P-t Tv<-t'<* ,>i- 7-' ' • v*. • ' :li W •x~ /Jf pmp« > ' y ™ 1 , i xt,r m « *:• >j .V1' >\ ,,v*f ;?> „ -, "• " Protections of States. *loir» now takes rank as the grMtest wheat-producing State, Mi onesota comes next in order, them Illinois, Wisconsin taking the fourth place. Ohio raises the HUM! winter wheat and wool. Illinois grows the most oorn and oats and pro- dooes the largest number of fat cattle and hogs. Pennsylvania grows the most rye, amounting to nearly one-fifth the total production of tft&t cereal in the States. California produces the great est barley crop, and also the most silk cocoons and wine. New York gives us the greatest amount of hay, hops, pota toes, peas and beans. Sweet potatoes are most largely produced in North Carolina. South Carolina is the great rioc-prodadsg Stats; Georgia comes next, and then Louisiana; these three States yielding nearly the whole rice crop of the country. Louisiana also produces nearly all the cane sugar and molasses. Vermont, the most of the maple sugar, or one-third of the whole products New York coming next. In diana gives the most sorghum, one- eighth, and Ohio nearly as much. Ken tucky produces over 100. 000,000 pounds <pg tobacco, or considerably over one- third of the whole crop ; also one-half of all the hemp produced in the United States. Thus while we cannot furnish an en tirely correct idea of the crops of our own country, it will be seen from the foregoing statement which of our States produces more largely of the important crops of the nation. It is to be hoped that before the next census is taken Congress will adopt means to do this work each five years. Thus a great in justice to the growing population of the West, in representation in our National Assembly, will be done away with. It should also provide for taking statistics of the ind ustries of the country twice as often as we now-get them. We opine that when the next census is taken per sons will be surprised, not only at the yant increase in the population of the West, but also at her immense produc tion of all that goes to make up the natural prosperity of the nation.--Frai- rie Farmer. A Colorado Stone Want, A Denver assayer writes to one of the local papers: "In August, 1875, five of us were prospecting in the vicinity of Pueblo. In coming upon a sand-stone quarry one of the partr* observed a sort of likeness of a man drawn upon the rock. The in cident occasioned a deal of talk about ancient creations, and the idea of getting upa second Cardiff giant was favorably discussed. The party agreed to under take the task, and a stone-cutter named Saunders, who had been working in the vicinity, and known to be a clever band at modeling, was at once sought out and an agreement made for the figure. While the plan was in progress one of the party, in a joking way, said the thing ought to have a tail, as in ancient times men had tails six or seven inches long. It was decided among the party that the figure should be known as a petrified Aztec Indian, and that they would resurreot him after six months and impose him on the public as such. $he stone-cutter, not seeing the joke, $et to work and made the figure, with •tbil appended. The price paid the arti san was $135, and, after he had com pleted the figure, it was buried. The ' Muldoon ' was made out of sand-stone and dried by the cabin fire, which part ly acoounts for the little holes on the surface. After the burial--two feet from the surface of the ground--the party went their ways to await the res urrection. A few of the prospectors got wind of the proceedings and were keep ing an eye on the party, and so they dispersed in different directions. Finally they became scattered, some in New •JTork, and the remairder in different * portions of the country. I had forgotten nearly all about the matter when the discovery was chronicled in the papers. But I considered- it best to keep still about it, and it was only through acci- * dent that I said anything in regard