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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1878, p. 5

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v-V -TV ' • f. • / • : • . » WZMU58DAY, FEB. 6th, 1878. «atfroml Time Table. OOIWO SOUTH. KSaaSiS«Sr!-.v.;.:.; OOJHO KOBTH, #»M» pake Frwtffbt........ 10:00 A, *. .7:25 A. X. .1:13 jp. K, sv* Lake Paweiumr.. ......7:02 v. M. MASONIC. VCHKXBTOKA mmNO. SIR. A. M.--Resrn- ta* Convocations hetd on the second *nd IM^Ik Friday® in uoh month. HKNRY COLBY H. P. PtILitKt ALI.KN Sec,. 5-, CHURCH DIRECTORY. **THOi»t.««T -Kev. W. A. Attron, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10.V A. M.. and IX P» K SUNDAY School at 12 M. JOHN DVHK 8apftvlnte$deiit. Ttio^e desiring Costumes for the Masquerade will find a Costutfter at the Riverside House on Friday i^urning, with as assortment o|i exhibition. Call •arly and make your selection. J. F. HulrDECK EFT ahd C. Mo#se, of te County, made our Sanctum a pleasant call on Monda^yv' UMERCY, but its slip--oh!*' and down phe went. And she didn't ln<*k around • see who was looking either. «j ^ "ESTHER, the Beautiful Qiieen,w'can seen at Riverside Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings of next week, Ffb, 16th and 16th. A Michigan widow recently hid her cow under the bed to save it from the tax collector. This tnny be called a getihlue case of cowhiding by a female. THE man who said he knew by the double quirk1« his pigs tall tliat this WAS going to be a hard winter, evi- dfntly missed some of the quirks. IT isn't advisable to tell nil you think* Betcher declared that there was no hell, and Owen Murphy, of New York, was so glad to hear it that lie fled. With 950,000 of that city's uioner^. THE man who bought a now snow shovel last fall is as dignified about it a* a Hotel Clerk with the mmups. He begins to suspect that he Is the old Whig party* DR. C. W. Cox, Dentist, who has been located in the Parker House, has removed to Richmond, and takes pos­ session of the office formerlv occupied by Dr. Price, who lials closed bi-' busi- ness iu that place. i 1' " HOST milkmen are Baptist, and most hackmen are Meii »'-nights.--Philadel­ phia Bulletin. And most bar-ioom loafers are Congregatlonallsts.---Adxer- titer. And all editors are Press--byter- ians. v A very fine assortment of Masks, of all kinds, suitable for the coming Masquerade, can now be found at the store of P. D. Smith, near the Depot, and Smith. Aldrieh & Hay- thorn's, in Riverside Btovk; 'Call and see them. ' Zl. WE would call the attention of Our raiders to the advertisement in an­ other column of 50 Tons of Coarse, ((heap Bedding Hay Wanted, at the Ice Houses, by Shedd ft Co. Our farmers who have auythiug of this kiwi should jroad the advertisement. IT is said that when Senator: D§vis wakes up in the morning lie tails out to his Private Secretary: "John, on which side did I vote ywterdayf'1 M Democratic," says John. "Ah, then this is the Republican day. J aim, put 4'#annon ball In <each coat-tail pocket," Ip you are in want of tetter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, or anything in She printing line, call at this office And we can supply you almost as cheap as you can buy the white paper, and iu a style of workmanship surpassed by no •fflce In the county. FBOU the following yon can see how - the poor editors nave to suffer. "Stop sanding to me your jernel enny more, as you djdent notts the bigg hogg me husband buchered Sunday, and it dont fit ma pantry shelfs anyhow." The has--, no, tlie "hogg," weighed 387. vTHK Washington Ice Company, of Chicago, commenced work putting up tildes at McCo'ilum's Lake on Mouday, but owing to the warm weatiier an thinness of the Ice have dlscontinu for the present. They* are sliipi however largo amounts from' mond and other points North. ': • AN exchange truthfully remarks that ? ltis easier to raise a hundred dollars for the purpose of buying a gold watch to be presented to somebody who does not need it, than it is to collect the same amount for some poor man, from the same persons who owe him the STANLEY has solved some very Im­ portant