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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1878, p. 4

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• ' j. • J* V,.),^ V V AfMff .4ii • ;-. •A^'lrfsi^ii. , fc*. E"; : ti '• «" ' IT WEtJNESD^^, March 6th, wre. J. VAN SI.TKK, Editor. *9Phe town of Waltham, Mass., Is In need of missionary work. In the Boston Journal we find the following Statistics: "Waithain has a population or about 10,000; there are 45 places li­ ce:::;::! »» Mil lijiuAr, 21 belnsr in dwell­ ings; 2t wom*n aro tending bar in these places; 74 women and 344 men art known to the police as habitual drunkards* and 35 children und«r 17 yean old are victims of inteuper* •nce»" -It costs less than half a cent n tffty to take a weekly paper; less than a dilligent hen would earn in a month at the market price of eggs; less than a cigar a fortnight, and a very cheap •ne at that; less than a barber would charge by the year t® keep one's bair trimmed; less than a good sized Christ­ mas turkey: less tiian an energetic kitchen girl will waste in a week. A penny* day can be saved in many a btiter w#jr than stopping your paper. In the public schools only those branches should be taught which the young can certainly put to good use as tliey grow, no matter what walk in life thf y may be placed. In this way the number of subjects taught would be cut down, and a boy or girl would have a good chance of being put to school at seven, of getting through the whole course at twelve or fourteen. Instead of having to stay until they are men <fMd women. 'The Hon. J. J. Faran, of Cincin­ nati, has placed In the hands of the committees of Congress a new plan for electoral voting. The substance is about as follows: The plan is to divide tire electoral vote of a State among the candidates in proportion to the vote feach one receives. For instance;, if a State has a vote of 500.000, and one candidate receives 300,000, and another 900,000, three-fifths of the electoral vote will be given to one and two- fifths to the other. If the State is en­ titled to 25 electoral votes, 15 of them would be counted for fne candidate and 10'fofr the other. Ig^It is a significant comment on the un-American doctrines now so pop­ ular in California, which would pro­ hibit the immigration to this free oonntry of natives of China, and would impose oppressive exactions upon those who have already taken up their residence here, that the two principal leaders of the riotous movements against them are themselves recent Importations, one toeing a Yorkshire Englishman, and the other a native of Cork. It is scandalous that the im­ munities guaranteed by our Constitu­ tion to all who seek an a«ylum here should be perverted and monopolized by those who give little evidence of their superior fitness for the responsi- . |lMtits and privileges of freedom* , f@T*The London Times predicted 'fijiat the enactment of the silver bill #ould not depreciate American bonds, IMnd it now boasts that its prediction Jjasbeen verified by an advance in Tnlted States bonds upon the recep- |lon of the news that the bill had pass #d by a vote which insnres its enact- ^j§»nt regardless of the veto. The ad- Jance Is caused by persons who art now to buy back the bonds they had told under apprehensions created by the howls of the Eastern preas against the silver bill as a measure of repudia­ tion. They have now found out what a lot of howling liars and screaming I diets those Wall street organ-grind- er* are, and the Timet says that noth­ ing but dearer money will lower the prices of our government bonds. So they won't be sent back to us after all, we are sorry to say. The result shows that those Eastern fellows are utterly dishonest or utterly ignorant of the tree principles of finauce. and that tlte West, having taken the regulation of Itur finances out of their hand*, should continue to boss the job. S&* A .proposition has been made to abolish the grade off Ministers to for­ eign nations and have Such business as requires