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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1878, p. 4

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m~aum***#**-* «w <>* #&•**•"• ** sit' «iaialli|feqj^fta^ rftroiiiaw iti MaiirP'OT eiry fliiitottor. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28d, 1878. < * • • « . . • • • • • • , • • • ' J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. -i MONK? AND BtTSINKSS. %iT* the healthy business transactions ttt society a sound circulating medium Is as necessary as healthy food is to support and sustain the human body. Xver since the Government has existed we have had* mixed circulating medi- uH.eeaiposed of gold, silver and bank­ notes. Silver and at their relative *tfhtes--i. about one grain of geld to fifteen and a half in silver--at these values these two metals for the last two htndred years have been about «{ual and constituted the main metal­ lic «cwrreney ef the world. I» 1873, at the instance of the gold bondholders, «Hver was demouetixed and anly made * legal-tended- te the amount of five iellars. By this movement about one- half of the metallic currency of this country was withdrawn from circula­ tion and the resumption act was passed, which tri about twelve months will retire from circulation the greeit* backs and the national bank notes. This result will be inevitable when this paper circulation is made redeem­ able in gold. By the existing laws no provision is made for any other circu­ lation when this occurs but gold"! and silver to the amount of five dollars. With thls'prospect before the people 'fh regard to the circulating medium of the country, no prudent man will em­ bark in any business pursuit. The con­ sequence is that all values are so depre­ dated. and everything is so uncertain that no certain value cau be fixed upon any property. Beal estate, which is the foundation of all our wealth, is so depreciated that it is almost valueless. From fliis demoralized condition of the circulating medium of the country, .and from the scarcity of money, peo- rjrte are forced to transact a large . amount of tlfeir business by mere bar­ ter and exchange. The recent reports made by the Agricultural Bureaus from Washington show that there never has in the history of the country such abundant «rop as the labor of the >untry produced last year. Tet with Ifaore .elements of prosperity and ac­ tive business than we have over had in country, through the agency of the government, the money power and the |ew gold bond-holiiers for their profit •4tnd advancement, hare completely litrestrated all the business and mate­ rial progress of the country, and any vfnau who is in debt, though ihe may Tliave property in value ten times as great as his indebtedness *was when ^It was created, yet is liable to hare his *trhole estate and the labor of hisQlfe Sacrificed for the benefit of the mottled jpower and the gold bond-holders.' ; Kow what do we see in this distressed Rendition of the country? We see as­ sembled every winter at Washington^ .-.let of men who are seat there by tfba llpeople as their representatives to de­ mise a wise policy for the general wel­ fare, aud we also see them forming >rrupt combinations with the bond- lolders, monopolists and monied pow- Mrs, to cheat the producing classes out •of all the profit of their annual crops. Within tho last fifteen years, the' gamblers, the politicians.lobbyists and1 plunderers, under the false pretense of Collecting revenue for tho support of the public government, have collected? in the way of taxes from the produc­ ing classes the enormous sum of nearly twelve billions of dollars. In the in­ terest of human progress and civiliza-. *$lon, every frieud of fre# institutions $nay congratulate himself that no in­ stance can be found iu the history of Any nation of anglo-saxon blood where the people have submitted to such op­ pression and shown «o unmanly a spirit of resentment. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINI>EALICII:--The G#od Templers organization at this Village after accomplishing all and more than was thought possible, has finally de­ parted this life, kicked the bucket, gone up in flames. At the Coroners Inquest the evidence was sufficient to satisfy the jury, that said Society^ death was caused by too much female suffrage in the brain aud woman on the brain. AleO, that its birth was prema­ ture and its growth te sudden, that it had not sufficient vitality to withstand the first November's cold and chilling blast. Verdict rendered accordingly. A letter from an old lesident, in the PLAINDEALER of Jan'y 3d, brings for­ cibly to my mind these lines from Wood worth: How dear to my heart are' the teenes of mjr childhood, When fond recollection presents them to View-- X to in my wanderings canuot forget McHenry, away back In my boyhood days. That log hotel. Uncle Ben Brown Esq., and all "S.M mentions, and particularly, A mock trial conducted under the direction of McHenry School and held in said log Hotel. In the court room the table was covered with books, papers, decanters of liq­ uors and hqlf-pint tumblers, and sur­ rounded by the legal fraternity. If a stranger put up for the night, he was sure to be summoned as a witness, aud without knowing or being informed of the matter at Issue, would be sworn In thiswise: "You do most solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and not a word of truth, and nothing like the truth, so help, yourself to whatever you like.** The first witness and the fiist man that ever refused to take the obligation in McHenry--Well I'll refex you to John 6. Ragan, Presi­ dent of the Old Settlers organization, and lie candidly remarked, "I don't drink any more.* The testimony, pleadings, oratory, vert^gpts and scenes, none but an eye-witness can imagine or a Mark Twain describe. One Att'y, with exultation In his face, got up and made an impassioned effort. HQ pounded the trfble, he^banged the law books, he shouted and roared and howled; he quoted from everything and everybodv, history, sarcasm, sta­ tistics, pathos, and finally He bursts, and In spatters fell over the worldy Read the wooden-horse blow-up of Quixote and Sancho. Or School-book explosion of Casablanca; The great mine at Hell Gate, with dyaamite loaded, The clover staffed nag that 'ncntb Old buck exploded; •Bead how Ben blew McVaugh into shape­ less condition, And Jesse Black burst up the Grand High Commission; These were classic BsttlliiiA to t«n>, Compared witii the fate of that attorney hero; Jtes his manlle so graceful, now tattered and torn, Was blown up to the moon and booked on to its horn; 1 For .this last. God be^naisedflttgivee Joy to us all, • That his mantle on no human shoulders did foil; ~ Startling fancies and Action my teeming bra*n haunts, (But like Mr. Gradgrind, Mr. Editor, is it facts that you want? With these few and appropriate re- masks -we shall now wind up this yart>. Eden. j#®" Samuel Bowles, the celebrated journalist, died oh Wednesday eyeuing of last week, Jnu. 16th, at 11 o'clock.-- Mr. Bowles was born at Sptingtield, Mass., Feb. 9,1826. Since 1844 he has conduoted the Springfield JRepublican, one of the most prominent journals 111 the United States, He was quite prom­ inent in political matters although hp never had any office. He was one oif the strongest advocates of Horace Greeley, and was one of the original Liberal Republicans of the Greeley stamp. His great hobby was Charles Francis Adams, whom whenever occa­ sion offered he sought to nominate for President. As a writer he wits bold, fearless and firm, almost to obstinacy when treating of his favorite topics.-- His journal made itself felt as a power in the land, rivalling the press ef the metropolis, although published in a comparatively small city among the hills of western Massachusetts. The postal-car service has been restored on the New York Central Railroad route, between New York and Chicago, four fast mall trains new leaving the former city dally for the West, and three leaving Chicago for the EaiBt. At the same time, postal- cars now leave New York via the Pennsylvania Railroad on five fast' trains daily, for Washington, Cincin­ nati, St. Louiis, and Chicago, and New England is amply supplied! with the same rapid mail transit. "OKRMAH SrVRUfc*' ?To other medicine in the Werfrt was" ever given such a test of its curative qualities as BoscheeTs German Syrup. In three years two million four hun­ dred thousand small buttles of this medicine was distributed fred of charge by Druggists in this country to these afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof tiiat German Syrup will cure them. The result lias beon f.tliat Drug­ gists in every town and village in the United States are reeommending it to their customers. Go to yourf Drugj gist, and ask what they know abunt it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Regular sira 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. For sale by Henry Colby, He- Henry. - <"i Im ' *.*« *• j, <«fv •-!«:. % ' •••t-.'-ifiW- >.$•* '.v4 i • n tMt, «•.