" r * - K ^ m V r m ^ , j ' - %p ?r, / ^ ^ !g »*f *-•**•• ̂ • -H* «M ' , **&*<&^ ai **"' '• -*" ,"1^* '" * "*•**""* » *, '••%,. ' • , -id#*** &£em.t. ... X&.A...*. . i., i«f...a. j J(e{|eirj flaiiieiler. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12th, 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING 80CTH, GENEVA I<ake Passenger..........;....7:» A. *. Geneva Lnke Freight *. 1:15 F. M. GOING NOHTH. «ene*» Lake Freight .....10:00 A. M. l«Mn Lake Paesenxer 7:08 V. *. McHenry Literary Society. The next; meeting of the Literary Society will be held at the Methodist jChurch, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 19th, at which time tho f»Uowiu|| «*- ercises will take place. s . ' 1st. Music. ^ ^ 2d. Address by S. D. Baldwin. 3d. Recitation by Thos. Phalen. 4th. Reading by Kiss Mattie SlcOmber. 6th. Song, by Win. Sires. . . r" 6th. Recitation by B. D. Parsons. 7th. Reading by . Miss Addle A, McOmber. 8th. Music. Exercises to commence at 7f o'clock sharp. Members are earnestly reques ted to come early. The public are cordially invited. , Sociable. first Sociable of the season by the Ladies of the Universalist Society, will be held at the residence of Hon. Bichard Bishop, on Thursday (to-mor row) eveuiug. All are cordially invit ed. For Holiday Goods go to the Chicago Iflne Cent Store. Do not fail to hear the Reading at the Universalist Church on Saturday evening, by Miss Gavin, of Chicago. For the biggest stock of Holiday Geeds in the couuty go to O. W.Owens, McHenry. J.J. Gillis advertises a New Year'* Party at his Hull on the eve of January 1st. Good Music iu attendance.-- Tickets $1.50. THE latest thing in culinary styles Is the six-button pancake with em broidery of red current jelly on the back. THE Ladles Aid Society of Ringwood will bold a Bazaar and Oyster Supper, for the benefit of the Methodist Church, on Friday evening December 2lst.-- The public are cordially invited. ABOUT four hundred pounds of fish the first catch through the ice this season, was sold in this village en 3Ie»day. They were mostly Pickerel and VTall-eyed Pike. OUK readers iu Woodstock and' vicinity, who are in search of Holiday Goods should re >*d the advertisement of the Red Front Drug Store,to be found:!ii this paper. THK weather has taken another change, and w6 are now enjoying moderate Indian Summer like weather. The roads are getting a little soft but we are iu hopes the bottom will not again fall out. WR would direct the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of the Fox Rifrer Valley Mills, to bo found elsewhere. Mr. Bishop is sparing no pains or Expense to make these popu lar Mills meet the wants of its patrons. * THE finest car load of hogs ever shipped over this road, passed this Station on Friday last. They were forty In number and weighed 19,000 pounds. One hog weighed 720 pounds. The^ were shipped hy Geo. Eldredge •f Richmond. A GENTLEMAN informs us that a lady from the country came Into his f>lace of business the other day and told him that she had seen his Invitation in the paper to come and examine his. stock •f goods, and she was there for that purpose, although, she added, Mr. So- and-so, "has a board on our barn with his name painted on it. but I like to trade with those who patronize my pa per." And by the way this lady takes the PLA.INDEA.LER. WHILE coming from Elgin, the other day we had the pleasure of meeting J. A. Sherwoei, of Algonquin, who is so widely known as one of the bfest Auctioneers in the State. Me is not only a good Auctioneer but a genial, whole-souled gentleman, who takes the world as he finds it, always pleasant and companionable. If any of our readers contemplate having an Auction we advise them to secure his service. What he can't sell is not worth selling. WE would again remind onr readers of the New Year's Party, to be held at the Riverside House, in this village, on Thursday evening, Jan. 1st* Mine host Wightman Is sparing no pains or expense to make this one of the most pleasant and enjoyable parties ever held iu McHenry, and with his splendid large Hall and other facilities, we have no doubt he will succeed. The dancing public