the agency", of a' person abroad, tp be attended to by the Con- «uls who are the commercial agents of the Government. Since the diplomatic service was organized,j times and the manner of transacting business have greatly changed. Now, with the aid of the telegraph and the cable, nearly all business of great importance is transacted by our Secretary ot State direetly with the officiate of the for­ eign government. It was previously impossible to do this, and Ministers with full powers were required abroad, whs in all case* demanding immediate action were required to exercise their own discretion. The principle use of our diplomatic service now Is to furn- ish places for such politicians as having failed in their attempts to get some - elective office turn in their distress to the Government to help them. Of Course the politicians are opposed to the abolition of the mission, and for that reason the movement yill prob­ ably fail/ WOODSTOCK. Editor Plaindkaler:--Well, our weather has M Just gone, done it fo' shoo." Just as the robins and blue birds began to greet us with tlielr Cheerful notes, just as the roads began to become passible, just as the "sower" began to think of going "forth to sow," just as community lu general be­ gan to thiuk Spring had come sure enough and that mud and drizsle was about to pass away, another rainy gloomy '• spell'* puts in an appearance. Well you know the rest. You under­ stand from your own feelings, and the low spirited tppearauce of all you meet just the effect this nasty weather has, so let that pass. By the way, is it possible that President Hayes is re­ sponsible for all this liazy weather. We are prone to charge all else of evil to him; why not this? He vetoed the Silver bill 'tis true, but it is a law nevertheless, and the effect upon the business of the country will soon be known, as the silver dollars are to be ** served hot, like pan cakes for break­ fast," and methinks since the u boy be­ gan to best the kid and the kid began to go," since the people began to beat it Into our legislators that the Silver Dollar is the only Dollar known to our constitution, that all lesser denomina­ tions are but fractional parts of that fundamental unit, and that all higher denominations are but the products resulting from the multiplication thereof, what other standard have wc for the value of a Dollar but the constitutional one Of our daddies, which was Silver Dollar of 412J grains. Whoever heard of a Gold Dollar until after 1850, after the California excite­ ment? It seems idle to talk about a hundred cents. Just as welt talk about an apple being worth four of its own quarters or one hundred of its owu hundredths. Why not? It Is the unit which regulates the value of its parts, rather than the parts regulating the value of the unit. Your correspond­ ent makes no pretentions as a prophet, btit it seems safe to presume that the resumption act will soon be repealed, and that capital will soon be unlocked from the coffers of the Shylocks and seeking legitimate investment, and that a better day awaits us. So mote it be. The principel events of the past- week are, first, the " Red Ribbon" ex­ citement, which said Red Ribbon is as common as blue over coats and brass buttons during the war. Many have put it on with sincere desire for refor­ mation, and well will it be for them­ selves. their families and community if they live np to the pledge they have taken, I notice their motto is " Dare to do right." A grand motto indeed, and if lived up to by all who wear it we shall see a reformation, not only in a moral and social sense, but there will be a great improvement In the politics of our county, such as will not be like­ ly to enhance G. P. Lord's chances for Congress--as a reward for his dirty work two years ago. Maxwell and Beel have been enter­ taining our people in a manner credit­ able to themselves-and satisfactory to their patrons, having played four even- lings and one afternoon. They leave a jgood name behind them. Well would it be if the same