c. a?,, wwiiff Wi MMWIM JIW w--rami JiiiiiuiMMaaBiiMgftifagwfifciiwuaMaBgwMffM^^BB^gp^gg^ ...X,;' ; /'"vM'r;:: ;•'• i- •:--: v . •••• ; --• < ^ -- ~ - # ^ MMtaH fait UMiii !#>«.:-.• • "* m <*C W)fc' ___ If M^iinie «*#*; cotiMM wbui an Ameltaffepays cash «k»wufor .what h« jjgets '«Iwm Is a certain 0«pp|i>liiek- gsmith who wants t& be alt vtngtdl see the ' phenomenon. His business history is | perhaps, the business history ©f hun dreds af others. He rents the shop.-- The landlord wants the rent the day ft is due. He has to pay cash down for this iron, his coal, and whatever rise he nses in the shop. Up to a day or twe he rail three forges. His teen have families, and must have thoir wages Jjevery Saturday. TO* patrrnage of the Isheo ia what is called "#r$t-class.n-- iThafe is, Men of wealth send their | horses to he shod and their vehicles to Ifce repaired. Pass the shop any hour In the day, and you will see from four to a «Jo*en vehicles there to oe over* hauled, and the shoeing shop ftill of horses. The income ot the shop is of> n $200 per week. Not one patron out ' >, of a dozen has pata cash down for tiis ' work. They have sent It there with out the least idea of paying anything until tie bill was sent in. Along iboot Friday the blacksmith gets into a bug* gy and drives around to collect. He has accounts footing np twe# three or fouB, thousand dollars, «• tie a year old all against "good men." as the phrase goes, and the amounts ranging from 75 ceuts to $35. He calls on A, and A -takes the kill, looks it ©var mud says: "Come in again'," or "I can't pay it to day," or he has some other excuse.-- He may have had his horse shod three, months before. He knows that the smith has had to keep up his rent, pay his men aud put down cash for stock.-- The smith is poor, while he is rich, yet he hands the bill back without thought or care of how the smith is to get slsssg B does the same, C is not in, D is off on a trip, and E, perhaps, pays a little on the bill and says: "Come in the first of the month.™ This particular blacksmith carried around with him last Friday and Sat urday over 93,000 worth of accounts, .called Wforty-seven "good men,'* yet did not collect one shilling! He had te pay out that week #120 for rent, stock and labor, and was thus #120 • worse off than the week before. When asked why he did not insist «s cash down he answered: "Let me make sseh a rale and my shop would be deserted, lies worth #100,000 would take it as au lasalt, yet her a js a bill of $4 against a man worth twice 0100,900, which he lias avoided paying for the last six months." The other day one forge was bawled «ft. Thirteen vehicles needing repairs £tOod at tuc dOvf, bst OiiS of the Vwr men was allowed to go because aseaejr M pay him could aet be raised. Oa the accounts representing 93,000 the smith has paid oqt over 92,000 in cash for la bor, stoek and so forth. £ach debtor Is reputed to be worth at least 95,000, and some are known to be worth 9300,- 000 but the accounts can be bought for fifty cents en the dollar. Then is a general cry that business is flat, and men are wondering wheii it will be revive. Perhaps the wty to revive business is for men to pay their debts. Perhaps a asfll better way • would be to pay each down. Firtas representing frem 910,000 to tlOOJMX) capital can "earry" a few debtors, but the JMKf small concerns who have to torn their eapital over each week must have ready pay or go under. People who ean pay shirk payment. They will carry full wallets, rush their work In ahead of all others, demand the verjr best, and yet throw*1 a Mil of fcwelvf' shillings esfell She creditor jpts ,$it* course sa£ assogte the asecacss.