who attend can feel assured of a good time. THE Good Templers of this village are rehearsing for their Play, which they propose to bring out on Christ mas'night, at tiie Riverside Hall. "The Last Loaf' to be followed by the Far^e of the "Persecuted Dutchman." are the Plays chosen, and we have no doubt will be well rendered on that occasion. We shall next week give the cast of characters iu full. Look out for their Programme^ which will be issued in a few days. THE tickets for the Ne* Yeai*s Party at the Parker House have been issued, and inform the public that January 1st Is the day, and that Rogers & Gillit's Geneva Luke Band will furnish the Music. As we have before said, this is one of the best Bands in the Northwest. The stentoriau voice of "Mort*' Rogers can be heard in any part of the Hall as plainly as near the stand. Those who attend will find Parker, as usual, ready to give you tin best the house affords, and always look smiling. Miss EMILIE GAVIN, of Chicago, is announced to give one of her popular Dramatic Readings, at the Universal ist Church, in this village, on Sat'irday evening next. Dec. 15th. Miss Gavin uomes hijfhly • recommended by both the public and the press, is a pupil of Prof. Lyman of Chicago, and is with out douht oue of the finest readers on the Stage. The programme for the evening is an excellent one, and those of our citizens who fall to atteud will iniss a rare literary treat. Remember the day and date, Saturday next, December 15th. We bespeak for Miss Gavin a full house. A ROTARY sausage cutter forms a part of the machinery ofone of the New York printing offices. It has been sugr gested that when the sausage business becomes a trifle dull, that the cutter be kept in working order by running a de linquent subscriber or two through it. WE hear a rumor that the Ladies of the Universalist Society, with the as sistance of Prof. R. D» Scott, propose to bring out again this winter the Cantata of "Esjher,*' the proceeds to be used for thovbenefi't of the Church.-- We hope this may prove correct. THE Baptist Society of Crystal Lake will glye an Oyster and Ice Cream Supper at the Nutida Hall, on Friday evening, Dec. 14th, for the purpose of paying a remaining debt on the organ. No pains will be spared to make it an enjoyable affair. Ail are cordially in- vited. COMMITTEE. AN exchange say6, and which Is, we think, equally applicable to our own case, that banks may "bust" and "go up*1 but we defy them to ge t any of our money to sour with. We deposit •ur spare change with our delinquent subscribers, and none of them will ever go up. . JUST as we were going to press we received a new advertisement for P. D. Smith, and as it is too late for in sertion this week, we ask our readers to call and examine his splendid stock •f Goods, which he is selling at Bed jgock and below. Look out for the HOW advertisement and price list next * week. - NOTHING will learn your children to read so quickly hr Improve their minds so rapidly as to furnish them with their home paper. In it they find items of which they have some personal knowl edge in which they will take a deeper lotorest and be more anxious to under stand than any other reading matter jrsttein place before them. Our Monday night and tMKltf morn ing rumors were quite freely circula ting in this section of the failure of the First National Bank of Woodstock, and while we did not believe It, we thought best to get at the truth from headquarters, and prevent a false im pression going farther. We conse quently telegraphed the rumors to the Bank and asked for authority to con tradict, when wo received the follow ing reply: Rumor not worthy of attentfen. We are as sound as the United States Gov ernment . J u H S J. MUttPHY. Why and by' whom these steriis were started we know not, but thia_jve do believe there is no sounder Banking institution in the West than the First National of Woodstock, and all stories as to its financial weakness are pure fabrications and manufactured out of whole cloth. Any mau who will will fully start such a story about a public institution of this kind, in such times as these iu particular, deserves a term of ten years In State's Prison, to Say the least. If printers were ever so for tunate as to hav^any iiiouey we should ask for no safer depository than the First National Bank. Time of Train, at Crystal Lake. WISCONSIN DIVISION. GOING EAST. *st. peal Passenger (night) .f:lS A. Woodstock Passenger ,.