geographical problems, but there is a great task for him to tackle. On, Stanley, on, and bring us some tid­ ings of Charley Boas! and old nan Lord. x ---" ... . i ... REMEMBER the Grand Masquerade at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening. One of the most enjoyable times of the season may be expected. Call at the Riverside House and select your cos­ tume, aud at P. D. Smith's or Smith. AldrichA Hay thorn's and get your mask. , . v ,.r . WE would call the attention of oar readers to the advertisement of the Janesville Pickle Company, to be found in another column* They advertise for Contracts for cucumbers for the Crystal Lake Factory for 1878. Those interested should not fail to read the advertisement. * OKA C.COLBY, aloruter resident of this village, but for the past few years living in Missouri, has returned with the intention of making a permanent residence here, and will probably go into soma kind of business in the Spring. He has rented the Hlnton Wheeler house as a residence. WHO says this Is not' a Southern Winter. Miss Dove Owen left at our Sanctum on Monday morning a sprig from a Cherry Tree that had two full blossoms and two buds just ready to burst open. This OR the 4tli day of February is something remarkable in tills climate. This looks as though fruit would be plenty this season. E. A. SHEDD & Co., are still at work with a full force of hands, on the Pond, and their large Ice Houses are rapidly being filled, two sections being already full. Since they commenced here they have shipped between five and six hundred caA of Ice. working from sixty to one hundred and ten men each day. Tito Ice taken out has been on an average of from seven to nine Inches. AN exchange gives the following timely advice: "During these cold nights mothers should be very careful to see that their daughters are well wrapped up while sitting «»ut on the piazza to see "the satellites of Mars." A coat sleeve, of course Is good as far as it goes, and to tell the truth, It gen­ erally goes as far las It can. but at besi it caH cover only about so much terri­ tory. No. 1 canH pay you .'"exclaimed he; 44 sure's I stand here, I haven't *got a cent of money to my name." Aud bringing down his hand on the side or his leg by way of emphasis, be all un­ intentionally awoke to the echo the slumbering dimes, quarters and half dollars in his trowsers pocket. Then as his creditor gazed in hie eye. he wildly fled, while ho gasped, *4 Silver will be the ruin or this country yet." C. T. ELPKKDGE IS now doing a live­ ly business iu the Poultry line,dressing aud shipping an average of one thous­ and pounds per day. He keeps a num­ ber of men busy dressing, and his Poultry* House and Yards are the liveliest places !n town. Charley is a good buyer, always pays the highest price, and understanding the business thoroughly always gets the highest prices in the Eastern market, whftre he ships the most of his Poultry. WE received a copy of Prof. Tice's Almauac one evening last week, and the next morning it commenced snow­ ing, and continued stormy for two days. Now whether the Alipanac had anything to do with this state of things we know not, but if so we wish to say to the Professo* we protest. After all the splendid weather we have had this winter wo don't want any man's Alma­ nac to step in and spoil jt at the last end. ' , OHKEXBACK CLUB. The Greenback Club of JMeEtenry take this opportunity of inviting the friends of the cause to meet with them at the Riverside HB*1, on Monday even­ ing next, at 7:30 o'clock. The ladies are especially invited. Also those who differ with us In opinion relatlye to the financial question of the day. < A friendly discussion on tbe^follo wfug question is solicited. » ^ % Resolved. That our Government should at one* proceed to hohof the greenback currency of our countrj* by establishing It as a legal tender for all debts and demands, including bonds both public and private, and return to the people the monev taken frotu them and converted into-an Intfv* bearing debt. PER ORDER OP COMMITTEE. ~ • THE Cantata of " Esther, the Beauti­ ful Queen," will be