LAUER & »•*»«« >nirm Hx&m Is an itmw. fagthe •Xtn«fr«in libel #V Th* plaudfca* Jo«tM per m%n t« rt*4 *»d follow* the e*tr*ets •> There tia» ft|»§i|i|k ft non law 6f obi tually by the plsepte ,by which tins people exptect ; thai the pre*#, a« distributors of useful Intelli gence, shall Inform them, M well whet ia to {^avoided as what Is to be sought, as wall' who Is to be suspected as who tale be confided in. And a newspaper, as a garnerer and distributor of news. Is a public monitor, and it is Its duty to a4wonlsh the people against frauds and sliitfli^ and Impostures a»d dishon esties. It is to be a beacon as well as a guide; and whenever a public news paper, through its diversified appli ances for the collection and distribu tion of Information, discovers any- wheie in public iife and in public avocations, whether it be a lawyer, or a clergyman, or a physician--a man who, instead of securing the public welfare by honorable methods and practices, simply prowls about In the back yard of his profession, and uses the means and instrumentalities which honorable titles give him to pander to his own lust or avarice, or any other j^hat this should be understood, and the vile passion^and that paper fails to send out some admonitory voice and some signal of warning, It is recreant to every principle of duty and respon sibility, and should be stigmatised bV the public it pretends to serve." nf; Be Cam* Back. Governor Duval, of Florida, was the son of a poor Virginian, a stern, strong, taciturn man. This boy was a huge youth of fifteen. At the cabin Are, at bed time, according so the custom of putting on a back log, the old man said, between the whlfls of his silent pipe: "Tab, go out and bring In that gum back log, and put It on the fire.* Tab went ont and surveyed the log. fie knew it was of no use explaining that itwas too heavy, hot prudent for Mm to return without haviug It on his shoulder. His little sister, passing, was not surprised that he requested her to bring out the gun and powder horn, as a possum or coon might have passed, or the brother might have seen bear signs She brought the gun and Tab started. He found the way through the woods into Kentucky, in 1791. After an ab sence of eighteen years he was elected to Congress. A man of immense size and Strength, he started for Washing ton, going by the way of his old home, to see the folks wbo had long since given him up for dead. Entering the little cabin door near bed time, be saw the identical gum log. He shouldered it, pulled the latch string, and with his load stood before the old man, pipe in Hjputh, as quiet as usual. *'Here is the gum back log, father.*1 44 Well, you've been a long time get ting it--put in on the fire and go to Thid;' was the reply.--San A , Merald. UlMttle X«rtpig«i. In this age of hard times many mortgagee, parties over whose heads the cha£tie mortgage is held will read with Interest the following editorial noflfeof thefts? of Illinois regarding thd»»ortgagw, which we clip from thd Pmton Mmnrd; " During the re cent session of the Circuit Court, sev eral cases were tried on indictment for telling chaitled mortgaged property, and in two instances, as we mentioned last week, convictions were secured and parties sentenced to the county jail. In hi*remarks In sentencing in one case, Jucj^jjleeves took occasion to remark that <pe«plo must understand when they give a chattle mortgage that the law ot this State forbids them to sell it without the wrlttcu consent of the mortgagee, verbal consent being no protection. They have a right to use it, but have no more right to sell it than to sell their neighbor's property. Their only right , in it Is the right of fetleuipiioii, and if they do sell any of it without tlie written coi.sent°bf the mortgagee they are guilty of a misde meanor and liable to indictment and punishment, by a fine In a sum not to exceed twice the value of the property, or confinement In the county jail not exceeding one year,or both, at the dis cretion of the court. It is Important t JSear the, Depo£ MoHENRV; - - ILLINOIS two convlctious spoken of should serve to awaken people to a sense of the im portance off ja proper understanding of the law." * I^The fashionable bifccelet in Paris is I'esclavage--slavery. It is a fetter of gold worn on the arm above the elbow, and is riveted and soldered by the jeweler In the presence of the douor, to be wosn till death, or divorce, or separation. The jeweler, wlien the operation is over, bids the lady call next day to see that the rivet holds firmly. She comes--withoffc hpr friend, bien entendu--and the treacherous gold smith confides to her the secret of % concealed spring by meaus of which sh« can remove the letter at will. 06f*Le8sing exclaims, '"Woman is the masterpiece of the univerle." Bourd on says, "The pearl Is the image of purity, but woman is purer than the pearl." Thackery writes, "A good wo man is the lovliest flower that blooms Under heaven.