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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1877, p. 7

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§4 Agent, Insure Thyself. An insurance agent whose buccinator iraselesbad been developed during a ^ ong and highly successful business ca­ rreer to a most astonishing degree of - hardness, and whose fertility of imag­ ination was equaled only by his fluency of expression, while professionally en- , igaged in the impenetrable forests of (' Bouth America, fell in one day with a h&ji ntige boa constrictor. ' "Tell me, my saurian friend," asked he, " have you as yet effected an insnr- ee upon your very valuable life ?" The boa constrictor merely wiggled its fail slightly and winked nervously with left eye. The insurance agent, how- . ever, regarded these actions as implying « a negation, and briskly continued: " The act of insuring one's life in an entirely reliable company -- such as the Great , Chizzlum, which I have the honor to represent--is a duty that every individ­ ual owes to his family or friends. You, my dear serpent, lead a life of constant danger, and, although the character of the risk will compel me to charge you somewhat more than the usual , rates, think, think, my good sir, what a sense of acquiescent reliance in the decrees of Providence will accrue to you when yon know that, come what your large and interesting wife >. Und family always will be comfortably : { provided for. Pray permit me to con­ sider the matter as settled and forthwith to make out an application in your name for a policy." Having listened patiently to this long discourse, at ite conclusion the boa constrictor turned its regards calmly npon the insurance agent, and in a gen­ tle voice observed : "You, I presume, long since have effected an insurance ' upon your own life, and now feel the calm pleasures that you hold out to me." " N-no," replied the insurance agent, somewhat disconcerted by the turn given to the convert-Jon; 41 N-no, I regret to state that I have not. The fact is-- "The fact is," said the boa constric­ tor, taking up his unfinished sentence, "that you have committed a capital er­ ror. My lite, I trust, will be prolonged for yet a considerable period; but yours, I opine, is worth but a few moments' purchase." Having said this, the boa constrictor crushed the insurance agent to a jelly, licked him all over, and swallowed him whole. Moral.--A map does well to adjust his own affairs before meddling with the affairs of others.--Philadelphia Bulle­ tin. lire Insurance and Incendiarism. The Chronicle, an insurance journal published in New York, states that dur­ ing the past nine months over $79,000,- 000 worth of property has been de- Utroyed by fire in the United States and Canada. In the United States the losses - were $52,336,900, and in Canada $27,- : ' 858,400. During the corresponding pe­ riod last year the losses in the United States amounted to $47,466,200, while the losses in Canada were only $7,587,- *900. The increase of losses in Canada, it will be observed, was altogether out of proportion to the increase in this country, which is accounted for by the fact that the St. John fire occurred dur­ ing the latter period. It is not easy to account for the great increase of losses 'during the present year upon the C assumption that all fires have been ac­ cidental. It is highly probable that tliere has been a good deal of incendiar­ ism. The increased pressure of the hard times has supplied additional mo­ tives to incendiarism to persons whose property has been liberally insured, and who are not overstocked with conscien­ tiousness. The Chronicle says that lat­ terly many insurance companies, in their business rivalry, have disregarded the moral character of their risks, "and taken risks which hitherto could not at , any rate whatsoever have been placed up­ on their books." May it not be, too, that they have often insured property at its full value, or even for more than it was worth? The Chronicle does not say that such has been the case, but it is likely to have been the case at a time " when the companies were making ex­ traordinary efforts to acquire new busi- s. ness.