"Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." VOL. 3. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER'26, 1877. Published Every Wednesday by . TA1\ SLYKE Editor and Publisher. -r:rr • 0ffice in Biverside Block, ' - Over Smith, Aldrieh & Hay thorn'B Store. T" TERMS OF StTBSClUFTION: : Y e a r , ( i n A d v a n c e , ) . . $ 1 5 0 ff Paid within Three Months, ...2 0# Subscriptions received for three or six months la the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. HltOWX, M. D. rjHYSIOlAX and burgeon. Office in Briek M7 Block over F. ft. Mayos Clothing Store Water Street, McHenry 111. *" K. A. BKKRSM. D. PHYSlCtA.* and Surgeon. Office atresirtence, two deors west of Post Office, Mc Henry III. O. J. HOWARD, M D. nd Surjreon. OlHct of Howard JfcSon, McHenry, 111. pHTHCfAN and Surgeon. Offircnt tne sjtore 0 F.J. BARMAN. 16 AR Manufacture, Mo Henry UL tory So. 171. Omcrs solicited.- fae- W. TTOltXEY l Office second story Bishop's new S. PHICKETT. AT LAW. McHenry, 111. Block. UICHAltl) BISHOP, ATTORNEY ASH COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office iu rear of Murphv Jt, Bishop's Bank North Side Public Square, Woodstock, III. GEO. A. BUCK-LI!f fOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In surance Agent. Ollice at Itucklin & Steven's Store, near the Depot,'McHeury, III. N< f Urn E. E. RICHARDS. AS a complete Abstract or Titles, to land in McHenrv County, Illsn< unty Clerk, Woo'lstook, 111. Office with ROBT. WKIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes. None but tlie best of material iiaed and all work warranted. Shop Noriliwest forner Public Square, McHenry, I1U Fit. HECHTLE. HOUSE, SJSU and OrnamentRl I'aftiter,-«l$o Faiw.v Sketches, Sceuerv, , McHenry IlL Will <W» all *ork promptly and at rea sonable fates. E. M. OWES. Deiler and Manufacturer^ in Leaiiing Farm Machinery. l*w ami Terms favorable. • - . . . I L L I N O I S , jnjENER4.L ijr VRent GEO. SCI1REINER, SAT.OOX and ResUurint. Nearly oypesiie the Parker House, Mcllenry III. ••"First-Olftss Billiard nn<^Pool Tables. " .J. BONSLETT, SALOON and Reit'l'irant. Nearly opprteite Owen's Mill, Mcllenry, 111. Fre*KOy*ters •ervcd up la any s&ape desired, or tor sale by the Oau. W(iOOD STABLING FOR HOUSES: jr* W. W. ELLSWORTH. BREEDERO the Celebrated Ma«rie HOST. .Yl*« 1.1Kb t and D'irk Bralnaa F<»wl.-v Pijrs •flipped t« all (Mints by express. P. O. Ad- Woo<i.stock, lit., PETER LEICivESL f >KPACRS Watcheti, Clocks and Jewelrr of h all kinds. Also ]{<'|nirs Violins in theltest (Mssible manner, on short notice aiid at rea son jlile rates, A Is* Violins for Sale. Shop tt duer North of Itivprsisle IIluck, Mc. Henry BUSINESS CARDS. r. KLEIFGEN A SON. . CARRIAGE, Watron and House Pain tin? done on Short Notice. All work war ranted. McHenry IlL, South of the Public Square. Poland China Swine OOD Pips for sale that was sired bv Boars M that took First Pretniun» and Sweep- •takes at State and County Fairs, from $15 to #15 apiece. W»s are shipping to some of the best breeders in the count rr. For particulars ftp pi v to C. STREET & SON, Hebron, III. Attention Farmers. FOR SALE. A Litter of Full Blood Scotch Collie Shepherd Pups, trom Imported Stock. These •re the finest dojrs for the farmer in the world find I will warrant thcin to l»e full blood. Also I have for sale Poland China Pigs, both aexes, all very line. Call at mv residence, ope mile east of Blivins Mills, and see them, FRANK COLE. Blivins Mills, III.. An*., 28th, 1877. WANTED «lerjrvman having lei in Me Ho EW Cei .E. For description, notice e»li- week's of this paper. A'l- s F. L. HORTON & CO., Publish- To make a permanent engagement with a Msure, or a Bible Reader, $» introduce in McHenry County, the CELE BRATED IfEW Centennial Edition ot the IJOLY BIBLE. (orial i n last 4;ress at once #rs and Bookbinders, 60 E. Market St.. Indian apolis, Ind JAMES ROBB1NS, -DEir.KH IX- Agricultural Implements SOLON MILLS, ILL. "MANUFACTURERS AGENT tor the Chain. ^01 pion Reaper and Mower, the Gorham C?orn Cultivators aud Diamond Plow, war- panted to scour in any soil, tlie ForestiCitv Seed Plow and Steel Beam Stubble Plow's (torn Planters, Horse Rakes, Ac. Wilt take {Jl&sh or GOIMI Notes in exchange for any aud All of my Goods. Post Office, Solon Mills., 111. E. PERKINS. McHenry, 111. General T17"AGON Maker. V* Jolibinpr promptly attended to. Shop, Westjof the Pubiic Square. E. BENNETT, M. D„ SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of Women a Specially. Office and Residence on Clay Street, Woodstock, 111. W. H. BUCK, M. D., TTOMKOPATHIC PhvtiClan and 8«rp».