*' Balzac says, "Even the errors of woman spring from her faith in the good." Voltaire declares "All the reasoning of men are not worth one sentiment of Lamartine asserts that more heart and more imagination than men." Otway exclaims, "Oh, woman! lovely woman I Nature made thee to temper men. We brutes without you." woman. ~ "woman have The subscriber* are no-# prepared with a Stock of FINE CLOTHS of all kinds, to make tO order Coats, Pants, Vests or entire Suits, on short notiee and on the most / Seasonal Tenai WGood Fits Guaranw teed and all Work War i 4 • < , .?*• •ifA We also Keep a Full Line .Beady - Made Clothing GENTS FmisMni Ms Hats, Caps, Ac W hich will be sold as low as at any establishment In the County. Clothes Cleaned In ttMf beat of maaner and, oa short notice. l^tJTEB * BECKER. McHenry. Feb. 26th, 1tift. -f OR THE PEO PLE r-H: 8 • !*,Vi Jvshirtr, "&K"t 4.' 'It- |4- skiMa#" Tu i Vif ' *«j.H«>lt {U >\ 'A f tfi h;,1,} ;t'^| >4-v t*S , It") '• 't 1 »• t' J' f. p & .-L-vfV ttsV> . 1' <-.*u '«•. /i; tl WiJ- ^4Jn< - im'- Ut! ' V-,1* I ' 1 THB CHICAGO ft KOBTH-WE8TKB* BAttWA*tlMl Embraces under one management the 6rt»| Trunk Railway T, XOKTH.WEST* iind, with its isranches and connentfoos, forms the itwrteei and qnioMst route between Chicago andH»ll points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Mfcht gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Kebraska, Californi and the Western Toriitories. Its the Omaha and California V st and l>e«t mate between l j»o" , b . Is the short Tine point* in Northern M*i aud for Madison, St. Pan ' HENRY MiLLEBl •i ra "r'WxSk a « it m»' n '/.JJ -J v« • m : " fT' f'1 •W*-« rSi~ -t<<> f it-.- • -DEALER IN- <i i iJf 187& HENRY COLBY, DRUGGIST EALKH IN-- PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. "We'll Pay fee Thta" ^During the bright, warm days past, m m i e'll pay for this by and by,"* was beard on every street corner; bnt it fill from lips of men who were abund antly able to provide for the " by and by" they so mournfully predicted. They shiver in anticipation of the u by mi by," aud involuntarily button their Overcoats, while the poor enjoy the Warm sunshine, count so many days less of suffering from privation and innocently wonder why their more for Annate neighbors cannot take blessings Without murmuiing. It would be sad indeed if tfc« mal contents should be deprived of the privilege of u paying for this by and f by." If the intense cold weather does Hot come until next winter, and these ropliets are compelled to take a *»reat any warm baths in the meantime, it ts hoped they will remember Pat Quin-and's reply to one of their number: ; "Good mornin', Mr. Sinitb. IPs a fine day.*1 ^ " Tes; but we'll pay for this by and by." • - v , " X?Ivil a cent wlll the good Lord charge for it, sur; and If He did, His not the likes of ye that would be pay in' the bill.** Buy Your Furniture - -&J. »**»*!"* McHE N RV,' » r il-L! WOI8. I keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of Groceries, which I can and will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PKICES for Cash or Beady Pay. 13 Pounds of Cholas tor One Dollar. - > J^td all ether GoMts Ifl T^polMtlon ^ ; ten)!! American aiA Foreip MarMe. Moimments, Headston #s: Is the shortest and best route between Ohieiwll pro and nil points in Northern Illinois,, inw^l Nelmiska, Dakota, Wyoming, Cooirado, Uta Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Japan an Australia. I tarn Chicago, St ^uI A. Mlnnoapollf |Chltea«6 and land Minnesotiu " .... . Jinneapolis, DuB' luth, and all points in the (ireat NorthwesC Its T-.v. laGrosse, Winona ft St. Peter Line Is the best route between Chicago and Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, M«_ kaito, St. Pcten New Him and all points ll Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Craan Rav ft. IfaranaHe Is the only lino between Chicaga i ville, Watertown, Fon du lac, Os ploton. Green J lay, Kscanaha, Martjuette, Hoiightoii, Ifancockan Superior Country, its Freeport & Dubuque Line |fc Ts the only route between Chicago and Elgin* Rockford, Freeport and all points via Frefll American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two mi^es North of Mc- Hl. .