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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1878, p. 8

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i; r "*:*v;* -f*'" h ;r A •' • " ' ' I - * 1 W*' **- m-wr/ - T"V»yw^ X , • *- MiM >t^ f4 ** f * jfripja^y^n n'liiiiv it V • r^^fc;4' j h-'Mi tWBRU, •eifldatcP r-*|iy titter i#. hy at--in «o lUn f»r<*PlAWt>WLm} TO A FBlXMD. friend* Arrive i P resume, tt ehver f^jly or sorrow* elond thy dWm 1 Eve* hope seems i«j|| $*gav , • 'illie teat* ihriliroi*«rir eyelid* streaa Can wee? no I«|IMIM8M to ttiee, f thy hearTs 44»p WWIW all Its Grieves all thy flrienda to let. ^ilow music is a mournful walling ~ *>£ "Which With them yon so «Bjoyol|*SI^' wytftl <*y oil is unavailing, j!" ls=*: je; : Nought can flli so great a void. ^ ̂ , ; do not blame your deep dejectiojfc ;%or could I wish yon to forget * »r aepairawu, aiemory take thorny , Jfevtr to Imp thy portal* afoul. • ,:pc»tt«red round thy bier of the Lie beautiful flowers and happier days, Iwectcninp life as long as it lasts. « 'H Bright blameless joys passed a*Wtf; w * forced smile will oft awake them •?. 1 From thy cavernt pnre and deep, And we weep o'er them ID silence, Then replace them where they sleep. Ope yonr eyes to the charms of natnre, J Which speaks to the feeling heart, ; wor it is right that every creature o | Should drink the Joys God so imparts. : ||nnshlne cheers, but hope surpasses ** , J Every boon to mortals given, -j ' «i the thought, that all our losses, t e We shall have again ia HeavenJ g*^h la a q. o. An Alabama Poker Hand. lomtkody writes from Tescumba, Ala., t» John Glades of Louisville: JThe following is an incident of re­ cent occurrence which, we think down here, would not be entirely devoid of Interest te you. The parties to it were Bill J , the sheriff of our county (Colbert), who, like yourself, is a zealous Christ! an poker-player, who would " straddle " you " blind " quicker than he would his horse * Ephraitn n to sjnre a process, and says he would rather beat a " Jack-ftil," for you than capture the whole of the 41 God's hill gang," and a prosperous Teutonic merchant of our town named S------. The two were traveling on the cars, and in order to pass away the time, engaged in a game of euchre. After playing some time, the jolly Dutchman left his seat to get a drink of water, and Bill, knowing that he too, had a penchant for poker, took advantage of VPs absence, and dealt him a hand with four kings in it, and turned up the queen for a trump. Returning in moment and lifting h!s hand 8. at once oanceived the brilliant idea of playing the hand at poker, and accordingly suggested it to Bill, who consented, j provided that he might be allow* d to discard one of his cards and lake up the queen. To this S. at one# agreed and the game preceded. Says 8.: *Bill, I bets you five dollar.* In turn Bill raised him ten more. ' M Well * said S.," fifteen dollar Will joost pay mine expenses und some odder tings, «ftd I calls you. Bill,** at the same time exhibiting his hand with foui* Mugs, and reaching for the money. **Hold en," says Bill, MI have four Mea!" Nervously, and In silence, the astonished Dutchman gathered the cards, and shuffled them for a moment <nf two. Then, with his chin resting oil both clenched hands, and his eyes •taring into uncertainty,he exclaimed: ** I say. Bill, now just you told me vot "de h--11 dot queen had to do ndtt dot hand?" id up to this good hour his mind perplexed continually to find the ^p|rt that card had played on the game. Nothing to Do. The brave man or woman will always find something to do, I know a little %reman who, by her husband's iUness, has been reduced to work for' a liveli­ hood. She wilt do anything which is honest. One week she doessome copy­ ing. The next Week she is at her sew­ ing machine; a friend's eyes are weak and she happened to say she was look­ ing for a seamstress. At once our heroine (for are not such heroines?) stamped on her pride, which squirmed horribly and said, "Remember she was your bridesmaid, and doesn't know how very poor you are; you'd better" pre­ tend you know of a seamstress." Down came the foot, and the words are spo­ ken bravely: "If I may take the work home, I will be very glad to do it."