««* ' . " 'Z "'$• • •' X is-"-' * .YM i t"i tif ! Tt' • S 'ir - "iw.i TT ; W* rJ\'Sr» u ' v i ^ >T ( r I . . -Mky, " V?t l-> * * (T̂ 5t? ' m m. '$"• CD i' ft O H „ crq o1 H G « • a SO & ; •0' • f®"*The winter thus far has proved onelO.f .the most remarkable on record. ^A Kentucky philosopher has pronounc­ ed a now theory te account for .the mild woather in this part of the world. Heavy e&nnenadiag, he states, ^causes the Arctic currents to dow to Ithe jflaee of firing, producing cold weather there and warm weather on tfce other side of the world. Thus the t>u»£,U»g bombs and prodigal cen- ^PW#«*on of gun-powder iu the East 'Inure<ea*ised the balminess in America. A Teeeat Boston lecturer says that our eth«f»al mildness has been caused by the jiesxer .approach of the gulf •tream u»wanl our coast. This is i^oqt likely to be tlm ijase. -beet I A correspondent of the Inter-ucean «ays that the e«renalasloner of Internal Revenue is In «ooeipt of information from South Carolina «hawing that rev- «oue officials there .are meeting with unprecedented opposition in making collections. The ex-€o>u/«4eratescan't «tand the tax on whiskey and tobacco, the two sources of consolation which they cannot suffer to be abridged. It $s evident tb*t the work of re-ee untrue- lion it "till progressing slower d^wn ihere. K" us the hell of onr fathers*' eiys the Chicago Journal. Rest easy, respected friend, tiiwe will grant your request. In this section we are not so grasping, and all we ask for U the "dol­ lar of our fathers" aud we SJS confident Lye our wish. GREENWOOD* EQITOR 1\LA:INDEALER.--Sterile and barren have :been the news fields of this locality for the past two weeks *4111 scarce spay the time of gathering. *For us to tell you readers how about the weafher, how cold, how warm, what the eonffition ofthe traveling has been, has already become monot- ittous and common place rem arks: About all we cas eay is that quiet reigns. The 1 eachers gathering of thr«.e weeks ago, was poorly attended by the teachers, though well ^presented by those that were present. The citizens having become considerably Interested, turned out in suffideiytxinmbers tak­ ing a part in the exereises ef the day so that the time was well and preflably speut. The Literary Society Meeting on Fiftday Evening, Jan. 11th wae well en­ tered into upon the following question Resolved that the belief In Witch Craft ie not a delusion. Prayer meetings have'beem held by Baptist Society do ring >the past week. Tho lecture season 1ia* net opened yet at this place, although we hear daily the name of ktBeeelrat,**4Til<ton,1,, "Moody Samhey". Jfcc. Eli Perkins," "Colfax" &e <ck> not visk .lacffe places like Greenwood, hut cenbine their labors mostly to towns, like Wood stock, Hebron, and (Chicago. doubt much if -either of the above named speakers were to ^isit oar place it they cotdd obtain more than a half filled house. Second class liter­ ary entertainments of this character are not indulged in to any great extent, by our citizens. Our tax collector, Mr. O. Garrison, Is now prepared to take yotrr snrplus change and will meet Ihe tax payers of the town at the village of Green­ wood and also at Woodstock upon such days as he will hereafter appoint notice of which will be given in due time. Astonishing Success It is the duty of every person who has used BUSCHKE'S GERMAN SYRUP to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consnniption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma. Pneu­ monia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it with­ out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case. a»d we consider it the duty of all Dreisrgista to recom­ mend it It to the poor flying w#*- snmptive. at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported. Snch a medicine as the GERMAN SYRUP cannot be too widely known. Ask yonr Druggist about it. Sample Bottles to try sold at 19 cents. Regular size 75 cents. HOG KILLING. C. Stegemann A Son are now pre­ pared to do all Jobs of Ilog Killing, either in the village or country, on short notice, in the~best of manner and at reasonable r^tes. Farmers, by leaving their orders will have them promptly attended to. Satisfaction f'urauteed in all cases. Orders can be eft at my residence, near the School House, C. ST EGtMAHir ft SOW. p P* o 1 ̂ CD hj gf. O CD £ O CD *1 O •d O CD GO U z. 2 m <J Z CO ARGATNS% BARGAIN •: ••• oiir stock of o Overcoats ostii f Gloves and Mitten alt greatly reduced prices,- Slannels and Woolens a an ever be Nubias an carfs at half their value;- Call and examine and "Will make it to lower prices,. *•" OH re