to the matter." * tienealogy of Texas Cattle. ; j^exas beef ought to arouse a feeling ! of State pride, of mournful patriotism, in the heart of every true son of Louisi ana. It is not that it is much tougher than our beef, not that it calls forth more monstrous dreaias and spectacles at night, but that every citizen of Loui siana can look upon it as some long-lost brother, a child of Louisiana descent. All the cattle cf America are of Euro pean descent, but from many different stocks. The herds of Paraguay and Buenos Ayres are of Spanish descent, as .they show in their savagery and wild- ness. The meek, domestic cattla of the Western States came originally from En- . gland, where they have been domesti cated for several centuries, while the oattleof Texas are of French descent, and owe their origin to some animals brought over to Louisiana with the < earliest colonists of this State. It is impossible to fellow all the wanderings of these ; it is only known that some of them found their way to San Antonio, that they prospered more upon the soil .. of Texas than upon that of Louisiana., i and that in a few years they had in creased to thousands and now to millions. ? And now, after the lapse of a century laid a half, these return to us to be wel comed. admired and eaten.--New Or- . leans Democrat. >} , Hitting Bull. Sitting Bull comfortably quartered where he can do the least harm, and the last of the Indian troubles will be over for the season. In view of what has and fwiy take plaoe, it is the intention of the Dominion. Government, I am told, to ask Parliament for a grant sufficient to enable them to increase the polioe force from 300 to 400 men. The force now costs the Dominion $300,000 a year, *1 ,000 in gold per man and horse. It is certain that the bad blood caused by this year's work will "erupt" next season; indeed, Sitting Bull never tires talking of his intention to strike the Americans at the first opportunity. He says he knows the country lying between the Missouri and the frontier so well that he could keep Miles and Terry dancing there all summer He was fairly modest for a successful Indian leader before the commission, but, since his interview with the Commissioners, which the In dians, without exception, regard as the greatest of his triumphs, he has become a braggart. The police officers are tired of his boasting, and Maj. Walsh took him aback the other day by telling him that if he attempted to attack American troops or traders from Canadian soil the police would shoot him on the spot.-- Fort Walsh Cor. New York World. ffps and Downs in Chicago. Two years ago a young man, who had acted for several years in the capacity of a bookkeeper in one of our large whole sale establishments, made up his mind that he would always be obliged to keep books aud be a slave at the desk unless he went into something else. He knew but little about practical farm work, but his young wife heartily joined him in the idea; he determined to follow Uncle Horace's advice and "go West." He did so, and purchased from one of the railroad hues a farm of 160 acres of land in Southeastern Kansas. When he set tled his family in a comfortable little house, stocked his place with a fair amount of tools, labor-saving machinery and live Btock. he found himself indebt ed for about one-half his property. That was a year ago. The crops this year are not. all sold yet, but, nevertheless, he has paid off all his dabts and has $367 in cash on hand, besides enough more produce to sell to double that amount and still leave him ample for his own consumption. Is there any hard-working mechanic or bookkeeper in any large city who is half so independent ? Theie is to-day in this city a man who was counted worth at least $5,000,000ten years ago. He has resided here many years, has endowed some of our institutions of learning, has entertained distinguished strangers, has been President of a repu table moneyed corporation, has owned a daily newspaper