- /Vee Jtee46. ' " • The woes of the Detroit Mack&mltli portrayed above, will find an apprecia tive response in the experience of fc«»- dreds of men of all trades and profes- pl slons. We had supposed that this hab- || it ©f crediting everything, of persis ts tontly putting oft the payment of : every bill, of earning money by thous ands and collecting It only by hun dreds, was rather peculiar to this sec tion of country, and It Is rather a re- •%. lieitofind that other parts or the 'J| country sufler with us, and from the same «*wnplaint. WELL . A gentleman once advertised for a boy to assist him in his office, and nearly fifty applied for the place. Out of the whole number he In a short time chose one and sent the rest away. "1 should like to know,*1 said a friend, *H>n what gronnd yon selected the boy. He had not a single recommendation." "You ar® mistaken," »aid the gentle* man, "he had a great many. He wiped his feet when he came In, and closed the door after him; showing that he was orderly and tid^. He gave up his seat instantly to that lame eld man; shewing that he was kind and thought- iui. ue IOOK on ms cap wnen he came In, and answered my questions prompt ly and respectfully; showing that he was polite. He lifted up the book which 1 had purposely laid on the iieor, and placed It on the table, while all the rest stepped over H, or thrust it aside; showing that he was modest. Wheu I talked with him I noticed that hit clothes were carefully brushed, his hair In nice order, and his teeth as white as milk. When he wrote his name I observed that his finger nails were clean, instead of being tipped with jet* like the handsome little fellow In the blue jacket. Don't yon call these let ters of recommendation? I do; and what 1 can learn about the boy by us ing my eyes for ten minutes is worth more than all the fine letter! he cad bring roe." LAUSR & BECKER < .• Is'i/Ui • it :•*$•> i- tfft&'vt 'ft XT ft aJ MCHENRY, ILLINOIS * ', ? The subscribers are now I '" fnpared with a 8took or R! 1 FINE CLOTHS all kinds, to make t° order Coats, Pants, Vests or entire Suits, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Ten 49~Good Fits Guaran teed and all Work,War ranted. A CLIMAX IH UKTHOOiuH|f. An old mau who owns a stall look a notion a few days since to use his spare time to better his education.-- Procuring a spelling-book, his face was seen behind it whenever business was dull. He tired, however, of spell ing the words to himself and engaged the services of a boy about thirteen yean old, having the next stall, to bear his lesson. Everything passed oft all right for two or three days, and then a storm arose and a climax came. Holding the book in both hands, the boy ob served-- **We now come to the word 'welcome.* How do you spell it f" iV; "Well, sir. I spell it •w-e-l-k-u-m:" **Not correct.** " 4K-o-m ,' thett." ^Nary,* MThen It if %-i-OHB^ "No, sir." "Boy, don't you lie to me f warned the old men. " "PI! resign my office," replied the lad as be laid the book down. **Pve let you go on and spell *cat* with a %' 'horse* without any'e.' 'boy' with a doable V to it, because you are old, asid l don't want to hurt your feelings; but wlien you call me a liar, and don't even knew how to spell the word, it*s time for IBS to resign.1* (riih * • * » f'Mui* .-t"**-?•»! r. . M I'- '!?-> ;i*| i - J-hf • r-^ ̂ f -m?} fc »ir'-'» We also Keep a Fall Line jtoady-'Xads Olethiag, GENTS ÎniiiUiI 6N8S Hats, Caps, Ac W hich will be sold nslow AS at any establishment in the County. Clothes Cleaned to the best of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKEK. M.Hs.rr. P.b. snli. 1877. l sys 1®T8 HENRY COLBY, DRUGGIST, --AND DEALER IN-- C H O I C E Family Groceries, MeHBNItY. - V - ILLINOIS. well MARCUS' ^GERMAN NOW IS THE TIME cd'l.n J,- IT 1# ; ifHf « 'Vitki&<£*•*> 1 am now prepareu io give bet ter Bargains than ever. Can •say© rof7'^ •> T;.6; o. J?