<......7:45 A. Komi du Lac Passenger..........t....8:ft7 A. St. Paul Passenger 2:0ft p. Mail Passenger.. *. OOIKO WEST. < •*' Mail Paeeenjrer ....„.H:!* A. *>t. Paul Passenger ... 11:.17 A. ~ " ~ ...V82F. Woodstock Passenger .........V82 v. Fond du Lac Passcngw. ..............6:43 r. a ti 1 I'uo Junrvoo /nlMlt 1A,AA U 10:48 r. TIIE Fair and Festival, held by-the Ladies of the Universalist Society, at Riverside Hall on Thursday evening last, was a decided success In every particular. The Hall was well filled with both old and young, who seemed to enjoy themselves in the best of manner. The Supper was A. No 1, and reflected great credit on the Ladles who had the matter in charge. The receipts of the evening was something over $50. This, when we take into consideration the condition of the roads was good. We understand the Ladies will get, up other entertain ments during the winter. WE would again call the attention:of our readers to the notices of J. S Medlar, Piiotographer. Woodstock, to be found elsewhere in this paper. Those who contemplate getting pic tures for the Holidays; (and what more appropriate Gift could one present to a friend,) now is the time te do it, and not wait until the eleventh hour. Med lar can take you a Picture in any style you wish, and when he has finished it you will be sure of having something of which you 3an feel proud. He also has a choice stock of Albums, Wall Brackets, Picture Frames, Ac., which he is selling as low as the lowest. In short there is nothing in the Photo graph or Picture line but what you can flud at Medians. Read his notices. SPELLING. The following is the report of osy A. class in spelling for the two weeks euding Dec. 7 1877. Kate Kelter, 4-250; Charles Owen, 12-250; Jennie Francisco 4-250: Jennie >earles, 2-175; Etta Beers 250; Mabel Smith, 3-250; Addie Alex ander, 3-250 Grace Owen 4-200; Nora Morrison,4-250; Almon Granger, 14-250; Carl Ralston, 14-250; Eloise Wai te 5-250; Paul Rrown, 4-250; Eugene Perkins, 11-250; Charles Slafter, 6-250; Eflie Tilton, 3-250; Ella Lumm,2-250; Stella Beckwith, 1-250; Clara Wightman, 5-200; EUa Kelter, 1-250; Hattie Smith, 250. S. D. BALDWIN, Teacher. FOR SJILE OR RENT. A fine new Dwelling House, with food barn and other improvements.-- 'ertns reasonable. Inquire at this office. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Last week members of the different churches met at the Court House lor the purpose of organizing an Aid Society, having for its object the extending of assistance to those poor people who would not ap ply to the public authorities when in need. The scarcity of employment for the poor, makes it evident that the good members will have a wide field for the operations of their benevolent instincts during the winter, as there are. doubtless, many who find it im possible to obtaiu the necessnries of life. Of those charitable workers it may be said: "Think not, tiie good, The gentle deeds of mercy thon haat done, Shall die forgotten all, the poor, The fatherless, the friendles*and the widow Who daily own the bounty of thy hand. Shall cry to heaven and pull a bleating on theo." The second term of our Public School commenced last week. Everything has been satisfactory these last three months. Many non-resident pupils are now attending aud we hope the number will increase. The principal was, unexpectedly, called away last Friday, on account of the death of his mother. Last week a change was made in one of the rooms, Mrs. liibbard resigning her position as teacher, her place being filled by Miss Florence Sessions. There was a Candy Pull at Ihe Con gregational church Thursday evening of last week, there being about forty persons prose lit. Many entered into the spirit of enjoyment and toofc share of the delicious molasses, which they pulled with a will. Clirintinas is' fast approachiug and many have