rendered at River­ side Uall, on Friday and Saturday evenings of next week. Feb. 15th and 16th. The Chorus comprises Sixty Singers, and from their experience of last year and the thorough rehearsals, this entertainment promises to be the richest musical treat ever witnessed in Mcllenry. New and splendid Costumes have been procured for the occasion, and nothing left undone that will tend to make the entertainment both inter­ esting and instructive. The proceeds of this entertainment are to be used for finishing and furnishing the in­ terior of the Universalist Church, aud for so worthy an object we doubt not our citizens, and those of the surround­ ing country will be willing to lend a helping hand. Remember the time. Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb'y 15th and 16th. 'n 'a HE had not skated for years, but lie tried it for an hour or two tjie other evening, and the next morning he was .surprised to find fifty-three joints in 'his body and limbs that he had never known anvthing about before, and no two of (hem were aching to the same feasure. , ^SsErelAL Inches of soow fell in this Action last week, and for one* dajr the sleighing was passible, but the warm •on of the next day was too much for it, suid those who wished to ride were •bilged to resort to wheols again. The wheeling the boat that wo • • - have bad this winter. THE Chatjtle Mortgage Salo, of Ne­ ville against Rowson, which was adver­ tised In the PLAINDKALER, did not come off as advertised, for the reason that when the Auctioneers and other parties arrived at the place of Sale they found that the cattle, horsfes and other articles had been run off the night before into Wisconsin. There was evidently a "nigger In that pile of rails," but who the party was we are uninformed. /THE McHetiry Cornet Band are again practicing one evening a week, and Dhow an improvement' seldom found in a Band of its age and practico. They last week received several pieces of new music which they played off at first sight equal ;o any old Band. As, we have said before for a Band of tl^Kf age, and where but three or four ever played a horn before, they have few equals and no puperiors, and with prac­ tice will be ̂ quai , the, b^|4 'Northwest.!, . ^ 1 URRTTOLfctAKK SCflOdt. The following is a correct report of my First Class in spelling for two weeks ending Feb. 1st, 1878. ^arrie Granger, 144; Laura Morley, 144; George Simpson, 1-160; Richard Motley 2-128: Leavar Morley, 80; Carrie Mc- Cabe, 6-160; Willie Welch. 7-160. ETTA KITTLB, TeacfctNr, --Money to Loan. ^ fitOums of 9100 and upwards, for good security. For further^partlculars in­ quire at this office, ON Friday evening the Grrtnd Masquerade Ball at the Riverside House will take place, and if we are to judge from appearances will be one of the most pleasant gatherings ever as­ sembled in this village. EVery one who attend dances have signified their intention of being present, and goodly numbers will be in Costume. The tick­ ets have been put at the low price of 92, including supper, with an admission of 25 cents to tiie Hall for such a<* do not wish to dance. As some do not un­ derstand the particulars in relation to dancing, we requested by th« Lead­ er of the Band to make the following statement: There will be two sets ex­ clusively for Maskers, that is the first and closing set before they unmask. All other dances will be open for all who"liold tickets, whether masked or not. If we mistake not there will be more fun on Friday night than was overseen at Riverside Hail in one even­ ing before. No one should fail to go. Sweeter Yet. 1-2 Pounds Good Brown Sugar for $1 at P. D. Smithy. .v „ m Below is given the monthly report of McHenrv Public School for tlto iuOhth ending Feb. 1st, 1878! f Whole number enrolled 141. A verit^" dally attendance 118. ^ 1a#| J j, HIGH ER L>EPARTME*I»'FV^:^' Whole number enrolled-56. Average daily attendance 47. Number neither absent nor tardy 2X^viz: Eugene Per­ kins, Chas. Owen. Grace Owens'. Willie Botvdet, Addle Alexander. Henry llo- gan, Frank McOmber, Chas. Granger. Jennie Francisco. Hattio Smith. Mabel Smith, Carl Ralston, Jennie