«p» uu s.m: JLH «> ul i ..jl "n*i ii4l* PER CENf On all kitids of Furniture. I have the most complete stock of COFFINS AND CASKETS Of all styles and sizes, W found in the County. be Manufactured by MARCUS --DEALER IN-- PURE WNES, L AUORS AND CIGARS ^{audstook, h ^The best Tonl^in the ^orl£ ' Put «| In ; an£<|aar$ Pi£irit£e®; ILL. A Crow Caucus. Passengers on the 8:35 train bound south, Friday morning, looked with wonder upon * flock of about five hflftidred crows, all huddled together Ofi the ice south of Low Point, and about six hundred feel from the shore. They faced each other about half-and- half, and were so cloee together that they jostled each other in hopping about. About ten feet west of them aat a large, bald American eagle, perched upon a ^pake of ice, which had been thrown u{ton the main body of •the lee by the actttfh of the wind and ^de. It looked as though the eagle fcad by eommen consent, been appoint* #d chairman of the convention, and £hat seme thing of an Important nature was transpiring. So intent was this ftrange convention upon the business ||i hand that neither the roar of the iraln nor the shriek of the engine's Jprhlstle disturbed it In the least. The •mi shone full and bright upon the jffngular spectacle, and the dignity and jt@!emDity of the presiding officer #ere remarked by all--Pouffhkeeptie FOUNDRY ANB m . McHEWEY, TO i eEi ftmrtiB. . The miidersiped has just sUrted ft Fonn- ^ 9loP! *n^ '» prepared to do all kinds ot Casting for Machhierv, on short notice ami in the best of manner We also manufacture tbe celebrated Gal® w&d Mill. a o - -- T Threshing Machines repatied oa short tlee. Orders solicited, 'i WARD IfeHeary.IlL, April 4th 1*77. Gal OHEAPE8T AND BE8T. ' CHCAQO Weeilj Post! The People's Paper 1 MeolninnK filled with Editorial, News Aa ricultural, Miscellany and Market Beports. One Copy 1 year, Postage Mid Clubs or F" " I PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Jtenosha Pumps, The best Pumps :"f( lowest prices, at E, M, Owen's, ive, Postage Paid Glut* of Ten, Postage Paid........ Olabeof Twenty, Postage Paid.... 75e. ... 70c. I keep constantly on hand a large^and selected stoek of (»rnr,erie», whir.h I enn will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES for Cash or Ready Pay. ^ lifoundt of Choice fuger for One Dollar ,̂ And all other Goods la proportion rtftow PrescriR^pi Oarefally Compounded* T H.COLBY. McHenry, Jatf. 15th. 1878. - 7-- JOtMbliMheU 1669, 61LM0RE & CO., Attorneys at Ltw, Inecmmn to €M|HIIMI, Hmaier A On*. 029 F Street, Washington, D. G. Amerioan and Foreign Patents. Patents<|hxx;iired in all countries. No FIBS m ADViKCK. No chnrge unless the patent it granted. No fee* for in:tkiuj; preljiuinury exiunl* nations. No addui«ni»l fee* tor obtaining and COn<liii tiiiK a relitfttrtiig. Speeiitl .itteinioii givea to Interference Crises befors the PiiieiH OIBce Extension)) before Ilongress. Infringement Suits ill different Htales, and nil litigation appertain IIkk; to Inventions wr P«t«iits. SffiHW iii.va? or tusf* r*«esi • 'Sa.lIsS States Ceerts ami fesp&rtiae&ts. Ciiliiiia Jifwuciitrii ill ii«« 3iif'»rSft«<S Court Of th* United Strtiep, Pour* of f./lalr«is, Court of QomiASe^ OloHffis-n 4jf ASaiKins!!. ^SIieIsbb, Hoiitliera iJialEt Conuiii»Mioii, itiiti all chides uf war ct^ias Ui>6 i£K«i!iH.ivw i>e|Hi.rLineitu. ;; arrssfB ™" Fsf BM OrrtcKiis, Mii.itiKus, mid SAII.OIIM of lh«.Jate war, or tlieir lieirs, are iu ir.iiny CIIWI Mitftwds money fioin tlieClovernment, of which they have •o knowiedice. Write full liittory of service, and State ainoiMii of pay and bounty received. £a* clo*e stauim aud a fuli •--|~ty. nfttr umininattoa. Will be giveu you fre«. <• 7 Pensions. All orric*u«, KOI.I»IKIIK, mid BAitOttr. womsciei •uptnreJ, or injured in the late war, however tlightly, <-uii obtain a peiifion, inniiy now receiv-P'MIHIOIIS are emitted to an luermtse. Seud •tamp mid iuforniniiou will be furnished ini. United State* General Land Office. Contested l.tnid (!n*ew. Private Land Claims, utiiiiiif; Pre-emption mid llotnesteadOanes, prose euted before t lie tleueral Laud OIRcennd iispart- menlof the luterioi. Old Boantj Land Warrants. Tlie I nut. ileport of the <'omu>iM8iouer of the General l.:ui<l t Hllce »hows 1!,8«V,5(><Ja<;reeof Bona* ty Lnn<l Wanniim outntanduiK These were Is sued under act of ]$6A nud }»nor acu. We pay fttfli for ihem. Send by rejrU>re<l tetter. Where M*ii;nineiit* are int|«erlect we give instructions to |N)i'lect them. Each de|tartin«ut of owr Itueineas is conducted In a seiiarate bureau, uuder tbe charge of tips* rlenced lawyers and clerks. liy reason of error or fraud many attorneys are siiNpend^d from practice before the Pension and other nfllcei* each year. Claimants, whose Attorneys have been thus suspended, will be gratuitously turiiUhetl with fuli information and proper paper» on a.