-- Another time there is sudden sickness, and a nurse is required. She goes; and so, gradually, she acquired a reputation fbr intense earnestness in fullfilling her duty--that of earning money for her Children--and, one thing leading to another, she learns how to support her family comfortably and with ease.-- Where there's a will, one can generally find a way. LAtFER & BECKER, He Wasn't In a Ilarry. The Carson Appeal tells how a pair •f rustic lovers from Walker river applied to a Carson magistrate to be married, and the result. The official brought out his Bible, but before pro­ ceeding with the ceremony he tapped greeny for ten dollars. "What!" says he, "ten dollars! I guess not. They say that down to Walker river that the Governor has made a proclamation offering one hundred dollars reward to auy feller that would get married in this State before New Year's.*' When told that his informants had guyed him, he wheeled around, looked at his girl and remarked: u Well, gol darn it. Jane, I guess we'll go home; times is too dull to git married anyhow." The girl cast on* look, full of despair and disappointment, into the eyes of her swain, took his arm and the pair walked off. The last seen of the coup­ le they were driving home in a rickety wagon, drawn by a horse and a mule, whose heads were turned southward. The sight of the Cheyenne Braves recently passing through Chi­ cago on a journey to Washington to see the great Father and beg a little mere tobacco and whiskey, and a few more scalping knives, so stirred the divine afflatus In a local poet that he got off the following on the instantt ** Mother let me be an Injun, Let my blanket be of red, Kill the gander in the barnyard, For a feather for my bead." The poet is still living and doing as well as could' be expected.--Sycamore City Weekly. -rK* ®®*The Burlington llawkeye says: •Yesterday a stranger got off the cars it Burlington and waded through the faud from the depot to look at the town. He fell into a water main ditch Jhey dragged him out and be fell Into • g#« main ditch. He got out of tiiis wy himself and ran into a Division atreet grading party and banged up Into a stone quarry that reached from ••me place up out of sight down to the lower edge of the crust; be stared at . tte broken end of Market street sewer and looked at the bridge building over • Hawkeye creek, and finally ho waded vp to Valley street and glared In utter amazement at the huge mounds of mud the impassable crossings and the long gash that trenched the street and narked the course of the Valley street •ewer. Then he made a break for the train and climbed into hls'aeat shaking 1^8 head gloomily. "It's all right, Mr. Jleecber," he muttered, **y»tnr right; there is no such a place; this is the place where they dragged it up.** Manufactured by / F. MARCUS " "--DEALER IK-- , PURE WNES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Woodstock, Itii.1 The best Tonic in the world. * £at up In Pint and quart Bottles. ^ . F- MARCUS* Patentee* ' i^Dr. Thayer, pastor of a Warren, $hlo, church, was frequently seen stag- ' ||ering in the streets, grabbing at lamp .. posts and things, and sometimes fall " Img. Members of the church preferred litharges against him of drunkenness »nd immorality, A committee exam I llne^ *nto the case and reported that ̂ Thayer was afflicted with angina pectoris, a very dangerous disease, lia- a severe case to produce instant ; that seme of the symptoms of £he disease are nausea,staggering and "ailing; that the sufterer will seize hold f ratlings and posts for support.; that e suffers intense pain, and will drink n da num. chloral, whitky, anything for lief. The Doctor was discharged. lie citizens of Warren are greatly rplexed at the constant smile on the tenances of the druggists and ho- 1 barkeepers. But every good christ- an in Warren will tell you that the erdlct of the committee was right. SHELF-HARDWARifi,Pocket and Table Iputelry, in any quantity, at Bed-rock rices,, at epot. the MARCUS' CERMAIfer FOUNDRY AND McHENBY, ILU * nisei taof $"•>na .am The enderstpned has just started a Foun­ dry and Machine Shop, and is now prepared to do all kinds ot Casting for Machinery, on short notice and in the Best <Jf manner. We also manufacture tUe celebrated Gale Wind MilL < « » • » « llS;rOM0ef.