--Chicago Times. the women cannot recover, and the other two have an even chance of living or dy- Tnnneling the British Channel. Operations connected with the subma­ rine tunnel have already been com­ menced on the other side of the channel, several pits having been sunk to the depth of about 110 yards. At the same time the French and English committees have definitely drawn up the conditions of working for the route. The property of the tunnel is to be divided in half by the length--that is to say, each company Will possess half of the line, reckoning the distance from coast to coast at low tide. Each company will cover the ex­ pense of its portion. The general work of excavation will be done on the one hand by the Great Northern of France, and on the other by the Chatam and Southeastern companies, the two latter having each a direct route from London to Dover. All the materials of the French and English lines will pass through the tunnel in order to prevent any unnecessary expenses and delay of transhipment, as in England and France, railway companies use each other's lines, and goods can pass from one line to another without changing vans. It is understood that an arrangement will be established for a similar exchange of lines between all the English and Continental railway companies when the tunnel is completed. The tunnel will belong to its founders. At the expira­ tion of thirty years the two Governments will be able to take possession of the tunnel upon certain conditions.--Lon­ don News. Three Sisters Poison Themselves. Fear of great disgrace led three sis­ ters--Lydia, Carolina and Lina Fonda-- residing at Gloversville, in New York, to seek death. Thev had been arrested din a charge of stealing articles belong­ ing to a tenant who occupied part of their house, and they had given bail to appear for trial. A friend, upon enter­ ing the house, found the three women apparently defd; one lying insensible upon a bed, another upon a lounge and a third upon the floor. A physician Was instantly summoned, who, upon coming, declared the women had taken poison. Antidotes were given them, Which restored all to consciousness, but, in the opinion of the physician, one of Stoatland's Pigeon-Boost.' The most timid and harmless animals become formidable and even terrible when congregated in great numbers. They take no notice whatever of man, and in their congregated capacity become his foe. A herd of buffaloes on the plains is a terror in its march; a drove of rats in Northern Europe attacks all liv­ ing things that come in its way, and even a flock of pigeons, if big enough, be­ comes a great nuisance if not a danger. A pigeon-roost is a big thing, and they have a big pigeon-roost on the Auglaize river, near Dodson's camp-ground, Cam­ den county, Mo. It is an annual roost, and disturbs the quiet of the people of the section. The newspaper man finds it difficult to edit and print his paper in a pigeon-roost. Millions of pigeons cover the trees, and sometimes break them. down. There is a frightful con­ fusion of noises in this pigeon pande­ monium--the crashing of limbs, the roaring of multitudinous pigeons, and the cracking of shot-guns sweeping the birds down by hundreds and thousands all night long. Nobody can sleep in such an uproar any more than they could amid the thunders of a raging battle. Besides this, there is a darkening of the air by the birds in their flight, which makes continual cloudy weather. But fche people of this pigeon-roost are mak­ ing the best of the situation. The pigeon has become a leading article of commerce in the country. Last year over 100,000 pounds of pigeons were shipped from Stoutland, and the pigeon yield* this year promises to be as good. But everything else stops in the pigeon-roosting season except the newspaper.--St. Louis He- publican. Feeding the World. * The shipments of groin to Europa, on Saturday, by steamers alone, approached half a million bushels, and sailing ves­ sels during the week took much more. Contracts have been so heavy of late that several lines have sent for extra steam­ ers. Thus far this season the shipments have exceeded those of last year nearly 40 per cent. The croo being by 25,000,- 000 bushels greater than in any previous year in the history of the country, the demands of Europe can be readily sup­ plied. The increased facilities for send­ ing fresh meat to Europe has caused the shipments of beef this year thus far to reach a value of $8,082,036, against only $1,755,101 for the same period last year, and of mutton $113,500, against none in 1876. The live sheep sent in 1877 are valued at $61,110; in 1876 at nothing. Live cattle this year at $2,060,950; in 1876 an insignificantly small quantity. The bulk of these have been sent from New York, although Boston, Portland and Philadelphia have mode contribu­ tions. The total shipments of butter from Jan. 1 last to Sept, 29 consisted of 12,250,690 pounds, agaiust only 5,919,- 073 last year, and of cheese 89,650,350 against 53,706,530.