commenced preparations for that day. Mr*r Todd is uow busily employed iu drilling the children of the Presbytedan Suuday Schow]. Our Jewelers. M. Sherman, iu Mur phy's bleck, and Blossom on the South side, exhibit au assortment of goods for presents enough to make old Sauta Claus envious. Jwhuuie Donnelly is certainly enti tled to the distinction of being called the champion Buggy Smasher of Woodstock. Returning last Sunday to his home from Crystal Lake, where he had conveyed his sister, who is engaged therein teaching school, when near Owen Marion's, about three miles South of this place, the axle of his bug gy broke, Johnnie was thrown out and the horse he was driving (a high-spiri ted animal) started to run, Johnnie held on but a short time, belug dragged aver the rough road. Inven tory of results: An arm and shoulder badly bruised and torn, and buggy di vided into twenty-five pieces, and a harness scattered at various intervals between the place of accident and the horses stable. Some of your people may possibly remember how skillfully Johnnie overturned a buggy infrout of the Riverside House la?t summer. NORAU BULL. %_ 1 DON'T fail to go to Mrs. S. Searles' for latest styles of Trimmed Hats at the lowest prioes ever pftired. i wu'i uu itfcsvr i tSt Paul Passenger (night) •Runsevery day except Monday#. tltniiH every d.'iV taturifiivi. Other trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Honda Department. Kicfcmoitcl Department. Passenger tialna paM Richmond station a* follow** * ooiiro sort* ' ' Geneva Lake Passenger.. 7:03 A. II Ueueva Lake Freight lies te. i. <wis« vovnf Genera Lake FrrtKht..,.-1'*,.,,. W:40 A. m Uaaeva Lake Paaaeager ,«:£S r. X CHURCH DIRECTORY. OOWOHBOATIO*.*!,:-- Rer. P. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at 7# P. M. METHODIST:-- Rev. P. C. Stire, Pastor. Services 10:90 A. M. Sabbath School V:W A 3#, J. L. Downing, rtupt. BAITUIT :-- Klder Ymtnr Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Setoool IS II. I f f III want of a Cook or Heating Stove, do not fail to call a| John M, Smith's, neir the Depot, as he cannot fail to please you 1>oth iu quality end prices When in want of Picture Frames do not forget that John Medlar, Wood stock, keeps the largest stock la the 3punty. He also makes frames to or der in any style moulding you wiu|t. . 3 ' , ; / H O G K I L L I N G . ^ * • C. Stegemann <fc Son are now pre pared \o do all Jqbs of Hog Killing, either In the village or country, on short notice, in the best of manuer and at reasonable rates. Farmers, . by leaving their orders will have them promptly attended to. Satisfaction gurauteed in all cases. Orders can be left at my residence, near the School House. O. STBQCXAVX A SO V. The best stock of Toys and Notions, at the Chicago Nine Cent Store. STAMPING! STAMPING I Having just received a full set of Patterns of all Kinds. I am now pre pared to do Stamping on short notice and at very low prices. Call and see me. Mrs. J. 1C SMITH McHenry, Nov. 7th, 1S77. . , MOSEY will procure the Bargains fo the next 30 days at Mrs. S, $e*rfcs McHepry. The' play "Among the Breakers," will probably be given between Christ mas and New Tears. "Characteristic of the young mann-- Tush, who'll believe ifr? G. W. Best & Son will soon move their store "Up towu.M It will locate opposite A. W. Clark's Boot and Shoe. Store, McDonald's building which Is occupied by D. P. Woedburu will move a few feet south to make room for 11'. S. G. Hatch has opened a Flour and Feed Store In the building owned by Mr. Palmer which has been occupied as a wagon shop by L. D. Kelley. Mr. Hatch has remodeled the interior and It makes a first rate store-room, We await developments. A correction must be made Oil ray remarks last week about the Nunda Advertiser. Mr. Mallory assures me it has been published every week but he does not Send it to delinquents, hence my mistake. A. C. Dixon promised that he would talk to the Young Men at their regular temperance meeting to-niglitbut lie was obliged to go away aud leave the promise unfulfilled. Many people will bto disappointed to-night (Monday) but they will forget it when they hear