and counted his houses by scores. He is now seeking employ ment, and would accept a fair income m almost any position. And this man has never been a dissipated man, has never gambled, never been a fast man or run away with the money of his depositors. It is one of the lessons showing the ups *nd downs of life in commercial centers. Chicago Cor. Troy Time*. The Units of Yalue. The following table gives tho unit of value, the metal, and value of each in United States money of the different countries on the globe, as proclaimed by the Treasury Department: OOTTMTBT. Unit. Standard. Vahiet Argentine Bep.... Peso fuerte Gold $1.00 Austria Florin Silver .45.3 Aaorea ..Milreia Gold .83 5 Belgium Franc G k. S .19.3 Bogota PCKO Gold .96.6 Bolivia Dollar G&S .96.5 Brazil ML) row Gold .54.5 Canada ..Dollar Gold 101 Central America.. Dollar Silver .91.8 Chili Peno Gold .91.3 China Taol Silver 1.81 Cub* Peso Gold .92.5 Denmark.. Crown Gold .26.8 Ecuador Dollar Silver .91.8 Egypt .Dollar Silver 1.00.39 Egypt P'd Sterling Gold 4.97.4 France.... Franc G&8 .19.3 German Empire..Mark Gold .33.8 Grot Britain P'd Sterling Gold 4.86 65 Greece Pra.'hum G 4 8 .19.3 Hayti. ....Dollar Silver .95. India Rupee Silver .43.62 Italy... ....Lira 8 .19.3 Jamaica P'd Sterling ftold 436.65 Japan .....Yen Gold > .99.7 Liberia ;Doll* Gold 1.00 Maderia Mllreis Guld 1.00 Mexico... .Dollar Silver .99.8 Netherlands Florin Silver .88.5 Norway Crown Gold .26.8 Paraguay Peso Gold 1.00 Peru Dollar Silver .918 Porto Rico.. Peso Gold .92 5 Portugal.... Milreis Gold 1.08 Russia Roubles Silver .73.4 Sandwich Ialea.. .Dollar Gold 1.80 Spain...., Peseta G&S .19 3 Sweden ...Crown Gold .26.8 Switzerland .Franc GfcS .19 3 Tripoli . Mahlmb Silver .82.9 Tunis .....Piaster Silver .11.8 Turkey .Piaster Gold .04.3 TT. S. Colombia...Peso Silver .91.8 United States. .... Dollar Gold 1.00 Uruguay. Patacon Gold .94.9 Venezuela Peso Silver .77.73 Meteorie Stones. Within the last eighteen years twelve falls of meteoric stones have occurred in the United States, of which speci mens have been collected. Eight of these falls took place in the prairie re gion of the West, extending from Ohio to Kansas, and from Kentucky to Wis consin, inclusive. Prof. J. L. Smith, of Louisville, gives a map of this region in the Amer ican Journal of Science and Arts, showing the locality of each fall, and he states that the aggregate estimat ed weight of the eight was 1,000 kilo grammes, equal to more than 2,300 pounds. Going back further, and tak ing a period of sixty years, Prof. Smith finds that there have been twenty well- noted falls in the United States, ten of which were in the same region, and those ten weighed twenty times as much as the ten which occurred outside its limits. The lloys. " Where are the boys ?" anxiously in quires a religious exchange. Why, bless your innocent soul,don't you know where they are ? George is down cellar hook ing choice eatables for sohool; Henry is in the back yard getting ready to blow himself up with a rusty gun; Alexander is indulging in a fight with a boy in the next house and getting his face built over into a German chromo; while William is being impelled wildly and vivaciously over the barn floor, the motive power being a trunk strap deftly wielded by the old man. That's wtfere the boys are.--dockland Courier. Ex-Senator Trumbull's Marriage. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, ex- United States Senator, was united in marriage Satnrday afternoon last to Miss Mary J. Ingraham, eldest daugh ter of the late Captain John lograham, of Old Saybrook, and Saturday evening the newly-wedded couple passed through this city on their way to New York. The bride and groom are oou- sins.--New Haven Journal. Exports of Spirits and Tobacco. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has prepared the following returns of exports in spirits and tobacco, which show a striking increase in three years past: 1875. 