^f1cSrep•^, M •*rt - HeHenr;, 111., April UbM?* * ® ALB. CHEAPEST AND BEAT. CHCiGO Weekly Pint! î h&M&xh The People'* Paper! ith TEA y and taggi One Copy 1 year. Pas Clubs of r* ~ ..7#c. 70C Near the Depot MeHENRVtr * - ILLINOIS The subscribers arenotr prepared with a Stock of FINE CLOTHS of all kinds, to make t* order Coats, Pants, Vests or entile Siuts, on shott notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. S^Good Fits Guarftii* teed and aU Worh.WaVr IfealsoKeep a Fnlll.ine- Dt Beady - Made Clothing, GENTS Hats, Caps, Ac ^Vhlch will be sold as low as at any esta in the County, blishm^nt anner and tfeo^iiiuns filled with Editorial, News A] rfcultural, Miscellany and liarket Beyorts. , 1 year, Postage pail. Five, Postage Paid... CUuhs of Ten, Postaffe Paid .ego Catibsof Twenty, Postage Part. ale THE DAILY POST. One Tear, Postage P„aid .f7.00 farts of a Tear ia Krqfi^iM. We'propose to greatly enlarge the DAILY POST during October, after which the price m ill be $10 per year, postage paid. All who subscribe before enlargement, at ll»» present rate of $7 will receive the enlarged naper to the end of their time without extra ttiarge. " '"••• * " ' l>iily and Same terms to Agents on both Weekly as last year. Address . THE lost. 88 Dearborn St., Chicago. i \ Clothes cleaned in the best of manner on short notice. i • LAUER & BECKER. Xeiienrr. Peb, Mth, WJ •>}.; I,Si;- 5 : rm 1ST® 1878 HENRY COLBY, DRUGGIST, ^ --AND DEALER IK-- ' C H O I C H W'M : rj T 'ILLINOIS. I keep constantly on hand a large and well select ed stock of Groceries, which I can and will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES for Cash or Ready Pay. McHENRY, i stan tu­ ck of 13 P^nds of Choice ^jtggnr Itor One Dollar. And all other Goods In Physicians Prescriptions Cavefully ConponiKMMr n /H,'COLBY. McHenry, Jan. 15th. 1878. ; 'Vi j u : h • ' . , .:S ! ' -.vl;rrv fi Tprri -n t-# . H-m -fit. % b%ff.fii.ttr* jr M0 ; • >H: • • > 4 '>«» -J.-, },;* T, :>s I •/!, '*•'1 s 4- -i V '= - m M-ff-B -M ,r- i cry i'v i-'l- tit I am^^now^repareB Ito give bet­ ter Bargains than evor. Can 0HT6 10 PER CENT ,!<:U •H r 'j.! - ' nit* JtoUttbliMhtul lSO». GILMOHE & €0., Attorneys at Law, SNNC»MH>R* to t'liipinan, II<»MIII«I* a Vs. 029 F Street, Washington, D. G American and Foreign Patents. Patents procured 111 all countries. No ran IS ADVASCK. No flimjte mil-"** 4lie patent it granted. No fefs for inakui}; prr-liiiunivry csiimt' n;tiion.<. No additiotinl fees for ohtainini; and condiK-iiiii; it rnh«nriue. Spccial atieiition given »o lnieiftM'fiice Can#* tiefore tin* Patent Olfico Exieneion* liefore (JouifiesK, Infriiiftcmfnt Suits in diflerent. State*, 11 mi 911 liti|tnlion Appertain­ ing 10 liiv«>iMiou» or |*siiHiit*. SK*L> STAMC roa t-AMI'III.KI Of SIXTY I'AUkH. Halted States Courts and Departments. Clainix IIROMFCIIIFU IIT I4M> SII)>I'MIIH Court of tbo l.'niied Suiiw, I .'OHM of Uliiiins, Court, oft .'ommtB* sionern' of Alabnintt. < !lniM*, KouUi^nt (ilaims 4!oiiiiiiiwN|oii, ami :tU «laa*t>w of war claims befon the Uxe«'i<tiVH l>e|»aiiin«tits. Arrears of Pay and Bounty. Officio; s, MH.itiKiis, and HAII.OIIN »>f the la to war, or tli«>ir lieirf, .-ire in many »•«*«» <-ntit>ed to money i'lom ilifUoveriiHi^m, of which ilipy tinro. no knowUHltte. Write lull l»i«iorv of service, and •iali< amomii. of pay and Itonuiy received. I.IK clO"» and a foil 'reply, afier eaainiuatioa. will l«e given yon free. Pensions. All orricKiis, WUMKIIN, and «mi«HR wounded ritpi 11 red, or iujnn-d in UIK UIH war, liowfver slitiliily, ia» ohiiiiu a pension, many now receiv (nil jiciiHiotiK me »M»titled loan inirni**. Send »lauip and informal ion will l>e tnrnislied free. Vailed States General Land Offiee. Ckmleeieil Luud Ciiwti, I'livatK Land Claims, <rtiiii»K I're-eiiiptioii and iionii'niead <ytu>es, prose* cnted before lite (ifio'ial Land OIBceatid lieuart* meutof lite