is very nearly finished and when completed will much improve the street.' „ Smith, Aldrich Jt Hayftfirn hav^ Jnst received an invoice of goods sure te suit the ladies. Call and see them and you will be convinced that I tell yen the truth. ^ D. A. Potter don't mean] to be out­ done in Dry Goods, as he has some of the handsomest Dress Patterns In the Northwest. That is what the ladles Say, and they know. G. W. Eldredge has the ^bow" barn, second to none in the county, and hla new fence will be "nobby" when done. When he gets finished up he will have the "boss" place of the town. Garvcr is In the Bread business and is selling a largo quantity, as he gets it fresh trom Elgin every few days, and in Oysters he takes the lead as he keeps only the best brands and you can get them dished up In all stylet and charges reasonable. We hear that Mrs. Emmons1 Silver Wedding, that her friends surprised her with, was a grand success as she received something over a hundred dollars in presents which came very ac­ ceptable at this time of year. There were about 175 persons presout and we should judge that the people of Rich­ mond appreciate her as a friend and neighbor as she has turned out night and day to attend to the sick and af­ flicted. The presents were worthily bestowed. All law-abiding citizens feel proud of what Esquire Wodell done on Tues­ day last. One Peter Kane went to Twin Lakes to fish Sunday, Oct. 28th, and took a little benzine along, and on returning home he passed Wm. Hull's house where his little boy were at play at the side of the read. Kane spoiling for a fight and was net afraid of small boys, so he took the llttl* fel­ low by the hair and cufled him. Mrs. Huff, having a mothers love for her children, came to rescue her child from the drunken ruffian, when he caught her by the throat and choked and struck her. Wm. Huff came to Rich­ mond Monday morning, took out a warrant, had Kane arrested and brought before Esq. Wodell who fined him 925 and costs, making In all about 932.-- Served him right. Heretofore It has been 93 and costs,cheap license for all the bull dogs and fighters, and we think they had hotter look a little out or there are some more that will cerae to grief. There is a nest of them the other side of the oieek that bava whis­ ky on Sundays, break things, turn their families out of doors, whip their wives, and it is time it was stopped, and when a man steps forward and tries to assist them in their cussed meanness he is no better than they are, and we hope that Esquire Wodell and Constable Skinkle will holt) out to the bitter end. They are entitled to credit and respect from the people of Richmond. Astonishing Huocess It is the duty of every person who has used BOSCHKE'S GERMAN SYRUP to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma. Pneu­ monia, ana in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use It with­ out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recom­ mend it it to the poor dying con­ sumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and ne one case where it failed was reported. 8uch a medicine as the GERMAN SYRUP cannot be too widely known. Ask your Druggist about it. Sample Bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75cents. For sale by H. Colby, Druggist, McHenry. Just received at Buckltn ft Stevens at McHenry a new and full line of Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls In desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic, Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets and woolens. Freeman & Clark's celebrated !m- firoved Flax Mill is unequaled for clean ng Flax, Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grain. Call far circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's. Wool Growers, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 cts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. for unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed, iu goods at last years prices. JAXKSVILLK WOOLEN MILLS. Worth Mam St., Janosville, Wis. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cylender, that a boy 12 years eld can work with pe rfect fiu&u in "a well from 25 to 100 feet rleet^. For sal# at B. Bishop & Sou's. -« Basinets Notices. Go to the Chicago 9 cent store f«r Bargains. A fine new Stock of Millinery, of th* latest stylet, at Mrs. H. Mbrey^R. Overcoats! Overcoats! Overcoats! at Buckllu & Stevens McHenry 111. Imported and American cloaks. AH so infauts cloaks at Mrs. S. Searles. j SEWING Machine Needles of afi klntft at O.W. Owen. KEEP one eye open for bargatas afc Smith Aldrich & llaythern s. A full and complete line of Had? made Cloaks. Also a full line of Cloak* ingsand Cloak trtming* at Mr». Searles. Just opened a Aill and complete 11M of Clothing for Men, Youth aud Bay* at Buckllu ft Stevens at McHenry. In Cloves and Mittens we bafe a larva Stock of Rockford Goods. Every pair warranted. Fitzsimmons ft £vansoa, McHenry, III. The best Teas at the Lowest Prices, at Smith. Aldrich ft Haytberafs, Riverside Block. McHenry. The best stock ef Mottoes, Card Board and Splints In McHenrf, at lbs Chicago 9 cent store. A full and complete Stock Of rerf&y made Clothing and furnishing goods for men and boys just received at Smith Aldrich ft Hay thorn's. For the Latest Styles in DressGftofs, go to Smith. Aldrich ft Haytbora's, Riverside Block. McHenry. New arrivals of Prints and ulnghaaM in Fall styles at Fitzsimmons A Evanson, near the Depot. The greatest bargains ever offered la McHenry county, at Smith, Aldrich ft Haythorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. Mens Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, Ladles Sleaveless Jackets ftc., very cheap, at Fltssltnmans ft Evanson, Henry, 111. Great Bargains In Cloaks. Prices from 94.50 to 935,00. All In the latest style at Mrs S, Searles. Just received, at Mrs Xorey's, tba finest stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to McHenry. Ladies Cloaks, and Cloaking aiw' new patterns of Waterproof at P. w Smith's near the Depot. :KI Ladies do not tail to call at Mrs. Morey's and examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods. Her stock Is com- i pie te, aud prices as low as the lowest. OVERCOATS. It will pay you to Examine our Stock of Overcoats before buying, as we can save yon Jobbers margin. Fits* slmmous ft Evanson. McHenry, 111. Money to Loan* In sums of 9500 and upwards, on Mo* Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent !&• terest. Address «»• apply to ASA W. SMITH, Woodstock, 111. 9 Ladles, call and see those splendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell you the latest styles at tfea lowest price. New arrivals of Ladles Cloaks, DIM Goods, Hosiery, ftc., at Fitssimmons & Evansons. McHenry, 111. Examine*® tioa solicited. Wanted 10,000 lbs of Choloe Bntter for which we will pay the highest market price In Goods at the very lowest Cash Prices. RITCKLIK & Bfimn, Wanted, In exchange for Goods, Butter. Eggs, Poultry ftc* for which we allow you the highest market prlea and sell our goods at Cash prloea Fitzsimmons ft Evanson, McHenry, IU*: Buck)in ft Stevens have a lull line of Selz ft Co's Boot and Shoes, which have 1 given their customers such universal satisfaction during the past year. Every pair fully warranted aafi an teed to give satisfoctlon. @25 REWARD. The above reward will be ;va!dte tEjr one who will find one of our Boflkla Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece mt heeling that is not cast from a good, thick* piece of sole leather. P.O. SMITH. Near UM Depot. MARRIED, ntTNT--BITFIELD--By the Rev B. K.Todd at his resilience in Woodstock, Nov. 1» Mr. Rllcy P. Hunt and Miss Anna A. Dufleld.botlt pfNunda, III. RETTKRER--ZIMPLEMAN.--At the leeL donee of Michael Grllible, Esq.. in the town ef lliirtlHiid, on Nov. 1st, at o'clock r. M., W t e Re*. Mr Rossir, CharlesliettereranilMiss small /.iiipleman. REPORT OP THE C O N D I T I O N -or THE- THE FIRST NATIONAL BAH Illinois, At Woodstock, --AT-- Close of Business Oct 1st, 77 ^ BBSoracas Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, V . s. TfciBfts to seen re Circulation.. Due from approved Reserve Ajrts, Due fsntn other National Banks,.. Ileal Estate and Furniture......... Current Expanses, & taxes paid ...< Cheeks and other Ca»h Items,. . . Bills ef other National Banks...... Fractional Currency, including Nirkle • * ••••••• Specie, (including Gold Twesarjf Certificate#,).. Legal Tender Notes,.........- Rraenptkm JPaad with t».. Trees. fNtM&lt MML4S mjsm.w 4JS7.7S UHJB USMt WM 4MS.SS ^88^ MABIUTISS --MI|H K Capital 8urplus Fund. -J" Other undivided proflta........ ... National Hack notes Outstanding. Individnal^Deposlts sntgeet » check Total..... STATE Or ILLINOIS, County of McHenry I, JOHN J. MITRPIIY, Cashier of tha above named Bwr.k, do solesaslys««-r that the above statement is trne to the best of ef knowledge and belief. JOHN" J. MXTRPHY, OEShiOS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Mtfc day Of Oct. 187". J. A. PARSONS, JC P ATTEST:--John J, Murphy X. A. MSNH* W. II. Stewart, Directors 0

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