-- XI Office East Side Public Square, Wood, stock, 111. Office hours' 11 to 12 A. M., and S to 4 P. M. OECTL W. COX. DENTIST. Office at the Farker Hottse* McHenry, IlL '-- --:--1 -- N. 8. COLBT. t MclTENRY, McHenry Co., IH. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of younjr Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. DENTISTRY. DR. L. C. RIOE, will visit the follower places, as stated below, every month. C AKY--'The, 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Rooms at Wea ver's Hotel. WAI'CONI»A--2d and 4th Wednesdays.-- Rooms at the Pratt House. M^HF.NKY -- 2d and 4th Fridays. Rooms at the Riverside House. NI NDA--Every Friday. Rooms at the Hyatt House. The remainder of the time will be at his residence, at Crystal Lake. Dr. Rice will have with him at all times Chloroform, Ether and Nitrous Oxid Gas. which will be administered whenever de- sived. All operations performed iu a careful and skillful manner. | W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store *f C. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, / WOODSTOCK, ILL. A a«iod Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings aL wars on hand. Suitsmade to order and a tit warranted- Give me a call. W. If. SANFORD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. 27th, 1875. 1 M. ENGELN. G U N - . S M I T I I Will change nui- tle loaders, both single And double, breach loaders. Keeps on hand all kinds of Gun Ma- teriai. All work warranted. Shop opaestte Perry & Martin's Store, McHenrv, III. 1T. E. \VK;HTMA V, I X rix's, or roprietor. First class « iliiont drivers, furnished it reason ih);i mtes. Teaming of all kinds lone on short notice. For Sale or Exchange. THE undersigned offers for sile his proper, tv, situated in the village of McHenry, or will exchange it towards a good Filrm.-- There is a good and substantial building, suit able fora store or other business, the upper i<art of which i» lilted up for a residence.-- Connected with this's four acres of choice land, a good barn and some fruit. There is no irore desirable property in this sect ion, and any person having a g<M»d Farm which they wish to exchansre. or anyone wishing to tniy will find it to their advantage to cafl and 0ce me. McHenry, IlL, May 7th, 1877. F. A. HEBABD. Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who Buffered for years trom Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and alt the effects of vouthful indiscre- tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity end free to all who need it, the recipe am (llrertion for makin* the si.mplc remedy by Which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to »»rotlt by the adviser's experience can do so t y addressing in perfect Aonlldenee JQUN B. OQPI^N, 42 Cedar St., New York June lit, 107? O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL.. Dealer in all kinds ot American and* Swiss Watches, Clocks from the I Hist factories in the country. Silver, plaUHhvsre, gllvef Spoons, Ac., .x- ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE Estey Organ I Which we l>elieve to be£he best Orgwn in the market. We think we know tliat l>v exiterl- ence, »nd we believe'it, for it is backed up by the Bes1 Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Rstey, but can't receoimuend them as good. Jnly 28. to be, a w. OWE^« Scott & Co., HATS CAPS & STRAW GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 192 MADISON STREET COR. FIFTH AVE. And 123 Lake St., Cor. Clark CHICAGO. A *T.afger Sto<*k of MEDIUM and WHW GOODS and LOWER PRICES than any other house in the trade. Business Notices. JANE8VILLE Mil Mill, North Main Street.. THE subscribers are now ready to exchange for wool, goods, such as plain and fancy Cassimeres,Doeskins. Twoerts, Satinets, La dies Cloth, Sheetings, Shirtings, and a* Agood variety of various kinds of Flannels, for dresses, Ac., Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Ac.-- All these goods will bo exchanged for Wool or Cash, on t(Ve most, reasonable t.irms. Custom carding and cloth dressing on the same terms as in former years. Carpets washed at live cents per yard. P. S.--All wool sent by express will be promptly attended to. Mease send full or. ders by mail. l&/a Mfa4 In exchange for goods W u n lCO|"wool greese and tal2 tmt tan *"• # OP,. School Books »««! Writing P»f>er Cheap, at O.W.OWCRV. KE*CP one eye open for bargains at Smith Aldrieh AHaythorns. SEWING Machine Xeedles of «ll kinds at O.W. Oweu., Bhenmatism, nenraigla. sprains and bruises • will be relieved by Unele Sam's Nerve and B«ue Liiuuient, sold by all druggists. . I The best Teas at the Prices^ at Smith, Aldrieh & Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry, FOR SALE. A Six Horse Power Engine and Boiler; As good as new. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of O.W.Owen. The -greatest bargains ever offered in McHenry county, at Smith. Aldrieh & Haytliorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. Mothers will And Dr. Wincheirs Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try it. A full and complete Stock of ready made Clothing and furnishing goods To* men and boys just received at Smit h Aldrieh & llaythorn's. What is the use of riding with !w Id blanket over y»ur knees, when you can buy a fine llullalo Robe dog cheap, at Smith. Aldrieh & Haytliorn's River side Block. • For anything in the line of Dry G«od&, Olorhhig. Grocerivs. Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Notions. «!te. g<* to Smith. Aldrieh & May thorn's. Riverside Block, McHenry. Freeman & Clark's celebrated Im proved Flax Will is uneqnaled for clean iug Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grain. Call A»r circu lar at E. M. Owen's. Money to Loftii. In sums of^iiOO and upwards, on Mc Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent in terest. Address o<- applv to ASA W. S MI Til, Woodstock, HL PUMPS. A large Stock of Adains celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. Illicit Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, effectually pre"entiug the entrance of dampness, dust, iSfcc. aud rendering the liarness soft and pliable, while at the feaiuie time incrca«iii" '»« durability. Bueklin A Stevens have a full line of Selz «fc 'Jo's Boot and Shoes, which have given their customers sueh universal satisfaction ..during the past year. Every pair fully warranted aud guar anteed to give satisfaction. Distempers. Coughs, Colds. Fevers and most of the diseases which Hurses Cattle, Sheep, llogs au'd Poultry are subject to :ire readily overcome and cured by using Untie Sam's Condition Powder according to the plain direc tions. Sold by all Druggists. $25 REWARD. Tlie above reward, will be paid to any one who will tind one of our Buffalo Boots in which there is a counter, imier-sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, piece of MJle^leathcr. P. D. SMITH. Near tlie Depot. There is no earthly boon more precious than good liealth. audit behooves its possessor to endeavor to retain it. If you are assailed with such provoking ills as sick headaches,'torpid liver, sour stomach ami a general feeling of wear iness and disgust, don't go and commit suicide but take Eilert'#Daylight Liver Pilla and be cured. NOTICE. All p*nons knowing fchemnelres in debted to th® firm ot Smith & Snyder either by Note or Book Account, are hereby notified that, tlie Books are now in the hands of H. Snyder at their olflee. where all are expected to call within the next 30 days and square up. Those Interested will please bear this in uilud, us, delays are dangerous. SMITH & .>•>>VDKR- McHumy, Nov 5th 1877. HOG KILLING. C. Stegemann & Son are now pre pared to do all Jobs of Hog Killing, either in the village ©r country, on short notice, in the best of manner ami at reasonable rates. Farmers, b)r leaving their orders will have them promptly attended to. Satisfaction guranteed in all cases. Orders can be left at my resideuce, near the School House. C. STEGEMANN A SON. Di*e*i»e frnd Death, when they reach our own households, are too serious for jesting, we use our best endeavors to drive oft tlie dread messengers, and ate »uiy happy when we feel that they are at a distance. At the first approach of that fell destroyer, Consumption, in tlie shape of a cough or slight cold as well as more severe Bronchial or Ca tarrh Complaints, we should at once use Eilert's Extract »f Tar and Wild Cher ry. It has no superior iu sticli cases. Every bottle warranted to give satis faction. Sold by all Dmglsts. -i"* It should be the duty, as well as pleasure of all journalists, to impart such useful information to the Readers of their papers as well conduce to their well-being and health. If we can save anyone from an hour's pain we have ac complished sortie good in this world.-- Now, we know that tlie advice we are about to give will save many of our friends from a vast amount of suffering, especially those who are troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or sciatica. Call on your druggist for a bottle of Lawson's Curative, and use it faithfully, for any ache, pain inflamma tion you may have, and. our word for it vou will thank us for our*advice.-- GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAISDKALER!-- The ' line Summer like weather of the past ten days imparts a bright and cheering as pect uptfu all eur surroundings,, both animate, and inanimatf; while the busy, toiling husbandman, hurrying with all his might, improving every moment,"early and late, gathers to the well filled crib's the last ear of corn' wears a look of happy contentment and joy, thankful that he has been thus highly favored. The plew which the careful farmer had placed under cover until the winter campaign was over, has again been brought and set at work, bringing to mind a Stanza, of that eld time honored hymn,--"December as pleasant as May." The Meeting of the Teachers Associ ation held at this place on -Saturday the 8th. was rather thinly attended by the teachers, with a good attendance of the cltisens. The teachers however have promised to make amends by meeting with us again in four weeks, at which time it is hoped a full dele gation of Pedagogues throughout the county may be in attendance. The donation party at Mr. J. B. Col- ley's for the benefit of the Rev. Mr. Aldeu proved quite a success financial ly and socially, considering the pre vailing scarcity of "Greenbacks." the total receipts amounting to some $80.00 which we are sure was thankfull re. ceived; This amount though not large% argues well for the esteem and respect with which the recipient is held by the community; considering the field from which it was gathered. The Literary Association which held Its second meeting of the season on the 14th, closed the deriidoii of the question under debate in a somewhat amusing .manner;we wont tell how: but thefe seems to be a difference in opinio^ or a good natured misunderstanding, be tween the disputants on bot'i sides and the presiding oflicer.(who decides the weight of argument) some claiming that he pronounced, the total, light weight, a draw game, aud fizzle while others.claim to have understood the decision to be pronounced a fizzle, we don't can't tell which. Miss Jennie Moses staited Tuesday of last week tor Buffalo N?Y. te spend the winter. , Arrangements are being made for a Christinas tree at the Churcil on tlie Hill. * : ^ ' . Greenwood t8 once more supplied with a first class Boot and Shee maker In the person of Mr. Stone. Mr. Lewis Boone, since the death of his wife, has removed to his Son-in- law's, Mr. Geo. Hotchkiss. He Intends to reut his place for the presents WHKHK IN SMITH? Mr. Smith has arrived In town, and is well.--Detroit Free Preaa. No. sir; Smith is iu Burlington, blind drunk.--llawkeye. What a base slander! Smith is here, as sober as usual.--Dunbury Newt. All you fellows are mistaken. We saw Smith nt the colored churoh, with his family of black-Smiths.--Pittsburg Gazette. That's another! Smith is here sua pec ted of horse stealing.--Louin Timt*. • - Worse and worse. Kveiy man In Toledo knows that Smfth is here, and just goiug to be married.--Blade. Still blundering. Smith Is here already married, and wishing he wasn't. --Morriatown Free Press. We sympathize with Smith, but he is not in Morrlstown; he is In Hartford and in jail.--Courant. That's a piece of current news that we know to be false. We saw Smlth(it was before our dinner, too) and he was anxiously inquiring where to direct a letter that, would reach any member of the old Whig party. He *yv»s advised to send it to Aleck. Stephens.--Bultir more Sun. Gentlemen, you are all wrong or dreaming. Smith Is In New York.-- If you don't believe us look in the directory.--NeivYork Mail Smith! Smith! You mean Smith the widow, don't you ?-- Worcester Press. Why. didn't Smith go to Europe? He Is police commissioner, isn't he? --New York Herald. You're all off the scent. Smith , has been elected Govrenor of Wisconsin and is now iu Madison visiting his friend Ludington.--La X. Dem. The jpapers are going wild about Mr. Smith. He recently located in . Janes- ville, and opened the handsomest bar ber shop in W Isconsin.--Janeeville Gazette. - * And jet you are all blundering,-- Smith is here in Rockford, running the post-office, and he writes Abe before liis name, and he will soon dou a uni form.--Pock ford Register. Now, there-you are again, all wrongt Smith lives in McHenry, and^ the first three letters of his name is "Tip" and he is in partnership with that fellow that "wants to buy a dog." He is neither "blind jjlrunk," "in jail" ner a •'widow," but an honest, square deal ing man, and a member ef the "Anvil Chorus," with "Prof. Von" as a - handle to his name. Now don't any af you For sale by H, Colby, Prpgg^t, Jig-..lo ms name- •wow' aon 5 BnJ Henry, 111. . f > fteW«W» claim him my moi*. A DRKAM. EDITOR PI.AIXDKAJ.KU ;--Do you ever dream? And do you believe hi dreams as fore-telling coming events? Not long since your humble servant had a dream,"which was not all a dream" He dreamed that he was attending the Ineetlngs of Moody and Sankey. On the first evening of his attendance Moody's subject was the "Kingdom of Heaven.