--Neioark Adver­ tiser. To Cure Dyspepsia or Nervous Debility. Change your diet and manner of liv­ ing; drink neither tea nor coffee; never drink at meal-times; after every meal, or during the meal, dissolve half a tea- spoonful or more of cayenne pepper in half a glassful of milk and drink it; eat plain food; never taste pastry of any kind. If you are troubled with sleepless nights, do not try to promote sleep by taking stimulants or opiates; they do more harm than good; take a sponge- bath just before retiring, and, if you are unable to do it yourself, get some one to rub you well with a coarse towel; if you wake in the night and cannot get to sleep again, get up at once, not lie until you "get nervous thinking about it;" take a foot-bath; rub your limbs well to get up circulation; drink a glass of cold water. Do not expect to cure yourself in one week's time; have patience, and try one month. In bathing use your hands to apply the water, it is much better than a sponge; soften the water with borax, it is more invigorating than salt water.-- New York Tribune. A Sew Historical Incident. "What ho, there !" said Queen Eliza­ beth to the yeoman of the guard. "What ho, without." "There is no hoe there, your Majesty," observed Sir Walter Raleigh, bowing with exquisite courtly grace. "Beshrew thine inso­ lence, saucy knave," responded the Vir­ gin Queen, "and yet I do bethink me thou said'st truly. No hoe, indeed, but a sad rake, I fear me." And she gra­ ciously extended her royal hand to the knight, in token that she had not taken his jest amiss. This little circumstance is not mentioned in some of the histories. --Boston Traveller. Practically Out of the World. Some half-dozen Scotchmen through here this week on their way from McKenzie's river, which is 1,300 miles to the northwest from Duluth, and which runs into the Arctic ocean. They went to that barren country some ten years ago from the islands to the north of Scotland, by ship, direct to Hudson's bay, and until they got to Fisher's land­ ing, on the St. Paul and Pacific railroad, on their return, they had never seen a railroad. They knew nothing about the Franco-Prussian war; in fact, they had been practically out^of the world. ---Du­ luth Minnesotian. ______ THE New York Sun claims that 90 per cent, of the meat slaughtered at the abattoirs of the city is unfit to be eaten, because the cattle have no chance to rest and recover flesh after their journey from the West. I HAVE sold more dozens of Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup for the past year than I have ever sold of a similar medicine during the same length of time. I have on my shelves thirteen different cough remedies, comprising most of those considered staple in this section. WEKLEY HCLISOX, Evans Mills, Jeff. Co., N. Y. Sold by H. A. Hurlbut & Co., Chicago, HI. CHEW The Celebrated " MATCHLESS " Wood Tag Plug TOBACCO. THK PIONEER TOBACCO COMPANY, New York. Boston and Chk a jo. PATENTEES and inventors should read adver­ tisement of Edson Bros, in another column. WOBCESTEB'S Largo Dictionary free. See adv. of The Independent, the great Beligions Paper. Forestalling l>iseaae. 'p1®® w® see that death la BO often the pen­ alty P«1 for a fatuous disregard of the eymp- toms of approaching disease, should we not be warned against the folly of neglecting defensive meara reH when called for in our own case ? As­ suredly we should, and upon the first manifes­ tation of ill-health or decay of physical vigor seek the aid of medicine. The fortifying influ­ ence upon the system of Hostetier's Stomach Bitters entitle that medicine of many virtues to the highest consideration as a preventive, and it cannot be too strongly recommended as a means of arresting the progress of malarious J®T9r8» dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, kidney and bladder troubles, gout, rheumatism, and other disorders which in their incipienoy are far more easily overcome