could be said of all troupes. On Monday evening at the Congre­ gational Church, Hon. C. E. Fuller, of Belvidere, is to speak in behalf of tem­ perance, and from his intimate ac­ quaintance with intemperance in days that are past, and from his acknowl­ edged ability, it is said that he is able to handle it without gloves. Cement Brothers & Forrester, as­ sisted by Morgan G. Even$, at National Hall on Thursday night. Dr< H. W. Thomas at the M» Church, Monday night March 11. Sub­ ject, " Social Forces." Robert Collyer at the Congregation­ al Church, Thursday evening, March 21. Subject, "Clear Grit." A dividend of eleven per cent, is soon to bs paid from the He tins, Noble estate. ° Annual electlon of the Woodstock Canning & Pickling Company, Satur­ day, March 9th. Robt. Patterson has established him­ self In M. L. Joslyn's old law office, and is now prepared to furuiah t>read, pies, cakes, etc.. of his own manufac­ ture, on a silver basis. Rob. knows how and I know it. It 4s so nice and pleasant this morn­ ing--Monday--I take it all back about the weather. But it was so dismal Saturday, one could not well help .scolding a little. 3H*ff Said. VOLO. Editor Plaindbalrb:--All the peo­ ple In this vicinity are perusing tlielr usual avocation In tranquility and quietness and pdace and brotherly love prevails. Lake County Circuit Court convenes March 11th arrd-lt 18 Expected the trial of Davidson for the murder of John Robertson will come off. W. S. Bearls* will be the only Attorney for the de­ f e n c e . . V - H ; j - , The Sheriff has made calls here prln-j ctpally for Juryifien, and on a few to* explain how they received those Brink*. in their hats that made them top- heavy. . , i Yolo has a Harness-Maker again. C. E. Cable Is located In the old store.-- Charley is a first-class workman and hasj an excellent stock of goods on hand and will promptly attend to all who! desire work, a Buckle or a Sllve^ Mounted Harness. The second wee1 I if. re he was compelled to employ ant other hand he was so erowded wltlr work. Success to you Charley. J. F. Boney recently had a number of sheep killed by dogs, and from ap­ pearances the dogs were green at the business. Jack, a little strychnine, 25 cents worth, will lay out a dozen dogs* Go for them. Seven four-horse teams passed thro* this place March 1st, with hogs for McHenry. , Enocli Smith is convalescent. Has had a severe attack of lung fever He has our sympathy and we hope to see htm around soon. Auctions among farmers are quite frequent and the only article tbat holds up good in value is cows. wood wild hay in the barn has sold as low as $2.00 per ton. Ho, for the West is the cry; of quite a number. ¥ A ' number of farms have changed hands the past Winter in the Western part of Lake County* and the price per acre has ranged from $33.i$ to £52.50. Dalziel's boys have shot two Foxes the past Winter and a number of Coon, and by the by there Is an excellent Coon bothering around our Post Office, and we feel inollned to shoot. John Gale Is preparing to build a Stock Barn, purchasing his lumber of Smith & Snyder, McHenry. Louisiana Politics, the Silver ques» tion, Turkey conquered, and Hell d«y» .fined are the only topics discussed here. P !yfWtiso'Vu WtW*'0 rt-SK.'m.j t t u y I n W j f . * '/vj! am);i k.'i'.' .u 1 •-.'*/ t-yr ••• Btm Your Vr jO£ mH ft*#" :i F$i: a ' '••if* Goods for «iKW.«S V04MS-- kf~- if 5 CASH, at EDEN. 1 THI5 WAK CLOUD IN KtTROVK. Peace Is by no means definitely as­ sured. It is now reported that Russia demands more exacting terms of peace from Turkey. Russia i? firmer than ever and England is to lay back and growl or grapple Russia In war. The Congress Is still appointed for Baden- Baden and will be held very soon.