hi* explanation, as they probably will very soon. Mr Dixon lectured to a good audience eu last Thursday and everyone seems glad to speak their high appreciation of his talent and their .admiration of his earnestuess. His lectures are in great demand all the way hetweeu here and his home. Vermont. The work of Temperance goes for ward betokeuing an unflagiug interest felt by its supporters. At the meet ing of the Ladies Temperance Union on Friday evening oue of th* members of the Town Board made a report of proceedings which had been taken against the Saloon here. The Presi dent, of the Board had been ordered to prosteute the saloen keeper for the ofteitces of selling liquor to drunkards aud uliuors; but upon a frank acknowl edgement aud promises of correct iiuutsgement .-thf saloon-keeper was allowed to retain his license, antl the matter was "Laid on the table." At atiy time it can be takeu up and pro ceeded with from the point where it was, dropped. Note that: A Board of Trnstees working in such harmony and sympathy with the Temperance Soci £ty--HLadles Society at chat! Surely the'prospects of our towu are good. The Barrington Society was represent ed by a Mrs. Parker who gave a good select Reading. The next meeting wiU be hold Flfl weeks frotn last Friday evening. The Y. M. C. T. Association held a public meeting on Monday evening Dec. 17. They do all they can to en tertain their visitors who, It is hoped will patrouize them wel^ .. .,Awi4^, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for January is the most superb number ever issued of that popular lady's book. , There are two steel engravings "Cupid iu the Rain," aud "Borrowed Plumes,*' the latter a little **tot" ot throe years old dressed iu her mother's shawl and bon net, oue of the ^prettiest pictures we have almost ever seen. Besides these, there is a double-size Paris fashion plate, elegantly colored, a picture in itself; and also two very beautiful colored patterns for working ornamen tal table cloths aud crewel: The latter an establishment alone as expensive as s chromo. In al l there are about f i f ty engravings in the number, counting the wood engravings. The stories are original aud by such writers as Mrs Auu S. Stephens, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett,Mrs. R, Harding Davls^ Frank Lee Beuedict, "Jesiah Allen's Wife," that new and popular writer, a galaxy that no other lady's book can show.-- With this number appears, as a Mip- plement, a fuU-*Lze diagram pattern for a Coat-Bodice for a lndy, the last thing in fashion. This alone is worth 4iie prioe of the number. "Peterson" claims to combine more than any other monthly, being a magaziue not only of literature, but of art and fashion also. The price is astonishingly, low, viz: two dollars a copy, for one year, postage paid. To clubs it is lower still, viz: five copies for 98.00, or seven for #10.50, with an extra copy for get* ring up the club, all postage free.-- Specimens are sent gratis, toget up clubs. Everybody ought to take "Peterson" for 1878. Address CHAS. J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut Street, adelphia. Pa. HOUSE TO RENT. Inquire of L. Bonslett, Molffufur^ W. A large stock of Rubber Goods i Wool lined Boots aud Shoes, Gloves and Mltteus, Hats and Caps at Bottom prices at FiUsioiuoas $ MABOXIC. RfCftMoxn Lonoe, No. lis. A. P. * A. Rejrular Convocations first Monday In each month on or before the fall moon, and ths second Monday thereafter. G. P. WODKLL, W. M C. G. OoTtno, Secretary. Business Notices. THE BeMe City Feed Cutter, the T*et fnthe market, can be foand at Q,. Bishop's Warehouse. ^ ^ For a good clean shave go to the Parker House Barber Shop. Cutting a specialty. ftLBBWtC Hatr> ; v* ,< ^ R A One ne%# Stock of Millinery, sf thf latest stylet, at Mrs. C.H. Morey^u --*f Tinware, from a tin whistle t#4 1 Wash Boiler, at John M. Sm!th'»y MS|; ^ the Depot. }, " Jitet opened * toll and eomplet* Ms^ v of Clothing for Men. Yonth and Boy# " ^ at Buckliu & Stevens at MeHenry. Stoves of all kinds cheaper than yo»| can steal tliem, at John M. Smith's near: the Depot. Christmas Goods at Mrs. L« P. Wodeirs. John Kane ran n fast that Sam Onrls* bullet could not catch him. Mrs. G. B. Carpenter has a fine lot of Christmas Goods. Mrs. D. A, Potter left on Monday morning train for the city to buy Holi day Goods. Have yon seen those nlci Furs at Smith, Aldrtch A Hay thorn's. If you have not you had better at once or they will be all gone. Pleasant weather *biit rather rough wheeling. In taking a ride one wants to be anchored fast or he gets out rath er uncomfortably on the frozen hubs. M. Hicks is selling the Michigan Stoves and there Is no better made.