Searles, Chas. Slftfter, Annie Ralston. Frank Torrance, Fred Colby, Eflle Tilton, Earnest Wright, Herman Curtis, Albert McDonald. Excused on account of sickness 6, fir: Stella Beckwitli. Emma Fay. AlinOu Granger, Arthur Tyre 11, Addie McOmber, Jesaie Wightmaii. Nam ber tardy 8. Nu sa be r of vis! tors • ' r . STSTERSIELITATR " ' " Miss L. A. WAKK. Teacher. Whole number enrolled 46. Average dally attendance 41. Number neither absent nor tardy 18, vis: Mable Ford, Frank Fay, John Hogatt, Eddy Knox, Thomas Karns. Llzxie Kleifgcn, Geo/ McOmber, Philip Mayes, John Bishop, Mary Swaderish, Milly Waifce, May Wightman, Ray Owen, Benj. Wright, August Nordquest, Belle Beckwith. Excused on account of sickness 2, vis: Eloua^Beckwith, Millard Stoddard. Number tardy 10. Nuuibsr of visitors 5. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Mtss E. TORRANCE. Teacher. Number enrolled 39. Average daily attendance 30. Number neither absent nor tardy 9, viz: Peter Bishop, Nicholas Buhr, John Buiir, Frank Gilles. James Halpin, Wallace Morey, Fred McOm­ ber, Bertie Stebbins, Eddie Kelter. Number tardy 14. Number of visitors . S. D. BALDWIN, Priuclpal. Wanted. 50 tons of coui€o cheap bedding hay, at lee Houses Mcllenry. Apply Itn mediately. E. A. SHEDI> A Cd. # A full stoclcof German town balm oral Yarn aud Zephyrs at Perry ft Martin's. MtcHenry Literary Society. Programme of exercises for Satur­ day evening, Feb. 9th, 1878. Music. Recitation, Thomas Plialon. Recitation, Eugene Perkfns. Music. * ' Recitation, Geo, A. Bucklln. ' Mtisic. Debate on tho following question: Jiexolved, That a man it justified In obeying a law of his country, which he feels Is morally wrong. Afl.--M. Kelter, J. FHz Simmons,and F. K. Granger. Neg.--H, C. Mead, O. *N. Owen, and George Gage. * Volunteers on either side. .* s'• *. EDITOR ^LAINDKALER :--We ai* glad of ian opportunity of Welcoming s flew business firm to our town. J. L. Holmes, formerly of Rlngwood t he- lieve, has bought the goods In L M. Mallory's store, where he will stay and keep a good supply of groceries for sale. I understand that he will add a stock of Ladies' Fancy Goods In the Spring. ll>is \v«Jl Ukedand we hope his stay here will be attended by pros­ perity. I. M. Mallory I* now occupying the store next door South ofD.C. Mallory's and continues printing, also keeping a stock of goods selected to meet gener­ al wants. C. A. Buck ha* been In Chicago for a few days preparing to commence the business of making cigars. He has re­ ceived a large quantity of excellent tobacco, and knowing him to be an honorable man, we are expecting some good ?!»•!*. .»• About 6:30 o'clock, on Wednesday morning, Jan. 30th, while a locomotive Was backing ahd pushing SI empiv cars down a track which runs to the ice houses at Crystal Lake It was thrown oft the track by the spreading of the rails. The accident occurred where the. track meets the "town line road." Nineteen of the cars passed over the defective place safely, broke loose ft-om the others and ran on nearly to the Lake, hut the last two carp, tender and locomotive were threwu dowu a five foot bank and turned nearly bot- tom-side-up. The conductor, engineer and fireman were In the cab and before they had time to make a mo\'e to save themselves, they were crowded togeth­ er with the debris of the splintered cab, tender and cars, at the bottom of the embankment and enveloped In a dense cloud of escaping steam. *'ToniM Clark, brakeman, was on one of the wrecked cars when It went off and re­ ceived an injury of a broken thigh-bone The three men in the cab were severe­ ly linrt. The conductor's left arm and the engineer's hip were badly bruised, while the fireman had an arm broken in one or two places and was badly scalded or burned about the head.