than in their ma­ turity--albeit the great alterative hat* repeat­ edly demonstrated its power to vanuuink in their worst phases. The Latest Fashion for Udlca Our attention has recently been called to the liaritan Mamas:te Cloakings, something en­ tirely new in the way of heavy, thick, warm, woolen goods, specially adapted for ladies' wear during th© cold weather now approaching. These goods are the handsomest and most stylish ev«r seen, and, so far as price is con­ cerned, are a miracle of cheapness. They are in­ tended for nloaks, saoqnes, dolmans, circulars and jackets, for both ladies and children, and are to be found at all th© leading dry-goods •tores in the country. Be particular to" ask fi>r the Jiaritan Cloaking*, and no'others. Wonder Upon Wonder. Oioen away--A strange, mysterious and moet extraordinary Book, entitled " THE BOOK Oi WONDERS. Containing, with numerous curi­ ous pictorial illustrations, the mwteries of the Heavens and Earth, Natural and Supernatural, Oddities, WhinisioaLStrange Cariosities, Witches and Witchcraft, Dreams, Superstitions, Ab­ surdities, Fabulous, Enchantment , in or­ der that all may see this curious hook, the pub­ lishers have recolvcd to give it away to all that desire to see it. Address by postal card, F. GLEASON & Co., 738 Washington street, Bos­ ton. Mass. •• • There la No Kxcuse for Poor Bread, biscuits or rolls if DOOL^Y'S YEAST POWDEB is used. A trial will convince yon that it is the beat, healthiest and cheapest baking powder. PREMATURE LOSS of the Hair, which is so common nowadays, may be entirely pre­ vented bytlie use of BCBNETT'S COCOAIXE. It has been used in thousands of caseB where the hair was coming cut in handfuls, and has never failed to arrest its decay and to promote a healthy and vigorous growth. It is at the same time unrivaled as a dressing for the hair. A single application will render it soft and glossy for several days. THE editorial staff of the Christian Union (Horatio C. King, Publisher, 27 Park Place, New York), comprises Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and ttev. Lyman Abbott (Editors), C. L. Norton, John Habberton (author of "Hel­ en's Babies," etc.), Ilev. L. W. Bacon, Mrs. H. W. Beeaher, and W. H. Coleman. Price #3. Four months, $1. A serial Btoryby Mrs. H. B. Stowe will begin in November. IF I had known it, I might have saved a hundred dollars ; for Jim has bought a Five- Ton Wagon Scale of Jones, of Binghamton, Binghamton, N. Y., for £50, delivered. It is just as good as mine, that cost $150. IT EK IV K< Can bo 1 'CP'S SHIRT* -oniy one quality--The Beat. Datent Partly-Made Drews Shirts I as easy us stemming a Handkerchief. The very IH*M, six for fc<7 .(K). Keep's Custom Shirts--uuuie to measnro. The very best, bis for 'itl.OO. An elegant set of genuine Gold-Wat© dollar and Sleeve Buttons frtven with each half doz. Keep's Shifts. Ke»>p's Shirts are delivered FREE on receipt of price In any part of She Union--no express ch-'irgps to pay. Samples, with full dirfc'.tons for ealf-inenBurement, Sent Free to any address. No stamp required. Deal directly with the Manufacturer ana get Bottom Prices. Keep Mwanfacturiag Go., iiiu imut St.. N.Y« $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornament*. Price One Hollar each. Send for catalogue* JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. $1.00 $1.00 TIIE NEWARK " DAILY ai WEEKLY COUBER, NEWARK, KEIF JERSEY. F. F. PAITEESON, Editor and Proprietor. THE I,EAMMJ REPUBLICAN NEWS- FAI*Kit OF NEW JERSEY. Terms--Daily, 8S.OO per annum; Weekly. $2.00. Advertisements inserted on liberal terms. Send lor Price-list. PIANOS. Dunham <t Sons, Manufacturers, WnrcrooniM, 18 East 14th St.. [Established 1834.] NEW YORK. fV'Pficea Reasonable. Terrrg Rasy.-ff* itlJtfMRTiSEHSIa will send free to alt »p-plii-mfs who io nny newsp.ind w»rti.«:ng. the THIKD EDITION of AYER & SON's Manual •Oil AOVEik'Pi&KKP5-. la# gvo.pp. Mon>comploUv 11*11 uny WHI.'H have preeoikid It. (iivus the n.-nnnw, •ircuLitiiM. AND advertising RATES of several THNU.;:::. J MWFp-IPERS in THE United Suites and Canndn. and :ont ims more information of vjilne to an udvrtiKvr iiincan be fo'IR .d 111 any otlu-r publicat ion. All iivS been carefully revised, mid where practicubld nrices HIVE been reduced. The special offers tire iiitmerm»e and unnsu tliy ADVANTAGEOUS. B« nrre to jflitd f r it BEFOR-* SPENDING any money in NEWSPAPER advert INN*:. AW«)r.