|ii>hc<ii tnti to U3. As we oharjre no untxss »uccessful, stamp* for returu |K«iaf;«! should be sent as. Liberal art aiiKeiueu is made with attorneys in all classes of bu*lne^|. _ Address Q-1LMORE & CO., P. O. lio* 44 Washington. Jt. C. WAHIIINUTOn. 1». (!., Xovember 24,1S7S. 1 take pleasure HI expressing inv eutire coal- aence in the r*»pun»ibilitp and fidelity ot the r**, Ptitent and Collection House of GiLHOHl • Co, of this city. GEO. H. B. "WHITE. Products of Looms of England France, Germany, Uhina, Japan, and United States of America. FASHIONABLE Dm HOODS. As Low as any other House in the connty. Domestic Cotton Goods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi tant. Also Plaid Cress Goods, » Fast .Colored Oalleea, Hps, Casimm Shswit Offered at the Best Bargains in four counties Give me a call and > pleaded to show my give prices. -L I * will i lie stock and JOHN B. BLAKE. JOHNSBURCH worts HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN--r ..eoc THE DALY One Tear, Postage Paid IMS Parts of a Tear Sa flspsrtlM. _We propose to greatly enlarge tbe DAILY PO^T during October, after wnieh the price will be 110 per year, postage paid. All who subscribe befoVe enlargement, at tbe present sate of $7 will receive the enlarged paper to the end of their time without extra cnarge. Same terms tepbfent* on both Daily and Weekly as 1liil|j»|i>»|. Address THE P03T. I Dearborn St., Cbicafo. .. . (««•A/«r >/lk, Nutiunal Metropolitan Mmmk) lis not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country Who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- per week in your own town. You need not be awayfrom home over night. You givebyour wholetime to the work, or your spare moments. We have agents are making over *20 per day. All who engage at once can muktsmoncy fast. At the present timemoney camio t be made so easily and rap. dty at any other business. It costs no think o try tbe business. Terms* and M Ontflt tr«r tddreas at once. H. HAUITT * Co, .Portland Maine. UVVil r|an ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT or̂ Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, , READY-MADE rrr ATTTTIVTri uJUUlllL Î VJ, drooeribs, Aco.| Of the best quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. Give us and inspect Goods and Prices. Aierican antt Foreim Marble. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. AMENCAN & ocotcti sramte, donstantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, 111. Johnsbttrgh, Ang. »tb, I8t7. THB CHHJAM A KOBTK.WKSTBM lUILVl Km braces under one management UM Groat Trunk Railwav Lines of the WKST and NORTH-WEST, and, with its nntaerous Branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago awl alt points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Mieh|. gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, California and the Western Tertitorles. Its Omaha and California Line Is tbe shortest and best ronte between Chiea go and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa. Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Coolrado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Japan ana Australia. Its Chioajpi, 9x- rsui a MinrtMiMiia Lina. Is the short line between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and for Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dn- lttth. and all noints in the Great N«wtfe,w«ML Its laCrossa, Winona * St. Peter timt I* the Ijest route between Chicago and' UroBse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, ifii-. kato. Si. Peter, New Ulut and all points i» Southern and Central Minnesota. Its 6reen Bay & Marquette Line !!no tetwktp. Chicago aad Janes- villi1, Watertown, F<m