187C. 1877. Gallons distilled spirits 587,413 1.308,900 2.K29 528 Tobacco, pounds 8,246,611 8,501,780 11,335,045 Mrs. General Sherman, Wife of the General of the United States Army, says: " I have frequently purchased Dorang'fl Rheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with Rheumatism, and in every instance it worked Ilk.; magic." Send for circular to Helphenstine &, Druggists, Washington* D. C. CHEW The Celebrated " MATCHLESS ** Wood Tag Plug TOBACCO. THX J (NKKB TOBACCO OOKPAVT. iw York, Boston and Omoago. The Influene* of Malaria Counteracted. That the harmful infloenoe upon the human system of malaria may be effectually counter acted haa been demonstrated tor years past by the protection afforded the inhabitants of vast miasma-breeding dittricts in North and Boulh Ameiica, Gantemala, Mexioo and the West Indies, by HosteUcr's Stomach Bitters. Used as a preventive, they have invariably been found to be a most reliable safeguard against chills and fever, bilious remittents, »nd stall more malignant types of malarious dis ease, and when employed as a remedy nave always proved their adequacy to the taik of eradicating such maladies from the system. For disorders of the stomach, liver and bow* els, which in hot climates and miann&tic lo calities are particularly rife, the Bitters are a prompt and thorough remedy. Tney H1K> strengthen the system, tranquilize the nerves, promote digestion and sound bleep, and impart unwonted relish for food. Gleason's Publications. Cheat reduction in price for 1878 of Quuaoift PICTORIAL to $2 a year. Single copies 5 cents. The Hons CIRCLE to $2 a year, single copies 5 cents; for sale by all newsdealers. GUSAIWN'S MONTH I-T COMTAMIOK to ft A year, single oopies 10 cents. All posfage free. The price of Ohroraoe has just been greatly reduced. No one now gives such liberal terma to agents as we do. Send for new free circular. Address F. GLEASON & Co., 738 Washington street, Boston, Mass. The Many Thousands Who are constantly using Dooux'S YKABT POWDCB all apeak in unbounded praise of its reliability, uniform strength, and merits in producing excellent rolls, biscuits, bread, Ac. I HAVE sold Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup for about four years. By using it in my own family I became satisfied of its merit. It has become the leading article of its kind, hav ing by far the best sale of any. Sample bottles were freely given away, and this led to its rapid introduction. JAMES JOHNSON, Clayton, Jeff. Co., N. Y., Ex-Member of New York Legislature. Sold by Van Soha&ck, 8teveasoii & Reid, Chicago, I1L , BURNETT'S COOOAINB promotes the growth of and beautifies the Hair, and renders it dark and glossy. The COOOAINB holds, in a liquid form, a large proportion of deodorized CoooANtrr OEL, prepared expressly for this pur pose. No other compound possesses the pe culiar properties which so exactly suit the va rious conditions of the human hair. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. " Durang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great Internal Medicine, will positively cure any case of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Prioe, $1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold by all drug gists. Bend for circular to Helphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. C. PATENTEES and inventors should read adver tisement of Edson Bros, in another colnmn. OTSDEMS CAN OBTAIN THE Chicago Ledger ! FROM THB Western News Co. At either Pittabarirfa, Cincinnati, St. l^aila, or ('hicnffO. car* Back Numbers »upi>li»>d. Ti PRINTERS >wy, 8TA, * lKrt in THE CHEAPEST * BEST REACH READERS OUTSIOC OF THE LARGE CITIES. »> wawtwrt vm 1.000 wiwiiii>|im. havh^aweefc. fc ekcsiCstioB of vnt 600,000 Ceetes. MM Into six dWaiaol ista^evHwt iltaraat sactlom el the eowitiy. Ad»*rtlB«mMjU iM«N«t for (M or MN TTTA jftttr SEALS It FOSTER, II rart Row (ThiM B»ll«Hn«). S«w Tsili' 10,000 A YEAR. It la ratimat«d that this Bwiber dto paarir in lb* United States of CON SIT M 3?T ION. ALLEN'S