-- They are a very nice stove, and the Garland seems to take the lead. Garver says lie has the best 5 cent cigar In town called the Unconquerable and the Iudispeuslble. Now John as we don't smoke let Yan try them when up. I. N. Meade sells the Crown Jewel, which is a very nice stove. Call and see it before purchasing elsewhere. H«> also has a full line of Cook Stoves as good as can be found in the county.-- Call and see "Ike" aud he wIU dt fon good. Oue of onr business men Is a widow er again. He whipped his wife on Wednesday eveniug and she left Ills board with her beds, bedding and household effects, and he has to sleep alone these chlllv nights in December. Dot ish goet for him, you cruel wretch. We see that Miss Emily A. Gavin Is billed for tills place to give one of her Literary entertainments, at the Meth odist Church, on Friday eveuiug, Dee. 14th. Miss Gavin is said to be one ot the finest readers ou the stage. Every body come out and here her for you are assured an evening of real enjoy ment. Tickets, 26 ets. H Solon had a Turkey Shoot on Satur day last and the Rifle Club of this place went down to try their luck and they brought back uine turkeys. G.. W. Eldredge had 5, E.R. Young 1, J. W. Haythorn 1, J. R. Hyde 1, Wm. Cooley 1. Range 40 rods, ofl hand, 10 Inch target. We think tiie boys doue well considering everything, as they had a side wind. The Baptist Chnroh is to have a Christmas Tree and it seems to us that all the churches should help and make it a snocess, but some of the M. E. Church members seem te take a back scat and ai$ afraid that someoth or church will do something or have a pleasant time or tiie largest crowd.-- They should pull together as they are working for the same heaven, and one, If a christian, aliotrld be as good as another. Wo hep® better feelings will exist hereafter, and thou they will set a better example before the worlds people. It is a sin for one to not know as much as the law allows, but it is a big ger sin to know more than the law allows. We have one of these knowing ones In Richmond and it is too bad that so much brains should be wasted iu one man. We would advise Mm to get his head hooped for fear he will have an enlargement of the head and it will bust. Then he will be no more and what will Richmond and society do, for there is no other that can take his place that we know of. Wo hope the one this is meant for will take it to himself, and hereafter know his place aud do better. NO HUMBUG. Gilberts Butter Color, will iaoroase the value of white Butter 6 cents per pound and costs less tl: an one cent to color teu pounds. Every Bottle war- rented to give satisfaction or money refunded. For Sale by Druggists aud Grocers generally. Ask for it and take UO other. Manufactured by A. B. GILBERT, MoHeary 925 REWARD. The above reward will bo paid to any one who will find one of our Buffalo Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that is not oast from a good, thick, pieoe of sole leather. P.D. SMITH. Near the Depot. Iplnsearohof Bargains do not fal| to call at Smith, Aldrich 4b Haythorn, in Riverside Block. DON'T go home until you hare ex amined one of those Feed CffclMt at Q. Bishop's Warehouse. They go like, hot cakes those seamless back Calf Shoes at Bucklin & Steven. Just received, at Mrs Moreyfs. thf finest steck of Millinery Good* ever brought to McHenry. Ia£ CALL and see the best Coal Steve the market, at John M. Smith's the Depot. Ladies Cloaks, and Cloakltig aa# new patterns of Waterproof stP. D| Smith's near the Depot. SiiELP-HAKi)WAKMvicket ani Tahiti Cutlery, in any quantity, at Bed-rock^ |wioe£aUobu