du lac, Ushkosh. Ap» Sleton. Ureen Itoy, Escanaba, Negaunee; [arquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Ciiicago and Elgin. Rockford, Freeport and all poii>ts via Prea port. Its • Chicago & Milwaukee TJi^: IB the old Lake Shore Route, and is the otity one passing between Chicago and Cranston Lake Forest^llighlnnd Park, Waukegaa, Pullman Paiace Drawing Roen Cars are run on all through trains on this road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse ears between Chicago ami St. Paul and Mlnae. ai>oli8, Chicago and Milwaukee. Chicago and Winona, or Chiougo and «ireen lift v. Close connections p.re made nt Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg, rt. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line and P?»f* IT?» »'l 1A U.\H»no f?J« Atl T SOITTH-KAST, and with the Chicago'and "A'I* ton and Illinois Central for nil points SOUTH. • .Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R., at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction nointf JWith trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold br all Cott- pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Remember yon ask for yonr tiekets via th* Chicago ft Northwestern Itailwuy and take none others. New York Office. No. 415 Broadwav; Boston pnicc, No, 5 Stste Street; Omnha'Office, S4S Jarnham Street; San Francisco Office, 122 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. «2 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinxlo Streets. For rates or information not attainable front your home ticketagents,apply to MABVIN HUGHITT W. H. STIKVBTT. tienurulSuiit. Gen'l Pasaa:4(«r Ageat i!<l '• triipftiM a call learn PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry, Dec. 1st, 1877. JOHNSON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, s ioaaia N.ThirdSt. XstSaildiag South of the Past Offloa. ^ ST. LOUIS. Fw L&diss sad Gentleman. .-.vfr Open Day and Night aH tho 7aat. All of the branches of a Practical Business Education taught. . Independent Departments for the .English '5llrt!e?Mathematics, German and Rloeution Phonography taught personally or by mail. for a Full Course of Double Entry Book-keepingin all its forms with Commercial Correspond ence, etc . .020 Reference made to thousands' of students who have completed under our instruction. Short Hand Writing taught by mall, 150 words per minute guaranteed. Every Law. •or, Doctor, Business man and Accountant and every l.adv should add.iess, "The St. Louis Phonetic institute," for a circular. For Circulars giving full Information con* earning time to complete, board, course Of la*, •miction, etc. Ai>DRK8S, J. W.JOHNSON, Pres. CUT THIS ADVEKTISEMENT OUT. J. STORY, At his old atand opposite the Mill MCHENRY ILL*9 Having enlarged his Store is now bettoi than ever prupared to furnish his customers and the buying public generally with Hardware, Stoves, Tinw r̂s, &o^. 4bc«) At Prices Lower than ever before ffbered la this section. We have in stock a large variety of the leading Cootie Of different styles and makes, whieh Jwe ia ites tt '" .. . -- prices! vites the nublic'to call.and examine anci leara before purchasing. It is almost unnecessary to call the atten. lion of the public to the ftict ihat we ksap constantly on hand a large stock of Shell Hardware, Nails, Table and Pocket Cutlc. j» TINW«RC, TSNRJU IROI, ?OI* fence, Rarbud Wire, Shovels, Forks, etc., lit fact, everything found in a iiret-ctes* - ware stem .4. MeHoary, No*, mil* 1OT. E. M. OWEN --DEALKRIN-- ri ^OODS, ; Has on hand a choice lot of PLOWS of the best make, which he is se.ling at the LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Also Farm and Democrat WAGONS, FANNING MILLS, He . Celebrate! Kenosha Pump. &C^ Call at my Warehouse when it want of anything in my line. E. M. OWEN. McHenry, Sept 25th 1877 Please bear in mind that ahazjrlight is just as good and oft lines better than sunshine for taking pictures.-- Only come early in the day and w% will please you every time. J. S. MKULAK, WOOdStOCk.