liilerioi. Old Bounty Lead Warrants. Tile last Report of llie ('oiiiniinnioner of tli#, General l<aii<l ( »IUcm Miowb U,8»;,A0il ucref ol lioiiu- ty Land IVai ranu ouiKiamlmc These were is> siifd tinder SK-I of IRGfl und ynor acts. We pay caoii for tliem. Send l».v reyU'ertMi ,etter. Where neKixninenis are im|>erlfect we (ive instructions to pWiect tiiein. Ea«'h de|H» i tmeni of our I'HSintMM ia conducted in a •epttraie iHireao. under the ciianre of eape* rienced lawyer* and clerks. Ily r<-a«oii of error or fraud manv attorners are Kiivpeiidfd from practice before 'the tension nud other office* »-acli year. < !l:iimant*, WIIOKO attorneys iiave ln-nn tinis <>usi>ended. will bo jriuitiiioiinly fmniNlifii wtilt full information and proper p:iper» on n|ii>iic<i uriii to in. As W« cliai'ire no fmt unl«ee *nccesefnl, suunw for remrn |io*t:ijr« should be •emus. Lilteral ari.-iuKfnienu made with attorney* 10 all luufces of bneinesi. Address GULMORE & COM P. 0. JLOX 44. WauhingUm. I). O. WARUINCI rON, 1». C.. A-member 24,1STS. I lake jtleitnurt) it. exprexsinK iny entire confl* deuce in 1 lie* ruction nihil Up and jidclity of the, Ptitfiii. anil tk>llection House of GILMOBB k Co, of Ibis vity. B. WHITE, {Oitahirr ttfthr. Sutiuunl JMroftoliUin ManJk ) • is not easily earned in these timea, bu t it can be made in three months by any one of cither sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- per week in vour own town. You need not be away from home over niirht. You can givebyom* wholetime to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over #20 per day. All who engage at once can makemoney fast. At the present timemoney canno t be made so easily and ran. d|y at any other business. It costs no thiuc o try the business. Terms and $5 Outfit tree tddress at once, H. BALUTT A CO, .Portland Maine. ^ Froducts of Looms of England France, Germany, China, Japan, and United btat^d of Amenca. FASHIONABLE D1I GOODS, As Low as any other House in the county. Domestic CiUoaQoods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. AUo Piaid Drevv G00iiS| Fa^t Colored CaI ico6| Mum Casboerei, Sbavli. . &Oi| Offered at the {Best' Bargains m four counties. ALSO A FULL ASSOBTMXNT OF^ flats, Caps, - t fi'" .. «•>? hi ft'. REXbY-MADC CLOTHING, Groceries, See.* Of the best quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. .Give us a call and inspect Goods and learn Prices. • ^ s* NOW IS THE TiME at 4ms*. 01 Ms * ' .»£ , .. , "J (fit. ' ihit <1.7 »j V&i • A-« Your Funutxire •* \ On all kinds of Furniture. 1 I have the most complete stock of AND CASKETS Of all styles and sizes, to be found in the County. ^ Give me a call and I wiU^ be pleased to shdw toy stock and give prices. ' JOHN B. BLAKE. JOHNSBURCtft HENRY MItLER, --DEALER IN-- American and r Monuments, Headstones, American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc- Henry, 111. Johnsburgh, C. mr. w s 4*'*- .JOHNSON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE fr.-r *"«• " • > TBS CIIOAOOl KOBTH.WB8TSB* lUIt-wj Embraces nnder one management the Trnnk' Kaitwny Lines of tho Wfca' NOSTH-WKST, and, with its * BninobM und connections, forms the IIU*M and qdftkest mute between ChiciMO and pointefa Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern MicM gan, Minnesota, l»#\va, Nebraska, Cftlifornl and the Western Ten itories. Its Omaha and California Is theshortest and best route between go and alt points in Northern fflinnt*. low] Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Cool ratio, (jtal Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Japan an AiistrnHn. ltd Chicago, St Paul a, fMlnn«apoll| Is the short line between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin ami "ln»tnii and tor Marlison, St. Paul, Mi«neaiM>ll«, luth, and all points in the Great NorthweML LaCroate, Winona * St. Peter Un Is'the best route between Chicago fthd I Crosse, Winona, Rochester, OwatonnA, M s^i;® a.x.