• >>; 'u f •. Johnsburgh, j^ng. 'jjfer. . .) FOUNDRY AND McHEXEY, ,:jm* B. GALE, Proprietor. i . ' . \r- if i.;'- ..'ik fl , The Tindersipned has just started a Foun. •flry and Machine Shop, and is now prepared fto do-all kinds ol Casting for Machinery, on jBhort notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind ^Mill. ' Repairing of all kinds <kN%e promptly and satittfaction Guaranteed. o ^ .• ,•?> •A\\ >: i Throshing Machines repassed oh short nc itice. Orders solicited. WARD B. GxLJi. McHenry, 111., April 4th W77. hy8icians Prescriptfeff* Carefully Corapounrted. COL6Y. McHenry, Jan. 15th. 187?. • ^ *• .4 I am now prepared to give bet ter Bargaljw than ever. Can save yon ?Tvo*t.*rs. ̂ i - !0 PER GENT • On all klndg of Furniture. I have the most complete stock of COFFINS AND CASKETS Ofallatylee and sizee^U^.W found in the County. ^ ! n | Give me a <«11 and I will be pleased to show my stock and give prices. MF A queer point ia up before a Philadelphia court, f Mi«e t)lara Hi "Whipple was riding In a crowded Car, and her corsets we're laced so tightly that, though above the medium height, she could not raise her hand* to cling to the straps. The car struck a "butn- berw violently, and she was thrown down and broke her knee-cap. One jury has given her 5,600 damages, and now the suit is up before the Supreme Court, the company claiming that she neglected to take dae preeautiena Jaf ker safety, «» &STKBAH AND AVeekly Journal dev«;wt to #iel<l and Aquatic Sports, practical Natural History, Fish Culture, the Protection of Game. Pre servation of Forests, aud the Inculcation in men and women of a healthy Interest in oat door recreation and study. 'Published by Forest 4 Stream Publishing Co --AT-- [POST OrriCK BOX C93S] TS&MSt $4 A TEAS. IV ABTAH01. of thwfe Twenty-live or more. per cent off for clubs < * /? i *" (.Sm^ Paris is crazy over a netr, toy.-- It is a twopenny card hearing a picture of a family ou moving day. They ate passing by a tree and their eat has c«- eaped. "Where is the cat?" is the question, and after the purchaser has vainly puzzled to find anything re semble I ng a cat in the picture the ven der holds It In a certain position, and Jo! there is the missing cat filling the whole foliage of the tree On New Year's Day the boulevards were liter ally crowded with people hunting for t h e c a t . I - " ' - ' Advertising, Hates- In«rte pages, nonpareil type, «5 eeflti per line; outside page, 40 cents. Special rates ft throe, six and twelve months. Notices j editorial columns, 50 cents per lino. Advertisements should be sent In by Satur day of each week, if possible. All transient advertisements must be ac companied with the money or they will not be inserted. Ho advertisement or bnsinaaa notice «€ an immoral character will he received on any terms. JiiMUihlinhed GILMOUti & CO., Attorneys at Law, Rn«««M«n to <'ltl|»tnmi, IloMiner 4 Co. 629 F Street, Washington, D. C. American and Foreign Patents. Patents procured in all conn trie* No rn*« IW ahvantk. _ Mo cluujre nid.-vs the patent te granted. N<> IWs for IICLI.IIIJJ: pn-hniionry ex:nni- Nt> additional fi-es lor dbiainiiiu: and conducting «. leliuarui^. ;iiietitiuii (riven to Jniei lerein e < b>><ort> the Patent Olltce Ex:e»nsioui« het'ori' < ;UIII;I i>km. lnfriti|retnent Suits ill different Stateji, nnit :iII Itilfntinn app.Ttain- tnK to linen lion." ur PaietitK. ,» SrA»if-FOM I'AMrilt.KI OKMXTV PAtlltS. Uaited Statea Conrt3' and Departments. itJlrtim* {iru^ecuted iu tin* Supreme Court of the ITnited Staten, t ,onriof ( Maim»*<Joitrt'oF<?om?T)isv sioner* of Al;itiatnii '.S.aifluMH (flalills ommisMimi, oixl all «»i warvluinix before tl>e Kxwciltive h>'|i:trUi»cnin.. Arrears of Pay and Sounty. OfftcmtK, mh i(iwi», iiml NAii.oiix uf ilin late war, or