LUNQ BALSAM will at cnoe alitor the pain and irritated parta, stop tho cough, and prevent what would be oenctmrpuon. A15 persona with weak Uiifi. or afflicted with Coach, abonld at one* teat the merits of this Send in your order*. PISE LKI>OHL JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET NAVY CHEWIN6 TOBACCO waa awarded the highest prize at Centennial Reposition for ita fine chewing qualities, the excellence and iaatiiix character of its sweetening and Savoring. If you want the beat tobacco ever made, ask your grocer for t his, and see that each plug bean our blue-strip trade mark, with words Jackaon'a Beat on it. Sold wholeaal j by all job bers. Send for sample to A. JACKSON & CO., Masslaturer^ Petersburg. Va. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest hottseholdornamrnntsm PriM One Dollar each. Bend for cataloqua, JAMES JL OSGOOD & CO. ^ BOSTON. MASS. $1.00 $1.00 HUNT'S REMEDY a T H E C R E A T :v medic uE Ithe A poalfive renHMlytnr Uro|»»y ami utl tiiM-aww ot I he ILIdneyA Bltt«ldcr and Urinary Origans. Hunt's Keuiedy U purely vegetable and | ticy* prepared cjE»f*eaaly f.r tin- ubove ilieeawi. It haa I t-ured thouMiida. Every bottle win ranted. 8eud to W. | |K.Clarke, I'ruvidcnce, K.I., for illuttratcd pamphlet If your druggist don't have it. he will ordrrft for von. K Can1 EKF'S Mlf i HTM--only ono quality--The liwk Patent Partly-Made I>rens Khltta ished as easy as uetnminir a Hiiin1lr»inlil>f ;nbn finished as easy as The very Nsat, eix for .OO. Keep's Cutrtom Shirts--made to measure. The very lxwt, sis for 811 OO. An elegant set of Gold-Plate Oollnr und ESeeve Buttons given with each half doz. Keep's StlMt. KaapKaS: •'rts #r> IT»r: B on receipt of prloa In any p;.«>T the r»o express charges to Samples, with full direc ion* for self-measurement, BOOK. ACJEWTS, TAK12 KOT&L'E! J8SIAH ALLEN'S WIFE Has " wrote another book," and it is really SAM4XTHA. AT THE CENTER HAL! A A FT *>. A. (Old J-. I. outdoes heraelt', and WIDOW DOODLE leaves BETSY BOMHF. V far behind. Won't wait and lose your chiuict*; ««nd fur circular*, territory, Ac., at onoe. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., CHICAGO, IXA.. CINCINNATI, O., and HABTFOBD, CONN. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having re. .: , ;vp(! from on East India missionary the formula of a tixaple vegetable remedy for speedy and permanent euro of eoniumpiion,brunehitit, caimrrh, atthma, and all and lung affections: also a cure for nervous de bility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its curative powers in thonsands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu-ated t>y a desire to human coffering, I will send free to nil who desire it. this recipe in (reman, French, or FnirSish, with/Wf directions. Address,with stsmpa W.W.SHSJUBei£6P»wer'BBlocktB«chester,N.Y. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. 'Wm I'nriva'ie<i for th# ToHvtaml th* U*lh. No aritticial *B<1 deceptive odem to oarer cctuaioB aruft deleterious mgredl- tots. Alter ytttrfcof teienliftt fxptTiuMrbl the manufiwtnrtr o ' H. T. BabbitTi Btd Soap hn* j *rfccW<l and now off* r* to public The FTJfEST TOILET SOAP In thv Wuwh*. 0*Ip the Ttitrrtl fprtaA/f 0*7« «#*<? |« |U ««««fmetart. Sample box, n.ntatnm^ ;I S-AKES of 6 OES, each, seui frvt Ui M/ LAM OB -- receipt of ?f>« recti pi i. T Aririrtvc DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET Wi/A S*ti'rt Supporter and £elf-Adju$t» iny iW«. Unequaled for Beauty, Style & Comfort. APPBOVKD M ALL PHYSICIANS. For Hale by Leading Merchants Samples, any siEe, by mail. In Sat- teen, tl.GU: CoutU,$1.76 KursingCor set, $2.00; Mlssoe' Cornet, $1.00. AOBSTTS WA3XTTED WARNER !)UO»m 351 Broadway, N. Y._ HtrijTj & WCOTNEYs Grneral Commimiioii MI*I'CIIIIII<M« 346 N. Wafer tit., I'hilailfl- yliiH. and wholwale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Kggs, Poultry, <i(iu>c. Potatoes, Appleo, Grain, Flour, Fur, Wool, Cotton, Peanuts, Broom Corn, S'orei tic Fruits, and, in fact, we can sell un.v un Uie highest market price, make prompt returns, 1IHKKAI. t'ASli AliVANCK mentis except perishable articlee. 