-'i.r'"' Green Bay & Marquette Lini Istheonlv line between Chicago and Janea. ville, Watertown, Foil dn lac, Oshkosh, A }>leton. Green Bay, Kscanaba, Negauni Marquette, Honghtf>n, Hancock and the La Superior Country, Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Chicago and Elgin, Rockford, Freeport and all points via Fred port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the ontar one passing between Chicago and Evanstoll Lake Forest. Ilighlnnd Park, Waukegai! Racine, Kenosha ami Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars are run on all through trains on this road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse between Chicago and St. Paul and Mintw- apolis, Chicago and MiWrautcee. Chicago anil Winona, or Chiougo ard Green Bav. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake shore and Michigan Southern, Mica, igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsbiir*. Ft. Wayne, St Chicago. Kankakee Lin© and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago and Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all points SOU Til. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R., at Omaha for all far Wert points. Close connections made at junction r"Ht with trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold bv all 0«u. pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Remember you ask for your tickets ria the Chicago ft Northwestern Railway and take none others. N%w York Office. No. 415 Broadway; Boston Oftiae, No.«6 State Street; Omaha 'Office, MS Famhai#»Street; 8an Francisco Office, ItS Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offlcea, 62,Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Street*; Wells Street Dc|>ot, corner Wells and Kins!* Streets. For rates or information not attainable fro* your home ticketagents,apply to MABVINHUGHITT W. H. STINNETT, GuiicralSvrpt. Gen'l Passu;-£urAgent J. STORY 'MWfi 1 M JL At hia old stand opposite the Mill . i v>Mr? M ." .»w UleHENRY ILL., Having enlarged his Store is now bette* than ever prepared to furnish his customers and the buying public generally with 8SSFLF#*R ^YE«' JIBW*' . A t P r i c e s L o w e r t h a n e v e r b e f o r e ffoered i» this section. We have in stock a large varletv of the leading CookinE anil Heatinf Stoves. Of different styles aad makes vites tL- "" • * - prices It is almost unnecessary to call the at tea. tion of the public to the fact that we kece constantly on hand a large stock of Shell Hardware, Nails, Table and Pocket Cutler] . Tinware, Galvanized Band Iron (Barbed) foi fence, Rarbed Wire, Shovels, Forlcs, etc., ia fact, everything found in a Ayst-class Ilard> McHenry. liov.lSth, 1877. .. 8 1 0 * 3 1 2 N . T h i r d S t . L I'"' ̂ * < *• f; fit PERRY McHenry, Dec. l«t, 1877. let Building South of the Peat Offiee. ST. LOUIS. lor ladiM and Bentlemra. Opea Day and Night aU the ye«. ( All of the branches of a .Practical Businea# Education taught. 1 _ Independent Departments for the English Branches. . , Higher Mathematics, German and Elocution Phonography taught personally or by mail. ForaFiHl Course of Double Entry Book-keeping in all Its forms with Commercial Correspond­ ence, etc...; 920 Reference made to thousands'of students who have completed nnder our instruction. Short Hand Writing taught by mail, 160 words per minnte guaranteed. Every Law­ yer, Doctor, Business man and Accountant and every I.ady should add.iess, "The St. j,ouis Phonetic Institute," for a circular. For Circulars giving full information con" eerning time to complete, board, course of in­ struction, etc. AimiiKgs, J. W. JOHNSON, Pres. CUT TIIIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT. E. M. OWEU rhtjUf I • ..i-i*. • i 1 t Has on hand a choice lot of PLOWS of the best make, which he is se.liug at the LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Also Faftn and Democrat* W A G O N S , FANNING MILL8, The, Derated mt.*'* AC|| Call at toy Warehouse when lr ^anything in my line. - E.M. OWEN. McHenry, Sept 25th 1877 (Please bear in mind that a hazy light is just as good ami oftinies better than sunshfne for t&king pictures.-. Only come early In the day and w« will^eae« y«H everrtime. J. S. MKDLAB, Woodstock. nnerent stylaaaad makes, which Jwe l» t he pablto to call and eXaftibie and lear* s before purchasing.

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