-- Two boys that were riding on the front end of the locomotive received hurts, one a cut over the eye, the other a sprained ankle. Bad as the injuries were, it was called a most fortunate escai#e for It seems to be almost a mir­ acle that prevented loss of life. There is much talk about the blame, but it is a question if there is any. The owners of the track bad taken every precau­ tion to make It safe; the locomotive was running very slow at the time, so it cannot be attributed to fast; running, but probably was only one of the ac­ cidents which are beyond human fore­ sight amrpreventlon. People that ire not intimately ac­ quainted with our place must have formed a qn*er opinion of us If they have formed it from anything seen In the Woodstock papers. It must ap­ pear to them that we are ooustatitly engaged in those country grocery bick­ erings and petty wrangles which grow out of "town talk" and that some of us are restless until we get our little grievances spread before the readers of those papers. Public action, it is true, i« taken on scarcely anything but which runs the risk of being shown up in an odious light in those papers.-- Probably the writers, and not the pa­ pers, are responsible, but we suffer t.he effects all the same. One can safely say that we have people here who are never s© happy as when they can irri­ tate some society, sect or person. Al­ ways reiifly to rush Into, print with some conceited article, they can always find some paper that Is badly eneugh in want of news'(or "stuff") to give It a place. These people skulk behind high sounding Non de plumes where, in the security of an Anonymous, they caa en- yoy the titlllatiou of "wrltin* for the papers," and at the same time create a stir somewhere, and they seem to care but a little whether the stir Is one of anger, retaliation or disgust, for. what­ ever it may be, they have the gratifica" tlou of having made their power felt.-- Their motive seems to be the same as the one with Which boys, while stand­ ing at a safe pelt a hornet's nest, and laugh to see the angry actions of the irate insects. But when the hornets discover their enemy and are able to reach hiin the matter loses all of its sport. I believe we should gain much by a public disclosure of some of these anonymous lampooners. Iu the New Eta of Jan. 24th. we have an In­ stance of the kind, an article Which can be called nothing better than a lam- .pooh; "The Child is Dead," Is the title. It had no foundation or premise, such authors need none. Sensation is their object and this one succeeded. This one made an tinder-handed attack upon the Ladles' Temperance Union and upon its founder. Rev. G. L. Wiley.-- They called it the Dead Child, him the bereaved father. The Society was flourishing and had the brightest pros­ pects. yet a premature obituary would " riia^e done no material Injury had It been decently written. But It was noi. The writer seemed to be gloat ingover the {supposed) 4eeoaae, ©r perhap* lie intended it ft>r a travesty. If so it was a miserable failure and con­ tains nothing that would indicate such a motive. It called out four letters In reply from onr ladles, whioh letters were published In last week's New Era with a woordy apology from tho m&r~" i affixed.-- As far a. theology Is amounts to nothing. Can the author of that "Re tradtoft" suppose that our htrffes are so babyish m to accept it as real, so obtuse as to be blind to the off* haaid, flippant manner which, with Its wltele tone, shews It to be an Instance of "firngftfog In the sleeve" by using aniiphrxsf*. There at* rare Instances when editors are sorry for the allow- anc%they have gfmr articles. I sup­ pose. hut no real apology needs so much flippancy ami estravagance. The sentence, Mln faet w# don't know what to do, we are living Iff mortal terror and dare not show ourselves in ITunda Test an infuriated mob of AntaZofts set upon us with a view of t tying a hempen experiment," would ho an absnrdity in a bona fide retraction or apology.