-' Its splendor. Its elysian fields. Its gold paved streets. The power, holiness aud lovo ef its great King and Ruler, who had given His only begotten son fbr the redemption of falien man. Tne son sitting at the right hand of the Father. The hosts of redeemed spirits all clothed in white The holy incense continually burning upon the altars. The hallelujahs and songs of praise. The perfect happi ness of the inmates was portrayed in such glowinjg teftns that hit audience seemed transported from earth to heaven, or in other words translated like Enoch of old. But scarcely had the speakers words died upon his lips and Sankey's harp ceased to vibrate, before the cares of the world began to choke out th* good seed tints sown and the labors of the eveuiug seemed wholly lost. On tlie secotitl <£*entng ^ apeaker chose for his subject the wrath «»f God and terrors of Hell. The fire that is never quenched. The worm that never dies. Li ves in torment pleading acre^s the gulf, with Lazarus in Abraham's bosomk for one single drop of water.-- The writhing agonies of the damned. The smoke of their torment ascending for ever and ever, but all to no purpose. Hard times. Tlie price of hogs. The complete stagnation of business had more ef horror to tlie audience than any picture drawn by the great-reviva list. On the thirty evening the speaker came back to earth for his subject. lie spoke of the hard times; of the finan cial ruin ttaat seemed to stare every man in the face; the terrible condition of the roads; how utterly impossible it was to travel across the country from Woods tock to Mclleury; that the oars did not reach McHenry till a quarter past ten A. M.; that he would sue then) all before a McHenry Justice of the Pe ace; that he would employ an ex-Justice ef the Peace as Ids Attorney aud Dr. W. H. B., of Chicago, as a wit ness: that he would defaldt the in be- f ere they could possibly get there; en ter up judgment to the full extent of the law; swear out an execution strong enough to take their last chicken,-- At this point the speaker was inter rupted by the united voice of his vast au dience crying, "Sirs, what must we do to be saved ?" and f Moody said repent and believe and Sankey's harp tuned forth "While the lamp holds out to burn the vilest sinner may return," aud so great was the rush for the anxious seat that the dream had no further chauge. VICTIM. Why Austin Throw Up His Hand. William Austin of the Chronicle at tempted to teach Patrick Murphy of the Post how to play poker. Murphy learned rapidly, and the stakes, from a small beginning of beans, developed into bullion. When the pot had raised to $10 Murphy got iuquisitive. "S'posen a man has two kings?" "Good hand." "S'posen he has two ̂ more; is double ?" Austin exitde4 eeasiderable spiration, and remarked: "Thunderl throw up my hand. are a big fool to have told me. might have won all I had." ^furphy raked in the pot, laid down his hand, and started home. Austin picked up the relinquished cards, mi them through, and exclaim- ed: . % "Two sixes! by all that's noly." that per- You Yon SWORD TU Ml-; KFSTOpltDl A Washington dispatch Rays: In 1865 after the evacuation of Richmond. Gen. Keifer, of Ohio, at the head <f a small column of troops, ran into a Con federate ambuscade, and was wounded. He would have been killed had it not been for the interference of tho Con federate commander, who allowed him to escape with a small squad of men.-- Later in the day Gen. Kiefer returned with reinforcements and captured the same rebels. Their commander Gen. Tuoker, surrendered, and Gen. Keifer took his sword. Gen.'Keiffer is now la member ot Congress from Ohio,and a brother of Gen. Tucker, who surrender ed is J. Randolph Tucker, of Virginia, The two Congressmen recalled the in cident in conversation tlie other day, and Gen. Keifer will bring the sword back with him when he returns from Ohio after the holiday recess, when he will return it to its original owuer. A large stock of Rubber Gapds; Wool lined Boots and Shoes, Gloves and Mittens, Hats and Caps at Bottom NO. 22. • WASHINGTON < WA*Hij«u¥t>ir, D. G. uw. «£«, T&7. While such frequent and glowing ao> counts are reaching us relative