1 AH extensive business, any game dealc. .» a UIUIUI^U wiil tell yon we handled more game last season than all other Houses in Philadelphia_put together. Send for Prtoe-Urt, Stencil, 4c., Ac. REFERKlft'K CAgli, or we nOr you to any re*poBsible Bouae in our city. urn and lioines-id everyfuing at nd ip-To show that wado 10 ADVERTISERS! wui uend fmetouli ap. ; piiconts who do any newspaper advertising, the THIRD EDITIOK of AY E R & Sows MA N U A L FOR ADVERTIHERK. IWSvo.pp Mowcomr'-io th.m any which haflp preceded it. Givn^ the circuitition, and slwtuinf tat<>« of sovcral thnusuiKi ncwgpipere m the United 6t.it«s and Canndit. and contains more information of value to an advertiser than c&n bo found in any other publication. All lists bave boon carefully revised, and where pr»,<*ticubl« prices haw t>een reduced._ The speoiai _o(Terv nm numeroBS and unusuair * send for :t bofore . adwrtixing. Addrvas AOVXKTMDra AOKNTR, I1 Absolutely Pure. uthorUed to giurantee it full weight, and abeolntely pare. -- S - p o u n d o a n t o K O V A L B / BAKING POWDER! AlIOioov *f jny.uydoMTto ' kom MlUMG roWBBB. (Mk. K. CATARR EXTRACT Pond'ii Extract is nearly » Sp®. osu hardly be ex- $6 to $20 ilA A OA% at, hrtim. A|«n«uM4 9l< tew * -- $200 tor this dtew^lt 'n old Mid obstinate cases. The rtUefls «w proini t that no one whj .... ever Med it wiin^ without it. CBAPPBD HAMAS AND FACK.-Pond'« Extract Should be inevvry family this • rough weather. It reuioveK the Koronesii and rouirhness, and ejttena and ht>nl« the akiu promptly. *HElTMATI8M.-»uriiiK FCYaro and clianceahlc weather, no ono *ub!eot to Uhe'inMif • Palas should be one day without 1'ondN Eitneh whh h nlwnvs rrllevr*. SOKE LtmQ|4»PON8lJMPTION. COIJfiHS. COIJDB. oold w?ather tries the* Langs aorelj-. Hive I'onri'n F.vtrncr on hand always, i t , rel ieves the? imin and cures the disease. CHIliBI^AINS will be promptly relieved and ultimately cured by bathing the afflicted parta wUhFoad** Extract. FROSTED LIMBa-P«i#l>E*rrnct in-rnria-My rcllcTec the iwin tail fltmlly Cnrcw. SORR THRJOAT. QUINSY. INFUMSD TON8ILM/AND AIR PA^AHFS are promutly cared by tht use of PondV It aeverfall*. _ «f Pond*« Kxtract, WAVDBR box. contains IT «HSI " stamps. Miss Bva Giant, 3sa^,o^i _ 'TKStftSS" IMlPt, OoodlDt>A,l mat 9m. Cir. Free. HISTOR POND'S paniphlet form, cent free oa application to Lantt ' SraniKB. AGENTS WANTED FOR Creative Science; Or. MANHOOD, WOMANHOOD. AND THEIR MUTUAL INTER-RELATIONS; LOVE, ITS LAWS, POWER, ET€. A^enti are mllta* from lft to 8ft oopiM i diy. Send for s^eimen p«fci tad ovr txtit tmi to Afwiti, and eee why it sells faatar than tvotbtr book. Addm* NATIONAL PUBU8HPIQ OP.. Chioo«P, PL ETK0P0L1TAH CORSET! Tn ONLY OOR8ET OOMBINIHO Grace, Comfort and Beauty! Ts constructed on purely setsntlflo principltw. The lis ok is whole boned and lett open at tho hipe to be laced at pleasure of wearer, and is so cored in tiack tli.it t!ie fa!>ttes and oonea adapt I hera selves with marvelous it v. curacy to every curve und undiilation of the fine-t type or titfuro. For salflt by all lnadini; merchants. I.HJJ- Agents wanted, Rami pie by mail on receipt of $1.5u. _ KHKtern Depot, J. Ueckel & Co., 454 Broadway, Sw Y WESTERN DEPOT, KEITH BROS., Chicago, Id TERN, WvS- & 0- _ PTOREQIFAR^SLETTER SHOWING SUPERMTT W THR ABTjCLE OVER ALL 0THERS.C0R SOAP iMKMGLSENT FREE BY MAIL ON APPUCATI0N TO H.M.ANTHONY' 104 READE ST. NEWYDMC. COHSHMPTIOI GAM BE CURED 'Sim prmtntio* and eur* ot CONH(JMPTION« M also of Aatliaia, Hronchltla, Catarrh, andall dis> eases of the Lcxas and TanoiT, mi; be realised la PULMONA, led ac a certaU I derancement the Klood. i LOH and Row] which ^ also Ntonaindid a* a esrlafo and nritaii euro for nil getieraf and facial deranrements of the Nervtieu J'jutfni, Ditsorderaof the Klood. and Fwut*iOMAi, Disorders of the BTOMACH and BOWEU;.. und m a iten- ERAL