their lieiiv. :ire in in.iny i':iwk entitled to money I'IOIII tli»tli>\ernmeni, of which they Inttre no kiiowledne, W rile lull bi^iory of service, and stute ainotiui. of |»my and 1 »otii<i v reeeived. Kn- clo>e »i:itnp. aud a full re|i|jrt alter wxiimiiiaiion, wlji keitirtni yoii free. Pennies*. All orrt«:*tiK, k'hk,-aiAl"Wxit/HiM woumled •optnre>l, or iiijuri'il in tlie hue war, howevei • liclilly. ciiii OIMIIIII :• pension, nwinv now receiv- UttK jieiiKt.iUK me entitled to :m htrrriw*. Send Stamp and information w ill lie Inriiinlied free; - j United States General Land Office. Oontcpteii l.uinl Private l,itnd Oliilme, .diiioix Pre-einpiiou iiiul lloitn ^ie.-id (!u»iw, prose* cnled before ilm (ieneral i.and Olltce itud liepart- ineut of t lie Unerioi. Old Bounty £an£ Warrants. The ln»; l«t'|H>rr of the ('itmmiKNioimr uf the (leueral I^iiikI < >IIU-e >IHIWI« •_'.8HT,WMl ucreeof liuun- ty ijitrnl VV:ii iinii,- onixiaiKlni|C ' Tliette were 1s- sued miller act ot ISWi and ;;i idt u.i lK. We pay ea>ii for tliein. ^end liv repi«'ensl <ci ier Where affijilillicius II re impSi letfl we Kit e iiisiritiitiuus to perlect tliein. ,,, Each department uf «)ur tiiurtneHv t* eotiducted in a sei-arate litiiei«e. umiei- iliw <uhar|;e of expe rienced lawyeiv ;ind clerks. Hy reason of error or fraiid many attorneys are (-4tspeiul« d Irom practice before the Pension and oilier euch year. (Mnimant-, wliowe attorneys have been tbus fiinpended. will be (H'tiiuiiouxly tnniiflied with fuli information aud proper ]i;ipei> mi api>licittion to 113. Am we ( li;n t;e no fee unliff successful, stamps for return {Mi^taire >«lHHild l»e went us. I.ilternl urranpeuit'iits niatie with attorneys Uij all clttsseH of luiHiness. Address U-IL.M.ORE & CO., P. €>. liox 41. Wimhinytitu. It. O. Wa^I I INMTOW. ll. (!., Sattetnber 24,1WI I lake pieitMiire h. expressing my entire coaB- deiice in the i-rHimnHibUitu aud JUieiitu of the I^ttw, Piitent aud tJollection House of UltXOM fc Co, ol' tbi* mi'i GEO. Ji. 1}. WHITE, t»SwMrr uflhm Mi'itmJ B««* J Products of Looms of England Fi-anee, Germany, China, Japan, and United States of ! FASHIONABLE; MI GOODS, As Low aa any other House in the co«nty^i(i bj *»<<& Domestic tJotfin Qools Cheaper tha^ 'at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi tant* Al<*o Plaid Dress Coodfl* . Fast Colored Caffcos, Alpacas, Cashieres, Shawls, n ti • o I A tJPT? CT » A.if 0 SO 15 ir^, enEAPKftT, BEisTl ' Now is the time to subscribe for the Cricket on the Hearth Offered at the Best Bargains in four counties. • ' Also a Full Assortment oy ;f !o- Hate, Cap^ >u 11 f-iH' Uil- tb -i0' ikpf*'>vw' hsiis '*SW; Uncle SamT8 HarneM Oil fop and closes the pores of leather, effectually presenting the entrance of dampness, dust, &c., and rendering the Iniraess ^•ft and pliable, while at th^ iaine tine increasing Us durability. sm not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work eteiwliiy at the employment that we fumurtu-- m per week in your own town. You need not be awayfroin home over night* You can givebyour wliolctiinc to the work, or only yonr spare moments. We have atfeatfl •whio are makinp over *20 per day. All who engage at once can makemoney fast. At the present tlmemoney ranito t be made so easily and rap- djy at any other business. It costs 110 thing o try the t>u*ine«g. _Teru»s and m Outfit, iree tddresH at once. IL Hallktt i Co, .PnrtWM Maine. 1 CLOTHING, Grooerieip fko.! • * Of the best quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. Give us a call and inspect Goods and learn Fricoi:' " - . :,4, .•The people's favorite Utetary and Fam.Tr Journal. It is a mamnioMt 1(! pajre, column ji litis t rated paper (size of llarper'a Weekly,) (Ailed with splendid Serial and Short Stories. RketcheR, Poems, Useful Knowledge, Wit and illuinor, "Answersto Correspondents," Puz- jzlns, (iarnes, Popular Sontrs, etc., etc. Lively ^entertaininp, a nusins and instructive. The largest, handsomest, best and cheapest paper of its class published. Only $1 per vear, with large and-handsome chmnto, "Stnuione," or 75 cents per rear without premium. In order ;to inlrodnce it into New Homes, we make the ifollowiug speeial offers: Special Offer No. 1--Upon receipt of only 2SJ cents we will send the Cricket 011 the Hearth for four months on trial, and one pair of cleirant French Oil Chromos, free. Special Offer No. 8--For ono three cent -stamp we will send a specimen copy of the Cricket on the Hearth, and a copy of a beauti ful lithographic engraving entitled "The Proffered Kiss." tree. Address, r "V- 7"'" r. M. LUPTOX & OOw 1 ^ 'T-."i Broaflway, New York * CHEAPEST AND BE8T. CHICAGO port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee line Is the old Lake Shore Koute, and la the ouli one passing between Chicago and Kranst Lake Forest, llighlnnd Park, Waukegai& t Itacine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. ip- Pullman Palace Drawing Roo!