M. Smith's, |ImP D&ES8 MAKING. Fashionable Dress and Cloak alse cutting and fitting at re ^ "• Mas. PH. BRCCK, Parker ; X BUFFALO ROBES. ^ A large invoice of the finest ever brought to this market. Just n# ceived at Smith, Aldrich & Haytimrafalf Riverside Block. ^ T 4 .i.M * 1 v ' Ladies do not fall to call at Mrst Morey's aud examine the latest style* of Millinery Goods. Her stock Is cem«, plete, and prices as low as the lowest. Sngar Is Cheap. Cheaper, Cheapest If you want to see how luuchSweetein iug yon can get for a dollar--Silver elf Paper--call at BUCKLIN & STEVENS. Wanted 10.000 lbs of Choice ButteI for which we will pay the hlghesv market price in Goods at the verji v lowest Cash Prices. Bimn A STBVZKS. Ladles, call and see those splendt<| new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey*si ^ She will sell you the latest styles at th% lowest price. IIORSE BLANKETS! You can buy a live lb BlankqgferfUH! per pair at Fitzsiininous A Evaason'i Near the Depot. Just received at Bucklin & Steven* at McHenry a new and full line of* : Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls li|' desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic^ . Cotton Flaunels. Bed Blunkets, Hon# Gould's Iron Piunps, with any kin ofCylender, that a boy 12 years eld eai work with perfect base. In a well fi *25 to 100 feet deep. For sale at O, Bishop's. Bufltelo Bobei l Baflfcle Robtil I A full supply on hand at Bucklin Stevens, and at lower prioes than e HEAVY WORK HORSES FOR SAL The undersigned ofter for Sale a tea of Heavy Work Horses, one nine an one four years old. Will be sol reasonable if applied for soon. Appl te John Brown, Four miles east McHenry aud one mile weet of Vol GREATEST BARGAINS BVUjj OFFERED IN McHENRY. Mrs. S. Searles will sell for the nex 20 days for Cash, one hundred latesi style trimmed Hats at 91 ,S0 per Hal Fifty trimmed Hats at 92. Fift^ trimmed Hats at 93. Also will maw great reductions In Cloaks, daaltl aud Trimmings. TAKE NOTICE. All those who are interested In Ihi Burchase of Flannels, waterproefip tlankets, Ladies and Gents Under! wear. Men's Jackets <&c., &c. We havst: marked our stock down on account of warm weather, and as we have a largfc nteck en hand which we are bound t% :, dispose of, we shall after special Ia| ducements. Fltzsimmons & SvausMp' near the Depot McHenry 111. MARRIED. ofcK ROIlBINS-TITRNEB-Ai Ihe M. E. Pa# sonage, Solon, December 10th, 1OT7, bjr tM Rev. J. II, Bacon, Mr. Jaines Bobbins aav- Miss 8arab Turaer, both of tb« tova af « mond. v • DIED. COX--Near Carj Statioa, 111, NOT. WBI 1877, Jane E . wtf» of Charles G* Oox» acad W years 7 months aud 2t days. What means tht& drear and stleat moat Why do w® wen so lone} . gp, *,# Why do we hush @w Wllii«*aaais^. Our darling is gone, Two days ago alive atui well, To-day mi«ed far the tomb, Wheraoaee the hearts were | TWlay are plunged ttt gloata. A sad Thanksgiving day to «s» , ' To whMl she was so dear, ' ts> betlee.. lattw tw for f ' salstegg- Mr*. Bsrdeath i& vary sad Indeed, ' Her husband twioe bereft,; Willie now withosl , £ A mother's oare, is left. Aw* over la aid Eintend Her mother, tee, wilt metritis"" «•.- *0 her fhther, brothers, sfctSfS^. Sl||i "-i She'll never more return. O no, she never will com# baek. But we can meet her thera la Heaven, where tears®*® el|peit MM1V 'i;:-; And all Is bright sad JUr. Pnn»K.Ooz. /,;/ KOT. SSth, MT7. . Executor's Notice. * X^STATK of John Gonnett deceased. TkS Vj undersigned having heea apyofted Ei. editors of the last will aai* testament of John Oonnell, late of the Oouatfof MeHearj* and State of Illinois, de " " ill ap e^'waseft. hereby ppearheins tha < Cowney, art the NEW Goods received evei y week;, at Smith, Alarioh & Hay thorn's, River side notice that they w ty Court of Mellenry House, in Wood*took, at tha Jhoaary on the third Monday im Jteauary ] which time nil persons having elatms said Estate are notified and requested teed for the ptin>M»or having the sasM en. just*t. All pewoas Indebted to sak) leUf • are make inunedhite MjnMsl «*»•>' <• %h* nnrlersiKnett. Datetl this7th day *1 vemteeiw Wf- JtuWAltD BBWKBTT, Jous j. mm n Exee«taes«' / '