-S>; JV. \V. AYEIT, IV" NO.N, •\T>VKllTIKI>ta AOI'NTI. Times RNIMIN". BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. UnrivaMerl for lb# Tciltt tun! tli** Bath. No artitinal an J deceptive oden t* cover common an4 deleterious ingredi­ ent*. A Iter years of eclesHfic e*i*ritnenl the manufai'tuTtT ol M. T, HaUitt'* Soap h.u ixrlecteil and oflW*- to tua public The FINEST TOILET SOAP In the WorU. Onto the 3>unsS vtmiixhle cih vied in it* m*nuf*cturt. .tor Ufa In th® Nursslry it has No Kqual. Worth ten tmtee iH to erery mother and family InCnhHU-odom, Sample cmit&iniEig 'A cake* of 6 ocs, eacb, lent free to auy ad* 4natM of 75 <vnts. Address receipt ».+, 1 s NINE POUNDS- SW~OP PROF. BEDFORD'S LETTER SHOWING SUPOWMTV THIS ARTICLE OVER ALL OTHERS, FOR SOAP MAKING. SENT FREE BY MAIL ON APPLICATION TO H.M.AW"Wwv- in* r«;T NPWYORK. THE INDEPENDENT. LARGEST Rellrirai Newspaper The fam­ ous " Monday Lectures?" b* Rev. JOSEPH COOK, of Boston, appear verbatim each wees. Also "Yale Lectures on Preaching." by Rev. Dr. DALK, of England. Lectures on " Biology " and " Transcen­ dentalism," delivered last year by Rev. JOSEPH COOK, and published in handsome book form by J- R. Osgood A Co. (price $1.50 each volume), offered as a premium. AM ASTONISHING OFFER! WORCESTER'S DICTIONARY (price *10), -- bound In library sheep, 1854 puc­ es, overl.OOH wood-cats, giv­ en iiwny free for 3 new'Subseri- b"rs unit *9. Subscription price of THE INDEPKVi) CVT «3 I year. THU IXDKPEXDKKT (1 year with either roluiae of Lectures), postage paid, $3. 3 years to 1 >ubscrlber. or 1 year to 3 Subscribers, with f 10 Dlc- onary, for onlv $9. Specimen copies sent ire". AddNM " The IatfepeMcai," New Xarfc. • T Commercial* Advertiser*. flpMfanen w to Club thlsooonUfT. •hoold be sent to HUOH J. HABTIITQa.1 W Faitoa St. H. T. OH» HULL & SCOTNEY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 346 NORTH WATER ST., PMJLAHXSE.PHIA, And wholesale deatat in Batter, Ch Butter. _ «I«T, VDHM, AA«. Poultry, fe. ftfS&MS&I'BS: not®. Broom Corn. Forolm and Domestic FniHa, and. In fact, w« can Mil any and •vw^ttdna at prim, make prompt returns, and CANH AII. on all shipments able articlM. business. aiaWIIWWWI|^SiSer'lB Philadelphia wCu t«U na *re handled mors came last f®8®!?. t?an all other • Poultry. kay fifesPONamZjI la OarClty.* EGGS. GAME. ^-^uneese. GRACE'S SALVE A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, I»ven«*a te the 17th century fee Dr. William Graee. Bargeon In King Jamas' armr> »hrou*h its agency he cured thousands nf the most Mttoos sores and wounds thatbaffled the skill of the mort ttataent phjiictina of hi» and WAS regarded by ai who knew bint se a pabllebsnefaelor. outs a bUL For Sale by Drm. «« Aweane. Heetea. Maw. S H U N T ' S R E M E D Y ^ T - w , T M E C R E A T . i f J H t Y MEDICINL Ithe"! . . saaa. Hunt's Keaed)' i* pnrcljr vegeta prepared expreealy f»r tin- above ducaaci. It hai I cured thoiuauda. Every bottle warranted. Send to W. I E.Clarke, Providence, K.I., Ibr illustrated pamphlet I If your druggist dont have it, he #ill order it for you. I l potitive remedy tor Ure|HV and all ducam ofl Kidneys. ltla<lder uiul Drlnary Or-I *•. Hunt's JCemedy i» pnrely vegetable and I CLOCKS 1C. I Mi It AH AM A I'O.'S are superior in design and not («jual«>d In _. or ns time- kwpere. Ask your Jeweler for them. Manufactory--Bristol, Ot. '/<* ̂ - // J I &a ? ^""derfui tor, srivr cjr. ij ^ » P*e l«(",,!!*• *'•' I4* cw * * *•wji f*' rer-g.- THE GOOD 0LH STAND-BY, MEXICAN MU8TAMi LINIMENT. FOR MAN AND BEA8T. ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS. Always enres. Always ready. Always handy. Has never yet failed. Thirty millions hare tented it. The whole world approves the glorious old Mustang--the Best and Cheapest Liniment in existence. 25 cents a bottle. The Mustang Liniment cures when nothing else will. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDERS. DnV A I BAKING RUT Al_ POWDER. PowDKit co^ m. T. JAGRSOFS BEST SWEET MOT CHEWING TOBACCO highest prise at Centennial Exposition fw 1Utoe chewing qualifies, the excellence andUsting character ef its aweetenln* and flavoring. If you want ti"5 bfrt tobacco ever m*de, ask your grocer for this, and see that each ploc bears our bluest rip trade-mark. With bers. Send for sample to C. A. JACKSON " Jlaaalartnrfrii, PeterwhiirK. Va. Sjob- coT, t&~ BOOK AHEBi'l'S, TAKE Mn'IctT; JOSIAfl ALLEFS WIFE Has " wrote another hook," and it is really 8A3IAKTHA AT THE CENTENNIAL! Aa a P. A. and p. r. outdoes herself, and "WIDOW DOODLK let:.ves BETST BOBBEX far behind. Don't wait and lose your chance: send for circulars, territory, Ac., at once. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. CHICAGO, hi,., Cincinnati, O., and HABTPORD, CONN. POSITITELY CUBED When death was hourly expected from Csanap* eloa, all remedies haiingj failed, and Da. H. JAMES was experlmeetlnz. he aeeldentally made a ) of IlfDlAN HIKP, which cared his oaly i gives this recipe ftree, on reoelpt of two night-sweat. Hemp also enres i stomach, and will break a fresh oold li hoora Address, CRADDOCK A CO., Street, PhUadelpnla, naming th!« paper. tweaty-four LOSS &a«e D«» vor \V A N T a New York Religious Newspaper t If you do, send for THE METHODIST. It is the Chris­ tian peoples' paper. National, Independent, Fraternal, and a first-cla«s Family Journal. One of the cheapest, best and brightest of the religious weeklies; each number oontaing 20 pages, printed In beautiful type, snd on ex­ cellent paper. It is edited by Rev. DAVID II. WHKKUB, D. D., late Professor of English Literature in the North- Western University at Rvanston, 111. To promote a West- circulation it is offered to you at the low price of $2 a jeer, including postage, and th<*e subscribing siotr for 1K8 will receive the paper for t lie rest of this year free. We do not now furnish premium* to msbscribera, bnt we hue on h«nd quite H number of the portraits of the late Rev. Dr. T._M. KIH>Y, SO well known and beloved In the West nnd Northwent, of the Isite Hev. Ai i urn COOK- MAS, of itivcious memory, nnd the «'iiKravina of Wesley snd the Bishops, both living and dead. We propose to send lren n choice of either one of these engravings to each new subscriber who responds to this advertisement. If you desire .1 specimen copy before subscribing send a 2-ct. stamp to preoay postage. Send money for sub­ scription by Registered letter, P. O. Money Order or Bank Check. Address H. W. DOUGLAS, Publisher. No. 15 Murray Street, New York. Best Beits for Siipc Sclsols.' CHORDS CHOIR INSTRUCTION BOOK. By A. N. JOHN-BOX. .Trsx OUT. Contains tlie system of this celebrated teacher, so minutely and plainly de­ scribed, that it is the e;isi,'st and best Manual for Toach- ens and Lenders, and is uls.i a most «»nt4>rtfliniiic, M!«eful and t iionmuH b:n !; ior all Mn^ic Classes and Cotivoutions --with the plainest of plain instructions, and 2(50 pages ot the best music, graded from the easiest to the most difficult, and continually referred to. The book also best answers that perplexing ouestiou: "llo.v to have good singing in Congregations. ^' $1.88; or $12.00 per dc*. THE FNT'OLTE. By L. O. EMF.BSON. This fine book has al;vady tieen used by thousands, who have h*d but one opinion as to its admirable collection of Sacred Music, of tiices Quartets. Trios, Duets, Songs, .to , for practice. It is a capital (llee Book as well as Siu^ing- Class Book. Thorough Instructive Course. 75 cts.; or $7.60 per doz. PEKKINH* RWGIJH1 NCIIOOI.. By W. O. PERKINS. This, like the " Kncnre." is sn excellent Glee Book as WPII us 8inniiiK-Sch<Hil BiKik, and will l>« a fine book for Conventions nml tor easy practioe In Choirs and Societies. Good instructive course, and the best of music. 7o cts.; or $5.75 per doz. All teachers and convention holders are invited to in­ sure their success this season by using one ef these books, for sale everywhere. Copies sent post-free by mail for retail price. OLIVER DITS0N A CO., Boston. C. II.Ditsou&Co^ J. IS. Dttaon Co., 843 BROADWAY, Successors to Lee A Walkor, New York. Phila. HER OWI WORDS, BALTIXOBS, Md., Fab. It, Wl Mft. H. LI STXVENB: Bear Sir--Since several *»ry painful foot. 1 oouldn't cure me. Nov.. . .u,,„ , from a lady who was sick for a lo: all from your VEOETINE ; and one bottle of VEGKTSNE. and, after I had used oneTxittli ral years I have got a aoreaad had some physicians. Now, I have heard of your V] s sick for a long time, and became all Well from your VFUF.TINK ; and I went and bought me wasc; i/i/t'tiD as, A a i'a sia j ,(11 A UBU UWU UUv the pains loft me, nnd it began to heal, and then I bought »«> other bottle, and so I take it yet. I thank God loi ' > remedy and yourself, and wishing every suffersr ma| blessing for health. 