te the doings of Gen. Grant abroad, the fol lowing reminiscence is lhterttitliig^-- When Nellie Grant was macriftf her father were tlie same inmovftble faco as is usual with him nor evinced » sin* gle sign of emotion. After lira Sartoris had gone away with her hoe- band and her wardrobe was being pre* pared to send, the last thing to be packed was her wedding dress and veil all her silks and ether rich dresses were packed in zinc boxes to preserve them from the effects of the sea-voy age, and ther. the messenger went to the room that had been Nellie's, Her this last box, her father, the grave Gen eral, the stern and unmoved President, lay on her bed, his face burled In her pillows and his frame convulsed with emotion. It is good to knew the man can unbend. A few nf those Congressmen's faaal- lies who have icot established- for the winter have settled upon their several reception days and have done a little visiting back and forth, but the season will not really open until after the hol idays, when a long round of gayetiea will begin. ^1 say "long" and It will he so despite Its beginning so late, be cause Lent (which always ends the sea son) does not come until two or three weeks later :iian is often the case. I have sometimes written yon de scriptions of very rich toilets but never of one so beautiful as the one I shall mention to-day; neither Is even the bridal robe lately worn by Mies Ven der hi It, in New York, which was of white silk brocaded with flowers and trimmed with point laco and seed pearls, to be coihpared with one just finished in this city by a mother for her daughter. The mother is quite * famou* artist in pastel and water col ors. *The daughter is two years old and tlie dress is to be her baptismal robe*--• It Is of white satin cut priecesle shaped in the back with a simulated sacque in front. The entire edge Is finished with white silk cord and slight frilled iaoe. Theu the whole garment and the white sa in bonne.t are decorated proftisely with flowers, vines, leaves, birds, and batter-flies, painted In water colon bf the loving hand of the child's motlier*-*- Each button that fastens the gound ornamented with a tiny bud and under the lace that fails over the et is seen--on one a spray of ant leaves and on the other two Itttli ferns and a bit of ribbon grass{th» collar has forget-me-nots, and rose- -buds; the ends of the broad sash has- eacti a bird perched among leaves and flowers;and the sides have a vine and two humming birds. This is the brief est description I can give of this truly regal robe. It Is fl; for a Queen-and t what Queen reigns more absolutely than a two-year-old baby, especially when she Is the only child ef her mother? This seems to be the day for vioterles^ Butler, Kellogg and Euetis have been victorious; Seuator Coukllug gained^ quite a victory this week in getting Committee appointed to iavestjgat* Mexican affairs; and the fens ale saf.- fragitts have gained the greatest sae they ever did in getting so much aa{| such tellable support in their cause.--- For many years they have annually presented petitions to Congress* ofteik having to Work hard to llnd a Con gressman bold enough or willing enough to offer them. But this year* they were presented>and supported by such men as Conkliug and Garfield audi Sargent aud a hour or two's time spent in considering them. A delegation of women called at the White House * short time since to ask President Haye» to present the subject of disfranchise ment on account ef sex. In bis messagfr to Congress, but he declined to do so.--• It is said that Mrs. Hayes Is warmly in the movement. The petitions pre sented to Congress on this subject refered ta tlie Committee en Priviiiges- and Election, which has already ftx*d ft day lu January when the subject shall be considered and arguments heart* from the representatives of the Woman's Suffrage Association which meets lu this city during that woadh. Weekly entertainments of a *eqr pleasant nature have begun at |ho Navy Yard. The Marino officer* ift» * vile their friends to witness tho §•» spection at 11 o'clock Monday morning after which the Marine Band plajra choice selections on the Parade Ground and two hours dancing follows In thf parlors of the House whire tho •ttmm are quartered. Ourvx» The £1 Paso mob creates a breeze, mainly on account of tho Itev of its be iug located near thebordsvaof Mexico, and an idea that in MMSI way it may involve us in trouble with thai country. But it is a far loss serious matter than tho Hamburg jppocre* whose leader was rewarded tgf a eeai Uaitod States 8onal»» £ v V-1