known. £ Smith, Aldrich & Haythorn We will make large reductions on all Fall and Winter Goods for the rema.iit der of the month iu order to red nee stock before taking our annual Inventory January 1st, 1878. We herewith annex a pa?tia>l Pritfie List of goods m«»t i* demand lor the season. <r.s Heat Ginghams.8 to 9 cts. regular price lOto 12^ Brown Sheetings..6 to B cts. " " 1 to 10c. l'l ints to '« «« 5 to 8 Cotton Batting --11 to 10 " '• 14 to 20 A full line of Black und colored American and French Cashmeres 35 50, 75, S6, uud $1, Mtgu- lar price 45 to #l.'2i5. racitic corded Alpucn 15 cts., regular price23c Heavy Grey Flannel 20 cts., regular price 30c Heavy Western ck Flannel 2S cts. regular price 35 cts. Heavy Red Twilled Flannel 28 cts., regular |)rice 35 cts. lleavv Red Plain Flannel 32 cts,, regular pricc U8 cts. Men's Knit Jackets (double)tl regular yiice J1.25. Two Buttoa Kid Gloves cts., «regula*'pric# I.adles Beaver Union Cloaking, double widtll $2 regular price $2.50. Ladies Felt Skirts $1.15 regular price tLM> Mens Suits $7.f>0 worths $1( 'I-2.K0. >15. HtL ill7- Mens Suits $10 worth Ment Suits $12 worth $15. Mens Suits $13 worth #1 Mens Snits #14.50 worth Mens Suits $1K worth Mens Overcoats $5 worth $6.60, M«n« •)-per<-.>;its worth #8. Mens Overcoats $8.50 worth $1#. Mens Overcoats $10 worth 912,M. fflens Overcoats $12..ri0 worth Mens Overcoats #15 worth <H8, Mens Ov«rcoats 18>worth 22. Also a full line ef Youths and1 Boys Suits and reductions. Oveveoats st eorrespondlny Yours Traljf, BUOKLLN A STEVENS McHenry, AuQunt 28th, 1877. REPORT OP THE C O N D I T I O N --OF- We sell goods for •"cash only," and make no poor debts, thereby saving money for our customers. At Dwight AForrest's, Woodstock 111. A few dose8 of Dr. MarshallV Lang Syrup cured my child of a most dread­ ful Cough. I can checrfully. recom­ mend it as the best cough medicine I have ever tried. MRS. O. KXOX. Cleve­ land, Ohio. -For sale by A. B. Gilbert, McHenry. Bltenmatism, neuralgia, sprains and brnises will be relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Linimeut, sold by all druggists. Mothers will find Dt. Wincheirs Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will enre colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try It. Freeman A Clark's celebrated im­ proved Flax Mill is unequaled for clean ing f lax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grain, Call for circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's. PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pomps. The best Pnmps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. It will pay you to come 40 miles and Buy Boots and Sho«s at Wholesale prices at Dwight, A Forrests, cori»er Main Street and Public Square, Wood­ block, 111- ACter you have looked through all the Root, aud Shoe Stocks in JieHe&ry Couuty., <eAll and examine quality of good* aud £et Wholesale prjuoes. Ait Dwight & Torrests, Woodstock I1L To Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consump­ tion, by a simple remedy, fs anxious to make known to his fellow-nniTi;rers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send acopv nT the perscription «se«l, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will lind a sure cure for Consultption, Asthma, IJronchitis, Ac. Par- Sles wisning the prescription, will please ad-ress, E. A. Wilson, 1W I'enn, St., Williams- burgh, X. Y. & C7 Agents profits per week. Will IroOl uU prove it or forf -it 1500. New ar- ticles Just patented. Samples sent free to all Address, W. H. Chldester, Jl« Fulton St., New York. PIMPLES. I will'mail (Free) the receipt for a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan. Freckles, I'imples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a l«il<i head or smooth face. Address, incioting 3 ct. stamp, Beu Vandelf ft Co., 20 Aim fit-, New York. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Wootfstdck, Illinois, * --Al­ dose of Business Dec, 28,77 itESotritcrts Loans and IHscowritsii^.::: 194,SR5.16 Overdrafts MttJ.80 U. S. Bonds in Washington 80,000.00 IT. & Bonds onr band ^ 1100.00 Duo from np|m>v<nV Kes«rv<r A^tsr 437L35 Due from Fir»t KStional Hank Sew York curr«?iicy 6877.34 Doe from First "tatirtnal Ehnls ST«w Yorkgtokt.;.;.; . 9A8.S1 Real Estate and furniture,.. .... ! 4300.00 Current Expenses,.,;..;; 1327.5!» Premiums paid.,.,...;.,.. 74.37 Cash Items (including $1360 V. 8, Treasurers gwW ghCckC 3S22.40 Suspense itSl.ll Sills -af «ther Hvnbsf ll»tionai „ .eurrency „ M60.00 Fractional Currenery,.,;. Slt.38.15 Specie -- •17,(W Legal Tender Notes, .... 