BHAiN. NKBVX and BLOOD TOHIC. PliJlilNA banishes, with wonderful rapidity, all the crenera) symptoms of OONHUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. It imparts strength and color to the pale blood, subdues the Csnxs and FEVEB. wid dimin ishes the ezpeetoration. It checks the NICJHT NWEATB, inviemmtes the appetite, relieves the ooush and difficult) bieathinx, stops the wasting of flash, and Inducescalm and nfn*hinf sleep. P(JIJAI4>7A la adapted to every disease, ealUd by Rama, in which M exhibited any derancement of either the NEKVOUI or the BLOOD SYSTEMS, For Ftvtal* IHmrdert it Is positively MMMM, PIJL.MON A supplies the plaoe of "Cough Mixtures" for the Couch, " Tonics" for the Appetite, " Bipecto> rants" for the Expectoration, Anodynes for the Nervous Irritation, and Iron for the Blood, and thus is both the «•' and the most teonomieal medicine that can be taken. By a tpttifie action upon the C"ti*titu(ional Condition it reaches and haa a direct effect upon th« uhoU aeries <\f PIJLMONA Is conndently recommended In all eases wherein are exhibited any one ©r mora of the fouowinc erinpioinn s OOtTOH, DlfTICULTT OR IRREOULARITT OF BREATB- wo, WASTINO OF THR FUSII, LOSS OF APPETITK oa RTBKHOTH, BLEEDING FBOM THE Lukob, CIKMEBAL DraruTi, FLTIMQ PAINS THE CHKHT^Ijmm oa FAOE, NEBVODB HEAPACMI:. Nf.BVOCS PSOSTBA- TIOW, NIOHT SWEATS, DIZZINESS OR VEBTIGO. SOKE THBOAT. SutEPLEaairawa, INDIGESTION, SINKINO OF THE STOMACE, REMITTENT FEVKH, ««<< r*p*ciaiiy in ail JHimiiti IWium or Uterine Irregularitis*. Read eise FoUou ing CeriiflcatrM. Oouxo* Hir.'i, ClHCINKATI, O.--"/ was in tht laM *top *f Omtumt tM.-n:. Ten days after taking l l'lnHO- NA jajr Chills, Night Sweat®. Fever, Ac., deereaked, and finally ceased .altogethet . My restored health laamar- vw.to all who know me. T J. CARBOS. PIJIJAIONA aated ili'x- tl<6ii<ikter'.i life, nnd prohabfe' •aved me hundreds of dollars."--REV. K. JONES, Hem- sen. N. Y. God far ihe brnrfit m rrerivtA.fram your PIILWQNA."-RET. P. WABBKN. Canton. Pa. A BOTTOM rao* ASTHMA writes: "Yeur PITI» ItlflNA w deeuiedly the befit remedy tee hare ever had, and the sniff that ha$ proffered e-atireht favorable M. OBAHAiu. Amsterdnm, N. Y. The price of the PITMOSA is «1 per bottle. It may be obtained through Drujtgiata generally, or directly from the Proprietor, OSCAK G. MOSKS, 18 Cortlandt Street. New York. Send for frrr, circular, containing particu- mrsof MANTroees BucneeflfuHv THE sora OLD STANHY. •BUm MttTMG LIIDMEHT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS. Always cures. Always ready. Always bandy. Has never yet failed. Tkbrtg million* have tested it. The whole world approves the glorious old Mustang--the Best and Cheapest liniment In existence. US cents a bottle. The Mustang Liniment cures when nothing else wQL BOLD BY ALL MKDICINB VENDERS. A Perfect Hair Srmiaf A Promoter of tho of tho Hair. ' ' % A Preparation .. not from irritating matter. \\ BURNETT'S C0C0AINE. ^crTiast'rffiWB 111® Coenmn? hold* In a liquid form, proportion of (lootlorttod Cocoa-nut Oil , prepared cspre«siy tot tlii* purponc. i 'Mo other compound pomciwi the peculiar properties which an eiartlv suit the various coudUous o» the hu man hair. It soften* tho hair when hard sad dry. It soothe* the irritated tcalj. »lcla. It anords the richest lustre. It rcmniiis longtet lu cltect. /< w rtc Uett ami Chen,** HAIR DRESSING W TI/K- frOKLD. WRKCTloXS. Apply with the hand, or a soft brush, every other day, nr se often ««the mt msy require, rubhing it ilioruuchlr into the «wits> n( *!st balr. * To remove JhmJ.-ii/f, Srtirf be wash the head with BI:R.NETT'S KAI2 MSTON. rithtlry with a towel, and ai>- ply the Cocotitne as directed. racPARKD oiti,r bt JOSEPH BURNETT &• 00. BOSTON. $350: MONTH--AGENTS selhagartkslss in the world;« Address JAY BRONSON. I Mil NTH. Afi 4AO o." the fbrCattloR. VAM & t A O O B _ Tomerai!; salaq while learolM. Situations funrisfc K. TAlJiiiTlMK Manager Jswsav in quality. Ask yomr E. lNORARAM are saperlor to equaled in quaU keepers. thetu. It** pwf tMHIk • BATY MWtTACirMlSl Nial Tvi'ii. Noltijwy. M m. MfTSftCO., TMKf PIANOS ANl) OMitHr BEST^SgSffSJ,!"