-- But Russia insists that Turkey shall sign the new terms of peace, which virtually obliterate Turkey In Europe, before the Congress meets. The last conditions of peace, demanded by Rus­ sia, ask for Russia more territory and more voice In tke government of the provinces to be erected from Turkey They also demand of Turkey a War in­ demnity of fourteen hundred ' millions of roubles ($1,120,000,000,) to cover which Turkey is to cede Batoum, Kara, Bayazid, Ardahara and adjacent terri tory; Turkey hlse to pay forty millions sterling (9193.600,000) in bonds, the In terest and sinking fund of which are to be guaranteed by the Bulgarian and Egyptian tributes, the Anatolian rev enue and the Heraclea mines; ten mill ions of roubles (#7,900,000) to be paid immediately to indemnity Eusslan reu idents of Constantinople. The full text of the new protocol may modify its terms. But European matters have an unsettled look. ft ->? jBl'lJJl lif,}" •r' U-U tbtrt »j| M'ir ..«i . r, ( 't i?l } y . , i , i »- • t - - > • *1 % • .mmfch -iul -nxm I •- J to<M," »/ in-.,t l* !• T'»\X .to'-njli • -'»• •< r > •»%!,',>* 5 ' J','-?" i ' 'I • *<'; \ iJ 1 3 mm ji .aim p •A mi>-' tV&Wl: Loo. ii ' in. • next ^c. «-.ft -l.'fti: JiJ. fi 1<mi$ »ic .ft ams. , , • iwiK fh 'tint • j. ' ; <1 V '£ <•' b ,'ii • • •'Tfr D. ' "3., *•*, . u'i ', .ru> -ni 'ft'-ftT*Sff in, • ' ;/-!i *nw»., - ti.s- : r .?} j $ - n : l ' . t f i f i hr . ^ .'j } , <)t;/ - mmmmmrnsMy • i ' i I • 1:^4 tvi-i - Ji/# • 'vn-w*; . •- »•*. 4,% •;TS5 t" J a) a i4>tt . Hl . '.r, Li • ; • . - siiWr-%jy% & STEVENS And Thereby Save Money, BUCK LIN & STEVENS. McHenry, Jan. 30th, 1878. W. F. TIL.TON, GENERAL • N E W . Dress and Cloak Making llOOMM. ̂ ( / \ Mrs. D. A, Dodge , , , f A N D Miss Moliie Stocker, Take this method of informing the Ladies of McHcnry and vicinity, that they have opened Rooms, opposite Perry ft Martin's jitore, Me Henry, where tliey are novr preimred to do all kinds of ORESS AND CLOAK MAKING On Short Notice, In the Best Manner and at Reasonable It a tun. ... i tt**Also Agents for Madam GrUwdld't eele. brated Corsets. Give as a call and we will trv and ple ise you. Remember tbe place, opposite Perrjr A Mnrtin's istofe. tor It is a mistake to suppose that Che prevailing "hard timeB" are con­ fined to this coqi/try. The -entire com­ mercial world is more or less disturbed, and from different causes. While the dally press teems with accounts of bus­ iness disasters iu the United States, the cable brings us news of constant failures and commercial difficulties in Europe. Within a few dart ten firms failed at Belfast, Ireland, with liabili­ ties estimated at #1.000,000. Reduction follows reduction in wages in England, and strlkee aro of dally occurrence.-- The fact that ours is a country of inex- austable resources, and is at peace with all the world, should be a source of satisfaction to our people, especially whew the disordered political condi­ tion of foreign countries is taken Into consideration. Pox Eiver Valley Hills. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry « » - - Illinois. iUl & HI, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done nromptly, and satisfaction guaranteed HavingJnst nut in a new Keed Stone, capable of grinding sixty hiuheis of Feed per hour. I am prepared to do, your grinding on short no- tice. SWThe !llghest»Market Price paid for good Milling Wheal. f|. BISHOP McHenry I1L, Dec. lltb, 1877. offer the balance of our stock of Overcoats at Cost» Grloves and Mitten ̂ at greatly reduced prices.-- Flannels and Woolens lower prices than ever fore known. Nubias Scarfs at half their value.-i Gall and examine and ge »prices^5^il]^^»alte it your aavkntag%to bel £ - y j t f •i; -.iff ; 1#4*J U E R C H A N T Ard Dealer LOR. iwcr y 'i"t : - * -t j i i i M l k B t Z H ' : Invites the public to ail inspection of his newly purchased Stock. |3grPrices to suit the Times and Goods Warranted as represented, CUTTING DONE A8 USUAU J ̂ Store One Door North of Golby'f irug McHenry, 111.. Sept. 12th, 1877* - At his old stand is now better than ever prepared to do all work in tils line, in the bu«t of manner and at LOW PRICES. HORSE SHOEING. Having associated with me in the busi­ ness .MR. T. DORIS, " One of the best Horse Shoers In the State, I am better than ever prepared to do work In this line, svitad Feet, Quarter