11,000.00 Redemption Fund with u.. bueas. 2550.00 Currency with U. S. Ttoaaurw. ' WMO.tiO LiABiurnUt Capital, SiirpluH Fssd Other uudivided profits. National Banknotes OuCstBndlbg. Deposits r-„ •246.a6a.87 B0,000.00 se,&m 15 181SI.54 45,000.00 97,113t 18 Total M6v2ii8v»7 STATE Or ILLINOIS,) County of McHenry )W I, JOHN J. MfTUPHT, CtMMor of the above named Bank, do (oleranly swear that tl»e above statement is true to tire best of HIT knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, C&shiet. Subscribed and sworn tc before uu) this 9th day of Jan. 1S78 C. I. DoiraixtT, N P ATTEST:--John J, Murihy £, A. Murphy •W. H. Stewart, Directors Fox River Valley Hills. B. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - • - - Illinois. CONST AN HAND. CUSTOM; GRmDING Done promptly, aid satisfaction guaranteed Having just put in 1 new Feed Stone, capable of grinding sixty In flu-Is of Feed per hour. I am prepared to dtyour grinding on short no­ tice. . WTlie Highestblarket Price paid for good Milling Wheat, f R. BISHOP- McHenry HL, Ifec.. 11th, 1877. THE Bell^ CJty Feed Cutter, tbe best in the martcet, can be ftuad at O. Bishop's Wareliouse. 0 r> Kiurru • • mMm O iWi V I rf 9 F . G . M E R C H A N T T A I L O R And Dealer Invites the public to an inspection of his newly purchased Stock' yiPPliees to suit the Times and Goods Warranted as veprcaeMtcd. CUTTING DONE AS USUAL* Store One Door North of Colby's Drug Store* McHenry, 111.. Sept. 12th, 1877. I nra now prepared to give better bargains In Fnrnit«rer Picture Ffaana --«* T^vi«g Glasses than any other House In the county. Below we give a partial ^PRICE LIST;^: Extension Tables, Solid Black Walnut, 85 cents per foot. Wedstendft from $2 to |0R. Spviny Beds from $2 to flO. Wash Stand Bnreaus from to$A. Bureaus from #8 to $14. Wood Seat Chairs from $-2 to ?4.rt0 per set. Cane Seat Chairs from 94.00 to>f!9t Single Lounges from IT (9 f 10. Boil I^ounges trom $10 to itU. ' PicTt'KK FRAMKS.--8x10 Rustic Frame complete, 20 cents. Rustic Motto Inaui complete, cents, and all other styles and sizes at the very lowest price* Looking Glasses from IS cents to $2. UNDERTAKING. I have the most complete stock of Coffins and Caskets, of all styles and sizes, a be fbna4 la the county, with Trimmings to correspond, that I will sell at a very small margin. Give ma m call and I' wiil be pleased to show you my stock and «lve prices. *t6*To tl^ose wishing it I will give one years time ou approved Xotes at 10 per cent. John I. Story. MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted 3PIvV County rights given gratis f»r th^ sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world- wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrious, energetic, person can make snug permanent income and very liberal terms, by addressing with reference, 233 Chestnut Street, Phliadelp hia. TSAK8PABBHT TEACHING CARDS- In- struction and Amusement combined. Import­ ant to mrcnts and teachers. 46 different ar­ tistic designs. The entire pack sent free for 29 cts. currency or stamps. Van Delf & Co., «0 Ann M., X. V. Errors of Youth. AGENTLEMAX who suffered for years trom Xervous Debility, Premature De- cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre- tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, Bend free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to 1>rotit by the adviser's experience can do so >y addressing in perfect confidence JOllX B. OUDEX, 42 Cedar St., New York is not easily earned in thcap times, but it can be made in ttare« months by any one of either s®*r in any part of the country who la willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- OH per week in your own town. You nee4 not be away from home over night. You cna givebvour wlioletime to the work, or oalr your spare moments. We have agents wl» are making over $J0 per day. All who engage at om-c ran mukcinnney fast. At the preseaft timcinoney canno t be made so easily and ra»- diy at any other business. It costs no thlwr o try the business. Terms and fS Outfit ire# tddress at once,H. IIALLKTT A Co, .Portlani Maine. NOTICE. ' All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to the firm of Smith ft Snyder either by Note or Book Accountr ara hereby notified that the Books ait uow in the hands of II. Snyder at their office, where all are expected to call within the next 30 days and square up. Those interested will please bear this iu niind, as delays are rian?eroua. „ „ SMITH A 9inni> , Mcneniy, Nov 5th 1877.

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