|. Cars are run on all through trains 011 this road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse caM t between Chicago and St. Pa*l and Mtnn£ a polls, CMcapro and MilwauKee, Chicago atj| W inonafl*- Chioago and Green Bav. Close connec tions are maile at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern. Kiolit * igan Central, Baltimore And Ohio, PittsburC. Ft. Wayne, A Chicago. Kankakee I.hi^liJ Pan Handle Routes, for all points SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago and At ton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. -Close connections are also made with the "Union Pacific It. R., at Omaha for all far Wert points. » .. Close connections made at jftnctlob pointt^ with trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are wild tor all Co tip. pon ticket agents in the United States an# Canada. sf Ueinember yoitask for yonr tickets via tin Chicago & Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office. No. 415- Broadway; Boston Office,' No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, 24M Farnliam Street; San Francisco Office, iff Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Ofllcea. 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 7t Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinftte Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Street*} Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzlif Streets. For rates or information not attainable front your home ticket agents, apply to MARVIN HUGHITT General Supt. j . Jitrr.. -;*"&$•?u" lt](>H»l'ni' 11 » " )l |-il>|-| • ii W. B. STI If*£TT„ Gen'l Passenger Agen IT. STORY, At hie old stand opposite' ^,;,-J'ohe,<ry ,u-' Having enlarged his Store is now better than ever prepared to furnish his customer# and the buying public generally with Han!war«,v Storo, Thwart, ^ &C., &C«9 At Prices Lower than ever before offered in thi* section.* We have lit stock a large variety of the lcadiijg * j? ecfl Eeatif Itora. Of different styles and makes, which Jwo to vitcs tlie public, to call ami uXaipiiw and lsara prices before purcliasiug. .« & It is almost nnnecessarr to eall the aitea- tion of the public to M10 fact that we kesp constantly on hand a large stock of Shalt Hardware, Nails, Table ana Pocket Cutierj* Tinware, Galvanized Band Iron (Barbed) lot fence, liar bed Wire, Shovels, Forks, etc., la fact, everything found in,a first-class Hard, ware Store. * >w ij>sT<mr. E. M. OWEN --DEALER 1ST- The People's Paper! •lieelomns filled with Editorial, News A* ricultnrnl, Miscellany and Market 4i^orts. One Copv 1 year. Postage paid. Clubs ot Five, Postage 1 aw.... PERRY & McHenry, Dec. 1st, i8$ri ...76c. .. 70c. Oliibs of Ten, Postage Paid. . Clubs of Twenty, Postage Paid ii THE DAILY POST. T^ir, Postage PaM... fT.flO Parts of a Tear ia Propoilioa. We Tir ipose to groafly enlarge the DATT.Y POST during October, after which the price wilt be $10 per vear, postage paid. All who subscribe before enlargement, at the present rate of $7 will receive the enlarged paper to the end of their time without extra charge. Same terms to Agents 011 both Daily and Weekly as last vear. Address : * - j - i T H E P O S T . 86'Doarborn St., Chicago. ,nm*t Has on band a choice lot of PLOWS of the best make, which he is se.liug at. the LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Also ^Fiirtiri and Democrat fAGOMS, FANNING MILLS, Tie Celebrated Kuiiosla Fanpx. &Ci Call at my Warehouse when lr want 9f anything in my line. «. M. OWBJ^ McHenry, Sept 25th 187?fl Please bear in mind that ahaty light is just as good and oftiroes better than sunshine for taking pictures.-- Only come early In the day and wo will please you every time. J. S. Mkdlak, Woodstock.