*^ itorar« w nitni w A MAY NUliK Ageatsselltmr Orarnnn, Piotur* mo Cards. 1" worth ' 'or "A CsL _ Cat»logue free. J. If. )lli¥(MUI*H Kohton. {Established 1880.1 $IOto$2S BOSTON WEEKLY IMANSGIIPT The best family newspaper published; stl^Wt psaaaa fifty-sixooltunnareadinn. t Terms--$2 per annum; cluba of shM% til Wm3 annum, in advanoe. MPEC1MEK COPY WORK FOR All Enttwd. •mordiBj to A«of Concreu, int'it CV.1 H»SS«TV k r... In LH« Ctork s Office of th« Pistrwt Court of th* Pit* ItM of M»annchu«ftt*. m " VEBETINE; SUJI « Br«tnn Pbjrstelan, " has no equal as a blood pmf. tier. H v mof its many wonderful curea,aiUv all other remedies tiad failed, I visitod the Laboratory and con vinced myself of its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, roots «ind herbs, each of wbich is highly effective, and they aire compounded in suob a manner aa ts (la dues astonishing results." VEGETINE Hood Purifier. VEGETINE woist case of Scrofula. VEGETINE Is rsoaamsnded by Physicians snd A pott VEGETINE some marvelous cures In sai VEGETINE •t cases of Canker. -Is VEGETINE MsstlirHti Winirr*-' success in Mercurial l>it VEGETINE » gait Rheum from the systsss. VEGETINE iplss and Huraors from the faee. VEGETINE Hsiss niwtlinll in snd mgulates the bowels. VEGETINE Is a valuable remedy for Headache. VECETWI own localities, ean?*ssing Mr enlarged) Weekly andHcsrt i the World, with Uamuiotb ns to Agents, 'items and .UChtrt AUgtWU, Mi AGENTS WANTED! FOR PARTICULARS, ADD! WILSON SEWING MACHINE Ct. Hsa sgSeted some marvelous cures In sasss of Qate PENSIONS^Sa",Jfi, can procure pension, and those who are pens have their pensions increased, villus* their praessrtlM>av Is too low, as is the case in thousands of HMMsa WitlowR and children of soldiers who died to SESWi W the t) t iny.oi diiseu^^ cs*ntested in service, aitssswMBiari^ pension. Full 1 ounty in due all soldiers dJschawfdtar wounds, rupttie«>, or injury other thsn dtseas^, SMns wlio were prisosiBrs of war can secure pay ti> wawi fcwr the time so held. For full information, adthess. wW» AlcKElLI' & BIHllH. ^ WatUHHsa. D,C^ stamp, Tfa.fr* tin rtnim nlhnrrd. fin rrr tin rtrwwwr »m«« v»e, ^ THE GOLDEK WEDdOi A Thing of Beaaty Is a Uj Pwrerer. ; or 6 Kngravingsfor#1. §Ndsli in make feOO a'day ea«r. Send M pie and particulars-^ Give f^UMne and, i>V1^«oor»SS£SiS... Head for Reduced Priee-Ltollff MASON &HAMLIM. CABINET ORGANS. HEW and 8PLRNDID STYLES ^ PJRIt ' > EAC HON is. Nov Yarfc. «r ilcac*. Oans fMH la the Back. VEGETINE tntlre system to a healthy SSI VEGETINE MUMS of Diuinesa. VECETM tnsss at the Btomaeh. VEGETINE i the Back. VEGETINE rss Kidney Complaint. VEGETINE b aflMfaa ia Ms sure of VHMIS Wsskaa VEGETINE sssdy for OesieralDebtlttgk VEGETINE "1 Is Ihi gisal -- 11y for General DeMttn Is acknowledged bysU classes of people tobethstssl and mortieUable blood purifier lntheworld. VEGETINE PREPARED BY H. B. STEVENS, Boston, M Vegetiae is Bold by All Druggists. PIANOS. Dnnfenni & SODS, Maonfaetnr&MT Wnrrroom% 18 East t4lh Hhs iEeUblwhed 1*34.1 NSW TMUjU •eg Reaaoriable. Twma GRACE'S A TIOETABLI PHrAKATMK tweeted In the |?«fc ssafiy * Burgeon In King James* amy. AiHik cured thousand ofths ssost ssrilM sores thstbaSled the skill of the ssost IOIMSI his dar. snd waa rugarded bf •! s*ei puboahisoefsetor. io isntsahui. far iswsw"' JBbMrUh-- •W ilurrlMS AvskJS. m SANDAL-WOOD. Aposltfve reasdyfor all dtMHuaffbsi <i<aMcr and Urfsaijr Orgaasi aba D»CT,9l«ai Ceaaplatatta* laos^aic iadspeedy!• Maastton. Ittaftaki all «ther tecediM. Blrty oa|«aJe8 cas»te afea < dayai Ko other s?ediatoe oan do this. Beware sflilltftasi for.owtagteMa* ossa, many have besn eAsred; saMsnaNt<M oaustag piles, Ac. DVNDAS DICK * CO.'H «isslw « mlis,tpshhisf Oil Jsadal W»sd,as>d mtm SHrea iM/w nfrieler.er ssedjWsns«s Whssfcr s#r JS<» Ji O. N. IT. m ' : ? UC..I Kil'INU 19>l>¥Kltr1