-- Evidently the New Era looks at It tn a funny sense, but probably wonld look at it differently If it had heard the re* marks of some of its patrons when they first saw the article. The "Re­ tract ten" speaks about the article "ac­ cidentally finding its way Into the New Era" and says "If we had jgivett the subject more thought we would have known there was a mistake.1' Some of our people are wondering what an edi­ tor is for If a part of his duty is not to preyent such "accidents" and give the matter in his paper more thought, at l«a*t enough thought to satisfy himself as to whether-Jt was candidly written or not. But, «?al or unreal Retraction, I think we will see no more Dead Child lampoous iti the New Era, presumably not on account of any compuuction which the writer of that "Retraction'* may have, but bccause he knows very well that the New Era cannot afford it. NOTICE. All knowing themselves Indebted , to G. W. Horn A Co., Nnnda, will please call at once aud settle, as all unsettled accounts will be left for collection on the 1st day fit February next. G* W. HOBS 4b CO. Hull 7 A CAltl). MCHKXBT, EDITOR PLAINDEALEH:--I have been troubled with A lame back for more thau 40 years. I have employed, I presume, 20 different Doctors sjnd taken their Medicines, and used their Plasters, but not ona of them ever did me a particle of good. I was taken with a Crick in my back the 29th of lan'y, and for four days I suffered ter­ rible pain, and was so lame that 1 could hardly walk or get around. 1 finely w^nt to see Dr. Samuel Shci mau, and after he gave me one treat­ ment with his Blectric Battery, lasting about an hour,! was entirely relieved and walked home with perfect ease, aud t can say I feel better than I have for twenty-five years. 2 would advise all who are troubled with Rheumatic Difficulties to call on Dr. Sherman at hisofitae In West McHenry. H. N. HOL*B8. LOST--$10 REWARD. Lost, on October last near MeCollutn'f Lake, one mile North of McHenry, a' large, shaggy, liver colored Hunting Dog, answering to the name of ^port' The dog has a peculiar gait aud travels with his leg* verv wide apart. The above Reward will be paid by Conduc­ tor Simmons of the Fox River Accom­ modation upon delivery of the dog to him. J. W.GATES. Turner Junction. Jan. 28,1878. GILBERT'S BUTTER COLOR. Will color white Butter so perfectly natural that an expert cannot detect the difference. Sold by Druggists and Groceries generally. Try it. Manu­ factured by A. B. Gilbert, McHenry, 111^*1 ' <v itWJt' I - i <<-• -.f* .r*,v* WINTER GOODS, Of all kinds wilt be Offered at Bar­ gain prices for the mouth of February at Bucklln A Stevens. Ston can stei the Depot. --•sit5 I.ook for Sftriftftte during i of February MtMidli A St* the evens* KEEP YOSITIKET WARM* Good Wool Lln##« Boot* fi.fiO per E*1 rat Smith, AWMitf A Haythorufr, I vers I de Block, Motion ry. t ••• • r»wtajht Jk Fori%* onirr tie l.irgest stock «f Boeta n»d §h«HNl liepf by any­ one firm in Moiloiirr and aeu goods for i^U at WUoIesal* ,0rioesv STILL SWEET**. r'M 13J pounds Lfg'hc Slh|. dt Ithf Ahlrlcb Riverside jT«wf (•»»», womasi and yhtttf ^ essanfliW lieadersont «e)»b«*lf#.- Cm- to»» Matte Bflwis and Shows befot* buy- lug. For sale by Perry St Martin. We mnhe Teas a special ItJu Will make e*tret»ly low price* Wta sell you a cho|0e arii«Ie« Al­ drieh & llayttit f f n , * The best Woolen 9oel»s far !^ei» In the market for twviMy'At'* cents at Perry & Martin's. For bargains In Shirlin# <aone|» Underwear, Clothing «fec., call at Smith Aldricb & Hay thorn's Riverside Bldcli# Tinware, from a tin whistle t** Wash Boiler, af John M. Smith's, nbirtr the DejfMit. CALL and see the best Coal Stove la the market, at John M. Smith's near fh$ Deppt. * , . RESUMPTION Low Price* the basis ay*BtKddln» 4k Stevens, ! •• S it E LF-HAR i >wARK. Pocket and Tahle Cutlery, it| any quantity, at £e4Hrock prices, at John M. Smith's, IfLMT(he Depot, • . • BUFFALO ROBVSf A large invoice of the fiuest Robe* $ver brousslit to this market, just re­ ceived at Smith, Aldrieh ft Haythora^s. Riverside Block. IF in want of A Cook or Heaiiug S^ove. do not fall to call at John H Smith's, near the Depot, as he cannot fail to please you both in quality and price. V v ! ________ ' THE 8tore formerly occupied by the Post Office, opposite the Riversldo Rouse, is offered fot*Rent on reasonable leiuia. Mothers will And Dr. Winchell's Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try It. Freeman & Clark's celebrated lM» {troved Flax Mill Is unequaled for clean tig Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grain. Call for circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's. 4 A % " S i _ , M'- < H' OYERCOATS, OVERCOATS.: We have afe*' left which we wjttl yell at very low prices. If In need it #111 pay yon to look them over. 8MIT*I, Ar.UATCN A IIAYTHOBX. Botfalo Bobes. In view ot the warm wenm#* 'HfeS"- price of Rob Naa beep redticed at Pert^ & Ms tin's below the lowest price ever kc wn in the aounty, M and get prices. p -4" ' BOOTS & SHOES. It Is a conceeded fact that the Bufflk* to Custom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior on the market. Selected stock. Warranted work. For sale by Smith. Aldrlch A Hay thorn, Rli^pldf Block, McHenry. i' 4 . Fourteen and 1-4 Pounds. Of Sugar for One Dpllar at ,Bucklln & Stevens^ Subject to any necllne iu the market. SPECIAL BARGAINS UOR CLOSE Overcoats, Waterproofs,Nubias, Dress Goods, and all other Winter Goods at less than cost to close. P.D.SMITH. FOR'SALK OR RENT. A House of 10 rooms, a stable and seven acres of land, si.tuated In the vil­ lage of Rlngwond. f wlll rent the house with er WitiiOUt the land. For particulars inqttireof J. W. Crlsty or W. Ladd at Ringwood. n-T""W ; . : TMXE^1 "*****&« & IU The undersigned, Collector for tho town of McHenry^ will be at the fol lowing places, on the days named, for the collection Of Taxes:' *' J Mondays, at the store f>f John W. Freund, Johnsbnrgb. I f Tuesdays, at tiio stere, ; Of i*.. D. Smith, West McHenry, ' < » Wednesdays, at the st^Pe of".JIi ' W. Crlsty. \ J Saturdays, at tho ftore Perry Jb MartJ^ McHenry. :3 , • > -IIFI: -34 • •. FKANK SMITH, Coilector, Jit cost,.1 • At BtwAIln ft'Stevens..: fte#5 Titxeii In Nnnda. The undersigned, Collector of the town of Nunda, will be at the follow­ ing places at the time named, f»r *he collection of "faxes for; said Town: Saturdays, at the store of Perry ft Martin, in the villr^ge of McHenry. Mondays, at tho store e* ft. G» Mal- )»ry, in NnhdS. C. Shales' store, In ^^.M^tlLLAN, €oiiec*orv Wednes Barrevllle. A . #25 REWAlQK ' : The above reward will be paid t*any i one who will find ow Sf our Bttffttlo 4 Boots in which there Is a oowfter, hiner-sole, slip sole or ploee mt heeling 1 - that is not emi from- a f*sd, thick, j piece ef eole leather. • P. D. SMITH,/ A FF IS AGAIN. M • Ovtsrce'ats, Un^rwc&i, Shawls," ^annetsj, Blankets, W*ei-Lined Boots ipd Shoe>i, Men «nd Boys Caps, Ac., ftc, marked wav do#n :bei©,.i? wholesale prices in ord^r tv cilose but. lYMtfntSOIII ti EVANSOW^ Distempers. Qottgbs, Colds. Fasvrs and most of the which Hotsee Cattle, Sheep, Ilqg* and Poultry are subject to are readily* overcome and cured by using Uncle Sam's Caption Powder according to the plain direc­ tions. Sold by ail Druggists. There is no earthly boyn more precloqfe than good health, and it behooves feft po^se^sor to endeavor to retain it. If you ate assailed with such prov.wtii»u ills as sick headaches, torpid ltvir«,.aoiw Stomach and a general fee)i»fi efimea^ Iness and disgust, don't go <u*i tfoinmhk Suicide but take Eilcrt's D$^lS£.ht( Line# Pills and be cured. | ̂ Of the almost Innmmbsi^JSft"' of preparations In the ithfofke* Storing gray hair to 4teo^(#liaJ? @o#*re we know ot* none whiolv gNo* so> uni­ versal sati8taetiM»sa. RlakWoMelahio Ambrosia. ivwre-tvlecR)jiMad Cotmd it to restore won­ d e r f u l m a n n e r -- w e t l W » L » V O H M M m dandruff »lf ifichiwf es»a««lh* hu­ mors ot' "Mlp.. UaoAhmMtis- Tied. . ^ PERSONAL FKOiWT»«R SALfe. n^le rsigne4 kwiy reated bl% farm offers at pHv^oatfi all hit pei** $omt piopei'tj:K<«ii»litiMr ,n P*rt of t wiws, 3: two yoar-aNf lletfers, coining tn.I yearling, 1 yearilng colt. 90 Shoots. 700 lMsh#»l» eorn in the crib; 5 Ton of Tamo Hay in the Barn, 1 Sperry Dumping Cs^fereM Kettle with UntKres, 1 Lighc Wajjf04i,l new Grami Detuer Plow. 1 Osra Sulky, new and otlte^ farminaiaitictes too numerous to meiw tion. ft)i*» quantity of HouseUob^ 1 uetiug of one, Stovo aartKxti'res. 1 set cane seat ifWttage besteads. 4 Mack- wain>^ tables. 1 oftee ehair, ]i cone Seat BoeW»g Hnr«an. »nd other b<M^hold J|lK«te»». Terma Caslu. For ftotherJWMjWMfe Inquiry :r ̂ } j* ' •mi ;V'A

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