638 West Baltimore Btrssi. s remedy and yourself, ai '"^.yKR^K.1 VEGETIIME. SAFE AND SURE, IK H. R. STEVENS: In 1872your VEORTIN® was recommended tome, l yielding to the persuasiiins of a friend, I consented to try lb At the time, 1 was Buffering from general debility and nervous prostration, superinduced by overwork and Irregular habits lire properties from the llrst di idly recovered, Kaining more than w'anl ho?lt!i end (rood fewtag. Since wion f have not hesitated to give VEOE- E my most unqualified Indorsoment, as betas a safe, ! ana powerful agent in j-.:.;::: 'ti»»{.; health ana restor­ ing the wasted system to new life and energy. VEGKTINE Is the only medicine I una; and, as long as 1 live, 1 ' to find a better. Tews took, W. H. CLARK. 13D Moste; Stvset, Alleghany, Pa. VEOETINE. THE BEST SPRIN MEDICINE. _ _ . GBABLHTOWW. H. P '..tnsn; C*" Sir--!This la to certify tli&g I iuve used year "Blood i'reparation" in my family for several years .and think that, for Scrofula, or Cankerous Humors, or Rheumatic affections, It cannot be excelled : and as a blood purifier •ad spring medicine It Is the beet thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything. I can cheerfully tsoonmisnd it to any one hi need of guoh a sn edicts®. Yours res l tt to any on SuiLiL' DUISMOR&, 19 awMl itewt. YECETINE. WHAT IS NEEDED. Bocxox, Fsb. It, WL found myself la a VEOEXisf was who had been 1 sin os I four al debility. 1 le by a friend ^•srSbw-Abont oaS} feeble oopditicm from general strongly recommended to me mnch benefited by its use. I procured the estiele, nd, after using several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued its use. I feel quite confident that there is * sts for which r recommend BO medicine superior to it for those complaints for which tt is especially prepared, and would cheerfully recommend tt to those who feel that they need something to restore i to perfect health. Respect lolly yours, u. II PBTTENGILI* naaeT 8. M. PettengillFOa. No. 10 State Street, Bostea. VEGETINE. ALL HAVE OBTAINED RELIEF. SOOTH BEBWICX, Ma, la. 17,1871. H. R. STKVEKS, ESQ. : Dear .Sir--I have had dyspepsia in Its wont form for the last ten yean, and have taken hundreds of dollar*' wrath of medloines without obt ainlng any relief. In Sep. tember last I commenced t tkinj; VEUEI-IMK, since which time my health has steadily improved. My 'food diaesta well, and I have gained fifteen pounds of flesh. There ere several others in this place taking VEGE'riNK.und all have obtained relief. Yours truly. rof On&sEom! DAVIS' PAIN KILLER VEGfiTINE El STEVENS, Boston, Mass. TAKEN INTKRNA There is nothing to equal it, relieving you of psin in a short time, and curing all bowel complaints, such as colic, cramps, spasms, heartburn, diarrhea, dysentery, flu*, wind in UJ« boweis, sour sioinacfj, dyspepsia, sick head­ ache. In sections of the country where Frvcr :^nd Agup prevails there is no remedy held in greater esteem. Persons traveling should keep it bv them. A tew drops in water will prevent sickness or bowel troubles /rua» change of water. Bold by all Medicine Dealers. VegetiMUtold by All Dragguta. $6 to $20 felQ A DAY it' home. Agents wanted. Ootftt aatk terms free. TUUK A CO.. Augusta. Maine. TITTORTHIN GTOW BfTSlWESS COtSStOK; vv Kvantfon. Send for circular tc IH, $66 a week in your own town. ' free. H. HAI.LKTT A ru -••nis iind ¥5 fiitll Port Jiind. Maine. IA/ ^ t'i\I '"•a i»'x. contains 5. useful articles; six Scv " Vil stiHTirw Mi,i KVJI Crnnt. MiiUUma Man. 3 stamp*. _ MUM Kva Grant, Middlebcee, ] ~ocal and 2 new instrumental pieces IStiM£ O Music, luc. Globe Music Co., Middlsbom, Mass, CaKalieit. »gu*imr ONGE, St. tuta.W S^OmnsjlT-^ ®nr popular Books, Bib lee, Una • fc Maps, fioodspeeci's Pnb*t Moose. CUesMl' A' cifi I £AKU «>MPorND will force whiskers to grow, PM U »enr free to anyone by J. W. SMITH, ralsttae.Ilt CAM MAKE S25 PER , 1'EIT BEE " .reular. WORSWICK SI'FT, CO P i Iitnu E K|l.F,UIK Cleveland, >veland, OMa »K SAI.K--One of the finest Book-Sforee in loss a doing "L PJJ^'b^jbnstoes!!. Good cause for mJMSB. tqmre C.G1LLMAW. .Newton, la. RF ATTY pi,u,Ji!.??r«fn ̂ wiioA! $25 > V i l , »dc HASBClIAlX-a •tviu-vrindcr.l' re.