Cracks, Ac., made a speciality. We respectfully solicit the patrocage of onr friends and the public generally. W. F. TILTOH. VeHenry, Feb. 19th, 1878. j - Trustee's Sale. WHEHK AS, Chester V. Stevens and Maria Htevena his wife did by Trust Heed, duted January 1, I87ti, and Recorded iu the Recorder'i-s OlJli'ii, cf Mnltenry County, Illinois In Hook 4:! of Mortgage Deeds, Page 574, con­ vey to the undersigned as Trustee, the prem­ ise* heroina1't»M' described, to secure the pay­ ment of one certain promissory note of even dates with said trust deed for the sum of •even Hundred and fiftv dollars payable to Arnold Tripp or order one month after the date thereof. And whereas default has been made in the payment of aaid note and there is now due on said not<; the sum of Seven Hundred and rtfty dollars and the legal holder nf »ald note has m i le application to the undersigned to sell said piemises to pay the amount due on said note. And Therefore Public notice is hereby ?iven that I, the undersigned, in pursuance of he pow ers in said trust deed contained will on Wednesda y the 20th day of March A. D. 1878 at 8 o'clock in the forenoon on the premi­ ses hereinafter described, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the premises in said trust deed convoyed, de­ scribed as follows to wit: Lots four (4) and five (ft) in the South West quarter (X) of Section twenty six (2f.) Township forty five (45) North Range Eight (8) Kant of the third Principal Meridian, in Owen's Out Lots to the Village of McHenry, in Mcilenrv County, Illinois, to- St-ther with all the right and equity of re-enmtionof the said Chester V. Stevens and Maria Stevens their heirs and assigns therein Dated February 11th W78. _ Gborok Gage, Trustee. Arnold Tripp, Attorney. Mothers will And Dr. Winchell's Teething: Syrup Just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate thq bcwels, try it. Sold by afl Druggist#. XXBROSll RING'S AMBROSIA RESTORES ©BAY HAIB TO ItS ORIGINAL COLOR. RING'S AMBROSIA ERADICATES DANDRUFF, Cures Minor*, &BD itobios of the Soalp. RING'S AMBROSIA Promts Baldness, And frequently eaaww Hair to arow on Bak! pwoee. SOLO BY DRUuQISTS And MERCHANTS Everywh Price Oil Dfllff Pff Mi. EJLTfJBBS* Brppielorg ^C||EsT0^i COLBY, The MGHenry The'itendersigned SRirket of Wm. Fisher, Is now prena to furnish the citizens of McHenry and ear having purchased the Wm. Fisher, Is now prepared Meat to fn rounding country with Und Salt OF ALL KINDS. Sausage, Smoked Meats. £&» AT THE Lowest Living Prio Bold by HENRY McHenry, •rl In the beginning we notified all Our cat. tomers that we intended to do a Cash busi­ ness, and in trying to accommodate a few tor a day or two we have more on our books thaa we want. We now give notiro .that after March 1st, we will not: Book » cente worth of meat to no man, woman or child. Take notice and govern yourselv es accordingly. Frett&Son* ttcflBWBT, til., Feb. 25th, 1878. Errors of Youth. A'GENTLEMAN who Buffered for ycara from Nervous Debility, Premature De­ cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre- tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. .Sufferers wlabinc'to Erolit by the adviser's experience can do so y addressing in perfect confidence JOHN B. OGPEX, 42 Cedar St., N*W Tork Land For Sale. THE tindcrsigned has a number of pieces of Land which he offers for Sale, sitnatedaa follows: 14 Acres of Timber Land, In Sectbm JL Stba- da Township. ^ i 40 Acres in 8eo,tion IS, Nunds 20 Acres in Section 3, Nunda. 80 Acres in Section 22, Nunda, with boas*, barn, orchard, well fenced and watered. M acres under improvement and balance timber I will also sell my Home Farm, containing 152 Acres, good buildings, and under a good state of cultivation. Any or all of the above will be sold on lh« most reasonable terms. I also have on Section 89 ten tons of good Hay, put up in good shape, which X will sell for $3. per ton. JOHN rLOWV. . McHenry, 111., 8cpt. Mth, W77. • 'if"#r i'f wiiiiteiMifrfr

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