- with every order. (wt> fi' frr*. J. B. Gnvlonl & t o.. Chtcam.IB. Ageaita. A. CX>tfLTrlt A CO.. ChlcssHt. Ilk AApHUNTI S.. AUI^IWrtlw V"'. |WH. 5lM) of the latest,n««eMce» Setitl forCatalog. VAN & l tf.C*B)Mgfc mOSSHS£Sa d^OCAA MONTH-AGENTS WAPlTEO-M Mtlclee In the world; onesaatpfe/Voe^ <PyWW Address JAY B RON SON, DetraM. Mtsb, WAN rFn pe'wil*™. A few aus In eich 8»st* I bU (or the ItrUrll,-, Smirm Pa« lilmnl Position hKCRBT srmanent. 8sod stamp for particular*. U.S. SurviCK oa. BSO Walnut ST. Cn CiuotansAi. O. WANTED--AGKNT8--*l\> sell onr cigars io dealr en; $100 a month and expenses : 'saBM>es besw Send Sc stamp for answer. C. Mi.NDlf'JiHALJL A OO.,. PATENTS * nK711G St.WaaWnaton.D. O. BstablishedJaMft. r B<I after aliowaaoe. OtrTr of InatrnetVnBB. sic.. sJt frest Learn Telegraphf JM Mid earn from $Sa loraeKii!.™.... •alary while learning. Situations furnished, J R, VAl.KWTIKK. Manager, Jaaesvllle, Wis. SAW MILL MEN ! Do you need a good Saw-tSummer or Haw-Tootlk Swage f If so, write to J. W. MIXTKR A CO.,*" pleton, Mass. Agents wanted. Mot« Otaa rn.a« »MK Al.RKADT WUK HKAVY MOUSTAtim ASD BEARD, ksfte wl rran I to t S* tojary. C»«iH 4&rtM laWTwl, Pifinowilli <iwwi pwrt-pwl»i»lte M rte. ffVTTR ^ CO.B IB. Ttepafctie will un« du» caatk>s rb.* THDTll I® MIOnTY! FraftanrJKMrtinn, Ihs crsaii •+ml R«m*. the «a4 »Uo« i will mwi, of ' Atinws, IW. MAKT1NU, 4 il., BMM *" Tbi**» mm kmmbii t <9 SIIKS2S A KAY si itK asdsby Agpnta seliiiiff our Otoomoe. Ciajons, Picture and Chro- mo Cards. tfc»5 worth S.j, sentL postpaid. E--(or s.l Cents. IlliMteatea Catalogue free. J. H. DUFiFORU'S HONH* [KtetabllshedlKW.] AWNINGS, TENTS, Wntcrproof CorfM, Stark f'svtrs, Maar»- Wlndow Mhadem &r.. Ac. IlIVKKlTit BAKER, lOO 8oatli licHplalnrH BT Head far lllaatrnted Frlee»Ual. Brilliant Jewelry! sssatssf*&aaa- Sleeve Buttons 25 eta set; P|ain or Chased Rings cts. each; ladles' or Gents' Bosom Pin, Necklace<• Vest Chain, M» of? Indies' Set (Pin and Kar-dropeV imitation Cameo Stone, $ I. The entire tot for Ilk Postage paid. W. CHAKNINO A Co., Augusta,Msins BOSTON WtULi inasaUHUT The best family newspaper published; eight pa flftjr-slx oolumns r«adinR. Terms--per annum; clubs of eleven, $19 annum, in advance. SPECIMEN COPY UHAT1H. WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing for the FirtsMe yiHitor (enlarged) Weekly and Monthii. laMMt Paper In tbe World, with Mammoth Cbromaa Fiee. Big Commissions to Agents, 'ieims and Outnt PNa Aodress P. O. VlChbu V, Angsam Ala las MILITARY I nml rand l'r.i:Virms--Ofl|.*ers' E<};iiptri4»nt«,! let"., Ii.aiill!'1'turtil l<V 3£. V. J.J.'.LtiY <t| ("<V..t'"liini',:is» <>!ii •. S>- d ior 11 ie,- I wl*. AGENTS WANTED! FOR PARTICULARS, AODRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE M. 829 Broadway. Now Yark City s Chiu:.';o, lll.i New Orlruna* Ln.i or Saw PrancfaK'a. Cal» WHEAT LANDS. MINNESOTA Alone the lines of tlia KuitliuiifFaciSc, the St. P«ul and Paciilo, S(. PUala Sioux City, and hioux City and St. Paul Railroads. AT SO CK.Vi s TO $3,551 Plilt Al'UJEU Lands can bs purchased at these prices by 11 ig fts Land Bonds or XU>eks of said K. 11. UompitniM, foe HB , by 'i'lir (JeruMui A nierirati Uaalu Corresitondence solicited. _ St. PauK Hill PRINTERS AND STATIONERS! Send Isin cents and get a large sample paotage si at Ball Programmse, Vlsittac Quia , Billet de Correspondence -fiS ti'iiH CardtKiard^ etc^ASStess NOVK1.T1EM in Wedd;ng Stationery, Billet opes a nd Note with : fiiiH Cardboard, etc. »* UNION. 181 Fifth Ave., Chicago. ACENT8 WANTED F6lt Creative Science; Or. MANHOOD, WOMANHOOD. AND THEIR MUTUAL INTER-RELATIONS: LOVE, ITS IAMB, POWER, ETC* mm mMia? from lft to 8ft oopfaa » day. Send Jk DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET MM nil AM Stvporier and «V Bad*. U -- f o r Bsailty StytoACwML APFBOVXD BT ALL PHracun. For Sale kjr Uadlsi Merrhaata mall. In j*- ; NaraingCbe- set, SSL00; Misses' Dorset, *!.«& rT0 wAnrap ABWKB BSOS^ 351 SANDAL-WOOD. Apaeitive remedy far aU dlawssof the i.'*adder and I'rianry Ortawi also, cad ia Drc «lcaJ Conplalnta. It nerer prodnoos #cteas% Is oertMC -nd speedy in Its action. HISMSVMSMK' sll other remedies. Sixtycspsulescaiela rizee«M* days. No other avadicino oan do thia. Beware of Imitatloaa, ter.ewingtoHsgnit sag nss, many have been oSa*sd; soese ars saost dsagesat^. •Easing piles, Ac. DUNOAS DICK & CO. S •mIm, containing Oil if Jhe »s» •»•*, at mtt jjtorea A«*/er rfrcaier, er sssd/weas «: 8» ae* ̂ •Woofrf 3W.Ar«» Tm*. .. j • ||||l'|.". a N. u. He 44 M RITISG f DADVER1 \> pitasesayjDBMWlM adrurt

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